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/* DOLOCK.C: Machine specific code for File Locking #include "elang.h" for MicroEMACS (C)opyright 1987 by Daniel M Lawrence */ #include "estruct.h" #include "etype.h" #if WMCS /* file locking for WMCS */ #include "sys$disk/sysincl.sys/sysequ.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> char msg[] = TEXT35; /* "another user" */ char *dolock(fname) char *fname; { int lun,status; status = _open(fname,OPREADACC|OPWRITEACC|OPWRITELOCK,-1,&lun); if(status == 133 || status == 0 ) return(NULL); return(msg); } char *undolock(fname) char *fname; { int i,j,k,lun,status; char xname[95],c; for(lun=4; _getfnam(lun,xname) == 0; lun++) { for(i=0;i<strlen(xname);i++) { k = i; for(j=0;j<strlen(fname);j++) { c = fname[j]; if(islower(c)) c = toupper(c); if(c == xname[k]) { ++k; continue; } if(c == '\0') break; break; } if(j == strlen(fname)) { _close(lun,0); return(NULL); } } } return(NULL); } #endif #if 0 /* dolock: MDBS specific Unix 4.2BSD file locking mechinism this is not to be distributed generally */ #include <mdbs.h> #include <mdbsio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> /* included by port.h: mdbs.h, mdbsio.h, sys/types.h, sys/stat.h */ #ifndef bsdunix char *dolock(){return(NULL);} char *undolock(){return(NULL);} #else #include <pwd.h> #include <errno.h> extern int errno; #define LOCKDIR ".xlk" #define LOCKMSG TEXT36 /* "LOCK ERROR -- " */ #define LOCKMSZ sizeof(LOCKMSG) #define LOCKERR(s) { strcat(lmsg,s); oldumask = umask(oldumask); return(lmsg); } /********************** * * dolock -- lock the file fname * * if successful, returns NULL * if file locked, returns username of person locking the file * if other error, returns "LOCK ERROR: explanation" * * Jon Reid, 2/19/86 * *********************/ BOOL parent = FALSE; BOOL tellall = FALSE; char *gtname(filespec) /* get name component of unix-style filespec */ char *filespec; { char *rname, *rindex(); rname = rindex(filespec,'/'); if (rname != NULL) return(rname); else return(filespec); } char *getpath(filespec) char *filespec; { char rbuff[LFILEN]; char *rname, *rindex(); strcpy(rbuff,filespec); rname = rindex(rbuff,'/'); if (rname == NULL) return(NULL); else { *(++rname) = '\0'; return(rbuff); } } char *dolock(fname) char *fname; { static char lockname[LFILEN] = LOCKDIR; static char username[12]; static char lmsg[40] = LOCKMSG; char *pathfmt; struct stat statblk; struct passwd *pblk; long pid, getpid(); FILE *lf, *fopen(); int oldumask; oldumask = umask(0); /* maximum access allowed to lock files */ if (*fname != '/') pathfmt = "./%s%s"; else pathfmt = "%s/%s"; sprintf(lockname,pathfmt,getpath(fname), LOCKDIR); if (tellall) printf(TEXT37,lockname); /* "checking for existence of %s\n" */ if (stat(lockname,&statblk)) { if (tellall) printf(TEXT38,lockname); /* "making directory %s\n" */ mkdir(lockname,0777); } sprintf(lockname,"%s/%s",lockname,gtname(fname)); if (tellall) printf(TEXT37,lockname); /* "checking for existence of %s\n" */ if (stat(lockname,&statblk)) { makelock: if (tellall) printf(TEXT39,lockname); /* "creating %s\n" */ if ((lf = fopen(lockname,FOP_TW)) == NULL) LOCKERR(TEXT40) /* "could not create lock file" */ else { if (parent) pid = getppid(); /* parent pid */ else pid = getpid(); /* current pid */ if (tellall) printf(TEXT41,pid); /* "pid is %ld\n" */ fprintf(lf,"%ld",pid); /* write pid to lock file */ fclose(lf); oldumask = umask(oldumask); return(NULL); } } else { if (tellall) printf(TEXT42,lockname); /* "reading lock file %s\n" */ if ((lf = fopen(lockname,FOP_TR)) == NULL) LOCKERR(TEXT43) /* "could not read lock file" */ else { fscanf(lf,"%ld",&pid); /* contains current pid */ fclose(lf); if (tellall) printf(TEXT44,lockname, pid); /* "pid in %s is %ld\n" */ if (tellall) printf(TEXT45, pid); /* "signaling process %ld\n" */ if (kill(pid,0)) switch (errno) { case ESRCH: /* process not found */ goto makelock; break; case EPERM: /* process exists, not yours */ if (tellall) puts(TEXT46); /* "process exists" */ break; default: LOCKERR(TEXT47) /* "kill was bad" */ break; } else if (tellall) puts(TEXT48); /* "kill was good; process exists" */ } if ((pblk = getpwuid(statblk.st_uid)) == NULL) sprintf(username,"uid %d",asc_int(statblk.st_uid)); else strcpy(username,pblk->pw_name); oldumask = umask(oldumask); return(username); } } /********************** * * undolock -- unlock the file fname * * if successful, returns NULL * if other error, returns "LOCK ERROR: explanation" * * Jon Reid, 2/19/86 * *********************/ char *undolock(fname) char *fname; { static char lockname[LFILEN] = LOCKDIR; static char lmsg[40] = LOCKMSG; char *pathfmt; if (*fname != '/') pathfmt = "./%s%s"; else pathfmt = "%s/%s"; sprintf(lockname,pathfmt,getpath(fname), LOCKDIR); sprintf(lockname,"%s/%s",lockname,gtname(fname)); if (tellall) printf(TEXT49,lockname); /* "attempting to unlink %s\n" */ if (unlink(lockname)) { strcat(lmsg,TEXT50); /* "could not remove lock file" */ return(lmsg); } else return(NULL); } #endif /****************** * end dolock module *******************/ #else dolhello() { } #endif
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