
This is plvasp.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Sets the edges of the viewport to the specified normalized subpage */
/* coordinates */

#include "plplot.h"

void plvasp(aspratio)
double aspratio;
    int level;
    double chrdef, chrht, spxmin, spxmax, spymin, spymax;
    double vpxmin, vpxmax, vpymin, vpymax;
    double xsize, ysize, nxsize, nysize;
    double lb, rb, tb, bb;

    if (level < 1) plexit("Please call plstar before calling plvasp.");

    lb = 8.0 * chrht;
    rb = 5.0 * chrht;
    tb = 5.0 * chrht;
    bb = 5.0 * chrht;
    xsize = spxmax - spxmin;
    ysize = spymax - spymin;
    xsize -= lb+rb;     /* adjust for labels */
    ysize -= bb+tb;
    if(aspratio*xsize > ysize) {
      nxsize = ysize/aspratio;
      nysize = ysize;
    else {
      nxsize = xsize;
      nysize = xsize*aspratio;
    /* center plot within page */
    vpxmin = .5*(xsize-nxsize)+lb;
    vpxmax = vpxmin + nxsize;
    vpymin = .5*(ysize-nysize)+bb;
    vpymax = vpymin + nysize;

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