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                   EExx//VVii RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaall

                        _K_e_i_t_h _B_o_s_t_i_c

                 Computer Science Division
 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
             University of California, Berkeley
                Berkeley, California  94720

                     September 15, 1996


     This document is the reference guide for the 4.4BSD
implementations of nneexx/nnvvii, which are implementations of
the historic Berkeley eexx/vvii editors.


Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
     The  Regents  of  the  University  of  California.  All
Rights Reserved.

Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
     Keith Bostic.  All Rights Reserved.

     The vi program is freely redistributable.  You are wel-
come to copy, modify and share it with others under the con-
ditions listed in the LICENSE file.   If  any  company  (not
individual!)  finds  vi  sufficiently  useful that you would
have purchased it, or if any company wishes to  redistribute
it, contributions to the authors would be appreciated.


     Bruce  Englar  encouraged  the early development of
the historic eexx/vvii editor.  Peter Kessler  helped  bring
sanity  to  version  2's command layout.  Bill Joy wrote
versions 1 and 2.0 through 2.7, and created  the  frame-
work  that users see in the present editor.  Mark Horton
added macros and other features and made eexx/vvii work on a
large number of terminals and Unix systems.

     NNvvii is originally derived from software contributed
to the University of California, Berkeley by Steve Kirk-
endall, the author of the vvii clone eellvviiss.

     IEEE  Standard  Portable Operating System Interface
for Computer Environments (POSIX) 1003.2  style  Regular
Expression support was done by Henry Spencer.

     The  curses  library  was  originally  done  by Ken
Arnold.  Scrolling and reworking for  nnvvii  was  done  by
Elan Amir.

     George  Neville-Neil added the Tcl interpreter, and
Sven Verdoolaege added the Perl5 interpreter.

     Rob Mayoff added Cscope support.

     The Institute of Electrical and  Electronics  Engi-
neers  has  given  us  permission to reprint portions of
their documentation.   Portions  of  this  document  are
reprinted and reproduced from IEEE Std 1003.2-1992, IEEE
Standard Portable Operating System Interface for Comput-
er Environments (POSIX), copyright 1992 by the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

     The financial support of UUNET Communications  Ser-
vices is gratefully acknowledged.

UUSSDD::1133--44                                   NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

11..  DDeessccrriippttiioonn

     VVii is a screen oriented text editor.  EExx is a line-ori-
ented text editor.  EExx and vvii are  different  interfaces  to
the  same  program,  and  it  is possible to switch back and
forth during an edit session.  VViieeww  is  the  equivalent  of
using the --RR (read-only) option of vvii.

     This  reference  manual  is  the  one provided with the
nneexx/nnvvii versions of the eexx/vvii  text  editors.   NNeexx/nnvvii  are
intended  as  bug-for-bug  compatible  replacements  for the
original Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution (4BSD)  eexx/vvii
programs.   This reference manual is accompanied by a tradi-
tional-style manual page.  That manual  page  describes  the
functionality  found  in  eexx/vvii  in far less detail than the
description here.  In  addition,  it  describes  the  system
interface  to  eexx/vvii,  e.g.  command  line  options, session
recovery,  signals,  environmental  variables,  and  similar

     This  reference  is intended for users already familiar
with eexx/vvii.  Anyone else should almost certainly read a good
tutorial  on  the editor first.  If you are in an unfamiliar
environment, and you absolutely have to get work done  imme-
diately, see the section entitled "FFaasstt SSttaarrttuupp" in the man-
ual page.  It is probably enough to get you started.

     There are a few features in nneexx/nnvvii that are not  found
in historic versions of eexx/vvii.  Some of the more interesting
of those features are briefly described in the next section,
entitled  "AAddddiittiioonnaall FFeeaattuurreess".  For the rest of this docu-
ment, nneexx/nnvvii is used only when it is necessary  to  distin-
guish it from the historic implementations of eexx/vvii.

     Future  versions  of this software will be periodically
made available by anonymous ftp, and can be  retrieved  from
ftp.cs.berkeley.edu, in the directory ucb/4bsd.

22..  AAddddiittiioonnaall FFeeaattuurreess iinn NNeexx//NNvvii

     There  are a few features in nneexx/nnvvii that are not found
in historic versions of eexx/vvii.  Some of the more interesting
of these are as follows:

88--bbiitt cclleeaann ddaattaa,, llaarrggee lliinneess,, ffiilleess
     NNeexx/nnvvii  will  edit  any format file.  Line lengths are
     limited by available memory, and file sizes are limited
     by  available  disk space.  The vvii text input mode com-
     mand <<ccoonnttrrooll--XX>>  can  insert  any  possible  character
     value into the text.

BBaacckkggrroouunndd aanndd ffoorreeggrroouunndd ssccrreeeennss
     The  bbgg command backgrounds the current screen, and the

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                   UUSSDD::1133--55

     ffgg command foregrounds backgrounded screens.  The  ddiiss--
     ppllaayy  command  can  be  used  to  list  the  background

CCoommmmaanndd EEddiittiinngg
     You can enter a normal editing window on the  collected
     commands  that  you've entered on the vvii colon command-
     line, and then modify and/or execute the commands.  See
     the cceeddiitt edit option for more information.

     The  ddiissppllaayy command can be used to display the current
     buffers, the backgrounded screens, and the tags  stack.

EExxtteennddeedd RReegguullaarr EExxpprreessssiioonnss
     The  eexxtteennddeedd  option  causes Regular Expressions to be
     interpreted as as Extended Regular  Expressions,  (i.e.
     _e_g_r_e_p(1) style Regular Expressions).

FFiillee NNaammee CCoommpplleettiioonn
     It is possible to do file name completion and file name
     displays when entering commands on the  vvii  colon  com-
     mand-line.   See the ffiilleecc option for more information.

IInnffiinniittee uunnddoo
     Changes made during an edit session may be rolled back-
     ward  and  forward.  A ..  command immediately after a uu
     command continues either forward or backward  depending
     on whether the uu command was an undo or a redo.

LLeefftt--rriigghhtt ssccrroolllliinngg
     The lleeffttrriigghhtt option causes nnvvii to do left-right screen
     scrolling, instead of the traditional vvii line wrapping.

MMeessssaaggee CCaattaallooggss
     It  is possible to display informational and error mes-
     sages in different languages by providing a catalog  of
     messages.   See  the  mmssggccaatt  option and the file cata-
     log/README ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

IInnccrreemmeennttiinngg nnuummbbeerrss
     The ## command increments or decrements the number  ref-
     erenced by the cursor.

PPrreevviioouuss ffiillee
     The  pprreevviioouuss  command edits the previous file from the
     argument list.

SSccrriippttiinngg llaanngguuaaggeess
     The ::ppee[[rrll]] ccmmdd, ::ppeerrlldd[[oo]] ccmmdd and ::ttcc[[ll]] ccmmdd  commands
     execute  Perl5  and  Tcl/Tk  commands, respectively, on
     lines from the edit buffer.  See  the  "SSccrriippttiinngg  LLaann--
     gguuaaggeess"  section  and  the  specific  commands for more

UUSSDD::1133--66                                   NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee


SSpplliitt ssccrreeeennss
     The EEddiitt, EExx, NNeexxtt, PPrreevviioouuss, TTaagg  and  VViissuuaall  (in  vvii
     mode)  commands divide the screen into multiple editing
     regions and then perform their normal function in a new
     screen  area.   The <<ccoonnttrrooll--WW>> command rotates between
     the foreground screens.  The rreessiizzee command can be used
     to grow or shrink a particular screen.

TTaagg ssttaacckkss
     Tags  are  now  maintained in a stack.  The <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>
     command returns to the previous tag location.  The ttaagg--
     ppoopp  command returns to the most recent tag location by
     default, or, optionally to a specific tag number in the
     tag  stack,  or  the  most  recent tag from a specified
     file.  The ddiissppllaayy command can be used to list the tags
     stack.   The  ttaaggttoopp  command returns to the top of the
     tag stack.

UUssaaggee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
     The eexxuussaaggee and vviiuussaaggee commands provide usage informa-
     tion  for all of the eexx and vvii commands by default, or,
     optionally, for a specific command or key.

WWoorrdd sseeaarrcchh
     The <<ccoonnttrrooll--AA>> command searches for  the  word  refer-
     enced by the cursor.

33..  SSttaarrttuupp IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

     EExx/vvii  interprets  one  of  two  possible environmental
variables and reads up to three of five possible files  dur-
ing  startup.   The variables and files are expected to con-
tain eexx commands, not vvii commands.  In  addition,  they  are
interpreted _b_e_f_o_r_e the file to be edited is read, and there-
fore many eexx commands may not be used.  Generally, any  com-
mand that requires output to the screen or that needs a file
upon which to operate, will cause an error if included in  a
startup file or environmental variable.

     Because  the  eexx  command set supported by nneexx/nnvvii is a
superset of the command set supported by  historical  imple-
mentations  of eexx, nneexx/nnvvii can use the startup files created
for the historical implementations, but the converse may not
be true.

     If  the  --ss (the historic - option) is specified, or if
standard input is redirected from a file, all  environmental
variables and startup files are ignored.

     Otherwise,  startup  files  and environmental variables
are handled in the following order:

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                   UUSSDD::1133--77

 (1)   The file /etc/vi.exrc is read, as long as it is owned
       by root or the effective user ID of the user.

 (2)   The  environmental  variable NEXINIT (or the variable
       EXINIT, if NEXINIT is not set) is interpreted.

 (3)   If neither NEXINIT or EXINIT was set,  and  the  HOME
       environmental  variable is set, the file $HOME/.nexrc
       (or the file $HOME/.exrc, if  $HOME/.nexrc  does  not
       exist)  is  read, as long as the effective user ID of
       the user is root or is the same as the owner  of  the

       When  the  $HOME  directory  is  being  used for both
       nneexx/nnvvii and an historic implementation  of  eexx/vvii,  a
       possible solution is to put nneexx/nnvvii specific commands
       in the .nexrc ffiillee,, aalloonngg wwiitthh aa ::ssoouurrccee  $$HHOOMMEE//..eexxrrcc
       ccoommmmaanndd ttoo rreeaadd iinn tthhee ccoommmmaannddss ccoommmmoonn ttoo bbootthh iimmppllee--

 (4)   If the eexxrrcc option was turned on by one of the previ-
       ous  startup information sources, the file .nexrc ((oorr
       tthhee ffiillee ..eexxrrcc, if .nexrc ddooeess nnoott eexxiisstt)) iiss rreeaadd,, aass
       lloonngg aass tthhee eeffffeeccttiivvee uusseerr IIDD ooff tthhee uusseerr iiss tthhee ssaammee
       aass tthhee oowwnneerr ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     No startup file is read if it  is  writable  by  anyone
other than its owner.

     It is not an error for any of the startup environmental
variables or files not to exist.

     Once all environmental variables are  interpreted,  and
all  startup  files are read, the first file to be edited is
read in (or a temporary file is created).   Then,  any  com-
mands  specified  using  the  --cc option are executed, in the
context of that file.

44..  RReeccoovveerryy

     There is no recovery  program  for  nneexx/nnvvii,  nor  does
nneexx/nnvvii run setuid.  Recovery files are created readable and
writable by the owner only.   Users  may  recover  any  file
which  they can read, and the superuser may recover any edit

     Edit sessions are backed  by  files  in  the  directory
named     by    the    rreeccddiirr    option    (the    directory
/var/tmp/vi.recover bbyy ddeeffaauulltt)),, aanndd aarree nnaammeedd  ""vvii..XXXXXXXXXXXX"",,
wwhheerree  ""XXXXXXXXXXXX"" iiss aa nnuummbbeerr rreellaatteedd ttoo tthhee pprroocceessss IIDD..  WWhheenn
aa ffiillee iiss ffiirrsstt mmooddiiffiieedd,, aa sseeccoonndd rreeccoovveerryy ffiillee  ccoonnttaaiinniinngg
aann  eemmaaiill  mmeessssaaggee  ffoorr  tthhee  uusseerr  iiss ccrreeaatteedd,, aanndd iiss nnaammeedd
""rreeccoovveerr..XXXXXXXXXXXX"",, wwhheerree,, aaggaaiinn,, ""XXXXXXXXXXXX"" iiss aassssoocciiaatteedd  wwiitthh

UUSSDD::1133--88                                   NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

tthhee pprroocceessss IIDD..  BBootthh ffiilleess aarree rreemmoovveedd aatt tthhee eenndd ooff aa nnoorr--
mmaall eeddiitt sseessssiioonn,, bbuutt wwiillll rreemmaaiinn iiff  tthhee  eeddiitt  sseessssiioonn  iiss
aabbnnoorrmmaallllyy  tteerrmmiinnaatteedd oorr tthhee uusseerr rruunnss tthhee eexx pprreesseerrvvee ccoomm--

     The rreeccddiirr option may be set in either  the  user's  or
system's  startup  information, changing the recovery direc-
tory.  (Note, however, that if a memory based file system is
used as the backup directory, each system reboot will delete
all of the recovery files!   The  same  caution  applies  to
directories such as /tmp wwhhiicchh aarree cclleeaarreedd ooff tthheeiirr ccoonntteennttss
bbyy aa  ssyysstteemm  rreebboooott,,  oorr  //uussrr//ttmmpp  which  is  periodically
cleared of old files on many systems.)

     The  recovery  directory should be owned by root, or at
least by a pseudo-user.  In addition, if directory  "sticky-
bit"  semantics are available, the directory should have the
sticky-bit set so that files may only be  removed  by  their
owners.   The  recovery  directory  must be read, write, and
executable by any user, i.e. mode 1777.

     If the recovery directory does not  exist,  eexx/vvii  will
attempt  to  create  it.   This  can  result in the recovery
directory being owned by a normal  user,  which  means  that
that  user  will be able to remove other user's recovery and
backup files.  This is annoying, but is not a security issue
as the user cannot otherwise access or modify the files.

     The  recovery file has all of the necessary information
in it to enable the user to recover the  edit  session.   In
addition,  it  has  all  of  the necessary email headers for
_s_e_n_d_m_a_i_l(8).  When the system is rebooted, all of the  files
in /var/tmp/vi.recover _n_a_m_e_d _"rreeccoovveerr..XXXXXXXXXXXX_" _s_h_o_u_l_d _b_e _s_e_n_t
_t_o _t_h_e_i_r _o_w_n_e_r_s_, _b_y _e_m_a_i_l_, _u_s_i_n_g _t_h_e --tt _o_p_t_i_o_n  _o_f  sseennddmmaaiill
_(_o_r  _a  _s_i_m_i_l_a_r  _m_e_c_h_a_n_i_s_m  _i_n  _o_t_h_e_r  _m_a_i_l_e_r_s_)_.   _I_f  eexx_/vvii
_r_e_c_e_i_v_e_s _a _h_a_n_g_u_p _(_S_I_G_H_U_P_) _s_i_g_n_a_l_, _o_r _t_h_e _u_s_e_r _e_x_e_c_u_t_e_s  _t_h_e
eexx  pprreesseerrvvee  _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_,  eexx_/vvii  _w_i_l_l  _a_u_t_o_m_a_t_i_c_a_l_l_y _e_m_a_i_l _t_h_e
_r_e_c_o_v_e_r_y _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _t_o _t_h_e _u_s_e_r_.

     If your system does not have the sseennddmmaaiill utility (or a
mailer program which supports its interface) the source file
nvi/common/recover.c wwiillll hhaavvee ttoo bbee mmooddiiffiieedd  ttoo  uussee  yyoouurr
llooccaall  mmaaiill  ddeelliivveerryy pprrooggrraammss..  NNoottee,, iiff nneexx//nnvvii iiss cchhaannggeedd
ttoo uussee aannootthheerr mmaaiilleerr,, iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo rreemmeemmbbeerr tthhaatt  tthhee
oowwnneerr  ooff  tthhee ffiillee ggiivveenn ttoo tthhee mmaaiilleerr iiss tthhee nneexx//nnvvii uusseerr,,
ssoo nnootthhiinngg iinn tthhee ffiillee sshhoouulldd bbee ttrruusstteedd aass iitt mmaayy hhaavvee bbeeeenn
mmooddiiffiieedd iinn aann eeffffoorrtt ttoo ccoommpprroommiissee tthhee ssyysstteemm..

     Finally,  the  owner execute bit is set on backup files
when they are created, and unset when they are  first  modi-
fied, e.g. backup files that have no associated email recov-
ery file will have this bit set.  (There  is  also  a  small
window  where  empty  files  can be created and not yet have

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                   UUSSDD::1133--99

this bit set.  This is due to the method in which the  files
are  created.)  Such files should be deleted when the system

     A simple way to do this cleanup is to insert  the  fol-
lowing Bourne shell script into your /etc/rc.local (or other
startup) file.  The script should  work  with  the  historic
Bourne  shell,  a  POSIX 1003.2 shell or the Korn shell.  (A
copy     of     this     script     is      included      as
nvi/install/recover.script in the nneexx/nnvvii distribution.)

UUSSDD::1133--1100                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

    #    @(#)recover.script  8.7 (Berkeley) 8/16/94
    # Script to recover nvi edit sessions.
    echo 'Recovering nvi editor sessions.'

    # Check editor backup files.
    vibackup=`echo $RECDIR/vi.*`
    if [ "$vibackup" != "$RECDIR/vi.*" ]; then
         for i in $vibackup; do
              # Only test files that are readable.
              if test ! -r $i; then

              # Unmodified nvi editor backup files either have the
              # execute bit set or are zero length.  Delete them.
              if test -x $i -o ! -s $i; then
                   rm $i

    # It is possible to get incomplete recovery files, if the editor crashes
    # at the right time.
    virecovery=`echo $RECDIR/recover.*`
    if [ "$virecovery" != "$RECDIR/recover.*" ]; then
         for i in $virecovery; do
              # Only test files that are readable.
              if test ! -r $i; then

              # Delete any recovery files that are zero length, corrupted,
              # or that have no corresponding backup file.  Else send mail
              # to the user.
              recfile=`awk '/^X-vi-recover-path:/{print $2}' < $i`
              if test -n "$recfile" -a -s "$recfile"; then
                   $SENDMAIL -t < $i
                   rm $i

     If  you  are not using the default value for the rreeccddiirr
option, be sure to substitute the value you're using for the
RECDIR vvaalluuee iinn tthhee rreeccoovveerryy ssccrriipptt..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--1111

     If the path of your system's sseennddmmaaiill program (or what-
ever mailer you're using) is not /usr/lib/sendmail,, bbee  ssuurree
ttoo ssuubbssttiittuuttee tthhee ccoorrrreecctt ppaatthhnnaammee ffoorr tthhee SSEENNDDMMAAIILL value in
the recovery script.  Consult the manual page for details on
recovering preserved or aborted editing sessions.

55..  SSiizziinngg tthhee SSccrreeeenn

     The  size of the screen can be set in a number of ways.
EExx/vvii takes the following steps until  values  are  obtained
for  both  the  number  of rows and number of columns in the

 (1)   If the environmental variable  LINES  exists,  it  is
       used to specify the number of rows in the screen.

 (2)   If  the  environmental variable COLUMNS exists, it is
       used to specify the number of columns in the  screen.

 (3)   The  TIOCGWINSZ _i_o_c_t_l(2) is attempted on the standard
       error file descriptor.

 (4)   The termcap entry (or  terminfo  entry  on  System  V
       machines)  is  checked  for the "li" entry (rows) and
       the "co" entry (columns).

 (5)   The number of rows is set to 24, and  the  number  of
       columns is set to 80.

     If  a window change size signal (SIGWINCH) is received,
the new  window  size  is  retrieved  using  the  TIOCGWINSZ
_i_o_c_t_l(2) call, and all other information is ignored.

66..  CChhaarraacctteerr DDiissppllaayy

     In  both  eexx  and vvii printable characters as defined by
_i_s_p_r_i_n_t(3) are displayed using the local character set.

     Non-printable characters, for which _i_s_c_n_t_r_l(3)  returns
true,  and  which are less than octal \040, are displayed as
the string "^<character>_"_, _w_h_e_r_e _<_c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_> is the  charac-
ter  that  is the original character's value offset from the
"@_" _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_.  _F_o_r _e_x_a_m_p_l_e_, _t_h_e  _o_c_t_a_l  _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r  _\_0_0_1  _i_s
_d_i_s_p_l_a_y_e_d _a_s _"_^_A".  If _i_s_c_n_t_r_l(3) returns true for the octal
character \177, it is displayed as  the  string  "^?_"_.   _A_l_l
_o_t_h_e_r _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s _a_r_e _d_i_s_p_l_a_y_e_d _a_s _e_i_t_h_e_r _h_e_x_a_d_e_c_i_m_a_l _v_a_l_u_e_s_,
_i_n _t_h_e _f_o_r_m _"_0_x_<_h_i_g_h_-_h_a_l_f_b_y_t_e_> _._._. _0_x_<_l_o_w_-_h_a_l_f_b_y_t_e_>", or  as
octal  values,  in  the  form  "\<high-one-or-two-bits>  ...
\<low-three-bits>_"_.  _T_h_e _d_i_s_p_l_a_y _o_f  _u_n_k_n_o_w_n  _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s  _i_s
_b_a_s_e_d _o_n _t_h_e _v_a_l_u_e _o_f _t_h_e ooccttaall _o_p_t_i_o_n_.

     In  vvii command mode, the cursor is always positioned on
the last column of characters which take up  more  than  one

UUSSDD::1133--1122                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

column  on the screen.  In vvii text input mode, the cursor is
positioned on the first column of characters which  take  up
more than one column on the screen.

77..  MMuullttiippllee SSccrreeeennss

     NNvvii  supports  multiple  screens by dividing the window
into regions.  It also supports stacks of screens by permit-
ting  the  user  to  change the set of screens that are cur-
rently displayed.

     The EEddiitt, EExx, FFgg, NNeexxtt, PPrreevviioouuss, TTaagg and VViissuuaall (in vvii
mode) commands divide the current screen into two regions of
approximately equal size and then perform their usual action
in a new screen area.  If the cursor is in the lower half of
the screen, the screen will split up, i.e.  the  new  screen
will  be  above  the old one.  If the cursor is in the upper
half of the screen, the new screen will  be  below  the  old

     When more than one screen is editing a file, changes in
any screen are reflected in all other  screens  editing  the
same  file.  Exiting a screen without saving any changes (or
explicitly discarding them)  is  permitted  until  the  last
screen editing the file is exited, at which time the changes
must be saved or discarded.

     The  rreessiizzee  command  permits  resizing  of  individual
screens.  Screens may be grown, shrunk or set to an absolute
number of rows.

     The ^^WW command is used to switch between screens.  Each
^^WW  moves  to the next lower screen in the window, or to the
first screen in the window if there are no lower screens.

     The bbgg command "backgrounds" the current  screen.   The
screen  disappears from the window, and the rows it occupied
are taken over by a neighboring screen.  It is an  error  to
attempt to background the only screen in the window.

     The  ddiissppllaayy  ssccrreeeennss command displays the names of the
files associated with the current  backgrounded  screens  in
the window.

     The  ffgg  [[ffiillee]] command moves the specified screen from
the list of backgrounded screens to the foreground.   If  no
file  argument is specified, the first screen on the list is
foregrounded.  By default, foregrounding consists  of  back-
grounding the current screen, and replacing its space in the
window with the foregrounded screen.

     Capitalizing the first letter of the command, i.e.  FFgg,
will  foreground  the  backgrounded  screen  in a new screen

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--1133

instead of swapping it with the current screen.

     If the  last  foregrounded  screen  in  the  window  is
exited, and there are backgrounded screens, the first screen
on the list of backgrounded screens takes over the window.

88..  TTaaggss,, TTaagg SSttaacckkss,, aanndd CCssccooppee

     NNvvii supports the historic vvii tag  command  <<ccoonnttrrooll--]]>>,
and  the historic eexx tag command ttaagg.  These commands change
the current file context to a new location, based on  infor-
mation  found in the tags ffiilleess..  IIff yyoouu aarree uunnffaammiilliiaarr wwiitthh
tthheessee ccoommmmaannddss,, yyoouu sshhoouulldd rreevviieeww tthheeiirr ddeessccrriippttiioonn  iinn  tthhee
eexx  aanndd  vvii ccoommmmaannddss sseeccttiioonn ooff tthhiiss mmaannuuaall..  FFoorr aaddddiittiioonnaall
iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn ttaaggss ffiilleess,, sseeee tthhee ddiissccuussssiioonn  ooff  tthhee  ttaaggss
eeddiitt ooppttiioonn aanndd tthhee ssyysstteemm _c_t_a_g_s((11)) mmaannuuaall ppaaggee..

     In  addition, nnvvii supports the notion of "tags stacks",
using the  <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>  command.   The  <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>  command
returns  the  user  to  the previous context, i.e., the last
place from which a <<ccoonnttrrooll--]]>> or ttaagg command  was  entered.
These  three  commands provide the basic functionality which
allows you to use vvii to review source code in  a  structured

     NNvvii  also  provides two other basic eexx commands for tag
support: ttaaggppoopp and ttaaggttoopp.  The ttaaggppoopp command is identical
to  the <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>> command, with the additional functional-
ity that you may specify that modifications to  the  current
file  are  to  be  discarded.  This cannot be done using the
<<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>> command.  The ttaaggttoopp command discards all of the
contexts that have been pushed onto the tag stack, returning
to the context from which the first <<ccoonnttrrooll--]]>> or ttaagg  com-
mand was entered.

     The  historic _c_t_a_g_s(1) tags file format supports only a
single location per tag, normally the  function  declaration
or  structure  or  string  definition.   More  sophisticated
source code tools often provide multiple locations per  tag,
e.g.,  a  list of the places from which a function is called
or a string definition is used.  An example  of  this  func-
tionality is the System V source code tool, ccssccooppee.

CCssccooppee  creates  a  database  of  information on source code
files, and supports a query language for that information as
described  in  the  _c_s_c_o_p_e(1)  manual page.  NNvvii contains an
interface to the ccssccooppee query language which permits you  to
query  ccssccooppee  and  then sequentially step through the loca-
tions in the sources files which ccssccooppee returns.  There  are
two  nnvvii commands which support this ability to step through
multiple locations.  They are the eexx  commands  ttaaggnneexxtt  and
ttaaggpprreevv.  The ttaaggnneexxtt command moves to the next location for
the current tag.  The ttaaggpprreevv command moves to the  previous

UUSSDD::1133--1144                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

location  for the current tag.  (See the ttaaggnneexxtt and ttaaggpprreevv
command discussion in the eexx commands section of this manual
for  more  information.)  At any time during this sequential
walk, you may use the <<ccoonnttrrooll--]]>>, ttaagg or ccssccooppee commands to
move  to  a new tag context, and then use the <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>> or
ttaaggppoopp commands to return and continue stepping through  the
locations  for  this  tag.   This is similar to the previous
model of a simple tag stack, except that each entry  in  the
tag  stack  may  have  more than one file context that is of

     Although there is  no  widely  distributed  version  of
_c_t_a_g_s(1) that creates tags files with multiple locations per
tag, nnvvii has been written to understand the  obvious  exten-
sion  to  the  historic  tags file format, i.e., more than a
single line in the tags file with the same initial tag name.
If  you  wish  to  extend your ccttaaggss implementation or other
tool with which you build tags files, this extension  should
be simple and will require no changes to nnvvii.

     The  nnvvii  and  ccssccooppee  interface is based on the new eexx
command ccssccooppee, which has five subcommands: aadddd, ffiinndd, hheellpp,
kkiillll  and  rreesseett.  The subcommand ffiinndd itself has eight sub-
commands: cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, ii, ss and tt.

ccss[[ccooppee]] aa[[dddd]] ffiillee
     The  aadddd  command  attaches  to  the  specified  ccssccooppee
     database.  The file name is expanded using the standard
     filename expansions.  If ffiillee is a directory, the  file
     "cscope.out" in that directory is used as the database.

     After nnvvii attaches to a new  database,  all  subsequent
ccssccooppee  queries  will be asked of that database.  The result
of any single query is the collection  of  response  to  the
query from all of the attached databases.

If  the "CSCOPE_DIRS" environmental variable is set when nnvvii
is run, it is expected to be a <colon> or  <blank>-separated
list  of  ccssccooppee  databases or directories containing ccssccooppee
databases, to which the user wishes to attach.

::ccss[[ccooppee]] ff[[iinndd]] cc||dd||ee||ff||gg||ii||ss||tt bbuuffffeerr||ppaatttteerrnn
     The ffiinndd command is the ccssccooppee query command  for  nnvvii.
     For  this  command,  nnvvii  queries  all  attached ccssccooppee
     databases for the pattern.  If the pattern is a double-
     quote  character followed by a valid buffer name (e.g.,
     "<character>)),, tthheenn tthhee ccoonntteennttss ooff  tthhee  nnaammeedd  bbuuffffeerr
     aarree  uusseedd  aass tthhee ppaatttteerrnn..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, tthhee ppaatttteerrnn iiss aa
     RReegguullaarr EExxpprreessssiioonn..

     TThhee ffiinndd ccoommmmaanndd ppuusshheess tthhee ccuurrrreenntt llooccaattiioonn  oonnttoo  tthhee
     ttaaggss  ssttaacckk,, aanndd sswwiittcchheess ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt llooccaattiioonn rreessuulltt--
     iinngg ffrroomm tthhee qquueerryy,, iiff tthhee qquueerryy rreettuurrnneedd aatt lleeaasstt  oonnee

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--1155


     FFiillee  nnaammeess  rreettuurrnneedd bbyy tthhee ccssccooppee qquueerryy,, iiff nnoott aabbssoo--
     lluuttee ppaatthhss,, aarree sseeaarrcchheedd ffoorr rreellaattiivvee ttoo tthhee  ddiirreeccttoorryy
     wwhheerree  tthhee ccssccooppee ddaattaabbaassee iiss llooccaatteedd..  IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, iiff
     tthhee ffiillee ""ccssccooppee..ttppaatthh"" aappppeeaarrss iinn tthhee  ssaammee  ddiirreeccttoorryy
     aass  tthhee  ccssccooppee  ddaattaabbaassee,,  iitt iiss eexxppeecctteedd ttoo ccoonnttaaiinn aa
     ccoolloonn--sseeppaarraatteedd lliisstt ooff  ddiirreeccttoorryy  nnaammeess  wwhheerree  ffiilleess
     rreeffeerreenncceedd  bbyy  iittss  aassssoocciiaatteedd  ccssccooppee ddaattaabbaassee mmaayy bbee

     TThhee ffiinndd ssuubbccoommmmaanndd iiss oonnee ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg::

     c        Find callers of the name.
     d        Find all function calls made from name.
     e        Find pattern.
     f        Find files with name as substring.
     g        Find definition of name.
     i        Find files #including name.
     s        Find all uses of name.
     t        Find assignments to name.

::ccss[[ccooppee]] hh[[eellpp]] [[ccoommmmaanndd]]
     List the ccssccooppee commands, or optionally list usage help
     for any single ccssccooppee command.

::ddiissppllaayy cc[[oonnnneeccttiioonnss]]
     Display  the  list  of ccssccooppee databases to which nnvvii is
     currently connected.

::ccss[[ccooppee]] kk[[iillll]] ##
     Disconnect from a specific ccssccooppee database.   The  con-
     nection  number  is the one displayed by the eexx ddiissppllaayy
     ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss command.

::ccss[[ccooppee]] rr[[eesseett]]
     Disconnect from all attached ccssccooppee databases.

     Cscope is not freely redistributable software,  but  is
fairly inexpensive and easily available.  To purchase a copy
of   ccssccooppee,   see   http://www.att.com/ssg/products/toolch-

99..  RReegguullaarr EExxpprreessssiioonnss aanndd RReeppllaacceemmeenntt SSttrriinnggss

     Regular  expressions are used in line addresses, as the
first part of the eexx ssuubbssttiittuuttee, gglloobbaall, and vv commands, and
in search patterns.

     The  regular  expressions  supported  by  eexx/vvii are, by
default, the Basic Regular Expressions (BRE's) described  in
the  IEEE POSIX Standard 1003.2.  The eexxtteennddeedd option causes
all regular expressions to be interpreted  as  the  Extended

UUSSDD::1133--1166                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

Regular  Expressions (ERE's) described by the same standard.
(See _r_e___f_o_r_m_a_t(7) for more information.)   Generally  speak-
ing,  BRE's  are  the Regular Expressions found in _e_d(1) and
_g_r_e_p(1), and ERE's are  the  Regular  Expressions  found  in

     The  following is not intended to provide a description
of Regular Expressions.  The information here only describes
strings  and  characters  which have special meanings in the
eexx/vvii version of RE's, or options which change the  meanings
of characters that normally have special meanings in RE's.

 (1)   An empty RE (e.g.  "//" or "??"  is equivalent to the
       last RE used.

 (2)   The construct "\<" matches the beginning of a word.

 (3)   The construct "\>" matches the end of a word.

 (4)   The character "~" matches the replacement part of the
       last ssuubbssttiittuuttee command.

     When  the  mmaaggiicc option is _n_o_t set, the only characters
with special meanings are a "^_" _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _a_t  _t_h_e  _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g
_o_f  _a_n  _R_E_,  _a  _"_$"  character  at the end of an RE, and the
escaping character "\_"_.  _T_h_e _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s _"_.",  "*_"_,  _"_["  and
"~_"  _a_r_e _t_r_e_a_t_e_d _a_s _o_r_d_i_n_a_r_y _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s _u_n_l_e_s_s _p_r_e_c_e_d_e_d _b_y _a
_"_\"; when preceded by a "\_" _t_h_e_y _r_e_g_a_i_n _t_h_e_i_r _s_p_e_c_i_a_l  _m_e_a_n_-

     Replacement strings are the second part of a ssuubbssttiittuuttee

     The character "&" (or "\&" if the mmaaggiicc option  is  _n_o_t
set)  in  the replacement string stands for the text matched
by the RE that is being replaced.   The  character  "~_"  _(_o_r
_"_\_~" if the mmaaggiicc option is _n_o_t set) stands for the replace-
ment part of the previous ssuubbssttiittuuttee command.   It  is  only
valid after a ssuubbssttiittuuttee command has been performed.

     The  string  "\#", where "#" is an integer value from 1
to 9, stands for the text matched by the portion of  the  RE
enclosed  in  the  "#"'th  set  of escaped parentheses, e.g.
"\(" and "\)".  For  example,  "s/abc\(.*\)def/\1/"  deletes
the strings "abc" and "def" from the matched pattern.

     The  strings  "\l",  "\u", "\L" and "\U" can be used to
modify the case of elements in the replacement string.   The
string  "\l"  causes  the  next character to be converted to
lowercase; the string "\u" behaves similarly,  but  converts
to  uppercase (e.g.  s/abc/\U&/ replaces the string abc with
ABC).  The string "\L" causes characters up to  the  end  of
the  string  or  the  next occurrence of the strings "\e" or

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--1177

"\E" to be converted to lowercase; the string  "\U"  behaves
similarly, but converts to uppercase.

     If the entire replacement pattern is "%", then the last
replacement pattern is used again.

     In vvii, inserting a  <control-M>  iinnttoo  tthhee  rreeppllaacceemmeenntt
ssttrriinngg  wwiillll  ccaauussee  tthhee  mmaattcchheedd  lliinnee ttoo bbee sspplliitt iinnttoo ttwwoo
lliinneess aatt tthhaatt ppooiinntt..  ((TThhee <<ccoonnttrrooll--MM>> will be discarded.)

1100..  SSccrriippttiinngg LLaanngguuaaggeess

     The nnvvii editor currently supports  two  scripting  lan-
guages,  Tcl/Tk  and  Perl5.   (Note that Perl4 isn't suffi-
cient, and that the Perl5 must be version  5.002  or  later.
See the "BBuuiillddiinngg NNvvii" section for more information.

     The  scripting language interface is still being worked
on, therefore the following information is  probably  incom-
plete,  probably  wrong in cases, and likely to change.  See
the perl_api and tcl_api source directories for more  infor-
mation.   As a quick reference, the following function calls
are provided for both the Perl and Tcl interfaces.  The Perl
interface  uses a slightly different naming convention, e.g.
``viFindScreen'' is named ``VI::FindScreen''.

vviiFFiinnddSSccrreeeenn ffiillee
     Return the screenIdaassssoocciiaatteedd ffiillee.

vviiAAppppeennddLLiinnee ssccrreeeennIIdd lliinneeNNuummbbeerr tteexxtt
     Append text aass aa nneeww lliinnee aafftteerr lliinnee nnuummbbeerr lliinneeNNuummbbeerr,
     in the screen screenId..

vviiDDeellLLiinnee ssccrreeeennIIdd lliinneeNNuumm
     Delete the line lineNumber ffrroomm tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiGGeettLLiinnee ssccrreeeennIIdd lliinneeNNuummbbeerr
     Return the line lineNumber ffrroomm tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiIInnsseerrttLLiinnee ssccrreeeennIIdd lliinneeNNuummbbeerr tteexxtt
     Insert text aass aa nneeww lliinnee bbeeffoorree lliinnee nnuummbbeerr lliinneeNNuummbbeerr
     in the screen screenId..

vviiLLaassttLLiinnee ssccrreeeennIIdd
     Return the line number of the last line in  the  screen

vviiSSeettLLiinnee ssccrreeeennIIdd lliinneeNNuummbbeerr tteexxtt
     Change  the  line  lineNumber iinn tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd to
     match the specified text..

vviiGGeettMMaarrkk ssccrreeeennIIdd mmaarrkk
     Return the current line and column  for  the  specified

UUSSDD::1133--1188                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

     mark ffrroomm tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiSSeettMMaarrkk ssccrreeeennIIdd mmaarrkk lliinnee ccoolluummnn
     Set  the specified mark ttoo bbee aatt lliinnee lliinnee, column col-
     umn,, iinn tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiGGeettCCuurrssoorr ssccrreeeennIIdd
     Return the current line and column for  the  cursor  in
     the screen screenId..

vviiSSeettCCuurrssoorr ssccrreeeennIIdd lliinnee ccoolluummnn
     Set  the cursor in the screen screenId ttoo tthhee ssppeecciiffiieedd
     lliinnee and column..

vviiMMssgg ssccrreeeennIIdd tteexxtt
     Display the specified text  aass  aa  vvii  mmeessssaaggee  iinn  tthhee
     ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiNNeewwSSccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd [[ffiillee]]
     Create a new screen.

vviiEEnnddSSccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd
     Exit the screen screenId..

vviiSSwwiittcchhSSccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd ssccrreeeennIIdd
     Switch from the screen screenId ttoo tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiMMaappKKeeyy ssccrreeeennIIdd kkeeyy ttccllpprroocc
     Map the specified key iinn tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd to the Tcl
     procedure tclproc..

vviiUUnnmmMMaappKKeeyy ssccrreeeennIIdd kkeeyy
     Unmap the specified key iinn tthhee ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd

vviiGGeettOOpptt ssccrreeeennIIdd ooppttiioonn
     Return  the  value  of  the  specified  option ffrroomm tthhee
     ssccrreeeenn ssccrreeeennIIdd.

vviiSSeettOOpptt ssccrreeeennIIdd ccoommmmaanndd
     Set one or more options in the screen screenId..

1111..  GGeenneerraall EEddiittoorr DDeessccrriippttiioonn

     When eexx or vvii are executed, the text of a file is  read
(or  a  temporary  file  is  created),  and then all editing
changes happen within the context of the copy of  the  file.
_N_o  _c_h_a_n_g_e_s _a_f_f_e_c_t _t_h_e _a_c_t_u_a_l _f_i_l_e _u_n_t_i_l _t_h_e _f_i_l_e _i_s _w_r_i_t_t_e_n
_o_u_t, either using a write command or another  command  which
is affected by the aauuttoowwrriittee option.

     All  files  are  locked (using the _f_l_o_c_k(2) or _f_c_n_t_l(2)
interfaces) during the edit session, to avoid  inadvertently
making  modifications  to multiple copies of the file.  If a

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--1199

lock cannot be obtained for a file because it is  locked  by
another  process,  the  edit session is read-only (as if the
rreeaaddoonnllyy option or the --RR flag had been  specified).   If  a
lock  cannot be obtained for other reasons, the edit session
will continue, but the  file  status  information  (see  the
<<ccoonnttrrooll--GG>> command) will reflect this fact.

     Both  eexx and vvii are modeful editors, i.e. they have two
modes, "command" mode and "text input" mode.  The former  is
intended  to  permit  you  to  enter commands which modifies
already existing text.  The latter is intended to permit you
to  enter  new text.  When eexx first starts running, it is in
command mode, and usually displays a prompt (see the  pprroommpptt
option  for more information).  The prompt is a single colon
(":"")) cchhaarraacctteerr..  TThheerree aarree tthhrreeee ccoommmmaannddss  tthhaatt  sswwiittcchh  eexx
iinnttoo  tteexxtt  iinnppuutt  mmooddee:: aappppeenndd,, cchhaannggee aanndd iinnsseerrtt..  OOnnccee iinn
iinnppuutt mmooddee,, eenntteerriinngg aa lliinnee ccoonnttaaiinniinngg oonnllyy aa ssiinnggllee  ppeerriioodd
((""..""))   eennddss  tteexxtt  iinnppuutt  mmooddee aanndd rreettuurrnnss ttoo ccoommmmaanndd mmooddee,,
wwhheerree tthhee pprroommpptt iiss rreeddiissppllaayyeedd..

     When vvii first starts running, it is in command mode  as
well.   There  are  eleven commands that switch vvii into text
input mode: AA, aa, CC, cc, II, ii, OO, oo, RR, SS  and  ss.   Once  in
input  mode,  entering an <escape> cchhaarraacctteerr eennddss tteexxtt iinnppuutt
mmooddee aanndd rreettuurrnnss ttoo ccoommmmaanndd mmooddee..

     EExx/vvii present three different interfaces to  editing  a
file.  EExx presents a line oriented interface.  VVii presents a
full  screen  display  oriented  interface,  also  known  as
"visual  mode".   In  addition, there is a third mode, "open
mode", which is line oriented, but supports cursor  movement
and  editing  within the displayed line, similarly to visual
mode.  Open mode is not yet implemented in nnvvii.

     The following words have special meanings in  both  the
eexx and vvii command descriptions:

     The  interrupt  character is used to interrupt the cur-
     rent operation.  Normally <control-C>,, wwhhaatteevveerr cchhaarraacc--
     tteerr iiss sseett ffoorr tthhee ccuurrrreenntt tteerrmmiinnaall iiss uusseedd..

     The literal next character is used to escape the subse-
     quent character from any special meaning.  This charac-
     ter  is always <control-V>..  IIff tthhee tteerrmmiinnaall iiss nnoott sseett
     uupp ttoo ddoo XXOONN//XXOOFFFF ffllooww  ccoonnttrrooll,,  tthheenn  <<ccoonnttrrooll--QQ>>  is
     used to mean literal next as well.

ccuurrrreenntt ppaatthhnnaammee
     The  pathname of the file currently being edited by vi.
     When the percent character ("%"")) aappppeeaarrss iinn aa ffiillee nnaammee
     eenntteerreedd  aass  ppaarrtt  ooff  aann  eexx  ccoommmmaanndd  aarrgguummeenntt,, iitt iiss

UUSSDD::1133--2200                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

     rreeppllaacceedd bbyy tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppaatthhnnaammee..  ((TThhee  ""%%""  cchhaarraacctteerr
     ccaann bbee eessccaappeedd bbyy pprreecceeddiinngg iitt wwiitthh aa bbaacckkssllaasshh..))

aalltteerrnnaattee ppaatthhnnaammee
     The  name of the last file name mentioned in an eexx com-
     mand, or, the previous current  pathname  if  the  last
     file mentioned becomes the current file.  When the hash
     mark character ("#"")) aappppeeaarrss iinn aa ffiillee nnaammee eenntteerreedd  aass
     ppaarrtt  ooff  aann eexx ccoommmmaanndd aarrgguummeenntt,, iitt iiss rreeppllaacceedd bbyy tthhee
     aalltteerrnnaattee ppaatthhnnaammee..  ((TThhee ""##"" cchhaarraacctteerr ccaann bbee  eessccaappeedd
     bbyy pprreecceeddiinngg iitt wwiitthh aa bbaacckkssllaasshh..))

     One  of  a  number  of named areas for saving copies of
     text.  Commands that change or delete text can save the
     changed  or  deleted  text  into a specific buffer, for
     later use, if the command allows it (i.e. the eexx cchhaannggee
     command  cannot  save  the  changed  text  in  a  named
     buffer).  Buffers are named with  a  single  character,
     preceded  by  a  double quote, e.g.  "<character> iinn vvii
     aanndd wwiitthhoouutt tthhee ddoouubbllee qquuoottee,, ee..gg..  <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>,, iinn eexx..
     ((TThhee  ddoouubbllee  qquuoottee  iissnn''tt  nneecceessssaarryy  ffoorr  eexx  bbeeccaauussee
     bbuuffffeerrss nnaammeess aarree ddeennootteedd bbyy tthheeiirr ppoossiittiioonn iinn tthhee ccoomm--
     mmaanndd  lliinnee..))  HHiissttoorriicc iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonnss ooff eexx//vvii lliimmiitteedd
     <<cchhaarraacctteerr>> ttoo  tthhee  aallpphhaannuummeerriicc  cchhaarraacctteerrss;;  nneexx//nnvvii
     ppeerrmmiittss  tthhee uussee ooff aannyy cchhaarraacctteerr wwiitthhoouutt aannootthheerr mmeeaann--
     iinngg iinn tthhee ppoossiittiioonn wwhheerree aa bbuuffffeerr nnaammee iiss eexxppeecctteedd..

     BBuuffffeerrss nnaammeedd bbyy uuppppeerrccaassee cchhaarraacctteerrss aarree tthhee  ssaammee  aass
     bbuuffffeerrss  nnaammeedd bbyy lloowweerrccaassee cchhaarraacctteerrss,, ee..gg.. tthhee bbuuffffeerr
     nnaammeedd bbyy tthhee EEnngglliisshh cchhaarraacctteerr ""AA"" iiss tthhee ssaammee  aass  tthhee
     bbuuffffeerr  nnaammeedd  bbyy tthhee cchhaarraacctteerr ""aa"",, wwiitthh tthhee eexxcceeppttiioonn
     tthhaatt,, iiff tthhee bbuuffffeerr ccoonntteennttss aarree bbeeiinngg cchhaannggeedd ((aass wwiitthh
     aa  tteexxtt  ddeelleettiioonn  oorr  vvii  cchhaannggee ccoommmmaanndd)),, tthhee tteexxtt iiss
     _a_p_p_e_n_d_e_d ttoo tthhee bbuuffffeerr,, iinnsstteeaadd ooff rreeppllaacciinngg  tthhee  ccuurr--
     rreenntt ccoonntteennttss..

     TThhee   bbuuffffeerrss  nnaammeedd  bbyy  tthhee  nnuummeerriicc  cchhaarraacctteerrss  ((iinn
     EEnngglliisshh,, ""11_" _t_h_r_o_u_g_h _"_9"")),, aarree ssppeecciiaall..  IIff aa rreeggiioonn ooff
     tteexxtt iinncclluuddiinngg cchhaarraacctteerrss ffrroomm mmoorree tthhaann oonnee lliinnee,, oorr aa
     ssiinnggllee lliinnee ooff tteexxtt ssppeecciiffiieedd bbyy uussiinngg aa  lliinnee--oorriieenntteedd
     mmoottiioonn,,  iiss cchhaannggeedd oorr ddeelleetteedd iinn tthhee ffiillee uussiinngg tthhee vvii
     cchhaannggee oorr ddeelleettee ccoommmmaannddss,, aa ccooppyy ooff tthhee tteexxtt iiss ppllaacceedd
     iinnttoo  tthhee  nnuummeerriicc  bbuuffffeerr  ""11"",, rreeggaarrddlleessss ooff tthhee uusseerr
     ssppeecciiffyyiinngg aannootthheerr bbuuffffeerr iinn  wwhhiicchh  ttoo  ssaavvee  iitt..   IInn
     aaddddiittiioonn,,  tthheerree aarree aa ffeeww ccoommmmaannddss wwhhiicchh,, wwhheenn uusseedd aass
     aa mmoottiioonn wwiitthh tthhee vvii cchhaannggee aanndd ddeelleettee ccoommmmaannddss,, _a_l_w_a_y_s
     ccooppyy  tthhee  ssppeecciiffiieedd  rreeggiioonn  ooff  tteexxtt iinnttoo tthhee nnuummeerriicc
     bbuuffffeerrss rreeggaarrddlleessss ooff tthhee rreeggiioonn  iinncclluuddiinngg  cchhaarraacctteerrss
     ffrroomm mmoorree tthhaann oonnee lliinnee..  TThheessee ccoommmmaannddss aarree::

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--2211

      <<ccoonnttrrooll--AA>>   %%   ((   ))
     ``<<cchhaarraacctteerr>>   //   ??   NN
                nn   {{   }}

     Before  this  copy  is  done,  the previous contents of
     buffer "1"" aarree mmoovveedd iinnttoo bbuuffffeerr ""22", "2""  iinnttoo  bbuuffffeerr
     ""33",  and  so  on.  The contents of buffer "9"" aarree ddiiss--
     ccaarrddeedd..  IInn vvii,, tteexxtt mmaayy bbee eexxpplliicciittllyy ssttoorreedd iinnttoo  tthhee
     nnuummeerriicc  bbuuffffeerrss..   IInn  tthhiiss  ccaassee,, tthhee bbuuffffeerr rroottaattiioonn
     ddeessccrriibbeedd aabboovvee ooccccuurrss bbeeffoorree tthhee  rreeppllaacceemmeenntt  ooff  tthhee
     bbuuffffeerr''ss ccoonntteennttss..  TThhee nnuummeerriicc bbuuffffeerrss aarree oonnllyy aavvaaiill--
     aabbllee iinn vviissuuaall aanndd ooppeenn mmooddeess,, aanndd aarree  nnoott  aacccceessssiibbllee
     bbyy  eexx iinn aannyy wwaayy,, aalltthhoouugghh cchhaannggeedd aanndd ddeelleetteedd tteexxtt iiss
     ssttiillll ssttoorreedd tthheerree wwhhiillee iinn eexx mmooddee..

     WWhheenn aa vvii ccoommmmaanndd ssyynnooppssiiss sshhoowwss bbootthh aa [[bbuuffffeerr]] aanndd  aa
     [[ccoouunntt]],, tthheeyy mmaayy bbee pprreesseenntteedd iinn aannyy oorrddeerr..

     FFiinnaallllyy,,  aallll  bbuuffffeerrss aarree eeiitthheerr ""lliinnee"" oorr ""cchhaarraacctteerr""
     oorriieenntteedd..   AAllll  eexx  ccoommmmaannddss  wwhhiicchh  ssttoorree  tteexxtt  iinnttoo
     bbuuffffeerrss  aarree  lliinnee  oorriieenntteedd..   SSoommee  vvii ccoommmmaannddss wwhhiicchh
     ssttoorree tteexxtt iinnttoo bbuuffffeerrss aarree lliinnee oorriieenntteedd,, aanndd ssoommee aarree
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd;; tthhee ddeessccrriippttiioonn ffoorr eeaacchh aapppplliiccaabbllee
     vvii ccoommmmaanndd nnootteess wwhheetthheerr tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo bbuuffffeerrss uussiinngg
     tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd  iiss  lliinnee oorr cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..  IInn aaddddii--
     ttiioonn,, tthhee vvii ccoommmmaanndd ddiissppllaayy bbuuffffeerrss ddiissppllaayyss tthhee  ccuurr--
     rreenntt  oorriieennttaattiioonn ffoorr eeaacchh bbuuffffeerr..  GGeenneerraallllyy,, tthhee oonnllyy
     iimmppoorrttaannccee aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthhiiss oorriieennttaattiioonn iiss tthhaatt iiff  tthhee
     bbuuffffeerr  iiss  ssuubbsseeqquueennttllyy  iinnsseerrtteedd  iinnttoo tthhee tteexxtt,, lliinnee
     oorriieenntteedd bbuuffffeerrss ccrreeaattee nneeww lliinneess ffoorr eeaacchh ooff tthhee lliinneess
     tthheeyy ccoonnttaaiinn,, aanndd cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd bbuuffffeerrss ccrreeaattee nneeww
     lliinneess ffoorr aannyy lliinneess _o_t_h_e_r tthhaann tthhee ffiirrsstt aanndd llaasstt lliinneess
     tthheeyy  ccoonnttaaiinn..   TThhee  ffiirrsstt aanndd llaasstt lliinneess aarree iinnsseerrtteedd
     iinnttoo tthhee tteexxtt aatt tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ccuurrssoorr ppoossiittiioonn,,  bbeeccoommiinngg
     ppaarrtt  ooff  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee..  IIff tthheerree iiss mmoorree tthhaann oonnee
     lliinnee iinn tthhee bbuuffffeerr,, hhoowweevveerr,, tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee  iittsseellff
     wwiillll bbee sspplliitt..

uunnnnaammeedd bbuuffffeerr
     The unnamed buffer is a text storage area which is used
     by commands that use or operate on  a  buffer  when  no
     buffer is specified by the user.  If the command stores
     text into a buffer, the text is stored into the unnamed
     buffer  even if a buffer is also specified by the user.
     It is not  possible  to  append  text  to  the  unnamed
     buffer.   If  text  is  appended to a named buffer, the
     named buffer contains both the old and new text,  while
     the  unnamed  buffer contains only the new text.  There
     is no way to explicitly reference the unnamed buffer.

     Historically, the contents of the unnamed  buffer  were

UUSSDD::1133--2222                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

     discarded  by  many  different commands, even ones that
     didn't store text into it.  NNeexx/nnvvii never discards  the
     contents  of the unnamed buffer until new text replaces

     The characters <tab> and <space>.

     The character  represented  by  an  ASCII  <control-M>..
     TThhiiss  cchhaarraacctteerr iiss aallmmoosstt aallwwaayyss ttrreeaatteedd iiddeennttiiccaallllyy ttoo
     aa <<nneewwlliinnee>> character, but differs in that  it  can  be
     escaped into the file text or into a command.

     The  character  represented  by  an  ASCII <control-J>..
     TThhiiss cchhaarraacctteerr iiss aallmmoosstt aallwwaayyss ttrreeaatteedd iiddeennttiiccaallllyy  ttoo
     aa  <<ccoonnttrrooll--MM>> character, but differs in that it cannot
     be escaped into the file text or into a command.

1122..  VVii DDeessccrriippttiioonn

     VVii takes up the entire screen  to  display  the  edited
file,  except for the bottom line of the screen.  The bottom
line of the screen is used to enter eexx commands, and for  vvii
error  and  informational messages.  If no other information
is being displayed, the default display can show the current
cursor  row  and cursor column, an indication of whether the
file has been modified, and the current mode of the  editor.
See the rruulleerr and sshhoowwmmooddee options for more information.

     Empty  lines  do not have any special representation on
the screen, but lines on the  screen  that  would  logically
come  after  the  end  of the file are displayed as a single
tilde ("~") character.  To differentiate between empty lines
and  lines consisting of only whitespace characters, use the
lliisstt option.  Historically, implementations of vvii have  also
displayed  some  lines  as single asterisk ("@"")) cchhaarraacctteerrss..
TThheessee wweerree lliinneess tthhaatt wweerree  nnoott  ccoorrrreeccttllyy  ddiissppllaayyeedd,,  ii..ee..
lliinneess  oonn tthhee ssccrreeeenn tthhaatt ddiidd nnoott ccoorrrreessppoonndd ttoo lliinneess iinn tthhee
ffiillee,, oorr lliinneess tthhaatt ddiidd nnoott ffiitt oonn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ssccrreeeenn..   NNvvii
nneevveerr ddiissppllaayyss lliinneess iinn tthhiiss ffaasshhiioonn..

     VVii  is  a  modeful editor, i.e. it has two modes, "com-
mand" mode and "text input" mode.  When vvii first starts,  it
is  in command mode.  There are several commands that change
vvii into text input mode.  The <escape> cchhaarraacctteerr iiss uusseedd  ttoo
rreessoollvvee  tthhee  tteexxtt  iinnppuutt  iinnttoo tthhee ffiillee,, aanndd eexxiitt bbaacckk iinnttoo
ccoommmmaanndd mmooddee..  IInn vvii ccoommmmaanndd  mmooddee,,  tthhee  ccuurrssoorr  iiss  aallwwaayyss
ppoossiittiioonneedd  oonn  tthhee  llaasstt ccoolluummnn ooff cchhaarraacctteerrss wwhhiicchh ttaakkee uupp
mmoorree tthhaann oonnee ccoolluummnn oonn tthhee ssccrreeeenn..  IInn vvii tteexxtt iinnsseerrtt mmooddee,,
tthhee  ccuurrssoorr  iiss ppoossiittiioonneedd oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt ccoolluummnn ooff cchhaarraacctteerrss
wwhhiicchh ttaakkee uupp mmoorree tthhaann oonnee ccoolluummnn oonn tthhee ssccrreeeenn..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--2233

     When positioning the cursor to a new line  and  column,
the  type  of movement is defined by the distance to the new
cursor position.  If the new position is close,  the  screen
is scrolled to the new location.  If the new position is far
away, the screen is repainted so that the new position is on
the  screen.  If the screen is scrolled, it is moved a mini-
mal amount, and the cursor line will usually appear  at  the
top  or  bottom  of the screen.  If the screen is repainted,
the cursor line will appear in the  center  of  the  screen,
unless  the cursor is sufficiently close to the beginning or
end of the file that this isn't possible.  If the  lleeffttrriigghhtt
option  is set, the screen may be scrolled or repainted in a
horizontal direction as well as in a vertical one.

     A major difference between the historical vvii  presenta-
tion  and  nnvvii is in the scrolling and screen oriented posi-
tion commands, <<ccoonnttrrooll--BB>>, <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>, <<ccoonnttrrooll--EE>>,  <<ccoonn--
ttrrooll--FF>>,  <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>>, <<ccoonnttrrooll--YY>>, HH, LL and MM.  In histori-
cal implementations of vvii, these commands acted on  physical
(as  opposed  to  logical, or screen) lines.  For lines that
were sufficiently long  in  relation  to  the  size  of  the
screen,  this  meant  that single line scroll commands might
repaint the entire screen, scrolling or  screen  positioning
commands  might  not change the screen or move the cursor at
all, and some lines simply  could  not  be  displayed,  even
though  vvii would edit the file that contained them.  In nnvvii,
these commands act on logical, i.e. screen lines.   You  are
unlikely  to  notice  any  difference unless you are editing
files with lines significantly longer than a screen width.

     VVii keeps track of the currently "most attractive"  cur-
sor  position.   Each command description (for commands that
alter the current cursor position), specifies if the  cursor
is set to a specific location in the line, or if it is moved
to the "most attractive cursor position".  The latter  means
that the cursor is moved to the cursor position that is hor-
izontally as close as possible to the current  cursor  posi-
tion.   If the current line is shorter than the cursor posi-
tion vvii would select, the cursor is positioned on  the  last
character in the line.  (If the line is empty, the cursor is
positioned on the first column of the line.)  If  a  command
moves  the  cursor  to the most attractive position, it does
not alter the current  cursor  position,  and  a  subsequent
movement will again attempt to move the cursor to that posi-
tion.  Therefore, although a movement to a line shorter than
the currently most attractive position will cause the cursor
to move to the end of that line, a subsequent movement to  a
longer  line  will cause the cursor to move back to the most
attractive position.

     In addition, the $$ command makes the end of  each  line
the  most  attractive cursor position rather than a specific

UUSSDD::1133--2244                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Each vvii command described below notes where the  cursor
ends up after it is executed.  This position is described in
terms of characters on the line, i.e.  "the previous charac-
ter",  or,  "the  last  character  in the line".  This is to
avoid needing to continually refer to on what  part  of  the
character the cursor rests.

     The  following  words  have special meaning for vvii com-

pprreevviioouuss ccoonntteexxtt
     The position of the cursor  before  the  command  which
     caused  the  last absolute movement was executed.  Each
     vvii command described in the next section that  is  con-
     sidered an absolute movement is so noted.  In addition,
     specifying _a_n_y address to an eexx command  is  considered
     an absolute movement.

     A second vvii command can be used as an optional trailing
     argument to the vvii <<, >>, !!, cc, dd, yy, and (depending  on
     the ttiillddeeoopp option) ~~ commands.  This command indicates
     the end of the region of text that's  affected  by  the
     command.   The motion command may be either the command
     character repeated (in which case it means the  current
     line)  or  a  cursor  movement  command.  In the latter
     case, the region affected by the command  is  from  the
     starting  or stopping cursor position which comes first
     in the file, to  immediately  before  the  starting  or
     stopping cursor position which comes later in the file.
     Commands that operate on lines instead of using  begin-
     ning  and ending cursor positions operate on all of the
     lines that are wholly or partially in the  region.   In
     addition,  some  other  commands  become  line oriented
     depending on where in the text they are used.  The com-
     mand descriptions below note these special cases.

     The following commands may all be used as motion compo-
     nents for vvii commands:

     <control-A>    <control-H>   <control-J>   <control-M>
     <control-N>    <control-P>       <space>             $
               %   '<character>             (             )
               +              ,             -             /
               0              ;             ?             B
               E              F             G             H
               L              M             N             T
               W             [[            ]]             ^
               _   `<character>             b             e

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--2255

               f              h             j             k
               l              n             t             w
               {              |             }

     The optional count prefix available for some of the  vvii
     commands that take motion commands, or the count prefix
     available for the vvii commands that are used  as  motion
     components,  may  be  included and is _a_l_w_a_y_s considered
     part of the motion argument.  For example, the commands
     "c2w_" _a_n_d _"_2_c_w" are equivalent, and the region affected
     by the cc command is two words of text.  In addition, if
     the  optional count prefix is specified for both the vvii
     command and its motion component, the effect is  multi-
     plicative  and  is  considered part of the motion argu-
     ment.  For example, the commands "4cw"" aanndd  ""22cc22ww"  are
     equivalent, and the region affected by the cc command is
     four words of text.

     A positive number used as an optional argument to  most
     commands, either to give a size or a position (for dis-
     play or movement commands), or as a repeat  count  (for
     commands  that  modify  text).   The  count argument is
     always optional and  defaults  to  1  unless  otherwise
     noted in the command description.

     When  a  vvii  command synopsis shows both a [buffer] aanndd
     [[ccoouunntt]], they may be presented in any order.

     Generally, in languages where it is applicable, vvii rec-
     ognizes  two kinds of words.  First, a sequence of let-
     ters, digits and underscores, delimited  at  both  ends
     by:  characters  other  than letters, digits, or under-
     scores, the beginning or end of a line, and the  begin-
     ning or end of the file.  Second, a sequence of charac-
     ters  other  than  letters,  digits,  underscores,   or
     whitespace  characters,  delimited  at  both ends by: a
     letter, digit, underscore, or whitespace character, the
     beginning or end of a line, and the beginning or end of
     the file.  For example, the characters  "  !@#abc$%^  ""
     ccoonnttaaiinn tthhrreeee wwoorrddss:: ""!!@@##", "abc"" aanndd ""$$%%^^".

     Groups of empty lines (or lines containing only whites-
     pace characters) are treated as a single word.

     A set of non-whitespace characters  preceded  and  fol-
     lowed  by whitespace characters or the beginning or end
     of the file or line.  For  example,  the  characters  "
     !@#abc$%^ "" ccoonnttaaiinn oonnee bbiiggwwoorrdd:: ""!!@@##aabbcc$$%%^^".

UUSSDD::1133--2266                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Groups of empty lines (or lines containing only whites-
     pace characters) are treated as a single bigword.

     An area of text that begins with either  the  beginning
     of  a  file,  an empty line, or a section boundary, and
     continues until either an empty line, section boundary,
     or the end of the file.

     Groups of empty lines (or lines containing only whites-
     pace characters) are treated as a single paragraph.

     Additional paragraph boundaries can  be  defined  using
     the ppaarraaggrraapphhss option.

     An  area  of text that starts with the beginning of the
     file or a line whose first character is an  open  brace
     ("{""))  aanndd  ccoonnttiinnuueess uunnttiill tthhee nneexxtt sseeccttiioonn oorr tthhee eenndd
     ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     AAddddiittiioonnaall sseeccttiioonn bboouunnddaarriieess ccaann bbee ddeeffiinneedd uussiinngg  tthhee
     sseeccttiioonnss ooppttiioonn..

     An  area  of text that begins with either the beginning
     of the file or the first nonblank  character  following
     the  previous  sentence, paragraph, or section boundary
     and continues until the end of the  file  or  a  period
     (".""))   eexxccllaammaattiioonn ppooiinntt ((""!!")  or question mark ("?""))
     cchhaarraacctteerr,, ffoolllloowweedd bbyy eeiitthheerr  aann  eenndd--ooff--lliinnee  oorr  ttwwoo
     wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss..  AAnnyy nnuummbbeerr ooff cclloossiinngg ppaarreenntthhee--
     sseess ((""))"), brackets ("]"")),, ddoouubbllee--qquuoottee ((""""") or single
     quote  ("'""))  cchhaarraacctteerrss ccaann aappppeeaarr bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ppeerriioodd,,
     eexxccllaammaattiioonn ppooiinntt,, oorr qquueessttiioonn mmaarrkk aanndd tthhee  wwhhiitteessppaaccee
     cchhaarraacctteerrss oorr eenndd--ooff--lliinnee..

     GGrroouuppss ooff eemmppttyy lliinneess ((oorr lliinneess ccoonnttaaiinniinngg oonnllyy wwhhiitteess--
     ppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss)) aarree ttrreeaatteedd aass aa ssiinnggllee sseenntteennccee..

1133..  VVii CCoommmmaannddss

     The following section describes the commands  available
in  the command mode of the vvii editor.  In each entry below,
the tag line is a usage synopsis for the command  character.
In  addition,  the  final  line  and column the cursor rests
upon, and any options which affect the command are noted.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--AA>>
     Search forward count ttiimmeess ffoorr tthhee ccuurrrreenntt  wwoorrdd..   TThhee
     ccuurrrreenntt wwoorrdd bbeeggiinnss aatt tthhee ffiirrsstt nnoonn--wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacc--
     tteerr oonn  oorr  aafftteerr  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ccuurrssoorr  ppoossiittiioonn,,  aanndd
     eexxtteennddss uupp ttoo tthhee nneexxtt nnoonn--wwoorrdd cchhaarraacctteerr oorr tthhee eenndd ooff

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--2277

     tthhee lliinnee..  TThhee sseeaarrcchh iiss lliitteerraall,, ii..ee.. nnoo cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn
     tthhee  wwoorrdd  hhaavvee aannyy ssppeecciiaall mmeeaanniinngg iinn tteerrmmss ooff RReegguullaarr
     EExxpprreessssiioonnss..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff nnoo mmaattcchhiinngg ppaatttteerrnn  iiss
     ffoouunndd  bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg ppoossiittiioonn aanndd tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee

     TThhee <<ccoonnttrrooll--AA>> ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee  mmoovveemmeenntt..   TThhee
     <<ccoonnttrrooll--AA>> ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt
     ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh  ccaassee  aannyy  tteexxtt  ccooppiieedd
     iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the line where the word is found.
     Column:  Set to the first character of the word.
     Options: Affected   by   the  iiggnnoorreeccaassee  and  wwrraappssccaann

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--BB>>
     Page backward count ssccrreeeennss..  TTwwoo lliinneess ooff oovveerrllaapp  aarree
     mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd,,  iiff  ppoossssiibbllee,,  bbyy  ddiissppllaayyiinngg  tthhee  wwiinnddooww
     ssttaarrttiinngg aatt lliinnee ((ttoopp__lliinnee -- ccoouunntt ** wwiinnddooww__ssiizzee)) ++  22,
     where  window_size  iiss  tthhee vvaalluuee ooff tthhee wwiinnddooww ooppttiioonn..
     ((IInn tthhee ccaassee ooff sspplliitt ssccrreeeennss,, tthhiiss ssiizzee  iiss  ccoorrrreecctteedd
     ttoo  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ssccrreeeenn  ssiizzee..))  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee
     mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     Line:    Set to the last line of text displayed on  the
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character of the
     Options: Affected by the wwiinnddooww option.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>
     Scroll forward count lliinneess..  IIff ccoouunntt is not specified,
     scroll  forward  the  number  of lines specified by the
     last <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>> or <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>> command.   If  this  is
     the  first  <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>  or <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>> command, scroll
     forward half the number of lines in  the  screen.   (In
     the  case  of split screens, the default scrolling dis-
     tance is corrected to half the  current  screen  size.)
     It  is  an error if the movement is past the end of the

     Line:    Set to the current line  plus  the  number  of
              lines scrolled.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character of the
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--EE>>
     Scroll forward count lliinneess,, lleeaavviinngg tthhee ccuurrssoorr  oonn  tthhee
     ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee  aanndd ccoolluummnn,, iiff ppoossssiibbllee..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr
     iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee ffiillee..

UUSSDD::1133--2288                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Line:    Unchanged unless the current line scrolls  off
              the  screen,  in  which  case it is set to the
              first line on the screen.
     Column:  Unchanged unless the current line scrolls  off
              the  screen,  in  which  case it is set to the
              most attractive cursor position.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--FF>>
     Page forward count ssccrreeeennss..  TTwwoo lliinneess ooff  oovveerrllaapp  aarree
     mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd,,  iiff  ppoossssiibbllee,,  bbyy  ddiissppllaayyiinngg  tthhee  wwiinnddooww
     ssttaarrttiinngg aatt lliinnee ttoopp__lliinnee ++ ccoouunntt **  wwiinnddooww__ssiizzee  --  22,
     where  window_size  iiss  tthhee vvaalluuee ooff tthhee wwiinnddooww ooppttiioonn..
     ((IInn tthhee ccaassee ooff sspplliitt ssccrreeeennss,, tthhiiss ssiizzee  iiss  ccoorrrreecctteedd
     ttoo  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ssccrreeeenn  ssiizzee..))  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee
     mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     Line:    Set to the first line on the screen.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  of  the
              current line.
     Options: Affected by the wwiinnddooww option.

     Display the file information.  The information includes
     the current pathname, the current line, the  number  of
     total lines in the file, the current line as a percent-
     age of the total lines in the file,  if  the  file  has
     been  modified,  was  able  to be locked, if the file's
     name has been changed, and if the edit session is read-

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--HH>>
[[ccoouunntt]] hh
     Move  the  cursor  back count cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt
     lliinnee..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee ccuurrssoorr  iiss  oonn  tthhee  ffiirrsstt
     cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee..

     TThhee  <<ccoonnttrrooll--HH>>  aanndd  hh  ccoommmmaannddss  mmaayy  bbee uusseedd aass tthhee
     mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh  ccaassee
     aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set  to the current - count character, or, the
              first  character  in  the  line  if  count  is
              greater than or equal to the number of charac-
              ters in the line before the cursor.
     Options: None.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--2299

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--JJ>>
[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--NN>>
[[ccoouunntt]] jj
     Move the cursor down count lliinneess wwiitthhoouutt  cchhaannggiinngg  tthhee
     ccuurrrreenntt ccoolluummnn..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt
     tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     TThhee <<ccoonnttrrooll--JJ>>,, <<ccoonnttrrooll--NN>> aanndd jj ccoommmmaannddss mmaayy bbee uusseedd
     aass  tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh
     ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the current line plus count..
     Column:  The most attractive cursor position.
     Options: None.

     Repaint the screen.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--MM>>
[[ccoouunntt]] ++
     Move the cursor down count lliinneess ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt  nnoonnbbllaannkk
     cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhaatt lliinnee..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt
     iiss ppaasstt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     TThhee <<ccoonnttrrooll--MM>> aanndd ++  ccoommmmaannddss  mmaayy  bbee  uusseedd  aass  tthhee
     mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt  ooff  ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee
     aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the current line plus count..
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  in  the
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--PP>>
[[ccoouunntt]] kk
     Move  the  cursor  up count lliinneess,, wwiitthhoouutt cchhaannggiinngg tthhee
     ccuurrrreenntt ccoolluummnn..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt
     tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     TThhee  <<ccoonnttrrooll--PP>>  aanndd  kk  ccoommmmaannddss  mmaayy  bbee uusseedd aass tthhee
     mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh  ccaassee
     aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the current line minus count..
     Column:  The most attractive cursor position.
     Options: None.

UUSSDD::1133--3300                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Return to the most recent tag context.  The <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>
     command is an absolute movement.

     Line:    Set to the context of the  previous  tag  com-
     Column:  Set  to  the  context of the previous tag com-
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>>
     Scroll backward count lliinneess..  IIff ccoouunntt  is  not  speci-
     fied,  scroll backward the number of lines specified by
     the last <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>> or <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>> command.   If  this
     is the first <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>> or <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>> command, scroll
     backward half the number of lines in the  screen.   (In
     the  case  of split screens, the default scrolling dis-
     tance is corrected to half the  current  screen  size.)
     It is an error if the movement is past the beginning of
     the file.

     Line:    Set to  the  current  line  minus  the  amount
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
     Options: None.

     Switch to the next lower screen in the window,  or,  to
     the  first  screen if there are no lower screens in the

     Line:    Set to the previous  cursor  position  in  the
     Column:  Set  to  the  previous  cursor position in the
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ccoonnttrrooll--YY>>
     Scroll backward count lliinneess,, lleeaavviinngg tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee
     aanndd  ccoolluummnn  aass iiss,, iiff ppoossssiibbllee..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee
     mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff tthhee ffiillee..

     Line:    Unchanged unless the current line scrolls  off
              the  screen,  in  which  case it is set to the
              last line of text displayed on the screen.
     Column:  Unchanged unless the current line scrolls  off
              the  screen,  in  which  case  it  is the most
              attractive cursor position.
     Options: None.

     Suspend the current editor session.  If  the  file  has

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--3311

     been modified since it was last completely written, and
     the aauuttoowwrriittee option is set, the file is written before
     the  editor session is suspended.  If this write fails,
     the editor session is not suspended.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged.
     Options: Affected by the aauuttoowwrriittee option.

     Execute eexx commands or cancel partial commands.  If  an
     eexx  command  is being entered (e.g.  //, ??, :: or !!), the
     command is executed.  If a  partial  command  has  been
     entered,  e.g.  "[0-9]*"",, oorr ""[[00--99]]**[[!!<<>>ccddyy]]", the com-
     mand is cancelled.  Otherwise, it is an error.

     Line:    When an eexx command is being executed, the cur-
              rent  line  is  set as described for that com-
              mand.  Otherwise, unchanged.
     Column:  When an eexx command is being executed, the cur-
              rent  column is set as described for that com-
              mand.  Otherwise, unchanged.
     Options: None.

     Push a tag reference onto  the  tag  stack.   The  tags
     files  (see  the  ttaaggss option for more information) are
     searched for a tag matching the current word.  The cur-
     rent  word begins at the first non-whitespace character
     on or after the current cursor position, and extends up
     to  the next non-word character or the end of the line.
     If a matching tag is found, the current  file  is  dis-
     carded  and  the  file  containing the tag reference is

     If the current file has been modified since it was last
     completely  written,  the command will fail.  The <<ccoonn--
     ttrrooll--]]>> command is an absolute movement.

     Line:    Set to the line containing  the  matching  tag
     Column:  Set to the start of the matching tag string.
     Options: Affected by the ttaaggss and ttaagglleennggtthh options.

     Switch to the most recently edited file.

     If  the  file  has been modified since it was last com-
     pletely written, and the aauuttoowwrriittee option is  set,  the
     file  is written out.  If this write fails, the command
     will fail.  Otherwise, if the  current  file  has  been
     modified since it was last completely written, the com-
     mand will fail.

UUSSDD::1133--3322                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Line:    Set to the line the cursor  was  on  when  the
              file was last edited.
     Column:  Set  to  the column the cursor was on when the
              file was last edited.
     Options: Affected by the aauuttoowwrriittee option.

[[ccoouunntt]] <<ssppaaccee>>
[[ccoouunntt]] ll
     Move the cursor forward count cchhaarraacctteerrss wwiitthhoouutt cchhaanngg--
     iinngg  tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee..  IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee ccuurrssoorr iiss
     oonn tthhee llaasstt cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee..

     TThhee <<ssppaaccee>> aanndd ll ccoommmmaannddss mmaayy bbee uusseedd  aass  tthhee  mmoottiioonn
     ccoommppoonneenntt  ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt
     ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..   IInn  aaddddii--
     ttiioonn,,  tthheessee  ccoommmmaannddss mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoo--
     nneennttss ooff ootthheerr ccoommmmaannddss wwhheenn tthhee ccuurrssoorr iiss oonn tthhee  llaasstt
     cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee,, wwiitthhoouutt eerrrroorr..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set  to  the  current  character plus the next
              count characters, or to the last character  on
              the  line  if count is greater than the number
              of characters in the line  after  the  current
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] !! mmoottiioonn sshheellll--aarrgguummeenntt((ss))<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
     Replace  text  with results from a shell command.  Pass
     the lines specified by the count aanndd  mmoottiioonn  arguments
     as  standard  input  to  the program named by the sshheellll
     option, and replace those lines with the  output  (both
     standard error and standard output) of that command.

     After  the  motion is entered, vvii prompts for arguments
     to the shell command.

     Within those arguments,  "%""  aanndd  ""##"  characters  are
     expanded   to  the  current  and  alternate  pathnames,
     respectively.  The "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr iiss eexxppaannddeedd wwiitthh  tthhee
     ccoommmmaanndd  tteexxtt  ooff  tthhee  pprreevviioouuss  !!   oorr  ::!!  ccoommmmaannddss..
     ((TThheerreeffoorree,, tthhee ccoommmmaanndd !!<<mmoottiioonn>>!!  rreeppeeaattss tthhee  pprreevvii--
     oouuss  !!  ccoommmmaanndd..))  TThhee ssppeecciiaall mmeeaanniinnggss ooff ""%%"",, ""##"" aanndd
     ""!!""  ccaann bbee oovveerrrriiddddeenn bbyy eessccaappiinngg tthheemm  wwiitthh  aa  bbaacckk--
     ssllaasshh..   IIff nnoo !!  oorr ::!!  ccoommmmaanndd hhaass yyeett bbeeeenn eexxeeccuutteedd,,
     iitt iiss aann eerrrroorr ttoo uussee aann uunneessccaappeedd ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr aass  aa
     sshheellll  aarrgguummeenntt..   TThhee  !!   ccoommmmaanndd  ddooeess  _n_o_t ddoo sshheellll
     eexxppaannssiioonn oonn tthhee ssttrriinnggss pprroovviiddeedd aass aarrgguummeennttss..  IIff aannyy
     ooff  tthhee  aabboovvee eexxppaannssiioonnss cchhaannggee tthhee aarrgguummeennttss tthhee uusseerr
     eenntteerreedd,, tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss rreeddiissppllaayyeedd aatt  tthhee  bboottttoomm  ooff
     tthhee ssccrreeeenn..

     VVii tthheenn eexxeeccuutteess tthhee pprrooggrraamm nnaammeedd bbyy tthhee sshheellll ooppttiioonn,,

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--3333

     wwiitthh aa --cc ffllaagg ffoolllloowweedd bbyy  tthhee  aarrgguummeennttss  ((wwhhiicchh  aarree
     bbuunnddlleedd iinnttoo aa ssiinnggllee aarrgguummeenntt))..

     TThhee !!  ccoommmmaanndd iiss ppeerrmmiitttteedd iinn aann eemmppttyy ffiillee..

     IIff  tthhee  ffiillee  hhaass bbeeeenn mmooddiiffiieedd ssiinnccee iitt wwaass llaasstt ccoomm--
     pplleetteellyy wwrriitttteenn,, tthhee !!  ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll wwaarrnn yyoouu..

     Line:    The first line of the replaced text.
     Column:  The first column of the replaced text.
     Options: Affected by the sshheellll option.

[[ccoouunntt]] ## ##||++||--
     Increment or decrement the  number  referenced  by  the
     cursor.   If  the  trailing  character is a + oorr ##, the
     number is incremented by count..  IIff tthhee ttrraaiilliinngg  cchhaarr--
     aacctteerr iiss aa --, the number is decremented by count..

     AA  lleeaaddiinngg  ""00XX" or "0x"" ccaauusseess tthhee nnuummbbeerr ttoo bbee iinntteerr--
     pprreetteedd aass aa hheexxaaddeecciimmaall nnuummbbeerr..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,,  aa  lleeaaddiinngg
     ""00"  causes  the  number  to be interpreted as an octal
     number, unless a non-octal digit is found  as  part  of
     the  number.  Otherwise, the number is interpreted as a
     decimal number, and may have a leading  +  oorr  --  sign.
     The  current number begins at the first non-blank char-
     acter at or after  the  current  cursor  position,  and
     extends  up to the end of the line or the first charac-
     ter that isn't a possible  character  for  the  numeric
     type.   The  format  of  the  number (e.g. leading 0's,
     signs) is retained unless the new value cannot be  rep-
     resented in the previous format.

     Octal  and  hexadecimal  numbers, and the result of the
     operation, must fit into  an  "unsigned  long""..   SSiimmii--
     llaarrllyy,, ddeecciimmaall nnuummbbeerrss aanndd tthheeiirr rreessuulltt mmuusstt ffiitt iinnttoo aa
     ""ssiiggnneedd lloonngg".  It is an error to use this command when
     the cursor is not positioned at a number.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set  to the first character in the cursor num-
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] $$
     Move the cursor to the end of  a  line.   If  count  iiss
     ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee ccuurrssoorr mmoovveess ddoowwnn ccoouunntt -- 11 lines.

     It is not an error to use the $$ command when the cursor
     is on the last character in the line or when  the  line
     is empty.

     The  $$  command  may be used as the motion component of

UUSSDD::1133--3344                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     other vvii commands, in which case any text copied into a
     buffer  is character oriented, unless the cursor is at,
     or before the first nonblank character in the line,  in
     which  case it is line oriented.  It is not an error to
     use the $$ command as a motion component when the cursor
     is on the last character in the line, although it is an
     error when the line is empty.

     Line:    Set to the current line plus count minus 1.
     Column:  Set to the last character in the line.
     Options: None.

     Move to the matching character.  The  cursor  moves  to
     the parenthesis or curly brace which _m_a_t_c_h_e_s the paren-
     thesis or curly brace found at the current cursor posi-
     tion  or  which  is the closest one to the right of the
     cursor on the line.  It is an error to  execute  the  %%
     command on a line without a parenthesis or curly brace.
     Historically, any count ssppeecciiffiieedd ttoo tthhee %% ccoommmmaanndd  wwaass

     TThhee  %%  ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee %% ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, uunnlleessss tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg  ppooiinntt  ooff  tthhee
     rreeggiioonn  iiss aatt oorr bbeeffoorree tthhee ffiirrsstt nnoonnbbllaannkk cchhaarraacctteerr oonn
     iittss lliinnee,, aanndd tthhee eennddiinngg ppooiinntt iiss aatt oorr aafftteerr tthhee  llaasstt
     nnoonnbbllaannkk  cchhaarraacctteerr  oonn  iittss  lliinnee,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss
     lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the line containing the matching  char-
     Column:  Set to the matching character.
     Options: None.

     Repeat the previous substitution command on the current

     Historically, any count ssppeecciiffiieedd ttoo tthhee && ccoommmmaanndd  wwaass

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged  if the cursor was on the last char-
              acter in the line, otherwise, set to the first
              nonblank character in the line.
     Options: Affected   by   the   eeddccoommppaattiibbllee,  eexxtteennddeedd,
              iiggnnoorreeccaassee and mmaaggiicc options.

     Return  to  a   context   marked   by   the   character

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--3355

     <character>..   IIff <<cchhaarraacctteerr>> is the "'"" oorr ""``" charac-
     ter, return to the previous context.  If <character> iiss
     aannyy  ootthheerr  cchhaarraacctteerr,,  rreettuurrnn ttoo tthhee ccoonntteexxtt mmaarrkkeedd bbyy
     tthhaatt cchhaarraacctteerr ((sseeee tthhee mm  ccoommmmaanndd  ffoorr  mmoorree  iinnffoorrmmaa--
     ttiioonn))..   IIff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss tthhee '' ccoommmmaanndd,, oonnllyy tthhee lliinnee
     vvaalluuee iiss rreessttoorreedd,, aanndd tthhee  ccuurrssoorr  iiss  ppllaacceedd  oonn  tthhee
     ffiirrsstt  nnoonnbbllaannkk cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhaatt lliinnee..  IIff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd
     iiss tthhee `` ccoommmmaanndd,, bbootthh tthhee lliinnee aanndd ccoolluummnn  vvaalluueess  aarree

     IItt  iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee ccoonntteexxtt nnoo lloonnggeerr eexxiissttss bbeeccaauussee
     ooff lliinnee ddeelleettiioonn..   ((CCoonntteexxttss  ffoollllooww  lliinneess  tthhaatt  aarree
     mmoovveedd,, oorr wwhhiicchh aarree ddeelleetteedd aanndd tthheenn rreessttoorreedd..))

     TThhee '' aanndd `` ccoommmmaannddss aarree bbootthh aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeennttss..  TThheeyy
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass aa mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt  ffoorr  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss..   FFoorr  tthhee  ''  ccoommmmaanndd,,  aannyy  tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..  FFoorr tthhee `` ccoommmmaanndd,,  aannyy  tteexxtt
     ccooppiieedd  iinnttoo  aa bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, uunnlleessss iitt
     bbootthh ssttaarrttss aanndd ssttooppss aatt tthhee  ffiirrsstt  cchhaarraacctteerr  iinn  tthhee
     lliinnee,,  iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..  IInn aaddddiittiioonn,,
     wwhheenn uussiinngg tthhee `` ccoommmmaanndd aass aa  mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt,,  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss  wwhhiicchh  mmoovvee  bbaacckkwwaarrdd  aanndd  ssttaarrtteedd aatt tthhee ffiirrsstt
     cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee,, oorr mmoovvee ffoorrwwaarrdd aanndd eennddeedd aatt tthhee
     ffiirrsstt  cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee,, aarree ccoorrrreecctteedd ttoo tthhee llaasstt
     cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee lliinnee pprreecceeddiinngg tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg aanndd eennddiinngg
     lliinneess,, rreessppeeccttiivveellyy..

     Line:    Set to the line from the context.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
              line, for the '' command, and set to  the  con-
              text's column for the `` command.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] ((
     Back up count sseenntteenncceess..

     TThhee  ((  ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee (( ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, uunnlleessss tthhee  ssttaarrttiinngg  aanndd  ssttooppppiinngg
     ppooiinnttss  ooff  tthhee  rreeggiioonn  aarree tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee
     lliinnee,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..  IIff iitt iiss lliinnee
     oorriieenntteedd,,  tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg ppooiinntt ooff tthhee rreeggiioonn iiss aaddjjuusstteedd
     ttoo bbee tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee lliinnee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy bbeeffoorree tthhee ssttaarrtt--
     iinngg ccuurrssoorr ppoossiittiioonn..

     Line:    Set  to  the  line containing the beginning of
              the sentence.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  of  the
     Options: Affected by the lliisspp option.

UUSSDD::1133--3366                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

[[ccoouunntt]] ))
     Move forward count sseenntteenncceess..

     TThhee  ))  ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee )) ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, uunnlleessss tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg  ppooiinntt  ooff  tthhee
     rreeggiioonn  iiss  tthhee  ffiirrsstt  cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee,, iinn wwhhiicchh
     ccaassee iitt iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..  IInn tthhee llaatttteerr ccaassee,,  iiff  tthhee
     ssttooppppiinngg  ppooiinntt ooff tthhee rreeggiioonn iiss aallssoo tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacc--
     tteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee,, iitt iiss aaddjjuusstteedd ttoo bbee tthhee  eenndd  ooff  tthhee
     lliinnee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy bbeeffoorree iitt..

     Line:    Set  to  the  line containing the beginning of
              the sentence.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  of  the
     Options: Affected by the lliisspp option.

[[ccoouunntt]] ,,
     Reverse  find  character count ttiimmeess..  RReevveerrssee tthhee llaasstt
     FF,, ff,, TT oorr tt ccoommmmaanndd,, sseeaarrcchhiinngg tthhee ootthheerr  wwaayy  iinn  tthhee
     lliinnee,,  ccoouunntt  ttiimmeess..   IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff aa FF,, ff,, TT oorr tt
     ccoommmmaanndd hhaass nnoott bbeeeenn ppeerrffoorrmmeedd yyeett..

     TThhee ,, ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee  mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt  ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the searched-for character  for  the  FF
              and ff commands, before the character for the tt
              command and after the character for the TT com-
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] --
     Move  to the first nonblank of the previous line, count

     IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff
     tthhee ffiillee..

     TThhee  --  ccoommmmaanndd  mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the current line minus count..
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
     Options: None.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--3377

[[ccoouunntt]] ..
     Repeat the last vvii command  that  modified  text.   The
     repeated  command may be a command and motion component
     combination.  If count iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, iitt  rreeppllaacceess  _b_o_t_h
     tthhee  ccoouunntt  ssppeecciiffiieedd ffoorr tthhee rreeppeeaatteedd ccoommmmaanndd,, aanndd,, iiff
     aapppplliiccaabbllee,, ffoorr  tthhee  rreeppeeaatteedd  mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt..   IIff
     ccoouunntt _i_s _n_o_t _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_e_d_, _t_h_e _c_o_u_n_t_s _o_r_i_g_i_n_a_l_l_y _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_e_d
     _t_o _t_h_e _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _b_e_i_n_g _r_e_p_e_a_t_e_d _a_r_e _u_s_e_d _a_g_a_i_n_.

     _A_s _a _s_p_e_c_i_a_l _c_a_s_e_, _i_f _t_h_e ..  _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _i_s _e_x_e_c_u_t_e_d  _i_m_m_e_-
     _d_i_a_t_e_l_y  _a_f_t_e_r  _t_h_e uu _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_, _t_h_e _c_h_a_n_g_e _l_o_g _i_s _r_o_l_l_e_d
     _f_o_r_w_a_r_d _o_r _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d_, _d_e_p_e_n_d_i_n_g _o_n _t_h_e _a_c_t_i_o_n _o_f  _t_h_e  uu

     Line:    Set as described for the repeated command.
     Column:  Set as described for the repeated command.
     Options: None.

//RREE// [[ooffffsseett]]<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
??RREE?? [[ooffffsseett]]<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>
     Search  forward  or  backward for a regular expression.
     The commands beginning with a slash ("/"")) cchhaarraacctteerr aarree
     ffoorrwwaarrdd  sseeaarrcchheess,,  tthhee ccoommmmaannddss bbeeggiinnnniinngg wwiitthh aa qquueess--
     ttiioonn mmaarrkk ((""??")  are  backward  searches.   VVii  prompts
     with  the  leading  character  on  the last line of the
     screen for a string.  It then searches forward or back-
     ward in the file for the next occurrence of the string,
     which is interpreted as a Basic Regular Expression.

     The // and ??  commands are absolute movements.  They may
     be  used as the motion components of other vvii commands,
     in which case any text copied into a buffer is  charac-
     ter  oriented,  unless  the search started and ended on
     the first column of a line, in which case  it  is  line
     oriented.   In addition, forward searches ending at the
     first character of a line, and backward searches begin-
     ning  at the first character in the line, are corrected
     to begin or end at the last character of  the  previous
     line.   (Note,  forward and backward searches can occur
     for both // and ??  commands, if the wwrraappssccaann  option  is

     If an offset from the matched line is specified (i.e. a
     trailing "/"" oorr ""??"  character is followed by a  signed
     offset),  the buffer will always be line oriented (e.g.
     "/string/+0"" wwiillll aallwwaayyss gguuaarraanntteeee aa lliinnee oorriieennttaattiioonn))..

     TThhee  NN  ccoommmmaanndd rreeppeeaattss tthhee pprreevviioouuss sseeaarrcchh,, bbuutt iinn tthhee
     rreevveerrssee ddiirreeccttiioonn..  TThhee nn ccoommmmaanndd rreeppeeaattss tthhee  pprreevviioouuss

UUSSDD::1133--3388                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     sseeaarrcchh..   IIff  eeiitthheerr  tthhee  NN  oorr nn ccoommmmaannddss aarree uusseedd aass
     mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneennttss ffoorr tthhee !!  ccoommmmaanndd,, yyoouu wwiillll  nnoott  bbee
     pprroommpptteedd  ffoorr tthhee tteexxtt ooff tthhee bbaanngg ccoommmmaanndd,, iinnsstteeaadd tthhee
     pprreevviioouuss bbaanngg ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll bbee eexxeeccuutteedd..

     MMiissssiinngg RREE''ss ((ee..gg..  ""////<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>"",, ""//<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--
     rreettuurrnn>>"",,    ""????<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>"",,   oorr   ""??<<ccaarrrriiaaggee--
     rreettuurrnn>>"" sseeaarrcchh ffoorr tthhee llaasstt sseeaarrcchh RREE,,  iinn  tthhee  iinnddii--
     ccaatteedd ddiirreeccttiioonn..

     SSeeaarrcchheess mmaayy bbee iinntteerrrruupptteedd uussiinngg tthhee <<iinntteerrrruupptt>> cchhaarr--

     MMuullttiippllee sseeaarrcchh ppaatttteerrnnss mmaayy  bbee  ggrroouuppeedd  ttooggeetthheerr  bbyy
     ddeelliimmiittiinngg  tthheemm  wwiitthh  sseemmiiccoolloonnss  aanndd  zzeerroo  oorr  mmoorree
     wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss,, ee..gg..  //ffoooo//  ;;  ??bbaarr??   sseeaarrcchheess
     ffoorrwwaarrdd ffoorr ffoooo aanndd tthheenn,, ffrroomm tthhaatt llooccaattiioonn,, bbaacckkwwaarrddss
     ffoorr bbaarr..  WWhheenn sseeaarrcchh ppaatttteerrnnss aarree ggrroouuppeedd ttooggeetthheerr  iinn
     tthhiiss  mmaannnneerr,, tthhee sseeaarrcchh ppaatttteerrnnss aarree eevvaalluuaatteedd lleefftt ttoo
     rriigghhtt wwiitthh tthhee ffiinnaall ccuurrssoorr ppoossiittiioonn ddeetteerrmmiinneedd bbyy  tthhee
     llaasstt sseeaarrcchh ppaatttteerrnn..

     IItt  iiss  aallssoo  ppeerrmmiissssiibbllee  ttoo aappppeenndd aa zz ccoommmmaanndd ttoo tthhee
     sseeaarrcchh ssttrriinnggss,, ee..gg..  //ffoooo// zz..   sseeaarrcchheess  ffoorrwwaarrdd  ffoorr
     tthhee  nneexxtt  ooccccuurrrreennccee  ooff  ffoooo,, aanndd tthheenn ppoossiittiioonnss tthhaatt
     lliinnee iinn tthhee mmiiddddllee ooff ssccrreeeenn..

     Line:    Set to the line in which the match occurred.
     Column:  Set to the  first  character  of  the  matched
     Options: Affected   by   the   eeddccoommppaattiibbllee,  eexxtteennddeedd,
              iiggnnoorreeccaassee, mmaaggiicc, and wwrraappssccaann options.

     Move to the first character in the current line.  It is
     not an error to use the 00 command when the cursor is on
     the first character in the line,

     The 00 command may be used as the  motion  component  of
     other  vvii commands, in which case it is an error if the
     cursor is on the first character in the line,  and  any
     text copied into a buffer is character oriented.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the first character in the line.
     Options: None.

     Execute an eexx command.  VVii prompts for an eexx command on
     the last line of the screen, using a colon (":""))  cchhaarr--
     aacctteerr..   TThhee  ccoommmmaanndd  iiss  tteerrmmiinnaatteedd  bbyy  aa <<ccaarrrriiaaggee--
     rreettuurrnn>>, <newline> oorr <<eessccaappee>> character; all of  these
     characters  may  be  escaped  by using a <literal-next>

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--3399

     cchhaarraacctteerr..  TThhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss tthheenn eexxeeccuutteedd..

     IIff tthhee eexx ccoommmmaanndd wwrriitteess ttoo tthhee ssccrreeeenn,, vvii wwiillll  pprroommpptt
     tthhee uusseerr ffoorr aa <<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>> bbeeffoorree ccoonnttiinnuuiinngg wwhheenn
     tthhee eexx ccoommmmaanndd ffiinniisshheess..  LLaarrggee aammoouunnttss ooff oouuttppuutt  ffrroomm
     tthhee eexx ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll bbee ppaaggeedd ffoorr tthhee uusseerr,, aanndd tthhee uusseerr
     pprroommpptteedd ffoorr aa <<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>> oorr <<ssppaaccee>> kkeeyy ttoo ccoonn--
     ttiinnuuee..   IInn  ssoommee ccaasseess,, aa qquuiitt ((nnoorrmmaallllyy aa ""qq"" cchhaarraacc--
     tteerr)) oorr <<iinntteerrrruupptt>> mmaayy bbee eenntteerreedd ttoo iinntteerrrruupptt tthhee  eexx

     WWhheenn  tthhee eexx ccoommmmaanndd ffiinniisshheess,, aanndd tthhee uusseerr iiss pprroommpptteedd
     ttoo rreessuummee vviissuuaall mmooddee,, iitt iiss  aallssoo  ppoossssiibbllee  ttoo  eenntteerr
     aannootthheerr ""::"" cchhaarraacctteerr ffoolllloowweedd bbyy aannootthheerr eexx ccoommmmaanndd..

     Line:    The  current  line is set as described for the
              eexx command.
     Column:  The current column is set as described for the
              eexx command.
     Options: Affected as described for the eexx command.

[[ccoouunntt]] ;;
     Repeat  the  last character find count ttiimmeess..  TThhee llaasstt
     cchhaarraacctteerr ffiinndd iiss oonnee ooff tthhee FF,, ff,, TT oorr tt ccoommmmaannddss..  IItt
     iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff aa FF,, ff,, TT oorr tt ccoommmmaanndd hhaass nnoott bbeeeenn ppeerr--
     ffoorrmmeedd yyeett..

     TThhee ;; ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee  mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt  ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the searched-for character  for  the  FF
              and ff commands, before the character for the tt
              command and after the character for the TT com-
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] << mmoottiioonn
[[ccoouunntt]] >> mmoottiioonn
     Shift  lines  left or right.  Shift the number of lines
     in the region specified by the count  aanndd  mmoottiioonn  left
     (for the << command) or right (for the >> command) by the
     number of columns specified by the  sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh  option.
     Only  whitespace  characters  are deleted when shifting
     left.  Once the first character in the line  no  longer
     contains  a whitespace character, the command will suc-
     ceed, but the line will not be modified.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  in  the

UUSSDD::1133--4400                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Options: Affected by the sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh option.

@@ bbuuffffeerr
     Execute a named buffer.  Execute the named buffer as vvii
     commands.  The buffer may include eexx commands, too, but
     they  must  be expressed as a :: command.  If the buffer
     is line oriented, <newline>  cchhaarraacctteerrss  aarree  llooggiiccaallllyy
     aappppeennddeedd  ttoo eeaacchh lliinnee ooff tthhee bbuuffffeerr..  IIff tthhee bbuuffffeerr iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, <<nneewwlliinnee>> characters are  logically
     appended to all but the last line in the buffer.

     If the buffer name is "@"",, oorr ""**", then the last buffer
     executed shall be used.  It is an error to specify "@@""
     oorr  ""@@**"  if  there were no previous buffer executions.
     The text of a buffer may contain a @@ command, and it is
     possible to create infinite loops in this manner.  (The
     <interrupt> cchhaarraacctteerr mmaayy  bbee  uusseedd  ttoo  iinntteerrrruupptt  tthhee

     Line:    The  current  line is set as described for the
     Column:  The current column is set as described for the
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] AA
     Enter  input  mode, appending the text after the end of
     the line.  If count iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee tteexxtt  iiss  rreeppeeaatt--
     eeddllyy  iinnppuutt  ccoouunntt  --  11 more times after input mode is

     Line:    Set to the last  line  upon  which  characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected  by  the aallttwweerraassee, aauuttooiinnddeenntt, bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,  sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and   wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[ccoouunntt]] BB
     Move backward count bbiiggwwoorrddss..  MMoovvee tthhee ccuurrssoorr bbaacckkwwaarrdd
     ttoo tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff aa bbiiggwwoorrdd bbyy rreeppeeaattiinngg tthhee  ffoollllooww--
     iinngg aallggoorriitthhmm:: iiff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn iiss aatt tthhee bbeeggiinn--
     nniinngg ooff aa bbiiggwwoorrdd oorr tthhee cchhaarraacctteerr aatt tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossii--
     ttiioonn  ccaannnnoott  bbee  ppaarrtt  ooff aa bbiiggwwoorrdd,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt
     cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee pprreecceeddiinngg bbiiggwwoorrdd..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, mmoovvee ttoo
     tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee bbiiggwwoorrdd aatt tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossii--
     ttiioonn..  IIff nnoo pprreecceeddiinngg bbiiggwwoorrdd eexxiissttss  oonn  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt
     lliinnee,,  mmoovvee  ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee llaasstt bbiiggwwoorrdd
     oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt pprreecceeddiinngg lliinnee tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinnss aa bbiiggwwoorrdd..

     TThhee BB ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee  mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt  ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--4411

     Line:    Set to the line containing the word  selected.
     Column:  Set   to  the  first  character  of  the  word
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] CC
     Change text from the current position  to  the  end-of-
     line.   If  count iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee iinnppuutt tteexxtt rreeppllaacceess
     ffrroomm tthhee ccuurrrreenntt  ppoossiittiioonn  ttoo  tthhee  eenndd--ooff--lliinnee,,  pplluuss
     ccoouunntt -- 11 subsequent lines.

     Line:    Set  to  the  last  line upon which characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected by the aallttwweerraassee,  aauuttooiinnddeenntt,  bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,   sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and  wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[bbuuffffeerr]] DD
     Delete text from the current position  to  the  end-of-

     It is not an error to execute the DD command on an empty

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the character before the current  char-
              acter,  or, column 1 if the cursor was on col-
              umn 1.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] EE
     Move forward count eenndd--ooff--bbiiggwwoorrddss..   MMoovvee  tthhee  ccuurrssoorr
     ffoorrwwaarrdd  ttoo  tthhee eenndd ooff aa bbiiggwwoorrdd bbyy rreeppeeaattiinngg tthhee ffooll--
     lloowwiinngg aallggoorriitthhmm:: iiff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn iiss tthhee eenndd ooff
     aa  bbiiggwwoorrdd  oorr tthhee cchhaarraacctteerr aatt tthhaatt ppoossiittiioonn ccaannnnoott bbee
     ppaarrtt ooff aa bbiiggwwoorrdd,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee llaasstt  cchhaarraacctteerr  ooff  tthhee
     ffoolllloowwiinngg bbiiggwwoorrdd..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee llaasstt cchhaarraacc--
     tteerr ooff tthhee bbiiggwwoorrdd aatt tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn..  IIff nnoo ssuucc--
     cceeeeddiinngg bbiiggwwoorrdd eexxiissttss oonn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee
     llaasstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee ffiirrsstt bbiiggwwoorrdd oonn tthhee nneexxtt ffoollllooww--
     iinngg lliinnee tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinnss aa bbiiggwwoorrdd..

     TThhee  EE  ccoommmmaanndd  mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set  to the line containing the word selected.
     Column:  Set  to  the  last  character  of   the   word
     Options: None.

UUSSDD::1133--4422                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

[[ccoouunntt]] FF <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     Search  count  ttiimmeess  bbaacckkwwaarrdd tthhrroouugghh tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee
     ffoorr <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>.

     The FF command may be used as the  motion  component  of
     other vvii commands, in which case any text copied into a
     buffer is character oriented.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the searched-for character.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] GG
     Move to line count,, oorr tthhee llaasstt lliinnee  ooff  tthhee  ffiillee  iiff
     ccoouunntt not specified.

     The  GG  command is an absolute movement.  The GG command
     may be used as the motion component of  other  vvii  com-
     mands,  in  which case any text copied into a buffer is
     line oriented.

     Line:    Set to count,  if  specified,  otherwise,  the
              last line.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] HH
     Move to the screen line count - 1 lliinneess bbeellooww  tthhee  ttoopp
     ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn..

     TThhee  HH  ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee HH ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss
     lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the line count - 1 lliinneess bbeellooww tthhee  ttoopp
              ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn..
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character of the
              _s_c_r_e_e_n line.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] II
     Enter input mode, inserting the text at  the  beginning
     of  the line.  If count iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee tteexxtt iinnppuutt iiss
     rreeppeeaatteeddllyy iinnppuutt ccoouunntt -- 11 more times.

     Line:    Set to the last  line  upon  which  characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: None.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--4433

[[ccoouunntt]] JJ
     Join  lines.   If  count  iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, ccoouunntt lines are
     joined; a minimum  of  two  lines  are  always  joined,
     regardless of the value of count..

     IIff  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee eennddss wwiitthh aa wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerr,,
     aallll wwhhiitteessppaaccee iiss ssttrriippppeedd ffrroomm tthhee nneexxtt lliinnee..   OOtthheerr--
     wwiissee,,  iiff  tthhee nneexxtt lliinnee ssttaarrttss wwiitthh aa ooppeenn ppaarreenntthheessiiss
     ((""((") do nothing.  Otherwise, if the current line  ends
     with  a  question mark ("?"")),, ppeerriioodd ((""..")  or exclama-
     tion point ("!"")),, iinnsseerrtt ttwwoo ssppaacceess..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, iinnsseerrtt
     aa ssiinnggllee ssppaaccee..

     IItt  iiss  nnoott  aann eerrrroorr ttoo jjooiinn lliinneess ppaasstt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee
     ffiillee,, ii..ee.. lliinneess tthhaatt ddoo nnoott eexxiisstt..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the character after the last  character
              of the next-to-last joined line.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] LL
     Move  to the screen line count - 1 lliinneess aabboovvee tthhee bboott--
     ttoomm ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn..

     TThhee LL ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee  LL  ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy  bbee  uusseedd  aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa  bbuuffffeerr  iiss
     lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the line count - 1 lliinneess aabboovvee tthhee bboott--
              ttoomm ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn..
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  of  the
              _s_c_r_e_e_n line.
     Options: None.

     Move to the screen line in the middle of the screen.

     The  MM  command is an absolute movement.  The MM command
     may be used as the motion component of  other  vvii  com-
     mands,  in  which case any text copied into a buffer is
     line oriented.

     Historically, any count ssppeecciiffiieedd ttoo tthhee MM ccoommmmaanndd  wwaass

     Line:    Set to the line in the middle of the screen.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character of the
              _s_c_r_e_e_n line.
     Options: None.

UUSSDD::1133--4444                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

[[ccoouunntt]] OO
     Enter input mode, appending text in a  new  line  above
     the  current  line.   If  count  iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee tteexxtt
     iinnppuutt iiss rreeppeeaatteeddllyy iinnppuutt ccoouunntt -- 11 more times.

     Historically, any count ssppeecciiffiieedd ttoo tthhee OO ccoommmmaanndd  wwaass

     Line:    Set  to  the  last  line upon which characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected by the aallttwweerraassee,  aauuttooiinnddeenntt,  bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,   sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and  wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[bbuuffffeerr]] PP
     Insert text from a buffer.  Text from the  buffer  (the
     unnamed  buffer by default) is inserted before the cur-
     rent column or, if the buffer is line oriented,  before
     the current line.

     Line:    Set to the lowest numbered line insert, if the
              buffer is line oriented, otherwise  unchanged.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character of the
              appended text, if the buffer is line oriented,
              otherwise,  the last character of the appended
     Options: None.

     Exit vvii (or visual) mode and switch to eexx mode.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  No longer relevant.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] RR
     Enter input mode, replacing the characters in the  cur-
     rent  line.   If  count iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee tteexxtt iinnppuutt iiss
     rreeppeeaatteeddllyy iinnppuutt ccoouunntt -- 11 more times.

     If the end of the current  line  is  reached,  no  more
     characters  are  replaced  and  any  further characters
     input are appended to the line.

     Line:    Set to the last  line  upon  which  characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected  by  the aallttwweerraassee, aauuttooiinnddeenntt, bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,  sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and   wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--4455

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] SS
     Substitute count lliinneess..

     Line:    Set  to  the  last  line upon which characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected by the aallttwweerraassee,  aauuttooiinnddeenntt,  bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,   sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and  wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[ccoouunntt]] TT <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     Search backward, count ttiimmeess,, tthhrroouugghh tthhee ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee
     ffoorr tthhee cchhaarraacctteerr _a_f_t_e_r tthhee ssppeecciiffiieedd <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>_.

     _T_h_e  TT  _c_o_m_m_a_n_d  _m_a_y _b_e _u_s_e_d _a_s _t_h_e _m_o_t_i_o_n _c_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t _o_f
     _o_t_h_e_r vvii _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s_, _i_n _w_h_i_c_h _c_a_s_e _a_n_y _t_e_x_t _c_o_p_i_e_d _i_n_t_o _a
     _b_u_f_f_e_r _i_s _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _o_r_i_e_n_t_e_d_.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set  to  the  character _a_f_t_e_r the searched-for
     Options: None.

     Restore the current line to its state before the cursor
     last moved to it.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  The first character in the line.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] WW
     Move  forward  count bbiiggwwoorrddss..  MMoovvee tthhee ccuurrssoorr ffoorrwwaarrdd
     ttoo tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff aa bbiiggwwoorrdd bbyy rreeppeeaattiinngg tthhee  ffoollllooww--
     iinngg aallggoorriitthhmm:: iiff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn iiss wwiitthhiinn aa bbiigg--
     wwoorrdd oorr tthhee cchhaarraacctteerr aatt tthhaatt ppoossiittiioonn ccaannnnoott  bbee  ppaarrtt
     ooff  aa  bbiiggwwoorrdd,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee nneexxtt
     bbiiggwwoorrdd..  IIff nnoo ssuubbsseeqquueenntt bbiiggwwoorrdd eexxiissttss oonn  tthhee  ccuurr--
     rreenntt  lliinnee,,  mmoovvee  ttoo  tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee ffiirrsstt
     bbiiggwwoorrdd oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt ffoolllloowwiinngg  lliinnee  tthhaatt  ccoonnttaaiinnss  aa

     TThhee  WW  ccoommmmaanndd  mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    The line containing the word selected.
     Column:  The first character of the word selected.
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] XX
     Delete count cchhaarraacctteerrss bbeeffoorree tthhee ccuurrssoorr..  IIff tthhee nnuumm--
     bbeerr ooff cchhaarraacctteerrss ttoo bbee  ddeelleetteedd  iiss  ggrreeaatteerr  tthhaann  oorr

UUSSDD::1133--4466                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     eeqquuaall  ttoo  tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff cchhaarraacctteerrss ttoo tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff
     tthhee lliinnee,, aallll ooff tthhee cchhaarraacctteerrss bbeeffoorree tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ccuurr--
     ssoorr  ppoossiittiioonn,,  ttoo  tthhee  bbeeggiinnnniinngg  ooff  tthhee  lliinnee,,  aarree

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the current character minus  count,  or
              the  first  character if count is greater than
              the number of characters in  the  line  before
              the cursor.
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] YY
     Copy (or "yank") count lliinneess iinnttoo tthhee ssppeecciiffiieedd bbuuffffeerr..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged.
     Options: None.

     Write the file and exit vvii.  The file is  only  written
     if  it  has been modified since the last complete write
     of the file to any file.

     The ZZZZ command will exit the editor after  writing  the
     file,  if there are no further files to edit.  Entering
     two "quit" commands (i.e.  wwqq, qquuiitt, xxiitt or  ZZZZ)  in  a
     row  will override this check and the editor will exit,
     ignoring any files that have not yet been edited.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] [[[[
     Back up count sseeccttiioonn bboouunnddaarriieess..

     TThhee [[[[ ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee [[[[ ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy  bbee  uusseedd  aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa  bbuuffffeerr  iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr  oorriieenntteedd,,  uunnlleessss  tthhee  ssttaarrttiinngg ppoossiittiioonn iiss
     ccoolluummnn 00,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     IItt iiss aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff
     tthhee ffiillee..

     Line:    Set to the previous line that is count sseeccttiioonn
              bboouunnddaarriieess bbaacckk,, oorr tthhee ffiirrsstt lliinnee ooff tthhee ffiillee
              iiff  nnoo mmoorree sseeccttiioonn bboouunnddaarriieess eexxiisstt pprreecceeddiinngg
              tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee..
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  in  the

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--4477

     Options: Affected by the sseeccttiioonnss option.

[[ccoouunntt]] ]]]]
     Move forward count sseeccttiioonn bboouunnddaarriieess..

     TThhee ]]]] ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee ]]]] ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, uunnlleessss  tthhee  ssttaarrttiinngg  ppoossiittiioonn  iiss
     ccoolluummnn 00,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     IItt  iiss  aann eerrrroorr iiff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt iiss ppaasstt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee

     Line:    Set to the line that is count  sseeccttiioonn  bboouunndd--
              aarriieess ffoorrwwaarrdd,, oorr ttoo tthhee llaasstt lliinnee ooff tthhee ffiillee
              iiff nnoo mmoorree sseeccttiioonn bboouunnddaarriieess eexxiisstt  ffoolllloowwiinngg
              tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee..
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
     Options: Affected by the sseeccttiioonnss option.

     Move to first nonblank character on the current line.

     The ^^ command may be used as the  motion  component  of
     other vvii commands, in which case any text copied into a
     buffer is character oriented.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  of  the
              current line.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] __
     Move  down count - 1 lliinneess,, ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt nnoonnbbllaannkk cchhaarr--
     aacctteerr..  TThhee __ ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoo--
     nneenntt  ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoommmmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt
     ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     IItt iiss nnoott aann eerrrroorr ttoo eexxeeccuuttee tthhee __  ccoommmmaanndd  wwhheenn  tthhee
     ccuurrssoorr iiss oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr iinn tthhee lliinnee..

     Line:    The current line plus count - 1..
     Column:  The first nonblank character in the line.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] aa
     Enter  input mode, appending the text after the cursor.
     If count iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee  tteexxtt  iinnppuutt  iiss  rreeppeeaatteeddllyy
     iinnppuutt ccoouunntt -- 11 more times.

UUSSDD::1133--4488                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Line:    Set  to  the  last  line upon which characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected by the aallttwweerraassee,  aauuttooiinnddeenntt,  bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,   sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and  wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[ccoouunntt]] bb
     Move backward count wwoorrddss..  MMoovvee tthhee ccuurrssoorr bbaacckkwwaarrdd ttoo
     tthhee  bbeeggiinnnniinngg  ooff  aa  wwoorrdd  bbyy rreeppeeaattiinngg tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg
     aallggoorriitthhmm:: iiff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn iiss aatt tthhee  bbeeggiinnnniinngg
     ooff aa wwoorrdd,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee pprreecceeddiinngg
     wwoorrdd..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, tthhee ccuurrrreenntt  ppoossiittiioonn  mmoovveess  ttoo  tthhee
     ffiirrsstt  cchhaarraacctteerr  ooff  tthhee wwoorrdd aatt tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn..
     IIff nnoo pprreecceeddiinngg wwoorrdd eexxiissttss oonn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee,,  mmoovvee
     ttoo  tthhee  ffiirrsstt  cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee llaasstt wwoorrdd oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt
     pprreecceeddiinngg lliinnee tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinnss aa wwoorrdd..

     TThhee bb ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee  mmoottiioonn  ccoommppoonneenntt  ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the line containing the word  selected.
     Column:  Set   to  the  first  character  of  the  word
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] cc mmoottiioonn
     Change the region of text specified by  the  count  aanndd
     mmoottiioonn.   If  only  part  of a single line is affected,
     then the last character being changed is marked with  a
     "$""..   OOtthheerrwwiissee,,  tthhee  rreeggiioonn  ooff tteexxtt iiss ddeelleetteedd,, aanndd
     iinnppuutt mmooddee iiss eenntteerreedd..

     Line:    Set to the last  line  upon  which  characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected  by  the aallttwweerraassee, aauuttooiinnddeenntt, bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,  sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and   wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] dd mmoottiioonn
     Delete  the  region  of text specified by the count aanndd

     Line:    Set to the line where the region starts.
     Column:  Set to the first character in the  line  after
              the  last character in the region.  If no such
              character exists, set to  the  last  character
              before the region.
     Options: None.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--4499

[[ccoouunntt]] ee
     Move  forward count eenndd--ooff--wwoorrddss..  MMoovvee tthhee ccuurrssoorr ffoorr--
     wwaarrdd ttoo tthhee eenndd ooff aa wwoorrdd bbyy  rreeppeeaattiinngg  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg
     aallggoorriitthhmm::  iiff  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ppoossiittiioonn  iiss tthhee eenndd ooff aa
     wwoorrdd,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee llaasstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg wwoorrdd..
     OOtthheerrwwiissee,,  mmoovvee  ttoo  tthhee llaasstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee wwoorrdd aatt
     tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn..  IIff nnoo ssuucccceeeeddiinngg wwoorrdd eexxiissttss  oonn
     tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee,,  mmoovvee  ttoo tthhee llaasstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee
     ffiirrsstt wwoorrdd oonn tthhee nneexxtt ffoolllloowwiinngg lliinnee tthhaatt  ccoonnttaaiinnss  aa

     TThhee  ee  ccoommmmaanndd  mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set  to the line containing the word selected.
     Column:  Set  to  the  last  character  of   the   word
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] ff <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     Search  forward,  count  ttiimmeess,, tthhrroouugghh tthhee rreesstt ooff tthhee
     ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee ffoorr <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>.

     The ff command may be used as the  motion  component  of
     other vvii commands, in which case any text copied into a
     buffer is character oriented.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the searched-for character.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] ii
     Enter input mode, inserting the text before the cursor.
     If  count  iiss  ssppeecciiffiieedd,,  tthhee tteexxtt iinnppuutt iiss rreeppeeaatteeddllyy
     iinnppuutt ccoouunntt -- 11 more times.

     Line:    Set to the last  line  upon  which  characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected  by  the aallttwweerraassee, aauuttooiinnddeenntt, bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,  sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and   wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

mm <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     Save  the current context (line and column) as <charac-
     ter>..  TThhee eexxaacctt ppoossiittiioonn iiss rreeffeerrrreedd ttoo bbyy  ""``<<cchhaarraacc--
     tteerr>>".  The line is referred to by "'<character>""..

     HHiissttoorriiccaallllyy,,  <<cchhaarraacctteerr>> was restricted to lower-case
     letters.  NNvvii permits the use of any character.

UUSSDD::1133--5500                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] oo
     Enter input mode, appending text in a  new  line  under
     the  current  line.   If  count  iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee tteexxtt
     iinnppuutt iiss rreeppeeaatteeddllyy iinnppuutt ccoouunntt -- 11 more times.

     Historically, any count ssppeecciiffiieedd ttoo tthhee oo ccoommmmaanndd  wwaass

     Line:    Set  to  the  last  line upon which characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected by the aallttwweerraassee,  aauuttooiinnddeenntt,  bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,   sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and  wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[bbuuffffeerr]] pp
     Append text from a buffer.  Text from the  buffer  (the
     unnamed  buffer  by default) is appended after the cur-
     rent column or, if the buffer is line  oriented,  after
     the current line.

     Line:    Set  to the first line appended, if the buffer
              is line oriented, otherwise unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  of  the
              appended  text if the buffer is line oriented,
              otherwise, the last character of the  appended
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] rr <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     Replace  characters.   The next count cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn tthhee
     lliinnee aarree rreeppllaacceedd wwiitthh <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>.  Replacing  charac-
     ters with <newline> cchhaarraacctteerrss rreessuullttss iinn ccrreeaattiinngg nneeww,,
     eemmppttyy lliinneess iinnttoo tthhee ffiillee..

     IIff <<cchhaarraacctteerr>> is <escape>,, tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss ccaanncceelllleedd..

     Line:    Unchanged unless the replacement character  is
              a  <newline>,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss sseett ttoo tthhee
              ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee pplluuss ccoouunntt -- 11.
     Column:  Set to the last character replaced, unless the
              replacement character is a <newline>, in which
              case the cursor is in column  1  of  the  last
              line inserted.
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] ss
     Substitute  count cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee ssttaarrtt--
     iinngg wwiitthh tthhee ccuurrrreenntt cchhaarraacctteerr..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--5511

     Line:    Set to the last  line  upon  which  characters
              were entered.
     Column:  Set to the last character entered.
     Options: Affected  by  the aallttwweerraassee, aauuttooiinnddeenntt, bbeeaauu--
              ttiiffyy,  sshhoowwmmaattcchh,  ttttyywweerraassee  and   wwrraappmmaarrggiinn

[[ccoouunntt]] tt <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     Search  forward,  count ttiimmeess,, tthhrroouugghh tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee
     ffoorr tthhee cchhaarraacctteerr iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy _b_e_f_o_r_e <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>_.

     _T_h_e tt _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _m_a_y _b_e _u_s_e_d _a_s _t_h_e  _m_o_t_i_o_n  _c_o_m_p_o_n_e_n_t  _o_f
     _o_t_h_e_r vvii _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s_, _i_n _w_h_i_c_h _c_a_s_e _a_n_y _t_e_x_t _c_o_p_i_e_d _i_n_t_o _a
     _b_u_f_f_e_r _i_s _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _o_r_i_e_n_t_e_d_.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to the character _b_e_f_o_r_e  the  searched-for
     Options: None.

     Undo  the  last  change made to the file.  If repeated,
     the uu command alternates between these two states,  and
     is  its  own  inverse.   When used after an insert that
     inserted text on more than  one  line,  the  lines  are
     saved in the numeric buffers.

     The  ..  command, when used immediately after the uu com-
     mand, causes the change log to  be  rolled  forward  or
     backward, depending on the action of the uu command.

     Line:    Set to the position of the first line changed,
              if the reversal affects only one line or  rep-
              resents  an addition or change; otherwise, the
              line preceding the deleted text.
     Column:  Set to the cursor position before  the  change
              was made.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] ww
     Move  forward  count wwoorrddss..  MMoovvee tthhee ccuurrssoorr ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo
     tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff aa  wwoorrdd  bbyy  rreeppeeaattiinngg  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg
     aallggoorriitthhmm::  iiff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossiittiioonn iiss aatt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg
     ooff aa wwoorrdd,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee  ffiirrsstt  cchhaarraacctteerr  ooff  tthhee  nneexxtt
     wwoorrdd..   IIff  nnoo  ssuubbsseeqquueenntt  wwoorrdd  eexxiissttss oonn tthhee ccuurrrreenntt
     lliinnee,, mmoovvee ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee ffiirrsstt wwoorrdd  oonn
     tthhee ffiirrsstt ffoolllloowwiinngg lliinnee tthhaatt ccoonnttaaiinnss aa wwoorrdd..

     TThhee  ww  ccoommmmaanndd  mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff
     ootthheerr vvii ccoommmmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa
     bbuuffffeerr iiss cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd..

UUSSDD::1133--5522                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     Line:    Set  to the line containing the word selected.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  character  of  the   word
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] xx
     Delete  count  cchhaarraacctteerrss..  TThhee ddeelleettiioonn iiss aatt tthhee ccuurr--
     rreenntt cchhaarraacctteerr ppoossiittiioonn..  IIff tthhee nnuummbbeerr  ooff  cchhaarraacctteerrss
     ttoo bbee ddeelleetteedd iiss ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann oorr eeqquuaall ttoo tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff
     cchhaarraacctteerrss ttoo tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee lliinnee,, aallll ooff  tthhee  cchhaarraacc--
     tteerrss ffrroomm tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ccuurrssoorr ppoossiittiioonn ttoo tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee
     lliinnee aarree ddeelleetteedd..

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Unchanged unless the  last  character  in  the
              line  is deleted and the cursor is not already
              on the first character in the line,  in  which
              case it is set to the previous character.
     Options: None.

[[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] yy mmoottiioonn
     Copy (or "yank") the text region specified by the count
     aanndd mmoottiioonn, into a buffer.

     Line:    Unchanged, unless the region covers more  than
              a  single line, in which case it is set to the
              line where the region starts.
     Column:  Unchanged, unless the region covers more  than
              a  single line, in which case it is set to the
              character were the region starts.
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt11]] zz [[ccoouunntt22]] ttyyppee
     Redraw the screen with a window count2 lliinneess lloonngg,, wwiitthh
     lliinnee  ccoouunntt11 placed as specified by the type cchhaarraacctteerr..
     IIff ccoouunntt11 is not specified, it defaults to the  current
     line.   If  count2 iiss nnoott ssppeecciiffiieedd,, iitt ddeeffaauullttss ttoo tthhee
     ccuurrrreenntt wwiinnddooww ssiizzee..

     TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttyyppee characters may be used:

     +        If count1 is specified, place the line  count1
              at  the top of the screen.  Otherwise, display
              the screen after the current screen, similarly
              to the <<ccoonnttrrooll--FF>> command.
              Place  the  line  count1  at  the  top  of the
     .        Place the line count1 in  the  center  of  the
     -        Place  the  line  count1  at the bottom of the

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--5533

     ^        If count1 is specified, place the line that is
              at the top of the screen when count1 is at the
              bottom of the screen, at  the  bottom  of  the
              screen,  i.e.  display  the  screen before the
              screen before count1.  Otherwise, display  the
              screen before the current screen, similarly to
              the <<ccoonnttrrooll--BB>> command.

     Line:    Set to count1 unless count1 is  not  specified
              and  the type character was either "^" or "+",
              in which case it is set to the line before the
              first  line on the previous screen or the line
              after the last line on  the  previous  screen,
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
     Options: None.

[[ccoouunntt]] {{
     Move backward count ppaarraaggrraapphhss..

     TThhee {{ ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee  {{  ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy  bbee  uusseedd  aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff ootthheerr vvii ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa  bbuuffffeerr  iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr  oorriieenntteedd,,  uunnlleessss  tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg cchhaarraacctteerr iiss
     tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr oonn iittss lliinnee,, iinn wwhhiicchh  ccaassee  iitt  iiss
     lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set  to  the  line containing the beginning of
              the previous paragraph.
     Column:  Set to the first  nonblank  character  in  the
     Options: Affected by the ppaarraaggrraapphh option.

[[ccoouunntt]] ||
     Move to a specific _c_o_l_u_m_n position on the current line.

     The || command may be used as the  motion  component  of
     other vvii commands, in which case any text copied into a
     buffer is character oriented.  It is an  error  to  use
     the  || command as a motion component and for the cursor
     not to move.

     Line:    Unchanged.
     Column:  Set to  the  character  occupying  the  column
              position  identified by count, if the position
              exists in the line.  If the column  length  of
              the  current line is less than count, the cur-
              sor is moved to  the  last  character  in  the
     Options: None.

UUSSDD::1133--5544                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

[[ccoouunntt]] }}
     Move forward count ppaarraaggrraapphhss..

     TThhee  }}  ccoommmmaanndd iiss aann aabbssoolluuttee mmoovveemmeenntt..  TThhee }} ccoommmmaanndd
     mmaayy bbee uusseedd aass tthhee mmoottiioonn ccoommppoonneenntt ooff  ootthheerr  vvii  ccoomm--
     mmaannddss,,  iinn  wwhhiicchh ccaassee aannyy tteexxtt ccooppiieedd iinnttoo aa bbuuffffeerr iiss
     cchhaarraacctteerr oorriieenntteedd,, uunnlleessss tthhee ssttaarrttiinngg cchhaarraacctteerr iiss aatt
     oorr bbeeffoorree aannyy nnoonnbbllaannkk cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn iittss lliinnee,, iinn wwhhiicchh
     ccaassee iitt iiss lliinnee oorriieenntteedd..

     Line:    Set to the line containing  the  beginning  of
              the next paragraph.
     Column:  Set  to  the  first  nonblank character in the
     Options: Affected by the ppaarraaggrraapphh option.

[[ccoouunntt]] ~~
     Reverse the case of the next count cchhaarraacctteerr((ss))..   TThhiiss
     iiss  tthhee  hhiissttoorriicc  sseemmaannttiicc ffoorr tthhee ~~ ccoommmmaanndd aanndd iitt iiss
     oonnllyy iinn eeffffeecctt iiff tthhee ttiillddeeoopp ooppttiioonn iiss nnoott sseett..

     LLoowweerrccaassee aallpphhaabbeettiicc cchhaarraacctteerrss aarree cchhaannggeedd  ttoo  uuppppeerr--
     ccaassee,,  aanndd  uuppppeerrccaassee  cchhaarraacctteerrss aarree cchhaannggeedd ttoo lloowweerr--
     ccaassee..  NNoo ootthheerr cchhaarraacctteerrss aarree aaffffeecctteedd..

     HHiissttoorriiccaallllyy,, tthhee ~~ ccoommmmaanndd ddiidd nnoott ttaakkee aann  aassssoocciiaatteedd
     ccoouunntt,,  nnoorr  ddiidd  iitt  mmoovvee  ppaasstt tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee ccuurrrreenntt
     lliinnee..  AAss iitt hhaadd nnoo aassssoocciiaatteedd mmoottiioonn iitt wwaass  ddiiffffiiccuulltt
     ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee ccaassee ooff llaarrggee bblloocckkss ooff tteexxtt..  IInn nnvvii,, iiff
     tthhee ccuurrssoorr iiss oonn tthhee llaasstt  cchhaarraacctteerr  ooff  aa  lliinnee,,  aanndd
     tthheerree  aarree  mmoorree lliinneess iinn tthhee ffiillee,, tthhee ccuurrssoorr mmoovveess ttoo
     tthhee nneexxtt lliinnee..

     IItt iiss nnoott aann eerrrroorr ttoo ssppeecciiffyy aa ccoouunntt llaarrggeerr  tthhaann  tthhee
     nnuummbbeerr  ooff cchhaarraacctteerrss bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ccuurrssoorr aanndd tthhee eenndd ooff
     tthhee ffiillee..

     Line:    Set to the line of the character  after  count
              cchhaarraacctteerrss,, oorr,, eenndd ooff ffiillee..
     Column:  Set  to  the character after count cchhaarraacctteerrss,,
              oorr,, eenndd--ooff--ffiillee..
     Options: Affected by the ttiillddeeoopp option.

[[ccoouunntt]] ~~ mmoottiioonn
     Reverse the case of the characters  in  a  text  region
     specified  by  the count aanndd mmoottiioonn.  Only in effect if
     the ttiillddeeoopp option is set.

     Lowercase characters  are  changed  to  uppercase,  and
     uppercase  characters  are  changed  to  lowercase.  No
     other characters are affected.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--5555

     Line:    Set to the line of  the  character  after  the
              last character in the region.
     Column:  Set  to the character after the last character
              in the region.
     Options: Affected by the ttiillddeeoopp option.

     Interrupt the current operation.  Many  of  the  poten-
     tially  long-running  vvii  commands  may  be interrupted
     using the terminal interrupt character.   These  opera-
     tions  include searches, file reading and writing, fil-
     ter operations and map character expansion.  Interrupts
     are also enabled when running commands outside of vvii.

     If the <interrupt> cchhaarraacctteerr iiss uusseedd ttoo iinntteerrrruupptt wwhhiillee
     eenntteerriinngg aann eexx ccoommmmaanndd,, tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd  iiss  aabboorrtteedd,,  tthhee
     ccuurrssoorr rreettuurrnnss ttoo iittss pprreevviioouuss ppoossiittiioonn,, aanndd vvii rreemmaaiinnss
     iinn ccoommmmaanndd mmooddee..

     GGeenneerraallllyy,, iiff tthhee  <<iinntteerrrruupptt>>  cchhaarraacctteerr  iiss  uusseedd  ttoo
     iinntteerrrruupptt  aannyy  ooppeerraattiioonn,,  aannyy cchhaannggeess mmaaddee bbeeffoorree tthhee
     iinntteerrrruupptt aarree lleefftt iinn ppllaaccee..

     Line:    Dependent on the operation being  interrupted.
     Column:  Dependent  on the operation being interrupted.
     Options: None.

     1144..  VVii TTeexxtt IInnppuutt CCoommmmaannddss

          The  following  section  describes  the   commands
     available in the text input mode of the vvii editor.

          Historically,  vvii  implementations  only permitted
     the characters inserted  on  the  current  line  to  be
     erased.   In addition, only the <control-D> eerraassee cchhaarr--
     aacctteerr aanndd tthhee ""00<<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>" and  "^<control-D>""  eerraassee
     ssttrriinnggss ccoouulldd eerraassee aauuttooiinnddeenntt cchhaarraacctteerrss..  ((AAuuttooiinnddeenntt
     cchhaarraacctteerrss iinncclluuddee bbootthh tthhee cchhaarraacctteerrss  iinnsseerrtteedd  aauuttoo--
     mmaattiiccaallllyy  aatt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff aann iinnppuutt lliinnee aass wweellll aass
     cchhaarraacctteerrss iinnsseerrtteedd  uussiinngg  tthhee  <<ccoonnttrrooll--TT>>  command.)
     This  implementation  permits  erasure to continue past
     the beginning of the current line, and  back  to  where
     text  input  mode was entered.  In addition, autoindent
     characters may be erased using the standard erase char-
     acters.  For the line and word erase characters, reach-
     ing the autoindent characters forms a "soft"  boundary,
     denoting  the  end  of  the current word or line erase.
     Repeating the word or line erase  key  will  erase  the
     autoindent characters.

          Historically, vvii always used <control-H> aanndd <<ccoonn--
     ttrrooll--WW>> as character and word erase characters, respec-
     tively,  regardless  of  the current terminal settings.

UUSSDD::1133--5566                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))

     This implementation accepts, in addition to  these  two
     characters,  the  current terminal characters for those

          If the first character of the input  is  a  <nul>,,
          tthhee   pprreevviioouuss  iinnppuutt  iiss  rreeppllaayyeedd,,  aass  iiff  jjuusstt

          If the previous  character  on  the  line  was  an
          autoindent character, erase characters to move the
          cursor back to the column  immediately  after  the
          previous  (1-based)  column which is a multiple of
          the sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh edit option.  This  may  result  in
          any number of <tab> aanndd <<ssppaaccee>> characters preced-
          ing the cursor being changed.

          Otherwise, if the aauuttooiinnddeenntt option is set and the
          user  is entering the first character in the line,
          <control-D>  iiss  iiggnnoorreedd..   OOtthheerrwwiissee,,  aa  lliitteerraall
          <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>> character is entered.

          If  the  previous  character  on  the  line was an
          autoindent character, erase all of the  autoindent
          characters  on the line.  In addition, the autoin-
          dent level is reset to 0.

          If the previous  character  on  the  line  was  an
          autoindent  character, erase all of the autoindent
          characters on the line.  The autoindent  level  is
          not altered.

          Insert  sufficient <tab> aanndd <<ssppaaccee>> characters to
          move the cursor forward to the column  immediately
          after  the next (1-based) column which is a multi-
          ple of  the  sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh  edit  option.   This  may
          result  in any number of <tab> aanndd <<ssppaaccee>> charac-
          ters preceding the cursor being changed.

          Historically, vvii did not  permit  the  <control-T>
          ccoommmmaanndd  ttoo  bbee  uusseedd uunnlleessss tthhee ccuurrssoorr wwaass aatt tthhee
          ffiirrsstt ccoolluummnn ooff aa nneeww lliinnee oorr iitt wwaass pprreecceeddeedd oonnllyy
          bbyy  aauuttooiinnddeenntt  cchhaarraacctteerrss..   NNvvii ppeerrmmiittss iitt ttoo bbee
          uusseedd aatt aannyy ttiimmee dduurriinngg iinnsseerrtt mmooddee..

          Erase the last character.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((VVii CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--5577

          Quote the next character.  The next character will
          not be mapped (see the mmaapp command for more infor-
          mation) or interpreted specially.  A  carat  ("^""))
          cchhaarraacctteerr  wwiillll  bbee  ddiissppllaayyeedd  iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy  aass  aa
          ppllaacceehhoollddeerr,, bbuutt wwiillll  bbee  rreeppllaacceedd  bbyy  tthhee  nneexxtt

          If  on  the colon command line, and the ffiilleecc edit
          option  is  set,  behave  as  described  for  that
          option.   Otherwise, if on the colon command line,
          execute the command.  Otherwise,  if  not  on  the
          colon  command  line,  resolve all text input into
          the file, and return to command mode.

     <<lliinnee eerraassee>>
          Erase the current line.

     <<wwoorrdd eerraassee>>
          Erase the last word.  The definition  of  word  is
          dependent  on the aallttwweerraassee and ttttyywweerraassee options.

          Insert a character with the specified  hexadecimal
          value  into  the  text.  The value is delimited by
          any non-hexadecimal character or the input of  the
          maximum  number  of  characters that can be trans-
          lated into a single character value.

          Interrupt text input mode,  returning  to  command
          mode.   If  the  <interrupt>  cchhaarraacctteerr iiss uusseedd ttoo
          iinntteerrrruupptt iinnsseerrttiinngg tteexxtt iinnttoo tthhee ffiillee,, iitt  iiss  aass
          iiff tthhee <<eessccaappee>> character was used; all text input
          up to the interruption is resolved into the  file.

     1155..  EExx AAddddrreessssiinngg

          Addressing  in  eexx  (and when eexx commands are exe-
     cuted from vvii) relates to the current  line.   In  gen-
     eral,  the  current line is the last line affected by a
     command.  The exact effect on the current line is  dis-
     cussed under the description of each command.  When the
     file contains no lines, the current line is zero.

          Addresses are constructed by one or  more  of  the
     following methods:

      (1)   The address "."  refers to the current line.

UUSSDD::1133--5588                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

      (2)   The  address  "$" refers to the last line of the

      (3)   The address "N", where N is a  positive  number,
            refers to the N-th line of the file.

      (4)   The  address  "'<character>"  or  "`<character>"
            refers to the line marked with the name <charac-
            ter>.   (See the kk or mm commands for more infor-
            mation on how to mark lines.)

      (5)   A regular expression (RE)  enclosed  by  slashes
            ("/")  is an address, and it refers to the first
            line found by searching forward  from  the  line
            _a_f_t_e_r  the  current  line  toward the end of the
            file, and stopping at the first line  containing
            a  string  matching the RE.  (The trailing slash
            can be omitted at the end of the command  line.)

            If no RE is specified, i.e. the pattern is "//_"_,
            _t_h_e _l_a_s_t _R_E _u_s_e_d _i_n _a_n_y _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _i_s _u_s_e_d  _i_n  _t_h_e

            _I_f _t_h_e eexxtteennddeedd _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _s_e_t_, _t_h_e _R_E _i_s _h_a_n_d_l_e_d
            _a_s _a_n _e_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _R_E_, _n_o_t _a _b_a_s_i_c _R_E_.  _I_f _t_h_e wwrraapp--
            ssccaann  _o_p_t_i_o_n  _i_s _s_e_t_, _t_h_e _s_e_a_r_c_h _w_r_a_p_s _a_r_o_u_n_d _t_o
            _t_h_e _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g _o_f _t_h_e _f_i_l_e _a_n_d  _c_o_n_t_i_n_u_e_s  _u_p  _t_o
            _a_n_d  _i_n_c_l_u_d_i_n_g  _t_h_e  _c_u_r_r_e_n_t  _l_i_n_e_,  _s_o _t_h_a_t _t_h_e
            _e_n_t_i_r_e _f_i_l_e _i_s _s_e_a_r_c_h_e_d_.

            _T_h_e _f_o_r_m _"_\_/"" iiss aacccceepptteedd ffoorr hhiissttoorriicc  rreeaassoonnss,,
            aanndd iiss iiddeennttiiccaall ttoo ""////_"_.

      (6)   An   RE   enclosed   in   question  marks  ("?_"_)
            _a_d_d_r_e_s_s_e_s _t_h_e  _f_i_r_s_t  _l_i_n_e  _f_o_u_n_d  _b_y  _s_e_a_r_c_h_i_n_g
            _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d  _f_r_o_m  _t_h_e  _l_i_n_e  _p_r_e_c_e_d_i_n_g _t_h_e _c_u_r_r_e_n_t
            _l_i_n_e_, _t_o_w_a_r_d _t_h_e _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g _o_f _t_h_e _f_i_l_e _a_n_d _s_t_o_p_-
            _p_i_n_g  _a_t  _t_h_e  _f_i_r_s_t  _l_i_n_e  _c_o_n_t_a_i_n_i_n_g  _a _s_t_r_i_n_g
            _m_a_t_c_h_i_n_g _t_h_e _R_E_.  _(_T_h_e  _t_r_a_i_l_i_n_g  _q_u_e_s_t_i_o_n  _m_a_r_k
            _c_a_n _b_e _o_m_i_t_t_e_d _a_t _t_h_e _e_n_d _o_f _a _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _l_i_n_e_._)

            _I_f _n_o _R_E _i_s _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_e_d_, _i_._e_. _t_h_e _p_a_t_t_e_r_n _i_s _"_?_?_"_,
            _t_h_e _l_a_s_t _R_E _u_s_e_d _i_n _a_n_y _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _i_s _u_s_e_d  _i_n  _t_h_e

            _I_f _t_h_e eexxtteennddeedd _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _s_e_t_, _t_h_e _R_E _i_s _h_a_n_d_l_e_d
            _a_s _a_n _e_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _R_E_, _n_o_t _a _b_a_s_i_c _R_E_.  _I_f _t_h_e wwrraapp--
            ssccaann  _o_p_t_i_o_n  _i_s  _s_e_t_,  _t_h_e _s_e_a_r_c_h  _w_r_a_p_s _a_r_o_u_n_d
            _f_r_o_m _t_h_e _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g _o_f _t_h_e _f_i_l_e _t_o _t_h_e _e_n_d _o_f _t_h_e
            _f_i_l_e  _a_n_d _c_o_n_t_i_n_u_e_s _u_p _t_o _a_n_d _i_n_c_l_u_d_i_n_g _t_h_e _c_u_r_-
            _r_e_n_t _l_i_n_e_, _s_o _t_h_a_t _t_h_e _e_n_t_i_r_e _f_i_l_e _i_s  _s_e_a_r_c_h_e_d_.

            _T_h_e _f_o_r_m _"_\_?""  iiss aacccceepptteedd ffoorr hhiissttoorriicc rreeaassoonnss,,

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--5599

            aanndd iiss iiddeennttiiccaall ttoo ""????_"_.

      (7)   An address followed by a plus sign  ("+_"_)  _o_r  _a
            _m_i_n_u_s _s_i_g_n _(_"_-") followed by a number is an off-
            set address and refers to the address  plus  (or
            minus)  the  indicated  number of lines.  If the
            address is omitted, the addition or  subtraction
            is done with respect to the current line.

      (8)   An address of "+" or "-" followed by a number is
            an offset from the current line.   For  example,
            "-5" is the same as ".-5".

      (9)   An address ending with "+" or "-" has 1 added to
            or subtracted from  the  address,  respectively.
            As  a consequence of this rule and of the previ-
            ous rule, the address "-"  refers  to  the  line
            preceding  the current line.  Moreover, trailing
            "+" and "-" characters have a cumulative effect.
            For  example, "++-++" refers to the current line
            plus 3.

      (10)  A  percent  sign  ("%")  is  equivalent  to  the
            address range "1,$".

          EExx  commands  require zero, one, or two addresses.
     It is an error to specify an address to a command which
     requires zero addresses.

          If the user provides more than the expected number
     of addresses to any eexx  command,  the  first  addresses
     specified  are  discarded.  For example, "1,2,3,5""pprriinntt
     pprriinnttss lliinneess 33 tthhrroouugghh 55,,  bbeeccaauussee  tthhee  pprriinntt  ccoommmmaanndd
     oonnllyy ttaakkeess ttwwoo aaddddrreesssseess..

          The  addresses  in a range are separated from each
     other by a comma (","")) oorr aa sseemmiiccoolloonn  (("";;").   In  the
     latter  case,  the  current  line  (".""))  iiss sseett ttoo tthhee
     ffiirrsstt aaddddrreessss,, aanndd oonnllyy tthheenn iiss tthhee sseeccoonndd aaddddrreessss ccaall--
     ccuullaatteedd..   TThhiiss  ffeeaattuurree  ccaann  bbee uusseedd ttoo ddeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee
     ssttaarrttiinngg lliinnee ffoorr ffoorrwwaarrdd aanndd  bbaacckkwwaarrdd  sseeaarrcchheess  ((sseeee
     rruulleess  ((55))  aanndd  ((66)) aabboovvee))..  TThhee sseeccoonndd aaddddrreessss ooff aannyy
     ttwwoo--aaddddrreessss sseeqquueennccee ccoorrrreessppoonnddss ttoo aa  lliinnee  tthhaatt  ffooll--
     lloowwss,,  iinn tthhee ffiillee,, tthhee lliinnee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt
     aaddddrreessss..  TThhee ffiirrsstt aaddddrreessss mmuusstt bbee lleessss tthhaann oorr  eeqquuaall
     ttoo  tthhee  sseeccoonndd  aaddddrreessss..   TThhee  ffiirrsstt  aaddddrreessss mmuusstt bbee
     ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann oorr eeqquuaall ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt lliinnee  ooff  tthhee  ffiillee,,
     aanndd  tthhee llaasstt aaddddrreessss mmuusstt bbee lleessss tthhaann oorr eeqquuaall ttoo tthhee
     llaasstt lliinnee ooff tthhee ffiillee..

UUSSDD::1133--6600                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

     1166..  EExx DDeessccrriippttiioonn

          The following words have special meanings  for  eexx

          The  end-of-file  character  is used to scroll the
          screen in the eexx editor.  This character  is  nor-
          mally <control-D>..  HHoowweevveerr,, wwhhaatteevveerr cchhaarraacctteerr iiss
          sseett ffoorr tthhee ccuurrrreenntt tteerrmmiinnaall iiss ssuuppppoorrtteedd aass  wweellll
          aass <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>.

          A  single-line  address, given in any of the forms
          described in the section entitled "EExx AAddddrreessssiinngg".
          The default for line iiss tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee..

          A  line, or a pair of line addresses, separated by
          a comma or semicolon.  (See the  section  entitled
          "EExx   AAddddrreessssiinngg"   for  more  information.)   The
          default for range is the current line  _o_n_l_y,  i.e.
          ".,._"_.   _A _p_e_r_c_e_n_t _s_i_g_n _(_"_%") stands for the range
          "1,$_"_.  _T_h_e _s_t_a_r_t_i_n_g _a_d_d_r_e_s_s _m_u_s_t _b_e _l_e_s_s _t_h_a_n_, _o_r
          _e_q_u_a_l _t_o_, _t_h_e _e_n_d_i_n_g _a_d_d_r_e_s_s_.

          A positive integer, specifying the number of lines
          to be affected by the command; the default  is  1.
          Generally,  a  count  past  the end-of-file may be
          specified, e.g. the command "p 3000"" iinn aa 1100  lliinnee
          ffiillee  iiss  aacccceeppttaabbllee,, aanndd wwiillll pprriinntt ffrroomm tthhee ccuurr--
          rreenntt lliinnee tthhrroouugghh tthhee llaasstt lliinnee iinn tthhee ffiillee..

          One or more of the characters "#", "p",  and  "l".
          When a command that accepts these flags completes,
          the addressed line(s) are written out as if by the
          corresponding  ##,  ll  or pp commands.  In addition,
          any number of "+"" oorr ""--" characters can be  speci-
          fied  before, after, or during the flags, in which
          case the line written is not necessarily  the  one
          affected  by  the  command,  but  rather  the line
          addressed by the offset  address  specified.   The
          default for flags iiss nnoonnee..

          A  pattern  used to derive a pathname; the default
          is the current file.  File names are subjected  to
          normal _s_h(1) word expansions.

          Anywhere a file name is specified, it is also pos-
     sible to use the special string "/tmp".  This  will  be

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--6611

     replaced  with  a temporary file name which can be used
     for temporary work, e.g.  ":e /tmp" creates and edits a
     new file.

          If both a count and a range are specified for com-
     mands that use either, the starting line for  the  com-
     mand  is  the  _l_a_s_t  line  addressed  by the range, and
     count_- _s_u_b_s_e_q_u_e_n_t _l_i_n_e_s _a_r_e _a_f_f_e_c_t_e_d  _b_y  _t_h_e  _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_,
     _e_._g_.  _t_h_e  _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _"_2_,_3_p_4" prints out lines 3, 4, 5 and

          When only a line or range is  specified,  with  no
     command,  the  implied command is either a lliisstt, nnuummbbeerr
     or pprriinntt command.  The command used is the most  recent
     of  the three commands to have been used (including any
     use as a flag).  If none of these  commands  have  been
     used  before, the pprriinntt command is the implied command.
     When no range or count is  specified  and  the  command
     line  is  a blank line, the current line is incremented
     by 1 and then the current line is displayed.

          Zero or more whitespace characters may precede  or
     follow  the  addresses,  count, flags, or command name.
     Any object following a command name  (such  as  buffer,
     file,  etc.), that begins with an alphabetic character,
     should be separated from the command name by  at  least
     one whitespace character.

          Any  character,  including  <carriage-return>, "%"
     and "#" retain their literal value when preceded  by  a

     1177..  EExx CCoommmmaannddss

          The   following  section  describes  the  commands
     available in the eexx editor.  In each entry  below,  the
     tag line is a usage synopsis for the command.

          Each  command  can  be entered as the abbreviation
     (those characters in the synopsis command word  preced-
     ing  the  "[" character), the full command (all charac-
     ters shown for the command word, omitting the  "["  and
     "]" characters), or any leading subset of the full com-
     mand down to the abbreviation.  For example,  the  args
     command  (shown  as  "ar[gs]"  in  the synopsis) can be
     entered as "ar", "arg" or "args".

          Each eexx command described below notes the new cur-
     rent  line after it is executed, as well as any options
     that affect the command.

          A  comment.   Command  lines  beginning  with  the

UUSSDD::1133--6622                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          double-quote  character  (""""))  aarree iiggnnoorreedd..  TThhiiss
          ppeerrmmiittss ccoommmmeennttss iinn  eeddiittoorr  ssccrriippttss  aanndd  ssttaarrttuupp


          Scroll  the screen.  Write the next N lines, where
          N is the value of the ssccrroollll option.  The  command
          is  the  end-of-file terminal character, which may
          be different on different  terminals.   Tradition-
          ally, it is the <control-D> kkeeyy..

          HHiissttoorriiccaallllyy,,  tthhee eeooff ccoommmmaanndd iiggnnoorreedd aannyy pprreecceedd--
          iinngg ccoouunntt,, aanndd  tthhee  <<eenndd--ooff--ffiillee>>  cchhaarraacctteerr  wwaass
          iiggnnoorreedd uunnlleessss iitt wwaass eenntteerreedd aass tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacc--
          tteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd..  TThhiiss iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn ttrreeaattss iitt
          aass  aa ccoommmmaanndd _o_n_l_y iiff eenntteerreedd aass tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacc--
          tteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd lliinnee,, aanndd ootthheerrwwiissee  ttrreeaattss  iitt
          aass aannyy ootthheerr cchhaarraacctteerr..

          Line:    Set to the last line written.
          Options: Affected by the ssccrroollll option.

     !! aarrgguummeenntt((ss))
     [[rraannggee]]!! aarrgguummeenntt((ss))
          Execute a shell command, or filter lines through a
          shell command.  In the first synopsis, the remain-
          der of the line after the "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr iiss ppaasssseedd
          ttoo tthhee pprrooggrraamm nnaammeedd bbyy tthhee  sshheellll  ooppttiioonn,,  aass  aa
          ssiinnggllee aarrgguummeenntt..

          WWiitthhiinn  tthhee  rreesstt  ooff  tthhee  lliinnee,,  ""%%"" aanndd ""##"" aarree
          eexxppaannddeedd iinnttoo tthhee ccuurrrreenntt aanndd aalltteerrnnaattee ppaatthhnnaammeess,,
          rreessppeeccttiivveellyy..  TThhee cchhaarraacctteerr ""!!""  iiss eexxppaannddeedd wwiitthh
          tthhee ccoommmmaanndd  tteexxtt  ooff  tthhee  pprreevviioouuss  !!   ccoommmmaanndd..
          ((TThheerreeffoorree,, tthhee ccoommmmaanndd !!!!  rreeppeeaattss tthhee pprreevviioouuss !!
          ccoommmmaanndd..))  TThhee ssppeecciiaall mmeeaanniinnggss ooff ""%%"",,  ""##"",,  aanndd
          ""!!""   ccaann  bbee  oovveerrrriiddddeenn  bbyy eessccaappiinngg tthheemm wwiitthh aa
          bbaacckkssllaasshh..  IIff nnoo !!  oorr ::!!  ccoommmmaanndd hhaass  yyeett  bbeeeenn
          eexxeeccuutteedd,,  iitt  iiss aann eerrrroorr ttoo uussee aann uunneessccaappeedd ""!!""
          cchhaarraacctteerr..  TThhee  !!   ccoommmmaanndd  ddooeess  _n_o_t  ddoo  sshheellll
          eexxppaannssiioonn  oonn  tthhee  ssttrriinnggss pprroovviiddeedd aass aarrgguummeennttss..
          IIff aannyy ooff tthhee aabboovvee eexxppaannssiioonnss cchhaannggee tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd
          tthhee  uusseerr  eenntteerreedd,,  tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss rreeddiissppllaayyeedd aatt
          tthhee bboottttoomm ooff tthhee ssccrreeeenn..

          EExx tthheenn eexxeeccuutteess tthhee pprrooggrraamm nnaammeedd  bbyy  tthhee  sshheellll
          ooppttiioonn,,  wwiitthh  aa --cc ffllaagg ffoolllloowweedd bbyy tthhee aarrgguummeennttss
          ((wwhhiicchh aarree bbuunnddlleedd iinnttoo aa ssiinnggllee aarrgguummeenntt))..

          TThhee !!  ccoommmmaanndd iiss ppeerrmmiitttteedd iinn aann eemmppttyy ffiillee..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--6633

          IIff tthhee ffiillee hhaass bbeeeenn mmooddiiffiieedd ssiinnccee  iitt  wwaass  llaasstt
          ccoommpplleetteellyy wwrriitttteenn,, tthhee ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll wwaarrnn yyoouu..

          AA ssiinnggllee ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd wwhheenn tthhee ccoomm--
          mmaanndd ccoommpplleetteess..

          IInn tthhee sseeccoonndd ffoorrmm ooff tthhee !!  ccoommmmaanndd,, tthhee  rreemmaaiinn--
          ddeerr  ooff  tthhee  lliinnee aafftteerr tthhee ""!!""  iiss ppaasssseedd ttoo tthhee
          pprrooggrraamm nnaammeedd bbyy tthhee sshheellll  ooppttiioonn,,  aass  ddeessccrriibbeedd
          aabboovvee..  TThhee ssppeecciiffiieedd lliinneess aarree ppaasssseedd ttoo tthhee pprroo--
          ggrraamm aass ssttaannddaarrdd iinnppuutt,, aanndd tthhee ssttaannddaarrdd aanndd ssttaann--
          ddaarrdd eerrrroorr oouuttppuutt ooff tthhee pprrooggrraamm rreeppllaaccee tthhee oorriigg--
          iinnaall lliinneess..

          Line:    Unchanged if no range was specified, oth-
                   erwise  set  to  the  first  line  of the
          Options: Affected by the sshheellll and wwaarrnn options.

     [[rraannggee]] ## [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
     [[rraannggee]] nnuu[[mmbbeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Display the selected lines, each preceded with its
          line number.

          The  line  number format is "%6d", followed by two

          Line:    Set to the last line displayed.
          Options: Affected by the lliisstt option.

     @@ bbuuffffeerr
     ** bbuuffffeerr
          Execute a buffer.  Each line in the  named  buffer
          is  executed  as  an  eexx command.  If no buffer is
          specified, or if the specified buffer  is  "@""  oorr
          ""**", the last buffer executed is used.

     [[rraannggee]] <<[[<< ......]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Shift  lines  left  or right.  The specified lines
          are shifted to the left (for  the  <<  command)  or
          right  (for  the  >>  command),  by  the  number of
          columns specified by the sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh option.   Only
          leading  whitespace  characters  are  deleted when
          shifting left; once the first column of  the  line
          contains  a  nonblank character, the sshhiifftt command
          will succeed, but the line will not be modified.

          If the command character << or >> is  repeated  more
          than  once,  the command is repeated once for each
          additional command character.

          Line:    If the current line is set to one of  the
                   lines  that  are affected by the command,

UUSSDD::1133--6644                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

                   it is unchanged.  Otherwise, it is set to
                   the  first nonblank character of the low-
                   est numbered line shifted.
          Options: Affected by the sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh option.

     [[lliinnee]] == [[ffllaaggss]]
          Display the line number of line ((wwhhiicchh ddeeffaauullttss ttoo
          tthhee llaasstt lliinnee iinn tthhee ffiillee))..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[rraannggee]] >>[[>> ......]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Shift  right.   The specified lines are shifted to
          the right by the number of  columns  specified  by
          the  sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh option, by inserting tab and space
          characters.  Empty lines are not changed.

          If the command character ">"" iiss rreeppeeaatteedd mmoorree tthhaann
          oonnccee,,  tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss rreeppeeaatteedd oonnccee ffoorr eeaacchh aaddddii--
          ttiioonnaall ccoommmmaanndd cchhaarraacctteerr..

          Line:    Set to the last line modified by the com-
          Options: Affected by the sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh option.

     aabb[[bbrreevv]] llhhss rrhhss
          Add  an  abbreviation  to the current abbreviation
          list.  When inserting text in vvii, each time a non-
          word  character is entered after a word character,
          a set of characters ending at the  word  character
          are  checked  for a match with lhs..  IIff aa mmaattcchh iiss
          ffoouunndd,, tthheeyy aarree rreeppllaacceedd wwiitthh  rrhhss.   The  set  of
          characters  that  are  checked  for  a  match  are
          defined as follows,  for  inexplicable  historical
          reasons.   If  only  one  or  two  characters were
          entered before the non-word character  that  trig-
          gered  the  check,  and after the beginning of the
          insertion, or the beginning of  the  line  or  the
          file,  or  the  last  <blank>  cchhaarraacctteerr  tthhaatt wwaass
          eenntteerreedd,, tthheenn tthhee oonnee oorr tthhee bbootthh  cchhaarraacctteerrss  aarree
          cchheecckkeedd  ffoorr aa mmaattcchh..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, tthhee sseett iinncclluuddeess
          bbootthh cchhaarraacctteerrss,, aass wweellll aass  tthhee  cchhaarraacctteerrss  tthhaatt
          pprreecceeddee  tthheemm  tthhaatt  aarree tthhee ssaammee wwoorrdd ccllaassss ((ii..ee..
          wwoorrdd oorr nnoonn--wwoorrdd)) aass tthhee sseeccoonndd ttoo llaasstt  cchhaarraacctteerr
          eenntteerreedd  bbeeffoorree  tthhee nnoonn--wwoorrdd cchhaarraacctteerr tthhaatt ttrriigg--
          ggeerreedd tthhee cchheecckk,, bbaacckk ttoo tthhee ffiirrsstt  <<bbllaannkk>>cchhaarraacc--
          tteerr,, tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff tthhee iinnsseerrttiioonn,, oorr tthhee bbeeggiinn--
          nniinngg ooff tthhee lliinnee oorr tthhee ffiillee..

          FFoorr eexxaammppllee,, tthhee aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonnss::

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--6655

          ::aabbbbrreevviiaattee   aabbcc    AABBCC
          ::aabbbbrreevviiaattee   ##ii     ##iinncclluuddee
          ::aabbbbrreevviiaattee   //**##ii   //**##iinncclluuddee

          will all work, while the abbreviations:

          :abbreviate   a#i   A#include
          :abbreviate   /*    /********************

          will not work, and are not permitted by nnvvii.

          To keep the abbreviation expansion from happening,
          the  character immediately following the lhs cchhaarr--
          aacctteerrss sshhoouulldd  bbee  qquuootteedd  wwiitthh  aa  <<lliitteerraall--nneexxtt>>

          The replacement rhs iiss iittsseellff ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo bbootthh ffuurr--
          tthheerr aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonn eexxppaannssiioonn aanndd ffuurrtthheerr mmaapp eexxppaann--

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[lliinnee]] aa[[ppppeenndd]][[!!]]
          The  input text is appended to the specified line.
          If line 0 is specified, the text  is  inserted  at
          the  beginning  of the file.  Set to the last line
          input.  If no lines are input, then set  to  line,,
          oorr  ttoo  tthhee  ffiirrsstt lliinnee ooff tthhee ffiillee iiff aa lliinnee of 0
          was specified.  Following the command name with  a
          "!""   cchhaarraacctteerr ccaauusseess tthhee aauuttooiinnddeenntt ooppttiioonn ttoo bbee
          ttoogggglleedd ffoorr tthhee dduurraattiioonn ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected by  the  aauuttooiinnddeenntt  and  nnuummbbeerr

          Display  the  argument list.  The current argument
          is displayed inside of  "[""  aanndd  ""]]"  characters.
          The  argument  list is the list of operands speci-
          fied on startup, which can be replaced  using  the
          nneexxtt command.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

          VVii mode only.  Background the current screen.  The
          screen is unchanged, but is no  longer  accessible
          and  disappears  from  the  display.   Use  the ffgg

UUSSDD::1133--6666                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          command to bring the screen back  to  the  display

          Line:    Set  to  the current line when the screen
                   was last edited.
          Options: None.

     [[rraannggee]] cc[[hhaannggee]][[!!]] [[ccoouunntt]]
          Replace the lines with input text.  Following  the
          command  name  with  a  "!""   cchhaarraacctteerr ccaauusseess tthhee
          aauuttooiinnddeenntt ooppttiioonn ttoo bbee ttoogggglleedd ffoorr  tthhee  dduurraattiioonn
          ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd..

          Line:    Set  to  the  last  line input, or, if no
                   lines were input, set to the line  before
                   the  target line, or to the first line of
                   the file if there are no lines  preceding
                   the target line.
          Options: Affected  by  the  aauuttooiinnddeenntt  and nnuummbbeerr

     cchhdd[[iirr]][[!!]] [[ddiirreeccttoorryy]]
     ccdd[[!!]] [[ddiirreeccttoorryy]]
          Change the current working directory.  The  direc-
          tory  aarrgguummeenntt  iiss  ssuubbjjeecctteedd ttoo _s_h((11)) wwoorrdd eexxppaann--
          ssiioonnss..  WWhheenn iinnvvookkeedd wwiitthh  nnoo  ddiirreeccttoorryy  aarrgguummeenntt
          aanndd  tthhee  HHOOMMEE  _e_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t  _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e  _i_s _s_e_t_, _t_h_e
          _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _n_a_m_e_d _b_y _t_h_e _H_O_M_E  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt  vvaarriiaabbllee
          bbeeccoommeess tthhee nneeww ccuurrrreenntt ddiirreeccttoorryy..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, tthhee
          nneeww  ccuurrrreenntt  ddiirreeccttoorryy  bbeeccoommeess   tthhee   ddiirreeccttoorryy
          rreettuurrnneedd bbyy tthhee _g_e_t_p_w_e_n_t((33)) rroouuttiinnee..

          TThhee  cchhddiirr  ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll ffaaiill iiff tthhee ffiillee hhaass bbeeeenn
          mmooddiiffiieedd ssiinnccee tthhee  llaasstt  ccoommpplleettee  wwrriittee  ooff  tthhee
          ffiillee..   YYoouu ccaann oovveerrrriiddee tthhiiss cchheecckk bbyy aappppeennddiinngg aa
          ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected by the ccddppaatthh option.

     [[rraannggee]] ccoo[[ppyy]] lliinnee [[ffllaaggss]]
     [[rraannggee]] tt lliinnee [[ffllaaggss]]
          Copy the specified lines (range) after the  desti-
          nation  line.   Line  0 may be specified to insert
          the lines at the beginning of the file.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     ccss[[ccooppee]] ccoommmmaanndd [[aarrggss]]
          Execute a ccssccooppee command.  For  more  information,
          see  the  section of the reference manual entitled
          "TTaaggss,, TTaagg SSttaacckkss,, aanndd CCssccooppee".

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--6677

     [[rraannggee]] dd[[eelleettee]] [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Delete the lines from the file.  The deleted  text
          is saved in the specified buffer, or, if no buffer
          is specified, in the unnamed buffer.  If the  com-
          mand  name  is  followed by a letter that could be
          interpreted as either a  buffer  name  or  a  flag
          value  (because  neither  a  count oorr ffllaaggss values
          were given), eexx treats the letter as a flags vvaalluuee
          iiff  tthhee  lleetttteerr  iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy  ffoolllloowwss  tthhee ccoommmmaanndd
          nnaammee,, wwiitthhoouutt aannyy wwhhiitteessppaaccee sseeppaarraattiioonn..   IIff  tthhee
          lleetttteerr  iiss  pprreecceeddeedd  bbyy wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss,, iitt
          ttrreeaattss iitt aass aa bbuuffffeerr nnaammee..

          Line:    Set to the  line  following  the  deleted
                   lines, or to the last line if the deleted
                   lines were at the end.
          Options: None.

     ddii[[ssppllaayy]] bb[[uuffffeerrss]] || cc[[oonnnneeccttiioonnss]] || ss[[ccrreeeennss]] ||
          Display  buffers,  ccssccooppee  connections, screens or
          tags.  The ddiissppllaayy  command  takes  one  of  three
          additional arguments, which are as follows:

                   Display  all  buffers  (including  named,
                   unnamed, and numeric) that contain  text.
                   Display  the  source  directories for all
                   attached ccssccooppee databases.
                   Display the file names of all  background
          t[ags]   Display the tags stack.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     ee[[ddiitt]][[!!]] [[++ccmmdd]] [[ffiillee]]
     eexx[[!!]] [[++ccmmdd]] [[ffiillee]]
          Edit  a different file.  If the current buffer has
          been modified since the last complete  write,  the
          command  will  fail.   You  can  override  this by
          appending a "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          IIff tthhee ""++ccmmdd" option is specified, that eexx command
          will  be executed in the new file.  Any eexx command
          may be used, although the most common use of  this
          feature is to specify a line number or search pat-
          tern to set the initial location in the new  file.

          Capitalizing the first letter of the command, i.e.
          EEddiitt or EExx, while in vvii mode, will edit  the  file

UUSSDD::1133--6688                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          in  a new screen.  In this case, any modifications
          to the current file are ignored.

          Line:    If you have previously edited  the  file,
                   the current line will be set to your last
                   position in the file.  If  that  position
                   does  not  exist,  or you have not previ-
                   ously edited the file, the  current  line
                   will be set to the first line of the file
                   if you are in vvii mode, and the last  line
                   of the file if you are in eexx.
          Options: None.

     eexxuu[[ssaaggee]] [[ccoommmmaanndd]]
          Display  usage  for  an eexx command.  If command iiss
          ssppeecciiffiieedd,, aa uussaaggee ssttaatteemmeenntt ffoorr tthhaatt  ccoommmmaanndd  iiss
          ddiissppllaayyeedd..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, uussaaggee ssttaatteemmeennttss ffoorr aallll eexx
          ccoommmmaannddss aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     ff[[iillee]] [[ffiillee]]
          Display and optionally change the file name.  If a
          file  name  is  specified, the current pathname is
          changed to the specified name.  The current  path-
          name,  the  number of lines, and the current posi-
          tion in the file are displayed.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     ffgg [[nnaammee]]
          VVii mode only.  Foreground  the  specified  screen.
          If  the  argument  name  doesn't exactly match the
          name of a file displayed by a  background  screen,
          it  is compared against the last component of each
          of the file names.  If  no  background  screen  is
          specified,  the  first  background screen is fore-

          By  default,  foregrounding  causes  the   current
          screen to be swapped with the backgrounded screen.
          Capitalizing the first letter of the command, i.e.
          FFgg,  will  foreground the backgrounded screen in a
          new screen instead of swapping it with the current

          Line:    Set  to  the current line when the screen
                   was last edited.
          Options: None.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--6699

     [[rraannggee]] gg[[lloobbaall]] //ppaatttteerrnn// [[ccoommmmaannddss]]
     [[rraannggee]] vv //ppaatttteerrnn// [[ccoommmmaannddss]]
          Apply commands to lines matching (or not matching)
          a  pattern.  The lines within the given range that
          match ("g[lobal]"")),, oorr  ddoo  nnoott  mmaattcchh  ((""vv")  the
          given  pattern  are selected.  Then, the specified
          eexx command(s) are executed with the  current  line
          (".""))   sseett ttoo eeaacchh sseelleecctteedd lliinnee..  IIff nnoo rraannggee iiss
          ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee eennttiirree ffiillee iiss sseeaarrcchheedd ffoorr  mmaattcchh--
          iinngg,, oorr nnoott mmaattcchhiinngg,, lliinneess..

          MMuullttiippllee  ccoommmmaannddss ccaann bbee ssppeecciiffiieedd,, oonnee ppeerr lliinnee,,
          bbyy eessccaappiinngg eeaacchh <<nneewwlliinnee>> character with a  back-
          slash,  or by separating commands with a "|"" cchhaarr--
          aacctteerr..  IIff nnoo ccoommmmaannddss aarree ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd
          ddeeffaauullttss ttoo tthhee pprriinntt ccoommmmaanndd..

          FFoorr  tthhee  aappppeenndd,,  cchhaannggee aanndd iinnsseerrtt ccoommmmaannddss,, tthhee
          iinnppuutt tteexxtt mmuusstt bbee  ppaarrtt  ooff  tthhee  gglloobbaall  ccoommmmaanndd
          lliinnee..  IInn tthhiiss ccaassee,, tthhee tteerrmmiinnaattiinngg ppeerriioodd ccaann bbee
          oommiitttteedd iiff iitt eennddss tthhee ccoommmmaannddss..

          TThhee vviissuuaall ccoommmmaanndd mmaayy aallssoo bbee ssppeecciiffiieedd aass oonnee ooff
          tthhee  eexx  ccoommmmaannddss..   IInn  tthhiiss mmooddee,, iinnppuutt iiss ttaakkeenn
          ffrroomm tthhee tteerrmmiinnaall..  EEnntteerriinngg aa  QQ  ccoommmmaanndd  iinn  vvii
          mmooddee  ccaauusseess tthhee nneexxtt lliinnee mmaattcchhiinngg tthhee ppaatttteerrnn ttoo
          bbee sseelleecctteedd aanndd vvii ttoo bbee rreeeenntteerreedd,, uunnttiill tthhee lliisstt
          iiss eexxhhaauusstteedd..

          TThhee  gglloobbaall,, vv aanndd uunnddoo ccoommmmaannddss ccaannnnoott bbee uusseedd aass
          ppaarrtt ooff tthheessee ccoommmmaannddss..

          TThhee  eeddiittoorr  ooppttiioonnss  aauuttooiinnddeenntt,,  aauuttoopprriinntt   aanndd
          rreeppoorrtt  aarree  ttuurrnneedd  ooffff  ffoorr  tthhee dduurraattiioonn ooff tthhee
          gglloobbaall aanndd vv ccoommmmaannddss..

          Line:    The last line modified.
          Options: Affected  by  the  iiggnnoorreeccaassee  and  mmaaggiicc
                   options.  Turns off the aauuttooiinnddeenntt, aauuttoo--
                   pprriinntt and rreeppoorrtt options.

          Display a help message.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[lliinnee]] ii[[nnsseerrtt]][[!!]]
          The input text is inserted  before  the  specified
          line.   Following  the  command  name  with  a "!""
          cchhaarraacctteerr ccaauusseess tthhee aauuttooiinnddeenntt ooppttiioonn sseettttiinngg  ttoo
          bbee ttoogggglleedd ffoorr tthhee dduurraattiioonn ooff tthhiiss ccoommmmaanndd..

UUSSDD::1133--7700                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          Line:    Set  to  the last line input; if no lines
                   were input, set to the  line  before  the
                   target  line, or to the first line of the
                   file if there are no lines preceding  the
                   target  line.  Affected by the aauuttooiinnddeenntt
                   and nnuummbbeerr options.

     [[rraannggee]] jj[[ooiinn]][[!!]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Join lines of text together.

          A count ssppeecciiffiieedd ttoo tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd  ssppeecciiffiieess  tthhaatt
          tthhee  llaasstt  lliinnee ooff tthhee rraannggee plus count ssuubbsseeqquueenntt
          lliinneess wwiillll bbee jjooiinneedd..  ((NNoottee,, tthhiiss ddiiffffeerrss bbyy  oonnee
          ffrroomm tthhee ggeenneerraall rruullee wwhheerree oonnllyy ccoouunntt- subsequent
          lines are affected.)

          If the current line ends with a whitespace charac-
          ter,  all  whitespace  is  stripped  from the next
          line.  Otherwise, if the next line starts  with  a
          open parenthesis ("("")),, ddoo nnootthhiinngg..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, iiff
          tthhee ccuurrrreenntt lliinnee eennddss wwiitthh aa qquueessttiioonn mmaarrkk  ((""??"),
          period  (".""))   oorr eexxccllaammaattiioonn ppooiinntt ((""!!"), insert
          two spaces.  Otherwise, insert a single space.

          Appending a "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr  ttoo  tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd  nnaammee
          ccaauusseess aa ssiimmpplleerr jjooiinn wwiitthh nnoo wwhhiittee--ssppaaccee pprroocceessss--

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[rraannggee]] ll[[iisstt]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Display the lines unambiguously.   Tabs  are  dis-
          played  as "^I"",, aanndd tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee lliinnee iiss mmaarrkkeedd
          wwiitthh aa ""$$" character.

          Line:    Set to the last line displayed.
          Options: Affected by the nnuummbbeerr option.

     mmaapp[[!!]] [[llhhss rrhhss]]
          Define or display maps (for vvii only).

          If "lhs"" aanndd ""rrhhss" are not specified, the  current
          set  of command mode maps are displayed.  If a "!""
          cchhaarraacctteerr iiss aappppeennddeedd ttoo ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, tthhee  tteexxtt
          iinnppuutt mmooddee mmaappss aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd..

          OOtthheerrwwiissee,,  wwhheenn  tthhee  ""llhhss" character sequence is
          entered in vvii, the action is as if the correspond-
          ing  "rhs""  hhaadd bbeeeenn eenntteerreedd..  IIff aa ""!!"  character
          is appended to the command name,  the  mapping  is
          effective during text input mode, otherwise, it is
          effective during command mode.  This allows  "lhs""

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--7711

          ttoo  hhaavvee  ttwwoo  ddiiffffeerreenntt  mmaaccrroo ddeeffiinniittiioonnss aatt tthhee
          ssaammee ttiimmee:: oonnee ffoorr ccoommmmaanndd mmooddee aanndd oonnee ffoorr  iinnppuutt

          WWhhiitteessppaaccee  cchhaarraacctteerrss  rreeqquuiirree  eessccaappiinngg  wwiitthh  aa
          <<lliitteerraall--nneexxtt>> character to be entered in the  lhs
          ssttrriinngg iinn vviissuuaall mmooddee..

          NNoorrmmaallllyy,, kkeeyyss iinn tthhee rrhhss string are remapped (see
          the rreemmaapp option), and it is  possible  to  create
          infinite  loops.  However, keys which map to them-
          selves are not further remapped, regardless of the
          setting  of  the  rreemmaapp  option.  For example, the
          command ":map n nz.""  mmaappss tthhee ""nn" key  to  the  nn
          and zz commands.

          To  exit an infinitely looping map, use the termi-
          nal <interrupt> cchhaarraacctteerr..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected by the rreemmaapp option.

     [[lliinnee]] mmaa[[rrkk]] <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
     [[lliinnee]] kk <<cchhaarraacctteerr>>
          Mark the line  with  the  mark  <character>..   TThhee
          eexxpprreessssiioonnss  ""''<<cchhaarraacctteerr>>" and "`<character>"" ccaann
          tthheenn bbee uusseedd aass aann aaddddrreessss  iinn  aannyy  ccoommmmaanndd  tthhaatt
          uusseess oonnee..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[rraannggee]] mm[[oovvee]] lliinnee
          Move the specified lines after the target line.  A
          target line of 0 places the lines at the beginning
          of the file.

          Line:    Set to the first of the moved lines.
          Options: None.

     mmkk[[eexxrrcc]][[!!]] ffiillee
          Write  the  abbreviations, editor options and maps
          to the specified file.  Information is written  in
          a  form  which can later be read back in using the
          eexx ssoouurrccee command.  If file  aallrreeaaddyy  eexxiissttss,,  tthhee
          mmkkeexxrrcc ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll ffaaiill..  TThhiiss cchheecckk ccaann bbee oovveerr--
          rriiddddeenn bbyy aappppeennddiinngg aa ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo  tthhee  ccoomm--

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

UUSSDD::1133--7722                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

     nn[[eexxtt]][[!!]] [[ffiillee ......]]
          Edit  the  next  file from the argument list.  The
          nneexxtt command will fail if the file has been  modi-
          fied  since  the  last complete write.  This check
          can be overridden by appending the "!""   cchhaarraacctteerr
          ttoo  tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd  nnaammee..   TThhee  aarrgguummeenntt  lliisstt  ccaann
          ooppttiioonnaallllyy bbee rreeppllaacceedd bbyy ssppeecciiffyyiinngg aa nneeww oonnee  aass
          aarrgguummeennttss  ttoo tthhiiss ccoommmmaanndd..  IInn tthhiiss ccaassee,, eeddiittiinngg
          ssttaarrttss wwiitthh tthhee ffiirrsstt ffiillee oonn tthhee nneeww lliisstt..

          CCaappiittaalliizziinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, ii..ee..
          NNeexxtt,, wwhhiillee iinn vvii mmooddee,, wwiillll sseett tthhee aarrgguummeenntt lliisstt
          aanndd eeddiitt tthhee ffiillee iinn aa nneeww ssccrreeeenn..  IInn tthhiiss  ccaassee,,
          aannyy mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee aarree iiggnnoorreedd..

          Line:    Set as described for the eeddiitt command.
          Options: Affected by  the  options  aauuttoowwrriittee  and

     [[lliinnee]] oo[[ppeenn]] //ppaatttteerrnn// [[ffllaaggss]]
          Enter  open  mode.  Open mode is the same as being
          in vvii, but with a one-line window.  All the  stan-
          dard  vvii  commands  are  available.  If a match is
          found for the optional RE argument, the cursor  is
          set to the start of the matching pattern.

          _T_h_i_s _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

          Line:    Unchanged,  unless  the  optional  RE  is
                   specified, in which case it is set to the
                   line where the matching pattern is found.
          Options: Affected by the ooppeenn option.

          Save the file in a form that can later  be  recov-
          ered  using  the  eexx  --rr option.  When the file is
          preserved, an email message is sent to the user.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

          Edit the previous file  from  the  argument  list.
          The  pprreevviioouuss  command  will  fail if the file has
          been modified since the last complete write.  This
          check  can  be  overridden  by  appending  the "!""
          cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          CCaappiittaalliizziinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, ii..ee..
          PPrreevviioouuss,,  wwhhiillee iinn vvii mmooddee,, wwiillll eeddiitt tthhee ffiillee iinn
          aa nneeww ssccrreeeenn..  IInn tthhiiss ccaassee,, aannyy mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  ttoo
          tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee aarree iiggnnoorreedd..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--7733

          Line:    Set as described for the eeddiitt command.
          Options: Affected  by  the  options  aauuttoowwrriittee and
                   wwrriitteeaannyy.  None.

     [[rraannggee]] pp[[rriinntt]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Display the specified lines.

          Line:    Set to the last line displayed.
          Options: Affected by the lliisstt and nnuummbbeerr option.

     [[lliinnee]] ppuu[[tt]] [[bbuuffffeerr]]
          Append buffer contents to the current line.  If  a
          buffer  is specified, its contents are appended to
          the line, otherwise, the contents of  the  unnamed
          buffer are used.

          Line:    Set to the line after the current line.
          Options: None.

          End  the  editing  session.   If the file has been
          modified since the last complete write,  the  qquuiitt
          command  will  fail.  This check may be overridden
          by appending a "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd..

          IIff tthheerree aarree mmoorree ffiilleess ttoo eeddiitt,, tthhee qquuiitt  ccoommmmaanndd
          wwiillll ffaaiill..  AAppppeennddiinngg aa ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoomm--
          mmaanndd nnaammee oorr eenntteerriinngg ttwwoo qquuiitt ccoommmmaannddss ((ii..ee..  wwqq,,
          qquuiitt,,  xxiitt  oorr  ZZZZ))  iinn  aa rrooww)) wwiillll oovveerrrriiddee tthhiiss
          cchheecckk aanndd tthhee eeddiittoorr wwiillll eexxiitt..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[lliinnee]] rr[[eeaadd]][[!!]] [[ffiillee]]
          Read a file.  A copy  of  the  specified  file  is
          appended  to  the line.  If line iiss 00,, tthhee ccooppyy iiss
          iinnsseerrtteedd aatt tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff tthhee ffiillee..  IIff nnoo ffiillee
          iiss  ssppeecciiffiieedd,,  tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee iiss rreeaadd;; iiff tthheerree
          iiss nnoo ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee,, tthheenn ffiillee becomes the  current
          file.   If there is no current file and no file iiss
          ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthheenn tthhee rreeaadd ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll ffaaiill..

          IIff ffiillee iiss pprreecceeddeedd bbyy aa ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr,,  ffiillee  iiss
          ttrreeaatteedd  aass iiff iitt wweerree aa sshheellll ccoommmmaanndd,, aanndd ppaasssseedd
          ttoo tthhee pprrooggrraamm nnaammeedd bbyy  tthhee  sshheellll  eeddiitt  ooppttiioonn..
          TThhee  ssttaannddaarrdd  aanndd  ssttaannddaarrdd eerrrroorr oouuttppuuttss ooff tthhaatt
          ccoommmmaanndd aarree rreeaadd iinnttoo tthhee ffiillee aafftteerr tthhee ssppeecciiffiieedd
          lliinnee..   TThhee  ssppeecciiaall mmeeaanniinngg ooff tthhee ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr
          ccaann bbee oovveerrrriiddddeenn bbyy eessccaappiinngg iitt wwiitthh aa  bbaacckkssllaasshh
          ((""\\"")) cchhaarraacctteerr..

UUSSDD::1133--7744                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          Line:    When  executed  from eexx, the current line
                   is set to the last line read.  When  exe-
                   cuted from vvii, the current line is set to
                   the first line read.
          Options: None.

     rreecc[[oovveerr]] ffiillee
          Recover file iiff iitt wwaass pprreevviioouussllyy  ssaavveedd..   IIff  nnoo
          ssaavveedd  ffiillee  bbyy tthhaatt nnaammee eexxiissttss,, tthhee rreeccoovveerr ccoomm--
          mmaanndd bbeehhaavveess eeqquuiivvaalleennttllyy ttoo tthhee eeddiitt ccoommmmaanndd..

          Line:    Set as described for the eeddiitt command.
          Options: None.

     rreess[[iizzee]] [[++||--]]ssiizzee
          VVii mode only.  Grow or shrink the current  screen.
          If  size iiss aa ppoossiittiivvee,, ssiiggnneedd nnuummbbeerr,, tthhee ccuurrrreenntt
          ssccrreeeenn iiss ggrroowwnn bbyy tthhaatt mmaannyy lliinneess..  IIff ssiizzee is  a
          negative,  signed  number,  the  current screen is
          shrunk by that many lines.  If size iiss nnoott ssiiggnneedd,,
          tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ssccrreeeenn iiss sseett ttoo tthhee ssppeecciiffiieedd ssiizzee.
          Applicable only to split screens.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

          Rewind the argument list.  If the current file has
          been  modified  since the last complete write, the
          rreewwiinndd command will fail.  This check may be over-
          ridden by appending the "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoomm--

          OOtthheerrwwiissee,, tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee iiss sseett  ttoo  tthhee  ffiirrsstt
          ffiillee iinn tthhee aarrgguummeenntt lliisstt..

          Line:    Set as described for the eeddiitt command.
          Options: Affected  by  the  aauuttoowwrriittee and wwrriitteeaannyy

     ssee[[tt]] [[ooppttiioonn[[==[[vvaalluuee]]]] ......]] [[nnooooppttiioonn  ......]]  [[ooppttiioonn??
          Display or set editor options.  When no  arguments
          are  specified,  the  editor  option tteerrmm, and any
          editor options whose values have been changed from
          the  default settings are displayed.  If the argu-
          ment all iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee vvaalluueess ooff aallll ooff eeddiittoorr
          ooppttiioonnss aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd..

          SSppeecciiffyyiinngg  aann ooppttiioonn nnaammee ffoolllloowweedd bbyy tthhee cchhaarraacc--
          tteerr ""??"  causes the current value of  that  option
          to  be  displayed.  The "?""  ccaann bbee sseeppaarraatteedd ffrroomm

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--7755

          tthhee ooppttiioonn nnaammee bbyy wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss..  TThhee ""??"
          is  necessary  only  for  Boolean  valued options.
          Boolean options can be given values  by  the  form
          "set option"" ttoo ttuurrnn tthheemm oonn,, oorr ""sseett nnooooppttiioonn" to
          turn them off.  String and numeric options can  be
          assigned  by  the  form  "set  option=value""..  AAnnyy
          wwhhiitteessppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn ssttrriinnggss ccaann  bbee  iinncclluuddeedd
          lliitteerraallllyy  bbyy  pprreecceeddiinngg  eeaacchh  wwiitthh  aa bbaacckkssllaasshh..
          MMoorree tthhaann oonnee ooppttiioonn ccaann bbee sseett  oorr  lliisstteedd  bbyy  aa
          ssiinnggllee  sseett  ccoommmmaanndd,, bbyy ssppeecciiffyyiinngg mmuullttiippllee aarrgguu--
          mmeennttss,, eeaacchh sseeppaarraatteedd ffrroomm tthhee nneexxtt bbyy  wwhhiitteessppaaccee

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

          Run  the  shell program.  The program named by the
          sshheellll option is run with a  --ii  (for  interactive)
          flag.  Editing is resumed when that program exits.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected by the sshheellll option.

     ssoo[[uurrccee]] ffiillee
          Read and execute eexx commands from a file.   SSoouurrccee
          commands may be nested.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[rraannggee]]  ss[[uubbssttiittuuttee]]  [[//ppaatttteerrnn//rreeppllaaccee//]] [[ooppttiioonnss]]
     [[rraannggee]] && [[ooppttiioonnss]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
     [[rraannggee]] ~~ [[ooppttiioonnss]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Make substitutions.  Replace the first instance of
          pattern wwiitthh tthhee ssttrriinngg rreeppllaaccee on  the  specified
          line(s).   If the "/pattern/repl/"" aarrgguummeenntt iiss nnoott
          ssppeecciiffiieedd,, tthhee ""//ppaatttteerrnn//rreeppll//" from the  previous
          ssuubbssttiittuuttee  command  is used.  Any character other
          than an alphabetic, numeric, <blank> or  backslash
          character may be used as the delimiter.

          If  options iinncclluuddeess tthhee lleetttteerr ""cc" (confirm), you
          will be  prompted  for  confirmation  before  each
          replacement  is done.  An affirmative response (in
          English, a "y"" cchhaarraacctteerr)) ccaauusseess  tthhee  rreeppllaacceemmeenntt
          ttoo  bbee  mmaaddee..   AA qquuiitt rreessppoonnssee ((iinn EEnngglliisshh,, aa ""qq"
          character) causes the  ssuubbssttiittuuttee  command  to  be
          terminated.    Any   other   response  causes  the
          replacement not to be  made,  and  the  ssuubbssttiittuuttee
          command continues.  If options iinncclluuddeess tthhee lleetttteerr

UUSSDD::1133--7766                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          ""gg" (global), all nonoverlapping instances of pat-
          tern iinn tthhee lliinnee aarree rreeppllaacceedd..

          TThhee  &&  vveerrssiioonn  ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss tthhee ssaammee aass nnoott
          ssppeecciiffyyiinngg aa ppaatttteerrnn oorr rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ssttrriinngg ttoo  tthhee
          ssuubbssttiittuuttee ccoommmmaanndd,, aanndd tthhee ""&&"" iiss rreeppllaacceedd bbyy tthhee
          ppaatttteerrnn aanndd rreeppllaacceemmeenntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ffrroomm tthhee  pprree--
          vviioouuss ssuubbssttiittuuttee ccoommmmaanndd..

          TThhee  ~~ vveerrssiioonn ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd iiss tthhee ssaammee aass && aanndd
          ss,, eexxcceepptt tthhaatt tthhee sseeaarrcchh ppaatttteerrnn uusseedd iiss tthhee llaasstt
          RREE  uusseedd  iinn  _a_n_y ccoommmmaanndd,, nnoott nneecceessssaarriillyy tthhee oonnee
          uusseedd iinn tthhee llaasstt ssuubbssttiittuuttee ccoommmmaanndd..

          FFoorr eexxaammppllee,, iinn tthhee sseeqquueennccee


          the "~"" iiss eeqquuiivvaalleenntt ttoo ""ss//ggrreeeenn//bblluuee//".

          The ssuubbssttiittuuttee command may be  interrupted,  using
          the  terminal  interrupt character.  All substitu-
          tions completed before the interrupt are retained.

          Line:    Set to the last line upon which a substi-
                   tution was made.
          Options: Affected  by  the  iiggnnoorreeccaassee  and  mmaaggiicc

          Suspend  the edit session.  Appending a "!""  cchhaarr--
          aacctteerr ttoo tthheessee ccoommmmaannddss ttuurrnnss  ooffff  tthhee  aauuttoowwrriittee
          ooppttiioonn ffoorr tthhee ccoommmmaanndd..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected  by  the  aauuttoowwrriittee and wwrriitteeaannyy

     ttaa[[gg]][[!!]] ttaaggssttrriinngg
          Edit the file containing the  specified  tag.   If
          the  tag is in a different file, then the new file
          is edited.  If the current file has been  modified
          since  the  last  complete  write, the ttaagg command
          will  fail.   This  check  can  be  overridden  by
          appending  the "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          TThhee ttaagg ccoommmmaanndd sseeaarrcchheess ffoorr ttaaggssttrriinngg iinn tthhee ttaaggss
          ffiillee((ss))  ssppeecciiffiieedd  bbyy  tthhee ooppttiioonn..  ((SSeeee _c_t_a_g_s((11))
          ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn ttaaggss ffiilleess..))

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--7777

          CCaappiittaalliizziinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, ii..ee..
          TTaagg,, wwhhiillee iinn vvii mmooddee,, wwiillll eeddiitt tthhee ffiillee iinn aa nneeww
          ssccrreeeenn..  IInn tthhiiss ccaassee,, aannyy  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  ttoo  tthhee
          ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee aarree iiggnnoorreedd..

          Line:    Set to the line indicated by the tag.
          Options: Affected  by  the  aauuttoowwrriittee,  ttaagglleennggtthh,
                   ttaaggss and wwrriitteeaannyy options.

          Edit the file containing the next context for  the
          current  tag.   If  the  context is in a different
          file, then the new file is edited.  If the current
          file  has  been  modified  since the last complete
          write, the ttaaggnneexxtt command will fail.  This  check
          can  be overridden by appending the "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr
          ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          CCaappiittaalliizziinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, ii..ee..
          TTaaggnneexxtt,, wwhhiillee iinn vvii mmooddee,, wwiillll eeddiitt tthhee ffiillee iinn aa
          nneeww ssccrreeeenn..  IInn tthhiiss ccaassee,,  aannyy  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  ttoo
          tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee aarree iiggnnoorreedd..

          Line:    Set to the line indicated by the tag.
          Options: Affected  by  the  aauuttoowwrriittee and wwrriitteeaannyy

     ttaaggpp[[oopp]][[!!]] [[ffiillee || nnuummbbeerr]]
          Pop to the specified tag in the  tags  stack.   If
          neither  file  oorr  nnuummbbeerr is specified, the ttaaggppoopp
          command pops to the most recent entry on the  tags
          stack.  If file oorr nnuummbbeerr is specified, the ttaaggppoopp
          command pops to the most recent entry in the  tags
          stack for that file, or numbered entry in the tags
          stack, respectively.  (See the ddiissppllaayy command for
          information on displaying the tags stack.)

          If  the file has been modified since the last com-
          plete write, the ttaaggppoopp command will  fail.   This
          check  may be overridden by appending a "!""  cchhaarr--
          aacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          Line:    Set to the line indicated by the tag.
          Options: Affected by the  aauuttoowwrriittee  and  wwrriitteeaannyy

          Edit  the file containing the previous context for
          the current tag.  If the context is in a different
          file, then the new file is edited.  If the current
          file has been modified  since  the  last  complete
          write,  the ttaaggpprreevv command will fail.  This check
          can be overridden by appending the "!""   cchhaarraacctteerr

UUSSDD::1133--7788                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          CCaappiittaalliizziinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, ii..ee..
          TTaaggpprreevv,, wwhhiillee iinn vvii mmooddee,, wwiillll eeddiitt tthhee ffiillee iinn aa
          nneeww  ssccrreeeenn..   IInn  tthhiiss ccaassee,, aannyy mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss ttoo
          tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ffiillee aarree iiggnnoorreedd..

          Line:    Set to the line indicated by the tag.
          Options: Affected by the  aauuttoowwrriittee  and  wwrriitteeaannyy

          Pop  to  the  least  recent tag on the tags stack,
          clearing the tags stack.

          If the file has been modified since the last  com-
          plete  write,  the ttaaggttoopp command will fail.  This
          check may be overridden by appending a "!""   cchhaarr--
          aacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee..

          Line:    Set to the line indicated by the tag.
          Options: Affected  by  the  aauuttoowwrriittee and wwrriitteeaannyy

     uunnaa[[bbbbrreevv]] llhhss
          Delete an abbreviation.  Delete lhs ffrroomm tthhee  ccuurr--
          rreenntt lliisstt ooff aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonnss..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

          Undo  the  last  change made to the file.  Changes
          made by gglloobbaall, vv, vviissuuaall and  map  sequences  are
          considered  a  single command.  If repeated, the uu
          command alternates between these two  states,  and
          is its own inverse.

          Line:    Set to the last line modified by the com-
          Options: None.

     uunnmm[[aapp]][[!!]] llhhss
          Unmap a mapped string.  Delete  the  command  mode
          map  definition  for  lhs..  IIff aa ""!!"  character is
          appended to the  command  name,  delete  the  text
          input mode map definition instead.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

          Display the version of the eexx//vvii editor.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--7799

     [[lliinnee]] vvii[[ssuuaall]] [[ttyyppee]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          EExx  mode  only.   Enter vvii.  The type iiss ooppttiioonnaall,,
          aanndd ccaann bbee ""--", "+"" oorr ""^^", as in the  eexx  zz  com-
          mand,  to  specify  the  position of the specified
          line in the screen window.   (The  default  is  to
          place  the  line at the top of the screen window.)
          A count ssppeecciiffiieess tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff  lliinneess  tthhaatt  wwiillll
          iinniittiiaallllyy bbee ddiissppllaayyeedd..  ((TThhee ddeeffaauulltt iiss tthhee vvaalluuee
          ooff tthhee wwiinnddooww eeddiittoorr ooppttiioonn..))

          Line:    Unchanged unless line  iiss  ssppeecciiffiieedd,,  iinn
                   wwhhiicchh ccaassee iitt iiss sseett ttoo tthhaatt lliinnee..
          Options: None.

     vvii[[ssuuaall]][[!!]] [[++ccmmdd]] [[ffiillee]]
          VVii  mode only.  Edit a new file.  Identical to the
          "edit[!] [+cmd] [file]"" ccoommmmaanndd..

          CCaappiittaalliizziinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt lleetttteerr ooff tthhee ccoommmmaanndd,, ii..ee..
          VViissuuaall,,  wwiillll  eeddiitt  tthhee ffiillee iinn aa nneeww ssccrreeeenn..  IInn
          tthhiiss ccaassee,, aannyy mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ffiillee
          aarree iiggnnoorreedd..

     vviiuu[[ssaaggee]] [[ccoommmmaanndd]]
          Display  usage  for  a  vvii command.  If command iiss
          ssppeecciiffiieedd,, aa uussaaggee ssttaatteemmeenntt ffoorr tthhaatt  ccoommmmaanndd  iiss
          ddiissppllaayyeedd..  OOtthheerrwwiissee,, uussaaggee ssttaatteemmeennttss ffoorr aallll vvii
          ccoommmmaannddss aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[rraannggee]] ww[[rriittee]][[!!]] [[>>>>]] [[ffiillee]]
     [[rraannggee]] ww[[rriittee]] [[!!]] [[ffiillee]]
     [[rraannggee]] wwnn[[!!]] [[>>>>]] [[ffiillee]]
     [[rraannggee]] wwqq[[!!]] [[>>>>]] [[ffiillee]]
          Write the file.  The specified lines  (the  entire
          file,  if  no  range is given) is written to file..
          IIff ffiillee is not specified, the current pathname  is
          used.   If file iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,, aanndd iitt eexxiissttss,, oorr iiff
          tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppaatthhnnaammee wwaass sseett uussiinngg tthhee  ffiillee  ccoomm--
          mmaanndd,,  aanndd tthhee ffiillee aallrreeaaddyy eexxiissttss,, tthheessee ccoommmmaannddss
          wwiillll ffaaiill..  AAppppeennddiinngg aa ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoomm--
          mmaanndd  nnaammee  wwiillll oovveerrrriiddee tthhiiss cchheecckk aanndd tthhee wwrriittee
          wwiillll bbee aatttteemmpptteedd,, rreeggaarrddlleessss..

          SSppeecciiffyyiinngg tthhee ooppttiioonnaall "">>>>"" ssttrriinngg wwiillll ccaauussee tthhee
          wwrriittee ttoo bbee aappppeennddeedd ttoo tthhee ffiillee,, iinn wwhhiicchh ccaassee nnoo
          tteessttss aarree mmaaddee ffoorr tthhee ffiillee aallrreeaaddyy eexxiissttiinngg..

          IIff tthhee ffiillee iiss pprreecceeddeedd bbyy aa ""!!""   cchhaarraacctteerr,,  tthhee
          pprrooggrraamm  nnaammeedd bbyy tthhee sshheellll eeddiitt ooppttiioonn iiss iinnvvookkeedd
          wwiitthh  ffiillee  aass  iittss  sseeccoonndd  aarrgguummeenntt,,   aanndd   tthhee

UUSSDD::1133--8800                    NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))

          ssppeecciiffiieedd  lliinneess  aarree  ppaasssseedd aass ssttaannddaarrdd iinnppuutt ttoo
          tthhaatt ccoommmmaanndd..  TThhee ""!!""  iinn tthhiiss uussaaggee mmuusstt bbee sseepp--
          aarraatteedd  ffrroomm  ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee bbyy aatt lleeaasstt oonnee wwhhiitteess--
          ppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerr..  TThhee ssppeecciiaall mmeeaanniinngg  ooff  tthhee  ""!!""
          mmaayy  bbee oovveerrrriiddddeenn bbyy eessccaappiinngg iitt wwiitthh aa bbaacckkssllaasshh
          ((""\\"")) cchhaarraacctteerr..

          TThhee wwqq vveerrssiioonn ooff tthhee wwrriittee ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll eexxiitt  tthhee
          eeddiittoorr  aafftteerr  wwrriittiinngg  tthhee  ffiillee,, iiff tthheerree aarree nnoo
          ffuurrtthheerr ffiilleess ttoo eeddiitt..  AAppppeennddiinngg aa ""!!""  cchhaarraacctteerr
          ttoo  tthhee  ccoommmmaanndd  nnaammee oorr eenntteerriinngg ttwwoo ""qquuiitt"" ccoomm--
          mmaannddss ((ii..ee..  wwqq,, qquuiitt,, xxiitt oorr ZZZZ)) iinn aa  rrooww))  wwiillll
          oovveerrrriiddee  tthhiiss  cchheecckk  aanndd  tthhee  eeddiittoorr wwiillll eexxiitt,,
          iiggnnoorriinngg aannyy ffiilleess tthhaatt hhaavvee nnoott yyeett bbeeeenn  eeddiitteedd..

          TThhee  wwnn  vveerrssiioonn ooff tthhee wwrriittee ccoommmmaanndd wwiillll mmoovvee ttoo
          tthhee nneexxtt ffiillee aafftteerr wwrriittiinngg tthhee ffiillee,,  uunnlleessss  tthhee
          wwrriittee ffaaiillss..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected  by  the  rreeaaddoonnllyy  and wwrriitteeaannyy

     [[rraannggee]] xx[[iitt]][[!!]] [[ffiillee]]
          Write the file if it has been modified.  The spec-
          ified  lines  are written to file,, iiff tthhee ffiillee hhaass
          bbeeeenn mmooddiiffiieedd ssiinnccee tthhee llaasstt ccoommpplleettee wwrriittee ttoo aannyy
          ffiillee..   IIff  nnoo rraannggee is specified, the entire file
          is written.

          The xxiitt command will exit the editor after writing
          the  file,  if there are no further files to edit.
          Appending a "!""  cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo tthhee ccoommmmaanndd nnaammee  oorr
          eenntteerriinngg  ttwwoo ""qquuiitt"" ccoommmmaannddss ((ii..ee..  wwqq,, qquuiitt,, xxiitt
          oorr ZZZZ)) iinn aa rrooww)) wwiillll oovveerrrriiddee tthhiiss cchheecckk aanndd  tthhee
          eeddiittoorr wwiillll eexxiitt,, iiggnnoorriinngg aannyy ffiilleess tthhaatt hhaavvee nnoott
          yyeett bbeeeenn eeddiitteedd..

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: Affected by  the  rreeaaddoonnllyy  and  wwrriitteeaannyy

     [[rraannggee]] yyaa[[nnkk]] [[bbuuffffeerr]] [[ccoouunntt]]
          Copy  the  specified  lines  to  a  buffer.  If no
          buffer is specified, the unnamed buffer is used.

          Line:    Unchanged.
          Options: None.

     [[lliinnee]] zz [[ttyyppee]] [[ccoouunntt]] [[ffllaaggss]]
          Adjust the window.  If no type iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd,,  tthheenn
          ccoouunntt  lines following the specified line are dis-
          played.  The default count iiss  tthhee  vvaalluuee  ooff  tthhee

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((EExx CCoommmmaannddss))                    UUSSDD::1133--8811

          wwiinnddooww  ooppttiioonn..   TThhee  ttyyppee  aarrgguummeenntt  cchhaannggeess tthhee
          ppoossiittiioonn aatt wwhhiicchh lliinnee iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd oonn tthhee  ssccrreeeenn
          bbyy  cchhaannggiinngg  tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff lliinneess ddiissppllaayyeedd bbeeffoorree
          aanndd aafftteerr lliinnee..  TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttyyppee cchhaarraacctteerrss mmaayy
          bbee uusseedd::

          -        Place  the  line  at  the  bottom  of the
          +        Place the line at the top of the  screen.
          .        Place  the  line  in  the  middle  of the
          ^        Write out count lines starting count *  2
                   lines before line; the net effect of this
                   is that a "z^" command following a zz com-
                   mand writes the previous page.
          =        Center  line on the screen with a line of
                   hyphens displayed immediately before  and
                   after  it.   The  number of preceding and
                   following lines  of  text  displayed  are
                   reduced to account for those lines.

          Line:    Set  to the last line displayed, with the
                   exception of the type, where the  current
                   line  is set to the line specified by the
          Options: Affected by the ssccrroollll option.

     1188..  SSeett OOppttiioonnss

          There are a large number of options  that  may  be
     set  (or  unset) to change the editor's behavior.  This
     section describes the options, their abbreviations  and
     their default values.

          In  each  entry  below,  the first part of the tag
     line is the full name of the option,  followed  by  any
     equivalent abbreviations.  (Regardless of the abbrevia-
     tions, it is only necessary to use the  minimum  number
     of  characters necessary to distinguish an abbreviation
     from all other commands  for  it  to  be  accepted,  in
     nneexx/nnvvii.   Historically,  only  the  full  name and the
     official abbreviations were accepted by  eexx/vvii.   Using
     full  names  in  your  startup  files and environmental
     variables will probably make them more portable.)   The
     part  in  square  brackets  is the default value of the
     option.  Most of the options are boolean, i.e. they are
     either  on or off, and do not have an associated value.

          Options apply to both eexx and vvii modes, unless oth-
     erwise specified.

          With  a  few  exceptions, all options are settable
     per screen, i.e. the ttaaggss option can be set differently

UUSSDD::1133--8822                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

     in each screen.  The exceptions are the ccoolluummnnss, lliinneess,
     sseeccuurree and tteerrmm options.  Changing these options  modi-
     fies the respective information for all screens.

          For  information  on  modifying  the options or to
     display the options and their current values,  see  the
     "set" command in the section entitled "EExx CCoommmmaannddss".

     aallttwweerraassee [[ooffff]]
          VVii  only.   Change  how  vvii does word erase during
          text input.  When this option is set, text is bro-
          ken up into three classes: alphabetic, numeric and
          underscore characters, other nonblank  characters,
          and  blank characters.  Changing from one class to
          another marks the end of a word.  In addition, the
          class  of  the  first  character erased is ignored
          (which is exactly what you want when erasing path-
          name components).

     aauuttooiinnddeenntt,, aaii [[ooffff]]
          If  this  option is set, whenever you create a new
          line (using the vvii AA, aa, CC, cc, II, ii, OO, oo,  RR,  rr,
          SS,  and  ss commands, or the eexx aappppeenndd, cchhaannggee, and
          iinnsseerrtt commands) the  new  line  is  automatically
          indented  to  align the cursor with the first non-
          blank character of the line from which you created
          it.   Lines  are  indented using tab characters to
          the extent possible (based on  the  value  of  the
          ttaabbssttoopp option) and then using space characters as
          necessary.  For commands inserting text  into  the
          middle  of  a  line,  any  blank characters to the
          right of the cursor are discarded, and  the  first
          nonblank  character  to the right of the cursor is
          aligned as described above.

          The indent characters are themselves somewhat spe-
          cial.   If you do not enter more characters on the
          new line before moving to another line, or  enter-
          ing <escape>,, tthhee iinnddeenntt cchhaarraacctteerr wwiillll bbee ddeelleetteedd
          aanndd tthhee lliinnee wwiillll bbee eemmppttyy..  FFoorr eexxaammppllee,,  iiff  yyoouu
          eenntteerr  <<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>>  twice in succession, the
          line created by the first  <carriage-return>  wwiillll
          nnoott  hhaavvee  aannyy cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn iitt,, rreeggaarrddlleessss ooff tthhee
          iinnddeennttaattiioonn ooff tthhee pprreevviioouuss oorr ssuubbsseeqquueenntt lliinnee..

          IInnddeenntt cchhaarraacctteerrss  aallssoo  rreeqquuiirree  tthhaatt  yyoouu  eenntteerr
          aaddddiittiioonnaall  eerraassee  cchhaarraacctteerrss ttoo ddeelleettee tthheemm..  FFoorr
          eexxaammppllee,, iiff yyoouu hhaavvee aann iinnddeenntteedd lliinnee,,  ccoonnttaaiinniinngg
          oonnllyy  bbllaannkkss,, tthhee ffiirrsstt <<wwoorrdd--eerraassee>> character you
          enter will erase up to end of the  indent  charac-
          ters, and the second will erase back to the begin-
          ning of the line.  (Historically, only  the  <con-
          trol-D>  kkeeyy  wwoouulldd  eerraassee  tthhee iinnddeenntt cchhaarraacctteerrss..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--8833

          BBootthh tthhee <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>> key and the usual erase  keys
          work in nnvvii.)  In addition, if the cursor is posi-
          tioned at the end of the  indent  characters,  the
          keys  "0<control-D>""  wwiillll eerraassee aallll ooff tthhee iinnddeenntt
          cchhaarraacctteerrss ffoorr tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  lliinnee,,  rreesseettttiinngg  tthhee
          iinnddeennttaattiioonn  lleevveell  ttoo  00..   SSiimmiillaarrllyy,,  tthhee  kkeeyyss
          ""^^<<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>>" will erase all of the indent  char-
          acters  for the current line, leaving the indenta-
          tion level for future created lines unaffected.

          Finally, if the aauuttooiinnddeenntt option is  set,  the  SS
          and  cccc commands change from the first nonblank of
          the line to the end of the line, instead  of  from
          the  beginning of the line to the end of the line.

     aauuttoopprriinntt,, aapp [[ooffff]]
          EExx only.  Cause the current line to  be  automati-
          cally  displayed after the eexx commands <<, >>, ccooppyy,
          ddeelleettee, jjooiinn, mmoovvee, ppuutt, tt, UUnnddoo, and uunnddoo.   This
          automatic  display is suppressed during gglloobbaall and
          vv commands, and for  any  command  where  optional
          flags are used to explicitly display the line.

     aauuttoowwrriittee,, aaww [[ooffff]]
          If  this option is set, the vvii !!, ^^^^, ^^]] and <<ccoonn--
          ttrrooll--ZZ>> commands, and the eexx eeddiitt,  nneexxtt,  rreewwiinndd,
          ssttoopp,  ssuussppeenndd,  ttaagg,  ttaaggppoopp, and ttaaggttoopp commands
          automatically write the current file back  to  the
          current file name if it has been modified since it
          was last written.  If the write fails, the command
          fails and goes no further.

          Appending  the  optional  force flag character "!""
          ttoo tthhee eexx ccoommmmaannddss nneexxtt,,  rreewwiinndd,,  ssttoopp,,  ssuussppeenndd,,
          ttaagg,,  ttaaggppoopp,, aanndd ttaaggttoopp ssttooppss tthhee aauuttoommaattiicc wwrriittee
          ffrroomm bbeeiinngg aatttteemmpptteedd..

          ((HHiissttoorriiccaallllyy,,  tthhee  nneexxtt  ccoommmmaanndd   iiggnnoorreedd   tthhee
          ooppttiioonnaall ffoorrccee ffllaagg..))  NNoottee,, tthhee eexx ccoommmmaannddss eeddiitt,,
          qquuiitt,, sshheellll,, aanndd  xxiitt  aarree  _n_o_t  aaffffeecctteedd  bbyy  tthhee
          aauuttoowwrriittee ooppttiioonn..

          TThhee  aauuttoowwrriittee  ooppttiioonn  iiss  iiggnnoorreedd iiff tthhee ffiillee iiss
          ccoonnssiiddeerreedd rreeaadd--oonnllyy ffoorr aannyy rreeaassoonn..

     bbaacckkuupp [[""""]]
          If this option is set,  it  specifies  a  pathname
          used  as  a  backup  file, and, whenever a file is
          written, the file's current contents are copied to
          it.  The pathname is "#"",, ""%%" and "!""  eexxppaannddeedd..

          IIff  tthhee  ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee ppaatthhnnaammee iiss ""NN", a
          version number is appended to  the  pathname  (and

UUSSDD::1133--8844                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

          the  "N""  cchhaarraacctteerr  iiss  tthheenn ddiissccaarrddeedd))..  VVeerrssiioonn
          nnuummbbeerrss aarree aallwwaayyss iinnccrreemmeenntteedd,,  aanndd  eeaacchh  bbaacckkuupp
          ffiillee  wwiillll  hhaavvee aa vveerrssiioonn nnuummbbeerr oonnee ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann
          tthhee hhiigghheesstt vveerrssiioonn nnuummbbeerr ccuurrrreennttllyy ffoouunndd iinn  tthhee

          BBaacckkuupp  ffiilleess  mmuusstt bbee rreegguullaarr ffiilleess,, oowwnneedd bbyy tthhee
          rreeaall uusseerr IIDD ooff tthhee uusseerr rruunnnniinngg tthhee  eeddiittoorr,,  aanndd
          nnoott aacccceessssiibbllee bbyy aannyy ootthheerr uusseerr..

     bbeeaauuttiiffyy,, bbff [[ooffff]]
          If this option is set, all control characters that
          are not  currently  being  specially  interpreted,
          other  than <tab>,, <<nneewwlliinnee>>, and <form-feed>,, aarree
          ddiissccaarrddeedd ffrroomm ccoommmmaannddss rreeaadd iinn bbyy eexx ffrroomm ccoommmmaanndd
          ffiilleess,,  aanndd  ffrroomm iinnppuutt tteexxtt eenntteerreedd ttoo vvii ((eeiitthheerr
          iinnttoo tthhee ffiillee oorr ttoo tthhee ccoolloonn ccoommmmaanndd lliinnee))..  TTeexxtt
          ffiilleess  rreeaadd bbyy eexx//vvii aarree _n_o_t aaffffeecctteedd bbyy tthhee bbeeaauu--
          ttiiffyy ooppttiioonn..

     ccddppaatthh [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee CCDDPPAATTHH,, oorr ccuurrrreenntt ddiirreecc--
          This  option  is used to specify a colon separated
          list of directories which are used  as  path  pre-
          fixes  for  any  relative path names used as argu-
          ments for the  ccdd  command.   The  value  of  this
          option  defaults to the value of the environmental
          variable CDPATH iiff iitt iiss  sseett,,  ootthheerrwwiissee  ttoo  tthhee
          ccuurrrreenntt  ddiirreeccttoorryy..   FFoorr  ccoommppaattiibbiilliittyy  wwiitthh tthhee
          PPOOSSIIXX 11000033..22 sshheellll,, tthhee ccdd ccoommmmaanndd ddooeess _n_o_t  cchheecckk
          tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ddiirreeccttoorryy aass aa ppaatthh pprreeffiixx ffoorr rreellaa--
          ttiivvee ppaatthh nnaammeess uunnlleessss iitt iiss eexxpplliicciittllyy ssppeecciiffiieedd..
          IItt mmaayy bbee ssoo ssppeecciiffiieedd bbyy eenntteerriinngg aann eemmppttyy ssttrriinngg
          oorr aa "".._"  _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _i_n_t_o _t_h_e  _C_D_P_A_T_H  vvaarriiaabbllee  oorr
          tthhee ooppttiioonn vvaalluuee..

     cceeddiitt [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
          This  option  adds  the  ability to edit the colon
          command-line history.  This option  is  set  to  a
          string.   Whenever  the  first  character  of that
          string is entered on the colon command  line,  you
          will  enter  a  normal  editing window on the col-
          lected commands that  you've  entered  on  the  vvii
          colon  command-line.   You  may then modify and/or
          execute the commands.  All normal text editing  is
          available,  except that you cannot use <<ccoonnttrrooll--WW>>
          to switch to  an  alternate  screen.   Entering  a
          <<ccaarrrriiaaggee--rreettuurrnn>> will execute the current line of
          the screen window as an ex command in the  context
          of  the  screen  from  which you created the colon
          command-line screen, and you will then  return  to
          that screen.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--8855

          Because of vvii's parsing rules, it can be difficult
          to set the colon command-line  edit  character  to
          the  <escape>  cchhaarraacctteerr..   TToo sseett iitt ttoo <<eessccaappee>>,
          use "set cedit=<literal-next><escape>""..

          IIff tthhee cceeddiitt eeddiitt ooppttiioonn iiss sseett ttoo tthhee ssaammee  cchhaarr--
          aacctteerr  aass  tthhee  ffiilleecc eeddiitt ooppttiioonn,, vvii wwiillll ppeerrffoorrmm
          ccoolloonn ccoommmmaanndd--lliinnee eeddiittiinngg  iiff  tthhee  cchhaarraacctteerr  iiss
          eenntteerreedd aass tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee lliinnee,, ootthheerr--
          wwiissee,, vvii wwiillll ppeerrffoorrmm ffiillee nnaammee eexxppaannssiioonn..

     ccoolluummnnss,, ccoo [[8800]]
          The number of columns in the screen.  Setting this
          option causes eexx/vvii to set (or reset) the environ-
          mental variable COLUMNS..  SSeeee tthhee sseeccttiioonn eennttiittlleedd
          ""SSiizziinngg tthhee SSccrreeeenn"" mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

     ccoommmmeenntt [[ooffff]]
          VVii  only.  If the first non-empty line of the file
          begins with the string "/*"" oorr  ""##",  this  option
          causes vvii to skip to the end of that C-language or
          shell comment (probably a  terribly  boring  legal
          notice) before displaying the file.

     ddiirreeccttoorryy,, ddiirr [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee TTMMPPDDIIRR,, oorr //ttmmpp]]
          The  directory  where temporary files are created.
          The environmental variable TMPDIR iiss uusseedd  aass  tthhee
          ddeeffaauulltt  vvaalluuee  iiff  iitt  eexxiissttss,,  ootthheerrwwiissee //ttmmpp is

     eeddccoommppaattiibbllee,, eedd [[ooffff]]
          Remember the values of the "c" and "g" suffixes to
          the  ssuubbssttiittuuttee  commands, instead of initializing
          them as unset for each  new  command.   Specifying
          pattern  and replacement strings to the ssuubbssttiittuuttee
          command unsets the "c" and "g" suffixes as well.

     eessccaappeettiimmee [[11]]
          The 10th's of a second eexx/vvii waits  for  a  subse-
          quent key to complete an <escape> kkeeyy mmaappppiinngg..

     eerrrroorrbbeellllss,, eebb [[ooffff]]
          EExx only.  EExx error messages are normally presented
          in inverse video.  If that is not possible for the
          terminal,  setting  this  option causes error mes-
          sages to be  announced  by  ringing  the  terminal

     eexxrrcc,, eexx [[ooffff]]
          If this option is turned on in the EXINIT environ-
          ment variables, or the  system  or  $HOME  startup
          files,  the  local  startup files are read, unless
          they are the same as the system or  $HOME  startup

UUSSDD::1133--8866                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

          files  or  fail  to  pass  the standard permission
          checks.  See the section entitled "SSttaarrttuupp  IInnffoorr--
          mmaattiioonn" for more information.

     eexxtteennddeedd [[ooffff]]
          This  option  causes all regular expressions to be
          treated as POSIX 1003.2 Extended  Regular  Expres-
          sions  (which  are  similar  to  historic _e_g_r_e_p(1)
          style expressions).

     ffiilleecc [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
          This option adds the ability to do shell expansion
          when  entering  input  on  the colon command line.
          This option is set  to  a  string.   Whenever  the
          first  character  of that string is entered on the
          colon command line, the <blank>  delimited  string
          immediately before the cursor is expanded as if it
          were followed by a  *  cchhaarraacctteerr,,  aanndd  ffiillee  nnaammee
          eexxppaannssiioonn ffoorr tthhee eexx eeddiitt ccoommmmaanndd wwaass ddoonnee..  IIff nnoo
          mmaattcchh iiss ffoouunndd,, tthhee ssccrreeeenn  iiss  ffllaasshheedd  aanndd  tteexxtt
          iinnppuutt  rreessuummeedd..   IIff  aa ssiinnggllee mmaattcchh rreessuullttss,, tthhaatt
          mmaattcchh rreeppllaacceess tthhee eexxppaannddeedd tteexxtt..  IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, iiff
          tthhee ssiinnggllee mmaattcchh iiss ffoorr aa ddiirreeccttoorryy,, aa // cchhaarraacctteerr
          iiss aappppeennddeedd aanndd ffiillee ccoommpplleettiioonn iiss  rreeppeeaatteedd..   IIff
          mmoorree  tthhaann aa ssiinnggllee mmaattcchh rreessuullttss,, aannyy uunniiqquuee pprree--
          ffiixx sshhaarreedd bbyy tthhee mmaattcchheess  rreeppllaacceess  tthhee  eexxppaannddeedd
          tteexxtt,,  tthhee  mmaattcchheess  aarree ddiissppllaayyeedd,, aanndd tteexxtt iinnppuutt

          BBeeccaauussee ooff vvii''ss ppaarrssiinngg rruulleess,, iitt ccaann bbee ddiiffffiiccuulltt
          ttoo  sseett  tthhee ppaatthh ccoommpplleettiioonn cchhaarraacctteerr ttoo ttwwoo ccoomm--
          mmaanndd vvaalluueess,, <<eessccaappee>> aanndd <<ttaabb>>..   TToo  sseett  iitt  ttoo
          <<eessccaappee>>,,  uussee ""sseett ffiilleecc==<<lliitteerraall--nneexxtt>><<eessccaappee>>""..
          TToo sseett iitt ttoo <<ttaabb>>,, uussee ""sseett ffiilleecc==\\<<ttaabb>>""..

          IIff tthhee cceeddiitt eeddiitt ooppttiioonn iiss sseett ttoo tthhee ssaammee  cchhaarr--
          aacctteerr  aass  tthhee  ffiilleecc eeddiitt ooppttiioonn,, vvii wwiillll ppeerrffoorrmm
          ccoolloonn ccoommmmaanndd--lliinnee eeddiittiinngg  iiff  tthhee  cchhaarraacctteerr  iiss
          eenntteerreedd aass tthhee ffiirrsstt cchhaarraacctteerr ooff tthhee lliinnee,, ootthheerr--
          wwiissee,, vvii wwiillll ppeerrffoorrmm ffiillee nnaammee eexxppaannssiioonn..

     ffllaasshh [[oonn]]
          This option causes the screen to flash instead  of
          beeping  the  keyboard,  on error, if the terminal
          has the capability.

     hhaarrddttaabbss,, hhtt [[88]]
          This option defines the spacing  between  hardware
          tab  settings, i.e.  the tab expansion done by the
          operating system and/or the terminal  itself.   As
          nneexx/nnvvii  never writes <tab> cchhaarraacctteerrss ttoo tthhee tteerr--
          mmiinnaall,, uunnlliikkee hhiissttoorriicc  vveerrssiioonnss  ooff  eexx//vvii,,  tthhiiss
          ooppttiioonn ddooeess nnoott ccuurrrreennttllyy hhaavvee aannyy aaffffeecctt..

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--8877

     iicclloowweerr [[ooffff]]
          The  iicclloowweerr edit option makes all Regular Expres-
          sions case-insensitive, as long as  an  upper-case
          letter does not appear in the search string.

     iiggnnoorreeccaassee,, iicc [[ooffff]]
          This option causes regular expressions, both in eexx
          commands and in searches, to  be  evaluated  in  a
          case-insensitive manner.

     kkeeyyttiimmee [[66]]
          The  10th's  of  a second eexx/vvii waits for a subse-
          quent key to complete a key mapping.

     lleeffttrriigghhtt [[ooffff]]
          VVii only.  This option  causes  the  screen  to  be
          scrolled  left-right to view lines longer than the
          screen,  instead  of  the  traditional  vvii  screen
          interface which folds long lines at the right-hand
          margin of the terminal.

     lliinneess,, llii [[2244]]
          VVii only.  The number of lines in the screen.  Set-
          ting  this  option  causes eexx/vvii to set (or reset)
          the environmental variable LINES..  SSeeee tthhee sseeccttiioonn
          eennttiittlleedd ""SSiizziinngg tthhee SSccrreeeenn"" ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

     lliisspp [[ooffff]]
          VVii only.  This option changes the behavior of  the
          vvii  ((,  )),  {{,  }}, [[[[ and ]]]] commands to match the
          Lisp  language.   Also,  the  aauuttooiinnddeenntt  option's
          behavior is changed to be appropriate for Lisp.

          _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

     lliisstt [[ooffff]]
          This  option  causes  lines  to be displayed in an
          unambiguous fashion.  Specifically, tabs are  dis-
          played  as control characters, i.e.  "^I"",, aanndd tthhee
          eennddss ooff lliinneess aarree mmaarrkkeedd wwiitthh aa ""$$" character.

     lloocckk [[oonn]]
          This option causes the editor to attempt to get an
          exclusive  lock  on any file being edited, read or
          written.  Reading or writing a file that cannot be
          locked  produces  a  warning message, but no other
          effect.  Editing a  file  that  cannot  be  locked
          results  in  a  read  only edit session, as if the
          rreeaaddoonnllyy edit option were set.

     mmaaggiicc [[oonn]]
          This option is on by default.  Turning  the  mmaaggiicc
          option   off   causes   all   regular   expression

UUSSDD::1133--8888                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

          characters except for "^"" aanndd ""$$", to  be  treated
          as  ordinary  characters.  To re-enable characters
          individually, when the mmaaggiicc option is  off,  pre-
          cede them with a backslash "\"" cchhaarraacctteerr..  SSeeee tthhee
          sseeccttiioonn eennttiittlleedd ""RReegguullaarr EExxpprreessssiioonnss aanndd RReeppllaaccee--
          mmeenntt SSttrriinnggss"" ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn..

     mmaattcchhttiimmee [[77]]
          VVii  only.  The 10th's of a second vvii pauses on the
          matching character when the  sshhoowwmmaattcchh  option  is

     mmeessgg [[oonn]]
          This  option  allows  other  users  to contact you
          using the _t_a_l_k(1) and  _w_r_i_t_e(1)  utilities,  while
          you  are editing.  EExx/vvii does not turn message on,
          i.e. if messages were turned off when  the  editor
          was  invoked,  they  will  stay  turned off.  This
          option only permits you to disallow  messages  for
          the  edit  session.   See  the _m_e_s_g(1) utility for
          more information.

     mmssggccaatt [[..//]]
          This option selects a message catalog to  be  used
          to  display  error and informational messages in a
          specified language.  If the value of  this  option
          ends  with  a  '/', it is treated as the name of a
          directory  that   contains   a   message   catalog
          "vi_XXXX"",,  wwhheerree  ""XXXXXXXX" is the value of the LANG
          eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall vvaarriiaabbllee,, iiff iitt''ss sseett,, oorr tthhee  vvaalluuee
          ooff  tthhee LLCC__MMEESSSSAAGGEESS environmental variable if it's
          not.  If neither of those environmental  variables
          are  set,  or  if the option doesn't end in a '/',
          the option is treated as the full path name of the
          message catalog to use.

          If  any messages are missing from the catalog, the
          backup text (English) is used instead.

          See the distribution file catalog/README ffoorr aaddddii--
          ttiioonnaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn bbuuiillddiinngg aanndd iinnssttaalllliinngg mmeess--
          ssaaggee ccaattaallooggss..

     mmooddeelliinneess,, mmooddeelliinnee [[ooffff]]
          If the mmooddeelliinneess option is set, eexx/vvii has histori-
          cally  scanned  the  first  and last five lines of
          each file as it is read for editing,  looking  for
          any  eexx  commands  that  have been placed in those
          lines.  After the  startup  information  has  been
          processed,  and before the user starts editing the
          file, any commands embedded in the file  are  exe-

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--8899

          Commands were recognized by the letters "e" or "v"
          followed by "x" or "i", at the beginning of a line
          or  following  a  tab or space character, and fol-
          lowed by a ":", an eexx command, and another ":".

          This option is a security problem of immense  pro-
          portions, and should not be used under any circum-

          _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _w_i_l_l _n_e_v_e_r _b_e _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

     nnoopprriinntt [[""""]]
          Characters that are  never  handled  as  printable
          characters.   By  default,  the C library function
          _i_s_p_r_i_n_t(3) is used to determine if a character  is
          printable or not.  This edit option overrides that

     nnuummbbeerr,, nnuu [[ooffff]]
          Precede each line displayed with its current  line

     ooccttaall [[ooffff]]
          Display   unknown   characters  as  octal  numbers
          ("\###"")),,  iinnsstteeaadd  ooff  tthhee  ddeeffaauulltt   hheexxaaddeecciimmaall

     ooppeenn [[oonn]]
          EExx  only.  If this option is not set, the ooppeenn and
          vviissuuaall commands are disallowed.

     ooppttiimmiizzee,, oopptt [[oonn]]
          VVii only.  Throughput of text is expedited by  set-
          ting  the  terminal  not  to do automatic carriage
          returns when printing more than one (logical) line
          of  output,  greatly  speeding output on terminals
          without addressable cursors when text with leading
          white space is printed.

          _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

     ppaarraaggrraapphhss,, ppaarraa [[IIPPLLPPPPPPQQPPPP LLIIppppllppiippbbpp]]
          VVii  only.   Define additional paragraph boundaries
          for the {{ and  }}  commands.   The  value  of  this
          option  must  be  a character string consisting of
          zero or more character pairs.

          In the text to be  edited,  the  character  string
          <newline>.<char-pair>,,  ((wwhheerree  <<cchhaarr--ppaaiirr>> is one
          of the character  pairs  in  the  option's  value)
          defines a paragraph boundary.  For example, if the
          option were set to LaA<space>##,, tthheenn aallll  ooff  tthhee
          ffoolllloowwiinngg aaddddiittiioonnaall ppaarraaggrraapphh bboouunnddaarriieess wwoouulldd bbee

UUSSDD::1133--9900                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))



     ppaatthh [[]]
          The  path  option  can  be  used  to   specify   a
          <colon>-separated  list  of  paths, similar to the
          PATH eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee iinn tthhee sshheellllss..  IIff  tthhiiss
          ooppttiioonn  iiss  sseett,, tthhee nnaammee ooff tthhee ffiillee ttoo bbee eeddiitteedd
          iiss nnoott aann aabbssoolluuttee ppaatthhnnaammee,, tthhee  ffiirrsstt  ccoommppoonneenntt
          ooff  tthhee ffiilleennaammee iiss nnoott "".."  or ".."",, aanndd tthhee ffiillee
          ttoo bbee eeddiitteedd ddooeessnn''tt eexxiisstt iinn tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ddiirreecc--
          ttoorryy,,  tthhee eelleemmeennttss ooff tthhee ppaatthh ooppttiioonn aarree sseeqquueenn--
          ttiiaallllyy sseeaarrcchheedd ffoorr aa ffiillee ooff tthhee ssppeecciiffiieedd  nnaammee..
          IIff ssuucchh aa ffiillee iiss ffoouunndd,, iitt iiss eeddiitteedd..

     pprriinntt [[""""]]
          Characters  that  are  always handled as printable
          characters.  By default, the  C  library  function
          _i_s_p_r_i_n_t(3)  is used to determine if a character is
          printable or not.  This edit option overrides that

     pprroommpptt [[oonn]]
          EExx only.  This option causes eexx to prompt for com-
          mand input with a ":"" cchhaarraacctteerr;; wwhheenn  iitt  iiss  nnoott
          sseett,, nnoo pprroommpptt iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd..

     rreeaaddoonnllyy,, rroo [[ooffff]]
          This  option causes a force flag to be required to
          attempt to write the file.  Setting this option is
          equivalent to using the --RR command line option, or
          executing the vvii program using the name vviieeww.

          The rreeaaddoonnllyy edit option is  not  usually  persis-
          tent,  like other edit options.  If the --RR command
          line option is set, vvii is executed as vviieeww, or the
          rreeaaddoonnllyy  edit option is explicitly set, all files
          edited in the screen will be marked readonly,  and
          the  force  flag  will  be required to write them.
          However, if none of these conditions are true,  or
          the rreeaaddoonnllyy edit option is explicitly unset, then
          the rreeaaddoonnllyy edit option will toggle based on  the
          write  permissions  of  the  file  currently being
          edited as of when  it  is  loaded  into  the  edit
          buffer.   In other words, the rreeaaddoonnllyy edit option
          will be set if the current file lacks  write  per-
          missions,  and  will  not  be  set if the user has
          write permissions for the file.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--9911

     rreeccddiirr [[//vvaarr//ttmmpp//vvii..rreeccoovveerr]]
          The directory where recovery files are stored.

          If you change the value of rreeccddiirr, be  careful  to
          choose  a  directory  whose contents are not regu-
          larly deleted.  Bad choices include directories in
          memory  based  filesystems,  or /tmp,, oonn mmoosstt ssyyss--
          tteemmss,, aass  tthheeiirr  ccoonntteennttss  aarree  rreemmoovveedd  wwhheenn  tthhee
          mmaacchhiinnee iiss rreebbooootteedd..

          PPuubblliicc  ddiirreeccttoorriieess lliikkee //uussrr//ttmmpp and /var/tmp aarree
          uussuuaallllyy ssaaffee,,  aalltthhoouugghh  ssoommee  ssiitteess  ppeerriiooddiiccaallllyy
          pprruunnee  oolldd  ffiilleess ffrroomm tthheemm..  TThheerree iiss nnoo rreeqquuiirree--
          mmeenntt tthhaatt yyoouu uussee aa ppuubblliicc ddiirreeccttoorryy,, ee..gg.. aa  ssuubb--
          ddiirreeccttoorryy ooff yyoouurr hhoommee ddiirreeccttoorryy wwiillll wwoorrkk ffiinnee..

          FFiinnaallllyy,,  iiff  yyoouu  cchhaannggee tthhee vvaalluuee ooff rreeccddiirr,, yyoouu
          mmuusstt mmooddiiffyy tthhee rreeccoovveerryy ssccrriipptt ttoo ooppeerraattee iinn yyoouurr
          cchhoosseenn rreeccoovveerryy aarreeaa..

          SSeeee  tthhee  sseeccttiioonn  eennttiittlleedd ""RReeccoovveerryy"" ffoorr ffuurrtthheerr

     rreeddrraaww,, rree [[ooffff]]
          VVii  only.   The  editor  simulates  (using   great
          amounts  of  output), an intelligent terminal on a
          dumb terminal (e.g. during insertions  in  vvii  the
          characters   to   the  right  of  the  cursor  are
          refreshed as each input character is typed).

          _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

     rreemmaapp [[oonn]]
          If this option is set, it is  possible  to  define
          macros  in terms of other macros.  Otherwise, each
          key is only remapped up to one time.  For example,
          if "A"" iiss mmaappppeedd ttoo ""BB", and "B"" iiss mmaappppeedd ttoo ""CC",
          The keystroke "A"" wwiillll bbee mmaappppeedd  ttoo  ""CC"  if  the
          rreemmaapp  option is set, and to "B"" iiff iitt iiss nnoott sseett..

     rreeppoorrtt [[55]]
          Set the threshold of the number of lines that need
          to  be  changed or yanked before a message will be
          displayed to the user.   For  everything  but  the
          yank command, the value is the largest value about
          which the editor is silent,  i.e.  by  default,  6
          lines must be deleted before the user is notified.
          However, if the number of lines yanked is  greater
          than  _o_r _e_q_u_a_l _t_o the set value, it is reported to
          the user.

     rruulleerr [[ooffff]]
          VVii only.  Display a row/column ruler on the  colon

UUSSDD::1133--9922                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

          command line.

     ssccrroollll,, ssccrr [[((eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee LLIINNEESS -- 11)) // 22]]
          Set  the  number of lines scrolled by the eexx <<ccoonn--
          ttrrooll--DD>> and <<eenndd--ooff--ffiillee>> commands.

          Historically, the eexx  zz  command,  when  specified
          without  a  count,  used two times the size of the
          scroll value; the POSIX 1003.2 standard  specified
          the window size, which is a better choice.

     sseeaarrcchhiinnccrr [[ooffff]]
          The  sseeaarrcchhiinnccrr  edit option makes the search com-
          mands // and ??  incremental,  i.e.  the  screen  is
          updated  and the cursor moves to the matching text
          as the search pattern is entered.  If  the  search
          pattern is not found, the screen is beeped and the
          cursor remains on the colon-command line.  Erasing
          characters  from the search pattern backs the cur-
          sor up to the previous matching text.

     sseeccttiioonnss,, sseecctt [[NNHHSSHHHH HHUUnnhhsshh]]
          VVii only.  Define additional section boundaries for
          the  [[[[  and  ]]]]  commands.   The  sseeccttiioonnss option
          should be set to a character string consisting  of
          zero  or  more character pairs.  In the text to be
          edited,  the  character  string   <newline>.<char-
          pair>,,  ((wwhheerree <<cchhaarr--ppaaiirr>> is one of the character
          pairs in the option's value),  defines  a  section
          boundary in the same manner that ppaarraaggrraapphhss option
          boundaries are defined.

     sseeccuurree [[ooffff]]
          The sseeccuurree edit option turns  off  all  access  to
          external  programs.   This means that the versions
          of the rreeaadd and wwrriittee commands  that  filter  text
          through  other programs, the vvii !!  and <<ccoonnttrrooll--ZZ>>
          commands, the eexx !!, ssccrriipptt, sshheellll, ssttoopp  and  ssuuss--
          ppeenndd  commands and file name expansion will not be
          permitted.  Once set, the sseeccuurree edit  option  may
          not be unset.

     sshheellll,, sshh [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee SSHHEELLLL,, oorr //bbiinn//sshh]]
          Select  the  shell used by the editor.  The speci-
          fied path is the pathname of the shell invoked  by
          the vvii !!  shell escape command and by the eexx sshheellll
          command.  This program is also used to resolve any
          shell meta-characters in eexx commands.

     sshheellllmmeettaa [[~~{{[[**??$$``''""\\]]
          The  set  of  characters  that  eexx checks for when
          doing file name expansion.  If any of  the  speci-
          fied   characters  are  found  in  the  file  name

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--9933

          arguments to the eexx commands,  the  arguments  are
          expanded  using  the  program defined by the sshheellll
          option.  The default set of characters is a  union
          of  meta  characters  from  the  Version 7 and the
          Berkeley C shell.

     sshhiiffttwwiiddtthh,, ssww [[88]]
          Set the autoindent and shift  command  indentation
          width.   This  width  is  used  by  the aauuttooiinnddeenntt
          option and by the <<, >>, and sshhiifftt commands.

     sshhoowwmmaattcchh,, ssmm [[ooffff]]
          VVii only.  This option causes vvii, when a "}"" oorr ""))"
          is  entered, to briefly move the cursor the match-
          ing "{"" oorr ""((".  See the mmaattcchhttiimmee option for more

     sshhoowwmmooddee,, ssmmdd [[ooffff]]
          VVii  only.   This  option  causes  vvii  to display a
          string identifying the current editor mode on  the
          colon  command line.  The string is preceded by an
          asterisk (``*'') if the  file  has  been  modified
          since it was last completely written,

     ssiiddeessccrroollll [[1166]]
          VVii  only.   Sets  the  number  of columns that are
          shifted to the left or right,  when  vvii  is  doing
          left-right  scrolling and the left or right margin
          is crossed.  See the  lleeffttrriigghhtt  option  for  more

     sslloowwooppeenn,, ssllooww [[ooffff]]
          This  option affects the display algorithm used by
          vvii, holding off display updating during  input  of
          new  text  to improve throughput when the terminal
          in use is slow and unintelligent.

          _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _i_s _n_o_t _y_e_t _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

     ssoouurrcceeaannyy [[ooffff]]
          If this option is turned on, vvii historically  read
          startup  files  that  were  owned by someone other
          than the editor user.  See  the  section  entitled
          "SSttaarrttuupp  IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn" for more information.  This
          option is a security problem  of  immense  propor-
          tions,  and  should  not be used under any circum-

          _T_h_i_s _o_p_t_i_o_n _w_i_l_l _n_e_v_e_r _b_e _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_e_d_.

     ttaabbssttoopp,, ttss [[88]]
          This option sets tab widths for  the  editor  dis-

UUSSDD::1133--9944                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

     ttaagglleennggtthh,, ttll [[00]]
          This  option sets the maximum number of characters
          that are considered significant  in  a  tag  name.
          Setting the value to 0 makes all of the characters
          in the tag name significant.

     ttaaggss,, ttaagg [[ttaaggss //vvaarr//ddbb//lliibbcc..ttaaggss //ssyyss//kkeerrnn//ttaaggss]]
          Sets the list of  tags  files,  in  search  order,
          which are used when the editor searches for a tag.

     tteerrmm,, ttttyyttyyppee,, ttttyy [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee TTEERRMM]]
          Set the terminal type.  Setting this option causes
          eexx/vvii to set (or reset) the environmental variable

     tteerrssee [[ooffff]]
          This option has historically made editor  messages
          less  verbose.  It has no effect in this implemen-
          tation.  See the vveerrbboossee option for more  informa-

     ttiillddeeoopp [[ooffff]]
          Modify the ~~ command to take an associated motion.

     ttiimmeeoouutt,, ttoo [[oonn]]
          If this option is set, eexx/vvii waits for a  specific
          period for a subsequent key to complete a key map-
          ping (see the kkeeyyttiimmee option).  If the  option  is
          not  set,  the  editor waits until enough keys are
          entered to resolve the  ambiguity,  regardless  of
          how long it takes.

     ttttyywweerraassee [[ooffff]]
          VVii  only.   This  option  changes how vvii does word
          erase during text input.  If this option  is  set,
          text  is broken up into two classes, blank charac-
          ters and nonblank characters.  Changing  from  one
          class to another marks the end of a word.

     vveerrbboossee [[ooffff]]
          VVii  only.   VVii historically bells the terminal for
          many obvious mistakes, e.g. trying  to  move  past
          the left-hand margin, or past the end of the file.
          If this option is set, an error  message  is  dis-
          played for all errors.

     ww330000 [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
          VVii  only.  Set the window size if the baud rate is
          less than 1200 baud.  See the  wwiinnddooww  option  for
          more information.

     ww11220000 [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
          VVii  only.  Set the window size if the baud rate is

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))                        UUSSDD::1133--9955

          equal to 1200 baud.  See  the  wwiinnddooww  option  for
          more information.

     ww99660000 [[nnoo ddeeffaauulltt]]
          VVii  only.  Set the window size if the baud rate is
          greater than 1200 baud.  See the wwiinnddooww option for
          more information.

     wwaarrnn [[oonn]]
          EExx  only.  This option causes a warning message to
          the terminal if the file has been modified,  since
          it was last written, before a !!  command.

     wwiinnddooww,, ww,, wwii [[eennvviirroonnmmeenntt vvaarriiaabbllee LLIINNEESS -- 11]]
          This option determines the default number of lines
          in a screenful, as displayed by the zz command.  It
          also  determines  the  number of lines scrolled by
          the vvii commands <<ccoonnttrrooll--BB>> and  <<ccoonnttrrooll--FF>>,  and
          the  default  number  of  lines scrolled by the vvii
          commands <<ccoonnttrrooll--DD>> and <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>>.   The  value
          of  window  can  be  unrelated  to the real screen
          size, although it starts  out  as  the  number  of
          lines  on  the  screen.   See the section entitled
          "SSiizziinngg tthhee SSccrreeeenn" for more information.  Setting
          the  value  of  the  wwiinnddooww  option is the same as
          using the --ww command line option.

          If the value of the wwiinnddooww option (as set  by  the
          wwiinnddooww,  ww330000,  ww11220000 or ww99660000 options) is smaller
          than the actual size of the screen,  large  screen
          movements  will  result  in  displaying  only that
          smaller number of lines on the  screen.   (Further
          movements  in  that  same  area will result in the
          screen being filled.)  This can provide a  perfor-
          mance improvement when viewing different places in
          one or more files over a slow link.

          Resetting the  window  size  does  not  reset  the
          default  number of lines scrolled by the <<ccoonnttrrooll--
          DD>> and <<ccoonnttrrooll--UU>> commands.

     wwiinnddoowwnnaammee [[ooffff]]
          VVii changes the name of the editor's icon/window to
          the  current  file name when it's possible and not
          destructive, i.e., when the editor can restore  it
          to   its  original  value  on  exit  or  when  the
          icon/window will be discarded as the editor exits.
          If  the  wwiinnddoowwnnaammee  edit  option  is set, vvii will
          change  the  icon/window  name  even   when   it's
          destructive  and  the icon/window name will remain
          after the editor exits.  (This  is  the  case  for

UUSSDD::1133--9966                        NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee ((OOppttiioonnss))

     wwrraapplleenn,, wwll [[00]]
          This option is identical to the wwrraappmmaarrggiinn option,
          with the exception that it specifies the number of
          columns  from  the  _l_e_f_t  margin  before  the line
          splits, not the right margin.

          If both wwrraapplleenn and wwrraappmmaarrggiinn are set, the  wwrraapp--
          mmaarrggiinn value is used.

     wwrraappmmaarrggiinn,, wwmm [[00]]
          VVii only.  If the value of the wwrraappmmaarrggiinn option is
          non-zero, vvii will split lines so that they end  at
          least that number of columns before the right-hand
          margin of the screen.  (Note, the value  of  wwrraapp--
          mmaarrggiinn  is _n_o_t a text length.  In a screen that is
          80 columns wide, the command  ":set  wrapmargin=8_"
          _a_t_t_e_m_p_t_s  _t_o  _k_e_e_p _t_h_e _l_i_n_e_s _l_e_s_s _t_h_a_n _o_r _e_q_u_a_l _t_o
          _7_2 _c_o_l_u_m_n_s _w_i_d_e_._)

          _L_i_n_e_s _a_r_e _s_p_l_i_t _a_t _t_h_e _p_r_e_v_i_o_u_s _w_h_i_t_e_s_p_a_c_e _c_h_a_r_a_c_-
          _t_e_r  _c_l_o_s_e_s_t  _t_o _t_h_e _n_u_m_b_e_r_.  _A_n_y _t_r_a_i_l_i_n_g _w_h_i_t_e_s_-
          _p_a_c_e _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s _b_e_f_o_r_e _t_h_a_t _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r _a_r_e _d_e_l_e_t_e_d_.
          _I_f  _t_h_e  _l_i_n_e  _i_s  _s_p_l_i_t  _b_e_c_a_u_s_e  _o_f  _a_n _i_n_s_e_r_t_e_d
          _<_s_p_a_c_e_> or <tab> _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_,  _a_n_d  _y_o_u  _t_h_e_n  _e_n_t_e_r
          _a_n_o_t_h_e_r _<_s_p_a_c_e_> character, it is discarded.

          If wrapmargin is set to 0, or if there is no blank
          character upon which to split the line,  the  line
          is not broken.

          If  both wwrraapplleenn and wwrraappmmaarrggiinn are set, the wwrraapp--
          mmaarrggiinn value is used.

     wwrraappssccaann,, wwss [[oonn]]
          This option causes searches to wrap around the end
          or  the  beginning  of  the  file, and back to the
          starting point.  Otherwise, the end  or  beginning
          of the file terminates the search.

     wwrriitteeaannyy,, wwaa [[ooffff]]
          If  this  option  is  set, file-overwriting checks
          that would usually be made before  the  wwrriittee  and
          xxiitt  commands,  or  before an automatic write (see
          the aauuttoowwrriittee option), are not made.  This  allows
          a write to any file, provided the file permissions
          allow it.

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                  UUSSDD::1133--9977

     1199..  IInnddeexx

     !       23, 44         ?RE?        26         cedit       59
     ""          43         @       28, 45         change      46
     #       23, 44         A           28         chdir       46
     $           24         B           29         columns     60
     %           24         C           29         comment     60
     &       24, 53         D           29         copy        47
     (           25         E           29         count   18, 42
     )           25         F           30         cscope      47
     *           45         G           30         current pathname 14
     +           21         H           30         d           35
     ,           26         I           30         delete      47
     /RE/        26         J           30         directory   60
     0           27         L           31         display     47
     0<control-D>40         M           31         e           35
     :           27         N           26         edcompatible60
     ;           28         O           31         edit        47
     <       28, 45         P           31         errorbells  60
     <carriage-return> 16   Q           31         escapetime  60
     <control-A> 19         R           31         exrc        60
     <control-B> 19         S           32         extended    60
     <cont1r9o,l-4D0>, 43         T           32         exusage     48
     <control-E> 19         U           32         f           35
     <control-F> 20         W           32         fg          48
     <control-G> 20         X           32         file    43, 48
     <control-2H0>, 40         Y           33         filec       60
     <control-J> 20         ZZ          33         flags       43
     <control-L> 20         [[          33         flash       61
     <control-M> 21         -           26         global      48
     <control-N> 20         ]]          33         hardtabs    61
     <control-P> 21         ^           34         help        49
     <control-R> 21         ^<control-D>40         i           35
     <control-2T1>, 40         _           34         iclower     61
     <control-U> 21         `<character>25         ignorecase  61
     <control-2W1>, 41         a           34         insert      49
     <control-X> 41         abbrev      45         j           20
     <control-Y> 22         alternate pathname 14  join        49
     <control-2Z2>, 54         altwerase   58         k       21, 50
     <control-]> 22         append      46         keytime     61
     <control-^> 22         args        46         l           23
     <end-of-file> 42, 43   autoindent  58         leftright   61
     <erase>     40         autoprint   58         line        42
     <escape>22, 40         autowrite   58         lines       61
     <inte1r4r,up3t9>, 41         b           34         lisp        61
     <line erase>41         backup      59         list    49, 61
     <literal-next> 14, 40  beautify    59         lock        61
     <newline>   16         bg          46         m           35
     <nul>       40         bigword     18         magic       61
     <space>     23         buffer      14         map         50
     <word erase>41         c           34         mark        50
     =           45         cd          46         matchtime   62
     >       28, 45         cdpath      59         mesg        62

UUSSDD::1133--9988                                  NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee

     mkexrc      50         stop        54
     modelines   62         substitute  53
     motion      17         suspend     54
     move        50         t       36, 47
     msgcat      62         tabstop     66
     n           26         tag         54
     next        51         taglength   66
     noprint     62         tagnext     54
     number  44, 62         tagpop      54
     o           36         tagprev     55
     octal       62         tags        66
     open    51, 63         tagtop      55
     optimize    63         term        66
     p           36         terse       66
     paragraph   18         tildeop     66
     paragraphs  63         timeout     66
     path        63         ttywerase   66
     preserve    51         u           37
     previous    51         unabbrev    55
     previous context 17    undo        55
     print   51, 63         unmap       55
     prompt      63         unnamed buffer 15
     put         51         v           48
     quit        52         verbose     66
     r           36         version     55
     range       42         visual      56
     read        52         viusage     56
     readonly    63         w           37
     recdir      64         w1200       66
     recover     52         w300        66
     redraw      64         w9600       66
     remap       64         warn        67
     report      64         whitespace  16
     resize      52         window      67
     rewind      52         windowname  67
     ruler       64         wn          56
     s           36         word        18
     scroll      64         wq          56
     searchincr  64         wraplen     67
     section     18         wrapmargin  67
     sections    65         wrapscan    67
     secure      65         write       56
     sentence    18         writeany    68
     set         53         x           37
     shell   53, 65         xit         57
     shellmeta   65         y           37
     shiftwidth  65         yank        57
     showmatch   65         z       37, 57
     showmode    65         {           38
     sidescroll  65         |           38
     slowopen    65         }           38
     source      53         ~       39, 53
     sourceany   65

NNvvii//NNeexx RReeffeerreennccee                                   UUSSDD::1133--33

                        TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

     Description ......................................    4
     Additional Features in Nex/Nvi ...................    4
     Startup Information ..............................    6
     Recovery .........................................    7
     Sizing the Screen ................................   11
     Character Display ................................   11
     Multiple Screens .................................   12
     Tags, Tag Stacks, and Cscope .....................   13
     Regular Expressions and Replacement Strings ......   15
     Scripting Languages ..............................   17
     General Editor Description .......................   18
     Vi Description ...................................   22
     Vi Commands ......................................   26
     Vi Text Input Commands ...........................   55
     Ex Addressing
               ........................................   57
     Ex Description ...................................   59
     Ex Commands ......................................   61
     Set Options ......................................   81
     Index ............................................   97

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.