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    Prototype:  String Sprintf(String format, ..., Integer n);
     Sprintf formats a string from 'n' objects according to 'format'.  
     Unlike its C counterpart, Sprintf requires the number of items to
     format.  For example.
          Sprintf("%f is greater than %f but %s is better than %s\n",
                   PI, E, "Cake" "Pie", 4);
     The final argument to Sprintf is the number of items to format; in
     this case, there are 4 items.
     May be used in error blocks to clear the error that triggered the
     error block.  Execution resumes following the statement
     triggering the block. 
     returns number of items on stack 
     Syntax: i j ... k  ARRAY aget
     returns ARRAY[i][j]...[k] 
     Syntax: x i j ... k  ARRAY put
     sets ARRAY[i][j]...[k] = x 
     Requires an array on the stack as well as a function name to call 
    for the comparison.  The array to be placed on the stack is the
    array to be sorted.  The routine returns an integer index array which 
    indicates the result of the sort.  The first array is unchanged. 
    Prototype: Void autoload(String fun, String file);
    This function simply declares function 'fun' to the interpreter.  When
    'fun' is actually called, its actual function definition will be loaded
    from 'file'.
    Example:  autoload ("bessel_j0", "/usr/lib/slang/bessel.sl");
    See Also: evalfile 
    Prototype Void byte_compile_file (String file, Integer method);
    byte compiles 'file' producing a new file with the same name except 
    a 'c' is added to the output file name.  For example, 
    produces a new file named 'site.slc'.  If 'method' is non-zero, the 
    file is preprocessed only.  Note that the resulting bytecompiled file
    must only be used by the executable that produced it.  Set 'method' to 
    a non-zero value to use the byte compiled file with more than one 
    Prototype: Integer case(a, b);
    This function is designed to make the switch statement look more like
    the C one.  Basically, it does a generic compare operation.  
    Both parameters 'a' and 'b' must be of the same type.  It returns zero
    if their types differ or have different values.
    In a switch statment, it may be used as:
      switch (token)
      { case "return": return_function ();}
      { case "break": break_function ();}
    Unlike the C version, it one cannot have:
      switch (i)
      {case 10: case 20: do_ten_or_twenty (i);}
    One must do:
      switch (i)
      {case 10 or case (i, 20) : do_ten_or_twenty (i);}
     Prototype: String char (Integer c);
    This function takes and integer and returns a string of length 1 whose 
    first character has ascii value 'c'.
    Prototype Integer chmod(String file, Integer mode);
    'chmod' changes the permissions of 'file' to those specified by 'mode'.
    It returns 0 upon success, -1 if the process lacks sufficient privilege
    for the operation, or -2 if the file does not exist.
    See also: chown, stat_file
    Prototype Integer chown(String file, Integer uid, Integer gid);
    Change ownership of 'file' to that of user id 'uid' and group id 'gid'.
    This function returns 0 upon success and a negative number up failure.
    It returns -1 if the process does not have sufficent privileges and -2
    if the file does not exist. 
    See also: chmod, stat_file 
    Prototype: Void copy_array(Array b, Array a);
    Copies the contents of array 'a' to array 'b'.  Both arrays must be of
    the same type and dimension.
     Prototype: create_array (Integer type, Integer i_1, i_2 ... i_dim, dim);
    Creates an array of type 'type' with dimension 'dim'.
    i_n is an integer which specifies the maximum size of array in 
    direction n.   'type' is a control integer which specifies the type 
    of the array.
     Types are:  's' : array of strings
                 'f' : array of floats
                 'i' : array of integers
                 'c' : array of characters
    At this point, dim cannot be larger than 3.
    Also note that space is dynamically allocated for the array and that
    copies of the array are NEVER put on the stack.  Rather, references to
    the array are put on the stack.  When the array is no longer needed, it
    must be freed with 'free_array'
       variable a = create_array ('f', 10, 1);
    This creates a 1 dimensional array of 10 floats and assigns it to 'a'
    See also: free_array
     Two parameters are integers in the range 0 to 255.  The first
     integer is the ascii value of the upprcase character and the 2nd
     integer is the value of its lowercase counterpart.  For example, to
     define X as the uppercase of Y, do:
       X Y define_case 
     duplicate top object on the stack. 
     evaluate STRING as an S-Lang expression. 
     Prototype: Integer evalfile (String file);
    Load 'file' as S-Lang code.  If loading is successful, a non-zero result 
    will be returned.  If the file is not found, zero will be returned.
    See also: eval, autoload 
     Prototype: String extract_element (String list, Integer nth, Integer delim);
    Returns 'nth' element in 'list' where 'delim' separates elements of the 
    list. 'delim' is an Ascii value.  Elements are numbered from 0.
    For example:
      extract_element ("element 0, element 1, element 2", 1, ',');
    returns the string " element 1", whereas 
      extract_element ("element 0, element 1, element 2", 2, ' ');
    returns "0,".
    See also: is_list_element.
     Convert from integer or string representation to floating point.  
     For example, "12.34" float returns 12.34 to stack.
     as another example, consider:
     1 2 /   ==>  0  since 1 and 2 are integers
     1 2 float / ==> 0.5 since float converts 2 to 2.0 and floating point 
     division is used.
     Prototype: Void free_array (Array a);
    Frees up the space which array occupies.  All reference to this space
    will now be meaningless and will generate an error.
     Prototype: String getenv(String var);
    Returns value of an environment variable 'var' as a string.  The empty
    "" is returned if the 'var' is not defined. 
    See also: putenv 
    Prototype: Void init_char_array(Array_Type a, String s);
    a is an array of type 'c' (character array) and s is a string.
     returns ascii value of the first character of a string. 
     Convert from a string representation to integer.  For example,
     "1234" integer returns 1234 to stack. 
     Prototype: Integer is_defined (String obj);
    This function is used to determine whether or not 'obj' has been defined.
    If 'obj' is not defined, it returns 0.  Otherwise, it returns a non-zero
    value that defpends on the type of object 'obj' represents.  Specifically:
             +1 if arg is an intrinsic function 
             +2 if user defined function
             -1 if intrinsic variable
             -2 if user defined variable 
     Prototype: Integer is_list_element (String list, String elem, Integer delim);
    If 'elem' is an element of 'list' where 'list' is a 'delim' seperated 
    list of strings, this function returns 1 plus the matching element 
    number.  If 'elem' is not a member of the list, zero is returned.
      is_list_element ("element 0, element 1, element 2", "0,", ' ');
    returns 2 since "0," is element number one of the list (numbered from
    See also: extract_element.
     Syntax: "a" "b" is_substr
     returns the position of "b" in "a".  If "b" does not occur in "a"
     it returns 0--- the first position is 1 
     returns TRUE if CHAR (string of length 1) is a digit. 
    Prototype: Integer lstat_file(String file);
    This function is like 'stat_file' but it returns information about 
    the link itself. See 'stat_file' for usage.
    See also: stat_file 
    Prototype: String make_printable_string(String str);
    Takes input string 'str' and creates a new string that may be used by the
    interpreter as an argument to the 'eval' function.  The resulting string is
    identical to 'str' except that it is enclosed in double quotes and the
    backslash, newline, and double quote characters are expanded. 
    See also: eval
      a b .. c n x polynom  =y
     This computes:
      ax^n + bx^(n - 1) + ... c = y  
     Prototype: Void pop ();
    'pop' is used to remove the top object from the S-Lang stack.  It is 
    typically used to ignore values from function that return a value. 
     dumps tha S-Lang stack 
    Prototype: Void putenv(String s);
    This functions adds string 's' to the environment.  Typically, 's' should
    be a String of the form "name=value".  It signals an error upon failure.
    Prototype: Void set_float_format (String fmt);
    This function is used to set the floating point format to be used
    when floating point numbers are printed.  The routines that use this
    are the traceback routines and the 'string' function. The default
    value is "%f".
     only argument is a string that specifies a function name that is 
     to be traced. See also the variable _slangtrace. 
    Prototype: Integer stat_file(String file);
    This function returns information about 'file' through the use of the 
    system 'stat' call.  If the stat call fails, the function returns a 
    negative integer.  If it is successful, it returns zero.  Upon failure it 
    returns a negative number.
    To retrieve information obtained by this call, use the 'stat_struct'
    See also: lstat_file, stat_struct 
    Prototype Integer stat_struct(String field);
    This functions returns information previously obtained by a call to the
    'stat_file' or 'lstat_file' functions.  The 'field' argument specifies
    what piece of information to return.   Valid values for 'field' are:
    See the man page for 'stat' for a discussion of these fields.
    The following example returns the size of the file "jed.rc":
       variable size;
       if (stat_file("jed.rc") < 0) error ("Unable to stat file!");
       size = stat_struct("size");
    Prototype: String str_quote_string(String str, String qlis, Integer quote);
    Return a string identical to 'str' except that all characters in the 
    string 'qlis' are escaped with the 'quote' character including the quote
    character itself.
    Prototype: String str_uncomment_string(String s, String beg, String end);
    'beg' and 'end' are strings whose characters define a set of comment 
    delimeters.  This function removes comments defined by the delimeter set
    from the input string 's' and returns it.  For example,
       str_uncommen_string ("Hello (testing) 'example' World", "'(", "')");
    returns the string: "Hello  World"; 
    This routine does not handle multicharacter comment delimeters and it
    assumes that comments are not nested.
     Prototype: String strcat(String a, String b);
    Conconcatenates 'a' and 'b' and returns the result.
    See also: Sprintf 
     Prototype: Integer strcmp (String a, String b);
    'strcmp' performs a case sensitive comparison between two strings.  It
    returns 0 if the strings are identical, a negative number if 'a' is less 
    than 'b' and a positive result if 'a' is greater than 'b' (in a
    lexicographic sense).
    See also: strup, strlow 
     Prototype: String string (obj);
    Here 'obj' can be of any type.  The function 'string' will return a string
    representation of 'obj'.
    Example: string (12.34) returns "12.34"
    See also: Sprintf
    Prototype: Integer Integer string_match_nth(Integer nth);
    This function returns 2 integers describing the result of the last
    call to 'string_match'.  It returns both the offset into the string 
    and the length of characters matches by the 'nth' submatch.  
    By convention, 'nth' equal to zero means the entire match.  Otherwise,
    'nth' must be an integer, 1 to 9, and refers to the set of characters
    matched by the 'nth' regular expression given by \(...\).
    For example, consider:
       variable matched, pos, len;
       matched = string_match("hello world", "\\([a-z]+\\) \\([a-z]+\\)", 1);
       if (matched) {
           (pos, len) = string_match_nth(2);
    This will set 'matched' to 1 since a match will be found at the first
    position, 'pos' to 7 since 'w' is the 7th character of the string, and
    len to 5 since "world" is 5 characters long. 
    Prototype Integer string_match(String str, String pat, Integer pos);
    Returns 0 if 'str' does not match regular expression specified by
    'pat'. This function performs the match starting at position 'pos' in
    'str'.  The first character of 'str' corresponds to 'pos' equal to one.
    This function returns the position of the start of the match.  To find
    the exact substring actually matched, use 'string_match_nth'. 
    See also: string_match_nth, strcmp, strncmp
     Prototype: Integer strlen (String a);
    Returns the length of 'a'.
     Takes a string off the stack a replaces it with all characters
     in lowercase. 
     like strcmp but takes an extra argument--- number of characters to
    compare.  Example, "apple"  "appliance"  3 strcmp --> 0 
     Syntax:  "string"  n ascii_value strsub
    This forces string to have a char who asciii value is ascii_val at
    the nth position.  The first character in the string is at position
     Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string.  WHitespace
     is defined to be spaces, tabs, and newline chars. 
     Takes a string off the stack a replaces it with all characters
     in uppercase. 
     Syntax: "string" n len substr
      returns a substring with length len of string beginning at position n.
    Prototype: String unix_ctime(Integer secs);
    Returns a string representation of the time as given by 'secs' seconds
    since 1970. 
    Prototype: Integer unix_kill(Integer pid, Integer sig);
    Prototype: Integer _slangtrace;
    If non-zero, begin tracing when function declared by 
    lang_trace_function is entered.  This does not trace intrinsic functions.
     If non-zero, dump S-Lang tracback on error. 

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