
This is plmtex.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Prints out "text" at specified position relative to viewport       */
/* (may be inside or outside)                                         */

/* side   String which is one of the following:                       */
/*        B or b  :  Bottom of viewport                               */
/*        T or t  :  Top of viewport                                  */
/*        L or l  :  Left of viewport                                 */
/*        R or r  :  Right of viewport                                */
/*        LV or lv : Left of viewport, vertical text                  */
/*        RV or rv : Right of viewport, vertical text                 */
/* disp   Displacement from specified edge of viewport, measured      */
/*         outwards from the viewport in units of the current         */
/*         character height. The CENTRELINES of the characters are    */
/*         aligned with the specified position.                       */
/* pos    Position of the reference point of the string relative      */
/*         to the viewport edge, ranging from 0.0 (left-hand edge)    */
/*         to 1.0 (right-hand edge)                                   */
/* just   Justification of string relative to reference point         */
/*         just = 0.0 => left hand edge of string is at reference     */
/*         just = 1.0 => right hand edge of string is at reference    */
/*         just = 0.5 => centre of string is at reference             */

#include "plplot.h"

void plmtex(side,disp,pos,just,text)
char *side, *text;
double disp, pos, just;
      int clpxmi, clpxma, clpymi, clpyma;
      int sppxmi, sppxma, sppymi, sppyma;
      int vert, refx, refy;
      double shift, xform[4];
      double vpdxmi, vpdxma, vpdymi, vpdyma;
      double chrdef, chrht;
      double mpxscl, mpxoff, mpyscl, mpyoff;
      int level;

      if (level < 2) plexit("Please set up viewport before calling plmtex.");

      /* Open clip limits to subpage limits */



      shift = 0.0;
      if (just!=0.0) shift = just * plstrl(text);

      if (stsearch(side,'b')) {
        vert = 0;
        refx = dcpcx((vpdxmi + (vpdxma-vpdxmi) * pos)) - shift*mpxscl;
        refy = mmpcy((dcmmy(vpdymi) - disp * chrht));
      else if (stsearch(side,'t')) {
        vert = 0;
        refx = dcpcx((vpdxmi + (vpdxma-vpdxmi) * pos)) - shift*mpxscl;
        refy = mmpcy((dcmmy(vpdyma) + disp * chrht));
      else if (stindex(side,"LV")!=-1 || stindex(side,"lv")!=-1) {
        vert = 0;
        refy = dcpcy((vpdymi + (vpdyma-vpdymi) * pos));
        refx = mmpcx((dcmmx(vpdxmi) - disp * chrht - shift));
      else if (stindex(side,"RV")!=-1 || stindex(side,"rv")!=-1) {
        vert = 0;
        refy = dcpcy((vpdymi + (vpdyma-vpdymi) * pos));
        refx = mmpcx((dcmmx(vpdxma) + disp * chrht - shift));
      else if (stsearch(side,'l')) {
        vert = 1;
        refy = dcpcy((vpdymi + (vpdyma-vpdymi) * pos)) - shift*mpyscl;
        refx = mmpcx((dcmmx(vpdxmi) - disp * chrht));
      else if (stsearch(side,'r')) {
        vert = 1;
        refy = dcpcy((vpdymi + (vpdyma-vpdymi) * pos)) - shift*mpyscl;
        refx = mmpcx((dcmmx(vpdxma) + disp * chrht));
      else {

      if (vert != 0) {
        xform[0] = 0.0;
        xform[1] = -1.0;
        xform[2] = 1.0;
        xform[3] = 0.0;
      else {
        xform[0] = 1.0;
        xform[1] = 0.0;
        xform[2] = 0.0;
        xform[3] = 1.0;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.