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/* session.c */
/* Copyright 1995 by Steve Kirkendall */

char id_session[] = "$Id: session.c,v 2.15 1995/10/19 21:35:10 steve Exp steve $";

#include "elvis.h"

/* This file contains the session functions, which implement a cache and
 * block-locking semantics on the session file.

/* session block cache                                                        */

typedef struct blkcache_s
	struct blkcache_s *next;	/* another block with same hash value */
	struct blkcache_s *older,*newer;/* the next-older block in the cache */
	COUNT		  locks;	/* lock counter */
	BOOLEAN		  dirty;	/* does the block need to be rewritten? */
	BLKNO		  blkno;	/* block number of this block */
	BLKTYPE		  blktype;	/* type of data in this block */
	BLK		  *buf;		/* contents of the block */
	char		  *lockfile[5];	/* name of source file that locked block */
	int		  lockline[5];	/* line number in source file */

static void delcache(CACHEENTRY *item, BOOLEAN thenfree);
static void addcache(CACHEENTRY *item);
static CACHEENTRY *findblock(_BLKNO_ blkno);
static void flushblock(CACHEENTRY *bc);

static long	oldblkhash;	/* previous value of o_blkhash option */
static CACHEENTRY **hashed;	/* hash table */
static CACHEENTRY *newest;	/* pointer to newest item in cache */
static CACHEENTRY *oldest;	/* pointer to oldest item in cache */
static int	ncached;	/* number of items in cache */
static COUNT	*alloccnt;	/* array of allocation counts per block */
static int	nblocks;	/* size of alloccnt array */

/* This function deletes an item from the block cache.  Optionally, it will
 * also free the item.
static void delcache(item, thenfree)
	CACHEENTRY	*item;		/* cache item to be removed from cache */
	BOOLEAN		thenfree;	/* if True, item is freed after removal */
	CACHEENTRY *scan, *lag;
	int	 i;

	assert(item != NULL && (item->locks == 0 || !thenfree));

	/* if the item is dirty & we're completely deleting it, then flush it */
	if (thenfree && item->dirty)
		blkwrite(item->buf, item->blkno);

	/* delete the item from the newest/oldest list */
	if (item == newest)
		newest = item->older;
		item->newer->older = item->older;
	if (item == oldest)
		oldest = item->newer;
		item->older->newer = item->newer;

	/* delete the item from the hashed list */
	i = item->blkno % o_blkhash;
	if (hashed[i] == item)
		hashed[i] = item->next;
		for (lag = hashed[i], scan = lag->next; scan != item; lag = scan, scan = scan->next)
			assert(scan != NULL);
		lag->next = scan->next;

	/* if we're supposed to free it, do that */
	if (thenfree)
		item->older = item->newer = NULL;

	/* and count it */

/* This function adds an item to the "newest" end of the block cache, and also
 * the hash list.  Before it does this, it checks the overall size of the cache
 * and if it has reached the maximum, it tries to delete the oldest unlocked
 * item.
static void addcache(item)
	CACHEENTRY	*item;	/* item to be added to cache */
	int	 i;

	/* if this would push the cache past its limit, then try to delete
	 * the oldest unlocked block.
	while (ncached >= o_blkcache)
		for (i = 0, scan = oldest; scan && scan->locks > 0; scan = scan->newer, i++)
		if (scan)
			delcache(scan, True);
			/* cache size will exceed blkcache... no big deal */
			fprintf(stderr, "%d blocks locked\n", i);

	/* if this is the first item in the cache, then this is "oldest" */
	if (!oldest)
		oldest = item;

	/* insert this item at the "newest" end of the cache list */
	item->older = newest;
	if (newest) newest->newer = item;
	newest = item;

	/* also insert it into the hash table list */
	i = item->blkno % o_blkhash;
	item->next = hashed[i];
	hashed[i] = item;

	/* also count it */

/* Find a block in the cache.  If the block isn't in the cache, return NULL */
static CACHEENTRY *findblock(blkno)
	_BLKNO_	blkno;	/* physical block numbe of block to find */
	int	 i;

	/* if newest item in cache, return it in a hurry! */
	if (newest && newest->blkno == blkno)
		return newest;

	/* reallocate the hash table if first call or blkhash has changed */
	if (!hashed || o_blkhash != oldblkhash)
		/* free the old hash table, if any */
		if (hashed)

		/* allocate a new hash table */
		hashed = (CACHEENTRY **)safekept((int)o_blkhash, sizeof(CACHEENTRY *));

		/* put each cached block into the appropriate hash slot */
		for (scan = oldest; scan; scan = scan->newer)
			i = scan->blkno % o_blkhash;
			scan->next = hashed[i];
			hashed[i] = scan;

		oldblkhash = o_blkhash;

	/* search for the block */
	for (scan = hashed[blkno % o_blkhash];
	     scan && scan->blkno != blkno;
	     scan = scan->next)

	/* if found, move it to the newest end of the cache list */
	if (scan)
		delcache(scan, False);
		return scan;

	return NULL;

/* Open a session file.  For any error, issue an error message and
 * exit without ever returning.
void sesopen(force)
	BOOLEAN	force;		/* if True, open even if "in use" flag is set */
	BLK	*tmp;

	/* allocate a temporary buffer for the superblock */
	tmp = (BLK *)safealloc((int)o_blksize, sizeof(char));
	tmp->super.magic = SESSION_MAGIC;
	tmp->super.blksize = (COUNT)o_blksize;

	/* open the session file */
	if (!blkopen(force, tmp))
		msg(MSG_FATAL, "already in use");

	/* use the block size denoted in the superblock */
	o_blksize = tmp->super.blksize;
	o_blkfill = SES_MAXCHARS * 9/10;
	/* ToDo: limit range of blkfill values to "1:SES_MAXCHARS" */

	/* free the superblock buffer */

	/* allocate an initial allocation count table.  It'll grow later. */
	alloccnt = (COUNT *)safealloc(1, sizeof(COUNT));
	nblocks = 1;
	alloccnt[0] = 1; /* so superblock is always allocated */

/* Flush all dirty blocks in the cache, and then close the session
 * file.  Elvis calls this just before exiting.
void sesclose()
	BLK	 *tmp;

	/* flush any dirty blocks */

	/* close the session file */
	tmp = (BLK *)safealloc((int)o_blksize, sizeof(char));

/* Read the requested block into the cache, and lock it.  Return
 * a pointer to the block's data in the cache.
BLKNO _seslock(file, line, blkno, forwrite, blktype)
	char	*file;		/* name of source file that called this func */
	int	line;		/* line number of source file */
BLKNO seslock(blkno, forwrite, blktype)
	_BLKNO_	blkno;		/* BLKNO of block to be locked */
	BOOLEAN	forwrite;	/* if True, lock it for writing */
	BLKTYPE	blktype;	/* type of data in the block */
	CACHEENTRY *bc, *newp;

	assert((int)blkno < nblocks && alloccnt[blkno] > 0);

	/* try to find the block in the cache */
	bc = findblock(blkno);

	/* if not in the cache, then read it into a new cache item */
	if (!bc)
		bc = (CACHEENTRY *)safekept(1, sizeof(CACHEENTRY));
		bc->buf = (BLK *)safekept((int)o_blksize, sizeof(char));
		bc->blkno = blkno;
		bc->blktype = blktype;
		blkread(bc->buf, bc->blkno);

	/* if for write, and its allocation count is greater than 1, then
	 * "copy on write" means we have to copy this block right now.
	if (forwrite && alloccnt[blkno] > 1)
		/* copy-on-write should only be necessary for CHARS blocks */
		assert(blktype == SES_CHARS);

		/* decrement the allocation count of the old block */

		/* allocate a new block */
		blkno = sesalloc(0);
		newp = findblock(blkno);
		if (!newp)
			newp = (CACHEENTRY *)safealloc(1, sizeof(CACHEENTRY));
			newp->buf = (BLK *)safealloc((int)o_blksize, sizeof(char));
			newp->blkno = blkno;
			newp->blktype = blktype;

		/* copy the old block's contents into the new block */
		memcpy(newp->buf, bc->buf, (size_t)o_blksize);
		newp->dirty = True;
		bc = newp;

	/* mark it as being locked */
	bc->lockfile[bc->locks] = file;
	bc->lockline[bc->locks] = line;

	/* NOTE: I'd like to trap cases where a single block is locked
	 * repeatedly.  Unfortunately, the recursive nature of the regexp
	 * matcher causes a scanned block to be locked once for each
	 * metacharacter so I can't put a hard limit on it.  I'll pretend
	 * I can, and I'll make it a large limit so nobody is likely to
	 * trip it up with a complex regexp.
	assert(bc->locks <= 30);

	/* return the data */
	return blkno;

/* Return a pointer to the start of a block's data in the cache */
BLK *sesblk(blkno)
	_BLKNO_	blkno;	/* BLKNO of desired block */

	bc = findblock(blkno);
	assert(bc != NULL && bc->locks > 0);
	return bc->buf;

/* Release the lock on a block, so that it can be flushed out to the
 * session file.
void sesunlock(blkno, forwrite)
	_BLKNO_	blkno;		/* BLKNO of block to be unlocked */
	BOOLEAN	forwrite;	/* if True, set the block's "dirty" flag */

	bc = findblock(blkno);
	assert(bc != NULL && bc->locks > 0 && bc->blkno == blkno);
	bc->dirty |= forwrite;
	if (forwrite)
		blkwrite(bc->buf, bc->blkno);


static void flushblock(bc)
	CACHEENTRY	*bc;	/* cache item to be flushed */
	blkwrite(bc->buf, bc->blkno);
	bc->dirty = False;

/* If the block is dirty, write it out to the session file. */
void sesflush(blkno)
	_BLKNO_	blkno;	/* BLKNO of a block to be flushed */

	/* find the block */
	bc = findblock(blkno);
	assert(bc != NULL && bc->locks == 0);

	/* if BYTES or BLKLIST, and not dirty, then don't bother */
	if ((bc->blktype == SES_CHARS || bc->blktype == SES_BLKLIST)
	    && !bc->dirty)


/* flush every dirty block in the cache */
void sessync()


	/* for each block... */
	for (bc = oldest; bc; bc = bc->newer)
		assert(bc->locks == 0);

		/* if dirty, flush it */
		if (bc->dirty)

	/* maybe force the changes out to disk */
	if (o_sync)


/* Allocate a new block (if blkno is 0) or increment the allocation
 * count on an existing block (if blkno is not 0).  Returns its BLKNO.
BLKNO sesalloc(blkwant)
	_BLKNO_	blkwant;	/* 0 usually, else BLKNO to use */
	BLKNO	blkno;
	int	newsize;
	COUNT	*newarray;
	BLK	*tmp;
	int	i;

	/* if we're supposed to choose a block, then choose one */
	if (blkwant == 0)
		for (blkno = 1; blkno < nblocks && alloccnt[blkno] > 0; blkno++)
		blkno = blkwant;

	/* if past the end of the current alloccnt array, then grow */
	if (blkno >= nblocks)
		/* reallocate the alloccnt array */
		newsize = blkno + o_blkgrow - (blkno % o_blkgrow);
		assert(newsize > blkno);
		newarray = (COUNT *)safekept(newsize, sizeof(COUNT));
		for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
			newarray[i] = alloccnt[i];
		alloccnt = newarray;
		nblocks = newsize;

		/* if new block requested, write dummy data into the session file */
		if (blkwant == 0)
			tmp = (BLK *)safealloc((int)o_blksize, sizeof(char));
			for (i = blkno; i < nblocks; i++)
				blkwrite(tmp, (BLKNO)i);

		/* increment the allocation counter for the chosen block */
	else /* recycling an old block */
		/* increment the allocation counter for the chosen block */

		/* if block is supposed to be new, then zero it */
		if (blkwant == 0)
			(void)seslock(blkno, True, SES_NEW);
			tmp = sesblk(blkno);
			memset((char *)tmp, 0, (size_t)o_blksize);
			sesunlock(blkno, True);

	return blkno;

/* Decrement the allocation count of a block.  If the block's count
 * is decremented to 0, it becomes available for reuse by sesalloc.
void sesfree(blkno)
	_BLKNO_	blkno;	/* BLKNO of a block to be returned to free pool */
	assert((int)blkno < nblocks && alloccnt[blkno] > 0);

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