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/* * All the variables for PLPLOT, several routines * to safely read and write these variables, several coordinate * transformation routines which make extensive use of these variables, * and all the device independent stub routines. * * device : Graphics device number * termin : Zero for noninteractive device, non-zero for terminal * graphx : Zero if currently in text mode, non-zero for graphics mode * currx : Physical x-coordinate of current point * curry : Physical y-coordinate of current point * vpp... : Viewport boundaries in physical coordinates * spp... : Subpage boundaries in physical coordinates * clp... : Clip boundaries in physical coordinates * phy... : Physical device limits in physical coordinates * nsub. : Number of subpages on physical device * cursub : Current subpage * um. : Number of micrometres in a pixel * font : Current default font * colour : Current default colour * width : Current pen width * mark : Array of mark lengths in micrometres for broken lines * space : Array of space lengths in micrometres for broken lines * nms : Number of elements for current broken line style * timecnt : Timer for broken lines * alarm : Alarm indicating change of broken line status * pendn : Flag indicating if pen is up or down * curel : Current element within broken line * inclin : Array of inclinations in tenths of degree for fill lines * delta : Array of spacings in micrometers between fill lines * nps : Number of distinct line styles for fills * level : Initialization level * * spd... : Subpage boundaries in normalized device coordinates * vpd... : Viewport boundaries in normalized device coordinates * vpw... : Viewport boundaries in world coordinates * .pmm : Number of pixels to a millimetre * wp.... : Transformation variables for world to physical conversion * dp.... : Transformation variables for device to physical conversion * mp.... : Transformation variables for millimetres from bottom left * hand corner to physical coordinates * wm.... : Transformation variables for world coordinates to mm * chr... : Character default height and current (scaled) height * sym... : Symbol default height and current (scaled) height * maj... : Major tick default height and current (scaled) height * min... : Minor tick default height and current (scaled) height * base3. : World coordinate size of base for 3-d plot * basec. : Position of centre of base for 3-d plot * dom... : Minimum and maximum values for domain * zzscl : Vertical (z) scale for 3-d plot * ran.. : Minimum and maximum z values for 3-d plot * c.. : Coordinate transformation from 3-d to 2-d */ #include "plplot.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> /* device is the only global variable. It is globally visible for speed */ static int device, termin, graphx; static int currx, curry; static int vppxmi, vppxma, vppymi, vppyma; static int sppxmi, sppxma, sppymi, sppyma; static int clpxmi, clpxma, clpymi, clpyma; static int phyxmi, phyxma, phyymi, phyyma; static int nsubx, nsuby, cursub; static int umx, umy; static int font, colour, width, style; static int mark[10], space[10], nms, timecnt; static int alarm, pendn, curel; static int inclin[2], delta[2], nps; static int level=0; static double spdxmi, spdxma, spdymi, spdyma; static double vpdxmi, vpdxma, vpdymi, vpdyma; static double vpwxmi, vpwxma, vpwymi, vpwyma; static double xpmm, ypmm; static double wpxscl, wpxoff, wpyscl, wpyoff; static double dpxscl, dpxoff, dpyscl, dpyoff; static double mpxscl, mpxoff, mpyscl, mpyoff; static double wmxscl, wmxoff, wmyscl, wmyoff; static double chrdef, chrht; static double symdef, symht; static double majdef, majht; static double mindef, minht; static double base3x, base3y, basecx, basecy; static double domxmi, domxma, domymi, domyma; static double zzscl, ranmi, ranma; static double cxx, cxy, cyx, cyy, cyz; static int orient; static double xdpi, ydpi; static int xwidth, ywidth; static FILE *outfile; static int initfont; static int orientset=0, fileset=0, pageset=0, fontset=0; /* Initializes the graphics device "dev" */ void grbeg(dev) int dev; { int mk=0, sp=0; int inc=0, del=2000; /* Set device number, graphics mode and font */ device = dev; graphx = 0; font = 1; colour = 1; style = 0; /* Start by initializing device */ if(orientset) { grorient(); orientset = 0; } if(fileset) { grselect(); fileset = 0; } if(pageset) { grsetup(); pageset = 0; } if(fontset) { plfntld(initfont); fontset = 0; } else plfntld(0); grinit(); grpage(); /* Set default sizes */ plschr(4.0,1.0); plssym(4.0,1.0); plsmaj(3.0,1.0); plsmin(1.5,1.0); /* Switch to graphics mode and set color */ grgra(); grcol(); grwid(); plprec(0,0); plstyl(0,&mk,&sp); plpat(1,&inc,&del); /* Set clip limits. */ clpxmi = phyxmi; clpxma = phyxma; clpymi = phyymi; clpyma = phyyma; } void plsetup(xp,yp,xwid,ywid) double xp, yp; int xwid, ywid; { xdpi = xp; ydpi = yp; xwidth = xwid; ywidth = ywid; pageset = 1; } void plorient(ori) int ori; { orient = ori; orientset = 1; } void plselect(file) FILE *file; { outfile = file; fileset = 1; } void plfontld(fnt) int fnt; { if(fnt != 0) fnt = 1; if(level>0) plfntld(fnt); else { initfont = fnt; fontset = 1; } } extern DISPATCH_TABLE plDispatchTable[]; void grsetup() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_setup)(xdpi,ydpi,xwidth,ywidth); } void grorient() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_orient)(orient); } void grselect() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_select)(outfile); } /* Initializes the graphics device */ void grinit() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_init)(); } /* Clears the graphics screen */ void grclr() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_clear)(); } void grpage() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_page)(); } void greop() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_eop)(); } /* Sets up the line colour to value in global variable "colour" */ void grcol() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_color)(colour); } void grwid() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_width)(width); } void grcwin() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_cwin)(); } void grgwin() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_gwin)(); } /* Switches to graphics mode */ void grgra() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_graph)(); graphx = 1; } /* Draws a line from (x1,x2) to (x2,y2), used by genlin() */ void grline(x1,y1,x2,y2) int x1,y1,x2,y2; { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_line)( x1,y1, x2,y2); } /* Switches to text mode */ void grtext() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_text)(); graphx = 0; } /* Called by plend to tidy up graphics device */ void grtidy() { (*plDispatchTable[device-1].pl_tidy)(); } /* Sets and gets global variables */ void glev(n) int *n; { *n = level; } void slev(n) int n; { level = n; } void gbase(x,y,xc,yc) double *x,*y,*xc,*yc; { *x = base3x; *y = base3y; *xc = basecx; *yc = basecy; } void sbase(x,y,xc,yc) double x,y,xc,yc; { base3x = x; base3y = y; basecx = xc; basecy = yc; } void gnms(n) int *n; { *n = nms; } void snms(n) int n; { nms = n; } void gdev(dev,term,gra) int *dev,*term,*gra; { *dev = device; *term = termin; *gra = graphx; } void sdev(dev,term,gra) int dev,term,gra; { device = dev; termin = term; graphx = gra; } void gdevice(dev) int *dev; { *dev = device; } void sdevice(dev) int dev; { device = dev; } void ggra(gra) int *gra; { *gra = graphx; } void sgra(gra) int gra; { graphx = gra; } void smod(term) int term; { termin = term; } void gcurr(ix,iy) int *ix,*iy; { *ix = currx; *iy = curry; } void scurr(ix,iy) int ix,iy; { currx = ix; curry = iy; } void gdom(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double *xmin,*xmax,*ymin,*ymax; { *xmin = domxmi; *xmax = domxma; *ymin = domymi; *ymax = domyma; } void sdom(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; { domxmi = xmin; domxma = xmax; domymi = ymin; domyma = ymax; } void grange(zscl,zmin,zmax) double *zscl,*zmin,*zmax; { *zscl = zzscl; *zmin = ranmi; *zmax = ranma; } void srange(zscl,zmin,zmax) double zscl,zmin,zmax; { zzscl = zscl; ranmi = zmin; ranma = zmax; } void gw3wc(dxx,dxy,dyx,dyy,dyz) double *dxx,*dxy,*dyx,*dyy,*dyz; { *dxx = cxx; *dxy = cxy; *dyx = cyx; *dyy = cyy; *dyz = cyz; } void sw3wc(dxx,dxy,dyx,dyy,dyz) double dxx,dxy,dyx,dyy,dyz; { cxx = dxx; cxy = dxy; cyx = dyx; cyy = dyy; cyz = dyz; } void gvpp(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int *ixmin,*ixmax,*iymin,*iymax; { *ixmin = vppxmi; *ixmax = vppxma; *iymin = vppymi; *iymax = vppyma; } void svpp(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax; { vppxmi = ixmin; vppxma = ixmax; vppymi = iymin; vppyma = iymax; } void gspp(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int *ixmin,*ixmax,*iymin,*iymax; { *ixmin = sppxmi; *ixmax = sppxma; *iymin = sppymi; *iymax = sppyma; } void sspp(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax; { sppxmi = ixmin; sppxma = ixmax; sppymi = iymin; sppyma = iymax; } void gclp(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int *ixmin,*ixmax,*iymin,*iymax; { *ixmin = clpxmi; *ixmax = clpxma; *iymin = clpymi; *iymax = clpyma; } void sclp(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax; { clpxmi = ixmin; clpxma = ixmax; clpymi = iymin; clpyma = iymax; } void gphy(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int *ixmin,*ixmax,*iymin,*iymax; { *ixmin = phyxmi; *ixmax = phyxma; *iymin = phyymi; *iymax = phyyma; } void sphy(ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax) int ixmin,ixmax,iymin,iymax; { phyxmi = ixmin; phyxma = ixmax; phyymi = iymin; phyyma = iymax; } void gsub(nx,ny,cs) int *nx,*ny,*cs; { *nx = nsubx; *ny = nsuby; *cs = cursub; } void ssub(nx,ny,cs) int nx,ny,cs; { nsubx = nx; nsuby = ny; cursub = cs; } void gumpix(ix,iy) int *ix,*iy; { *ix = umx; *iy = umy; } void sumpix(ix,iy) int ix,iy; { umx = ix; umy = iy; } void gatt(ifnt,icol) int *ifnt,*icol; { *ifnt = font; *icol = colour; } void satt(ifnt,icol) int ifnt,icol; { font = ifnt; colour = icol; } void gcol(icol) int *icol; { *icol = colour; } void scol(icol) int icol; { colour = icol; } void gwid(pwid) int *pwid; { *pwid = width; } void swid(pwid) int pwid; { width = pwid; } void gspd(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double *xmin,*xmax,*ymin,*ymax; { *xmin = spdxmi; *xmax = spdxma; *ymin = spdymi; *ymax = spdyma; } void sspd(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; { spdxmi = xmin; spdxma = xmax; spdymi = ymin; spdyma = ymax; } void gvpd(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double *xmin,*xmax,*ymin,*ymax; { *xmin = vpdxmi; *xmax = vpdxma; *ymin = vpdymi; *ymax = vpdyma; } void svpd(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; { vpdxmi = xmin; vpdxma = xmax; vpdymi = ymin; vpdyma = ymax; } void gvpw(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double *xmin,*xmax,*ymin,*ymax; { *xmin = vpwxmi; *xmax = vpwxma; *ymin = vpwymi; *ymax = vpwyma; } void svpw(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) double xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; { vpwxmi = xmin; vpwxma = xmax; vpwymi = ymin; vpwyma = ymax; } void gpixmm(x,y) double *x,*y; { *x = xpmm; *y = ypmm; } void spixmm(x,y) double x,y; { xpmm = x; ypmm = y; } void gwp(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double *xscl,*xoff,*yscl,*yoff; { *xscl = wpxscl; *xoff = wpxoff; *yscl = wpyscl; *yoff = wpyoff; } void swp(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff; { wpxscl = xscl; wpxoff = xoff; wpyscl = yscl; wpyoff = yoff; } void gwm(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double *xscl,*xoff,*yscl,*yoff; { *xscl = wmxscl; *xoff = wmxoff; *yscl = wmyscl; *yoff = wmyoff; } void swm(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff; { wmxscl = xscl; wmxoff = xoff; wmyscl = yscl; wmyoff = yoff; } void gdp(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double *xscl,*xoff,*yscl,*yoff; { *xscl = dpxscl; *xoff = dpxoff; *yscl = dpyscl; *yoff = dpyoff; } void sdp(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff; { dpxscl = xscl; dpxoff = xoff; dpyscl = yscl; dpyoff = yoff; } void gmp(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double *xscl,*xoff,*yscl,*yoff; { *xscl = mpxscl; *xoff = mpxoff; *yscl = mpyscl; *yoff = mpyoff; } void smp(xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff) double xscl,xoff,yscl,yoff; { mpxscl = xscl; mpxoff = xoff; mpyscl = yscl; mpyoff = yoff; } void gchr(def,ht) double *def,*ht; { *def = chrdef; *ht = chrht; } void schr(def,ht) double def,ht; { chrdef = def; chrht = ht; } void gsym(def,ht) double *def,*ht; { *def = symdef; *ht = symht; } void ssym(def,ht) double def,ht; { symdef = def; symht = ht; } void gmaj(def,ht) double *def,*ht; { *def = majdef; *ht = majht; } void smaj(def,ht) double def,ht; { majdef = def; majht = ht; } void gmin(def,ht) double *def,*ht; { *def = mindef; *ht = minht; } void smin(def,ht) double def,ht; { mindef = def; minht = ht; } void gpat(inc, del, nlin) int **inc, **del, *nlin; { *inc = inclin; *del = delta; *nlin = nps; } void spat(inc, del, nlin) int *inc, *del, nlin; { int i; nps = nlin; for(i=0; i<nlin; i++) { inclin[i] = inc[i]; delta[i] = del[i]; } } void gmark(mar, spa, nels) int **mar, **spa, **nels; { *mar = mark; *spa = space; *nels = &nms; } void smark(mar, spa, nels) int *mar, *spa, nels; { int i; nms = nels; for(i=0; i<nels; i++) { mark[i] = mar[i]; space[i] = spa[i]; } } void gcure(cur, pen, tim, ala) int **cur, **pen, **tim, **ala; { *cur = &curel; *pen = &pendn; *tim = &timecnt; *ala = &alarm; } void scure(cur, pen, tim, ala) int cur, pen, tim, ala; { curel = cur; pendn = pen; timecnt = tim; alarm = ala; } /* Coordinate transformations for plotting package */ /* Convertion routines yielding an integer result */ /* dcpc. converts device coordinates to physical coordinates */ int dcpcx(x) double x; { return(round(dpxoff + dpxscl * x)); } int dcpcy(y) double y; { return(round(dpyoff + dpyscl * y)); } /* mmpc. converts millimetres from bottom left-hand corner to physical */ /* coordinates */ int mmpcx(x) double x; { return(round(mpxoff + mpxscl * x)); } int mmpcy(y) double y; { return(round(mpyoff + mpyscl * y)); } /* wcpc. converts world coordinates to physical coordinates */ int wcpcx(x) double x; { return(round(wpxoff + wpxscl * x)); } int wcpcy(y) double y; { return(round(wpyoff + wpyscl * y)); } /* Coordinate transformations for plotting package */ /* Convertion routines yielding a double result */ /* dcmm. converts from device coordinates to millimetres from bottom */ /* left-hand corner */ double dcmmx(x) double x; { return((double)(x * ABS(phyxma-phyxmi) / xpmm)); } double dcmmy(y) double y; { return((double)(y * ABS(phyyma-phyymi) / ypmm)); } /* dcsc. define transformations between device coordinates and subpage */ /* coordinates */ double dcscx(x) double x; { return((double)((x - spdxmi)/(spdxma-spdxmi))); } double dcscy(y) double y; { return((double)((y - spdymi)/(spdyma-spdymi))); } /* mmdc. converts millimetres from bottom left corner into device */ /* coordinates */ double mmdcx(x) double x; { return((double)(x * xpmm / ABS(phyxma - phyxmi))); } double mmdcy(y) double y; { return((double)(y * ypmm / ABS(phyyma - phyymi))); } /* scdc. converts subpage coordinates to device coordinates */ double scdcx(x) double x; { return((double)(spdxmi + (spdxma-spdxmi) * x)); } double scdcy(y) double y; { return((double)(spdymi + (spdyma-spdymi) * y)); } /* wcmm. converts world coordinates into millimetres */ double wcmmx(x) double x; { return((double)(wmxoff + wmxscl*x)); } double wcmmy(y) double y; { return((double)(wmyoff + wmyscl*y)); } double w3wcx(x,y,z) double x, y, z; { return((double)((x-basecx)*cxx + (y-basecy)*cxy)); } double w3wcy(x,y,z) double x, y, z; { return((double)((x-basecx)*cyx+(y-basecy)*cyy+(z-ranmi)*cyz)); }
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