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/* Amiga PLPLOT window routines. */ #include "plamiga.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifdef AZTEC_C /* Psuedo-ANSI compatibility */ #define remove(name) unlink(name) /* Lattice defines these for you */ struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase; struct GfxBase *GfxBase; #endif int XOffset, YOffset, PLWidth, PLHeight; int MaxPLWidth, MaxPLHeight; int InitPLWidth, InitPLHeight; extern int MaxColors; FILE *PlotFile; short fbuffer; static int CurColor; void amisetup(xmm, ymm, xpg, ypg) int xpg, ypg; double xmm, ymm; { } void amiorient(ori) int ori; { } void amiselect(file) FILE *file; { } /* amiini is the PLPLOT window initialization routine. It opens the necessary libraries and the window. */ void amiinit() { double Initdpmx, Initdpmy; /* Scan defaults file */ GetPLDefs(); /* Open the required libraries. */ OpenLibs(); /* Open window for graphics */ OpenPLWind(); /* Set up virtual screen width and height */ /* Virtual screen is 25 times the actual one. */ MaxPLWidth = PLScreen->Width - PLWindow->BorderLeft - PLWindow->BorderRight - 16; MaxPLHeight = PLScreen->Height - PLWindow->BorderTop - PLWindow->BorderBottom - 16; InitPLWidth = MaxPLWidth*25; InitPLHeight = MaxPLHeight*25; Initdpmx = GfxBase->NormalDPMX; Initdpmy = GfxBase->NormalDPMY; if(PLScreen->ViewPort.Modes & HIRES) Initdpmx *= 2.; if(PLScreen->ViewPort.Modes & LACE) Initdpmy *= 2.; setpxl((Initdpmx/40.),(Initdpmy/40.)); setphy(0, (InitPLWidth-1), 0, (InitPLHeight-1)); scol(1); swid(1); smod(1); SetAPen(PLWRPort,1); SetDrMd(PLWRPort,JAM1); setlimits(); } void setlimits() { XOffset = PLWindow->BorderLeft+8; YOffset = PLWindow->BorderTop+8; PLWidth = PLWindow->Width - XOffset - PLWindow->BorderRight - 8; PLHeight = PLWindow->Height - YOffset - PLWindow->BorderBottom - 8; if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLASP) { if(PLWidth*MaxPLHeight > PLHeight*MaxPLWidth) { PLWidth = (MaxPLWidth*PLHeight)/MaxPLHeight; XOffset += (PLWindow->Width - PLWidth - PLWindow->BorderLeft - PLWindow->BorderRight)/2; } else { PLHeight = (MaxPLHeight*PLWidth)/MaxPLWidth; YOffset += (PLWindow->Height - PLHeight - PLWindow->BorderTop - PLWindow->BorderBottom)/2; } } } void amitidy() { void beepw(); beepw(); ClosePLWind(); CloseLibs(); if(fbuffer) { fclose(PlotFile); remove(PLOTBFFR); } } void OpenLibs() { IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L); if( IntuitionBase == NULL ) { puts("\nError opening Intuition library."); goto IntError; } GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L); if( GfxBase == NULL ) { puts("\nError opening Graphics library."); goto GfxError; } return; GfxError: CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase); IntError: pl_exit(); } void CloseLibs() { CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase); CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase); } void amitext() { } void amigraph() { } void amiclear() { void beepw(), setpen(); beepw(); setpen(0); RectFill(PLWRPort,XOffset,YOffset,PLWidth+XOffset,PLHeight+YOffset); setpen(CurColor); if(fbuffer) { fclose(PlotFile); remove(PLOTBFFR); } } static int xold, yold; void amipage() { fbuffer = 0; if(PLCurPrefs.WinType & PLBUFF) { PlotFile = fopen(PLOTBFFR,"w+"); if(PlotFile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError opening plot data storage file.\n"); ClosePLWind(); CloseLibs(); exit(1); } fbuffer = 1; } xold = -100000; yold = -100000; } void amieop() { } void amiline(x1, y1, x2, y2) int x1, y1, x2, y2; { short comm, xshrt, yshrt; /* Check for intuition messages */ procmess(); if(x1 == xold && y1 == yold) { comm = PEND; xshrt = x2; yshrt = y2; if(fbuffer) { (void)fwrite((char *)&comm,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); (void)fwrite((char *)&xshrt,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); (void)fwrite((char *)&yshrt,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); } PLDraw((PLWidth*x2)/InitPLWidth,(PLHeight*y2)/InitPLHeight); } else { comm = PENU; xshrt = x1; yshrt = y1; if(fbuffer) { (void)fwrite((char *)&comm,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); (void)fwrite((char *)&xshrt,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); (void)fwrite((char *)&yshrt,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); } comm = PEND; xshrt = x2; yshrt = y2; if(fbuffer) { (void)fwrite((char *)&comm,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); (void)fwrite((char *)&xshrt,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); (void)fwrite((char *)&yshrt,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); } PLMove((PLWidth*x1)/InitPLWidth,(PLHeight*y1)/InitPLHeight); PLDraw((PLWidth*x2)/InitPLWidth,(PLHeight*y2)/InitPLHeight); } xold = x2; yold = y2; } void PLMove(x, y) int x, y; { int xsc, ysc; xsc = XOffset + x; ysc = YOffset + PLHeight - y; Move(PLWRPort,xsc,ysc); } void PLDraw(x, y) int x, y; { int xsc, ysc; xsc = XOffset + x; ysc = YOffset + PLHeight - y; Draw(PLWRPort,xsc,ysc); } void remakeplot() { long cxy, x1, y1; long x, y; void setpen(); setpen(0); RectFill(PLWRPort,PLWindow->BorderLeft,PLWindow->BorderTop, PLWindow->Width-PLWindow->BorderRight, PLWindow->Height-PLWindow->BorderBottom); setpen(1); if(fbuffer == 0) return; prepupdate(); while(!getpoint(&cxy, &x1, &y1)) { if(cxy == PENU) { x = ((long)PLWidth*(long)x1)/InitPLWidth; y = ((long)PLHeight*(long)y1)/InitPLHeight; PLMove((int)x, (int)y); } else if(cxy == PEND) { x = ((long)PLWidth*(long)x1)/InitPLWidth; y = ((long)PLHeight*(long)y1)/InitPLHeight; PLDraw((int)x, (int)y); } else if(cxy == SPEN) { CurColor = x1; if(x1 >= MaxColors) CurColor = 1; setpen((int)CurColor); } } finiupdate(); DisplayBeep(PLScreen); } void amiwidth(width) int width; { short shwid, comm; if(width>=1 && width <=3) { comm = PWID; shwid = width; if(fbuffer) { fwrite((char *)&comm,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); fwrite((char *)&shwid,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); } } } void amicolor(color) int color; { short shcol, comm; void setpen(); if(color >= 0 && color < 16) { shcol = color; comm = SPEN; if(fbuffer) { fwrite((char *)&comm,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); fwrite((char *)&shcol,sizeof(short),1,PlotFile); } if(color >= MaxColors) color = 1; CurColor = color; setpen(color); } } void amicwin() { } void amigwin() { } static void setpen(color) int color; { SetAPen(PLWRPort,color); } static void beepw() { DisplayBeep(PLScreen); eventwait(); }
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