
[View buffer.c] 
[View buffer.h] 
[View buffer2.h] 
[View calc.c] 
[View calc.h] 
[View config.h] 
[View ctags.c] 
[View cut.c] 
[View cut.h] 
[View digraph.c] 
[View digraph.h] 
[View display.c] 
[View display.h] 
[View display2.h] 
[View dmhex.c] 
[View dmmarkup.c] 
[View dmnormal.c] 
[View dmsyntax.c] 
[View draw.c] 
[View draw.h] 
[View draw2.h] 
[View elvctype.h] 
[View elvdump.c] 
[View elvis.h] 
[View elvisio.h] 
[View event.c] 
[View event.h] 
[View ex.c] 
[View ex.h] 
[View exaction.c] 
[View exconfig.c] 
[View exedit.c] 
[View exmake.c] 
[View fmt.c] 
[View gui.c] 
[View gui.h] 
[View gui2.h] 
[View guicurs.c] 
[View guiopen.c] 
[View guitcap.c] 
[View guix11.c] 
[View input.c] 
[View input.h] 
[View instman.sh] 
[View io.c] 
[View lowbuf.c] 
[View lowbuf.h] 
[View lp.c] 
[View lp.h] 
[View lpescape.c] 
[View lpovrtyp.c] 
[View lpps.c] 
[View main.c] 
[View map.c] 
[View map.h] 
[View mark.c] 
[View mark.h] 
[View message.c] 
[View message.h] 
[View misc.c] 
[View misc.h] 
[View more.c] 
[View more.h] 
[View move.c] 
[View move.h] 
[View need.c] 
[View need.h] 
[View operator.c] 
[View operator.h] 
[View opsys.h] 
[View optglob.c] 
[View optglob.h] 
[View options.c] 
[View options.h] 
[View options2.h] 
[View ref.c] 
[View regexp.c] 
[View regexp.h] 
[View regsub.c] 
[View safe.c] 
[View safe.h] 
[View scan.c] 
[View scan.h] 
[View search.c] 
[View session.c] 
[View session.h] 
[View state.c] 
[View state.h] 
[View state2.h] 
[View tinytcap.c] 
[View verify.c] 
[View version.h] 
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[View vicmd.c] 
[View vicmd.h] 
[View window.c] 
[View window.h] 


<TITLE>README.html file for elvis 2.0</TITLE>
<META name="description" content="Quick intro to elvis 2.0, with links to source code and binaries">
<META name="keywords" content="vi, elvis, unix, linux, msdos, win32, windows95 windowsNT, nt, editor, source">

<LI><A HREF="#thisfile">1. ABOUT THIS FILE</A>
<LI><A HREF="#newfeatures">2. NEW FEATURES</A>
    <li><a href="#multibuf">2.1 Multiple edit buffers</a>
    <li><a href="#multigui">2.2 Multiple user interfaces</a>
    <li><a href="#multiwin">2.3 Multiple windows (if the user interface supports them)</a>
    <li><a href="#display">2.4 A variety of display modes</a>
    <li><a href="#lpr">2.5 Hardcopy from within elvis</a>
    <li><a href="#calc">2.6 C-like expression evaluator</a>
    <li><a href="#config">2.7 Extremely customizable</a>
    <li><a href="#help">2.8 Online help</a>
<LI><A HREF="#chgfeatures">3. CHANGED FEATURES</A>
    <li><a href="#exsyn">3.1 Ex command syntax</a>
    <li><a href="#crash">3.2 Crash recovery</a>
    <li><a href="#options">3.3 Options</a>
    <li><a href="#fileinit">3.4 File initialization</a>
    <li><a href="#if">3.5 The :if command</a>
<LI><A HREF="#future">4. FUTURE PLANS</A>

<H1><A NAME="thisfile"></A>1. ABOUT THIS FILE</H1>

This file is written in the HTML markup language.
You can view it with any WWW viewer, such as Mosaic or Netscape.
You can also use elvis 2.0 to view it; this version of elvis
has the ability to view HTML documents, and print them.

<P>This file has many hypertext links.
Use them!
If you're using elvis 2.0 to browse this file, then hypertextual
references will appear as underlined text.
(Except on color PCs;
since color video cards don't support underlining,
hypertextual references will be colored -- white on red, by default.)
To follow the hypertext link, move the cursor onto the underlined
text and press (Enter).
To go back, press (Control-T).
The (Tab) key moves the cursor forward to the next hypertext reference.

<P>If elvis 2.0 doesn't automatically start up in HTML mode when you view this file,
then you'll need to force it into HTML mode by giving the command
"<tt>:display html</tt>".

<H1><A NAME="newfeatures"></A>2. NEW FEATURES (Relative to elvis 1.8pl4)</H1>

There are <em>a lot</em> of new features.
The major ones are:
<li><a href="#multibuf">2.1 Multiple edit buffers</a>
<li><a href="#multigui">2.2 Multiple user interfaces</a>
<li><a href="#multiwin">2.3 Multiple windows (if the user interface supports them)</a>
<li><a href="#display">2.4 A variety of display modes</a>
<li><a href="#lpr">2.5 Hardcopy from within elvis</a>
<li><a href="#calc">2.6 C-like expression evaluator</a>
<li><a href="#config">2.7 Extremely customizable</a>
<li><a href="#help">2.8 Online help</a>

<h2>2.1 Multiple edit buffers</h2><a name="multibuf"></a>
You can be editing many files concurrently.
Also, elvis uses some buffers internally, in addition to the buffers that
are created for holding your files.
The command "<tt>:bu</tt>" lists the buffers that hold your files, and
"<tt>:bu!</tt>" (with a !) lists <em>all</em> buffers.

<p>The command "<tt>:all </tt><var>command</var>" applies an ex command to all
user buffers, and "<tt>:all! </tt><var>command</var>" applies an ex command to
<em>all</em> buffers including internal ones.
An example of this would be "<tt>:all set filename? readonly?</tt>" which tells you
the status of each buffer's "readonly" option.

<p>Any ex command can be preceded by a buffer name in parentheses.
This indicates that the command should be applied to that buffer instead
of the default buffer.
For example, "<tt>:(foo)set noreadonly</tt>" turns off the readonly option for
the buffer "foo" even if we're editing some other buffer.

<p>To switch from one buffer to another, enter an ex command line which
contains <em>only</em> the name of the desired buffer in parentheses.
For example, the command "<tt>:(foo)</tt>" would cause elvis to switch to the
buffer "foo".
(This is intended to be analogous to giving just a line number when
you want to move the cursor to a given line, as in "<tt>:10</tt>" to move to line 10.)

<h2>2.2 Multiple user interfaces</h2><a name="multigui"></a>
A single elvis executable can contain several user interfaces.
Each time elvis starts up it will choose one and use that interface until
elvis exits.
The usage message lists the available user interfaces;
to see this message, give the shell command "elvis -?".

<p>Currently, the most important interfaces are named "x11" and "termcap".
By default, elvis will use the x11 interface under UNIX if the DISPLAY environment
variable is set, and the termcap interface otherwise.
Currently both of these are very basic, but I expect them to become more
elaborate over time.

<p>The "x11" interface allows you to use the mouse to move the cursor or
select text.
Dragging the mouse with the left button pressed selects characters;
the middle button selects a rectangular region of text; and the right
button selects whole lines.
Clicking the left button (without dragging) cancels any pending selection
and moves the cursor; the middle button simulates keystrokes like xterm;
the right button moves the cursor like the left button, except that the
right button doesn't cancel any pending selection.
Double-clicking the left button will simulate a <kbd>^]</kbd> command,
which performs tag lookup.
Double-clicking the right button will simulate a <kbd>^T</kbd> command,
which returns to the previous position via the tag stack.
When using the "x11" interface, elvis recognizes some additional command-line
flags, including
<strong>-fn</strong> <var>font</var> to set the normal font,
<strong>-fb</strong> <var>font</var> to set the bold font,
<strong>-fi</strong> <var>font</var> to set the italic font, and
<strong>-courier</strong> <var>pointsize</var> to set all three fonts to
appropriate Courier fonts.

<p>Code is also provided for a "curses" interface, but I don't recommend it.
I wrote this interface mostly to prove that it could be done.

<h2>2.3 Multiple windows (if the user interface supports them)</h2><a name="multiwin"></a>
Both the x11 and termcap interfaces support multiple windows.
(The x11 interface creates a new top-level application window for each
editing window, and the termcap interface subdivides the screen.)
Each window can show a different edit buffer, or different windows can
show the same buffer.
In the latter case, any changes made in one window are immediately
reflected in all windows that show that buffer.

<p>Elvis supports most of the same window commands as <em>nvi</em> and
This includes commands such as "<tt>:split</tt>" to create a new window, and
<kbd>^W ^W</kbd> to switch to a different window.

<h2>2.4 A variety of display modes</h2><a name="display"></a>
Display modes determine how a text is displayed.
Elvis supports display modes named "normal", "syntax", "hex", "html", and "man".

<p>Each window can be in a different display mode.
You set the display mode via the "<tt>:dis </tt><var>mode</var>" command.
The command "<tt>:dis</tt>" (with no <var>mode</var>) lists all available modes,
with an asterisk next to the one that this window is currently using.
There is also a "<tt>:no</tt>" command which is short for "<tt>:dis normal</tt>".

<p>Each buffer has a "bufdisplay" option.
Each time a window starts to display a buffer, the window's display mode
is set according to the buffer's bufdisplay option.
The default "elvis.arf" file automatically sets bufdisplay to a reasonable value.

<p>In visual command mode, <kbd>^W d</kbd> toggles between "normal" mode and the
buffer's bufdisplay mode.
If the buffer's bufdisplay option is also "normal", then <kbd>^W d</kbd>
toggles between "normal" and "hex" modes.

<h2>2.5 Hardcopy from within elvis</h2><a name="lpr"></a>
Elvis uses its display modes when sending text to the printer, just as it
does when updating the window.  Consequently elvis can be used to print 
hex dumps, pretty-printed C code, or formatted HTML documents or "man" pages.

<p>Throughout the life of elvis 1.x, I was always concerned about how to
distribute elvis' documentation.
Many users don't have access to troff; they prefer plain text documentation.
But people who do have troff would prefer to use it when printing the
documentation, because the resulting output is prettier than a plain-text
For elvis 2.0, this won't be an issue because I'll distribute the documentation
in the form of HTML documents, and people who have Netscape or another fancy
HTML reader can use it to print the documentation.
People who have no fancy HTML readers can still print the documentation
using elvis itself.

<p>The command for printing a buffer is "<tt>:lpr</tt>"
(which can be abbreviated to "<tt>:lp</tt>").
But before you do that, you'll need to set some options...
<pre graphic>
| OPTION    | MEANING                            |
| lpcolumns | Width of the printer, in columns   |
| lpconvert | Convert Latin-1 chars to PC-8?     |
| lpcrlf    | Convert newlines to CR-LF pairs?   |
| lpformfeed| Output a ^L after the last page?   |
| lplines   | Length of the page, in lines       |
| lpout     | Print spooler program, or filename |
| lppaper   | Paper size (for PostScript only)   |
| lptype    | Printer type (see below)           |
| lpwrap    | Wrap long lines? (else clip them)  |
The most important option is "lptype", since it controls what type of
escape codes (or whatever) elvis will use to perform font changes.
The compiled-in default value is "lptype=dumb" which is the most conservative
value -- it doesn't attempt to perform any font changes.
The complete list of acceptable values is:
<pre graphic>
| VALUE | PRINTER DESCRIPTION                          |
| ps    | PostScript, one logical page per sheet       |
| ps2   | PostScript, two logical pages per sheet      |
| epson | Most dot-matrix printers, no graphic chars   |
| pana  | Panasonic dot-matrix printers                |
| ibm   | Dot-matrix printers with IBM graphic chars   |
| hp    | HP printers, and most non-PostScript lasers  |
| cr    | Line printers, overtypes via carriage-return |
| bs    | Overtypes via backspace, like nroff          |
| dumb  | Plain ASCII, no font control                 |

<h2>2.6 C-like expression evaluator</h2><a name="calc"></a>
Elvis has a built-in calculator which uses a syntax resembling
C expressions.
The names of options can be used in place of variables, and you
can also use "$<var>NAME</var>" to access the value of an environment

<p>Strings are supported.
Any two strings (or expressions which evaulate to strings) placed side-by-side with no operator between them
will have their values concatenated.
You can truncate strings using "<var>string</var>&lt;&lt;<var>length</var>"
or "<var>string</var>&gt;&gt;<var>length</var>".

<p>There are several built-in functions.
When you call one of these functions, there must <strong>not</strong> be any
whitespace between the function name and the following parenthesis.
The built-in functions are:
<pre graphic>
| FUNCTION(ARG)    | RETURN VALUE                               |
| strlen(string)   | number of characters in the string         |
| toupper(string)  | uppercase version of string                |
| tolower(string)  | lowercase version of string                |
| isnumber(string) | "true" iff string is a decimal number      |
| hex(number)      | string of hex digits representing number   |
| octal(number)    | string of octal digits representing number |
| char(number)     | convert number to 1 ASCII char, as a string|
| exists(path)     | "true" iff file exists                     |
| dirperm(path)    | string indicating file attributes          |
| dirfile(path)    | filename.ext part of a path                |
| dirname(path)    | directory part of a pathname               |
| dirdir(path)     | directory, like dirname(file)              |
| dirext(path)     | extension (including the . )               |
| basename(path)   | filename without extension                 |
| elvispath(file)  | locate a file in elvis' configuration path |
| knownsyntax(path)| "true" iff file type is listed in elvis.syn|
| buffer(bufname)  | "true" iff buffer exist                    |
| current(name)    | value of an internal variable (limited)    |
| feature(name)    | "true" iff a given feature is supported    |
<p>Expressions are used by several commands, including the
"<tt>:if </tt><var>expression</var>" command.
The "<tt>:and</tt>" and "<tt>:or</tt>" commands of elvis 1.8 have been removed since "<tt>:if</tt>"
can easily achieve the same effect simply by using the &amp;&amp; or
|| operators.

<p>There is also a "<tt>:let </tt><var>option</var><tt>=</tt><var>expression</var>" command,
which evaluates the <var>expression</var> and sets the <var>option</var>
to the resulting value.
Note that unlike :set, :let can only assign a value to a single option at
a time.

<p>There is also a "</tt>:calc </tt><var>expression</var>" command which simply
displays the result of the <var>expression.</var>
Also, if you visibly select some characters (using the <kbd>v</kbd> command) and
then apply the <kbd>=</kbd> operator to those characters, elvis will evaluate the
selected text and replace it with the result.
When <kbd>=</kbd> is applied to lines, it still runs an external filter program
just as it did in version 1.8.

<p>A slightly different expression syntax is used by the "<tt>:eval </tt><var>expression</var>"
The <var>expression</var> is mostly left unchanged, except that text inside
parentheses is evaluated in the normal syntax.  Outside of parentheses the
only characters that have special meaning are \ and $<var>NAME</var>.
The :eval command is used to calculate commands and then execute them.
For example, during initialization elvis performs a "<tt>:eval $EXINIT</tt>" to
execute the value of the EXINIT environment variable.

<h2>2.7 Extremely customizable</h2><a name="config"></a>
NOTE: In the following paragraphs, when I say elvis "looks for" a file,
I mean that it searches through any directories named in the value of the
"elvispath" option.

<p>When elvis starts up, it looks for a file named "elvis.ini".
If this file is found, its contents are executed as a series of ex commands.
The default "elvis.ini" file performs the traditional vi initialization
such as "<tt>:source $HOME/.exrc</tt>".
By changing this file, you can completely change the way elvis initializes
As a mild example, you could make it read <em>.elvisrc</em> instead of <em>.exrc.</em>

<p>After interpretting "elvis.ini", elvis looks for a few more files
right away.
If it finds them, it loads them into internal edit buffers right away but
doesn't interpret them yet.
The most interesting ones are "elvis.arf" and "elvis.bwf".

<p>The "elvis.brf" file is interpretted <b>B</b>efore <b>R</b>eading a
<b>F</b>ile into an edit buffer.
Typically, this will set the buffer's "binary" option, depending on its
file name extension.

<p>The "elvis.arf" file is interpretted <b>A</b>fter <b>R</b>eading a
<b>F</b>ile into an edit buffer.
Typically, this will set the buffer's "bufdisplay" option, depending on its
file name extension.

<p>The "elvis.bwf" files is interpretted <b>B</b>efore <b>W</b>riting the
<b>F</b>ile back out again.
It will typically be used to copy the original file to "filename.bak" or
something like that.

<p>Elvis also supports an "elvis.awf" files, but I haven't
found much use for it yet.
Perhaps it could tie-in to a revision control system?

<p>You can use an "elvis.msg" file to translate the normal terse messages
into verbose messages.
This is meant to allow elvis to issue messages in a local language.
Each time elvis issues a message, it attempts to look for a line that
looks like "<var>terse message</var>: <var>verbose message</var>" and
if found it will substitute the verbose message for the terse one.
Messages are then subjected to the same sort of evaluation as for the
"<tt>:eval </tt><var>expression</var>" command,
with $1 through $9 used to represent any arguments of the message.

<h2>2.8 Online help</h2><a name="help"></a>
The command "<tt>:help</tt>" reads the file <em>elvis.html</em>
(which is an HTML document) and displays it in a separate window.
When "<tt>:help</tt>" is run with no arguments, it lists the Table of Contents
which has hypertext links to all the rest of the documentation.
You can also supply the name of an ex command, option, or vi command
as an argument to jump directly to the relevent part of the documentation.
For example, I suggest you try "<tt>:help :help</tt>" to get a description
of the help command itself.

<H1><a name="chgfeatures"></a>3. CHANGED FEATURES</H1>
A few features of elvis 1.8 have changed significantly in 2.0.
They are:
<li><a href="#exsyn">3.1 Ex command syntax</a>
<li><a href="#crash">3.2 Crash recovery</a>
<li><a href="#options">3.3 Options</a>
<li><a href="#fileinit">3.4 File initialization</a>
<li><a href="#if">3.5 The :if command</a>

<h2><a name="exsyn"></a>3.1 Ex command syntax</h2>

The ex command interpretter in elvis 2.0 is intended to meet POSIX
specifications, with extensions to support multiple buffers.

<p>POSIX requires most commands to support print flags.
This is a 'p', 'l', or '#' appended to the end of the command line,
which causes the current line to be printed when the command is complete.
For example, ":dp" deletes the current line and then prints the line that
the cursor is left on.

<p>POSIX also indicates that certain commands can take a "count" argument
to indicate how many lines are affected.
For example, ":10d5" is equivelent to ":10,14d".

<p>To support multiple buffers, elvis allows you to precede a line address
with the name of an edit buffer, in parentheses.
The line address will then be interpretted as referring to lines in that
buffer, rather than the window's current buffer.
For example, "(foo)%t(bar)$" copies all lines of the "foo" buffer onto the
end of the "bar" buffer.
This notation is used during crash recovery, so you had better know it!

<h2><a name="crash"></a>3.2 Crash recovery</h2>
In elvis 1.8, if a crash occured while you were editing text, your changes
could be preserved (moved to the /usr/preserve directory) by a program named
<tt>elvprsv</tt>, and then recovered (moved from /usr/preserve to your working
directory) by another program named <tt>elvrec</tt>.

<p>elvis 2.0 uses a different method.
The change was made mostly with the idea of having elvis eventualy support
COSE desktop standards on X-windows systems, which call for all applications
to be restartable.
To do this, elvis stores all aspects of the edit session in a single file,
and a later elvis process can be told to reload the same session file.
(Note: elvis doesn't meet COSE specs yet, but this is a big step in that

<p>The session file also offers a simple way to recover after a crash:
simply start a new elvis process on the old session file, write your text
using a ":w" command, and then exit elvis and delete the old session file.
A more detailed description follows.

<p>Begin by invoking "<tt>elvis -r</tt>".
The "<tt>-r</tt>" tells elvis to look for an old session file,
to disregard the "in use" flag,
and to perform extra integrity checks when reloading that session file.
If you aren't using the default session file, you'll probably need to add a
"<tt>-f sessionfile</tt>" argument to the command line, so elvis knows which
session you wish to recover.
<em>Don't</em> give the name of your text file on the command line!

<p>When elvis starts up, you will see an empty buffer.
<strong>DON'T PANIC!</strong>
Remember, elvis supports multiple edit buffers.
It simply created a new, empty edit buffer and is showing that;
your old edit buffer is still in there somewhere.
You can use the command "<tt>:buf</tt>" to list the buffers.

<p>Write your old buffer out to a new file.
The command for writing the buffer is "<tt>:(buffer)w file</tt>", where
<var>buffer</var> is the name of the buffer (usually the same as the
name of the original file) and <var>file</var> is the name of a new file.
(For safety's sake, you shouldn't overwrite your old text file yet.)
Note the parentheses around the buffer name!  They're important!

<p>You should then exit elvis.
Although I've tried to make elvis ensure that the recovered session file is
intact, there will always be some doubt.
This makes it dangerous to perform any actual editing using that session file.

<p>Inspect the new file and if it looks okay, replace the old file with it.
If it <em>doesn't</em> look okay, then there's still hope.
Restart elvis on that session file again, and try to find an "undo" version
of that buffer, by giving the command ":(buffer)u" where <var>buffer</var>
is the buffer name, and then write it out to a new file via the
"<tt>:(buffer)w file</tt>" command again.
Hopefully the "undo" version will be in better shape.

<p>After recovering the text files from the session file, you should delete
the session file.
The simplest way to find the name of the session file is to invoke elvis
as "<tt>elvis -r -Gquit</tt>".
Normally elvis deletes session files automatically when it exits,
when in recovery mode it becomes more conservative.

<p>(See?  Isn't that simpler?)

<h2><a name="options"></a>3.2 Options</h2>

The syntax of the ":set" command has changed;
I suggest you look it up in the online manual by starting elvis and giving
the command ":help :set".
In short, the changes are intended to make elvis more compatible with the
real vi, and to handle the huge number of options that elvis 2.0 supports.

<p>Not all options are global.
Some are associated with buffers, and different buffers may have different
When you switch buffers, the value of the option will appear to change.
Simiarly, some are associated with windows and will vary when you switch
from one window to another.
Some options are associated with a particular display mode or or user
interface, and will not exist if you switch to a different display mode or
user interface.

<p>The "flipcase" option has gone away.
Elvis 2.0 determines which non-ascii characters are uppercase or lowercase
letters by examining the digraph table.

<p>The "charattr" and "hideformat" options have gone away.
Elvis 2.0 has a "man" display mode which does a much nicer job
of previewing man pages.

<p>The "inputmode" option has been replaced by the new "initialstate" option,
which is more versatile.

<h2><a name="fileinit"></a>3.3 File initialization</h2>

The ~/.exfilerc file is no longer executed after loading a file.
Instead, the lib/elvis.arf file is executed.
For a description of this, see section 10 (Initialization and sessions)
of the online manual.
A shorted description of this appears in the
"<a href="#config">Extremely customizable</a>" subtopic earlier in this file.

<h2><a name="if"></a>3.4 The :if command</h2>

The syntax of the "<tt>:if</tt>" command has changed.
It now uses a <a href="#calc">C-like expression syntax</a>.

<p>The "<tt>:and</tt>" and "<tt>:or</tt>" commands have gone away.
They are no longer needed, because the "<tt>:if</tt>" command can easily
achieve the same effect using the && and || operators.

<H1><a name="future"></a>3. FUTURE</H1>

I haven't added any major new features for the last several months, because
that would have interfered with the beta-testing of 2.0.
Now that 2.0 has been released, I'm able to add features again.

<p>The first feature to be added will be a graphical Win32 interface, for
Windows95 and WindowsNT.
Serge Pirotte has been working on this for months, and it is nearly ready
for testing.
There has been a lot of interest in this, so I want to make it available
as soon as possible.
I expect to have an alpha-test version of it available around
the end of October.

<p>Lee Johnson is working on a graphical port to OS/2, but it will probably
take longer.
I can't make any estimates on when it will be available.

<p>To date, nobody has volunteered to port elvis to the Mac.
(Nudge nudge wink wink)

<p>The first thing I plan to do myself is add some extra smarts to the tags,
so they can handle overloaded names better.
I intend to make elvis use some heuristics to rank all matching tags according
to the likelyhood that they're the tag you're trying to load.
The most likely one will then be loaded.
If you immediately look up the exact same tag name again, then it'll move to the second
match, and so on.

<p>I also intend to rewrite the ctags program so that it will be able to parse
C++ code, and (optionally) place extra hints in the tags file so that elvis'
heuristics can do a better job.
I'm also toying with the idea of a statistical tags generator, but that's
still pretty nebulous at this point.

<p>I intend to add a true extension language to elvis someday, but I'm not
sure it'll be in 2.1.
Currently I'm leaning towards using Perl as the extension language.

<H1><a name="links"></a>4. LINKS TO RELATED FILES</H1>

Most of the following are binary files, not text or HTML files,
so you can't view then with your Web browser.
But you can use your browser to download the files.


<dt><a href="ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/untar.c">untar.c</a>
<dd>This is the complete source code for "untar",
a little program which extracts files from a gzipped tar archive.
Comments near the top of "untar.c" describe how to compile and use it.
If you already have the gzip and tar utilities, then you don't need this.

<dt><a href="ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/untardos.exe">untardos.exe</a>
<dd>This is an MS-DOS executable, produced from the above "untar.c" file.
It can also be run under Windows 3.1, in a Dos-prompt window.
For brief instructions on how to use <tt>untardos,</tt>
run it with no arguments.

<dt><A href="ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/untarw32.exe">untarw32.exe</a>
<dd>This is a Win32 executable, produced from the above "untar.c" file.
It runs under WindowsNT, and (I believe) Windows95.
It runs somewhat faster than the MS-DOS version.
It also supports long file names, but that doesn't matter for the files in the
following archives because all of the files in those archives have short names.
For brief instructions on how to use <tt>untarw32,</tt>
run it with no arguments.

<dt><a href="ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/elvis-2.0.tgz">elvis-2.0.tgz</a>
<dd>This is a gzipped tar archive of the source code and documentation for
Elvis and its related programs.

<dt><a href="ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/msdosexe.tgz">msdosexe.tgz</a>
<dd>This archive contains the documentation and MS-DOS executables
for Elvis 2.0.

<dt><a href="ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/win32exe.tgz">win32exe.tgz</a>
<dd>This archive contains the documentation and Win32 executables for Elvis 2.0.
These were compiled and tested under WindowsNT, but should work under
Windows95 as well.



These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.