
This is parallel.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * PCN Abstract Machine Emulator
 * Authors:     Steve Tuecke and Ian Foster
 *              Argonne National Laboratory
 * Please see the DISCLAIMER file in the top level directory of the
 * distribution regarding the provisions under which this software
 * is distributed.
 * parallel.c  -  Code to support parallel PCN

#include "pcn.h"


static  cell_t *ct_stack_cp[CT_STACK_SIZE];
static  int_t	ct_stack_loc[CT_STACK_SIZE];
static  int_t	ct_stack_size = 0;

/* These are used by copy_term() and scan_term() */
#define CTAddRREF_TAG(I)		((((int_t) (I)) << TAG_SIZE) | RREF_TAG)
#define CTRemoveRREF_TAG(I)	((((int_t )(I)) & 0xFFFFFFF0) >> TAG_SIZE)

#define CTBuildRref(Weight, Location, Node) \
{ \
    rref = (rref_t *) &buf[bufloc]; \
    rref->tag = RREF_TAG; \
    rref->mark = 0; \
    rref->suspensions = 0; \
    rref->node = (Node); \
    rref->location = (Location); \
    rref->weight = (Weight); \
    rref->value_return_irt = RREF_NOT_READ_IRT; \
    rref->trailer_tag = RREF_TRAILER_TAG; \
    bufloc += RrefSizeWithTrailer(); \

#define CTNoSpace(Needed) \
    (bufloc + (RrefSizeWithTrailer() * ct_stack_size) + (Needed)) > buflen

 * copy_term()
 * Allocate a message buffer and copy the passed term into it.  'extra_cells'
 * cells are left free at the end of the message buffer.  'termlen'
 * will be set to the length (in cells) of the term in the returned buffer.
 * (termlen does not include the extra cells)
 * All references are translated into relative addresses (offset). The
 * offsets are in bytes, not Cells, so that offset can be detected by
 * scan_term() using IsRef().
 * If PCN_ALIGN_DOUBLES is defined, then all data structures are double
 * word aligned.
static cell_t *copy_term(term, termlen, extra_cells)
cell_t *term;
int_t *termlen;
int_t extra_cells;
    cell_t *buf, *bufptr;
    int_t bufloc = 0;
    int_t buflen;
    cell_t *cp1, *cp2;
    int_t i1, size, irt_index, size_with_trailer, loc;
    int_t tag;
    rref_t *rref;
    int_t align_it;
#endif /* PCN_ALIGN_DOUBLES */

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(8))
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) copy_term: term=",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
        _p_print_term(_p_stdout, term);
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

     * Figure out how big a buffer to allocate, and copy over the first
     * level of the term.
     * If 'term' is a tuple, then allocate the default size.
     * Otherwise, allocate just enough room for the term.
    Dereference((cell_t *), term, cp1);
    switch(tag = DHCellTag(cp1))
    case DOUBLE_TAG:
    case INT_TAG:
    case STRING_TAG:
	*termlen = _p_size_with_trailer(tag, DHCellSize(cp1));
	buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(*termlen + extra_cells);
	memcpy(buf, cp1, (*termlen * CELL_SIZE));
	return (buf);

    case UNDEF_TAG:
	*termlen = RrefSizeWithTrailer();
	buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(*termlen + extra_cells);
	irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp1, INIT_WEIGHT);
	CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);
	return (buf);
    case RREF_TAG:
	*termlen = RrefSizeWithTrailer();
	buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(*termlen + extra_cells);
	if (((rref_t *)cp1)->weight > 1)
	    /* Split this remote reference */
	    i1 = (((rref_t *)cp1)->weight + 2) / 3;	/* Make sure i1 >= 1 */
	    ((rref_t *)cp1)->weight -= i1;
	    CTBuildRref(i1, ((rref_t *)cp1)->location, ((rref_t *)cp1)->node);
	else	/* ((rref_t *)cp1)->weight == 1 */
	    /* Chain the remote reference */
	    irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp1, INIT_WEIGHT);
	    CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);
	return (buf);
    case TUPLE_TAG:
	size = DHCellSize(cp1);
	if (size == 0)	/* NilCell */
	    *termlen = EmptyListSizeWithTrailer();
	    buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(*termlen + extra_cells);
	    memcpy(buf, cp1, (*termlen * CELL_SIZE));
	    return (buf);

	size_with_trailer = TupleSizeWithTrailer(size);
	if (size > CT_STACK_SIZE)
	     * The tuple is larger than our ct_stack (and each tuple
	     * argument requires one ct_stack entry).  Therefore,
	     * we need to copy over just the tuple (no data) and
	     * avoid using the ct_stack so as not to blow off the
	     * top of it.
	    *termlen = size_with_trailer + (size * RrefSizeWithTrailer());
	    buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(*termlen + extra_cells);

	    buf[bufloc++] = *cp1++;	/* Copy over header word */
	    loc = bufloc;
	    bufloc += size_with_trailer - 1;
	    for (i1 = 0; i1 < size; i1++)
		/* Setup offset for tuple argument to rref */
		buf[loc] = (bufloc - loc) * CHARS_PER_CELL;

		/* Create the rref */
		Dereference((cell_t *), *cp1, cp2);
		irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp2, INIT_WEIGHT);
		CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);
	    /* Copy over the optional pad and trailer cell */
	    memcpy(&(buf[loc]), cp1,
		   ((size_with_trailer - size - 1) * CELL_SIZE));
	    return (buf);

	 * Else:
	 *   - allocate MAX(DEFAULT_SIZE, <minimum required size>)
	 *   - copy first level of the tuple
	 *   - setup ct_stack with the tuple's arguments
	i1 = size_with_trailer + (size * RrefSizeWithTrailer()) + extra_cells;
	buflen = MAX(i1, _p_default_msg_buffer_size);
	buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(buflen);
	buflen -= extra_cells;

	buf[bufloc++] = *cp1++;		/* Copy over the header word */
	ct_stack_size = 0;
	for (i1 = size - 1; i1 >= 0; i1--)
	    ct_stack_cp[ct_stack_size] = (cell_t *) *(cp1 + i1);
	    ct_stack_loc[ct_stack_size++] = bufloc + i1;
	bufloc += size;
	/* Copy over the optional pad and trailer cell */
	i1 = size_with_trailer - size - 1;
	memcpy(&(buf[bufloc]), (cp1 + size), (i1 * CELL_SIZE));
	bufloc += i1;

#ifdef STREAMS	
    case STREAM_TAG:
	_p_fatal_error("copy_term: Cannot send stream between nodes");
#endif /* STREAMS */
	_p_fatal_error("copy_term: Bad tag found");

     * If we get to here then we're dealing with a tuple.  The
     * first level * of the tuple will already have been copied over,
     * with the arguments pushed onto the ct_stack.
     * At this point, we are guaranteed that there is enough
     * room in the buffer to hold rrefs for each thing on the ct_stack.
    while (ct_stack_size > 0)
	Dereference((cell_t *), ct_stack_cp[--ct_stack_size], cp1);
	 * Backfill the location in buf for this ct_stack entry with
	 * an offset to the current location in buf
	loc = ct_stack_loc[ct_stack_size];
	buf[loc] = (bufloc - loc) * CHARS_PER_CELL;
	switch (tag = DHCellTag(cp1))
	case TUPLE_TAG:
	    size = DHCellSize(cp1);
	    if (size == 0)	/* NilCell */
		/* Its assumed that an empty list takes <= cells than a rref */
		i1 = EmptyListSizeWithTrailer();
		memcpy(&(buf[bufloc]), cp1, (i1 * CELL_SIZE));
		bufloc += i1;
	    size_with_trailer = TupleSizeWithTrailer(size);

	     * We either have to copy the tuple itself into the message
	     * buffer, or put in a remote reference (rref) to the tuple.
	     * We copy just a rref if:
	     *	1) there is not enough room for the entire tuple
	     *		in the message buffer, or
	     *	2) there is not enough space on the ct_stack to
	     *		handle the arguments of this tuple, or
	    if ((CTNoSpace(size_with_trailer + (RrefSizeWithTrailer() * size)))
		|| ((CT_STACK_SIZE - ct_stack_size) < size) )
		/* We only have room for the rref of this */
		irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp1, INIT_WEIGHT);
		CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);
		/* We have room for each argument of the tuple */
		buf[bufloc++] = *cp1++;
		for (i1 = size - 1; i1 >= 0; i1--)
		    ct_stack_cp[ct_stack_size] = (cell_t *) *(cp1 + i1);
		    ct_stack_loc[ct_stack_size++] = bufloc + i1;
		bufloc += size;
		/* Copy over the optional pad and trailer cell */
		i1 = size_with_trailer - size - 1;
		memcpy(&(buf[bufloc]), (cp1 + size), (i1 * CELL_SIZE));
		bufloc += i1;
	case INT_TAG:
	    size = _p_size_with_trailer(tag, DHCellSize(cp1));
	    if (CTNoSpace(size))
		/* We only have room for the rref of this */
		irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp1, INIT_WEIGHT);
		CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);
		/* We have room for the data */
		bufptr = &buf[bufloc];
		memcpy(bufptr, cp1, (size * CELL_SIZE));
		bufloc += size;
	case UNDEF_TAG:
	    irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp1, INIT_WEIGHT);
	    CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);
	case RREF_TAG:
	    if (((rref_t *)cp1)->weight > 1)
		/* Split this remote reference */
		i1 = (((rref_t *)cp1)->weight + 2) / 3;	/* Make sure i1 >= 1 */
		((rref_t *)cp1)->weight -= i1;
		CTBuildRref(i1, ((rref_t *)cp1)->location,
			    ((rref_t *)cp1)->node);
	    else	/* ((rref_t *)cp1)->weight == 1 */
		/* Chain the remote reference */
		irt_index = _p_alloc_irt_entry(cp1, INIT_WEIGHT);
		CTBuildRref(INIT_WEIGHT, irt_index, _p_my_id);

#ifdef STREAMS	    
	    _p_fatal_error("copy_term: Cannot send stream between nodes");
#endif /* STREAMS */
	    _p_fatal_error("Bad tag found during copy_term()");
    *termlen = bufloc;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(8))
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) copy_term: buf=:",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < *termlen; i1++)
            fprintf(_p_stdout, "%lx:", (unsigned long) buf[i1]);
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

    return (buf);
} /* copy_term() */

 * scan_term()
 * Scan a term to convert relative offsets to pointers.  All offsets are
 * in bytes.
static void scan_term(term, termlen)
cell_t *term;
int termlen;
    cell_t *end;
    cell_t *cp1;
    int_t tag;
    int_t i, size, size_with_trailer;
    u_int_t weight, location;
    irt_t *irt_entry;
#ifdef DEBUG
    cell_t *save_term = term;
    if (ParDebug(8))
        int i1;
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) scan_term: buf=:",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
        for (i1 = 0; i1 < termlen; i1++)
            fprintf(_p_stdout, "%lx:", (unsigned long) term[i1]);
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

    for (end = term + termlen; term < end; )
	if (IsRef(term))
	    if (*term != 0)
		*((cell_t **) term)
		    = (cell_t *) ( ((char_t *) term) + *((int_t *) term) );
		_p_fatal_error("scan_term(): Encountered a 0 term");
	    switch(tag = DHCellTag(term))
	    case INT_TAG:
	    case DOUBLE_TAG:
	    case STRING_TAG:
		term += _p_size_with_trailer(tag, DHCellSize(term));

	    case TRAILER_TAG:
	    case TUPLE_TAG:
		size = DHCellSize(term);
		if (size == 0)
		    term += EmptyListSizeWithTrailer();
		    size_with_trailer = TupleSizeWithTrailer(size);
		    for (i = size, term++; i > 0; i--, term++)
			*((cell_t **) term)
			    = (cell_t *) ( ((char_t *) term)
					  + *((int_t *) term) );
		    term += (size_with_trailer - size - 1);
	    case RREF_TAG:
		if (_p_my_id == ((rref_t *) term)->node)
		    /* If this rref points to my node, then get rid of it */
		    weight = ((rref_t *) term)->weight;
		    location = ((rref_t *) term)->location;
		    irt_entry = IrtAddress(location);
		    Dereference((cell_t *), irt_entry->u.ptr, cp1);
		    *((cell_t **) term) = cp1;
		    _p_cancel_irt_entry(location, weight);
		    ZeroOutMemory((term + 1),
				  ((RrefSizeWithTrailer() - 1) * CELL_SIZE));
		term += RrefSizeWithTrailer();

		_p_fatal_error("scan_term(): Bad tag found");

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(8))
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) scan_term: term=",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
        _p_print_term(_p_stdout, save_term);
        fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* scan_term() */

 * _p_send_define()
 * Send a MSG_DEFINE message for the passed 'rref' containing 'term'.
 * A define message is sent when a term is defined to a remote reference.
void _p_send_define(rref, term)
rref_t *rref;
cell_t *term;
    cell_t *msg_buf;
    int_t term_len;
    int_t msg_length;

    msg_buf = copy_term(term, &term_len, 3);

    *((u_int_t *) (msg_buf + term_len)) = rref->location;
    *((u_int_t *) (msg_buf + term_len + 1)) = rref->weight;
    *((u_int_t *) (msg_buf + term_len + 2)) = rref->value_return_irt;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
		"(%lu,%lu) _p_send_define(): to n %lu, l %lu, w %lu, r %lu\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) rref->node, (unsigned long) rref->location,
		(unsigned long) rref->weight,
		(unsigned long) rref->value_return_irt);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    msg_length = term_len + 3;
#ifdef GAUGE    
    if (msg_length > SMALL_MSG_THRESHOLD)
	_p_gauge_stats.sbigmsgslen += msg_length;
#endif /* GAUGE */    
    _p_msg_send(msg_buf, rref->node, msg_length, MSG_DEFINE);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(7))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) _p_send_define(): Sent\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* _p_send_define() */

 * process_define()
 * Process the MSG_DEFINE message that has been received onto the heap.
 * This entails looking up the irt entry for this data, and
 * defining the resulting undef or rref with the value.
static void process_define(size, node)
int size;
int node;
    u_int_t location, weight, value_return_irt;
    irt_t *irt_entry;
    cell_t *cp1;
    cell_t *term = _p_heap_ptr;

#ifdef GAUGE	    
    if (size >  SMALL_MSG_THRESHOLD)
	_p_gauge_stats.rbigmsgslen += size;
#endif /* GAUGE */
    _p_heap_ptr += size - 3;
    location = *((u_int_t *) (_p_heap_ptr));
    weight = *((u_int_t *) (_p_heap_ptr + 1));
    value_return_irt = *((u_int_t *) (_p_heap_ptr + 2));

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
		"(%lu,%lu) process_define(): from n %lu, l %lu, w %lu\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) node, (unsigned long) location,
		(unsigned long) weight);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    irt_entry = IrtAddress(location);
    Dereference((cell_t *), irt_entry->u.ptr, cp1);
    _p_cancel_irt_entry(location, weight);

    scan_term(term, size - 3);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(6))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_define():        ",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
	_p_print_term(_p_stdout, term);
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */	

    if (!_p_define(cp1, term, TRUE, TRUE, value_return_irt, node))
		"(%lu,%lu) Warning: Node %lu: Received bad define message -- definition is already defined\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(7))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_define(): Processed\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* process_define() */

 * _p_send_value()
 * Send a MSG_VALUE message.  This is the return message from a
 * previously received MSG_READ message.
void _p_send_value(node, location, term)
int_t node;
int_t location;
cell_t *term;
    cell_t *msg_buf;
    int_t term_len;
    int_t msg_length;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) _p_send_value(): to n %lu, l %lu\t",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) node, (unsigned long) location);
	_p_print_term(_p_stdout, term);
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

    if (node == _p_my_id)
	 * When (node == _p_my_id) we need to find unknown value on the
	 * other end of this remote reference and define it ourself,
	 * instead of sending off a message to ourself.
	 * This case is needed when you get a remote reference chain
	 * that ends up back at the same node.  For example, suppose
	 * you have two nodes where node 0 has a rref (R0) to
	 * an undef (U1) on node 1.  And also, node 1 has a rref (R1)
	 * to an undef (U0) on node 0.  Then suppose U1 is defined to be
	 * the value of R1 (U1 = R1) on node 1.  This will cause a chain
	 * where R0 is a rref to R1 which is a rref to U0.
	 * Now, suppose a process on node 0 tried to read from R0.  This
	 * will generate a MSG_READ to node 1, which will forward that
	 * back to node 0 for U0.  Then U0 will get a value note for the
	 * R0 request.  When U0 gets a value, it will generate a
	 * send_value to fulfill R0's MSG_READ request.  But this
	 * send_value will be to the same node.  Thus, we need this case.
	cell_t *cp1;
	irt_t *irt_entry = IrtAddress(location);
	Dereference((cell_t *), irt_entry->u.ptr, cp1);
	_p_cancel_irt_entry(location, 1);
	_p_define(cp1, term, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 0);
	msg_buf = copy_term(term, &term_len, 1);
	*((u_int_t *) (msg_buf + term_len)) = location;
	msg_length = term_len + 1;
#ifdef GAUGE    
	if (msg_length > SMALL_MSG_THRESHOLD)
	    _p_gauge_stats.sbigmsgslen += msg_length;
#endif /* GAUGE */    
	_p_msg_send(msg_buf, node, msg_length, MSG_VALUE);
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (ParDebug(7))
	    fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) _p_send_value(): Sent\n",
		    (unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* _p_send_value() */

 * process_value()
 * Process the MSG_VALUE message that has been received onto the heap.
 * This entails looking up the irt entry for this data, and
 * defining the resulting undef or rref with the value.
static void process_value(size, node)
int size;
int node;
    int_t location;
    irt_t *irt_entry;
    cell_t *cp1;
    cell_t *term = _p_heap_ptr;

#ifdef GAUGE	    
    if (size >  SMALL_MSG_THRESHOLD)
	_p_gauge_stats.rbigmsgslen += size;
#endif /* GAUGE */
    _p_heap_ptr += size - 1;
    location = *((int_t *) (_p_heap_ptr));

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_value(): from n %lu, l %lu\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) node, (unsigned long) location);
#endif /* DEBUG */
    irt_entry = IrtAddress(location);
    Dereference((cell_t *), irt_entry->u.ptr, cp1);
    _p_cancel_irt_entry(location, 1);

    scan_term(term, size - 2);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(6))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_value():        ",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
	_p_print_term(_p_stdout, term);
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */	

     * Do not generate a MSG_DEFINE message when overwriting this rref.
     * That is because the value was supplied to us by the node that
     * contains the other end of this rref.  Since that other node
     * has given us this value, there is no need for us to bounce
     * it right back at that other node.
    if (!_p_define(cp1, term, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0))
		"(%lu,%lu) Warning: Node %lu: Received bad value message -- definition is already defined\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(7))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_value(): Processed\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* process_value() */

 * _p_send_read()
 * Send a MSG_READ message for the given 'rref'.
void _p_send_read(rref)
rref_t *rref;
    cell_t *msg_buf;
    int_t value_return_irt;

    value_return_irt = _p_alloc_irt_entry(rref, 1);

    rref->value_return_irt = value_return_irt;

    msg_buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(3);
    /* msg_buf = {his_irt_entry, my_node_id, my_irt_entry} */
    *((u_int_t *)(msg_buf)) = rref->location;
    *((u_int_t *)(msg_buf + 1)) = _p_my_id;
    *((u_int_t *)(msg_buf + 2)) = value_return_irt;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
		"(%lu,%lu) _p_send_read(): to n %lu, l %lu: return to l %lu\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) rref->node, (unsigned long) rref->location,
		(unsigned long) *((u_int_t *)(msg_buf + 2)));
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef GAUGE    
#endif /* GAUGE */    
    _p_msg_send(msg_buf, rref->node, 3, MSG_READ);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(7))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) _p_send_read(): Sent\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* _p_send_read() */

 * process_read()
 * Process the MSG_READ message that has been received onto the heap.
 * This entails looking up the irt entry for this data.  If the
 * resulting data is an undef or rref, then queue up a value note.
 * If it is real data, then generate a MSG_VALUE message.
 * GC_ALERT: This procedure may induce garbage collection
static void process_read(size, node)
int size;
int node;
    cell_t *term;
    cell_t *msg_buf;
    value_note_t *value_note;
    u_int_t my_location, return_node, return_location;
    irt_t *irt_entry;

#ifdef GAUGE	    
#endif /* GAUGE */

    /* _p_heap_ptr = {my_location, return_node_id, return_location} */
    my_location = *((u_int_t *)(_p_heap_ptr));
    return_node = *((u_int_t *)(_p_heap_ptr + 1));
    return_location = *((u_int_t *)(_p_heap_ptr + 2));
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
		"(%lu,%lu) process_read(): for l %lu: return n %lu, l %lu:\t",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) my_location, (unsigned long) return_node,
		(unsigned long) return_location);
#endif /* DEBUG */
    irt_entry = IrtAddress(my_location);
    Dereference((cell_t *), irt_entry->u.ptr, term);
    switch (DHCellTag(term))
    case UNDEF_TAG:
	/* Drop a value note onto the suspension queue */
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (ParDebug(5))
	    fprintf(_p_stdout, "enqueueing value note\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */
	/* GC_ALERT */
	value_note = _p_alloc_value_note(return_location, return_node);
	EnqueueSuspension(((proc_record_t *) value_note), term);
    case RREF_TAG:
	/* Forward the read message to the appropriate node */
	msg_buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(3);
	*((u_int_t *)(msg_buf)) = ((rref_t *) term)->location;
	*((u_int_t *)(msg_buf + 1)) = return_node;
	*((u_int_t *)(msg_buf + 2)) = return_location;
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (ParDebug(5))
	    fprintf(_p_stdout, "forwarding to node %lu\n",
		    (unsigned long) ((rref_t *) term)->node);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef GAUGE    
#endif /* GAUGE */    
	_p_msg_send(msg_buf, ((rref_t *) term)->node, 3, MSG_READ);
	/* Answer the read message with a value message */
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (ParDebug(5))
	    fprintf(_p_stdout, "returning  with value message\n");
#endif /* DEBUG */

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(7))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_read(): Processed\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* process_read() */

 * _p_send_cancels()
 * Send a MSG_CANCEL message for all remote references that need
 * to be canceled.
 * _p_cancel_lists is an array with _p_nodes elements, where each
 * element is a pointer to a list of data structure, where each
 * data structure is either a rref or a value_note.
 * For each node (i.e., each list starting at a particular array element),
 * send cancel messages for the items on that list.
 * In rrefs, the 'node' field is used to hold the linked list pointer.
 * In value_notes, the 'next' field is used to hold the linked list pointer.
void _p_send_cancels()
    cell_t **cancel_list_entry;
    int_t node, i, j;
    int_t msg_length;
    cell_t *this_ds, *next_ds;
    cell_t *msg_buf, *mb, *end;

    for (node = 0, cancel_list_entry = _p_cancel_lists;
	 node < _p_nodes && _p_cancels > 0;
	 node++, cancel_list_entry++)
	if (*cancel_list_entry != (cell_t *) NULL)
	    this_ds = *cancel_list_entry;
	    while (this_ds != (cell_t *) NULL)
		mb = msg_buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(CANCEL_SIZE);
		for (i = 0, mb++, end = msg_buf + CANCEL_SIZE - 1;
		     (mb < end) && (this_ds != (cell_t *) NULL); 
                    if (*this_ds == 0)
                         * This is a rref that was defined a value
                         * during emulation.
                         * Note: This relies on the specific layout of rref_t.
                        *((int_t *) mb++) = (int_t) *((u_int_t *)(this_ds+1));
                        *((int_t *) mb++) = (int_t) *((u_int_t *)(this_ds+2));
                        next_ds = *((cell_t **)(this_ds+3));
                        for (j = RrefSizeWithTrailer() - 2; j > 0; j--)
                            *(++this_ds) = (cell_t) 0;
		    else if (IsRref(this_ds))
			 * This is an orphaned rref that was found
			 * during garbage collection.
			*((int_t *) mb++) = ((rref_t *)this_ds)->location;
			*((int_t *) mb++) = ((rref_t *)this_ds)->weight;
			next_ds = (cell_t *) ((rref_t *)this_ds)->node;
			for (j = RrefSizeWithTrailer(); j > 0; j--)
			    *this_ds++ = (cell_t) 0;
		    else /* IsValueNote(this_ds) */
			 * This is either:
			 *	- an orphaned value_note that was found
			 *		during garbage collection
			 *	- a value_note that was discarded by
			 *		utils.c:process_susp_queue()
			*((int_t *) mb++) =((value_note_t *)this_ds)->location;
			*((int_t *) mb++) = 1;
			next_ds = (cell_t *) ((value_note_t *)this_ds)->next;
			_p_free_value_note((value_note_t *) this_ds);
		    this_ds = next_ds;
		*((int_t *) msg_buf) = i;
		msg_length = mb - msg_buf;
#ifdef GAUGE    
		if (msg_length > SMALL_MSG_THRESHOLD)
		    _p_gauge_stats.sbigmsgslen += msg_length;
#endif /* GAUGE */    
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (ParDebug(5))
			    "(%lu,%lu) _p_send_cancels(): Sending to node %lu\n",
			    (unsigned long) _p_my_id,
			    (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
			    (unsigned long) node);
#endif /* DEBUG */
		_p_msg_send(msg_buf, node, msg_length, MSG_CANCEL);
	    *cancel_list_entry = (cell_t *) NULL;

#ifdef DEBUG
    /* Consistency check */
    if (_p_cancels != 0)
	_p_fatal_error("_p_send_cancels(): Failed consistency check.  Lost some cancels somewhere...");
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* _p_send_cancels() */

 * process_cancel()
 * Process the MSG_CANCEL message that has been received onto the heap.
 * This entails looking up the irt entry for this data, and cancelling
 * the weight from that entry.
static void process_cancel(size, node)
int size;
int node;
    cell_t *cancels = _p_heap_ptr;
    int_t n_cancels;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) process_cancel(): From node %lu\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) node);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef GAUGE	    
    if (size >  SMALL_MSG_THRESHOLD)
	_p_gauge_stats.rbigmsgslen += size;
#endif /* GAUGE */
    for (n_cancels = *((u_int_t *) cancels++);
	 n_cancels > 0;
	 n_cancels--, cancels += 2)
	_p_cancel_irt_entry(*((u_int_t *) cancels),
			    *((u_int_t *) (cancels + 1)));
} /* process_cancel() */

 * _p_send_collect()
 * Send a MSG_COLLECT message to all "appropriate" nodes.  This is
 * called when a garbage collection on a node of a multiprocessor
 * run has failed to collect enough space.
void _p_send_collect()
    int i;

    for (i = _p_nodes - 1; i >= 0; i--)
	if (i != _p_my_id)
#ifdef GAUGE    
#endif /* GAUGE */    
	    _p_msg_send((cell_t *) NULL, i, 0, MSG_COLLECT);
} /* _p_send_collect() */

 * process_collect()
 * Process the MSG_COLLECT message that has been received onto the heap.
 * This entails calling the garbage collector, with the hope of generating
 * some MSG_CANCEL messages to free up space on other nodes.
static void process_collect(size, node)
int size;
int node;
#ifdef GAUGE	    
#endif /* GAUGE */
} /* process_collect() */

 * _p_send_exit()
 * Send a MSG_EXIT message to the given 'node' with the given 'exit_code'
void _p_send_exit(node, msg_type, exit_code)
int_t node;
int_t msg_type;
int_t exit_code;
    cell_t *msg_buf;

    msg_buf = _p_alloc_msg_buffer(1);
    *((int_t *)(msg_buf)) = exit_code;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(5))
		"(%lu,%lu) _p_send_exit(): to node %lu, exit_code %lu, msg_type %lu\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction,
		(unsigned long) node, (unsigned long) exit_code,
		(unsigned long) msg_type);
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef GAUGE    
#endif /* GAUGE */    
    _p_msg_send(msg_buf, node, 1, msg_type);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (ParDebug(7))
	fprintf(_p_stdout, "(%lu,%lu) _p_send_exit(): Sent\n",
		(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) _p_reduction);
#endif /* DEBUG */
} /* _p_send_exit() */

static void process_exit(size, node)
int size;
int node;
    int_t exit_code;
#ifdef GAUGE	    
#endif /* GAUGE */
    exit_code = *((int_t *)(_p_heap_ptr));

    if (_p_host)
	_p_node_handle_exit(exit_code, FALSE);
} /* process_exit() */

 * _p_process_messages()
 * Process any waiting messages from other nodes.
 * Valid 'rcv_type' arguments are:
 *	RCV_NOBLOCK	Do not block if no messges are waiting
 *	RCV_BLOCK	Block until at least one MSG_DEFINE or MSG_VALUE
 *				message has been processed.
 *	RCV_COLLECT	When called from _p_garbage_collect().  Ignore
 *				MSG_COLLECT messages, and queue up
 *				MSG_DEFINE and MSG_VALUE.  Block until
 *				we get a MSG_CANCEL.
void _p_process_messages(rcv_type)
int rcv_type;
    char error_msg[1024];
    int_t type, size, node;
    bool_t done = FALSE;

    while (!done)
	if (!_p_msg_receive(&node, &size, &type, rcv_type))
	    done = TRUE;
	    case MSG_DEFINE:
		process_define(size, node);
		rcv_type = RCV_NOBLOCK;
	    case MSG_VALUE:
		process_value(size, node);
		rcv_type = RCV_NOBLOCK;
	    case MSG_READ:
		process_read(size, node);
	    case MSG_CANCEL:
		process_cancel(size, node);
		done = TRUE;
	    case MSG_COLLECT:
		process_collect(size, node);

#ifdef GAUGE    
	    case MSG_GAUGE:
		_p_process_gauge_msg(size, node);
#endif /* GAUGE */

		if (_p_host)
		    process_exit(size, node);
		    _p_fatal_error("Node received unexpected MSG_INITIATE_EXIT message");
		done = TRUE;
	    case MSG_EXIT:
		if (!_p_host)
		    process_exit(size, node);
		    _p_fatal_error("Host received unexpected MSG_EXIT message");
		done = TRUE;
		sprintf(error_msg, "Invalid message received on node %lu: type=%lu, size=%lu, from node=%lu",
			(unsigned long) _p_my_id, (unsigned long) type,
			(unsigned long) size, (unsigned long) node);
} /* _p_process_messages() */

 * _p_host_handle_exit()
void _p_host_handle_exit(exit_code)
int_t exit_code;
    int type, size, node;
    int_t i;
    int_t exit_count;

     * (Reset _p_heap_ptr so that we can't possibly receive a
     * message that goes off the top of the heap.)
    _p_heap_ptr = _p_heap_bottom;
    /* Send a MSG_EXIT to each node */
    for (i = 1; i < _p_nodes; i++)
	_p_send_exit(i, MSG_EXIT, exit_code);

     * Now wait for each node to return a MSG_EXIT message, and discard
     * any other messages that come in in the mean time.
     * (Reset _p_heap_ptr so that we can't possibly receive a
     * message that goes off the top of the heap.)
    for (exit_count = 1; exit_count < _p_nodes; )
	_p_msg_receive(&node, &size, &type, RCV_BLOCK);
	if (type == MSG_EXIT)

#ifdef GAUGE    
    /* Take a final profile snapshot, and coalesce the node profiles */
#endif /* GAUGE */

#ifdef UPSHOT
    /* Dump the upshot log */

#if defined(GAUGE) || defined(UPSHOT)    
    /* Do another sync up with the nodes */
    for (i = 1; i < _p_nodes; i++)
	_p_send_exit(i, MSG_EXIT, exit_code);
    for (exit_count = 1; exit_count < _p_nodes; )
	_p_msg_receive(&node, &size, &type, RCV_BLOCK);
	if (type == MSG_EXIT)
#endif /* GAUGE || UPSHOT */
     * If the send/receive module requires some special method of
     * shutting down all of the nodes, then do it here.
     * At this point we know that all of the nodes are at least
     * into the _p_destroy_nodes() procedure, so _p_destroy_nodes()
     * can forcably kill all the nodes if it wishes.

    /* Send a MSG_EXIT to each node */
    for (i = 1; i < _p_nodes; i++)
	_p_send_exit(i, MSG_EXIT, exit_code);


    exit((int) exit_code);
} /* _p_host_handle_exit() */

 * _p_node_handle_exit()
void _p_node_handle_exit(exit_code, initiate_it)
int_t exit_code;
bool_t initiate_it;
    int type, size, node;
    bool_t done;

     * (Reset _p_heap_ptr so that we can't possibly receive a
     * message that goes off the top of the heap.)
    _p_heap_ptr = _p_heap_bottom;
    if (initiate_it)
	 * This node is initiating the exit.  So send a MSG_INITIATE_EXIT
	 * message to the host, and then wait for the normal MSG_EXIT
	 * message that the host will broadcast.
	_p_send_exit(_p_host_id, MSG_INITIATE_EXIT, exit_code);

	for (done = FALSE; !done; )
	    _p_msg_receive(&node, &size, &type, RCV_BLOCK);
	    if (type == MSG_EXIT)
		exit_code = *((int_t *)(_p_heap_ptr));
		done = TRUE;

    /* Send a MSG_EXIT message to the host */
    _p_send_exit(_p_host_id, MSG_EXIT, exit_code);

#ifdef GAUGE    
    /* Take a final profile snapshot, and coalesce the node profiles */
#endif /* GAUGE */
#ifdef UPSHOT
    /* Dump the upshot log */
#endif /* UPSHOT */
#if defined(GAUGE) || defined(UPSHOT)    
    /* Do another sync up with the host */
    for (done = FALSE; !done; )
	_p_msg_receive(&node, &size, &type, RCV_BLOCK);
	if (type == MSG_EXIT)
	    done = TRUE;
    _p_send_exit(_p_host_id, MSG_EXIT, exit_code);
#endif /* GAUGE || UPSHOT */
     * If the send/receive module requires some special method of
     * shutting down all of the nodes, then do it here.
     * However, a node should not do something that will cause
     * the destruction of other nodes or the host, since the
     * other nodes may not have completed previous operations yet.

     * Now wait to either get killed or receive a final MSG_EXIT message.
    for (done = FALSE; !done; )
	_p_msg_receive(&node, &size, &type, RCV_BLOCK);
	if (type == MSG_EXIT)
	    done = TRUE;


    exit((int) exit_code);
} /* _p_node_handle_exit() */

#endif /* PARALLEL */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.