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/* misc.c */
/* Copyright 1995 by Steve Kirkendall */

char id_misc[] = "$Id: misc.c,v 2.6 1996/05/30 17:39:04 steve Exp $";

#include "elvis.h"

/* This is used as a zero-length string */
CHAR	empty[1];

/* This is used when we need a bunch of blanks */
CHAR	blanks[] = "                                                                                ";

/* These store the args list.  The "arglist" variable points to a dynamically
 * allocated array of (char *) pointers.  Each element of the array ppoints to
 * a dynamically allocated string, except that the last one is NULL.  The
 * "argnext" variable stores the index of the next (not current!) element
 * to be edited.
char	**arglist;	/* array of strings (dynamically allocated) */
int	argnext;	/* index into arglist[] of next arg */

/* This function appends a single character to a dynamically-allocated
 * string.  A NUL character is always appended after the last character,
 * but this function also supports NUL characters in the middle of the
 * string.
 * Only one string can be under construction at a time.  To start a string,
 * Call this function with a pointer to a (CHAR *) variable which is NULL.
 * To append to that string, call this function with a pointer to the same
 * (CHAR *) variable.
 * This function updates the value of the (CHAR *) variable whenever it
 * reallocates memory.  It returns the number of characters added so far,
 * excluding the terminal NUL.
int buildCHAR(refstr, ch)
	CHAR	**refstr;	/* pointer to variable which points to string */
	_CHAR_	ch;		/* character to append to that string */
	static int	len;	/* length of the string so far */
	CHAR		*newp;	/* new memory for the same string */
#define GRANULARITY	32	/* minimum number of chars to allocate */

	/* if the string pointer is currently NULL, then start a new string */
	if (!*refstr)
		len = 0;
		*refstr = (CHAR *)safealloc(GRANULARITY, sizeof(CHAR));

	/* if the string is expanding beyond the current allocated memory,
	 * then allocate some new memory and copy the string into it.
	if ((len + 1) % GRANULARITY == 0)
		newp = safealloc(len + 1 + GRANULARITY, sizeof(CHAR));
		memcpy(newp, *refstr, len * sizeof(CHAR));
		*refstr = newp;

	/* append the new character, and a NUL character */
	(*refstr)[len++] = ch;
	(*refstr)[len] = '\0';
	return len;

/* This function finds the endpoints of the word at a given point.  Upon
 * return, the offset of the argument MARK will have been changed to the
 * character after the end of the word, and this function will return a
 * static temporary MARK which points to the start of the word.  Exception:
 * If the argument MARK isn't on a word, this function leaves it unchanged
 * and returns NULL.
MARK wordatcursor(cursor)
	MARK	cursor;	/* some point in the word */
 static	MARKBUF	retmark;/* the return value */
	CHAR	*p;

	/* If "cursor" is NULL, fail */
	if (!cursor)
		return NULL;

	/* If "cursor" isn't on a letter, digit, or underscore, then fail */
	scanalloc(&p, cursor);
	if (!p || (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '_'))
		return NULL;

	/* search back to the start of the word */
	retmark = *cursor;
		markaddoffset(&retmark, -1);
	} while (p && (isalnum(*p) || *p == '_'));
	markaddoffset(&retmark, 1);

	/* search forward to the end of the word */
	scanseek(&p, cursor);
	} while (p && (isalnum(*p) || *p == '_'));
	marksetoffset(cursor, markoffset(scanmark(&p)));

	/* clean up & return the front of the word */
	return &retmark;

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