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/* ex.c */
/* Copyright 1995 by Steve Kirkendall */

char id_ex[] = "$Id: ex.c,v 2.95 1996/09/21 01:21:36 steve Exp $";

#include "elvis.h"

static void skipwhitespace(CHAR **refp);
static BOOLEAN parsewindowid(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf);
static BOOLEAN parsebuffername(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf);
static BOOLEAN parseregexp(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static BOOLEAN parsecommandname(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf);
static void parsemulti(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf);
static void parsebang(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static void parseplus(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static void parseprintflag(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static void parselhs(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static void parserhs(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static void parsecutbuffer(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static void parsecount(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static BOOLEAN parsecmds(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static BOOLEAN parsefileargs(CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf, long flags);
static RESULT parse(WINDOW win, CHAR **refp, EXINFO *xinf);
static RESULT execute(EXINFO *xinf);

/* Minimum number of filename pointers to allocate at a time. */
#define FILEGRAN	8

/* These are the possible arguments for a command.  These may be combined
 * via the bitwise OR operator to describe arbitrary combinations of these.
#define a_Line	  0x00000001L	/* single line specifier */
#define a_Range	  0x00000002L	/* range of lines */
#define a_Multi	  0x00000004L	/* command character may be stuttered */
#define a_Bang	  0x00000008L	/* '!' after the command name */
#define a_Target  0x00000010L	/* extra line specifier after the command name */
#define a_Lhs	  0x00000020L	/* single word after the command */
#define a_Rhs	  0x00000040L	/* extra words (after Lhs, if Lhs allowed) */
#define a_Buffer  0x00000080L	/* cut buffer name */
#define a_Count	  0x00000100L	/* number of lines affected */
#define a_Pflag	  0x00000200L	/* print flag (p, l, or #) */
#define a_Plus	  0x00000400L	/* line offset (as for ":e +20 foo") */
#define a_Append  0x00000800L	/* ">>" indicating append mode */
#define a_Filter  0x00001000L	/* "!cmd", where cmd may include '|' characters */
#define a_File	  0x00002000L	/* a single file name */
#define a_Files	  0x00004000L	/* Zero or more filenames */
#define a_Cmds	  0x00008000L	/* text which may contain '|' characters */
#define a_RegExp  0x00010000L	/* regular expression */
#define a_RegSub  0x00020000L	/* substitution text (requires RegExp) */
#define a_Text	  0x00040000L	/* If no Rhs, following lines are part of cmd */

/* The following values indicate the default values of arguments */
#define d_All	  0x00080000L	/* default range is all lines */
#define d_None	  0x00100000L	/* default range is no lines (else current line) */
#define d_File	  0x00200000L	/* default file is current file (else no default) */

/* The following indicate other quirks of commands */
#define q_Unsafe  0x00400000L	/* command can't be executed in .exrc script */
#define q_Autop	  0x00800000L	/* autoprint current line */
#define q_Zero	  0x01000000L	/* allow Target or Line to be 0 */
#define q_Exrc	  0x02000000L	/* command may be run in a .exrc file */
#define q_Undo	  0x04000000L	/* save an "undo" version before this command */
#define q_Custom  0x08000000L	/* save options/maps after command */
#define q_Ex	  0x10000000L	/* only allowed in ex mode, not vi's <:> cmd */
#define q_CtrlV	  0x20000000L	/* use ^V for quote char, instead of \ */
#define q_MayQuit 0x40000000L	/* may cause window to disappear */

/* This array maps ex command names to command codes. The order in which
 * command names are listed below is significant --  ambiguous abbreviations
 * are always resolved to be the first possible match.  (e.g. "r" is taken
 * to mean "read", not "rewind", because "read" comes before "rewind")
 * Also, commands which share the same first letter are grouped together.
 * Similarly, within each one-letter group, the commands are ordered so that
 * the commands with the same two letters are grouped together, and those
 * groups are then divided into 3-letter groups, and so on.  This allows
 * the command list to be searched faster.
 * The comment at the start of each line below gives the shortest abbreviation.
 * order for the commands.  Consider the change/chdir/calculate commands, for
 * an example of why that wouldn't work.
static struct
	char	*name;	/* name of the command */
	EXCMD	code;	/* enum code of the command */
	RESULT	(*fn) P_((EXINFO *));
			/* function which executes the command */
	long	flags;	/* command line arguments permitted/needed/used */
	cmdnames[] =
{	   /*	 cmd name	cmd code	function	arguments */
/*!   */{"!",		EX_BANG,	ex_bang,	a_Range | a_Cmds | d_None | q_Exrc | q_Unsafe | q_Undo			},
/*#   */{"#",		EX_NUMBER,	ex_print,	a_Range | a_Count | a_Pflag						},
/*&   */{"&",		EX_SUBAGAIN,	ex_substitute,	a_Range | q_Undo							},
/*<   */{"<",		EX_SHIFTL,	ex_shift,	a_Range | a_Multi | a_Bang | a_Count | q_Autop | q_Undo			},
/*=   */{"=",		EX_EQUAL,	ex_file,	a_Range									},
/*>   */{">",		EX_SHIFTR,	ex_shift,	a_Range | a_Multi | a_Bang | a_Count | q_Autop | q_Undo			},
/*@   */{"@",		EX_AT,		ex_at,		a_Buffer								},
/*N   */{"Next",	EX_PREVIOUS,	ex_next,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*"   */{"\"",		EX_COMMENT,	ex_comment,	a_Cmds | q_Exrc								},
/*a   */{"append",	EX_APPEND,	ex_append,	a_Line | a_Bang | a_Cmds | a_Text | q_Zero | q_Undo | q_Ex		},
/*ab  */{"abbreviate",	EX_ABBR,	ex_map,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | a_Rhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom | q_Unsafe | q_CtrlV		},
/*al  */{"all",		EX_ALL,		ex_all,		a_Bang | a_Cmds								},
/*ar  */{"args",	EX_ARGS,	ex_args,	a_Files | q_Exrc | q_Unsafe						},
/*b   */{"buffer",	EX_BUFFER,	ex_buffer,	a_Bang | a_Rhs								},
/*br  */{"break",	EX_BREAK,	ex_map,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | q_CtrlV						},
/*c   */{"change",	EX_CHANGE,	ex_append,	a_Range | a_Bang | a_Count | a_Text | q_Undo | q_Ex			},
/*cha */{"chdir",	EX_CD,		ex_cd,		a_Bang | a_File | q_Exrc | q_Unsafe					},
/*ca  */{"calculate",	EX_CALC,	ex_comment,	a_Cmds | q_Exrc								},
/*cc  */{"cc",		EX_CC,		ex_make,	a_Bang | a_Rhs | q_Unsafe						},
/*cd  */{"cd",		EX_CD,		ex_cd,		a_Bang | a_File | q_Exrc | q_Unsafe					},
/*cl  */{"close",	EX_CLOSE,	ex_xit,		a_Bang | q_MayQuit							},
/*co  */{"copy",	EX_COPY,	ex_move,	a_Range | a_Target | a_Pflag | q_Autop | q_Undo				},
/*col */{"color",	EX_COLOR,	ex_color,	a_Rhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom						},
/*d   */{"delete",	EX_DELETE,	ex_delete,	a_Range | a_Buffer | a_Count | a_Pflag | q_Undo | q_Autop		},
/*di  */{"display",	EX_DISPLAY,	ex_display,	a_Rhs									},
/*dis */{"digraph",	EX_DIGRAPH,	ex_digraph,	a_Bang | a_Rhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom					},
/*e   */{"edit",	EX_EDIT,	ex_edit,	a_Bang | a_Plus | a_File | d_File					},
/*ec  */{"echo",	EX_ECHO,	ex_comment,	a_Rhs | q_Exrc								},
/*el  */{"else",	EX_ELSE,	ex_then,	a_Cmds | q_Exrc								},
/*er  */{"errlist",	EX_ERRLIST,	ex_errlist,	a_Bang | a_File | a_Filter						},
/*ev  */{"eval",	EX_EVAL,	ex_if,		a_Cmds | q_Exrc								},
/*ex  */{"ex",		EX_EDIT,	ex_edit,	a_Bang | a_Plus | a_File | d_File | q_Unsafe				},
/*f   */{"file",	EX_FILE,	ex_file,	a_File | q_Unsafe							},
/*g   */{"global",	EX_GLOBAL,	ex_global,	a_Range | a_Bang | a_RegExp | a_Cmds | d_All | q_Undo			},
/*go  */{"goto",	EX_GOTO,	ex_comment,	a_Line | q_Zero | q_Autop						},
/*gu  */{"gui",		EX_GUI,		ex_gui,		a_Rhs | q_Exrc								},
/*h   */{"help",	EX_HELP,	ex_help,	a_Lhs | a_Rhs								},
/*i   */{"insert",	EX_INSERT,	ex_append,	a_Line | a_Bang | a_Cmds | a_Text | q_Undo | q_Ex			},
/*if  */{"if",		EX_IF,		ex_if,		a_Cmds | q_Exrc								},
/*j   */{"join",	EX_INSERT,	ex_join,	a_Range | a_Bang | q_Autop | q_Undo					},
/*k   */{"k",		EX_MARK,	ex_mark,	a_Line | a_Lhs								},
/*l   */{"list",	EX_LIST,	ex_print,	a_Range | a_Count | a_Pflag						},
/*la  */{"last",	EX_LAST,	ex_next,	q_Unsafe								},
/*le  */{"let",		EX_LET,		ex_set,		a_Bang | a_Cmds | q_Exrc | q_Custom					},
/*lp  */{"lpr",		EX_LPR,		ex_lpr,		a_Range | a_Bang | a_File | a_Filter | d_All | q_Unsafe			},
/*m   */{"move",	EX_MOVE,	ex_move,	a_Range | a_Target | q_Autop | q_Undo					},
/*ma  */{"mark",	EX_MARK,	ex_mark,	a_Line | a_Lhs								},
/*mak */{"make",	EX_MAKE,	ex_make,	a_Bang | a_Rhs | q_Unsafe						},
/*map */{"map",		EX_MAP,		ex_map,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | a_Rhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom | q_Unsafe | q_CtrlV		},
/*mk  */{"mkexrc",	EX_MKEXRC,	ex_mkexrc,	a_Bang | a_File | q_Unsafe						},
/*n   */{"next",	EX_NEXT,	ex_next,	a_Bang | a_Files | q_Unsafe						},
/*ne  */{"new",		EX_SNEW,	ex_split,	q_Unsafe								},
/*no  */{"normal",	EX_NORMAL,	ex_display										},
/*nu  */{"number",	EX_NUMBER,	ex_print,	a_Range | a_Count | a_Pflag						},
/*o   */{"open",	EX_OPEN,	ex_edit,	a_Bang | a_Plus | a_File						},
/*p   */{"print",	EX_PRINT,	ex_print,	a_Range | a_Count | a_Pflag						},
/*pre */{"previous",	EX_PREVIOUS,	ex_next,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*pres*/{"preserve",	EX_PRESERVE,	ex_qall,	d_None | q_Unsafe | q_MayQuit						},
/*po  */{"pop",		EX_POP,		ex_pop,		a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*pu  */{"put",		EX_PUT,		ex_put,		a_Line | q_Zero | a_Buffer | q_Undo					},
/*q   */{"quit",	EX_QUIT,	ex_xit,		a_Bang | q_MayQuit							},
/*qa  */{"qall",	EX_QALL,	ex_qall,	a_Bang | q_MayQuit							},
/*r   */{"read",	EX_READ,	ex_read,	a_Line | a_File | a_Filter | q_Zero | q_Undo				},
/*red */{"redo",	EX_REDO,	ex_undo,	a_Lhs | q_Autop								},
/*rew */{"rewind",	EX_REWIND,	ex_next,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*s   */{"substitute",	EX_SUBSTITUTE,	ex_substitute,	a_Range|a_RegExp|a_RegSub|a_Rhs|a_Count|a_Pflag|q_Autop|q_Undo|q_Exrc	},
/*sN  */{"sNext",	EX_SPREVIOUS,	ex_next,	q_Unsafe								},
/*sa  */{"sall",	EX_SALL,	ex_sall,	q_Unsafe								},
/*saf */{"safer",	EX_SAFER,	ex_source,	a_Bang | a_File | q_Exrc						},
/*se  */{"set",		EX_SET,		ex_set,		a_Bang | a_Rhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom					},
/*sh  */{"shell",	EX_SHELL,	ex_suspend,	q_Unsafe								},
/*sl  */{"slast",	EX_SLAST,	ex_next,	q_Unsafe								},
/*sn  */{"snext",	EX_SNEXT,	ex_next,	a_Files									},
/*snew*/{"snew",	EX_SNEW,	ex_split,	q_Unsafe								},
/*so  */{"source",	EX_SOURCE,	ex_source,	a_Bang | a_File | q_Exrc						},
/*sp  */{"split",	EX_SPLIT,	ex_split,	a_Line | a_File								},
/*sr  */{"srewind",	EX_SREWIND,	ex_next,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*st  */{"stop",	EX_STOP,	ex_suspend,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*sta */{"stag",	EX_STAG,	ex_tag,		a_Lhs									},
/*stac*/{"stack",	EX_STACK,	ex_stack,	d_None									},
/*su  */{"suspend",	EX_SUSPEND,	ex_suspend,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*t   */{"to",		EX_COPY,	ex_move,	a_Range | a_Target | a_Pflag | q_Autop | q_Undo				},
/*ta  */{"tag",		EX_TAG,		ex_tag,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | q_Unsafe						},
/*th  */{"then",	EX_THEN,	ex_then,	a_Cmds | q_Exrc			 					},
/*u   */{"undo",	EX_UNDO,	ex_undo,	a_Lhs | q_Autop								},
/*una */{"unabbreviate",EX_UNABBR,	ex_map,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom | q_CtrlV				},
/*unb */{"unbreak",	EX_UNBREAK,	ex_map,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | q_CtrlV						},
/*unm */{"unmap",	EX_UNMAP,	ex_map,		a_Bang | a_Lhs | q_Exrc | q_Custom | q_CtrlV				},
/*v   */{"vglobal",	EX_VGLOBAL,	ex_global,	a_Range | a_Bang | a_RegExp | a_Cmds | d_All | q_Undo			},
/*ve  */{"version",	EX_VERSION,	ex_version,	q_Exrc									},
/*vi  */{"visual",	EX_VISUAL,	ex_edit,	a_Bang | a_Plus | a_File						},
/*w   */{"write",	EX_WRITE,	ex_write,	a_Range | a_Bang | a_Append | a_File | a_Filter | d_All | q_Unsafe	},
/*wi  */{"window",	EX_WINDOW,	ex_window,	a_Lhs									},
/*wn  */{"wnext",	EX_WNEXT,	ex_next,	a_Bang | q_Unsafe							},
/*wq  */{"wquit",	EX_WQUIT,	ex_xit,		a_Bang | a_File | d_File | q_MayQuit					},
/*x   */{"xit",		EX_XIT,		ex_xit,		a_Bang | a_File  | q_MayQuit						},
/*y   */{"yank",	EX_YANK,	ex_delete,	a_Range | a_Buffer | a_Count						},
/*z   */{"z",		EX_Z,		ex_z,		a_Line | a_Rhs								},
/*~   */{"~",		EX_SUBAGAIN,	ex_substitute,	a_Range | q_Undo							},

/* This variable is used for detecting nested global statements */
static int 	globaldepth;

/* This function discards info from an EXINFO struct.  The struct itself
 * is not freed, since it is usually just a local variable in some function.
void exfree(xinf)
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* the command to be freed */
	int	i;

	if (xinf->fromaddr)	markfree(xinf->fromaddr);
	if (xinf->toaddr)	markfree(xinf->toaddr);
	if (xinf->destaddr)	markfree(xinf->destaddr);
	if (xinf->re)		safefree(xinf->re);
	if (xinf->lhs)		safefree(xinf->lhs);
	if (xinf->rhs)		safefree(xinf->rhs);
	for (i = 0; i < xinf->nfiles; i++)
		assert(xinf->file && xinf->file[i]);
	if (xinf->file)		safefree(xinf->file);

/* This function skips over blanks and tabs */
static void skipwhitespace(refp)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to scan variable */
	while (*refp && (**refp == ' ' || **refp == '\t'))

/* This function attempts to parse a window ID.  If there is no window ID,
 * then it leaves xinf->win unchanged; else it sets xinf->win to the given
 * window.  Returns True unless there was an error.
 * This function also sets the default buffer to the default window's state
 * buffer, or the specified window's main buffer.  It is assumed that
 * xinf->window has already been initialized to the default window.
static BOOLEAN parsewindowid(refp, xinf)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	num;
	MARK	start;
	WINDOW	win;

	/* set default buffer, assuming default window. */
	if (xinf->window->state->pop)
		xinf->defaddr = *xinf->window->state->pop->cursor;
		xinf->defaddr = *xinf->window->cursor;
	if (markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr) != bufdefault)
		xinf->defaddr.buffer = bufdefault;
		xinf->defaddr.offset = 0L;

	/* if doesn't start with a digit, ignore it */
	if (!*refp || !isdigit(**refp))
		return True;

	/* convert the number */
	start = scanmark(refp);
	for (num = 0; *refp && isdigit(**refp); scannext(refp))
		num = num * 10 + **refp - '0';

	/* if doesn't end with a ':', then it's not meant to be a window id */
	if (!*refp || **refp != ':' || num <= 0)
		scanseek(refp, start);
		return True;

	/* eat the ':' character */

	/* convert the number to a WINDOW */
	for (win = winofbuf((WINDOW)0, (BUFFER)0);
	     win && o_windowid(win) != num;
	     win = winofbuf(win, (BUFFER)0))
	if (!win)
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "bad window");
		return False;

	/* use the named window */
	xinf->window = win;
	xinf->defaddr = *win->cursor;
	return True;

/* This function attempts to parse a single buffer name.  It returns True
 * unless an invalid buffer is specified.
 * If an explicit buffer is named, then it sets the default address to that
 * buffer's undo point.  (Else it is left set window's cursor, as set by
 * the parsewindowid() function.)
static BOOLEAN parsebuffername(refp, xinf)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	CHAR	bufname[100];/* buffer name, as a string */
	int	len;
	BUFFER	buf;

	/* if the first character isn't '(' then this isn't a buffer name */
	if (!*refp || **refp != '(')
		return True;

	/* collect the characters into buffer */
	for (len = 0;
	     scannext(refp) && **refp != ')' && **refp != '\n'
		&& **refp != '|' && len < QTY(bufname) - 1;
		bufname[len++] = **refp;
	bufname[len] = '\0';

	/* consume the closing ')', if any */
	while (*refp && **refp != ')' && **refp != '\n' && **refp != '|')
	if (*refp && **refp == ')')

	/* try to find the buffer */
	buf = buffind(bufname);
	if (!buf)
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "no such buffer");
		return False;
	xinf->defaddr.buffer = buf;
	marksetoffset(&xinf->defaddr, buf->changepos);
	return True;

/* If the command supports a regular expression, then this function parses
 * that regular expression from the command line and compiles it.  If the
 * command also supports replacement text, then that is parsed too.
static BOOLEAN parseregexp(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	CHAR	delim;	/* delimiter character */
	CHAR	*retext;/* source code of the regular expression */

	/* If this command doesn't use regular expressions, then do nothing.
	 * (By the way, not use regexps implies that it doesn't use replacement
	 * text either.)
	if ((flags & a_RegExp) == 0)
		return True;

	/* get the delimiter character.  Can be any punctuation character
	 * except '|'.  If no delimiter is given, then use an empty string.
	empty[0] = (CHAR)0;
	if (*refp && ispunct(**refp) && **refp != '|')
		/* remember the delimiter */
		delim = **refp;

		/* collect the characters of the regexp source code */
		for (retext = (CHAR *)0;
		     *refp && **refp != '\n' && **refp != delim;
			/* if backslash followed by delimiter, then just add
			 * delimiter.  Else add both the backslash and whatever
			 * other character followed it.
			if (**refp == '\\')
				if (!scannext(refp))
					buildCHAR(&retext, '\\');
				else if (**refp == delim)
					buildCHAR(&retext, delim);
					buildCHAR(&retext, '\\');
					buildCHAR(&retext, **refp);
				buildCHAR(&retext, **refp);
		if (!retext)
			retext = empty;
		retext = empty;
		delim = '\n'; /* illegal delimiter, affects a_RegSub text below */

	/* consume the ending delimiter (if any) */
	if (*refp && **refp == delim)

	/* compile the regular expression */
	xinf->re = regcomp(retext, xinf->window ? xinf->window->state->cursor : NULL);
	if (!xinf->re)
		/* error message already written out by regcomp() */
		return False;

	/* We don't need to source to the regexp anymore.  If the source was
	 * anything other than the empty string, then free its memory.
	if (retext != empty)

	/* if no substitution text is needed, then we're done. */
	if ((flags & a_RegSub) == 0)
		return True;

	/* Collect characters up to the next delimiter to be the replacement
	 * text.  Same rules as the regular expression.  The first delimiter
	 * has already been comsumed.
	if (delim == '\n')
		/* no delimiter implies that there is no replacement text */
		xinf->lhs = (CHAR *)safealloc(1, sizeof(CHAR));
		for (; *refp && **refp != '\n' && **refp != delim; scannext(refp))
			/* if backslash followed by delimiter, then just add
			 * delimiter.  Else add both the backslash and whatever
			 * other character followed it.
			if (**refp == '\\')
				if (!scannext(refp))
					buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, '\\');
				else if (**refp == delim)
					buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, delim);
				else if (**refp == ELVCTRL('M'))
					buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, (CHAR)ELVCTRL('M'));
					buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, '\\');
					buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, **refp);
			else if (**refp == ELVCTRL('M'))
				buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, '\n');
				buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, **refp);
		if (!xinf->lhs)
			/* zero-length string, if nothing else */
			xinf->lhs = (CHAR *)safealloc(1, sizeof(CHAR));

		/* consume the closing delimiter */
		if (*refp && **refp == delim)

	return True;

/* This function parses an address, and places the results in xinf->to.
 * Returns True unless there is an error.
BOOLEAN exparseaddress(refp, xinf)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	BLKNO	bi;	/* bufinfo block of the buffer being addressed */
	long	lnum;	/* line number */
	long	delta;	/* movement amount */
	CHAR	sign;	/* '+' or '-' for delta */
	long	start;	/* where search stared, so we can detect wrap */
	long	buflines;/* number of lines in buffer */
	MARKBUF	m;	/* start of a line */
	CHAR	ch;

	/* if nothing, do nothing */
	if (!*refp)
		return True;

	/* find the default line number */
	bi = bufbufinfo(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));
	lnum = markline(&xinf->defaddr);
	xinf->fromoffset = 0;

	/* parse the address */
	switch (**refp)
	  case '.':
		/* use the line containing the default address */

	  case '/':
	  case '?':
		/* parse & compile the regular expression */
		delta = (**refp == '?') ? -1 : 1;
		if (!parseregexp(refp, xinf, a_RegExp))
			return False;

		/* allow the visual 'n' and 'N' commands to search for the
		 * same regexp.
		if (searchre)
		searchre = xinf->re;
		searchforward = (BOOLEAN)(delta > 0);
		searchhasdelta = False;
		xinf->re = NULL;

		/* search for the regular expression */
		start = lnum;
		buflines = o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));
			/* find next line */
			lnum += delta;
			if (o_wrapscan)
				if (lnum == 0)
					lnum = buflines;
				else if (lnum > buflines)
					lnum = 1;
			else if (lnum == 0)
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "no match above");
				return False;
			else if (lnum > buflines)
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "no match below");
				return False;

			/* see if this line contains the regexp */
			if (regexec(searchre, marktmp(m, markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr), lowline(bi, lnum)), True))
				delta = 0;

			/* if we've wrapped back to our starting point,
			 * then we've failed.
			if (lnum == start)
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "no match");
				return False;

			/* did the user cancel the search? */
			if (guipoll(False))
				return False;

		} while (delta != 0);

		/* If we get here, then we've found a match, and lnum is set
		 * to its line number.  Good!
		xinf->fromoffset = (searchre->leavep >= 0 ? searchre->leavep : searchre->startp[0]);

	  case '\'':
	  case '`':
		ch = **refp;
		if (!scannext(refp) || **refp < 'a' || **refp > 'z')
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "bad mark name");
			return False;
		else if (!namedmark[**refp - 'a'])
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "[C]'$1 unset", **refp);
			return False;
		else if (markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr) != markbuffer(namedmark[**refp - 'a']))
			if (xinf->anyaddr)
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "would span buffers");
				return False;
			xinf->defaddr = *namedmark[**refp - 'a'];
		lnum = markline(namedmark[**refp - 'a']);
		if (ch == '`')
			xinf->fromoffset = markoffset(namedmark[**refp - 'a']);

	  case '0':
	  case '1':
	  case '2':
	  case '3':
	  case '4':
	  case '5':
	  case '6':
	  case '7':
	  case '8':
	  case '9':
		for (lnum = 0; *refp && isdigit(**refp); scannext(refp))
			lnum = lnum * 10 + **refp - '0';
		if (lnum < 0 || lnum > o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)))
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "bad line number");
			return False;

	  case '$':
		lnum = o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));

		/* use the default address, but don't consume any chars */
		lnum = markline(&xinf->defaddr);

	/* followed by a delta? */
	if (*refp && (**refp == '+' || **refp == '-'))
		/* delta cancels implies whole-line addressing */
		xinf->fromoffset = 0;

		/* find the sign & magnitude of the delta */
		sign = **refp;
		for (delta = 1; scannext(refp) && **refp == sign; delta++)
		if (delta == 1 && *refp && isdigit(**refp))
			for (delta = **refp - '0';
			     scannext(refp) && isdigit(**refp);
			     delta = delta * 10 + **refp - '0')

		/* add the delta to the line number */
		if (sign == '+')
			lnum += delta;
			lnum -= delta;

		/* if sum is invalid, complain */
		if (lnum < 1 || lnum > o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)))
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "bad delta");

	xinf->to = lnum;
	return True;

/* This parses a command name, and sets xinf->command accordingly.  Returns
 * True if everything is okay, or False if the command is unrecognized or
 * was given addresses but doesn't allow addresses.
static BOOLEAN parsecommandname(refp, xinf)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	BOOLEAN	anymatch;
	int	matches;	/* number of commands that match so far */
	int	firstmatch;	/* first command that matched */
	char	cmdname[20];	/* command name */
	int	len;		/* number of characters in name so far */
	MARK	start;		/* where the command name started */
	int	i;

	/* if no command, then assume either "goto" or comment */
	if (!*refp || **refp == '\n' || **refp == '|')
		strcpy(cmdname, (xinf->anyaddr || (xinf->window && markbuffer(xinf->window->cursor) != xinf->defaddr.buffer)) ? "goto" : "\"");
		for (firstmatch = QTY(cmdnames) - 1;
		     firstmatch >= 0 && strcmp(cmdnames[firstmatch].name, cmdname);
		goto Found;

	/* start with shortest possible command name, and extend the command
	 * name as much as possible without eliminating all commands from
	 * matching.  When we get it as long as possible, then the first
	 * matching name is the one we'll use.
	len = 0;
	start = scanmark(refp);
	firstmatch = 0;
	anymatch = False;
		/* copy the first (or next) character of the name into a buffer */
		cmdname[len++] = **refp;

		/* see how many commands match this command so far */
		for (matches = 0, i = firstmatch; i < QTY(cmdnames); i++)
			/* In the cmdnames[] array, commands with the same
			 * initial letters are grouped together.  Have we
			 * reached the end of the group that interests us?
			if (len > 1 && (cmdnames[i].name[0] != cmdname[0] || strncmp(cmdnames[i].name, cmdname, (size_t)(len - 1))))
				/* no more matches are possible -- we reached
				 * the end of this (len-1) letter group.
			if ((CHAR)cmdnames[i].name[len - 1] == **refp)
				/* Partial match, but keep looking.  If this
				 * was the first match with this length then
				 * remember it.
				if (matches == 1)
					firstmatch = i;
					anymatch = True;

	} while (matches > 0 && scannext(refp) && isalpha(**refp));

	/* at this point, if "matches" is zero and "firstmatch" has been set,
	 * then we may have read one too many characters for the command name,
	 * so we need to adjust the position of the *refp.
	if (matches == 0
		&& anymatch
		&& (strlen(cmdnames[firstmatch].name) == (unsigned)(len - 1)
			|| !*refp
			|| !isalpha(**refp)))
		markaddoffset(start, len);
		scanseek(refp, start);
		matches = 1;

	/* If we still haven't found anything, give up! */
	if (matches == 0)
		cmdname[len] = '\0';
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]bad command name $1", cmdname);
		return False;

	/* so I guess we found a match. */
	assert(firstmatch >= 0);
	xinf->cmdidx = firstmatch;
	xinf->command = cmdnames[firstmatch].code;
	xinf->cmdname = cmdnames[firstmatch].name;
	return True;

/* This function parses multiplied command names, as in :<<<<.  This can't
 * possibly fail, so this isn't a boolean function.
static void parsemulti(refp, xinf)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	/* the default for all commands is 1. */
	xinf->multi = 1;

	/* if this command can be multiplied, then see how many we have */
	if (cmdnames[xinf->cmdidx].flags & a_Multi)
		while (*refp && **refp == (CHAR)xinf->cmdname[0])

/* This function parses an optional '!' character for some commands.  This
 * can't possibly fail, so this isn't a boolean function.
static void parsebang(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	/* if this supports '!', and a '!' character really is given, then
	 * consume the '!' character and set the "bang" flag.
	if ((flags & a_Bang) != 0 && *refp && **refp == '!')
		xinf->bang = True;

/* This function parses an optional "+line" argument, for commands which
 * support it.
static void parseplus(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	/* if the command doesn't support "+line" or the next character isn't
	 * '+' then do nothing.
	if ((flags & a_Plus) == 0 || !*refp || **refp != '+')

	/* nothing else should have used the xinf->lhs field yet */

	/* skip the '+' */

	/* collect following characters up to next whitespace or '|' */
	while (*refp && !isspace(**refp) && **refp != '|')
		buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, **refp);

/* This function parses an optional print flag and delta, if the command
 * supports them.
static void parseprintflag(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	CHAR		sign;
	static PFLAG	pflag = PF_NONE;

	/* if no print flag is possible, skip parsing this */
	if (!*refp || (flags & a_Pflag) == 0)
		goto NoFlag;

	/* try to parse a print flag here */
	switch (**refp)
	  case 'p':
		xinf->pflag = PF_PRINT;

	  case 'l':
		if (*refp && **refp == '#')
			xinf->pflag = PF_NUMLIST;
			xinf->pflag = PF_LIST;

	  case '#':
		if (*refp && **refp == 'l')
			xinf->pflag = PF_NUMLIST;
			xinf->pflag = PF_NUMBER;

		goto NoFlag;

	/* we have a print flag -- now see if we have a delta */
	if (refp && (**refp == '+' || **refp == '-'))
		sign = **refp;
		while (scannext(refp) && isdigit(**refp))
			xinf->delta = xinf->delta * 10 + **refp - '0';
		if (sign == '-')
			xinf->delta = -xinf->delta;

	/* remember this print flag as the default for next time */
	pflag = xinf->pflag;

NoFlag:	/* see if we're supposed to autoprint this command.  If so, then
	 * assume the previous print flag is the default to use here.
	if ((flags & q_Autop) != 0
	 && o_autoprint
	 && globaldepth == 0
	 && xinf->window
	 && xinf->window->state
	 && (xinf->window->state->flags & (ELVIS_POP|ELVIS_1LINE)) == 0
	 && xinf->window->state->enter
	 && markbuffer(scanmark(refp)) == buffind(toCHAR(EX_BUF)))
		if (pflag == PF_NONE)
			pflag = PF_PRINT;
		xinf->pflag = pflag;

/* This function parses single word which doesn't contain any unquoted
 * whitespace (if the command supports this).
static void parselhs(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	CHAR	quote;	/* quote character -- either ^V or \ */

	/* if the command doesn't use lhs, then do nothing */
	if ((flags & a_Lhs) == 0)

	/* choose the proper quote character */
	quote = (flags & q_CtrlV) ? ELVCTRL('V') : '\\';

	/* collect characters up to next whitespace or end of command */
	while (*refp && **refp != ' ' && **refp != '\t' && **refp != '\n' && **refp != '|')
		/* backslash followed by whitespace becomes just whitespace */
		if (**refp == quote)
			if (!*refp)
				buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, quote);
			else if (**refp == ' ' || **refp == '\t' || **refp == '|' || quote == ELVCTRL('V'))
				buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, **refp);
				buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, quote);
				buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, **refp);
			/* unquoted character */
			buildCHAR(&xinf->lhs, **refp);

/* This function parses an optional print flag and delta, if the command
 * supports them.
static void parserhs(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	CHAR	quote;	/* quote character -- either ^V or \ */

	/* if the command doesn't use rhs, then do nothing */
	if ((flags & a_Rhs) == 0)

	/* choose the proper quote character */
	quote = (flags & q_CtrlV) ? ELVCTRL('V') : '\\';

	/* collect characters up to end of command */
	while (*refp && **refp != '\n' && **refp != '|')
		/* backslash followed by whitespace becomes just whitespace */
		if (**refp == quote)
			if (!*refp)
				buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, quote);
			else if (**refp == '|' || quote == ELVCTRL('V'))
				buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);
				buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, quote);
				buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);
			/* unquoted character */
			buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);

/* This function parses an optional cut buffer name, if the command
 * supports them.  A cut buffer name is a single letter, or a " followed
 * a letter, digit, or another ".
static void parsecutbuffer(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	/* if the command doesn't support cut buffer names, do nothing */
	if ((flags & a_Buffer) == 0)

	/* if double-quote, then following character is buffer name */
	if (*refp && (isalpha(**refp) || **refp == '<' || **refp == '>' || (**refp == '"' && scannext(refp))))
		xinf->cutbuf = **refp;

/* This function parses an optional count, if the command supports them.
 * A count is a series of digits.  If no count is given, then the count
 * field is set to -1.
static void parsecount(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	if ((flags & a_Count) == 0 || !*refp || !isdigit(**refp))
		/* no count given */
		xinf->count = -1;
		/* count given -- convert it to binary */
			xinf->count = xinf->count * 10 + **refp - '0';
		} while (*refp && isdigit(**refp));

/* This function parses an optional command list, if the command supports them.
 * A command list is a string which may contain any characters except newline.
 * (In particular, '|' is allowed.)
static BOOLEAN parsecmds(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	BOOLEAN	shell;	/* is this command for a shell? */
	BOOLEAN	bol;	/* at front of a line? */
	CHAR	*scan;
	CHAR	ch;
	MARK	start;
	int	i;

	/* if the command doesn't use cmds, then do nothing */
	if ((flags & a_Cmds) == 0)
		return True;

	/* determine whether this command is for a shell or for ex */
	shell = (BOOLEAN)(xinf->command == EX_BANG || (flags & a_Filter) != 0);

	/* skip whitespace */

	/* ex commands allow a { ... } syntax */
	if (!shell && *refp && **refp == '{')
		/* collect characters up to next } character which appears
		 * at the front of a line.  Ignore blank lines.
		for (bol = True; scannext(refp) && !(bol && **refp == '}'); )
			if (!bol || **refp != '\n')
				buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);
			if (**refp == '\n')
				bol = True;
			if (!isspace(**refp))
				bol = False;

		/* if we hit end without finding } then complain. */
		if (!*refp)
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "missing }");
			return False;

		/* eat the closing } */

		return True;

	/* collect characters up to end of command */
	while (*refp && **refp && **refp != '\n')
		if (!shell)
			/* copy all characters literally */
			buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);
			/* copy most characters literally, but perform
			 * substitutions for !, %, #
			ch = **refp;
			switch (ch)
			  case '%':
				scan = o_filename(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));

			  case '#':
				scan = o_previousfile;

			  case '!':
				scan = o_previouscommand;

			  case '\\':
				if (*refp && !CHARchr(toCHAR("%#!@\\"), **refp))
					buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, (_CHAR_)'\\');
					ch = **refp;
				else if (*refp && **refp == '@')
					if (!xinf->window)
						msg(MSG_ERROR, "can't use \\@ during initialization");
					end = *xinf->window->cursor;
					start = wordatcursor(&end);
					if (!start)
						msg(MSG_ERROR, "cursor not on word");
						return False;
					for (i = markoffset(&end) - markoffset(start),
						scanalloc(&scan, start);
					     scan && i > 0;
					     scannext(&scan), i--)
						buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, *scan);

					/* don't add anything else */
					scan = xinf->rhs;
				/* fall through for all but \@ ... */

				buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);
				scan = xinf->rhs;

			/* are we trying to add a string? */
			if (scan != xinf->rhs)
				/* we want to... but do we have the string? */
				if (scan)
					for ( ; *scan; scan++)
						buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, *scan);
					msg(MSG_ERROR, "[C]no value to substitute for $1", ch);
					return False;

			/* Move on to the next character.  Note that we need to
			 * check (*refp) because it may have become NULL during
			 * the processing of a backslash.
			if (*refp)

	/* if shell command, then remember it for later ! substitutions */
	if (shell)
		if (!xinf->rhs)
			return False; /* blank commands are illegal */
		if (o_previouscommand)
		o_previouscommand = CHARkdup(xinf->rhs);

	return True;

/* This is a "helper" function for parsefileargs().  This function adds a
 * single item to the list of filename arguments.  Optionally, it can
 * attempt to expand wildcards and recursively add each matching filename.
 * Returns True if successful, False if error.
BOOLEAN exaddfilearg(file, nfiles, filename, wild)
	char	***file;	/* ptr to a dynamic array of char* pointers */
	int	*nfiles;	/* number of files in file array */
	char	*filename;	/* the filename (or wildcard expression) to add */
	BOOLEAN	wild;		/* if True, expand wildcards */
	char	*match;		/* a name matching a wildcard */
	char	**old;		/* previous value of xinf->file pointer */
	int	start;		/* index into xinf->file of wildcard's expansion */
	BOOLEAN	mustfree=False;	/* if True, then free "match" before returning*/
	int	i;

	/* are we supposed to match wildcards? */
	if (wild)
		/* expand any environment variables */
		filename = tochar8(calculate(toCHAR(filename), NULL, True));
		if (!filename)
			return False;

		/* If this operating system uses backslashes between names,
		 * then replace any forward slashes with backslashes.  This is
		 * intended to allow MS-DOS users to type forward slashes in
		 * their filenames, if they so prefer.
		if (dirpath("a", "b")[1] == '\\')
			for (i = 0; filename[i]; i++)
				if (filename[i] == '/')
					filename[i] = '\\';

		/* replace ~ with the name of the home directory */
		if (filename[0] == '~' && !isalpha(filename[1]))
			filename = strdup(filename[1]
				    ? dirpath(tochar8(o_home), &filename[2])
				    : tochar8(o_home));
			mustfree = True;

		/* If there are any matches... */
		if ((match = dirfirst(filename, False)) != NULL)
			/* for each match... */
			start = *nfiles;
				/* add the matching name */
				exaddfilearg(file, nfiles, match, False);

				/* ripple the new name back, to keep things sorted */
				for (i = *nfiles - 1;
				     i > start && strcmp((*file)[i], (*file)[i - 1]) < 0;
					match = (*file)[i];
					(*file)[i] = (*file)[i - 1];
					(*file)[i - 1] = match;
			} while ((match = dirnext()) != (char *)0);

		/* if necessary, free the filename */
		if (mustfree)
	else /* literal filename */
		/* [re-]allocate the *files array if necessary.  Note that
		 * we've arranged it so there will always be at least one
		 * NULL pointer at the end of the list.
		if (*nfiles == 0 || (*nfiles + 1) % FILEGRAN == 0)
			old = *file;
			*file = (char **)safealloc(*nfiles + FILEGRAN, sizeof(char *));
			if (old)
				memcpy(*file, old, *nfiles * sizeof(char *));

		/* append the new filename */
		(*file)[(*nfiles)++] = safedup(filename);
	return True;

/* This function parses filenames, if the command supports them. */
static BOOLEAN parsefileargs(refp, xinf, flags)
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to the (CHAR *) used for scanning command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* info about the command being parsed */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	CHAR	*filename;
	CHAR	*scan;

	/* if no filenames expected, or hit end of cmd, then do nothing */
	if ((flags & (a_File|a_Files|a_Filter|a_Append)) == 0 || !*refp)
		return True;

	/* If filter is allowed, and next character is a '!' the we have
	 * a filter command.
	if ((flags & a_Filter) != 0 && **refp == '!')
		/* skip the initial '!' */
		if (!scannext(refp))
			return True;	/* missing filter will be detected later */

		/* begin the rhs argument with a bang */
		buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, (_CHAR_)'!');

		/* collect characters up to next newline */
		return parsecmds(refp, xinf, flags | a_Cmds);

	/* An initial backslash could have been used to quote a ! or > at
	 * the start of a filename.  If the first character is backslash,
	 * and the second is either ! or > then skip the backslash.  Also,
	 * if the second is another backslash and backslash isn't used as
	 * the directory separator on this operating system, then skip the
	 * backslash; this should allow "\\foo" to be "\foo" under UNIX,
	 * while still allowing "\\machine\dir\file" to be parsed as a UNC
	 * name under Win32.
	if (*refp && **refp == '\\')
		if (!*refp)
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "oops");
			return False;
		if (**refp != '!' && **refp != '>' && (**refp != '\\' || dirpath("a", "b")[1] == '\\'))

	/* collect each whitespace-delimited filename argument */
	for (filename = NULL; *refp && **refp != '|' && **refp != '\n'; scannext(refp))
		/* if whitespace, then process filename (if any) and then skip */
		switch (**refp)
		  case ' ':
		  case '\t':
			/* do we have a filename? */
			if (filename)
				/* store the name */
				if (!exaddfilearg(&xinf->file, &xinf->nfiles, tochar8(filename), True))
					goto Error;

				/* free the buildCHAR copy of the name */
				filename = NULL;

		  case '\\':
			/* backslash can be used to quote some characters. */
			if (*refp && **refp == '*' && dirpath("a", "b")[1] == '\\')
				/* This operating system seems use backslashes
				 * in filenames.  So an expression such as
				 * "foo\*.c" should NOT become "foo*.c"
			else if (*refp && !CHARchr(toCHAR(" \t\\#!*"), **refp))
			buildCHAR(&filename, **refp);

		  case '#':
			if (o_previousfile)
				for (scan = o_previousfile; *scan; scan++)
					buildCHAR(&filename, *scan);
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "no previous file");
				goto Error;

		  case '%':
			scan = o_filename(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));
			if (scan)
				for ( ; *scan; scan++)
					buildCHAR(&filename, *scan);
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "no file name");
				goto Error;

		  case '!':
			if (o_previouscommand)
				for (scan = o_previouscommand; *scan; scan++)
					buildCHAR(&filename, *scan);
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "no previous command");
				goto Error;

		  case '\0':
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "NUL not allowed in file name");
			goto Error;

			/* Append the character to the name.  If this results
			 * in a partial name of ">>" and either this isn't the
			 * first file, or this command doesn't support appending
			 * then complain.
			if (buildCHAR(&filename, **refp) == 2
			 && !CHARcmp(filename, ">>")
			 && (xinf->nfiles > 0 || (flags & a_Append) == 0))
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "bad >>", xinf->cmdname);
				goto Error;

	/* if we were working on a filename when we ended the loop, add it */
	if (filename)
		if (!exaddfilearg(&xinf->file, &xinf->nfiles, tochar8(filename), True))
			goto Error;
		filename = (CHAR *)0;

	/* complain if we have multiple filenames and only support one */
	if (xinf->nfiles > 1 && (flags & a_Files) == 0)
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "too many files");
		goto Error;

	/* If no files named, maybe go for a default name */
	if (xinf->nfiles == 0 && (flags & d_File) != 0)
		if (o_filename(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)) == NULL)
		{ /* nishi */
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "no file name");
			goto Error;
		exaddfilearg(&xinf->file, &xinf->nfiles, tochar8(o_filename(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr))), False);

	return True;

	/* If we were in the middle of a filename, free the filename.
	 * Other stuff will be freed by the calling function.
	if (filename)
	return False;

/* Parse a single command, and leave *refp pointing past the last character of
 * the command.  Return RESULT_COMPLETE normally, RESULT_MORE if the command is
 * incomplete, or RESULT_ERROR for an error (after outputting an error message).
static RESULT parse(win, refp, xinf)
	WINDOW	win;	/* window that the command applies to */
	CHAR	**refp;	/* pointer to (CHAR *) used for scanning the command */
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* where to place the results of the parse */
	CHAR	sep;	/* separator character, from scanning */
	MARKBUF	orig;	/* original mark of "refp", so we can seek back later */
	MARKBUF	rngdef;	/* default range */
	long	rngfrom;/* "from" line number of range */
	long	rngto;	/* "to" line number of range */
	long	flags;	/* bitmap of command attributes */
	BOOLEAN	sel;	/* did address come from selection? */
	CHAR	*p2;	/* a second scanning variable */
	RESULT	result;	/* result of parsing */
	int	i;

	/* set defaults */
	memset((char *)xinf, 0, sizeof *xinf);
	xinf->window = win;

	/* remember where this command started */
	orig = *scanmark(refp);

	/* skip leading ':' characters */
	while (*refp && **refp == ':')

	/* If no command was entered, then assume the command line should be
	 * "+p", so the user can simply hit <Enter> to step through the file.
	 * Only do this for interactively entered commands, though!
	if ((!*refp || **refp == '\n')
		&& markbuffer(&orig) == buffind(toCHAR(EX_BUF)))
		scanstring(&p2, toCHAR("+p"));
		result = parse(win, &p2, xinf);
		return result;

	/* parse the window id */
	if (win)
		if (!parsewindowid(refp, xinf))
			return RESULT_ERROR;
		xinf->defaddr.buffer = bufdefault;

	/* parse the buffer name (unless window has visible selection) */
	if ((!xinf->window || !xinf->window->seltop) && !parsebuffername(refp, xinf))
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* parse addresses */
	sel = False;
	if (xinf->defaddr.buffer)
		if (xinf->window && xinf->window->seltop)
			xinf->defaddr = *xinf->window->seltop;
			sel = True;
		xinf->to = markline(&xinf->defaddr);
		xinf->from = xinf->to;
		if (*refp && **refp == '%')
			xinf->from = 1;
			xinf->to = o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));
			xinf->anyaddr = True;
			sel = False;
		else if ((xinf->window && xinf->window->seltop)
			|| (*refp && strchr("./?'0123456789$+-,;", (char)**refp)))
				/* Shift addresses, so we always remember the
				 * last two addresses.
				xinf->from = xinf->to;

				/* Parse the address */
				if (!exparseaddress(refp, xinf))
					return RESULT_ERROR;

				/* We now have at least one address.  If this
				 * is the first address we've encountered,
				 * then copy it into "from" as well.
				if (!xinf->anyaddr)
					xinf->from = xinf->to;
					if (xinf->window && xinf->window->selbottom)
						xinf->to = markline(xinf->window->selbottom);
					xinf->anyaddr = True;

				/* if followed by a semicolon, then this
				 * address becomes default.
				if (*refp)
					sep = **refp;
					sep = '\0';
				if (sep == ';')
						lowline(bufbufinfo(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)), xinf->to));
				else if (xinf->window && xinf->window->selbottom)
					xinf->defaddr = *xinf->window->selbottom;
			} while (*refp && (**refp == ',' || **refp == ';') && scannext(refp));

			/* "from" can't come after "to" */
			if (xinf->from > xinf->to)
				msg(MSG_ERROR, "bad range");
				return RESULT_ERROR;

		/* if we used visible selection, then unmark it now */
		if (xinf->window && xinf->window->seltop)
			xinf->window->seltop = xinf->window->selbottom = NULL;

	/* parse command name */
	if (!parsecommandname(refp, xinf))
		return RESULT_ERROR;
	flags = cmdnames[xinf->cmdidx].flags;

	/* is the command legal in this context? */
	if (!win && 0 == (flags & q_Exrc))
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 is illegal during initialization", xinf->cmdname);
		return RESULT_ERROR;
	if (o_safer && 0 != (flags & q_Unsafe))
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 is unsafe", xinf->cmdname);
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* if given addresses for a command which doesn't support addresses,
	 * then complain.  If the addresses were due to a visible selection,
	 * then ignore them silently.
	if (xinf->anyaddr && 0 == (flags & (a_Line|a_Range)))
		if (sel)
			/* visible selection; pretend no addresses were given */
			xinf->anyaddr = False;
			/* explicit addresses; complain */
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 doesn't use addresses", xinf->cmdname);
			return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* if "from" is 0 for a command which doesn't allow 0, then
	 * complain.
	if (xinf->anyaddr && xinf->from == 0 && 0 == (flags & q_Zero))
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 doesn't allow address 0", xinf->cmdname);
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* parse multiplied command names */
	parsemulti(refp, xinf);

	/* If a command allows both a print flag and a buffer name
	 * then parsing them can be tricky because this can lead
	 * to ambiguous situations.  According to POSIX docs,
	 * if there is no space after the command name (:dp) then
	 * the print flag is next; in all other situations, the
	 * cut buffer name comes first.  THEREFORE, if this command
	 * allows both a print flag and a buffer, and we appear to
	 * have a print flag appended to the command name, then
	 * we should parse the print flag now.
	if ((flags & (a_Pflag|a_Buffer)) == (a_Pflag|a_Buffer)
		&& *refp && (**refp == 'p' || **refp == 'l' || **refp == '#'))
		parseprintflag(refp, xinf, flags);

	/* parse an optional '!' appended to the name */
	parsebang(refp, xinf, flags);

	/* maybe parse a regular expression & replacement text */
	if (!parseregexp(refp, xinf, flags))
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* maybe parse a target buffer and address */
	if (flags & a_Target)
		/* The target allows a window, a buffer, and an
		 * address all to be specified.  Parsing these
		 * could clobber the source range fields, so we'll
		 * copy them into local variables while we parse.
		rngdef = xinf->defaddr;
		rngfrom = xinf->from;
		rngto = xinf->to;

		/* parse the window id */
		if (!parsewindowid(refp, xinf))
			return RESULT_ERROR;

		/* parse the buffer name */
		if (!parsebuffername(refp, xinf))
			return RESULT_ERROR;

		/* parse an address.  Note that we don't allow
		 * looping here, and the address is mandatory
		 * for commands that allow it.
		if (*refp && (**refp == '\n' || **refp == '|'))
			msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 requires destination", xinf->cmdname);
			return RESULT_ERROR;
		if (!exparseaddress(refp, xinf))
			return RESULT_ERROR;

		/* create the "destaddr" mark */
		xinf->destaddr = markalloc(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr),
			lowline(bufbufinfo(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)), xinf->to + 1));

		/* move the range info back where it belongs */
		xinf->defaddr = rngdef;
		xinf->from = rngfrom;
		xinf->to = rngto;

	/* for some commands, parse an LHS and RHS */
	parselhs(refp, xinf, flags);
	parserhs(refp, xinf, flags);

	/* for some commands, parse an optional cut buffer name,
	 * optional count, optional "+arg", and optional print flag.
	parsecutbuffer(refp, xinf, flags);
	parsecount(refp, xinf, flags);
	parseplus(refp, xinf, flags);
	parseprintflag(refp, xinf, flags);

	/* for some commands, parse file arguments.  This includes
	 * filenames, "!cmd" filter commands, ">>" append tokens,
	 * and wildcard expansion.
	if (!parsefileargs(refp, xinf, flags))
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* for some commands, parse a long argument string which
	 * may include the '|' character but not newline
	if (!parsecmds(refp, xinf, flags))
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* By this point, there should be no more arguments on this line. */
	if (*refp && **refp != '|' && **refp != '\n')
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]too many arguments for $1", xinf->cmdname);
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* beware of EX-only commands */
	if ((!win || 0 != (win->state->flags & (ELVIS_POP|ELVIS_ONCE|ELVIS_1LINE)))
		&& 0 != (flags & q_Ex)
		&& !xinf->rhs)
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "[s]$1 is illegal in vi mode", xinf->cmdname);
		return RESULT_ERROR;
	/* Maybe parse extra text lines which are arguments to this command */
	if (!xinf->rhs && 0 != (flags & a_Text) && *refp)
		/* skip past the newline on the command line */
		assert(**refp == '\n');

		/* collect characters up to the next line containing only "." */
		for (i = 0;
			&& (**refp != '\n'
			    || (i >= 1 && xinf->rhs[i-1] != '.')
			    || (i >= 2 && xinf->rhs[i-2] != '\n'));
			buildCHAR(&xinf->rhs, **refp);

		/* if all went well, then strip the "." from the end */
		if (*refp)
			xinf->rhs[i>2 ? i-2 : 0] = '\0';
		else /* end not found, need more text */
			scanseek(refp, &orig);
			return RESULT_MORE;
		assert(!*refp || **refp == '\n');

	/* convert line numbers to marks (if there are any) */
	if ((flags & (a_Line|a_Range)) != 0
		&& (xinf->anyaddr || (flags & d_None) == 0))
		/* if no lines, set the default */
		if (!xinf->anyaddr && (flags & d_All) != 0)
			xinf->from = 1;
			xinf->to = o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr));

		/* if there was a count, add it to "from" to make "to" */
		if (xinf->count > 0)
			xinf->to = xinf->from + xinf->count - 1;

		/* create the "fromaddr" mark -- start of "from" line */
		xinf->fromaddr = markalloc(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr), 
			lowline(bufbufinfo(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)), xinf->from));

		/* create the "toaddr" mark -- end of "to" line.  If that's
		 * the last line, then the computation can be tricky.
		if (xinf->to == o_buflines(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)))
			xinf->toaddr = markalloc(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr),
			xinf->toaddr = markalloc(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr),
					lowline(bufbufinfo(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)), xinf->to + 1));

#if 0
		/* the cursor should be left on the last line */
		xinf->newcurs = markalloc(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr),
			lowline(bufbufinfo(markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr)), xinf->to));
		/* the cursor won't move */
		xinf->newcurs = (MARK)0;

	/* move the scan point past the command separator */
	if (*refp)


/* Execute an ex command, after it has been parsed by the parse() function.
 * Return RESULT_COMPLETE normally, or RESULT_ERROR for errors (after outputting
 * an error message).
static RESULT execute(xinf)
	EXINFO	*xinf;	/* the parsed command to execute */
	MARK		pline;	/* line to autoprint */
	BUFFER		custom;	/* the CUSTOM_BUF buffer */
	MARKBUF		top, bottom;
	RESULT		ret;
	BUFFER		origdef;/* original value of bufdefault */
	struct state_s	*state;

	/* If we need to save an "undo" version of the buffer, then
	 * remember that fact.
	if (globaldepth == 0 && (cmdnames[xinf->cmdidx].flags & q_Undo))
		if (xinf->destaddr)
		else if (xinf->window)
		else if (xinf->toaddr)

	/* if global command, then increment globaldepth */
	if (xinf->command == EX_GLOBAL || xinf->command == EX_VGLOBAL)

	/* if quit command, then cause "wrote..." messages to be displayed
	 * as INFO instead of the normal STATUS.  This is so they'll be queued
	 * and can be printed someplace else after the window is closed.
	if (cmdnames[xinf->cmdidx].flags & q_MayQuit)
		bufmsgtype = MSG_INFO;

	/* if the command's default buffer isn't the window's default buffer,
	 * then make the command's default buffer be the one used by :set.
	origdef = bufdefault;
	if (xinf->window && markbuffer(&xinf->defaddr) !=
		markbuffer(xinf->window->state->pop ? xinf->window->state->pop->cursor : xinf->window->cursor))

	/* Hooray!  Now all we need to do is execute the damn thing */
	ret = (*cmdnames[xinf->cmdidx].fn)(xinf);

	/* restore the options buffer to what it was before */

	/* if global command, then decrement globaldepth */
	if (xinf->command == EX_GLOBAL || xinf->command == EX_VGLOBAL)

	/* if command failed, we're done. */
	if (ret != RESULT_COMPLETE)
		return RESULT_ERROR;

	/* move the cursor to where it wants to be */
	if (xinf->newcurs)
		/* find the window's main state */
		for (state = xinf->window->state; state->acton; state = state->acton)

		/* if we're switching buffers, then we need to
		 * switch names, too.
		if (markbuffer(xinf->window->cursor) != markbuffer(xinf->newcurs))
			if (gui->retitle)
				(*gui->retitle)(xinf->window->gw, tochar8(o_bufname(markbuffer(xinf->newcurs))));
			marksetbuffer(state->cursor, markbuffer(xinf->newcurs));
			marksetbuffer(state->top, markbuffer(xinf->newcurs));
			marksetbuffer(state->bottom, markbuffer(xinf->newcurs));
			dispset(xinf->window, tochar8(o_bufdisplay(markbuffer(xinf->newcurs))));

		/* other stuff is easy */
		marksetoffset(state->cursor, markoffset(xinf->newcurs));
		marksetoffset(state->top, markoffset(xinf->newcurs));
		marksetoffset(state->bottom, markoffset(xinf->newcurs));
		xinf->window->wantcol = state->wantcol = (*xinf->window->md->mark2col)(xinf->window, xinf->window->cursor, True);

		assert(markbuffer(state->cursor) == markbuffer(state->top));
		assert(markbuffer(state->cursor) == markbuffer(state->bottom));

	/* if the new cursor position is off the end of the buffer,
	 * then move it to the start of the last line, instead.
	if (xinf->window && markoffset(xinf->window->cursor) >= o_bufchars(markbuffer(xinf->window->cursor)))
		marksetoffset(xinf->window->cursor, o_bufchars(markbuffer(xinf->window->cursor)));
		if (markoffset(xinf->window->cursor) > 0L)
			markaddoffset(xinf->window->cursor, -1L);
					(xinf->window, xinf->window->cursor, 0L, 0L, False)));

	/* print flags and autoprinting happen here */
	if (xinf->pflag != PF_NONE)
		/* Find the start of the line which contains the cursor.
		 * Also add delta.
		pline = (*xinf->window->md->move)(xinf->window,
				xinf->window->cursor, xinf->delta, 0L, False);

		/* print the line */
		exprintlines(xinf->window, pline, 1, xinf->pflag);

	/* if we're supposed to regenerate CUSTOM_BUF, then do so now */
	if (cmdnames[xinf->cmdidx].flags & q_Custom)
		/* find/create the buffer */
		custom = bufalloc(toCHAR(CUSTOM_BUF), 0);
		o_internal(custom) = True;
		if (o_bufchars(custom) != 0)
			bufreplace(marktmp(top, custom, 0),
				marktmp(bottom, custom, o_bufchars(custom)),
				NULL, 0);

		/* add stuff into it */
		/* abbrsave(custom); */
		if (gui && gui->save)
			(*gui->save)(custom, xinf->window->gw);

	/* free the data associated with that command */


/* This function parses one or more ex commands, and executes them.   It
 * returns RESULT_COMPLETE if successful, RESULT_ERROR (after printing an
 * error message) if unsuccessful, or RESULT_MORE if the command is
 * incomplete as entered.  As a side-effect, the offset of the "top" mark
 * is moved passed any commands which have been completely parsed and
 * executed.
 * If the "win" argument is NULL, then the parsing uses the parsing style
 * of a ".exrc" file: no window or line numbers are allowed, only commands
 * which have q_Exrc set and q_Unsafe cleared are allowed, the | character
 * is quoted via ^V instead of backslash, and blank lines are ignored (instead
 * of being interpretted as "+p").
RESULT experform(win, top, bottom)
	WINDOW	win;	/* default window (implies default buffer) */
	MARK	top;	/* start of commands */
	MARK	bottom;	/* end of commands */
	EXINFO	xinfb;	/* buffer, holds info about command being parsed */
	CHAR	*p;	/* pointer used for scanning command line */
	long	next;	/* where the next command starts */

	/* start reading commands */
	scanalloc(&p, top);

	/* for each command... */
	while (p && markoffset(top) < markoffset(bottom))
		/* parse an ex command */
		switch (parse(win, &p, &xinfb))
		  case RESULT_ERROR:
			goto Fail;

		  case RESULT_MORE:
			goto More;

			; /* continue processing */

		/* Suspend the scanning while we execute this command.
		 * We aren't allowed to change text while scanning.
		next = (p ? markoffset(scanmark(&p)) : markoffset(bottom));

		/* execute the command */
		if (execute(&xinfb) != RESULT_COMPLETE)
			goto Fail2;

		/* adjust "top" to point after the command, and resume scan */
		marksetoffset(top, next);
		scanalloc(&p, top);


	return RESULT_MORE;

/* This function resembles experform(), except that this function parses
 * from a string instead of from a buffer.
RESULT exstring(win, str)
	WINDOW	win;	/* default window (implies default buffer) */
	CHAR	*str;	/* the string containing ex commands */
	EXINFO	xinfb;	/* buffer, holds info about command being parsed */
	CHAR	*p;	/* pointer used for scanning command line */

	/* start reading commands */
	scanstring(&p, str);

	/* for each command... */
	while (p && *p)
		/* parse and execute one ex command */
		if (parse(win, &p, &xinfb) != RESULT_COMPLETE
		 || execute(&xinfb) != RESULT_COMPLETE)
			goto Fail;


/* This function checks to see whether a given string is an acceptable
 * abbreviation for a command name.  If so, it returns the full command name;
 * if not, it returns NULL
CHAR *exname(name)
	CHAR	*name;	/* possible name of an ex command */
	int	i, len;

	/* non-alphabetic names get special treatment */
	len = CHARlen(name);
	if (len == 1 && !isalpha(*name))
		switch (*name)
		  case '!':	return toCHAR("BANG");
		  case '"':	return toCHAR("QUOTE");
		  case '#':	return toCHAR("HASH");
		  case '<':	return toCHAR("LT");
		  case '=':	return toCHAR("EQ");
		  case '>':	return toCHAR("GT");
		  case '&':	return toCHAR("AMP");
		  case '~':	return toCHAR("TILDE");
		  case '@':	return toCHAR("AT");
		  case '(':	return toCHAR("OPEN"); /* not a real command */
		  case '{':	return toCHAR("OCUR"); /* not a real command */

	/* else look up the name in the cmdnames[] array */
	for (i = 0;
	     i < QTY(cmdnames) && strncmp(cmdnames[i].name, tochar8(name), (size_t)len);
	if (i < QTY(cmdnames))
		return toCHAR(cmdnames[i].name);
	return NULL;

/* This function is called when the user hits <Enter> after entering an
 * ex command line.  It returns RESULT_COMPLETE if successful, RESULT_ERROR
 * (after printing an error message) if unsuccessful, or RESULT_MORE if
 * the command is incomplete as entered.  As a side-effect, the offset of
 * the "top" mark is moved passed any commands which have been completely
 * parsed and executed.
RESULT exenter(win)
	WINDOW	win;	/* window where an ex command has been entered */
	STATE	*state = win->state;

#if 0
	assert(markoffset(state->top) <= markoffset(state->cursor));
	assert(markoffset(state->cursor) <= markoffset(state->bottom));

	return experform(win, state->top, state->bottom);

/* This function prints single line as ex output text.  If "number" is true,
 * it will precede each line with a line number.  If "list" is true, it will
 * make all characters visible (including tab) and show a '$' at the end of
 * each line.  Returns the offset of the last line output.
long exprintlines(win, mark, qty, pflag)
	WINDOW	win;	/* window to write to */
	MARK	mark;	/* start of line to output */
	long	qty;	/* number of lines to print */
	PFLAG	pflag;	/* controls how the line is printed */
	CHAR	tmp[24];/* temp strings */
	CHAR	*scan;	/* used for scanning */
	long	last;	/* offset of start of last line */
	long	lnum;	/* line number */
	long	col;	/* output column number */
	long	tabstop;/* size of tabs */
	BOOLEAN	number;	/* show line number? */
	BOOLEAN	list;	/* show all characters? */
	long	i;

	/* initialize "last" just to silence a compiler warning */
	last = 0;

	/* figure out how we'll show the lines */
	if (pflag == PF_NONE)
		return markoffset(mark);
	number = (BOOLEAN)(pflag == PF_NUMBER || pflag == PF_NUMLIST);
	list = (BOOLEAN)(pflag == PF_LIST || pflag == PF_NUMLIST);

	/* If we'll be showing line numbers, then find the first one now */
	if (number)
		(void)lowoffset(bufbufinfo(markbuffer(mark)), markoffset(mark),
			(COUNT *)0, (COUNT *)0, (LBLKNO *)0, &lnum);

	/* compute tab size */
	tabstop = o_tabstop(markbuffer(mark));

	/* for each line... */
	for (scanalloc(&scan, mark); scan && qty > 0 && !guipoll(False); scannext(&scan), qty--)
		/* remember where this line started */
		last = markoffset(scanmark(&scan));

		/* output the line number, if we're supposed to */
		if (number)
			memset(tmp, ' ', QTY(tmp));
			long2CHAR(tmp + 8, lnum);
			CHARcat(tmp, toCHAR("  "));
			drawextext(win, tmp + CHARlen(tmp) - 8, 8);

		/* scan the line and output each character */
		col = 0;
		for (; scan && *scan != '\n'; scannext(&scan))
			if (*scan == '\t' && !list)
				/* expand tab into a bunch of spaces */
				i = tabstop - (col % tabstop);
				col += i;
				memset(tmp, ' ', QTY(tmp));
				while (i > QTY(tmp))
					drawextext(win, tmp, QTY(tmp));
					i -= QTY(tmp);
				if (i > 0)
					drawextext(win, tmp, (int)i);
			else if (*scan < ' ' || *scan == '\177')
				tmp[0] = '^';
				tmp[1] = ELVCTRL(*scan);
				drawextext(win, tmp, 2);
				col += 2;
			else if (*scan > '\177' && list)
				sprintf((char *)tmp, "\\x%02x", *scan);
				i = CHARlen(tmp);
				drawextext(win, tmp, (int)i);
				col += i;
				/* count consecutive normal chars */
				for (i = 1; i < scanright(&scan) && scan[i] >= ' ' && scan[i] < '\177'; i++)
				drawextext(win, scan, (int)i);
				col += i;
				scan += i - 1; /* plus one more @ top of loop */

		/* for "list", append a '$' */
		if (list)
			tmp[0] = '$';
			tmp[1] = '\n';
			drawextext(win, tmp, 2);
			tmp[0] = '\n';
			drawextext(win, tmp, 1);
	return last;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.