
This is i386.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *  Copyright (c) 1992, 1995 John E. Davis  (davis@space.mit.edu)
 *  All Rights Reserved.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dir.h>
#include <pc.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <io.h>
 /* for some reason _bios_keybrd seems to work better than kbhit() 
  * even though the documentation indicates they do the same thing.
#define kbhit() _bios_keybrd(_NKEYBRD_READY)
#endif /* NOT WATCOM */

#include <errno.h>

#include "sysdep.h"

#define BIOSKEY i386_bioskey

#include <dos.h>
#include <bios.h>
#include <process.h>

#include "dos_os2.c"

int Abort_Char = 7;		       /* scan code for G (control) */

#ifndef __WATCOMC__
unsigned int i386_bioskey(int f)
   union REGS in, out;
   in.h.ah = f | 0x10;		       /* use enhanced kbd */
   int86(0x16, &in, &out);
   return(out.x.ax & 0xFFFF);

static void read_and_buffer_keys (void)
   char *normal = "!@#$%^&*()-=\t*\0177QWERTYUIOP[]\r*ASDFGHJKL;'`*\\ZXCVBNM<>/";
   unsigned int i, num = 1, c0, c1, shft;
   unsigned char pair[3];
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
   i = _bios_keybrd(_NKEYBRD_READ);
   shft = _bios_keybrd(_NKEYBRD_SHIFTSTATUS) & 0xF;
   i = (unsigned int) BIOSKEY(0);
   shft = BIOSKEY(2) & 0xF;

   switch (i)
      case 0x0E08: c0 = 127; break;
      case 0x0EFF: c0 = 8; break;
      case 0xE02F:    /* KEYPAD SLASH */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'Q'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x372A:    /* KEYPAD STAR */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'R'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4A2D:    /* KEYPAD MINUS */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'S'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4700:    /* KEYPAD HOME */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'w'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4800:    /* KEYPAD UP */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'x'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4900:    /* KEYPAD PGUP */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'y'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4B00:    /* KEYPAD LEFT */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 't'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4C00:    /* KEYPAD 5 */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'u'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4D00:    /* KEYPAD RIGHT */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'v'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4F00:    /* KEYPAD END */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'q'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x5000:    /* KEYPAD DOWN */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'r'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x5100:    /* KEYPAD PGDN */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 's'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x4E2B:    /* KEYPAD PLUS */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'm'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0xE00D:    /* KEYPAD ENTER */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'M'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x5300:    /* KEYPAD DEL */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'n'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x5200:    /* KEYPAD INSERT */
	pair[1] = 'O'; pair[2] = 'p'; num = 3; c0 = 27; 
      case 0x3920: 		       /* Ctrl-SPACE */
	if ((shft & 4) == 0) 
	     c0 = ' ';
	i = 0x0300;
	/* drop */
	c0 = i & 0xFF;
	c1 = i >> 8;
	if ((c0 == 0) || (c0 == 0xE0))
	     if (PC_Alt_Char && (shft == 0x8)) 
		  if ((c1 >= 14) && (c1 <= 53))
		       c1 = (unsigned int) normal[c1];
		  else if ((c1 >= 120) && (c1 <= 131))
		       c1 = (unsigned int) normal[c1 - 120];
		  else if (c1 == 165) /* tab */
		       c1 = (unsigned int) normal[c1 - 165 + 12];
		  c0 = PC_Alt_Char;
	     pair[1] = c1;
	     num = 2;

   pair[0] = c0;
   buffer_keystring (pair, num);

/* Here I also map keys to edt keys */

unsigned char sys_getkey()
   int wit = 300;
   if ( 
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
     while (!sys_input_pending(&wit, 0))
	if (Display_Time)
	     JWindow->trashed = 1;
	     update((Line *) NULL, 0, 1);
#ifdef HAS_MOUSE
   /* This can only be set by the mouse */
   if (JMouse_Hide_Mouse_Hook != NULL) (*JMouse_Hide_Mouse_Hook) (0);
   if (Input_Buffer_Len == 0) 
     read_and_buffer_keys ();
   return my_getkey ();

static int sys_input_pending(int *tsecs, int unused)
   int count = *tsecs * 5;
   (void) unused;
   if (Batch || Input_Buffer_Len) return(Input_Buffer_Len);
   if (kbhit()) return 1;
   while (count > 0)
	delay(20);		       /* 20 ms or 1/50 sec */
	if (kbhit()
#ifdef HAS_MOUSE
	    || ((JMouse_Event_Hook != NULL)
		&& ((*JMouse_Event_Hook)() > 0))
	    ) break;
   return (count);

/*  This is to get the size of the terminal  */
#ifndef __WATCOMC__

/* DJGPP */
#include <go32.h>
#include <sys/farptr.h>

int get_term_dimensions(int *cols, int *rows)
   *rows = ScreenRows();
   *cols = ScreenCols();
   /* Number of scanlines/character */
   return _farpeekw (_go32_conventional_mem_selector (), 0x485);
#include <graph.h>
int get_term_dimensions(int *cols, int *rows)
   struct videoconfig vc;
   *rows = vc.numtextrows;
   *cols = vc.numtextcols;
   return 0;

/* returns 0 if file does not exist, 1 if it is not a dir, 2 if it is */
int sys_chmod(char *file, int what, int *mode, short *dum1, short *dum2)
   struct stat buf;
   int m;
   *dum1 = *dum2 = 0;
   file = msdos_pinhead_fix_dir (file);
   if (what)
	chmod(file, *mode);

   if (stat(file, &buf) < 0) switch (errno)
	case EACCES: return(-1); /* es = "Access denied."; break; */
	case ENOENT: return(0);  /* ms = "File does not exist."; */
	case ENOTDIR: return(-2); /* es = "Invalid Path."; */
	default: return(-3); /* "stat: unknown error."; break;*/

   m = buf.st_mode;

/* AIX requires this */
#ifdef _S_IFDIR
#ifndef S_IFDIR
#define S_IFDIR _S_IFDIR

   *mode = m & 0777;

#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   if (m & S_IFDIR) return (2);
   if (S_ISDIR(m)) return(2);

int i386_access (char *file, int mode)
   struct stat buf;

   if (stat(file, &buf) < 0) return -1;
   if (mode == W_OK)
        if (buf.st_mode & S_IWRITE) return 0;
	return -1;
   return 0;

unsigned long sys_file_mod_time(char *file)
   struct stat buf;

   if (stat(file, &buf) < 0) return(0);
   return((unsigned long) buf.st_mtime);

#ifndef __WATCOMC__
# ifdef __GO32__
static int cbreak;
# endif

void reset_tty()
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
# ifdef __GO32__
#  if __DJGPP__ > 1
   signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
#  endif
# endif
#ifdef HAS_MOUSE
   if (X_Close_Mouse_Hook != NULL) (*X_Close_Mouse_Hook) ();
void init_tty()
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
# if __DJGPP__ > 1
   signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
# endif
   cbreak = getcbrk();
#ifdef HAS_MOUSE
   if (X_Open_Mouse_Hook != NULL) (*X_Open_Mouse_Hook) ();

#ifndef __WATCOMC__
static struct ffblk Dos_DTA;
static struct find_t fileinfo;

static char Found_Dir[256], *Found_File;
/* found_File is a pointer into found_Dir such that the
 * full pathname is stored in the following form
 * "c:/dir/path/\0filename.ext\0"

#define lcase(x) if (((x) >= 'A') && ((x) <= 'Z')) (x) |= 0x20

static void dta_fixup_name (char *file)
   char *p;

#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   strcpy (Found_File, Dos_DTA.ff_name);
   strcpy (Found_File, fileinfo.name);
   p = Found_File;
   while (*p)
   strcpy(file, Found_Dir);
   strcat(file, Found_File);
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   if (Dos_DTA.ff_attrib & FA_DIREC) strcat(file, "\\");
   if (fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) strcat(file, "\\");

int sys_findfirst(char *file)
   char *f;

   strcpy(Found_Dir, expand_filename(file) );
   Found_File = extract_file( Found_Dir );

   f = Found_File;
   while (*f && (*f != '*')) f++;
   if (! *f)
	f = Found_File;
	while (*f && (*f != '.')) f++;
	if (*f) strcat(Found_Dir, "*"); 
	else strcat(Found_Dir, "*.*");

#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   if (findfirst(Found_Dir, &Dos_DTA, FA_RDONLY | FA_DIREC))
   if (_dos_findfirst(Found_Dir, _A_RDONLY | _A_SUBDIR, &fileinfo))
	*Found_File++ = 0;
	return 0;
   *Found_File++ = 0;

int sys_findnext(char *file)
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   if (findnext(&Dos_DTA)) return(0);
   if (_dos_findnext (&fileinfo)) return(0);

/* This routine is called from S-Lang inner interpreter.  It serves
   as a poor mans version of an interrupt 9 handler */

void i386_check_kbd()
   while (kbhit()) 
	read_and_buffer_keys ();

#if 0
char *djgpp_current_time (void)
   union REGS rg;
   unsigned int year;
   unsigned char month, day, weekday, hour, minute, sec;
   char days[] = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat";
   char months[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
   static char the_date[26];
   rg.h.ah = 0x2A;
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   int86(0x21, &rg, &rg);
   year = rg.x.cx & 0xFFFF;
   int386(0x21, &rg, &rg);
   year = rg.x.ecx & 0xFFFF;
   month = 3 * (rg.h.dh - 1);
   day = rg.h.dl;
   weekday = 3 * rg.h.al;
   rg.h.ah = 0x2C;
#ifndef __WATCOMC__
   int86(0x21, &rg, &rg);
   int386(0x21, &rg, &rg);
   hour = rg.h.ch;
   minute = rg.h.cl;
   sec = rg.h.dh;
   /* we want this form: Thu Apr 14 15:43:39 1994\n  */
   sprintf(the_date, "%.3s %.3s%3d %02d:%02d:%02d %d\n",
	   days + weekday, months + month, 
	   day, hour, minute, sec, year);
   return the_date;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.