
This is getmail.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*-------------------------------*- C -*--------------------------------*\
 * File:	getmail.c
 * Usage:	getmail <infile> <outfile>
 * typical usage:
 *	getmail	/usr/spool/mail/$USER	$HOME/Mail/#NewMail#
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Moving mail from a maildir.  Written in C to avoid a race condition.
 * Two methods of file locking.
 * 1) Write a lock file into the mail spool directory
 *	file = "/usr/mail/spool/username"
 *	lock = "/usr/mail/spool/username.lock"
 *    * Requires sgid (possible security hole) or a world-writeable
 *       spool directory (minor security hole - but not serious)
 * 2) use fcntl () call.
 *    * Should always work provided the fcntl call supports file locking.
 *      This code was inspired by the Pine mailer implementation of flock.
 * Depending on your system, you may need to define or comment out 
 * the following line:

/* #define USE_LOCK_FILE */		/* mail spool is writeable */


#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>

# include <stdlib.h>

# include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef SYSV
# include <sys/fcntl.h>

#ifndef F_WRLCK
# define USE_LOCK_FILE

static char *Program_Name;
static void usage (void)
   fprintf (stderr, "%s: usage: %s infile outfile\n",
	    Program_Name, Program_Name);
   exit (-1);

static char Lock_File [256];

static void unlock_mail_file (void)
   unlink (Lock_File);

static void exit_error (char *msg, int l)
   fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", Program_Name, msg);
   if (l) unlock_mail_file ();
   exit (-1);

static int my_close (int fd)
   while (-1 == close(fd))
#ifdef EINTR
	if (errno == EINTR) 
	     errno = 0;
	     sleep (1);
	return -1;
   return 0;   

static int lock_mail_file (char *file, int attempts)
   struct stat s;
   char buf[80];
   int fd;

   sprintf (Lock_File, "%s.lock", file);
   while (attempts-- > 0)
	if (stat (Lock_File, &s) < 0)
	     if (errno != ENOENT) exit_error ("stat failed.", 0);
	     fd = open (Lock_File, O_EXCL | O_CREAT, 0666);
	     if (fd >= 0)
		  sprintf (buf, "%d", getpid());
		  write (fd, buf, strlen(buf));
		  if (0 == my_close (fd))
		    return (0);
		  exit_error ("Unable to lock file.  File system full.");
	     perror (NULL);
	     fprintf (stderr, "Attempt %d: can\'t lock <%s>",
		      attempts, Lock_File);
	else if (time((time_t *) NULL) - s.st_ctime > 60) 
	     unlock_mail_file ();
	sleep (1);
   return (-1);

/* This chunk was inspired by the way the pine mailer implemented flock. */
static void our_flock (int fd)
   struct flock f;
   f.l_type = F_WRLCK;
   f.l_pid = 0;			       /* not used for setting locks*/
   /* set up rest of structure to lock whole file */
   f.l_whence = 0;		       /* from beginning of file */
   f.l_start = f.l_len = 0;	       /* entire file */
   /* we are going to block */
   if (fcntl (fd, F_SETLKW, (int) &f) == -1)
	exit_error ("Unable to lock file.", 0);

static void mv_mail (char *from, char *to)
   char buf[8192];
   int fdfrom, fdto;
   int n;
   int flags;
   flags = O_RDONLY;
   flags = O_RDWR;

   if ((fdfrom = open (from, flags, 0666)) < 0) 
     exit_error ("Unable to open input file.", 1);

   our_flock (fdfrom);

   if ((fdto = open (to, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)) < 0)
     exit_error ("Unable to create output file.", 1);

   while ((n = read (fdfrom, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
	if (n != write (fdto, buf, n))
	     exit_error ("write failed.", 1);

   if (-1 == my_close (fdto))
     exit_error ("File system full.  write failed.", 1);
   my_close (fdfrom);
   if ( unlink (from) )
	if ((fdfrom = open (from, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600)) >= 0)
	  close (fdfrom);
   unlock_mail_file ();   

int main (int argc, char **argv)
   char *in = argv[1];
   char *out = argv[2];
   Program_Name = argv [0];
   if (argc != 3) usage ();

   if (lock_mail_file (in, 60))
     exit_error ("Unable to lock file.", 0);
   mv_mail (in, out);
   return (0);
/* /////////////////////// end of file (c source) ///////////////////// */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.