
This is osdir.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* oswin32/osdir.c */

/* This file contains functions which deal with filenames.  The structure of
 * this file is a little unusual because some of the support programs also
 * use functions from this file.  To minimize the size of those support
 * programs, this file may be compiled with JUST_DIRFIRST or JUST_DIRPATH
 * defined to exclude the unused functions.  If neither of those names is
 * defined, then the whole file is compiled.

#if !defined(JUST_DIRFIRST) && !defined(JUST_DIRPATH)
# include "elvis.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#ifndef MAX_PATH
# define MAX_PATH (_MAX_FNAME * 3)


/* These are used for communication between dirfirst() and dirnext() */
static char			finddir[MAX_PATH];
static char			findwild[MAX_PATH];
static char			found[MAX_PATH];
#ifdef WIN32
static struct _finddata_t	FileData;
static struct _find_t		FileData;
static long			hSearch;

/* Return the first filename (in a static buffer) that matches
 * wildexpr, or wildexpr if none matches.  If wildexpr has no contains
 * no wildcards, then just return wildexpr without checking for files.
char *dirfirst(char *wildexpr, BOOLEAN ispartial)
	/* remember the directory name */
	strcpy(finddir, dirdir(wildexpr));

	/* Copy the wildexpr into fildwild[].  If it is meant to be a partial
	 * name, then append "*" to it.
	strcpy(findwild, wildexpr);
	if (ispartial)
		strcat(findwild, "*");

	/* if no match, then return the original wildexpr unchanged */
	hSearch = _findfirst(findwild, &FileData);
	if (hSearch < 0)
		found[0] = '\0';
		return wildexpr;

	/* combine the directory name with the found file's name */
	strcpy(found, dirpath(finddir, FileData.name));

	return found;

/* Return the next filename (in a static buffer) that matches the
 * wildexpr of the previous dirfirst(), or NULL if no more files match.
char *dirnext(void)
	/* if previous call returned NULL, then return NULL again. */
	if (!found[0])
		return NULL;

	/* if there is no match, then return NULL */
	if (_findnext(hSearch, &FileData) < 0)
		found[0] = '\0';
		return NULL;

	/* combine the directory name with the found file's name */
	strcpy(found, dirpath(finddir, FileData.name));

	return found;


/* Return True if wildexpr contains any wildcards; else False */
BOOLEAN diriswild(char *wildexpr)
	if (strchr(wildexpr, '*') || strchr(wildexpr, '?'))
		return True;
	return False;

/* Check a the type & permissions of a file.  Return one of the
 * following to describe the file's type & permissions:
 *    DIR_INVALID    malformed filename (can't happen with UNIX)
 *    DIR_BADPATH    unable to check file
 *    DIR_NOTFILE    directory or other non-file
 *    DIR_NEW        file doesn't exist yet
 *    DIR_UNREADABLE file exists but is unreadable
 *    DIR_READONLY   file is readable but not writable
 *    DIR_READWRITE  file is readable and writable.
DIRPERM dirperm(char *filename)
	struct _stat statb;

	if (_stat(filename, &statb) < 0)
		if (errno == ENOENT)
			return DIR_NEW;
			return DIR_BADPATH;
	if ((statb.st_mode & _S_IFMT) != _S_IFREG
	 || !strcmp(filename, "nul")
	 || !strcmp(filename, "prn"))
		return DIR_NOTFILE;
	if ((statb.st_mode & _S_IWRITE) == 0)
		return DIR_READONLY;
#endif /* !JUST_DIRFIRST */
#endif /* !JUST_DIRPATH */

/* return the directory part of a pathname */
char *dirdir(char *pathname)
 static char	ret[MAX_PATH];
	char	*slash;

	strcpy(ret, pathname);
	slash = strrchr(ret, '\\');
	if (slash == ret)
		ret[1] = '\0';
	else if (isalpha(ret[0]) && ret[1] == ':' && slash == &ret[2])
		ret[3] = '\0';
	else if (slash)
		*slash = '\0';
	else if (isalpha(ret[0]) && ret[1] == ':')
		ret[2] = '\0';
		strcpy(ret, ".");
	return ret;

/* return the file part of a pathname.  This particular implementation doesn't
 * use an internal buffer; it simply returns a pointer to the filename at the
 * end of the pathname.
char *dirfile(char *pathname)
	char	*slash;

	slash = strrchr(pathname, '\\');
	if (!slash)
		slash = strrchr(pathname, ':');
	if (!slash)
		slash = pathname - 1;
	return slash + 1;
#endif /* !JUST_DIRPATH */

/* combine a directory name and a filename, yielding a pathname. */
char *dirpath(char *dir, char *file)
	static char	path[MAX_PATH + 1];

	if (!strcmp(dir, ".")
	 || !dir[0]
	 || (isalpha(file[0]) && file[1] == ':')
	 || !(isalpha(dir[0]) && dir[1] == ':') && file[0] == '\\')
		/* no dir, or file has drive letter, or file is absolute within
		 * drive but dir doesn't specify drive.
		strcpy(path, file);
	else if (isalpha(dir[0]) && dir[1] == ':'
				&& (!dir[2] || file[0] == '\\'))
		/* dir has drive letter, and either dir has no directory or
		 * the file is absolute within the drive
		sprintf(path, "%.2s%s", dir, file);
	else if (!dir[0] || dir[strlen(dir) - 1] != '\\')
		/* dir ends without \, and file is relative to dir */
		sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", dir, file);
		/* dir ends with \, and file is relative to dir */
		sprintf(path, "%s%s", dir, file);
	return path;


/* return the pathname of the current working directory */
char *dircwd(void)
	static char	cwd[MAX_PATH + 1];

	if (_getcwd(cwd, sizeof cwd))
		return cwd;
		return ".";

/* Change working directory and return True if successful */
BOOLEAN dirchdir(pathname)
	char	*pathname;	/* new directory name */
	return (BOOLEAN)(_chdir(pathname) >= 0);

/* OS-dependent initialization function.  Here we initialize the o_elvispath
 * option to include the executables directory among the possible library
 * directories.
void osinit(argv0)
	char	*argv0;
	char	*tmp;
 static	char	path[260];

	/* if argv0 isn't a pathname, then try to locate "elvis.exe" in
	 * the execution path.  We need this when figuring out the default
	 * value for the "elvispath" option and maybe the "home" option.
	if (!strchr(argv0, '\\') && _access("elvis.exe", 0) != 0)
		tmp = getenv("PATH");
		if (tmp)
			tmp = iopath(tmp, "elvis.exe", False);
			if (tmp)
				argv0 = tmp;

	/* Set the "home" option.  This is set (by order of preference) to
	 * one of the following:
	 *	- the value of the HOME environment variable, if set
	 *	- the values of HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH, if set
	 *	- the pathname of the elvis.exe program, if known
	 *	- C:\
	 * NOTE: The portable code in "optglob.c" will override this value
	 * if the HOME environment variable is set.
	if (getenv("HOMEDRIVE") && getenv("HOMEPATH"))
		/* derive from HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH */
		optpreset(o_home, (CHAR *)safealloc(strlen(getenv("HOMEPATH")) + 3, sizeof(CHAR)), OPT_FREE);
		sprintf(tochar8(o_home), "%.2s%s", getenv("HOMEDRIVE"), getenv("HOMEPATH"));
	else if (strchr(argv0, '\\'))
		/* program name has a path.  Use it as home */
		optpreset(o_home, CHARdup(toCHAR(dirdir(argv0))), OPT_FREE);
		/* last resort -- just use C:\ */
		o_home = toCHAR("C:\\");

	/* Set the "elvispath" option.  We want this to include ~\elvislib,
	 * plus the directory where ELVIS.EXE resides and the lib subdirectory
	 * under that directory.
	 * NOTE: The portable code in "optglob.c" will override this value
	 * if the ELVISPATH environment variable is set.
	tmp = dirdir(argv0);
	sprintf(path, "~\\elvislib;%s;%s", tmp, dirpath(tmp, "lib"));
	o_elvispath = toCHAR(path);

#endif /* !JUST_DIRPATH */
#endif /* !JUST_DIRFIRST */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.