
This is b.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef _Ib
#define _Ib 1

#include "config.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "vfile.h"

#define stdsiz 8192
/* 31744 */
extern char stdbuf[stdsiz];

typedef struct buffer B;
typedef struct point P;
typedef struct header H;

struct header
 LINK(H) link;
 long seg;
 int hole;
 int ehole;
 int nlines;

struct point
 LINK(P) link;
 B *b;
 int ofst;
 char *ptr;
 H *hdr;
 long byte;
 long line;
 long col;
 long xcol;
 int valcol;
 int end;
 P **owner;

struct buffer
 LINK(B) link;
 P *bof;
 P *eof;
 char *name;
 int orphan;
 int count;
 int changed;
 int backup;
 void *undo;
 P *marks[10];			/* Bookmarks */
 OPTIONS o;			/* Options */
 P *oldcur;			/* Last cursor position before orphaning */
 P *oldtop;			/* Last top screen position before orphaning */
 int rdonly;			/* Set for read-only */
 int internal;			/* Set for internal buffers */
 int er;			/* Error code when file was loaded */

extern int force;	/* Set to have final '\n' added to file */
extern int tabwidth;	/* Default tab width */

extern VFILE *vmem;	/* Virtual memory file used for buffer system */

extern char *msgs[];

B *bmk();
void brm();

B *bfind();

P *pdup();
P *pdupown();
P *poffline();
P *ponline();
B *bonline();
B *boffline();

void prm();
P *pset();

P *pbof();
P *peof();

int pisbof();
int piseof();
int piseol();
int pisbol();
int pisbow();
int piseow();

#define piscol(p) ((p)->valcol?(p)->col:(pfcol(p),(p)->col))

int pisblank();

long pisindent();

int pnext();
int pprev();

int pgetc();

P *pfwrd();

int prgetc();

P *pbkwd();
P *pgoto();

P *pfcol();

P *pbol();

P *peol();

P *pnextl();

P *pprevl();

P *pline();

P *pcolwse();
P *pcol();
P *pcoli();
void pbackws();
void pfill();

P *pfind();
P *pifind();
P *prfind();
P *prifind();

/* B *bcpy(P *from,P *to);
 * Copy text between from and to into a new buffer
B *bcpy();

void pcoalesce();

void bdel();

/* P *binsb(P *p,B *b);
 * Insert an entire buffer 'b' into another buffer at 'p'
P *binsb();

/* P *binsm(P *p,char *blk,int amnt);
 * Insert a block 'blk' of size 'amnt' into buffer at 'p'
P *binsm();

/* P *binsc(P *p,char c);
 * Insert character into buffer at P
P *binsc();

/* P *binss(P *p,char *s);
 * Insert zero terminated string into buffer at P
P *binss();

/* B *bload(char *s);
 * Load a file into a new buffer
 * Returns with errno set to 0 for success,
 * -1 for new file (file doesn't exist)
 * -2 for read error
 * -3 for seek error
 * -4 for open error
B *bread();
B *bload();
B *bfind();
B *borphan();

/* int bsave(P *p,char *s,long size);
 * Save 'size' bytes beginning at 'p' into file with name in 's'
int bsavefd();
int bsave();

char *parsens();

/* int brc(P *p);
 * Get character at pointer or return MAXINT if pointer is at end of buffer
int brc();

/* char *brmem(P *p,char *blk,int size);
 * Copy 'size' bytes from a buffer beginning at p into block 'blk'
char *brmem();

/* char *brs(P *p,int size);
 * Copy 'size' bytes from a buffer beginning at p into a zero-terminated
 * C-string in an malloc block.
char *brs();

/* char *brvs(P *p,int size);
 * Copy 'size' bytes from a buffer beginning at p into a variable length
 * string.
char *brvs();

B *bnext();
B *bprev();

extern int error;

char **getbufs();


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.