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/* buffer.h */
/* Copyright 1995 by Steve Kirkendall */

struct undo_s
	struct undo_s	*next;		/* pointer to the next-older version of this buffer */
	long		changes;	/* change counter, used for restarting */
	long		changepos;	/* where to move cursor if undone */
	long		buflines;	/* number of lines in this version of the buffer */
	long		bufchars;	/* number of characters in this version */
	long		offset[26];	/* offsets of named marks, or -1 if unset or in different buffer */
	BLKNO		bufinfo;	/* bufinfo BLK of previous version */
	struct undo_s	*link1, *link2;	/* some other allocated undo versions */
	struct buffer_s	*buf;		/* the buffer that this undoes */
	char		undoredo;	/* 'u' for undo, 'r' for redo version */

typedef struct buffer_s
	struct buffer_s	*next;
	struct mark_s	*marks;		/* linked list of marks pointing to this buffer */
	struct undo_s	*undo;		/* linked list of undo versions of this buffer */
	struct undo_s	*redo;		/* linked list of undo versions of this buffer */
	struct undo_s	*undolnptr;	/* element of undo list which is line-undo version */
	BLKNO		bufinfo;	/* blkno of the bufinfo block for this buffer */
	long		changes;	/* change counter, used for restarting */
	long		changepos;	/* position of the most recent change to this buffer */
	long		undoline;	/* line number of "undolnptr" version */
	long		docursor;	/* cursor position when "willdo" was set */
	BOOLEAN		willdo;		/* save an "undo" version before next bufreplace()? */
	OPTVAL		filename;	/* string: name of the file for this buffer */
	OPTVAL		bufname;	/* string: name of buffer */
	OPTVAL		buflines;	/* number: of lines, from txtbuf->lines */
	OPTVAL		bufchars;	/* number: of bytes, from txtbuf->bytes */
	OPTVAL		retain;		/* boolean: keep buffer after writing? */
	OPTVAL		modified;	/* boolean: buffer modified since last write? */
	OPTVAL		edited;		/* boolean: bufname changed since last write? */
	OPTVAL		newfile;	/* boolean: buffer for non-existent file? */
	OPTVAL		readonly;	/* boolean: no write perms on file? */
	OPTVAL		autoindent;	/* boolean: auto-indent? */
	OPTVAL		inputtab;	/* one of Tab/Spaces/Filename: <Tab> key in input mode */
	OPTVAL		autotab;	/* boolean: use tabs characters shifting? */
	OPTVAL		tabstop;	/* number: width of a tab */
	OPTVAL		cc;		/* string: program run by :cc command */
	OPTVAL		equalprg;	/* string: program run by = command */
	OPTVAL		keywordprg;	/* string: program run by shift-K command */
	OPTVAL		make;		/* string: program run by :make command */
	OPTVAL		paragraphs;	/* string: list of nroff paragraph codes */
	OPTVAL		sections;	/* string: list of nroff section codes */
	OPTVAL		shiftwidth;	/* number: shiftwidth used by << and >> */
	OPTVAL		undolevels;	/* number: number of undo versions to maintain */
	OPTVAL		textwidth;	/* number: word wrap position (replaced wrapmargin) */
	OPTVAL		internal;	/* boolean: is this a special-purpose buffer? */
	OPTVAL		bufdisplay;	/* string: the default display mode */
	OPTVAL		errlines;	/* number: #lines when errlist created */
	OPTVAL		binary;		/* boolean: buffer contains non-textual data */

#define o_filename(buf)		((buf)->filename.value.string)
#define o_bufname(buf)		((buf)->bufname.value.string)
#define o_buflines(buf)		((buf)->buflines.value.number)
#define o_bufchars(buf)		((buf)->bufchars.value.number)
#define o_retain(buf)		((buf)->retain.value.boolean)
#define o_preservable(buf)	((buf)->preservable.value.boolean)
#define o_modified(buf)		((buf)->modified.value.boolean)
#define o_edited(buf)		((buf)->edited.value.boolean)
#define o_newfile(buf)		((buf)->newfile.value.boolean)
#define o_readonly(buf)		((buf)->readonly.value.boolean)
#define o_autoindent(buf)	((buf)->autoindent.value.boolean)
#define o_inputtab(buf)		((buf)->inputtab.value.character)
#define o_autotab(buf)		((buf)->autotab.value.boolean)
#define o_tabstop(buf)		((buf)->tabstop.value.number)
#define o_cc(buf)		((buf)->cc.value.string)
#define o_equalprg(buf)		((buf)->equalprg.value.string)
#define o_keywordprg(buf)	((buf)->keywordprg.value.string)
#define o_make(buf)		((buf)->make.value.string)
#define o_tagprg(buf)		((buf)->tagprg.value.string)
#define o_paragraphs(buf)	((buf)->paragraphs.value.string)
#define o_sections(buf)		((buf)->sections.value.string)
#define o_shiftwidth(buf)	((buf)->shiftwidth.value.number)
#define o_undolevels(buf)	((buf)->undolevels.value.number)
#define o_textwidth(buf)	((buf)->textwidth.value.number)
#define o_internal(buf)		((buf)->internal.value.boolean)
#define o_bufdisplay(buf)	((buf)->bufdisplay.value.string)
#define o_errlines(buf)		((buf)->errlines.value.number)
#define o_binary(buf)		((buf)->binary.value.boolean)
#define BUFOPTQTY		((sizeof(struct buffer_s) - (int)bufoptvals((BUFFER)0)) / sizeof(OPTVAL))

#define bufbufinfo(buffer)	((buffer)->bufinfo)
#define bufoptvals(buffer)	(&(buffer)->filename)
#define bufmarks(buffer)	((buffer)->marks)
#define bufsetmarks(buffer, mark) ((buffer)->marks = (mark))
#define buflist(start)		((start) ? (start)->next : buffers)

extern BUFFER bufdefault;
extern BUFFER buffers;
extern BUFFER bufdefopts;
extern MSGIMP bufmsgtype;
extern void bufinit P_((void));
extern BUFFER bufalloc P_((CHAR *name, _BLKNO_ bufinfo));
extern BUFFER buffind P_((CHAR *name));
extern BUFFER bufload P_((CHAR *bufname, char *filename, BOOLEAN reload));
extern BUFFER bufpath P_((CHAR *path, char *filename, CHAR *bufname));
extern BOOLEAN bufunload P_((BUFFER buf, BOOLEAN force, BOOLEAN save));
extern BOOLEAN bufsave P_((BUFFER buf, BOOLEAN force, BOOLEAN mustwr));
extern void bufoptions P_((BUFFER buffer));
extern void buffree P_((BUFFER buffer));
extern void buftitle P_((BUFFER buffer, CHAR *title));

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