
This is wjed.txt in view mode; [Download] [Up]

This file has been donated by lionkov@sf.cit.bg (Luchesar Ionkov).

   For specifying colors in [wjed] section in win.ini or with set_color
   intrinsic can be used RGB format ("RValue,GValue,BValue", such as
   "128,128,128" for gray color) or color name. wjed defines 16 colors and
   user can define its own in [wjed] section. For example if one want set
   a special color for operator's background he must add in [wjed] section
   in win.ini file something like that:
   and then he can use "mycolor" in set_color intrinsic.

	Entries in wjed section in win.ini

   Entry	Type		Description
   Font		String		Name of font which will be used in wjed.
                                Only fixed fonts can be used (such as
				Fixedsys or Courier)
   FontHeight	Integer 	Height of font
   FontBold	Integer 	If nonzero bold typeface will be used. 
   Background	Color 		Background color
   Foreground	Color		Foreground color
   StatusBG	Color		Background color of status lune
   StatusFG	Color		Foreground color of status line
   RegionBG	Color		Background color of a region as defined by point and mark
   RegionFG	Color		Foreground color of a region as defined by point and mark
   OperatorBG	Color		Background color of operators
   OperatorFG	Color		Foreground color of operators
   NumberBG	Color		Background color of numbers
   NumberFG	Color		Foreground color of numbers
   StringBG	Color		Background color of strings
   StringFG	Color		Foreground color of strings
   CommentBG	Color		Background color of comments
   CommentFG	Color		Foreground color of commens
   KeywordBG	Color		Background color of keywords
   KeywordFG	Color		Foreground color of keywords
   Keyword1BG	Color		Background color of other keywords
   Keyword1FG	Color		Foreground color of other keywords
   DelimiterBG	Color		Background color of delimiters
   DelimiterFG	Color		Foreground color of delimites
   PreprocessBG	Color		Background color of preprocess lines
   PreprocessFG	Color		Foreground color of preprocess lines
   MessageBG	Color		Background color for messages
   MessageFG	Color		Foreground color for messages
   ErrorBG	Color		Background color for error messages
   ErrorFG	Color		Foreground color for error messages
   MenuBG	Color		
   MenuFG	Color		
   CursorBG	Color		Background color of text cursor
   CursorFG	Color		Foreground color of text cursor
   DollarBG	Color		
   DollarFG	Color	        
   Title	String		Name to be displayed on the title bar
   X		Integer		-\
   Y		Integer		  - Dimensions of window
   Width	Integer		 /
   Height	Integer		/

	Specific wjed intrinsics
   Void define_color(String Name, Integer RValue, Integer GValue, Integer BValue)
   	Defines new color "Name" with RGB values from RValue, GValue and BValue
   Integer get_menubar(Void)
   	Returns handle of menubar. If there is no menubar, the function create it.
   Void destroy_menubar(Void)
   	Destroys menubar
   Integer create_popup_menu(Void)
       Creates empty popup menu and returns integer value which is 
       it's handle. If popup is not appended to another menu, it must 
       destroyed after use.
   Void destroy_menu(Integer hmenu)
       Destroys menu and all it's popup menus.
       Note: Do not destroy menubar with this function 
             (use `destroy_menubar')
   Void append_menu_item(Integer hmenu, String name, Integer id, String callback)
       Appends menu item with name 'name' and identifier 'id' at the end 
       of 'hmenu'. When item is selected, the 'callback' will be executed.
       Callback can be intrinsic or internal function.
   Void append_popop_menu(Integer hmenu, String name, Integer popup) 
       Appends popup menu with name 'name' and handle 'popup' at the end 
       of 'hmenu'
   Void append_separator(Integer hmenu) 
       Appends menu separator at the end of 'hmenu'
   Void insert_menu_item(Integer hmenu, Integer id, String name, Integer idNew, String callback)
       Inserts menu item with name 'name' and identifier 'idNew' before
       menu item with identifier 'id'.
       When item is selected, the 'callback' will be executed.
       Callback can be intrinsic or internal function.
   Void insert_menu_item_pos(Integer hmenu, Integer pos, String name, Integer idNew, String callback)
       Inserts menu item with name 'name' and identifier 'idNew' before
       menu item with zero-based position 'pos' in 'hmenu'.
       When item is selected, the 'callback' will be executed.
       Callback can be intrinsic or internal function.
   Void insert_popup_menu(Integer hmenu, Integer id, String name, Integer popup) 
       Inserts popup menu with name 'name' and handle 'popup' before
       menu item with identifier 'id'
   Void insert_popup_menu_pos(Integer hmenu, Integer pos, String name, Integer popup) 
       Inserts popup menu with name 'name' and handle 'popup' before
       menu item with zero-based position 'pos' in 'hmenu'
   Void insert_separator(Integer hmenu, Integer id)
       Inserts menu separator before menu item with identifier 'id'
   Void insert_separator_pos(Integer hmenu, Integer pos) 
       Inserts menu separator before menu item with zero-based position 'pos'
   Void delete_menu_item(Integer hmenu, Integer id) 
       Deletes menu item with identifier id from menu with handle 'hmenu'
   Void delete_menu_item_pos(Integer hmenu, Integer pos) 
       Deletes menu item at zero-based position 'pos' from menu 'hmenu'
   Integer get_menu_state(Integer hmenu, Integer id) 
       Gets state of menu item with identifier 'id'
       <return value> & 1 == 1 if menu item is enabled
       <return value> & 2 == 1 if menu item is checked
   Integer get_menu_state(Integer hmenu, Integer pos) 
       Gets state of menu item at zero-based position 'pos' 
       <return value> & 1 == 1 if menu item is enabled
       <return value> & 2 == 1 if menu item is checked
   Void get_popup_menu(Integer hmenu, Integer pos) 
       Returns handle of popup menu at zero-based position 'pos'
       If return value is 0, there is no popup at the position.
   Void check_menu_item(Integer hmenu, Integer id, Integer flag) 
       This functions changes check state of menu item. If flag is nonzero, 
       it checks menu item, otherwise it unchecks it
   Void check_menu_item(Integer hmenu, Integer pos, Integer flag) 
       This functions changes check state of menu item. If flag is nonzero, 
       it checks menu item, otherwise it unchecks it
   Void check_menu_item(Integer hmenu, Integer id, Integer flag) 
       This functions enable or disable menu item. If flag is nonzero, the
       menu item will be enabled, otherwise it'll be disabled.
   Void check_menu_item(Integer hmenu, Integer pos, Integer flag) 
       This functions enable or disable menu item. If flag is nonzero, the
       menu item will be enabled, otherwise it'll be disabled.
   Void redraw_menubar(Void) 
       Redraws menubar. This functions should be called if menubar is changed
   Void set_init_popup_callback(String callback)
       Executes callback before popup menu is popped up.
   Void msw_help(String filename, String keword, Integer Partial_Keys) 
       Starts Windows Help with 'filename' help file. If 'keyword' is not null
       string shows topic with specified keyword. If 'Partial_Keys' != 0
       shows Search dialog if there is more than one help topic beginnig with

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