
This is plw3d.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Set up a window for three-dimensional plotting. The data are mapped */
/* into a box with world coordinate size "basex" by "basey" by "height", */
/* with the base being symmetrically positioned about zero. Thus */
/* the mapping between data 3-d and world 3-d coordinates is given by: */

/*   x = xmin   =>   wx = -0.5*basex */
/*   x = xmax   =>   wx =  0.5*basex */
/*   y = ymin   =>   wy = -0.5*basey */
/*   y = ymax   =>   wy =  0.5*basey */
/*   z = zmin   =>   wz =  0.0 */
/*   z = zmax   =>   wz =  height */

/* The world coordinate box is then viewed from position "alt"-"az", */
/* measured in degrees. For proper operation, 0 <= alt <= 90 degrees, */
/* but az can be any value. */

#include "plplot.h"
#include <math.h>

#define  dtr   0.01745329252

void plw3d(basex,basey,height,xmin0,xmax0,ymin0,ymax0,zmin0,zmax0,alt,az)
double basex, basey, height, xmin0, xmax0, ymin0, ymax0, zmin0, zmax0;
double alt, az;
  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, d;
  double cx, cy, saz, caz, salt, calt, zscale;
  int level;

  if (level < 3) plexit("Please set up 2-d window before calling plw3d.");
  if (basex <= 0.0 || basey <= 0.0 || height <= 0.0)
          plexit("Invalid world coordinate boxsize in plw3d.");
  if (xmin0 == xmax0 || ymin0 == ymax0 || zmin0 == zmax0)
          plexit("Invalid axis range in plw3d.");
  if (alt<0.0 || alt>90.0)
          plexit("Altitude must be between 0 and 90 degrees in plw3d.");

  d = 1.0e-5*(xmax0-xmin0);
  xmax = xmax0 + d;
  xmin = xmin0 - d;
  d = 1.0e-5*(ymax0-ymin0);
  ymax = ymax0 + d;
  ymin = ymin0 - d;
  d = 1.0e-5*(zmax0-zmin0);
  zmax = zmax0 + d;
  zmin = zmin0 - d;
  cx = basex/(xmax-xmin);
  cy = basey/(ymax-ymin);
  zscale = height/(zmax-zmin);
  saz = sin(dtr*az);
  caz = cos(dtr*az);
  salt = sin(dtr*alt);
  calt = cos(dtr*alt);



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