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/* EVAL.C: Expresion evaluation functions for MicroEMACS written 1986 by Daniel Lawrence */ #include <stdio.h> #include "estruct.h" #include "etype.h" #include "edef.h" #include "elang.h" #include "evar.h" PASCAL NEAR varinit() /* initialize the user variable list */ { register int i; for (i=0; i < MAXVARS; i++) uv[i].u_name[0] = 0; } PASCAL NEAR varclean() /* initialize the user variable list */ { register int i; for (i=0; i < MAXVARS; i++) if (uv[i].u_name[0] != 0) free(uv[i].u_value); } char *PASCAL NEAR gtfun(fname) /* evaluate a function */ char *fname; /* name of function to evaluate */ { register int fnum; /* index to function to eval */ register int arg; /* value of some arguments */ char arg1[NSTRING]; /* value of first argument */ char arg2[NSTRING]; /* value of second argument */ char arg3[NSTRING]; /* value of third argument */ static char result[2 * NSTRING]; /* string result */ #if ENVFUNC char *getenv(); /* get environment string */ #endif /* look the function up in the function table */ fname[3] = 0; /* only first 3 chars significant */ mklower(fname); /* and let it be upper or lower case */ #if BINARY fnum = binary(fname, funval, NFUNCS); /* return errorm on a bad reference */ if (fnum == -1) return(errorm); #else for (fnum = 0; fnum < NFUNCS; fnum++) if (strcmp(fname, funcs[fnum].f_name) == 0) break; /* return errorm on a bad reference */ if (fnum == NFUNCS) return(errorm); #endif /* if needed, retrieve the first argument */ if (funcs[fnum].f_type >= MONAMIC) { if (macarg(arg1) != TRUE) return(errorm); /* if needed, retrieve the second argument */ if (funcs[fnum].f_type >= DYNAMIC) { if (macarg(arg2) != TRUE) return(errorm); /* if needed, retrieve the third argument */ if (funcs[fnum].f_type >= TRINAMIC) if (macarg(arg3) != TRUE) return(errorm); } } /* and now evaluate it! */ switch (fnum) { case UFADD: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) + asc_int(arg2))); case UFSUB: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) - asc_int(arg2))); case UFTIMES: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) * asc_int(arg2))); case UFDIV: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) / asc_int(arg2))); case UFMOD: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) % asc_int(arg2))); case UFNEG: return(int_asc(-asc_int(arg1))); case UFCAT: strcpy(result, arg1); return(strcat(result, arg2)); case UFLEFT: return(bytecopy(result, arg1, asc_int(arg2))); case UFRIGHT: arg = asc_int(arg2); if (arg > strlen(arg1)) arg = strlen(arg1); return(strcpy(result, &arg1[strlen(arg1) - arg])); case UFMID: arg = asc_int(arg2); if (arg > strlen(arg1)) arg = strlen(arg1); return(bytecopy(result, &arg1[arg-1], asc_int(arg3))); case UFNOT: return(ltos(stol(arg1) == FALSE)); case UFEQUAL: return(ltos(asc_int(arg1) == asc_int(arg2))); case UFLESS: return(ltos(asc_int(arg1) < asc_int(arg2))); case UFGREATER: return(ltos(asc_int(arg1) > asc_int(arg2))); case UFSEQUAL: return(ltos(strcmp(arg1, arg2) == 0)); case UFSLESS: return(ltos(strcmp(arg1, arg2) < 0)); case UFSGREAT: return(ltos(strcmp(arg1, arg2) > 0)); case UFIND: return(strcpy(result, fixnull(getval(arg1)))); case UFAND: return(ltos(stol(arg1) && stol(arg2))); case UFOR: return(ltos(stol(arg1) || stol(arg2))); case UFLENGTH: return(int_asc(strlen(arg1))); case UFUPPER: return(mkupper(arg1)); case UFLOWER: return(mklower(arg1)); case UFTRUTH: return(ltos(asc_int(arg1) == 42)); case UFASCII: return(int_asc((int)arg1[0])); case UFCHR: result[0] = asc_int(arg1); result[1] = 0; return(result); case UFGTCMD: cmdstr(getcmd(), result); return(result); case UFGTKEY: result[0] = tgetc(); result[1] = 0; return(result); case UFRND: return(int_asc((ernd() % absv(asc_int(arg1))) + 1)); case UFABS: return(int_asc(absv(asc_int(arg1)))); case UFSINDEX: return(int_asc(sindex(arg1, arg2))); case UFENV: #if ENVFUNC return(fixnull(getenv(arg1))); #else return(""); #endif case UFBIND: return(transbind(arg1)); case UFEXIST: return(ltos(fexist(arg1))); case UFFIND: return(fixnull(flook(arg1, TRUE))); case UFBAND: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) & asc_int(arg2))); case UFBOR: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) | asc_int(arg2))); case UFBXOR: return(int_asc(asc_int(arg1) ^ asc_int(arg2))); case UFBNOT: return(int_asc(~asc_int(arg1))); case UFXLATE: return(xlat(arg1, arg2, arg3)); case UFTRIM: return(trimstr(arg1)); case UFSLOWER: return(setlower(arg1, arg2), ""); case UFSUPPER: return(setupper(arg1, arg2), ""); } meexit(-11); /* never should get here */ } char *PASCAL NEAR gtusr(vname) /* look up a user var's value */ char *vname; /* name of user variable to fetch */ { register int vnum; /* ordinal number of user var */ register char *vptr; /* temp pointer to function value */ /* scan the list looking for the user var name */ for (vnum = 0; vnum < MAXVARS; vnum++) { if (uv[vnum].u_name[0] == 0) return(errorm); if (strcmp(vname, uv[vnum].u_name) == 0) { vptr = uv[vnum].u_value; if (vptr) return(vptr); else return(errorm); } } /* return errorm if we run off the end */ return(errorm); } #if BINARY char *PASCAL NEAR funval(i) int i; { return(funcs[i].f_name); } char *PASCAL NEAR envval(i) int i; { return(envars[i]); } PASCAL NEAR binary(key, tval, tlength) char *key; /* key string to look for */ char *(PASCAL NEAR *tval)(); /* ptr to function to fetch table value with */ int tlength; /* length of table to search */ { int l, u; /* lower and upper limits of binary search */ int i; /* current search index */ int cresult; /* result of comparison */ /* set current search limit as entire list */ l = 0; u = tlength - 1; /* get the midpoint! */ while (u >= l) { i = (l + u) >> 1; /* do the comparison */ cresult = strcmp(key, (*tval)(i)); if (cresult == 0) return(i); if (cresult < 0) u = i - 1; else l = i + 1; } return(-1); } #endif char *PASCAL NEAR gtenv(vname) char *vname; /* name of environment variable to retrieve */ { register int vnum; /* ordinal number of var refrenced */ static char result[2 * NSTRING]; /* string result */ /* scan the list, looking for the referenced name */ #if BINARY vnum = binary(vname, envval, NEVARS); /* return errorm on a bad reference */ if (vnum == -1) return(errorm); #else for (vnum = 0; vnum < NEVARS; vnum++) if (strcmp(vname, envars[vnum]) == 0) break; /* return errorm on a bad reference */ if (vnum == NEVARS) return(errorm); #endif /* otherwise, fetch the appropriate value */ switch (vnum) { case EVFILLCOL: return(int_asc(fillcol)); case EVPAGELEN: return(int_asc(term.t_nrow + 1)); case EVCURCOL: return(int_asc(getccol(FALSE))); case EVCURLINE: return(int_asc(getcline())); case EVRAM: return(int_asc((int)(envram / 1024l))); case EVFLICKER: return(ltos(flickcode)); case EVCURWIDTH:return(int_asc(term.t_ncol)); case EVCBFLAGS: return(int_asc(curbp->b_flag)); case EVCBUFNAME:return(curbp->b_bname); case EVCFNAME: return(curbp->b_fname); case EVSRES: return(sres); case EVDEBUG: return(ltos(macbug)); case EVSTATUS: return(ltos(cmdstatus)); case EVPALETTE: return(palstr); case EVASAVE: return(int_asc(gasave)); case EVACOUNT: return(int_asc(gacount)); case EVLASTKEY: return(int_asc(lastkey)); case EVCURCHAR: return(curwp->w_dotp->l_used == curwp->w_doto ? int_asc('\r') : int_asc(lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto))); case EVDISCMD: return(ltos(discmd)); case EVVERSION: return(VERSION); case EVPROGNAME:return(PROGNAME); case EVLANG: return(LANGUAGE); case EVSEED: return(int_asc(seed)); case EVDISINP: return(ltos(disinp)); case EVWLINE: return(int_asc(curwp->w_ntrows)); case EVCWLINE: return(int_asc(getwpos())); case EVTARGET: saveflag = lastflag; return(int_asc(curgoal)); case EVSEARCH: return(pat); case EVTIME: return(timeset()); case EVREPLACE: return(rpat); case EVMATCH: return(fixnull(patmatch)); case EVKILL: return(getkill()); case EVREGION: return(getreg()); case EVCMODE: return(int_asc(curbp->b_mode)); case EVGMODE: return(int_asc(gmode)); case EVTPAUSE: return(int_asc(term.t_pause)); case EVPENDING: #if TYPEAH return(ltos(typahead())); #else return(falsem); #endif case EVLWIDTH: return(int_asc(llength(curwp->w_dotp))); case EVLINE: return(getctext()); case EVGFLAGS: return(int_asc(gflags)); case EVRVAL: return(int_asc(rval)); case EVREADHK: return(fixnull(getfname(&readhook))); case EVWRAPHK: return(fixnull(getfname(&wraphook))); case EVCMDHK: return(fixnull(getfname(&cmdhook))); case EVXPOS: return(int_asc(xpos)); case EVYPOS: return(int_asc(ypos)); case EVSTERM: cmdstr(sterm, result); return(result); case EVMODEFLAG:return(ltos(modeflag)); case EVSSCROLL: return(ltos(sscroll)); case EVLASTMESG:return(lastmesg); case EVHARDTAB: return(int_asc(tabsize)); case EVSOFTTAB: return(int_asc(stabsize)); case EVSSAVE: return(ltos(ssave)); case EVFCOL: return(int_asc(curwp->w_fcol)); case EVHSCROLL: return(ltos(hscroll)); case EVHJUMP: return(int_asc(hjump)); case EVBUFHOOK: return(fixnull(getfname(&bufhook))); case EVEXBHOOK: return(fixnull(getfname(&exbhook))); case EVWRITEHK: return(fixnull(getfname(&writehook))); case EVDIAGFLAG:return(ltos(diagflag)); case EVMSFLAG: return(ltos(mouseflag)); case EVOCRYPT: return(ltos(oldcrypt)); } meexit(-12); /* again, we should never get here */ } char *PASCAL NEAR fixnull(s) /* Don't return NULL pointers! */ char *s; { if (s == NULL) return(""); else return(s); } char *PASCAL NEAR getkill() /* return some of the contents of the kill buffer */ { register int size; /* max number of chars to return */ char value[NSTRING]; /* temp buffer for value */ if (kbufh == NULL) /* no kill buffer....just a null string */ value[0] = 0; else { /* copy in the contents... */ if (kused < NSTRING) size = kused; else size = NSTRING - 1; bytecopy(value, kbufh->d_chunk, size); } /* and return the constructed value */ return(value); } char *PASCAL NEAR trimstr(s) /* trim whitespace off the end of a string */ char *s; /* string to trim */ { char *sp; /* backward index */ sp = s + strlen(s) - 1; while ((sp >= s) && (*sp == ' ' || *sp == '\t')) --sp; *(sp+1) = 0; return(s); } int PASCAL NEAR setvar(f, n) /* set a variable */ int f; /* default flag */ int n; /* numeric arg (can overide prompted value) */ { register int status; /* status return */ VDESC vd; /* variable num/type */ char var[NVSIZE+1]; /* name of variable to fetch */ char value[NSTRING]; /* value to set variable to */ /* first get the variable to set.. */ if (clexec == FALSE) { status = mlreply(TEXT51, &var[0], NVSIZE+1); /* "Variable to set: " */ if (status != TRUE) return(status); } else { /* macro line argument */ /* grab token and skip it */ execstr = token(execstr, var, NVSIZE + 1); } /* check the legality and find the var */ findvar(var, &vd, NVSIZE + 1); /* if its not legal....bitch */ if (vd.v_type == -1) { mlwrite(TEXT52, var); /* "%%No such variable as '%s'" */ return(FALSE); } /* get the value for that variable */ if (f == TRUE) strcpy(value, int_asc(n)); else { status = mlreply(TEXT53, &value[0], NSTRING); /* "Value: " */ if (status != TRUE) return(status); } /* and set the appropriate value */ status = svar(&vd, value); #if DEBUGM /* if $debug == TRUE, every assignment will echo a statment to that effect here. */ if (macbug && (strcmp(var, "%track") != 0)) { strcpy(outline, "((("); strcat(outline, var); strcat(outline, " <- "); /* and lastly the value we tried to assign */ strcat(outline, value); strcat(outline, ")))"); /* expand '%' to "%%" so mlwrite wont bitch */ makelit(outline); /* write out the debug line */ mlforce(outline); update(TRUE); /* and get the keystroke to hold the output */ if (getkey() == abortc) { mlforce(TEXT54); /* "[Macro aborted]" */ status = FALSE; } } #endif /* and return it */ return(status); } PASCAL NEAR findvar(var, vd, size) /* find a variables type and name */ char *var; /* name of var to get */ VDESC *vd; /* structure to hold type and ptr */ int size; /* size of var array */ { register int vnum; /* subscript in varable arrays */ register int vtype; /* type to return */ fvar: vtype = -1; switch (var[0]) { case '$': /* check for legal enviromnent var */ for (vnum = 0; vnum < NEVARS; vnum++) if (strcmp(&var[1], envars[vnum]) == 0) { vtype = TKENV; break; } break; case '%': /* check for existing legal user variable */ for (vnum = 0; vnum < MAXVARS; vnum++) if (strcmp(&var[1], uv[vnum].u_name) == 0) { vtype = TKVAR; break; } if (vnum < MAXVARS) break; /* create a new one??? */ for (vnum = 0; vnum < MAXVARS; vnum++) if (uv[vnum].u_name[0] == 0) { vtype = TKVAR; strcpy(uv[vnum].u_name, &var[1]); uv[vnum].u_value = NULL; break; } break; case '&': /* indirect operator? */ var[4] = 0; if (strcmp(&var[1], "ind") == 0) { /* grab token, and eval it */ execstr = token(execstr, var, size); strcpy(var, fixnull(getval(var))); goto fvar; } } /* return the results */ vd->v_num = vnum; vd->v_type = vtype; return; } int PASCAL NEAR svar(var, value) /* set a variable */ VDESC *var; /* variable to set */ char *value; /* value to set to */ { register int vnum; /* ordinal number of var refrenced */ register int vtype; /* type of variable to set */ register int status; /* status return */ register int c; /* translated character */ register char * sp; /* scratch string pointer */ /* simplify the vd structure (we are gonna look at it a lot) */ vnum = var->v_num; vtype = var->v_type; /* and set the appropriate value */ status = TRUE; switch (vtype) { case TKVAR: /* set a user variable */ if (uv[vnum].u_value != NULL) free(uv[vnum].u_value); sp = malloc(strlen(value) + 1); if (sp == NULL) return(FALSE); strcpy(sp, value); uv[vnum].u_value = sp; break; case TKENV: /* set an environment variable */ status = TRUE; /* by default */ switch (vnum) { case EVFILLCOL: fillcol = asc_int(value); break; case EVPAGELEN: status = newsize(TRUE, asc_int(value)); break; case EVCURCOL: status = setccol(asc_int(value)); break; case EVCURLINE: status = gotoline(TRUE, asc_int(value)); break; case EVRAM: break; case EVFLICKER: flickcode = stol(value); break; case EVCURWIDTH:status = newwidth(TRUE, asc_int(value)); break; case EVCBFLAGS: curbp->b_flag = (curbp->b_flag & ~(BFCHG|BFINVS)) | (asc_int(value) & (BFCHG&BFINVS)); lchange(WFMODE); break; case EVCBUFNAME:strcpy(curbp->b_bname, value); curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE; break; case EVCFNAME: strcpy(curbp->b_fname, value); curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE; break; case EVSRES: status = TTrez(value); break; case EVDEBUG: macbug = stol(value); break; case EVSTATUS: cmdstatus = stol(value); break; case EVPALETTE: bytecopy(palstr, value, 48); spal(palstr); break; case EVASAVE: gasave = asc_int(value); break; case EVACOUNT: gacount = asc_int(value); break; case EVLASTKEY: lastkey = asc_int(value); break; case EVCURCHAR: ldelete(1L, FALSE); /* delete 1 char */ c = asc_int(value); if (c == '\r') lnewline(FALSE, 1); else linsert(1, c); backchar(FALSE, 1); break; case EVDISCMD: discmd = stol(value); break; case EVVERSION: break; case EVPROGNAME:break; case EVLANG: break; case EVSEED: seed = asc_int(value); break; case EVDISINP: disinp = stol(value); break; case EVWLINE: status = resize(TRUE, asc_int(value)); break; case EVCWLINE: status = forwline(TRUE, asc_int(value) - getwpos()); break; case EVTARGET: curgoal = asc_int(value); thisflag = saveflag; break; case EVSEARCH: strcpy(pat, value); setjtable(pat); /* Set up fast search arrays */ #if MAGIC mcclear(); #endif break; case EVTIME: break; case EVREPLACE: strcpy(rpat, value); break; case EVMATCH: break; case EVKILL: break; case EVREGION: break; case EVCMODE: curbp->b_mode = asc_int(value); curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE; break; case EVGMODE: gmode = asc_int(value); break; case EVTPAUSE: term.t_pause = asc_int(value); break; case EVPENDING: break; case EVLWIDTH: break; case EVLINE: putctext(value); break; case EVGFLAGS: gflags = asc_int(value); break; case EVRVAL: break; case EVREADHK: setkey(&readhook, BINDFNC, value); break; case EVWRAPHK: setkey(&wraphook, BINDFNC, value); break; case EVCMDHK: setkey(&cmdhook, BINDFNC, value); break; case EVXPOS: xpos = asc_int(value); break; case EVYPOS: ypos = asc_int(value); break; case EVSTERM: sterm = stock(value); break; case EVMODEFLAG:modeflag = stol(value); upwind(); break; case EVSSCROLL: sscroll = stol(value); break; case EVLASTMESG:strcpy(lastmesg, value); break; case EVHARDTAB: tabsize = asc_int(value); upwind(); break; case EVSOFTTAB: stabsize = asc_int(value); upwind(); break; case EVSSAVE: ssave = stol(value); break; case EVFCOL: curwp->w_fcol = asc_int(value); if (curwp->w_fcol < 0) curwp->w_fcol = 0; curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD | WFMODE; break; case EVHSCROLL: hscroll = stol(value); lbound = 0; break; case EVHJUMP: hjump = asc_int(value); if (hjump < 1) hjump = 1; if (hjump > term.t_ncol - 1) hjump = term.t_ncol - 1; break; case EVBUFHOOK: setkey(&bufhook, BINDFNC, value); break; case EVEXBHOOK: setkey(&exbhook, BINDFNC, value); break; case EVWRITEHK: setkey(&writehook, BINDFNC, value); break; case EVDIAGFLAG:diagflag = stol(value); break; case EVMSFLAG: mouseflag = stol(value); break; case EVOCRYPT: oldcrypt = stol(value); break; } break; } return(status); } /* asc_int: ascii string to integer......This is too inconsistant to use the system's */ PASCAL NEAR asc_int(st) char *st; { int result; /* resulting number */ int sign; /* sign of resulting number */ char c; /* current char being examined */ result = 0; sign = 1; /* skip preceding whitespace */ while (*st == ' ' || *st == '\t') ++st; /* check for sign */ if (*st == '-') { sign = -1; ++st; } if (*st == '+') ++st; /* scan digits, build value */ while ((c = *st++)) if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') result = result * 10 + c - '0'; else break; return(result * sign); } /* int_asc: integer to ascii string.......... This is too inconsistant to use the system's */ char *PASCAL NEAR int_asc(i) int i; /* integer to translate to a string */ { register int digit; /* current digit being used */ register char *sp; /* pointer into result */ register int sign; /* sign of resulting number */ static char result[INTWIDTH+1]; /* resulting string */ /* record the sign...*/ sign = 1; if (i < 0) { sign = -1; i = -i; } /* and build the string (backwards!) */ sp = result + INTWIDTH; *sp = 0; do { digit = i % 10; *(--sp) = '0' + digit; /* and install the new digit */ i = i / 10; } while (i); /* and fix the sign */ if (sign == -1) { *(--sp) = '-'; /* and install the minus sign */ } return(sp); } int PASCAL NEAR gettyp(token) /* find the type of a passed token */ char *token; /* token to analyze */ { register char c; /* first char in token */ /* grab the first char (this is all we need) */ c = *token; /* no blanks!!! */ if (c == 0) return(TKNUL); /* a numeric literal? */ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return(TKLIT); switch (c) { case '"': return(TKSTR); case '!': return(TKDIR); case '@': return(TKARG); case '#': return(TKBUF); case '$': return(TKENV); case '%': return(TKVAR); case '&': return(TKFUN); case '*': return(TKLBL); default: return(TKCMD); } } char *PASCAL NEAR getval(token) /* find the value of a token */ char *token; /* token to evaluate */ { register int status; /* error return */ register BUFFER *bp; /* temp buffer pointer */ register int blen; /* length of buffer argument */ register int distmp; /* temporary discmd flag */ static char buf[NSTRING];/* string buffer for some returns */ switch (gettyp(token)) { case TKNUL: return(""); case TKARG: /* interactive argument */ strcpy(token, fixnull(getval(&token[1]))); distmp = discmd; /* echo it always! */ discmd = TRUE; status = getstring(token, buf, NSTRING, ctoec('\r')); discmd = distmp; if (status == ABORT) return(NULL); return(buf); case TKBUF: /* buffer contents fetch */ /* grab the right buffer */ strcpy(token, fixnull(getval(&token[1]))); bp = bfind(token, FALSE, 0); if (bp == NULL) return(NULL); /* if the buffer is displayed, get the window vars instead of the buffer vars */ if (bp->b_nwnd > 0) { curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp; curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto; } /* make sure we are not at the end */ if (bp->b_linep == bp->b_dotp) return(NULL); /* grab the line as an argument */ blen = bp->b_dotp->l_used - bp->b_doto; if (blen > NSTRING) blen = NSTRING; bytecopy(buf, bp->b_dotp->l_text + bp->b_doto, blen); buf[blen] = 0; /* and step the buffer's line ptr ahead a line */ bp->b_dotp = bp->b_dotp->l_fp; bp->b_doto = 0; /* if displayed buffer, reset window ptr vars*/ if (bp->b_nwnd > 0) { curwp->w_dotp = curbp->b_dotp; curwp->w_doto = 0; curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE; } /* and return the spoils */ return(buf); case TKVAR: return(gtusr(token+1)); case TKENV: return(gtenv(token+1)); case TKFUN: return(gtfun(token+1)); case TKDIR: return(NULL); case TKLBL: return(NULL); case TKLIT: return(token); case TKSTR: return(token+1); case TKCMD: return(token); } } int PASCAL NEAR stol(val) /* convert a string to a numeric logical */ char *val; /* value to check for stol */ { /* check for logical values */ if (val[0] == 'F') return(FALSE); if (val[0] == 'T') return(TRUE); /* check for numeric truth (!= 0) */ return((asc_int(val) != 0)); } char *PASCAL NEAR ltos(val) /* numeric logical to string logical */ int val; /* value to translate */ { if (val) return(truem); else return(falsem); } char *PASCAL NEAR mkupper(str) /* make a string upper case */ char *str; /* string to upper case */ { char *sp; sp = str; while (*sp) uppercase(sp++); return(str); } char *PASCAL NEAR mklower(str) /* make a string lower case */ char *str; /* string to lower case */ { char *sp; sp = str; while (*sp) lowercase(sp++); return(str); } int PASCAL NEAR absv(x) /* take the absolute value of an integer */ int x; { return(x < 0 ? -x : x); } int PASCAL NEAR ernd() /* returns a random integer */ { seed = absv(seed * 1721 + 10007); return(seed); } int PASCAL NEAR sindex(source, pattern) /* find pattern within source */ char *source; /* source string to search */ char *pattern; /* string to look for */ { char *sp; /* ptr to current position to scan */ char *csp; /* ptr to source string during comparison */ char *cp; /* ptr to place to check for equality */ /* scanning through the source string */ sp = source; while (*sp) { /* scan through the pattern */ cp = pattern; csp = sp; while (*cp) { if (!eq(*cp, *csp)) break; ++cp; ++csp; } /* was it a match? */ if (*cp == 0) return((int)(sp - source) + 1); ++sp; } /* no match at all.. */ return(0); } /* Filter a string through a translation table */ char *PASCAL NEAR xlat(source, lookup, trans) char *source; /* string to filter */ char *lookup; /* characters to translate */ char *trans; /* resulting translated characters */ { register char *sp; /* pointer into source table */ register char *lp; /* pointer into lookup table */ register char *rp; /* pointer into result */ static char result[NSTRING]; /* temporary result */ /* scan source string */ sp = source; rp = result; while (*sp) { /* scan lookup table for a match */ lp = lookup; while (*lp) { if (*sp == *lp) { *rp++ = trans[lp - lookup]; goto xnext; } ++lp; } /* no match, copy in the source char untranslated */ *rp++ = *sp; xnext: ++sp; } /* terminate and return the result */ *rp = 0; return(result); } #if DEBUGM int PASCAL NEAR dispvar(f, n) /* display a variable's value */ int f; /* default flag */ int n; /* numeric arg (can overide prompted value) */ { register int status; /* status return */ VDESC vd; /* variable num/type */ char var[NVSIZE+1]; /* name of variable to fetch */ /* first get the variable to display.. */ if (clexec == FALSE) { status = mlreply(TEXT55, &var[0], NVSIZE+1); /* "Variable to display: " */ if (status != TRUE) return(status); } else { /* macro line argument */ /* grab token and skip it */ execstr = token(execstr, var, NVSIZE + 1); } /* check the legality and find the var */ findvar(var, &vd, NVSIZE + 1); /* if its not legal....bitch */ if (vd.v_type == -1) { mlwrite(TEXT52, var); /* "%%No such variable as '%s'" */ return(FALSE); } /* and display the value */ strcpy(outline, var); strcat(outline, " = "); /* and lastly the current value */ strcat(outline, fixnull(getval(var))); /* expand '%' to "%%" so mlwrite wont bitch */ makelit(outline); /* write out the result */ mlforce(outline); update(TRUE); /* and return */ return(TRUE); } /* describe-variables Bring up a fake buffer and list the contents of all the environment variables */ PASCAL NEAR desvars(f, n) { register WINDOW *wp; /* scanning pointer to windows */ register BUFFER *bp; /* buffer to put binding list into */ register int uindex; /* index into uvar table */ register int cmark; /* current mark */ char outseq[80]; /* output buffer for keystroke sequence */ /* split the current window to make room for the variable list */ if (splitwind(FALSE, 1) == FALSE) return(FALSE); /* and get a buffer for it */ bp = bfind(TEXT56, TRUE, 0); /* "Variable list" */ if (bp == NULL || bclear(bp) == FALSE) { mlwrite(TEXT57); /* "Can not display variable list" */ return(FALSE); } /* let us know this is in progress */ mlwrite(TEXT58); /* "[Building variable list]" */ /* disconect the current buffer */ if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) { /* Last use. */ curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp; curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto; for (cmark = 0; cmark < NMARKS; cmark++) { curbp->b_markp[cmark] = curwp->w_markp[cmark]; curbp->b_marko[cmark] = curwp->w_marko[cmark]; } curbp->b_fcol = curwp->w_fcol; } /* connect the current window to this buffer */ curbp = bp; /* make this buffer current in current window */ bp->b_mode = 0; /* no modes active in binding list */ bp->b_nwnd++; /* mark us as more in use */ wp = curwp; wp->w_bufp = bp; wp->w_linep = bp->b_linep; wp->w_flag = WFHARD|WFFORCE; wp->w_dotp = bp->b_dotp; wp->w_doto = bp->b_doto; for (cmark = 0; cmark < NMARKS; cmark++) { wp->w_markp[cmark] = NULL; wp->w_marko[cmark] = 0; } /* build the environment variable list */ for (uindex = 0; uindex < NEVARS; uindex++) { /* add in the environment variable name */ strcpy(outseq, "$"); strcat(outseq, envars[uindex]); pad(outseq, 14); /* add in the value */ strcat(outseq, gtenv(envars[uindex])); strcat(outseq, "\r"); /* and add it as a line into the buffer */ if (linstr(outseq) != TRUE) return(FALSE); } linstr("\r\r"); /* build the user variable list */ for (uindex = 0; uindex < MAXVARS; uindex++) { if (uv[uindex].u_name[0] == 0) break; /* add in the user variable name */ strcpy(outseq, "%"); strcat(outseq, uv[uindex].u_name); pad(outseq, 14); /* add in the value */ strcat(outseq, uv[uindex].u_value); strcat(outseq, "\r"); /* and add it as a line into the buffer */ if (linstr(outseq) != TRUE) return(FALSE); } curwp->w_bufp->b_mode |= MDVIEW;/* put this buffer view mode */ curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG; /* don't flag this as a change */ wp->w_dotp = lforw(bp->b_linep);/* back to the beginning */ wp->w_doto = 0; upmode(); mlerase(); /* clear the mode line */ return(TRUE); } /* describe-functions Bring up a fake buffer and list the names of all the functions */ PASCAL NEAR desfunc(f, n) { register WINDOW *wp; /* scanning pointer to windows */ register BUFFER *bp; /* buffer to put binding list into */ register int uindex; /* index into funcs table */ register int cmark; /* current mark */ char outseq[80]; /* output buffer for keystroke sequence */ /* split the current window to make room for the variable list */ if (splitwind(FALSE, 1) == FALSE) return(FALSE); /* and get a buffer for it */ bp = bfind(TEXT211, TRUE, 0); /* "Function list" */ if (bp == NULL || bclear(bp) == FALSE) { mlwrite(TEXT212); /* "Can not display function list" */ return(FALSE); } /* let us know this is in progress */ mlwrite(TEXT213); /* "[Building function list]" */ /* disconect the current buffer */ if (--curbp->b_nwnd == 0) { /* Last use. */ curbp->b_dotp = curwp->w_dotp; curbp->b_doto = curwp->w_doto; for (cmark = 0; cmark < NMARKS; cmark++) { curbp->b_markp[cmark] = curwp->w_markp[cmark]; curbp->b_marko[cmark] = curwp->w_marko[cmark]; } curbp->b_fcol = curwp->w_fcol; } /* connect the current window to this buffer */ curbp = bp; /* make this buffer current in current window */ bp->b_mode = 0; /* no modes active in binding list */ bp->b_nwnd++; /* mark us as more in use */ wp = curwp; wp->w_bufp = bp; wp->w_linep = bp->b_linep; wp->w_flag = WFHARD|WFFORCE; wp->w_dotp = bp->b_dotp; wp->w_doto = bp->b_doto; for (cmark = 0; cmark < NMARKS; cmark++) { wp->w_markp[cmark] = NULL; wp->w_marko[cmark] = 0; } /* build the function list */ for (uindex = 0; uindex < NFUNCS; uindex++) { /* add in the environment variable name */ strcpy(outseq, "&"); strcat(outseq, funcs[uindex]); strcat(outseq, "\r"); /* and add it as a line into the buffer */ if (linstr(outseq) != TRUE) return(FALSE); } linstr("\r"); curwp->w_bufp->b_mode |= MDVIEW;/* put this buffer view mode */ curbp->b_flag &= ~BFCHG; /* don't flag this as a change */ wp->w_dotp = lforw(bp->b_linep);/* back to the beginning */ wp->w_doto = 0; upmode(); mlwrite(""); /* clear the mode line */ return(TRUE); } pad(s, len) /* pad a string to indicated length */ char *s; /* string to add spaces to */ int len; /* wanted length of string */ { while (strlen(s) < len) { strcat(s, " "); s[len] = 0; } } #endif
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