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/* regsub.c */

/* This file contains the regsub() function, which performs substitutions
 * after a regexp match has been found.

#include "elvis.h"

/* Allocate a new copy of the replacement string, with all ~'s replaced by
 * the previous replacement string.
 * NOTE: The value returned by this function should never be freed from outside
 * this function, because this function maintains an internal pointer to the
 * same memory so it knows what value to substitute for ~ on next invocation.
CHAR *regtilde(newp)
	CHAR	*newp;	/* new text as supplied by user */
	static CHAR *prev;	/* previous replacement text */
	CHAR	*ret;		/* returned string */
	CHAR	*scan;		/* used for stepping through chars of "prev" */

	/* copy new into ret, replacing the ~s by the previous text */
	for (ret = NULL; *newp; )
		if (o_magic && *newp == '~')
			if (!prev) goto Fail;
			for (scan = prev; *scan; scan++)
				buildCHAR(&ret, *scan);
		else if (!o_magic && *newp == '\\' && *(newp + 1) == '~')
			if (!prev) goto Fail;
			for (scan = prev; *scan; scan++)
				buildCHAR(&ret, *scan);
			newp += 2;
			if (*newp == '\\' && *(newp + 1))
				buildCHAR(&ret, *newp++);
			buildCHAR(&ret, *newp++);

	/* if empty string, then allocate a single '\0' character */
	if (!ret)
		ret = safealloc(1, sizeof(CHAR));

	/* remember this as the "previous" for next time */
	if (prev)
	prev = ret;
	return ret;

	msg(MSG_ERROR, "no previous text to substitute for ~");
	if (ret)
	return NULL;

/* Perform substitutions after a regexp match.  "re" is the compiled regular
 * expression which has been matched to a text string.  "new" is a pointer to
 * the replacement text string.  Return the actual replacement text (after all
 * metacharacters have been processed) if successful, or NULL if error.  The
 * calling function is responsible for calling safefree() on the returned
 * string.
CHAR *regsub(re, newp, doit)
	regexp		*re;	/* a regular expression that has been matched */
	REG CHAR	*newp;	/* the replacement text */
	BOOLEAN		doit;	/* perform the substitution? (else just return string) */
	MARKBUF		cpy;	/* start of text to copy */
	long		end;	/* length of text to copy */
	REG CHAR	c;	/* a character from "new" text */
	long		cval;	/* numeric value of 'c', if 'c' is digit */
	CHAR		*inst;	/* the new next, after processing escapes */
	int		mod = 0;/* used to track \U, \L, \u, \l, and \E */
	int		len;	/* used to calculate length of subst string */
	MARKBUF		tmp;	/* end of replacement region */
	CHAR		*scan;	/* used for scanning a segment of orig text */

	/* initialize "cval" just to silence a compiler warning */
	cval = 0;

	/* for each character of the new text... */
	for (inst = NULL, len = 0; (c = *newp++) != '\0'; )
		/* recognize any meta characters */
		if (c == '&' && o_magic)
			(void)marktmp(cpy, re->buffer, re->startp[0]);
			end = re->endp[0] - re->startp[0];
		else if (c == '\\')
			c = *newp++;
			switch (c)
			  case '0':
			  case '1':
			  case '2':
			  case '3':
			  case '4':
			  case '5':
			  case '6':
			  case '7':
			  case '8':
			  case '9':
				/* \0 thru \9 mean "copy subexpression" */
				cval = c - '0';
				(void)marktmp(cpy, re->buffer, re->startp[cval]);
				end = re->endp[cval] - re->startp[cval];

			  case 'U':
			  case 'u':
			  case 'L':
			  case 'l':
				/* \U and \L mean "convert to upper/lowercase" */
				mod = c;

			  case 'E':
			  case 'e':
				/* \E ends the \U or \L */
				mod = 0;

			  case '&':
				/* "\&" means "original text" */
				if (o_magic)
					len = buildCHAR(&inst, c);
				(void)marktmp(cpy, re->buffer, re->startp[0]);
				end = re->endp[0] - re->startp[0];

				/* ordinary char preceded by backslash */
				len = buildCHAR(&inst, c);
# if OSK
		else if (c == '\l')
# else
		else if (c == '\r')
# endif
			/* transliterate ^M into newline */
			len = buildCHAR(&inst, '\n');
			/* ordinary character, so just copy it */
			len = buildCHAR(&inst, c);

		/* Note: to reach this point in the code, we have evaded
		 * all "continue" statements.  To do that, we must have hit
		 * a metacharacter that involves copying.

		/* if there is nothing to copy, loop */
		if (markoffset(&cpy) < 0)
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "[d]too few \\\\\\(\\\\\\)s to use \\\\$1", cval);
			if (inst)
			return NULL;

		/* copy over a portion of the original */
		for (scanalloc(&scan, &cpy);
		     scan && end > 0;
		     scannext(&scan), end--)
			switch (mod)
			  case 'U':
			  case 'u':
				/* convert to uppercase */
				len = buildCHAR(&inst, (_CHAR_)toupper(*scan));

			  case 'L':
			  case 'l':
				/* convert to lowercase */
				len = buildCHAR(&inst, (_CHAR_)tolower(*scan));

				/* copy without any conversion */
				len = buildCHAR(&inst, *scan);

			/* \u and \l end automatically after the first char */
			if (mod == 'u' || mod == 'l')
				mod = 0;

	/* if we're supposed to perform the substitution, then do it */
	if (doit)
		/* replace the old text with the new text in the buffer */
		bufreplace(marktmp(cpy, re->buffer, re->startp[0]),
			marktmp(tmp, re->buffer, re->endp[0]), inst, len);
		/* Adjust the offset of the end of the whole expression
		 * to compensate for the change in the length of text.
		 * Also, if this regexp could conceivably match a
		 * zero-length string, then require at least 1 unmatched
		 * character between matches.
		re->endp[0] = re->startp[0] + len;
		if (re->minlen == 0
			&& re->endp[0] < o_bufchars(re->buffer)
			&& scanchar(marktmp(tmp, re->buffer, re->endp[0])) != '\n')

	/* At this point, we know we were successful but the "inst" pointer
	 * will be NULL if the replacement text is 0 characters long.  We don't
	 * want to return NULL for a successful substitution, so allocate
	 * a string which contains only a '\0' character and return that.
	if (!inst)
		assert(len == 0);
		buildCHAR(&inst, (_CHAR_)'\0');
		assert(inst != NULL);

	return inst;

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