
This is tcaphelp.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* tcaphelp.c */

char id_tcaphelp[] = "$Id: tcaphelp.c,v 2.20 1996/09/18 20:37:17 steve Exp $";

/* This file includes low-level tty control functions used by the termcap
 * user interface.  These are:
 *	ttyinit()		- remember the initial serial line configuration
 *	ttyraw()		- switch to the mode that elvis runs it
 *	ttynormal()		- switch back to the mode saved by ttyinit()
 *	ttyread(buf,len,timeout)- read characters, possibly with timeout
 *	ttywrite(buf,len)	- write characters
 *	ttytermtype()		- return the name of the terminal type
 *	ttysize()		- determine the terminal size
 * Also, it contains a small terminal emulator to be used when TERM=bios.

#include "elvis.h"
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <dos.h>
# include <io.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <signal.h>
# include "pcvideo.h"
# ifndef O_TEXT
#  define O_TEXT	_O_TEXT
#  define O_BINARY	_O_BINARY
# endif

static long dostime(void);
static void catchsig(int signo);

/* This is defined in guitcap.c */
extern long	ttycaught;

/* These variables remember the configuration of the console upon startup */
static int	origraw;	/* was it in raw mode? */
static int	origbrk;	/* was it looking for ^C? */
static int	origmode;	/* was it in O_TEXT mode, or O_BINARY? */

/* This variable is used to indicate that the BIOS interface is being used */
static BOOLEAN	usebios;

/* Width  & height of video display */
static int	pccols, pcrows;

#define DEVICE		0x80
#define RAW		0x20

/* IOCTL operations */
#define GETRAW		0x4400
#define SETRAW		0x4401
#define GETBRK		0x3300
#define SETBRK		0x3301

/* A nice way to call the DOS IOCTL or  function */
static int elvioctl(int handle, int mode, unsigned setvalue)
	union REGS regs;

	regs.x.ax = mode;
	regs.x.bx = handle;
	regs.h.dl = (char) setvalue;
	regs.h.dh = 0;			/* Zero out dh */
	intdos(&regs, &regs);
	return (regs.x.dx);

/* This function catches signals, especially SIGINT */
static void catchsig(signo)
	int	signo;
	ttycaught |= (1 << signo);

void ttyinit()
	/* remember the original state */
	origraw = elvioctl(1, GETRAW, 0);
	origbrk = elvioctl(1, GETBRK, 0);
	origmode = setmode(1, O_TEXT);

/* switch to the tty state that elvis runs in */
void ttyraw(erasekey)
	char	*erasekey;	/* where to store the ERASE key */
	if (!usebios)
		setmode(1, O_BINARY);
		if (origraw & DEVICE)
			(void)elvioctl(1, SETRAW, origraw | RAW);
	(void)elvioctl(1, SETBRK, 0);
	signal(SIGINT, catchsig);

/* switch back to the original tty state */
void ttynormal()
	(void)elvioctl(1, SETBRK, origbrk);
	setmode(1, origmode);
	if (usebios)
		v_attr((int)0xffff, (int)0x0707);
		if (origraw & DEVICE)
			(void)elvioctl(1, SETRAW, origraw);
		write(1, "\r\n", 2);

/* this function returns the DOS time, as a 32-bit long int representing
 * hundredths of a second since midnight.  Some systems may be limited to
 * a resolution of whole seconds, but the values will still represent
 * hundredths.
static long dostime P_((void))
        union REGS      regs;

        regs.h.ah = 0x2c;       /* MS-DOS "get time" service */
        intdos(&regs, &regs);
        return (((regs.h.ch * 60L) + regs.h.cl) * 60L + regs.h.dh) * 100L + regs.h.dl;

/* Read from keyboard, with timeout.  For DOS, we poll the keyboard in a
 * tight loop until we have a keystroke or the system's clock advances past
 * our timeout time.  If we don't time out, then we loop until there are no
 * more characters, or the buffer is about full.
int ttyread(buf, len, timeout)
	char	*buf;	/* where to place the input characters */
	int	len;	/* maximum number of characters to read */
	int	timeout;/* timeout (0 for none) */
        long	stop;
	int	got;

	signal(SIGINT, catchsig);

	/* reset the "ttycaught" variable */
	ttycaught = 0;

        /* are we going to timeout? */
        if (timeout != 0)
                /* compute the time when we'll give up */
                stop = dostime() + timeout * 10L;

                /* wait for keystroke, timeout, or signal */
                while (!kbhit())
			/* signal? */
			if (ttycaught)
				return -1;

			/* timeout? */
                        if (dostime() > stop)
                                /* we couldn't read any characters
                                 * before timeout
                                return 0;

        /* get at least one keystroke */
	got = 0;
		/* caught a signal lately? */
		if (ttycaught)
			return -1;

		buf[got] = getch();
		if (buf[got] == 0) /* function key? */
			buf[got++] = '#';
			buf[got] = getch();
	} while (kbhit() && got + 2 < len);
	return got;

/* write characters out to the screen */
void ttywrite(buf, len)
	char	*buf;	/* buffer, holds characters to be written */
	int	len;	/* number of characters in buf */
static  int	arg[5];		/* arguments to an escape sequence */
static	int	argno = -1;	/* # of args in arg[], or -1 is not in Esc */
static	int	x, y;		/* cursor position */
static	BOOLEAN	rvid;		/* in reverse-video mode? */
static	BOOLEAN	uvid;		/* in false-underline mode? */
static	BOOLEAN colored;	/* explicit colors set? (disables uvid) */
	int	i, j;

	/* if not using the BIOS, then just write the characters to stdout */
	if (!usebios)
		write(1, buf, len);

	/* handle each character separately */
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		if (buf[i] == '\007')
		else if (buf[i] == '\r')
			x = 0;
			v_move(x, y);
		else if (buf[i] == '\n')
			if (y < pcrows - 1)
				v_move(x, y);
		else if (buf[i] == '\b')
			if (x < 0)
				if (y > 0)
					x += pccols;
					x = 0;
			v_move(x, y);	
		else if (buf[i] == '\033')
			/* start an escape sequence */
			for (j = 0; j < QTY(arg); j++)
				arg[j] = 0;
			argno = 0;
		else if (argno < 0)
			/* normal character */
			if (x >= pccols)
				x = 0;
			/* in an escape sequence... */
			switch (buf[i])
			  case '[':
			  case '?':
				/* ignored */

			  case ';':
				/* advance to next argument */

			  case '0':
			  case '1':
			  case '2':
			  case '3':
			  case '4':
			  case '5':
			  case '6':
			  case '7':
			  case '8':
			  case '9':
				/* incorporate this digit into current arg */
				arg[argno] = arg[argno] * 10 + buf[i] - '0';

			  case 'H':
				/* move the cursor */
				x = (arg[1] ? arg[1] - 1 : 0);
				y = (arg[0] ? arg[0] - 1 : 0);
				v_move(x, y);

				argno = -1;

			  case 'J':
				/* clear the screen */
				argno = -1;

			  case 'K':
				/* clear to end-of-line */
				argno = -1;

			  case 'L':
				/* insert n lines */
				v_al(arg[0] ? arg[0] : 1);
				argno = -1;

			  case 'M':
				/* delete n lines */
				v_dl(arg[0] ? arg[0] : 1);
				argno = -1;

			  case 'h':
				if (arg[0] == 12)
					v_cb(); /* cursor big */
				argno = -1;
			  case 'l':
				if (arg[0] == 12)
					v_cs(); /* cursor small */
				argno = -1;

			  case 'm':
				for (j = 0; j <= argno; j++)
					switch (arg[j])
					  case 0:
						/* Resetting attributes is a
						 * little tricky for color.  We
						 * want to force blink/bright
						 * off but leave the colors...
						 * Unless we were in standout
						 * mode, in which case we want
						 * to flip colors.
						if (rvid)
							v_attr(0x0000, 0x0077);
							rvid = False;
						if (uvid && !colored)
							v_attr(0x0000, 0x0040);
							uvid = False;
						colored = False;
						v_attr(0xff88, 0x0700);

					  case 1:
					  	v_attr(0x0000, 0x0808);

					  case 4:
						if (colored)
							v_attr(0x7700, 0x0100);
							uvid = (BOOLEAN)!uvid;
							v_attr(0x7700, 0x0140);

					  case 5: 
					  	v_attr(0x0000, 0x8080);

					  case 7:
						/* Setting standout mode is a
						 * little tricky for mono,
						 * because we need to force
						 * underlining off.
						rvid = (BOOLEAN)!rvid;
						v_attr(0x7700, rvid ? 0x7077 : 0x0777);

					  case 30: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0000); break;
					  case 31: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0004); break;
					  case 32: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0002); break;
					  case 33: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0006); break;
					  case 34: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0001); break;
					  case 35: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0005); break;
					  case 36: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0003); break;
					  case 37: v_attr(0x0007, 0x0007); break;
					  case 40: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0000); colored = True; break;
					  case 41: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0040); colored = True; break;
					  case 42: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0020); colored = True; break;
					  case 43: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0060); colored = True; break;
					  case 44: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0010); colored = True; break;
					  case 45: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0050); colored = True; break;
					  case 46: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0030); colored = True; break;
					  case 47: v_attr(0x0070, 0x0070); colored = uvid; break;
				argno = -1;

				/* does it look like the end of a command? */
				if ((buf[i] & 0x40) != 0)
					argno = -1;

/* determine the terminal type */
char *ttytermtype()
	char	*type;

	type = getenv("TERM");
	if (!type)
		type = TTY_DEFAULT;
	if (!strcmp(type, "ansi"))
		type = "dosansi";
	usebios = (BOOLEAN)!strcmp(type, "pcbios");
	return type;

/* This function gets the window size. */
BOOLEAN ttysize(linesptr, colsptr)
	int	*linesptr;	/* where to store the number of rows */
	int	*colsptr;	/* where to store the number of columns */
	pccols = *colsptr = v_cols();
	pcrows = *linesptr = v_rows();
	return True;

/* Check for signs of boredom from user, so we can abort a time-consuming
 * operation.  Here we check to see if SIGINT has been caught recently.
BOOLEAN ttypoll(reset)
	BOOLEAN	reset;
	return (BOOLEAN)(ttycaught != 0);
#endif /* GUI_TERMCAP */

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