


                  XVile-compatible filters for:

               RCS (Revision Control System) files

                           Version 1.0

                          Phil Mercurio


This archive contains three filter programs for use with the XVile
text editor, version 5.2 or greater.  Each program processes the
file currently being edited in xvile and inserts codes to change
text attributes (color, italics, etc.) for portions of the text.
The filters are meant to be run via xvile macros, they are not
stand-alone programs.

The C/C++ filter is a modification of the FLEX-based C filter
distributed with vile-5.2.  The nroff filter is a quick hack.
The RCS filter is an original work.

== Contents     ============================================================


	Processes C/C++ text and adds attributes based on syntax.
	This is an extension of c-filt.flx, written by Alistair G. Crooks.
	It requires GNU flex.

	I've added two more categories of words to be colored, so it
	now handles:

		preprocessor commands (#ifdef, #define, etc.)
		keywords (if, for, while, etc.)
		comments (/* */ and //)
		types (int, char, float, etc.)
		special (whatever you want)

	I've also attempted to make it easier for an individual user to
	add their own keywords, types, and special words.  The flex code
	has been incorporated into a C shell script which inserts the
	files "user.keys", "user.types", and "user.special" into pieces
	of code to produce the complete flex source file.  (This can't
	be done using the C preprocessor, it adds text which confuses
	flex.)  The makefile runs the shell script and compiles the output.

	This is the sort of program each user should have their own copy
	of, modified to their particular tastes.  For example, I add
	data types specific to the project I'm working on to my "user.types"
	file and install the filter in my home directory.  

	This version, like the original, fails to recognize some valid
	comment strings.  


	A quick hack to highlight lines beginning with a period.


	Reads the input file and its corresponding RCS file and adds
	attributes to color lines by their age (the lines from the
	current revision of the file are the youngest, those from the
	first version of the file are the oldest).  If you use RCS,
	this tool can provide an overview of the history of your files
	in a very intuitive form.  

	See the manual page (rcsFilt.1) in this directory for details.


	This file contains the macros I use to invoke each of the filters
	in this package.  You can insert this file in your ~/.vilerc file
	and edit it to your liking.  The macros are bound to these keys:

		^X-q	C/C++ filter
		^X-w	nroff filter
		^X-a	RCS filter


	This is a portion of my ~/.Xdefaults for XVile, containing the colors
	I use for C/C++ highlighting and RCS highlighting.

	Contains the version of this release.

== Installation     ========================================================

The Makefiles in each of the subdirectories are very simple, just
edit the BINDIR variable (and the MANDIR variable, for rcsFilt) and
do a "make install".  There's no common Makefile, since you may
want to install different filters in different places (for example,
each user may want their own modified copy of the C/C++ filter,
while the RCS filter can be installed in a public place).

You'll need flex to compile cFilt, and a C++ compiler to compile
rcsFilt.  rcsFilt was written using GCC 2.6.3, but it should be
fairly generic C++ code.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.