
This is plplot.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* This header file contains all of the function prototypes and
   machine dependent defines */

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef LATTICE_50
#define PLSTDC          1
#define	STDLIB		1

#ifdef __STDC__
#define PLSTDC             1

/* We need a signed char type for the fonts, MANX doesn't support this
   keyword but fortunately char's are signed by default. */

#if	defined(sun4) || defined(vax) || defined(vax3200) || defined(AZTEC_C)
typedef char        SCHAR;
typedef signed char SCHAR;

/* Let's try to get around some ANSI/non-ANSI problems. */
#ifdef PLSTDC
typedef void        VOID;
#define PLARGS(a)  a       /* Use function prototypes. */
typedef char        VOID;
#define PLARGS(a)  ()

#ifdef NO_PROTOS
#undef PLARGS
#define PLARGS(a) ()

#define MAX(a,b)     ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MIN(a,b)     ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define ABS(a)       ((a)<0 ? -(a) : (a))

#define round(a)   (int)((a)<0. ? ((a)-.5) : ((a)+.5))

/* All of the void type declarations are made first. */
void pladv PLARGS((int page));
void plbeg PLARGS((int dev, int nx, int ny));
void plbin PLARGS((int nbin, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, int centre));
void plbox PLARGS((char *xopt, double xtick, int nxsub, char *yopt, \
                   double ytick, int nysub));
void plccal PLARGS((FLOAT **pts, int nx, int ny, double zlev, \
                    int ix, int iy, int ixg, int iyg, double *dist));
void plclr PLARGS((void));
void plcntr PLARGS((FLOAT **points, int nx, int ny, int kx, int lx, \
                    int ky, int ly, double zlev, int *iscan, \
                    int *ixstor, int *iystor, int nstor, \
                    void (*tr)(double x, double y, double *tx, double *ty)));
void plcol PLARGS((int color));
void plcont PLARGS((FLOAT **z, int nx, int ny, int kx, int lx, \
                    int ky, int ly, FLOAT *clevel, int nlevel, \
                    void (*tr)()));
void pldeco PLARGS((short **symbol, int *length, char *text));
void pldtik PLARGS((double vmin, double vmax, double *tick, int *nsubt, \
                    int *mode, int *prec, int *scale));
void plend PLARGS((void));
void plenv PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, \
                   int just, int axis));
void pleop PLARGS((void));
void plerrx PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *xmin, FLOAT *xmax, FLOAT *y));
void plerry PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *ymin, FLOAT *ymax));
void plerx1 PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double y));
void plery1 PLARGS((double x, double ymin, double ymax));
void plexit PLARGS((char *msg));
void plfill PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y));
void plfont PLARGS((int ifont));
void plfntld PLARGS((int fnt));
void plfontld PLARGS((int fnt));
void plfontrel PLARGS((void));
void plform PLARGS((double value, int scal, int prec, char *result));
void plgra PLARGS((void));
void plgspa PLARGS((double *xmin, double *xmax, double *ymin, double *ymax));
void plhist PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *data, double datmin, double datmax, \
                    int nbin, int oldwin));
void plhrsh PLARGS((int ch, int x, int y));
void pljoin PLARGS((double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2));
void pllab PLARGS((char *xlabel, char *ylabel, char *tlabel));
void pllclp PLARGS((int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2));
void plline PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y));
void pllsty PLARGS((int line));
void plmtex PLARGS((char *side, double disp, double pos, double just, \
                    char *text));
void plorient PLARGS((int orient));
void plpat PLARGS((int n, int *inc, int *del));
void plpoi1 PLARGS((double x, double y, int code));
void plpoin PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, int code));
void plprec PLARGS((int setp, int prec));
void plpsty PLARGS((int patt));
void plptex PLARGS((double x, double y, double dx, double dy, double just, \
                    char *text));
void plr135 PLARGS((int *ix, int *iy, int isens));
void plr45 PLARGS((int *ix, int *iy, int isens));
void plschr PLARGS((double dep, double scale));
void plselect PLARGS((FILE *file));
void plsetup PLARGS((double xdpi, double ydpi, int xw, int yw));
void plsmaj PLARGS((double def, double scale));
void plsmin PLARGS((double def, double scale));
void plssym PLARGS((double def, double scale));
void plstar PLARGS((int nx, int ny));
void plstik PLARGS((double mx, double my, double dx, double dy));
void plstr PLARGS((int base, double *xform, int refx, int refy, char *string));
void plstyl PLARGS((int nels, int *mk, int *sp));
void plsvpa PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void plsym PLARGS((int n, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, int code));
void plsym1 PLARGS((double x, double y, int code));
void pltext PLARGS((void));
void plupd PLARGS((int nms, int *mark, int *space, int *curel, int *pendn,
                   int *timecnt, int *alarm));
void plvasp PLARGS((double aspect));
void plvpor PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void plvsta PLARGS((void));
void plwid PLARGS((int pwid));
void plwind PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void plxtik PLARGS((int x, int y, int below, int above));
void plxybx PLARGS((char *opt, char *label, double wx1, double wy1, \
                    double wx2, double wy2, double vmin, double vmax, \
                    double tick, int nsub, int nolast));
void plxytx PLARGS((double wx1, double wy1, double wx2, double wy2, \
                    double disp, double pos, double just, char *text));
void plytik PLARGS((int x, int y, int left, int right));
void plzbx PLARGS((char *opt, char *label, int right, double dx, double dy, \
                   double wx, double wy1, double wy2, double vmin, \
                   double vmax, double tick, int nsub));
void plztx PLARGS((char *opt, double dx, double dy, double wx, double wy1, \
                   double wy2, double disp, double pos, double just, char *t));

/* 3-D routine types*/
void pl3cut PLARGS((int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, int su1, \
                    int sv1, int su2, int sv2, int *cx, int *cy));
void plbox3 PLARGS((char *xopt, char *xlabel, double xtick, int nsubx, \
                    char *yopt, char *ylabel, double ytick, int nsuby, \
                    char *zopt, char *zlabel, double ztick, int nsubz));
void plgrid3a PLARGS((double tick));
void plmesh PLARGS((FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, FLOAT **z, \
                      int nx, int ny, int opt));
void plnxtv PLARGS((int *u, int *v, int n, int init));
void plot3d PLARGS((FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, FLOAT **z, \
                      int nx, int ny, int opt, int side));
void plside3a PLARGS((FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, FLOAT **z, int nx, \
                       int ny, int opt));
void plt3zz PLARGS((int xstar0, int ystar0, int dx, int dy, \
                      int flg0, int init, FLOAT *x, FLOAT *y, FLOAT **z, \
                      int nx, int ny, int *u, int *v));
void plw3d PLARGS((double basex, double basey, double height, double xmin0, \
                     double xmax0, double ymin0, double ymax0, double zmin0, \
                     double zmax0, double alt, double az));

/* The novice plplot user will not need to call the following functions */
void cleanup PLARGS((void));
void genlin PLARGS((int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2));
void movphy PLARGS((int x, int y));
void draphy PLARGS((int x, int y));
void movwor PLARGS((double x, double y));
void drawor PLARGS((double x, double y));
void setphy PLARGS((int xmin, int xmax, int ymin, int ymax));
void setpxl PLARGS((double xpmm0, double ypmm0));
void setsub PLARGS((void));
void xform PLARGS((double x, double y, double *tx, double *ty));
/* stuff in global.c */
void glev PLARGS((int *n));
void slev PLARGS((int n));
void gbase PLARGS((double *x, double *y, double *xc, double *yc));
void sbase PLARGS((double x, double y, double xc, double yc));
void gnms PLARGS((int *n));
void snms PLARGS((int n));
void gdev PLARGS((int *dev, int *term, int *gra));
void sdev PLARGS((int dev, int term, int gra));
void smod PLARGS((int term));
void gcurr PLARGS((int *ix, int *iy));
void scurr PLARGS((int ix, int iy));
void gdom PLARGS((double *xmin, double *xmax, double *ymin, double *ymax));
void sdom PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void grange PLARGS((double *zscl, double *zmin, double *zmax));
void srange PLARGS((double zscl, double zmin, double zmax));
void gw3wc PLARGS((double *dxx, double *dxy, double *dyx, double *dyy, \
                   double *dyz));
void sw3wc PLARGS((double dxx, double dxy, double dyx, double dyy, double dyz));
void gvpp PLARGS((int *ixmin, int *ixmax, int *iymin, int *iymax));
void svpp PLARGS((int ixmin, int ixmax, int iymin, int iymax));
void gspp PLARGS((int *ixmin, int *ixmax, int *iymin, int *iymax));
void sspp PLARGS((int ixmin, int ixmax, int iymin, int iymax));
void gclp PLARGS((int *ixmin, int *ixmax, int *iymin, int *iymax));
void sclp PLARGS((int ixmin, int ixmax, int iymin, int iymax));
void gphy PLARGS((int *ixmin, int *ixmax, int *iymin, int *iymax));
void sphy PLARGS((int ixmin, int ixmax, int iymin, int iymax));
void gsub PLARGS((int *nx, int *ny, int *cs));
void ssub PLARGS((int nx, int ny, int cs));
void gumpix PLARGS((int *ix, int *iy));
void sumpix PLARGS((int ix, int iy));
void gatt PLARGS((int *ifnt, int *icol));
void satt PLARGS((int ifnt, int icol));
void gcol PLARGS((int *icol));
void scol PLARGS((int icol));
void gwid PLARGS((int *pwid));
void swid PLARGS((int pwid));
void gspd PLARGS((double *xmin, double *xmax, double *ymin, double *ymax));
void sspd PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void gvpd PLARGS((double *xmin, double *xmax, double *ymin, double *ymax));
void svpd PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void gvpw PLARGS((double *xmin, double *xmax, double *ymin, double *ymax));
void svpw PLARGS((double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax));
void gpixmm PLARGS((double *x, double *y));
void spixmm PLARGS((double x, double y));
void gwp PLARGS((double *xscl, double *xoff, double *yscl, double *yoff));
void swp PLARGS((double xscl, double xoff, double yscl, double yoff));
void gwm PLARGS((double *xscl, double *xoff, double *yscl, double *yoff));
void swm PLARGS((double xscl, double xoff, double yscl, double yoff));
void gdp PLARGS((double *xscl, double *xoff, double *yscl, double *yoff));
void sdp PLARGS((double xscl, double xoff, double yscl, double yoff));
void gmp PLARGS((double *xscl, double *xoff, double *yscl,double *yoff));
void smp PLARGS((double xscl, double xoff, double yscl, double yoff));
void gchr PLARGS((double *def, double *ht));
void schr PLARGS((double def, double ht));
void gsym PLARGS((double *def, double *ht));
void ssym PLARGS((double def, double ht));
void gmaj PLARGS((double *def, double *ht));
void smaj PLARGS((double def, double ht));
void gmin PLARGS((double *def, double *ht));
void smin PLARGS((double def, double ht));
void gpat PLARGS((int **inc, int **del, int *nlin));
void spat PLARGS((int *inc, int *delm, int nlin));
void gmark PLARGS((int **mar, int **spa, int **nels));
void smark PLARGS((int *mar, int *spa, int nels));
void gcure PLARGS((int **cur, int **pen, int **tim, int **ala));
void scure PLARGS((int cur, int pen, int time, int ala));
void gdevice PLARGS((int *dev));
void sdevice PLARGS((int dev));
void ggra PLARGS((int *gra));
void sgra PLARGS((int gra));
void gzback PLARGS((int **zbf, int **zbc, double **zbt));
void goldhivw PLARGS((int **ohivw));
void goldlovw PLARGS((int **olovw));
void set3mode PLARGS((int mod));
void set3upd PLARGS((int updm));

/* Functions that return double's */
double plstrl PLARGS((char *string));
/* Stuff in fcnvrt.c */
double dcmmx PLARGS((double x));
double dcmmy PLARGS((double y));
double dcscx PLARGS((double x));
double dcscy PLARGS((double y));
double mmdcx PLARGS((double x));
double mmdcy PLARGS((double y));
double scdcx PLARGS((double x));
double scdcy PLARGS((double y));
double wcmmx PLARGS((double x));
double wcmmy PLARGS((double y));
double w3wcx PLARGS((double x, double y, double z));
double w3wcy PLARGS((double x, double y, double z));

/* Functions returning ints */
int plabv PLARGS((int px, int py, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2));
int plcvec PLARGS((int ch, signed char **xygrid));
int stindex PLARGS((char *str1, char *str2));
int strpos PLARGS((char *str, int chr));
int stsearch PLARGS((char *str, int chr));
/* This stuff is all in icnvrt.c */
int dcpcx PLARGS((double x));
int dcpcy PLARGS((double y));
int mmpcx PLARGS((double x));
int mmpcy PLARGS((double y));
int wcpcx PLARGS((double x));
int wcpcy PLARGS((double y));

/* Device independent routines */
void grsetup PLARGS((void));
void grorient PLARGS((void));
void grselect PLARGS((void));
void grbeg PLARGS((int dev));
void grclr PLARGS((void));
void grpage PLARGS((void));
void greop PLARGS((void));
void grcol PLARGS((void));
void grwid PLARGS((void));
void grinit PLARGS((void));
void grgra PLARGS((void));
void grline PLARGS((int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2));
void grtext PLARGS((void));
void grtidy PLARGS((void));

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.