This is nename.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* nename.h: this header file was produced automatically by * the mktbls program, based on input from the file ./cmdtbl */ /* if you maintain this by hand, keep it in */ /* alphabetical order!!!! */ const NTAB nametbl[] = { { "!", &f_operfilter }, { "!!", &f_respawn }, { "&", &f_opersubstagain }, { "*", &f_togglelistbuffers }, { ":", &f_namedcmd }, { "<", &f_operlshift }, { "=", &f_showlength }, { ">", &f_operrshift }, { "E", &f_filefind }, { "L", &f_operlower }, { "Put", &f_lineputbefore }, { "Q", &f_quit }, { "Q!", &f_quithard }, { "U", &f_operupper }, { "W", &f_operwrite }, { "WQ", &f_writequit }, { "Wq", &f_writequit }, { "_", &f_histbuff }, { "a", &f_opendown }, { "abbreviate", &f_abbrev }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "abort-command", &f_esc_func }, { "alternate-buffer", &f_altbuff }, { "append-chars", &f_append }, { "append-chars-at-eol", &f_appendeol }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "append-string", &f_appstring }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND) { "apropos", &f_desapro }, #endif { "args", &f_listbuffers }, #if (OPT_SELECTIONS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "attribute-bold-til", &f_operattrbold }, { "attribute-cntl_a-sequences-til", &f_operattrcaseq }, { "attribute-italic-til", &f_operattrital }, { "attribute-normal-til", &f_operattrno }, { "attribute-underline-til", &f_operattrul }, #endif { "b", &f_usebuffer }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "back-half-page", &f_backhpage }, { "back-line", &f_backline }, { "back-line-at-bol", &f_backbline }, { "back-page", &f_backpage }, { "back-paragraph", &f_gotobop }, { "back-punctuated-word", &f_backviword }, { "back-section", &f_gotobosec }, { "back-sentence", &f_gotobosent }, { "back-word", &f_backword }, { "backward-char-scan", &f_bcsrch }, { "backward-char-scan-to", &f_bcsrch_to }, { "backward-character", &f_backchar }, { "backward-character-to-bol", &f_backchar_to_bol }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "beep", &f_userbeep }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "begin-keyboard-macro", &f_kbd_mac_begin }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "beginning-of-file", &f_gotobob }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "beginning-of-line", &f_gotobol }, { "beginning-of-screen", &f_gotobos }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND) { "bind-key", &f_bindkey }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) { "blank", &f_operblank }, { "blank-region", &f_operblank }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "bol", &f_gotobol }, #endif { "buffer", &f_usebuffer }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "buffer-length", &f_showlength }, #endif { "c", &f_opercopy }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "capture-command", &f_pipecmd }, #endif { "cd", &f_cd }, { "ch", &f_operlinechg }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "change-char", &f_chgchar }, #endif { "change-directory", &f_cd }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "change-file-name", &f_filename }, { "change-line", &f_chgline }, { "change-lines-til", &f_operlinechg }, { "change-til", &f_operchg }, { "change-to-eol", &f_chgtoeol }, { "clear-and-redraw", &f_vile_refresh }, { "clear-message-line", &f_clrmes }, #endif #if (OPT_HILITEMATCH) { "clear-visual-matches", &f_clear_match_attrs }, #endif { "cntl_a-prefix", &f_cntl_a_func }, { "cntl_x-prefix", &f_cntl_x_func }, #if (OPT_FINDERR) { "compile-error-expressions", &f_comp_err_exps }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "continue-search", &f_consearch }, #endif { "copy-til", &f_opercopy }, #if (OPT_WORDCOUNT) { "count-words", &f_wordcount }, #endif { "d", &f_operlinedel }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "delete-and-insert-chars-til", &f_operchg }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) & (!FEWNAMES) { "delete-blank-lines", &f_forceblank }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "delete-buffer", &f_killbuffer }, { "delete-char-and-insert-chars", &f_chgchar }, { "delete-global-mode", &f_delglobmode }, { "delete-line-and-insert-chars", &f_chgline }, { "delete-lines-and-insert-chars-til", &f_operlinechg }, { "delete-lines-til", &f_operlinedel }, { "delete-mode", &f_dellocmode }, { "delete-next-character", &f_forwdelchar }, { "delete-other-windows", &f_onlywind }, { "delete-previous-character", &f_backdelchar }, { "delete-til", &f_operdel }, { "delete-to-eol", &f_deltoeol }, { "delete-to-eol-and-insert-chars", &f_chgtoeol }, { "delete-window", &f_delwind }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND) { "describe-bindings", &f_desbind }, { "describe-function", &f_desfunc }, { "describe-key", &f_deskey }, { "describe-motions", &f_desmotions }, { "describe-operators", &f_desopers }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) & (!FEWNAMES) { "detab-lines-til", &f_operdetab }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "do-nothing", &f_nullproc }, { "down-arrow", &f_forwline }, { "down-half-page", &f_forwhpage }, { "down-line", &f_forwline }, { "down-line-at-bol", &f_forwbline }, { "down-page", &f_forwpage }, { "down-paragraph", &f_gotoeop }, { "down-section", &f_gotoeosec }, { "down-sentence", &f_gotoeosent }, #endif { "e", &f_filefind }, { "e!", &f_fileread }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "edit-file", &f_filefind }, { "end-keyboard-macro", &f_kbd_mac_end }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "end-of-file", &f_gotoeob }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "end-of-line", &f_gotoeol }, { "end-of-screen", &f_gotoeos }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) & (!FEWNAMES) { "entab-lines-til", &f_operentab }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "eol", &f_gotoeol }, #endif #if (OPT_FINDERR) { "error-buffer", &f_finderrbuf }, #endif { "ex", &f_ex }, #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-buffer", &f_execbuf }, { "execute-file", &f_execfile }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-keyboard-macro", &f_kbd_mac_exec }, { "execute-macro-1", &f_cbuf1 }, { "execute-macro-10", &f_cbuf10 }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-11", &f_cbuf11 }, { "execute-macro-12", &f_cbuf12 }, { "execute-macro-13", &f_cbuf13 }, { "execute-macro-14", &f_cbuf14 }, { "execute-macro-15", &f_cbuf15 }, { "execute-macro-16", &f_cbuf16 }, { "execute-macro-17", &f_cbuf17 }, { "execute-macro-18", &f_cbuf18 }, { "execute-macro-19", &f_cbuf19 }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-2", &f_cbuf2 }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-20", &f_cbuf20 }, { "execute-macro-21", &f_cbuf21 }, { "execute-macro-22", &f_cbuf22 }, { "execute-macro-23", &f_cbuf23 }, { "execute-macro-24", &f_cbuf24 }, { "execute-macro-25", &f_cbuf25 }, { "execute-macro-26", &f_cbuf26 }, { "execute-macro-27", &f_cbuf27 }, { "execute-macro-28", &f_cbuf28 }, { "execute-macro-29", &f_cbuf29 }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-3", &f_cbuf3 }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-30", &f_cbuf30 }, { "execute-macro-31", &f_cbuf31 }, { "execute-macro-32", &f_cbuf32 }, { "execute-macro-33", &f_cbuf33 }, { "execute-macro-34", &f_cbuf34 }, { "execute-macro-35", &f_cbuf35 }, { "execute-macro-36", &f_cbuf36 }, { "execute-macro-37", &f_cbuf37 }, { "execute-macro-38", &f_cbuf38 }, { "execute-macro-39", &f_cbuf39 }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-4", &f_cbuf4 }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-40", &f_cbuf40 }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-macro-5", &f_cbuf5 }, { "execute-macro-6", &f_cbuf6 }, { "execute-macro-7", &f_cbuf7 }, { "execute-macro-8", &f_cbuf8 }, { "execute-macro-9", &f_cbuf9 }, { "execute-named-command", &f_namedcmd }, #endif #if (OPT_PROCEDURES) & (!FEWNAMES) { "execute-procedure", &f_execproc }, #endif { "execute-register", &f_execkreg }, { "exit", &f_quit }, { "exsource", &f_source }, { "f", &f_filename }, { "file", &f_filename }, { "filename", &f_filename }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "filter-buffer", &f_vile_filter }, { "filter-til", &f_operfilter }, { "find-file", &f_filefind }, #endif #if (OPT_FINDERR) & (!FEWNAMES) { "find-next-error", &f_finderr }, #endif #if (OPT_FINDERR) { "find-next-error-buffer-name", &f_finderrbuf }, #endif #if (OPT_TAGS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "find-tag", &f_gototag }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "first-nonwhite", &f_firstnonwhite }, { "flip-character", &f_flipchar }, { "flip-til", &f_operflip }, #endif #if (SYS_UNIX) { "flow-control-enable", &f_flow_control_enable }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) & (!FEWNAMES) { "force-blank-lines", &f_forceblank }, #endif #if (OPT_FORMAT) & (!FEWNAMES) { "format-til", &f_operformat }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "forward-char-scan", &f_fcsrch }, { "forward-char-scan-up-to", &f_fcsrch_to }, { "forward-character", &f_forwchar }, { "forward-character-to-eol", &f_forwchar_to_eol }, { "forward-half-page", &f_forwhpage }, { "forward-line", &f_forwline }, { "forward-line-at-bol", &f_forwbline }, { "forward-page", &f_forwpage }, { "forward-paragraph", &f_gotoeop }, { "forward-punctuated-word", &f_forwviword }, { "forward-punctuated-word-end", &f_forwviendw }, { "forward-section", &f_gotoeosec }, { "forward-sentence", &f_gotoeosent }, { "forward-word", &f_forwword }, { "forward-word-end", &f_forwendw }, #endif { "function-prefix", &f_poundc_func }, { "g", &f_operglobals }, { "global", &f_operglobals }, { "gmodes", &f_listmodes }, #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "goto-beginning-of-file", &f_gotobob }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "goto-beginning-of-screen", &f_gotobos }, { "goto-bol", &f_gotobol }, { "goto-column", &f_gotocol }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "goto-end-of-file", &f_gotoeob }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "goto-end-of-screen", &f_gotoeos }, { "goto-eol", &f_gotoeol }, { "goto-line", &f_gotoline }, #endif #if (OPT_CFENCE) & (!FEWNAMES) { "goto-matching-fence", &f_matchfence }, { "goto-matching-fence-behind", &f_matchfenceback }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "goto-middle-of-screen", &f_gotomos }, { "goto-named-mark", &f_golinenmmark }, { "goto-named-mark-exact", &f_goexactnmmark }, { "goto-named-mark-rectangular", &f_gorectnmmark }, { "grow-window", &f_enlargewind }, #endif { "h", &f_help }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "handle-tab", &f_settab }, #endif { "help", &f_help }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "historical-buffer", &f_histbuff }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "hunt-backward", &f_backhunt }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "hunt-forward", &f_forwhunt }, #endif { "i", &f_openup }, #if (OPT_ISRCH) & (!FEWNAMES) { "incremental-search", &f_fisearch }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "insert-chars", &f_insert }, { "insert-chars-at-bol", &f_insertbol }, { "insert-chars-no-autoindent", &f_insert_no_aindent }, { "insert-file", &f_insfile }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "insert-space", &f_insspace }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "insert-string", &f_insstring }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "interactive-shell", &f_spawncli }, #endif { "inverse-global", &f_opervglobals }, { "j", &f_operjoin }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "join-lines", &f_joinlines }, { "join-lines-til", &f_operjoin }, #endif { "k", &f_setnmmark }, { "ki", &f_killbuffer }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "kill-buffer", &f_killbuffer }, #endif { "l", &f_operlist }, #if (DISP_HP150) { "label-fkey", &f_fnclabel }, #endif #if (DISP_HP150) & (!FEWNAMES) { "label-function-key", &f_fnclabel }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "last-nonwhite", &f_lastnonwhite }, #endif { "left-arrow", &f_backchar_to_bol }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "list-buffers", &f_listbuffers }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND) { "list-commands", &f_desbind }, { "list-commands-apropos-to", &f_desapro }, #endif { "list-help", &f_help }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "list-lines-til", &f_operlist }, #endif { "list-modes", &f_listmodes }, #if (OPT_REBIND) { "list-motions", &f_desmotions }, { "list-operators", &f_desopers }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_REGS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "list-registers", &f_showkreg }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_EVAL) & (!FEWNAMES) { "list-variables", &f_listvars }, #endif { "load-register", &f_loadkreg }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "lower-til", &f_operlower }, #endif { "m", &f_opermove }, { "map", &f_map }, { "map!", &f_map_bang }, #if (SYS_MSDOS&&(CC_TURBO||CC_WATCOM||CC_DJGPP)) { "memory", &f_showmemory }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "middle-of-screen", &f_gotomos }, #endif { "modes", &f_listmodes }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "move-next-window-down", &f_mvdnnxtwind }, { "move-next-window-up", &f_mvupnxtwind }, #endif { "move-til", &f_opermove }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "move-window-down", &f_mvdnwind }, { "move-window-left", &f_mvleftwind }, { "move-window-right", &f_mvrightwind }, { "move-window-up", &f_mvupwind }, #endif { "n", &f_nextbuffer }, { "n!", &f_nextbuffer }, { "new-process-group", &f_newprocessgroup }, #if (!SMALLER) { "newline", &f_newline }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "next-buffer", &f_nextbuffer }, { "next-character", &f_forwchar }, { "next-character-to-eol", &f_forwchar_to_eol }, { "next-half-page", &f_forwhpage }, { "next-line", &f_forwline }, { "next-line-at-bol", &f_forwbline }, { "next-page", &f_forwpage }, { "next-paragraph", &f_gotoeop }, { "next-punctuated-word", &f_forwviword }, { "next-punctuated-word-end", &f_forwviendw }, { "next-section", &f_gotoeosec }, { "next-sentence", &f_gotoeosent }, #endif #if (OPT_TAGS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "next-tag", &f_nexttag }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "next-window", &f_nextwind }, { "next-word", &f_forwword }, { "next-word-end", &f_forwendw }, { "nop", &f_nullproc }, #endif { "noremap", &f_noremap }, { "noremap!", &f_noremap_bang }, #if (NEVER) { "oglobals", &f_globals }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "open-line-above-and-insert-chars", &f_openup }, { "open-line-above-no-autoindent", &f_openup_no_aindent }, { "open-line-below-and-append-chars", &f_opendown }, { "open-line-below-no-autoindent", &f_opendown_no_aindent }, #endif { "open-rectangle", &f_operopenrect }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "overwrite-chars", &f_overwritechars }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "overwrite-string", &f_overwstring }, #endif #if (NEVER) { "ovglobals", &f_vglobals }, #endif { "p", &f_operprint }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "pipe-command", &f_pipecmd }, #endif #if (OPT_TAGS) { "pop", &f_untagpop }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "position", &f_showcpos }, { "position-window", &f_poswind }, #endif { "pp", &f_operpprint }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "previous-half-page", &f_backhpage }, { "previous-line", &f_backline }, { "previous-line-at-bol", &f_backbline }, { "previous-page", &f_backpage }, { "previous-paragraph", &f_gotobop }, { "previous-punctuated-word", &f_backviword }, { "previous-section", &f_gotobosec }, { "previous-sentence", &f_gotobosent }, { "previous-window", &f_prevwind }, { "previous-word", &f_backword }, #endif { "print-directory", &f_pwd }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "print-lines-til", &f_operprint }, { "print-prefixed-lines-til", &f_operpprint }, #endif { "put", &f_lineputafter }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "put-after", &f_putafter }, { "put-as-lines-after", &f_lineputafter }, { "put-as-lines-before", &f_lineputbefore }, { "put-as-rectangle-after", &f_rectputafter }, { "put-as-rectangle-before", &f_rectputbefore }, { "put-before", &f_putbefore }, #endif { "pwd", &f_pwd }, { "q", &f_quit }, { "q!", &f_quithard }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "quick-exit", &f_quickexit }, #endif { "quit", &f_quit }, { "quit-without-save", &f_quithard }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "quote-next-character", &f_quote }, #endif #if (OPT_SELECTIONS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "quoted-fullline-motion", &f_multimotionfullline }, { "quoted-motion", &f_multimotion }, { "quoted-rectangular-motion", &f_multimotionrectangle }, #endif { "r", &f_insfile }, { "rPut", &f_rectputbefore }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "read-file", &f_insfile }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND) { "rebind-key", &f_bindkey }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "redo-changes-forward", &f_forwredo }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "redraw-display", &f_reposition }, #endif { "rename-buffer", &f_namebuffer }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "repeat-char-scan", &f_rep_csrch }, { "repeat-last-cmd", &f_dotcmdplay }, { "repeat-undo-change", &f_inf_undo }, { "replace-character", &f_replacechar }, { "replace-with-file", &f_fileread }, { "rerun-shell-command", &f_respawn }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "resize-window", &f_resize }, { "restore-window", &f_restwnd }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "reverse-char-scan", &f_rev_csrch }, #endif #if (OPT_ISRCH) & (!FEWNAMES) { "reverse-incremental-search", &f_risearch }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "reverse-search", &f_revsearch }, #endif { "rewind", &f_firstbuffer }, { "right-arrow", &f_forwchar_to_eol }, { "rput", &f_rectputafter }, #if (OPT_PROCEDURES) { "run", &f_execproc }, #endif { "s", &f_opersubst }, #if (!SMALLER) { "save-file", &f_filesave }, { "save-file!", &f_filesave }, #endif { "save-keyboard-macro", &f_kbd_mac_save }, #if (!SMALLER) { "save-window", &f_savewnd }, #endif { "screen-columns", &f_newwidth }, { "screen-rows", &f_newlength }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "screen-search-forward", &f_scrforwsearch }, { "screen-search-pattern-grab", &f_scrsearchpat }, { "screen-search-reverse", &f_scrbacksearch }, { "scroll-next-window-down", &f_scrnextdw }, { "scroll-next-window-up", &f_scrnextup }, #endif { "se", &f_setglobmode }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "search-forward", &f_forwsearch }, { "search-reverse", &f_backsearch }, { "select-buffer", &f_usebuffer }, #endif #if (OPT_SELECTIONS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "select-til", &f_operselect }, #endif #if (OPT_SELECTIONS) { "selection", &f_sel_motion }, #endif { "set", &f_setglobmode }, #if (OPT_ENCRYPT) { "set-crypt-key", &f_ue_setkey }, #endif #if (OPT_DOSFILES) { "set-dos-mode", &f_set_dosmode }, #endif { "set-fill-column", &f_setfillcol }, { "set-global-mode", &f_setglobmode }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "set-mode", &f_setlocmode }, { "set-named-mark", &f_setnmmark }, #endif { "set-tab", &f_settab }, #if (OPT_REBIND&&OPT_TERMCHRS) { "set-terminal", &f_set_termchrs }, #endif #if (OPT_DOSFILES) { "set-unix-mode", &f_set_unixmode }, #endif #if (OPT_EVAL) { "set-variable", &f_setvar }, #endif { "setall", &f_listmodes }, { "setg", &f_setglobmode }, { "setgall", &f_listmodes }, { "setgno", &f_delglobmode }, { "setl", &f_setlocmode }, { "setlno", &f_dellocmode }, { "setno", &f_delglobmode }, #if (OPT_EVAL) { "setv", &f_setvar }, #endif { "sh", &f_spawncli }, { "shell", &f_spawncli }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "shell-command", &f_spawn }, { "shift-left-til", &f_operlshift }, { "shift-right-til", &f_operrshift }, #endif { "show-abbreviations", &f_abbrev }, #if (OPT_REBIND) { "show-bindings", &f_desbind }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "show-buffers", &f_listbuffers }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND) { "show-commands", &f_desbind }, { "show-function", &f_desfunc }, #endif { "show-global-modes", &f_listmodes }, { "show-help", &f_help }, #if (OPT_HISTORY) { "show-history", &f_showhistory }, #endif { "show-mapped!-chars", &f_map_bang }, { "show-mapped-chars", &f_map }, { "show-modes", &f_listmodes }, #if (OPT_REBIND) { "show-motions", &f_desmotions }, { "show-operators", &f_desopers }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_REGS) { "show-registers", &f_showkreg }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_MAPS) { "show-system-mapped-chars", &f_sysmap }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_TAGS) { "show-tagstack", &f_showtagstack }, #endif #if (OPT_REBIND&&OPT_TERMCHRS) { "show-terminal-chars", &f_show_termchrs }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_EVAL) { "show-variables", &f_listvars }, #endif { "showgmodes", &f_listmodes }, { "showmodes", &f_listmodes }, #if (OPT_SHOW_REGS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "showregisters", &f_showkreg }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_EVAL) & (!FEWNAMES) { "showvars", &f_listvars }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "shrink-window", &f_shrinkwind }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "source", &f_execfile }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "split-current-window", &f_splitwind }, #endif { "stop", &f_bktoshell }, { "stop!", &f_bktoshell }, { "store-macro", &f_storemac }, #if (OPT_PROCEDURES) { "store-procedure", &f_storeproc }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "stuttered-write-all-and-quit", &f_zzquit }, { "substitute-again", &f_subst_again }, { "substitute-again-til", &f_opersubstagain }, { "substitute-til", &f_opersubst }, #endif { "suspend", &f_bktoshell }, { "suspend!", &f_bktoshell }, { "t", &f_opertransf }, #if (OPT_TAGS) { "ta", &f_gototag }, { "tag", &f_gototag }, #endif #if (OPT_TAGS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "tag-pop", &f_untagpop }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_TAGS) & (!FEWNAMES) { "tags", &f_showtagstack }, #endif #if (OPT_SHOW_TAGS) { "tagstack", &f_showtagstack }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "toggle-buffer-list", &f_togglelistbuffers }, #endif { "transfer-til", &f_opertransf }, #if (!SMALLER) & (!FEWNAMES) { "transpose-characters", &f_twiddle }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) { "trim", &f_opertrim }, #endif #if (OPT_AEDIT) & (!FEWNAMES) { "trim-lines-til", &f_opertrim }, #endif { "unabbreviate", &f_unabbr }, #if (OPT_REBIND) { "unbind-key", &f_unbindkey }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "undo-change", &f_undo }, { "undo-changes-backward", &f_backundo }, { "undo-line-changes", &f_lineundo }, { "unimplemented-command", &f_unimpl }, { "universal-argument", &f_unarg_func }, #endif { "unmap", &f_unmap }, { "unmap!", &f_unmap_bang }, { "unmap-system-chars", &f_unmap_system }, { "unmark-buffer", &f_unmark }, { "unset", &f_delglobmode }, { "unsetg", &f_delglobmode }, { "unsetl", &f_dellocmode }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "up-arrow", &f_backline }, { "up-half-page", &f_backhpage }, { "up-line", &f_backline }, { "up-line-at-bol", &f_backbline }, { "up-paragraph", &f_gotobop }, { "up-section", &f_gotobosec }, { "up-sentence", &f_gotobosent }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "update-screen", &f_upscreen }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "upper-til", &f_operupper }, { "use-register", &f_usekreg }, #endif { "v", &f_opervglobals }, { "version", &f_showversion }, { "vglobal", &f_opervglobals }, { "view-file", &f_viewfile }, { "visual", &f_visual }, { "w", &f_operwrite }, { "w!", &f_operwrite }, { "whole-lines", &f_godotplus }, { "wq", &f_writequit }, #if (!SMALLER) { "wrap-word", &f_wrapword }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "write-changed-buffers", &f_writeallchanged }, { "write-changed-buffers-and-quit", &f_quickexit }, { "write-file", &f_filewrite }, { "write-file!", &f_filewrite }, { "write-file-and-quit", &f_writequit }, #endif #if (!SMALLER) { "write-message", &f_writemsg }, #endif #if (!FEWNAMES) { "write-til", &f_operwrite }, #endif { "ww", &f_writeallchanged }, { "wwq", &f_quickexit }, { "x", &f_quickexit }, { "x!", &f_quickexit }, { "xit", &f_quickexit }, { "y", &f_operlineyank }, #if (!FEWNAMES) { "yank-line", &f_yankline }, { "yank-lines-til", &f_operlineyank }, { "yank-til", &f_operyank }, #endif { "|", &f_vile_filter }, { "~", &f_operflip }, { NULL, NULL } };
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by