
This is nebind.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* nebind.h: this header file was produced automatically by
 * the mktbls program, based on input from the file ./cmdtbl

const CMDFUNC *asciitbl[256] = {
	NULL,			/* ctrl-@ */
	&f_cntl_a_func,		/* ctrl-A */
	&f_backpage,		/* ctrl-B */
	NULL,			/* ctrl-C */
	&f_forwhpage,		/* ctrl-D */
	&f_mvdnwind,		/* ctrl-E */
	&f_forwpage,		/* ctrl-F */
	&f_showcpos,		/* ctrl-G */
	&f_backchar_to_bol,	/* ctrl-H */
	NULL,			/* ctrl-I */
	&f_forwline,		/* ctrl-J */
	&f_delwind,		/* ctrl-K */
	&f_vile_refresh,	/* ctrl-L */
	&f_forwbline,		/* ctrl-M */
	&f_forwline,		/* ctrl-N */
	&f_onlywind,		/* ctrl-O */
	&f_backline,		/* ctrl-P */
	&f_nullproc,		/* ctrl-Q */
	&f_insfile,		/* ctrl-R */
	&f_sel_motion,		/* ctrl-S */
#if (OPT_TAGS)
	&f_untagpop,		/* ctrl-T */
	&f_backhpage,		/* ctrl-U */
	&f_quote,		/* ctrl-V */
	&f_operwrite,		/* ctrl-W */
	&f_cntl_x_func,		/* ctrl-X */
	&f_mvupwind,		/* ctrl-Y */
	&f_bktoshell,		/* ctrl-Z */
	&f_esc_func,		/* ctrl-[ */
	NULL,			/* ctrl-\ */
#if (OPT_TAGS)
	&f_gototag,		/* ctrl-] */
	&f_altbuff,		/* ctrl-^ */
	NULL,			/* ctrl-_ */
	&f_forwchar_to_eol,	/*   */
	&f_operfilter,		/* ! */
	&f_usekreg,		/* " */
	&f_poundc_func,		/* # */
	&f_gotoeol,		/* $ */
	&f_matchfence,		/* % */
	&f_subst_again,		/* & */
	&f_golinenmmark,	/* ' */
	&f_gotobosent,		/* ( */
	&f_gotoeosent,		/* ) */
	&f_togglelistbuffers,	/* * */
	&f_forwbline,		/* + */
	&f_rev_csrch,		/* , */
	&f_backbline,		/* - */
	&f_dotcmdplay,		/* . */
	&f_forwsearch,		/* / */
	&f_gotobol,		/* 0 */
	NULL,			/* 1 */
	NULL,			/* 2 */
	NULL,			/* 3 */
	NULL,			/* 4 */
	NULL,			/* 5 */
	NULL,			/* 6 */
	NULL,			/* 7 */
	NULL,			/* 8 */
	NULL,			/* 9 */
	&f_namedcmd,		/* : */
	&f_rep_csrch,		/* ; */
	&f_operlshift,		/* < */
	&f_clear_match_attrs,	/* = */
	&f_operrshift,		/* > */
	&f_backsearch,		/* ? */
	&f_execkreg,		/* @ */
	&f_appendeol,		/* A */
	&f_backword,		/* B */
	&f_chgtoeol,		/* C */
	&f_deltoeol,		/* D */
	&f_forwendw,		/* E */
	&f_bcsrch,		/* F */
	&f_gotoline,		/* G */
	&f_gotobos,		/* H */
	&f_insertbol,		/* I */
	&f_joinlines,		/* J */
	&f_unarg_func,		/* K */
	&f_gotoeos,		/* L */
	&f_gotomos,		/* M */
	&f_revsearch,		/* N */
	&f_openup,		/* O */
	&f_putbefore,		/* P */
	&f_quit,		/* Q */
	&f_overwritechars,	/* R */
	&f_chgline,		/* S */
	&f_bcsrch_to,		/* T */
	&f_lineundo,		/* U */
	&f_enlargewind,		/* V */
	&f_forwword,		/* W */
	&f_backdelchar,		/* X */
	&f_yankline,		/* Y */
	&f_zzquit,		/* Z */
	&f_gotobosec,		/* [ */
	&f_gorectnmmark,	/* \ */
	&f_gotoeosec,		/* ] */
	&f_firstnonwhite,	/* ^ */
	&f_histbuff,		/* _ */
	&f_goexactnmmark,	/* ` */
	&f_append,		/* a */
	&f_backviword,		/* b */
	&f_operchg,		/* c */
	&f_operdel,		/* d */
	&f_forwviendw,		/* e */
	&f_fcsrch,		/* f */
	NULL,			/* g */
	&f_backchar_to_bol,	/* h */
	&f_insert,		/* i */
	&f_forwline,		/* j */
	&f_backline,		/* k */
	&f_forwchar_to_eol,	/* l */
	&f_setnmmark,		/* m */
	&f_consearch,		/* n */
	&f_opendown,		/* o */
	&f_putafter,		/* p */
	&f_multimotion,		/* q */
	&f_replacechar,		/* r */
	&f_chgchar,		/* s */
	&f_fcsrch_to,		/* t */
	&f_undo,		/* u */
	&f_shrinkwind,		/* v */
	&f_forwviword,		/* w */
	&f_forwdelchar,		/* x */
	&f_operyank,		/* y */
	&f_poswind,		/* z */
	&f_gotobop,		/* { */
	&f_gotocol,		/* | */
	&f_gotoeop,		/* } */
	&f_flipchar,		/* ~ */
	&f_backchar_to_bol,	/* ctrl-? */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-@ */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-A */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-B */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-C */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-D */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-E */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-F */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-G */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-H */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-I */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-J */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-K */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-L */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-M */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-N */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-O */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-P */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-Q */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-R */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-S */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-T */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-U */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-V */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-W */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-X */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-Y */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-Z */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-[ */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-\ */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-] */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-^ */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-_ */
	NULL,			/* meta-  */
	NULL,			/* meta-! */
	NULL,			/* meta-" */
	NULL,			/* meta-# */
	NULL,			/* meta-$ */
	NULL,			/* meta-% */
	NULL,			/* meta-& */
	NULL,			/* meta-' */
	NULL,			/* meta-( */
	NULL,			/* meta-) */
	NULL,			/* meta-* */
	NULL,			/* meta-+ */
	NULL,			/* meta-, */
	NULL,			/* meta-- */
	NULL,			/* meta-. */
	NULL,			/* meta-/ */
	NULL,			/* meta-0 */
	NULL,			/* meta-1 */
	NULL,			/* meta-2 */
	NULL,			/* meta-3 */
	NULL,			/* meta-4 */
	NULL,			/* meta-5 */
	NULL,			/* meta-6 */
	NULL,			/* meta-7 */
	NULL,			/* meta-8 */
	NULL,			/* meta-9 */
	NULL,			/* meta-: */
	NULL,			/* meta-; */
	NULL,			/* meta-< */
	NULL,			/* meta-= */
	NULL,			/* meta-> */
	NULL,			/* meta-? */
	NULL,			/* meta-@ */
	NULL,			/* meta-A */
	NULL,			/* meta-B */
	NULL,			/* meta-C */
	NULL,			/* meta-D */
	NULL,			/* meta-E */
	NULL,			/* meta-F */
	NULL,			/* meta-G */
	NULL,			/* meta-H */
	NULL,			/* meta-I */
	NULL,			/* meta-J */
	NULL,			/* meta-K */
	NULL,			/* meta-L */
	NULL,			/* meta-M */
	NULL,			/* meta-N */
	NULL,			/* meta-O */
	NULL,			/* meta-P */
	NULL,			/* meta-Q */
	NULL,			/* meta-R */
	NULL,			/* meta-S */
	NULL,			/* meta-T */
	NULL,			/* meta-U */
	NULL,			/* meta-V */
	NULL,			/* meta-W */
	NULL,			/* meta-X */
	NULL,			/* meta-Y */
	NULL,			/* meta-Z */
	NULL,			/* meta-[ */
	NULL,			/* meta-\ */
	NULL,			/* meta-] */
	NULL,			/* meta-^ */
	NULL,			/* meta-_ */
	NULL,			/* meta-` */
	NULL,			/* meta-a */
	NULL,			/* meta-b */
	NULL,			/* meta-c */
	NULL,			/* meta-d */
	NULL,			/* meta-e */
	NULL,			/* meta-f */
	NULL,			/* meta-g */
	NULL,			/* meta-h */
	NULL,			/* meta-i */
	NULL,			/* meta-j */
	NULL,			/* meta-k */
	NULL,			/* meta-l */
	NULL,			/* meta-m */
	NULL,			/* meta-n */
	NULL,			/* meta-o */
	NULL,			/* meta-p */
	NULL,			/* meta-q */
	NULL,			/* meta-r */
	NULL,			/* meta-s */
	NULL,			/* meta-t */
	NULL,			/* meta-u */
	NULL,			/* meta-v */
	NULL,			/* meta-w */
	NULL,			/* meta-x */
	NULL,			/* meta-y */
	NULL,			/* meta-z */
	NULL,			/* meta-{ */
	NULL,			/* meta-| */
	NULL,			/* meta-} */
	NULL,			/* meta-~ */
	NULL,			/* meta-ctrl-? */

KBIND kbindtbl[] = {
	{ CTLA|' ',		&f_operdetab },
	{ CTLA|'&',		&f_opersubstagain },
	{ CTLA|'*',		&f_listbuffers },
	{ CTLA|'/',		&f_scrsearchpat },
	{ CTLA|'A',		&f_operattrcaseq },
	{ CTLA|'B',		&f_operattrbold },
	{ CTLA|'I',		&f_operattrital },
	{ CTLA|'N',		&f_operattrno },
	{ CTLA|'O',		&f_openup_no_aindent },
	{ CTLA|'P',		&f_rectputbefore },
	{ CTLA|'S',		&f_sel_motion },
	{ CTLA|'U',		&f_operattrul },
	{ CTLA|'b',		&f_operblank },
	{ CTLA|'d',		&f_forceblank },
	{ CTLA|'f',		&f_operformat },
	{ CTLA|'h',		&f_help },
	{ CTLA|'i',		&f_insert_no_aindent },
	{ CTLA|'j',		&f_operformat },
	{ CTLA|'l',		&f_operlower },
	{ CTLA|'o',		&f_opendown_no_aindent },
	{ CTLA|'p',		&f_rectputafter },
	{ CTLA|'q',		&f_multimotionrectangle },
	{ CTLA|'r',		&f_operopenrect },
	{ CTLA|'s',		&f_operselect },
	{ CTLA|'t',		&f_opertrim },
	{ CTLA|'u',		&f_operupper },
	{ CTLA|'~',		&f_operflip },
	{ CTLA|tocntrl('D'),	&f_scrnextdw },
	{ CTLA|tocntrl('E'),	&f_mvdnnxtwind },
	{ CTLA|tocntrl('I'),	&f_operentab },
	{ CTLA|tocntrl('U'),	&f_scrnextup },
	{ CTLA|tocntrl('Y'),	&f_mvupnxtwind },
#if (OPT_TAGS)
	{ CTLA|tocntrl(']'),	&f_nexttag },
	{ CTLX|'!',		&f_pipecmd },
	{ CTLX|'%',		&f_matchfenceback },
	{ CTLX|'&',		&f_kbd_mac_exec },
	{ CTLX|'(',		&f_kbd_mac_begin },
	{ CTLX|')',		&f_kbd_mac_end },
	{ CTLX|'/',		&f_scrforwsearch },
	{ CTLX|'0',		&f_delwind },
	{ CTLX|'1',		&f_onlywind },
	{ CTLX|'2',		&f_splitwind },
	{ CTLX|'=',		&f_showcpos },
	{ CTLX|'?',		&f_scrbacksearch },
	{ CTLX|'O',		&f_prevwind },
	{ CTLX|'P',		&f_lineputbefore },
	{ CTLX|'R',		&f_risearch },
	{ CTLX|'S',		&f_fisearch },
	{ CTLX|'X',		&f_ue_setkey },
	{ CTLX|'^',		&f_kbd_mac_save },
	{ CTLX|'c',		&f_operlinechg },
	{ CTLX|'d',		&f_operlinedel },
	{ CTLX|'e',		&f_filefind },
	{ CTLX|'f',		&f_setfillcol },
	{ CTLX|'h',		&f_help },
	{ CTLX|'k',		&f_killbuffer },
	{ CTLX|'o',		&f_nextwind },
	{ CTLX|'p',		&f_lineputafter },
	{ CTLX|'r',		&f_forwredo },
	{ CTLX|'s',		&f_opersubst },
	{ CTLX|'t',		&f_settab },
	{ CTLX|'u',		&f_backundo },
	{ CTLX|'y',		&f_operlineyank },
	{ CTLX|tocntrl('C'),	&f_quit },
	{ CTLX|tocntrl('L'),	&f_mvleftwind },
	{ CTLX|tocntrl('R'),	&f_mvrightwind },
	{ CTLX|tocntrl('X'),	&f_finderr },
#if (OPT_TAGS)
	{ CTLX|tocntrl(']'),	&f_untagpop },
#if (!SMALLER)
	{ SPEC|'!',		&f_cbuf11 },
	{ SPEC|'#',		&f_cbuf13 },
	{ SPEC|'$',		&f_cbuf14 },
	{ SPEC|'%',		&f_cbuf15 },
	{ SPEC|'&',		&f_cbuf17 },
	{ SPEC|'(',		&f_cbuf19 },
	{ SPEC|')',		&f_cbuf20 },
	{ SPEC|'*',		&f_cbuf18 },
	{ SPEC|'0',		&f_cbuf10 },
	{ SPEC|'1',		&f_cbuf1 },
	{ SPEC|'2',		&f_cbuf2 },
	{ SPEC|'3',		&f_cbuf3 },
	{ SPEC|'4',		&f_cbuf4 },
	{ SPEC|'5',		&f_cbuf5 },
	{ SPEC|'6',		&f_cbuf6 },
	{ SPEC|'7',		&f_cbuf7 },
	{ SPEC|'8',		&f_cbuf8 },
	{ SPEC|'9',		&f_cbuf9 },
	{ SPEC|'?',		&f_help },
#if (!SMALLER)
	{ SPEC|'@',		&f_cbuf12 },
	{ SPEC|'A',		&f_backline },
	{ SPEC|'B',		&f_forwline },
	{ SPEC|'C',		&f_forwchar_to_eol },
	{ SPEC|'D',		&f_backchar_to_bol },
#if (!SMALLER)
	{ SPEC|'E',		&f_gotoeob },
	{ SPEC|'H',		&f_gotobob },
	{ SPEC|'M',		&f_mouse_motion },
	{ SPEC|'P',		&f_cbuf1 },
	{ SPEC|'Q',		&f_cbuf2 },
	{ SPEC|'R',		&f_cbuf3 },
	{ SPEC|'S',		&f_cbuf4 },
#if ((OPT_XTERM>=3))
	{ SPEC|'T',		&f_xterm_mouse_T },
#if (!SMALLER)
	{ SPEC|'^',		&f_cbuf16 },
	{ SPEC|'d',		&f_forwdelchar },
	{ SPEC|'f',		&f_forwsearch },
	{ SPEC|'i',		&f_insert },
	{ SPEC|'m',		&f_help },
	{ SPEC|'n',		&f_forwpage },
	{ SPEC|'p',		&f_backpage },
	{ SPEC|'s',		&f_multimotion },
#if ((OPT_XTERM>=3))
	{ SPEC|'t',		&f_xterm_mouse_t },
#if (!SMALLER)
	{ SPEC|0xa1,		&f_cbuf21 },
	{ SPEC|0xa2,		&f_cbuf22 },
	{ SPEC|0xa3,		&f_cbuf23 },
	{ SPEC|0xa4,		&f_cbuf24 },
	{ SPEC|0xa5,		&f_cbuf25 },
	{ SPEC|0xa6,		&f_cbuf26 },
	{ SPEC|0xa7,		&f_cbuf27 },
	{ SPEC|0xa8,		&f_cbuf28 },
	{ SPEC|0xa9,		&f_cbuf29 },
	{ SPEC|0xaa,		&f_cbuf30 },
	{ SPEC|0xab,		&f_cbuf31 },
	{ SPEC|0xac,		&f_cbuf32 },
	{ SPEC|0xad,		&f_cbuf33 },
	{ SPEC|0xae,		&f_cbuf34 },
	{ SPEC|0xaf,		&f_cbuf35 },
	{ 0, NULL }

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.