
This is tinytcap.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* tinytcap.c */

/* This file contains functions which simulate the termcap functions.
 * It doesn't access a "termcap" file.  Instead, it uses an initialized array
 * of strings to store the entries.  Any string that doesn't start with a ':'
 * is taken to be the name of a type of terminal.  Any string that does start
 * with a ':' is interpretted as the list of fields describing all of the
 * terminal types that precede it.
 * Note: since these are C strings, you can't use special sequences like
 * ^M or \E in the fields; your C compiler won't understand them.  Also,
 * at run time there is no way to tell the difference between ':' and '\072'
 * so I sure hope your terminal definition doesn't require a ':' character.
 * Note that you can include several terminal types at the same time.  Elvis
 * chooses which entry to use at runtime, based primarily on the value of $TERM.
 * Exception: getenv(TERM) on VMS checks the SET TERM device setting.  To
 * implement non-standard terminals set the logical ELVIS_TERM in VMS. (jdc)

#include "elvis.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>	/* for 'sprintf()' */

#define TRACE(x)

static char *find(char *id, int vtype);

short ospeed;

/* If no TERM_XXX macros are defined, then assume they should ALL be defined.
 * Note that many of these are traditionally called "ansi", but in fact none
 * of them truly are.  The Coherent console comes closest to true ANSI, so
 * that's the only one that is called "ansi" here; the OS-specific ttytype()
 * functions of all other ports must detect when the name "ansi" is used
 * and convert it to a unique name.
#if !defined(TERM_925) && !defined(TERM_AMIGA) && !defined(TERM_ATARI)
# if !defined(TERM_COHERENT) && !defined(TERM_DOSANSI) && !defined(TERM_MINIX)
#  if !defined(TERM_NANSI) && !defined(TERM_CONSOLE) && !defined(TERM_RAINBOW)
#   if !defined(TERM_VT100) && !defined(TERM_VT100W) && !defined(TERM_VT52)
#    define TERM_925		/* 925, and many other non-ANSI terminals */
#    define TERM_AMIGA		/* Amiga'a console emulator */
#    define TERM_ATARI		/* Atari's console emulator */
#    define TERM_COHERENT	/* Coherent's console */
#    define TERM_DOSANSI	/* PC with ANSI.SYS driver */
#    define TERM_MINIX		/* Minix console, regardless of computer type */
#    define TERM_NANSI		/* PC with NANSI.SYS driver, or BIOS */
#    define TERM_CONSOLE	/* Win32 console */
#    define TERM_RAINBOW	/* DEC Rainbow PC */
#    define TERM_VT100		/* DEC VT100 terminal, 80-column mode */
#    define TERM_VT100W		/* DEC VT100 terminal, 132-column mode */
#    define TERM_VT52		/* DEC VT52 terminal */
#   endif
#  endif
# endif

static char *termcap[] =

#ifdef TERM_925
:hs:am:bs:co#80:li#24:cm=\033=%+ %+ :cl=\033*:cd=\033y:\
:kh=\036:ma=\026\012\014 :\
:ts=\033f:fs=\033g:ds=\033h:sr=\033j:",  /* was :xn: for tvi925 alone*/

/* Amiga termcap modified from version 1.3 by Kent Polk */






#ifdef TERM_VT100


#ifdef TERM_VT100W


#ifdef TERM_VT52
":do=\n:le=\b:up=\033A:nd=\033C:cm=\033Y%+ %+ :ti=\033e\033v:\

#endif /* MINIX */

#endif /* COHERENT */

":al=\033L:am:bs:ce=\033K:cl=\033E:cm=\033Y%i%+ %+ :\


(char *)0

static char *fields;

int tgetent(bp, name)
	char	*bp;	/* buffer for storing the entry -- ignored */
	char	*name;	/* name of the entry */
	int	i;

	/* if TERMCAP is defined, and seems to match, then use it */
	fields = getenv("TERMCAP");
	if (fields)
		for (i = 0; fields[i] && fields[i] != ':'; i++)
			if (!strncmp(fields + i, name, strlen(name)))
				return 1;

	/* locate the entry in termcap[] */
	for (i = 0; termcap[i] && strcmp(termcap[i], name); i++)
	if (!termcap[i])
		return 0;

	/* search forward for fields */
	while (termcap[i][0] != ':')
	fields = termcap[i];
	return 1;

static char *find(id, vtype)
	char	*id;	/* name of a value to locate */
	int	vtype;	/* '=' for strings, '#' for numbers, or ':' for bools */
	int	i;
TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "find(\"%s\", '%c')\n", id, vtype);)

	/* search for a ':' followed by the two-letter id */
	for (i = 0; fields[i]; i++)
		if (fields[i] == ':'
		 && fields[i + 1] == id[0]
		 && fields[i + 2] == id[1])
			/* if correct type, then return its value */
			if (fields[i + 3] == vtype)
				return &fields[i + 4];
				return (char *)0;
	return (char *)0;

int tgetnum(id)
	char	*id;
TRACE(fprintf(stderr, "tgetnum(\"%s\")\n", id);)
	id = find(id, '#');
	if (id)
		return atoi(id);
	return -1;

int tgetflag(id)
	char	*id;
	if (find(id, ':'))
		return 1;
	return 0;

char *tgetstr(id, bp)
	char	*id;
	char	**bp;	/* pointer to pointer to buffer - ignored */
	char	*cpy;

	/* find the string */
	id = find(id, '=');
	if (!id)
		return (char *)0;

	/* copy it into the buffer, and terminate it with NUL */
	for (cpy = *bp; *id != ':'; )
		if (id[0] == '\\' && id[1] == 'E')
			*cpy++ = '\033', id += 2;
			*cpy++ = *id++;
	*cpy++ = '\0';

	/* update the bp pointer */
	id = *bp;
	*bp = cpy;

	/* return a pointer to the copy of the string */
	return id;

char *tgoto(cm, destcol, destrow)
	char	*cm;	/* cursor movement string */
	int	destcol;/* destination column, 0 - 79 */
	int	destrow;/* destination row, 0 - 24 */
	static char buf[30];
	char	*build;
	int	tmp;

	for (build = buf; *cm; cm++)
		if (*cm == '%')
			switch (*++cm)
			  case '+':
				tmp = destrow;
				destrow = destcol;
				destcol = tmp;
				*build++ = *++cm + tmp;

			  case 'i':

			  case 'd':
				tmp = destrow;
				destrow = destcol;
				destcol = tmp;
				sprintf(build, "%d", tmp);
				build += strlen(build);
			*build++ = *cm;
	*build = '\0';
	return buf;

void tputs(cp, affcnt, outfn)
	char	*cp;		/* the string to output */
	int	affcnt;		/* number of affected lines -- ignored */
	int	(*outfn) P_((int));	/* the output function */
	while (*cp)
#endif /* NEED_TGETENT */

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