
This is window.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* window.c */
/* Copyright 1995 by Steve Kirkendall */

char id_window[] = "$Id: window.c,v 2.35 1996/09/24 22:36:33 steve Exp $";

#include "elvis.h"

static int setwm(OPTDESC *desc, OPTVAL *val, CHAR *newval);
static CHAR *getwm(OPTDESC *desc, OPTVAL *val);

WINDOW		windows;	/* list of all windows */
WINDOW		windefault;	/* the window whose options are current */
WINDOWBUF	windefopts;	/* fake window, stores the default window options */

/* Set the wrapmargin value.  This actually sets the buffer's textwidth
 * option instead of the window's wrapmargin option.
static int setwm(desc, val, newval)
	OPTDESC	*desc;	/* description of the option */
	OPTVAL	*val;	/* value of the option */
	CHAR	*newval;/* value the option should have (as a string) */
	WINDOW	win = (WINDOW)val->value.pointer;
	BUFFER	buf;
	long	l;

	assert(win == windefault || win == &windefopts);

	/* choose a buffer */
	buf = (win->cursor ? markbuffer(win->cursor) : bufdefopts);

	/* check for bad value */
	if (!calcnumber(newval))
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 must be number", desc->longname);
		return -1;
	l = CHAR2long(newval);
	if (l < 0 || l >= o_columns(win))
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[sd]$1 must be between 0 and $2", desc->longname, o_columns(win));
		return -1;

	/* compute the new value of textwidth */
	if (l != 0)
		l = o_columns(win) - l;

	/* store the value, if changed */
	if (l != o_textwidth(buf))
		o_textwidth(buf) = l;
		optflags(o_textwidth(buf)) |= OPT_SET;

	/* wrapmargin itself never changes */
	return 0;

/* This value computes a value for wrapmargin, based on the window's "columns"
 * option and the buffer's "textwidth" option.  If the window's "columns" is
 * less than or equal to the buffer's "textwidth", this function will return
 * "wide" instead of a number because the "wrapmargin" option doesn't allow
 * setting textwidth to a value wider than the window.
static CHAR *getwm(desc, val)
	OPTDESC	*desc;	/* description of the option */
	OPTVAL	*val;	/* value of the option */
	static CHAR str[12];
	WINDOW	win = (WINDOW)val->value.pointer;
	BUFFER	buf = markbuffer(win->cursor);

	assert(win == windefault);

	if (o_textwidth(buf) >= o_columns(win))
		CHARcpy(str, toCHAR("wide"));
	else if (o_textwidth(buf) == 0)
		CHARcpy(str, toCHAR("0"));
		long2CHAR(str, o_columns(win) - o_textwidth(buf));
	return str;

static OPTDESC wdesc[] =
	{"windowid", "id",	optnstring,	optisnumber	},
#if defined (GUI_WIN32)
	{"columns", "cols",	optnstring,	optiswinsize	},
	{"lines", "rows",	optnstring,	optiswinsize	},
	{"columns", "cols",	optnstring,	optisnumber	},
	{"lines", "rows",	optnstring,	optisnumber	},
	{"list", "li",		NULL,		NULL		},
	{"display", "mode",	optsstring,	optisstring	},
	{"number", "nu",	NULL,		NULL		},
	{"ruler", "ru",		NULL,		NULL		},
	{"scroll", "scr",	optnstring,	optisnumber	},
	{"showmatch", "sm",	NULL,		NULL		},
	{"showmode", "smd",	NULL,		NULL		},
	{"showstack", "sstk",	NULL,		NULL		},
	{"showcmd", "sc",	NULL,		NULL		},
	{"wrap", "wr",		NULL,		NULL		},
	{"sidescroll", "ss",	optnstring,	optisnumber,	"1:30"	},
	{"wrapmargin", "wm",	getwm,		setwm		}

/* Initialize the window module.  Mostly this makes the windefopts variable
 * act as the current window, so that window options can be set during
 * initialization, before any real windows have been created.
void wininit()
	/* initialize the options */
	optpreset(o_display(&windefopts), toCHAR("normal"), OPT_LOCK);
	optflags(o_windowid(&windefopts)) = OPT_LOCK|OPT_HIDE;
#if defined (GUI_WIN32)
	optpreset(o_columns(&windefopts), 80, OPT_SET);
	optpreset(o_lines(&windefopts), 20, OPT_SET);
	optpreset(o_columns(&windefopts), 80, OPT_SET|OPT_LOCK);
	optflags(o_lines(&windefopts)) = OPT_SET|OPT_LOCK;
	o_scroll(&windefopts) = 12;
	windefopts.wrapmargin.value.pointer = (void *)&windefopts;
	windefopts.wrapmargin.flags = OPT_REDRAW|OPT_HIDE;
	optflags(o_list(&windefopts)) = OPT_REDRAW;
	optflags(o_number(&windefopts)) = OPT_REDRAW;
	optpreset(o_wrap(&windefopts), True, OPT_REDRAW);
	o_sidescroll(&windefopts) = 8;

	/* make the options accessible to :set */
	optinsert("defwin", QTY(wdesc), wdesc, &windefopts.windowid);

/* Allocate a new window.  This function should only be called by the
 * EVENT module; other modules are expected to call the GUI's creategw()
 * function, which will ultimately cause EVENT to call this function.
WINDOW winalloc(gw, gvals, buf, rows, columns)
	GUIWIN	*gw;	/* GUI's handle for the new window */
	OPTVAL	*gvals;	/* values of the GUI's window-dependent options */
	BUFFER	buf;	/* buffer to use in the new window */
	long	rows;	/* height of the new window */
	long	columns;/* width of the new window */
	static long	nextwindowid;	/* counter used for assigning windowid */
	WINDOW		newp;		/* pointer to the new window */

	/* allocate a window, and initialize it */
	newp = (WINDOW)safealloc(1, sizeof *newp);
	*newp = windefopts;
	newp->next = windows;
	windows = newp;
	newp->gw = gw;
	newp->guivals = gvals;
	newp->cursor = markalloc(buf, buf->changepos);
	newp->wantcol = 0;
	newp->cursx = newp->cursy = -1;

	/* Initialize options */
	o_windowid(newp) = ++nextwindowid;
	o_lines(newp) = rows;
	o_columns(newp) = columns;
	newp->wrapmargin.value.pointer = (void *)newp;

	/* allocate storage space for the screen images */
	newp->di = (DRAWINFO *)drawalloc((int)rows, (int)columns);

	/* choose the default display mode */
	if (!dispset(newp, tochar8(o_bufdisplay(buf))))
		(void)dispset(newp, NULL);

	/* no text is selected, initially */
	newp->seltop = newp->selbottom = NULL;

	/* there is initially no matching parenthesis */
	newp->match = -4;

	/* push the initial state */
	if (gui->moveto)
	 	vipush(newp, 0, newp->cursor);
		newp->di->drawstate = DRAW_VISUAL;
		vipush(newp, ELVIS_BOTTOM, newp->cursor);
		newp->di->drawstate = DRAW_OPENOUTPUT;

	/* push an extra state or two, if we're supposed to */
	switch (o_initialstate)
	  case 'i':
		inputpush(newp, newp->state->flags, 'i');

	  case 'r':
		inputpush(newp, newp->state->flags, 'R');

	  case 'e':
		/* push a whole new stratum! */
		statestratum(newp, toCHAR(EX_BUF), ':', exenter);
		o_internal(markbuffer(newp->state->cursor)) = True;
		newp->state->flags &= ~(ELVIS_POP|ELVIS_ONCE|ELVIS_1LINE);

	/* if no other window is the default already, then make this the
	 * default and flush any accumulated messages.
	if (!windefault)

	/* If this is the first window, then peform the -c command or -t tag */
	if (!newp->next)

	return newp;

/* Free a window.  This function should only be called by the EVENT module;
 * other modules are expected to call the GUI's destroygw() function, which
 * will ultimately cause EVENT to call this function.
void winfree(win, force)
	WINDOW	win;	/* the window to be freed */
	BOOLEAN	force;	/* If True, try harder */
	WINDOW	scan, lag;
	int	i;

	/* remove this window from the list of windows */
	for (scan = windows, lag = NULL; scan != win; lag = scan, scan = scan->next)
	if (lag)
		lag->next = scan->next;
		windows = scan->next;

	/* if this was the default, it isn't now! */
	if (windefault == win)

	/* free the whole state stack */
	while (win->state)

	/* free the marks in the tagstack */
	for (i = 0; i < TAGSTK && win->tagstack[i].origin; i++)
		if (win->tagstack[i].prevtag)

	/* Unload the buffer.  This will make it disappear if that's safe.
	 * If it succeeds, it will also free the cursor; if it doesn't
	 * succeed, then we want to free the cursor marks anyway.
	if (!bufunload(markbuffer(win->cursor), force, False))
		if (win->prevcursor)
		if (win->seltop)

	/* free the options' value strings */
	optfree(QTY(wdesc), &win->windowid);

	/* free the storage space for the window's image */

	/* free any resources allocated for the display mode */
	if (win->md)

	/* free the window struct itself */

/* Change the size of the window.  This function should only be called by
 * the EVENT module; other modules aren't expected to worry about window size
 * changes.
void winresize(win, rows, columns)
	WINDOW	win;	/* the window to be resized */
	long	rows;	/* new height of the window */
	long	columns;/* new width of the window */
	long	oldtop;

	/* update the options */
	o_lines(win) = rows;
	o_columns(win) = columns;
	if (!(optflags(o_scroll(win)) & OPT_SET))
		o_scroll(win) = rows / 2;

	/* free the old screen image, and allocate a new one */
	oldtop = win->di->topline;
	win->di = drawalloc((int)rows, (int)columns);

	/* try to keep the old top row for the next refresh */
	win->di->topline = oldtop;
	win->di->bottomline = markoffset(win->cursor);

/* Cause a different buffer to be associated with this window.  This function
 * will call the GUI's retitle() function to change the window title to match
 * the new buffer's name.
void winchgbuf(win, buf, force)
	WINDOW	win;	/* window that will use the new buffer */
	BUFFER	buf;	/* the new buffer */
	BOOLEAN	force;	/* if True, try harder */
	/* if same buffer, do nothing */
	if (buf == markbuffer(win->cursor))

	/* remember the old filename and line number */
	optprevfile(o_filename(markbuffer(win->cursor)), markline(win->cursor));

	/* free the prevcursor mark */
	if (win->prevcursor)
		win->prevcursor = NULL;

	/* cancel any selection */
	if (win->seltop)
		win->seltop = win->selbottom = NULL;

	/* release the old buffer, and discard it if that's okay */ 
	if (bufunload(markbuffer(win->cursor), False, False) || force)
		/* good!  now switch buffers */
		marksetbuffer(win->cursor, buf);
		marksetoffset(win->cursor, 0);
		if (windefault == win)

		/* switch to the new buffer's preferred display mode */
		dispset(win, tochar8(o_bufdisplay(buf)));

		/* retitle the GUI window */
		if (gui->retitle)
			(*gui->retitle)(win->gw, tochar8(o_bufname(buf)));

/* Make this window be the default window, and its associated buffer be the
 * default buffer.  If win is NULL, no window will be the default.
void winoptions(win)
	WINDOW	win;	/* the new default window */
	/* if this window isn't already the default... */
	if (windefault != win)
		/* delete the old default window's options */
		if (windefault)
			if (gui->nopts > 0 && windefault->guivals)
		else if (windefopts.modename)
			windefopts.modename = (char *)1;

		/* make this window's options the defaults */
		if (win)
			optinsert("win", QTY(wdesc), wdesc, &win->windowid);
			if (gui->nopts > 0)
				optinsert("guiwin", gui->nopts, gui->optdescs, win->guivals);

		windefault = win;

	if (win)
		/* make this window's buffer be the default buffer */

		/* make this window's mode be the default mode */
		dispoptions(win->md, win->mi);
		/* no defaults for buffer or mode */
		dispoptions(NULL, NULL);

/* Count the windows.  If buf is NULL, then count all windows; else only
 * count windows which contain buf in the state stack or tag stack.
int wincount(buf)
	BUFFER	buf;	/* buffer of interest, or NULL for any buffer */
	int	i, j;
	WINDOW	scan;
	STATE	*s;

	for (scan = windows, i = 0; scan; scan = scan->next)
		/* if no specific buf is requested, then count every window */
		if (!buf)

		/* else look for it in state stack or tag stack */
		for (s = scan->state; s; s = s->pop)
			if (markbuffer(s->cursor) == buf)
				goto Found;
		for (j = 0; j < TAGSTK && scan->tagstack[j].origin; j++)
			if (markbuffer(scan->tagstack[j].origin) == buf)
				goto Found;

		/* if we get here, then this window doesn't use the requested
		 * buffer and should therefore not be included in the count.

	return i;

/* locate the WINDOW associated with GUIWIN "gw" */
WINDOW winofgw(gw)
	GUIWIN	*gw;	/* GUI's handle for the window */
	WINDOW	win;

	for (win = windows; win->gw != gw; win = win->next)
	return win;

/* Locate a WINDOW associated with BUFFER "buf".  If "win" is NULL, then
 * searching begins at the start of the window list; else it begins after
 * the given window.  If "buf" is NULL, then any window matches regardless
 * of its buffer.  Returns the WINDOW if a match is found, or NULL of no
 * matches are found.
WINDOW winofbuf(win, buf)
	WINDOW	win;	/* where to start searching; NULL for first search */
	BUFFER	buf;	/* the buffer of interest */
	/* if "win" is NULL, then start searching at first window */
	if (!win)
		win = windows;
		win = win->next;

	/* search for "buf", or NULL */
	while (win && buf && markbuffer(win->cursor) != buf)
		win = win->next;
	return win;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.