


Welcome to ne, the nice editor.

Some of the code still needs a bit of cleanup, and more comments, but it
should be rather readable. Hopefully, you will not have to read it at all.

Documentation for ne (in the "doc" directory) is provided in the form of a
texinfo file. It can be printed as a manual using TeX and GNU's texinfo.tex
macro package, or turned into an hypertext document using GNU's makeinfo.
You will then need info, the GNU hypertext reader, in order to read it. A
ready-to-use hypertext version of the documentation is contained in the
ne.info* files (just use "info -f ne.info" in order to read it). A
PostScript file with an a4 ready-to-print version of the documentation which
uses the standard Times and Courier fonts is also included. As a last
chance, a plain ASCII version is contained in ne.doc.

If you have a POSIX compliant machine with a terminfo database, a
recompilation of ne's sources on your machine will suffice for making it
work (just cd into the "src" directory and start make). If you have a
termcap database, you should use the "termcap" target (i.e., type "make
termcap"). It uses the GNU version of termcap, whose sources are included
(no library is needed). In general, if a compilation fails you should try
the following targets: none, "noposix", "termcap" and "termcapnoposix". They
use slightly different #define's in order to overcome the slight differences
among systems. If something does not work, please feel free to e_mail me.

The "terms" directory contains the terminfo sources for a couple of common
terminals. They include a much larger number of key capabilities than
usually found. They can be compiled locally with tic in order to be able to
use additional keys (such as the keypad home key).

Compatibility problems are also discussed in the documentation. Note that
the distribution Makefile is set for the GNU compiler, but any ANSI C
compliant system should do the job. Don't be alarmed if you get a lot of
warnings. Note that if the symbol NODEBUG is not defined during the
compilation, a number of assertions will be compiled into the program. This
can be useful for the first tests, but should be avoided in common usage.

This is my first attempt to a major software project under UN*X. Thus, even
if my past experience on other systems make me feel rather sure about the
functionality of the program, it is perfectly possible that some things
strictly related to UN*X have been done in a non-optimal way. Suggestions
about how to improve the code quality are welcome.

					seba	(vigna@ghost.dsi.unimi.it)


Nice editor (ne v.1.0) compilation/configuration for NeXTstep 3.2

- I used the "make termcap" entry in the Makefile with the following calls
  in order to compile ne 1.0 successfully under NeXtstep 3.2 :
  		CC = cc -posix    *and also*   LDFLAGS = -posix
  It's important to use the *-posix* flag for both the compiler and the
  linker as an option under NeXtstep 3.2, in order to get the nice editor
  correctly compiled.
- You may copy the "/.ne" directory (which I supplied into the "/doc" 
  directory) into your $HOME, it contains a changed default .keys and
  .menus file, which make more sense under the NeXT-keyboards. Or you
  may change these, so they fullfill your needs.
NOTE: Be carefull with the ESC key and its delay settings, it's somehow clumsy
      under "ne" on the NeXT, so that I've put the ESC command key in my 
	  default ".keys" file to "Ctrl-Space". Since the NeXT keyboard doesn't 
	  has/support much function keys, I've put the most usefull ne commands 
	  under menu-access in ".menus"!

Thats all there is to do for compilation/installation under NeXTstep 3.2 !
Please read carefully the documentation, to get a feeling for this editor.

Valentino Kyriakides


Email: vkyr@drdhh.hanse.de   (no NeXTmail please )

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.