This is impress.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* This file contains the IMPRESS device dependent subroutines for */ /* use with plplot. */ #include "plplot.h" #include <stdio.h> #define SET_HV_SYSTEM 0315 #define OPBYTE1 031 #define OPBYTE2 0140 #define SET_ABS_H 0207 #define SET_ABS_V 0211 #define OPWORDH1 0 #define OPWORDH2 150 #define OPWORDV1 0 #define OPWORDV2 150 #define ENDPAGE 0333 #define BUFFPTS 50 #define BUFFLENG 2*BUFFPTS #define IMPX 2999 #define IMPY 2249 static FILE *OutFile=NULL; static int porient=0; static int fileopen=0; static short *LineBuff; void flushline(); void impsetup(xdpi,ydpi,xwid,ywid) int xwid, ywid; double xdpi, ydpi; { } /* Open file. Set up for graphics. */ void impinit() { char response[80]; int ori; smod(0); /* not an interactive terminal */ scol(1); swid(1); setpxl(11.81,11.81); if(!porient) setphy(0,IMPX,0,IMPY); else setphy(0,IMPY,0,IMPX); while(!OutFile) { printf("Enter graphics command storage file name. "); fgets(response,sizeof(response),stdin); response[strlen(response)-1] = '\0'; if ((OutFile = fopen(response,"w")) == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s.\n",response); else fileopen = 1; } LineBuff = (short *)malloc(BUFFLENG*sizeof(short)); if(LineBuff == NULL) { printf("\nError in memory alloc in impini().\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(OutFile,"@Document(Language ImPress, jobheader off)"); fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c",SET_HV_SYSTEM,OPBYTE1); fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c%c",SET_ABS_H,OPWORDH1,OPWORDH2); fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c%c",SET_ABS_V,OPWORDV1,OPWORDV2); fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c",SET_HV_SYSTEM,OPBYTE2); } void imporient(ori) int ori; { porient = ori; } void impselect(file) FILE *file; { OutFile = file; fileopen = 0; } /* Sets the IMPRESS to text mode */ void imptext() { } /* Sets the IMPRESS to graphics mode */ void impgraph() { } /* Form feed */ void impclear() { flushline(); fprintf(OutFile,"%c",ENDPAGE); } static short FirstLine; void imppage() { FirstLine = 1; } void impeop() { } /* May put something here someday */ void impcolor(colour) int colour; { } #define SET_PEN 0350 static int penchange=0, penwidth; void impwidth(width) int width; { if(width>0 && width <= 20) { penwidth = width; penchange = 1; } } #define CREATE_PATH 0346 #define DRAW_PATH 0352 #define OPTYPE 017 static short count; void impline(x1a,y1a,x2a,y2a) int x1a,y1a,x2a,y2a; { static int xold, yold; int x1, y1, x2, y2; if(!porient) { x1 = x1a; y1 = y1a; x2 = x2a; y2 = y2a; } else { x1 = IMPX - y1a; y1 = x1a; x2 = IMPX - y2a; y2 = x2a; } if(FirstLine) { if(penchange) { fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c",SET_PEN,(char)penwidth); penchange = 0; } /* Add both points to path */ count = 0; FirstLine = 0; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)x1; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)y1; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)x2; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)y2; } else if((count+2) < BUFFLENG && x1 == xold && y1 == yold) { /* Add new point to path */ *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)x2; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)y2; } else { /* Write out old path */ count /= 2; fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c%c",CREATE_PATH,(char)count/256,(char)count%256); fwrite((char *)LineBuff,sizeof(short),2*count,OutFile); fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c",DRAW_PATH,OPTYPE); /* And start a new path */ if(penchange) { fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c",SET_PEN,(char)penwidth); penchange = 0; } count = 0; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)x1; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)y1; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)x2; *(LineBuff+count++) = (short)y2; } xold = x2; yold = y2; } void flushline() { count /= 2; fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c%c",CREATE_PATH,(char)count/256,(char)count%256); fwrite((char *)LineBuff,sizeof(short),2*count,OutFile); fprintf(OutFile,"%c%c",DRAW_PATH,OPTYPE); FirstLine = 1; } /* Close graphics file */ void imptidy() { flushline(); fprintf(OutFile,"%c",ENDPAGE); free((char *)LineBuff); if(fileopen) fclose(OutFile); } void impcwin() { } void impgwin() { }
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