This is plmenu.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#include "plamiga.h" #include <math.h> #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b)) void eventwait() { for(;;) { /* Wait for message */ Wait(1<<PLWindow->UserPort->mp_SigBit); if(procmess()) return; } } int procmess() { ULONG class; USHORT code; struct IntuiMessage *message; while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(PLWindow->UserPort)) { class = message->Class; code = message->Code; ReplyMsg((struct Message *)message); if(eventhandler(class,code)) return((int)1); } return((int)0); } int eventhandler(class, code) ULONG class; USHORT code; { switch (class) { case CLOSEWINDOW: return((int)1); case MENUPICK: menuselect(class,code); break; case SIZEVERIFY: break; case NEWSIZE: if(!(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLCUST)) { PLCurPrefs.WWidth = PLWindow->Width; PLCurPrefs.WHeight = PLWindow->Height; } else { PLCurPrefs.CWidth = PLWindow->Width; PLCurPrefs.CHeight = PLWindow->Height; } setlimits(); disablegads(0); disablemenus(); remakeplot(); enablemenus(); enablegads(); break; default: break; } return((int)0); } struct IntuiText IText0ItemScrSubs[] = { {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"WorkBench", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Custom", NULL} }; struct MenuItem Menu0ItemScrSubs[] = { { &Menu0ItemScrSubs[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT, 0xFFFE, (APTR)&IText0ItemScrSubs[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT, 0xFFFD, (APTR)&IText0ItemScrSubs[1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; struct IntuiText IText0ItemPriSubs[] = { {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Bitmap Dump", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Full Page (Landscape)", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Full Page (Portrait)", NULL} }; struct MenuItem Menu0ItemPriSubs[] = { { &Menu0ItemPriSubs[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, NULL, (APTR)&IText0ItemPriSubs[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu0ItemPriSubs[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, NULL, (APTR)&IText0ItemPriSubs[1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, NULL, (APTR)&IText0ItemPriSubs[2], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; struct IntuiText IText0[] = { {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Save Configuration",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Reset",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Maintain Plot Aspect",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Redraw Enabled",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Select Screen Type",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Print",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Save Bitmap as IFF file",NULL} }; struct MenuItem Menu0Items[] = { { &Menu0Items[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText0[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu0Items[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText0[1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu0Items[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE, 0, (APTR)&IText0[2], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu0Items[4], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE, 0, (APTR)&IText0[3], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu0Items[5], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText0[4], NULL, NULL, &Menu0ItemScrSubs[0], NULL }, { &Menu0Items[6], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText0[5], NULL, NULL, &Menu0ItemPriSubs[0], NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText0[6], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; struct IntuiText IText1Item2Subs[] = { {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)" 2", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)" 4", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)" 8", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"16", NULL} }; struct MenuItem Menu1Item2Subs[] = { { &Menu1Item2Subs[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT, 0xFFFE, (APTR)&IText1Item2Subs[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu1Item2Subs[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT, 0xFFFD, (APTR)&IText1Item2Subs[1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu1Item2Subs[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT, 0xFFFB, (APTR)&IText1Item2Subs[2], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT, 0xFFF7, (APTR)&IText1Item2Subs[3], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; struct IntuiText IText1[] = { {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Interlaced", NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"High Resolution",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Number of Colors",NULL}, {0, 1, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, (UBYTE *)"Set Color Palette",NULL} }; struct MenuItem Menu1Items[] = { { &Menu1Items[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE, 0, (APTR)&IText1[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu1Items[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP | CHECKIT | MENUTOGGLE, 0, (APTR)&IText1[1], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &Menu1Items[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText1[2], NULL, NULL, &Menu1Item2Subs[0], NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ITEMTEXT | ITEMENABLED | HIGHCOMP, 0, (APTR)&IText1[3], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; struct Menu Menu[] = { { &Menu[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, MENUENABLED, "PLPlot", &Menu0Items[0] }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, MENUENABLED, "Screen Format", &Menu1Items[0] } }; enum menus { PLMCONTROL, PLMSCREEN }; /* Control menu items */ enum menu0items { PLMSAVECONFIG, PLMRECONFIG, PLMASPECT, PLMBUFF, PLMSCREENTYPE, PLMSCRDUMP, PLMSIFF }; enum menu0itemscrsubs { PLMWBENCH, PLMCUSTOM }; enum menu0itemprisubs { PLMPRWIN, PLMPRPLAN, PLMPRPPOR }; /* Custom screen menu items */ enum menu1items { PLMLACE, PLMHIRES, PLMCOLORS, PLMCOLREQ }; /* Number color subitems */ enum menu1item2subs {PLMC2, PLMC4, PLMC8, PLMC16 }; void MakePLMenu() { short mtx, mledge; short itx, itxlen, itedge, ichk; short stx, stxlen, stedge, schk; short fheight; char *string; struct Menu *menu; struct MenuItem *item, *subitem; struct IntuiText *itext; fheight = PLScreen->Font->ta_YSize; if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLCUST) Menu[0].NextMenu = &Menu[1]; else Menu[0].NextMenu = NULL; mledge = 0; for(menu=Menu; menu!=NULL; menu=menu->NextMenu) { string = (char *)menu->MenuName; mtx = (short)TextLength(PLSRPort,string,(long)strlen(string)); /* Leave two character space between menus */ mtx += (2*mtx)/strlen(string); menu->LeftEdge = mledge; menu->Width = mtx; mledge += mtx; /* Find length of longest menuitem in this menu */ itxlen = 0; ichk = 0; for(item=menu->FirstItem; item!=NULL; item=item->NextItem) { itext = (struct IntuiText *)item->ItemFill; string = (char *)itext->IText; itx = (short)TextLength(PLSRPort,string,(long)strlen(string)); itxlen = MAX(itxlen,itx); if(item->Flags & CHECKIT) ichk = 1; } itedge = 0; for(item=menu->FirstItem; item!=NULL; item=item->NextItem) { item->Width = itxlen; item->LeftEdge = 0; item->TopEdge = itedge; item->Height = fheight; if(ichk) { item->Width += CHECKWIDTH; itext = (struct IntuiTest *)item->ItemFill; itext->LeftEdge = CHECKWIDTH; } itedge += fheight; stxlen = 0; schk = 0; for(subitem=item->SubItem;subitem!=NULL;subitem=subitem->NextItem){ itext = (struct IntuiText *)subitem->ItemFill; string = (char *)itext->IText; stx = (short)TextLength(PLSRPort,string,(long)strlen(string)); stxlen = MAX(stxlen,stx); if(subitem->Flags & CHECKIT) schk = 1; } stedge = 0; for(subitem=item->SubItem;subitem!=NULL;subitem=subitem->NextItem){ subitem->Width = stxlen; subitem->LeftEdge = item->Width/2; subitem->TopEdge = stedge; subitem->Height = fheight; if(schk) { subitem->Width += CHECKWIDTH; itext = (struct IntuiTest *)subitem->ItemFill; itext->LeftEdge = CHECKWIDTH; } stedge += fheight; } } } if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLCUST) { Menu0ItemScrSubs[PLMCUSTOM].Flags |= CHECKED; Menu0ItemScrSubs[PLMWBENCH].Flags &= ~CHECKED; Menu1Items[PLMLACE].Flags |= ITEMENABLED; Menu1Items[PLMHIRES].Flags |= ITEMENABLED; Menu1Items[PLMCOLORS].Flags |= ITEMENABLED; } else { Menu0ItemScrSubs[PLMCUSTOM].Flags &= ~CHECKED; Menu0ItemScrSubs[PLMWBENCH].Flags |= CHECKED; } Menu1Item2Subs[PLMC2].Flags &= ~CHECKED; Menu1Item2Subs[PLMC4].Flags &= ~CHECKED; Menu1Item2Subs[PLMC8].Flags &= ~CHECKED; Menu1Item2Subs[PLMC16].Flags &= ~CHECKED; Menu1Item2Subs[PLCurPrefs.Depth-1].Flags |= CHECKED; if(PLCurPrefs.ScrType & PLLACE) Menu1Items[PLMLACE].Flags |= CHECKED; else Menu1Items[PLMLACE].Flags &= ~CHECKED; if(PLCurPrefs.ScrType & PLHIRES) Menu1Items[PLMHIRES].Flags |= CHECKED; else Menu1Items[PLMHIRES].Flags &= ~CHECKED; if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLASP) Menu0Items[PLMASPECT].Flags |= CHECKED; else Menu0Items[PLMASPECT].Flags &= ~CHECKED; if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLBUFF) Menu0Items[PLMBUFF].Flags |= CHECKED; else Menu0Items[PLMBUFF].Flags &= ~CHECKED; SetMenuStrip(PLWindow,Menu); } void disablemenus() { OffMenu(PLWindow, PLMCONTROL | SHIFTITEM(NOITEM)); OffMenu(PLWindow, PLMSCREEN | SHIFTITEM(NOITEM)); } void enablemenus() { OnMenu(PLWindow, PLMCONTROL | SHIFTITEM(NOITEM)); OnMenu(PLWindow, PLMSCREEN | SHIFTITEM(NOITEM)); } void menuselect(class, code) ULONG class; USHORT code; { int ItemNumber, MenuNumber, SubNumber; int remake=0; struct MenuItem *Item; if(class == VANILLAKEY) ; else if(class == MENUPICK) { while(code != MENUNULL) { Item = ItemAddress(Menu,code); MenuNumber = MENUNUM(code); ItemNumber = ITEMNUM(code); SubNumber = SUBNUM(code); if(MenuNumber == PLMCONTROL) { if(ItemNumber == PLMSAVECONFIG) { if(!(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLCUST)) { PLCurPrefs.WXPos = PLWindow->LeftEdge; PLCurPrefs.WYPos = PLWindow->TopEdge; } else { PLCurPrefs.CXPos = PLWindow->LeftEdge; PLCurPrefs.CYPos = PLWindow->TopEdge; } SetPLDefs(); } else if(ItemNumber == PLMRECONFIG) { RestorePrefs(); remake = 1; } else if(ItemNumber == PLMASPECT) { if(Item->Flags & CHECKED) { PLCurPrefs.WinType |= PLASP; } else { PLCurPrefs.WinType &= ~PLASP; } setlimits(); disablegads(0); disablemenus(); remakeplot(); enablemenus(); enablegads(); } else if(ItemNumber == PLMBUFF) { if(Item->Flags & CHECKED) { PLCurPrefs.WinType |= PLBUFF; } else { PLCurPrefs.WinType &= ~PLBUFF; } } else if(ItemNumber == PLMSCREENTYPE) { if(SubNumber == PLMWBENCH) { if(!(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLCUST)) goto reselect; PLCurPrefs.CXPos = PLWindow->LeftEdge; PLCurPrefs.CYPos = PLWindow->TopEdge; PLCurPrefs.WinType &= ~PLCUST; } else if(SubNumber == PLMCUSTOM) { if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLCUST) goto reselect; /* Save wbench window position */ PLCurPrefs.WXPos = PLWindow->LeftEdge; PLCurPrefs.WYPos = PLWindow->TopEdge; PLCurPrefs.WinType |= PLCUST; } remake = 1; } else if(ItemNumber == PLMSCRDUMP) { /* Disable system gadgets */ disablegads(SubNumber); disablemenus(); screendump(SubNumber); enablemenus(); enablegads(); } else if(ItemNumber == PLMSIFF) { disablegads(0); disablemenus(); saveiff(); enablemenus(); enablegads(); } } else if(MenuNumber == PLMSCREEN) { if(ItemNumber == PLMLACE) { if(Item->Flags & CHECKED) PLCurPrefs.ScrType |= PLLACE; else PLCurPrefs.ScrType &= ~PLLACE; PLCurPrefs.CWidth = 0; PLCurPrefs.CHeight = 0; remake = 1; } else if(ItemNumber == PLMHIRES) { if(Item->Flags & CHECKED) PLCurPrefs.ScrType |= PLHIRES; else PLCurPrefs.ScrType &= ~PLHIRES; PLCurPrefs.CWidth = 0; PLCurPrefs.CHeight = 0; remake = 1; } else if(ItemNumber == PLMCOLORS) { if(SubNumber == PLMC2) { if(PLCurPrefs.Depth == 1) goto reselect; PLCurPrefs.Depth = 1; } else if(SubNumber == PLMC4) { if(PLCurPrefs.Depth == 2) goto reselect; PLCurPrefs.Depth = 2; } else if(SubNumber == PLMC8) { if(PLCurPrefs.Depth == 3) goto reselect; PLCurPrefs.Depth = 3; } else if(SubNumber == PLMC16) { if(PLCurPrefs.Depth == 4) goto reselect; PLCurPrefs.Depth = 4; } PLCurPrefs.CXPos = PLWindow->LeftEdge; PLCurPrefs.CYPos = PLWindow->TopEdge; remake = 1; } else if(ItemNumber == PLMCOLREQ) { disablegads(1); disablemenus(); plcolreq(); enablemenus(); enablegads(); } } reselect: code = Item->NextSelect; } } if(remake) { ClosePLWind(); OpenPLWind(); setlimits(); disablegads(0); disablemenus(); remakeplot(); enablemenus(); enablegads(); } }
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