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From: John P Cavanaugh <cavanaug@ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: Re: Colorizing in vile.......
To: pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.us
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 08:30:37 -0400 (EDT)
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>  > 
>  > Well two things here.  I was wondering when color support for x11 would
>  > be available.
> it's there now.  see the last of the X-resource descriptions in the help
> file.  (search for "fcolor1")

Ive got it working for xvile now.  Its cool thanks. 
Now however I cant get it to work for DISPANSI on a terminal
emulator that accepts ansi color sequences (Im using ncurses x.x.7 on

>  > The other is this.  Its a relatively easily extendable colorizing filter
>  > written in perl 5.  The one I mailed you is for perl (Its becoming my
>  > pet language)
> thanks -- i'll take a look.  i'm afraid i don't have perl5 yet...

Here is one for C/C++
Ill also mail you the new one for perl.

  John Cavanaugh                                   Purdue University
             Email: cavanaug@ecn.purdue.edu  
               WWW: http://albrecht.ecn.purdue.edu/~cavanaug
                  Don't find fault, find a remedy.
                                                -- Henry Ford

#             Script: vile-cfilt.p
#           Revision: $Revision
#            Creator: cavanaug@elwom4.ecn.purdue.edu (John P Cavanaugh)
#               Date: Fri Mar 31 22:34:19 1995
#     Basic Overview: <overview of this scripts purpose in life>
#                     <aligned like this>
#             Returns: <type> - <description>
#           Arguments: <type> <varname>
#                          <parameter description>
#  Comments/Concerns: <general comments and/or concerns about code>



$CKeywords="void break register short enum extern int for if while struct "
	. "static long continue switch case char unsigned double float "
	. "return else default goto do pascal Boolean typedef volatile union "
	. "auto sizeof size_t new delete class friend protected private "
	. "public template try catch throw operator const mutable virtual "
	. "asm inline this and and_eq bitand bitor compl not or or_eq xor "
	. "xor_eq not_eq wchar_t bool true false static_cast dynamic_cast "
	. "reinterpret_cast typeid using namespace inherited";
$CKeywords=~ s/ /\|/g;


while (<>) 
   # Do comments in italic 

   # Do preprocessor directives in color3;
   s/(\#[ \t]*.*\n)/bold($1)/oeg;

   # Do Keywords in uline

   # Do brackets in bold

   print $_;

sub comment

    foreach $line (@linecomment)
	  { $line=~ s/^(.*)$/italic($1)/oeg;
	    $retval.=$line . "\n"; }

	return $retval;

sub bold    { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $BOLD . @_[0]; }
sub uline   { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $ULINE . @_[0]; }
sub italic  { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $ITALIC . @_[0]; }
sub color1  { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $COLOR1 . @_[0]; }
sub color2  { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $COLOR2 . @_[0]; }
sub color3  { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $COLOR3 . @_[0]; }
sub color4  { return $CTRL_A . length(@_[0]) . $COLOR4 . @_[0]; }

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