This is w32proc.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <slang.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "jprocess.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "ins.h" #include "ledit.h" #include "misc.h" #include "paste.h" int Num_Subprocesses; LONG Has_Subprocess_Input; CRITICAL_SECTION Critical_Section; volatile int Child_Status_Changed_Flag;/* if this is non-zero, editor * should call the appropriate * function below to call slang * handlers. */ typedef struct { int flags; /* This is zero if the process is gone * and the status is nolonger avail */ #define PROCESS_RUNNING 1 #define PROCESS_STOPPED 2 #define PROCESS_ALIVE 3 #define PROCESS_EXITED 4 #define PROCESS_SIGNALLED 8 int return_status; /* This value depends on the flags */ int status_changed; /* non-zero if status changed. */ HANDLE rd, wd; /* read/write handles */ HANDLE hprocess; /* real process handle */ int output_type; #define PROCESS_USE_BUFFER 1 #define PROCESS_USE_SLANG 2 #define PROCESS_SAVE_POINT 4 #define PROCESS_AT_POINT 8 Buffer *buffer; /* buffer associated with process */ SLang_Name_Type *slang_fun; /* function to pass output to */ SLuser_Object_Type *umark; /* marks point of last output */ SLang_Name_Type *status_change_fun; /* call this if process status changes * The function should be declared like * define fun (pid, flags); * The flags parameter corresponds to * the flags field in this struct and * the pid is NOT the pid of this struct */ HANDLE input_event; unsigned char *input_buf; int input_bufsize; } Process_Type; static Process_Type Processes[MAX_PROCESSES]; static Process_Type *get_process (int fd) { Process_Type *p; if ((fd >= 0) && (fd < MAX_PROCESSES) && (p = &Processes[fd], p->flags != 0)) return p; msg_error ("process does not exist."); return NULL; } static void call_slang_status_change_hook (Process_Type *p) { Buffer *cbuf = CBuf; if ((p->status_change_fun == NULL) || (p->buffer == NULL)) return; cbuf->locked++; switch_to_buffer (p->buffer); SLang_push_integer ((int) (p - Processes)); SLang_push_integer (p->flags); SLexecute_function (p->status_change_fun); touch_screen (); if (CBuf != cbuf) switch_to_buffer (cbuf); cbuf->locked--; } /* This routine is called to clean up after the process has exited. * After getting the exit status, we call a slang hook and if the * process is dead, adjust the process arrays to delete the process. */ static void get_process_status (Process_Type *p) { int i; /* Call slang to let it know what happened. Do it first before we * really shut it down to give the hook a chance to query the state of * it before it returns. */ call_slang_status_change_hook (p); if (p->flags & PROCESS_ALIVE) return; /* Process is dead. So perform clean up. */ CloseHandle(Input_Events[(int)(p - Processes)]); CloseHandle(p->rd); CloseHandle(p->wd); if (p->input_buf) SLFREE(p->input_buf); if (p->buffer != NULL) p->buffer->subprocess = 0; p->flags = 0; if (p->umark != NULL) jed_free_user_object_mark (p->umark); /* Adjust the array of read descriptors */ i = 0; while (i < Num_Subprocesses) { if (Input_Events[i] == p->input_event) { while (i < Num_Subprocesses - 1) { Input_Events[i] = Input_Events[i + 1]; i++; } break; } i++; } Num_Subprocesses--; } int jed_close_process (int *fd) { Process_Type *p; if (NULL == (p = get_process (*fd))) return -1; TerminateProcess(p->hprocess, 0); if (p->buffer != NULL) p->buffer->subprocess = 0; /* This next function wraps things up --- no need to. Let handler do it. */ /* get_process_status (p); */ return 0; } void jed_kill_process (int fd) { /* This function is called when the buffer is going to be destroyed */ Processes[fd].buffer = NULL; jed_close_process (&fd); } void jed_get_child_status (void) { Process_Type *p, *pmin; Child_Status_Changed_Flag--; pmin = Processes; p = pmin + Num_Subprocesses; while (p > pmin) { p--; if (p->status_changed) { p->status_changed--; get_process_status (p); } } } static DWORD thread_func(int fd) { char buf[513]; /* last byte for 0 char */ DWORD n; int bufsize; Process_Type *p = get_process(fd); while(ReadFile(p->rd, buf, 512, &n, NULL)) { EnterCriticalSection(&Critical_Section); bufsize = p->input_bufsize + n; p->input_buf = SLREALLOC(p->input_buf, bufsize + 1); MEMCPY((char *)&(p->input_buf[p->input_bufsize]), buf, n); p->input_bufsize = bufsize; SetEvent(Input_Events[fd]); LeaveCriticalSection(&Critical_Section); } p->flags = PROCESS_EXITED; p->status_changed++; Child_Status_Changed_Flag++; return 0; } void read_process_input(int fd) { Buffer *b = CBuf, *pbuf; int otype; Process_Type *p; if (NULL == (p = get_process (fd))) return; EnterCriticalSection(&Critical_Section); otype = p->output_type; pbuf = p->buffer; if (pbuf != NULL && (otype != PROCESS_USE_SLANG)) { switch_to_buffer (pbuf); pbuf->locked++; } if (otype & PROCESS_SAVE_POINT) push_spot (); if (otype & PROCESS_USE_BUFFER) { if (0 == (otype & PROCESS_AT_POINT)) eob (); ins_chars (p->input_buf, p->input_bufsize); jed_move_user_object_mark (p->umark); } else if (otype == PROCESS_USE_SLANG) { p->input_buf[p->input_bufsize] = 0; SLang_push_string ((char *) p->input_buf); SLang_push_integer ((int) (p - Processes)); SLexecute_function (p->slang_fun); /* function to pass output to */ } if (otype & PROCESS_SAVE_POINT) pop_spot (); else if (otype & PROCESS_USE_BUFFER) move_window_marks (0); if ((p->buffer != NULL) && (otype != PROCESS_USE_SLANG)) { if (b != CBuf) switch_to_buffer (b); pbuf->locked--; } SLFREE(p->input_buf); p->input_buf = NULL; p->input_bufsize = 0; ResetEvent(p->input_event); LeaveCriticalSection(&Critical_Section); touch_screen (); } static int open_process (char *pgm, char **argv) { int pd; HANDLE fds0[2], fds1[2]; Process_Type *p; char **arg, *cmd_line; SLuser_Object_Type *uo; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; DWORD d, id_thread; pd = 0; while ((pd < MAX_PROCESSES) && Processes[pd].flags) pd++; if (pd == MAX_PROCESSES) return -1; p = &Processes[pd]; MEMSET ((char *) p, 0, sizeof (Process_Type)); sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if (CreatePipe(&fds0[0], &fds0[1], &sa, 0)) { if (!CreatePipe(&fds1[0], &fds1[1], &sa, 0)) { CloseHandle(fds0[0]); CloseHandle(fds0[1]); return -1; } } else return -1; if (NULL == (uo = jed_make_user_object_mark (SLANG_IVARIABLE))) return -1; si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.lpReserved = NULL; si.lpReserved2 = NULL; si.cbReserved2 = 0; si.lpDesktop = NULL; si.lpTitle = NULL; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_MINIMIZE; si.hStdInput = fds0[0]; si.hStdOutput = fds1[1]; si.hStdError = fds1[1]; d = strlen(pgm) + 1; arg = argv; while (*arg != NULL) { d += strlen(*arg) + 1; arg++; } if (NULL == (cmd_line = SLMALLOC(d))) return -1; cmd_line[0] = 0; arg = argv; while (*arg != NULL) { strcat(cmd_line, *arg); arg++; } if (CreateProcess(NULL, cmd_line, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { CloseHandle(fds0[0]); CloseHandle(fds1[1]); p->flags = PROCESS_RUNNING; p->rd = fds1[0]; p->wd = fds0[1]; p->hprocess = pi.hProcess; Num_Subprocesses += 1; CBuf->subprocess = pd + 1; /* Processing options */ p->buffer = CBuf; p->output_type = PROCESS_USE_BUFFER; p->umark = uo; p->input_bufsize = 0; p->input_buf = NULL; p->input_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); Input_Events[pd] = p->input_event; CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread_func, (LPVOID) pd, 0, &id_thread); } else { msg_error("exec failed!\n"); CloseHandle(fds0[0]); CloseHandle(fds0[1]); CloseHandle(fds1[0]); CloseHandle(fds1[1]); jed_free_user_object_mark (uo); return -1; } return pd; } int jed_send_process (int *fd, char *str) { DWORD d; Process_Type *p = get_process (*fd); if ((p == NULL) || (p->wd == NULL)) return -1; WriteFile(p->wd, str, strlen(str), &d, NULL); return 0; } void jed_send_process_eof (int *fd) { Process_Type *p = get_process (*fd); if (p == NULL) return; if (p->rd != NULL) CloseHandle(p->rd); p->wd = NULL; } void jed_set_process (int *pd, char *what, char *s) { Process_Type *p; SLang_Name_Type *f; if (NULL == (p = get_process (*pd))) return; if (!strcmp (what, "output")) { if (*s == '.') p->output_type = PROCESS_AT_POINT | PROCESS_USE_BUFFER; else if (*s == '@') p->output_type = PROCESS_SAVE_POINT | PROCESS_USE_BUFFER; else if (*s && (NULL != (f = SLang_get_function (s)))) { p->output_type = PROCESS_USE_SLANG; p->slang_fun = f; } else p->output_type = PROCESS_USE_BUFFER; } else if (!strcmp (what, "signal")) { if (*s && (NULL != (f = SLang_get_function (s)))) { p->status_change_fun = f; } } } void jed_get_process_mark (int *fd) { Process_Type *p; if (NULL == (p = get_process (*fd))) return; SLang_push_user_object (p->umark); } int jed_open_process (int *np) { int fd = -1; char *argv[502]; int do_free[502]; int n = *np; if (CBuf->subprocess) { msg_error ("There is already a process attached to this buffer."); return -1; } if ((n > 500) || (n < 0)) { msg_error ("Arguments out of range."); return -1; } n++; /* for argv0 since *np does not include * it. */ argv[n] = NULL; while (n--) { if (SLang_pop_string (&argv[n], &do_free[n])) { n++; goto free_return; } } n = 0; if ((fd = open_process(argv[0], argv)) < 0) { msg_error ("Unable to open process."); } /* free up the argument strings */ free_return: while (n <= *np) { if (do_free[n]) SLFREE (argv[n]); n++; } return fd; }
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