
This is defs.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * PCN Abstract Machine Emulator
 * Authors:     Steve Tuecke and Ian Foster
 *              Argonne National Laboratory
 * Please see the DISCLAIMER file in the top level directory of the
 * distribution regarding the provisions under which this software
 * is distributed.
 * defs.h -- Typedefs, some constants, instruction and kernel codes

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "pcn_c_hdr.h"

#if defined(hp9k8) || defined(hp9k7) || defined(hp9k3)
#ifndef hpux
#define hpux

#if defined(sun3) || defined(sun4)
#ifndef sun_os
#define sun_os

#if defined(next040)
#ifndef next_os
#define next_os 

#ifdef next_os
#include <libc.h>

#define GLOBAL
#define GLOBAL extern

#if defined(PDB) && !defined(DEBUG)
#define DEBUG 0

#if defined(PDB) && !defined(DYNAMIC_PAM_LOADING)

#if defined(PDB) && defined(PCN_HOST) && !defined(PDB_HOST)
#define PDB_HOST

#ifdef DEBUG
#include "pcn_instr.h"

#ifdef DEBUG
#include "pcn_structs.h"

 * Argument parsing stuff.

#define ARGTYPE_NONE 3
#define ARGTYPE_LIST 4

#define STRING_ARG(flag, value, usage) \
{ flag, ARGTYPE_STRING, (void *) value, 0, usage}

#define INTEGER_ARG(flag, value, usage) \
{ flag, ARGTYPE_INTEGER, (void *) value, 0, usage}

#define BOOL_ARG(flag, value, usage) \
{ flag, ARGTYPE_NONE, (void *) value, 0, usage}

#ifdef PCNCC
#define LIST_ARG(flag, value, usage) \
{ flag, ARGTYPE_LIST, (void *) value, 0, usage}
#endif /* PCNCC */

typedef struct _argdesc_t
    char *flag;
    int argtype;
    void *argval;
    void *default_value;
    char *usage;
} argdesc_t;

 * General stuff

#ifndef PARALLEL
#undef ASYNC_MSG
#define ASYNC_MSG	1
#endif /* PARALLEL */    

#ifdef DEBUG
#ifndef EM_DL
#define EM_DL DEBUG
#endif  /* EM_DL */
#ifndef GC_DL
#define GC_DL DEBUG
#endif  /* GC_DL */
#ifndef PAR_DL
#define PAR_DL DEBUG
#endif  /* PAR_DL */

#define PAM_VERSION_NUM 1		/* version # for module header */
#define VERSION_STR "1.2"		/* version number (a string) */
#ifdef PDB
#define PDB_BANNER_STR " (PDB)"
#define PDB_BANNER_STR ""

#include "pcn_structs.h"

 * Some configuration parameters that can be overridded from the
 * command line during compilation.  If you want to override these,
 * add it to the PCN_DEFS in the Makefile or the configuration
 * file (in the Configs directory)
		/* default number of nodes */
#define DEFAULT_NODES			1
		/* (in cells) size of heap */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
#define DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE		524288
		/* (in cells) if we get this close to top, increase */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
		/* inc proximity divisor, if heap_inc_proximity==0 */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
		/* (in cells) increment size when heap fills */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
		/* (in cells) after gc, use this much before next gc */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
		/* (in cells) low water mark (shrink heap to this) */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
		/* (in cells) high water mark (never grow past this) */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
#if CELL_SIZE == 4
#define DEFAULT_HEAP_HIWAT		2147483647
					/* 2^31-1 */
#else /* CELL_SIZE == 8 */
#define DEFAULT_HEAP_HIWAT		9223372036854775807
					/* 2^63-1 */
		/* (in cells) gc slack space at top of heap */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
		/* gc slack divisor, if gc_slack==0 */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on heap management */
#define GC_SLACK_DIVISOR		256
		/* (in IRT entries) size of initial IRT */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on IRT management */
		/* (in IRT entries) gc slack space at top of heap */
		/* See extern.h for detailed comments on IRT management */
		/* (# reductions) Global suspension queue reschedule interval*/
#ifndef PCN_TMP_DIR
		/* (string) directory for putting temporary files */
#define PCN_TMP_DIR			"/tmp"
		/* Time slice (# tail recursions without context switch) */
#define TIMESLICE			50
		/* Skip msg poll this many timeslices (0 = none) */
#define MSG_SKIP_POLL			0
		/* (in cells) Size of pages that are allocated
		 * for proc_records.
		 * This size need not relate to the hardware page
		 * size of a particular machine.
		 * This size must be >= ProcRecordSize(255)
#define PCN_PAGE_SIZE			2048
		/* Initial weight for remote references */
#define INIT_WEIGHT			1000000
		/* stack size for copy_term() -- if you passing BIG
		 * tuples between nodes, you might want to increase this
#define CT_STACK_SIZE			1024
		/* (in cells) size of cancel messages */
#define CANCEL_SIZE			256

		/* default array size to print in print_term() */
		/* default tuple depth to print in _p_print_term() */
		/* default tuple width to print in _p_print_term() */

		/* max length of any symbol name (i.e., procedure name, etc) */
#define MAX_SYMBOL_LENGTH		1024
		/* max length of any file path */
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH			1024

 * The following should not be changed
#define GC_REF_STACK_SIZE		270
#define NUM_A_REGS			256
#define NUM_F_REGS			64

#if CELL_BITS == 32

/* With 32 bit cells, max queue size is 2^31-1 */
#define MAX_PROC_QUEUE_SIZE 2147483647

#define MAX_IRT_TABLE_SIZE  2147483646
#define RREF_NOT_READ_IRT   2147483647


/* With 64 bit cells, max queue size is 2^63-1 */
#define MAX_PROC_QUEUE_SIZE 9223372036854775807

#define MAX_IRT_TABLE_SIZE 9223372036854775806
#define RREF_NOT_READ_IRT  9223372036854775807


 * proc_record_t
 * Process record.
 * The 'header' has a tag of PROC_RECORD_TAG, and the header->size
 * field contains the maximum number of arguments this proc_record
 * can hold.
 * WARNING:  There is a special relationship between the proc_record_t
 * and the value_note_t.  Since they both appear on suspension queues,
 * and since it would be a nuisance to have to deal with them
 * differently when doing routine queue maintainence, it is assumed
 * that the 'next' field is in the same location (relative to the
 * header) in the proc_record_t and the value_note_t.
typedef struct proc_record_struct {
    data_header_t		header;
    struct proc_record_struct *	next;
    proc_header_t *		proc;
#ifdef PDB
    u_int_t			instance;
    u_int_t			reduction;
    proc_header_t *		called_by;
    struct proc_record_struct *	pdb_prev;
    struct proc_record_struct *	pdb_next;
#endif /* PDB */
    cell_t *			args[1];
} proc_record_t;
#define ProcRecordBaseSize	(sizeof(proc_record_t) / CELL_SIZE) - 1
#define ProcRecordSize(N)	(ProcRecordBaseSize + N)
 * value_note_t
 * A value note is a marker on an undefined variable's (or
 * remote reference's) suspension queue which keeps track
 * of the fact that another node has requested the data for
 * this undefined variable.  When the data becomes available,
 * the information in the value note will be used to generate
 * a reply message.
 * The weight associated with a value note is assumed to be 1.
 * WARNING:  There is a special relationship between the proc_record_t
 * and the value_note_t.  See the comment above for proc_record_t...
typedef struct value_note_struct {
    data_header_t		header;
    struct value_note_struct *	next;
    u_int_t			node;
    u_int_t			location;
} value_note_t;
#define ValueNoteSize	(sizeof(value_note_t) / CELL_SIZE)

 * irt_t
 * Typedef for Incoming Reference Table (IRT) entries.
 * If 'weight' is 0, then this entry is not used, and 'next_free'
 * contains the irt index of the next free entry, or -1 if there are no
 * more unused irt entries.  This is used, instead of the old pointer
 * based free list, so that we can avoid having to map back from address
 * to index number.
 * If 'weight' is > 0, then this entry is used and 'ptr' pointer points
 * to the data on the heap for this entry.
typedef struct irt_struct
    u_int_t weight;
	int_t  next_free;
	cell_t *ptr;
    } u;
} irt_t;
#define IrtEntrySize	(sizeof(irt_t) / CELL_SIZE)

 * rref_t
 * Typedef for a remote reference.  The fields are:
 *	tag	  : RREF_TAG \__ These field should be in same spot as
 *				 in the data_header_t
 *	mark	  : mark bit /
 *	suspensions: If 1, there are suspensions.  This field should be in the
 *			same spot as in undef_t
 *	high_part_ptr: Part of pointer to suspension queue.
 *	node      : The node on which the data for this remote reference lives
 *	location  : IRT index on the remote node for this remote reference
 *	weight    : Weight.  Maximum weight is 2^(CELL_BITS-TAG_SIZE),
 *			due to the ct_rref_t structure packing
 *	value_return_irt: When we send off a MSG_READ request to
 *			another node for this rref, then stow away
 *			the IRT entry on my node that will be used
 *			for the returning MSG_VALUE message.
 *			This will be sent along with the MSG_DEFINE
 *			message if I subsequently define a value to
 *			this rref.  The receiving node of the define
 *			message can then use this to determine if it
 *			needs to return a MSG_VALUE message.
 *			If this field is set to RREF_NOT_READ_IRT, then
 *			no MSG_READ request has been sent for this rref.
 *	low_part_ptr: Rest of pointer to suspension queue.
 *	trailer_tag: RREF_TRAILER_TAG
 * Note: _p_define() (in utils.c) and _p_send_cancels() (in parallel.c)
 * exploit the order of the field in this rref_t structure.  In particular,
 * it counts on 'node', 'location', and 'weight'
 * being the second, third, and fourth words
 * of this structure, respectively.  Sure its a hack.
 * But when a rref is defined due to a value message being
 * received, it allows irt cancel information to be
 * queued up quickly so that cancel messages
 * can be sent for them later.  If you change this structure, make
 * sure that you update _p_define() and _p_send_cancels().
typedef struct {
    u_int_t	tag		: TAG_SIZE;
    u_int_t	mark		: 1;
    u_int_t	suspensions	: 1;
    u_int_t	high_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE - 2);
#else  /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
    u_int_t	high_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE - 2);
    u_int_t	suspensions	: 1;
    u_int_t	mark		: 1;
    u_int_t	tag		: TAG_SIZE;
#endif /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
    u_int_t		node;
    u_int_t		location;
    u_int_t		weight;
    u_int_t		value_return_irt;
    u_int_t	trailer_tag	: TAG_SIZE;
    u_int_t	low_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE);
#else  /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
    u_int_t	low_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE);
    u_int_t	trailer_tag	: TAG_SIZE;
#endif /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
} rref_t;
#define RrefSize	(sizeof(rref_t) / CELL_SIZE)

 * undef_t
 * Typedef for an undefined variable.  The fields are
 *	tag	  : RREF_TAG \__ These field should be in same spot as
 *				 in the data_header_t
 *	mark	  : mark bit /
 *	suspensions: If 1, there are suspensions.  This field should be in the
 *			same spot as in undef_t
 *	high_part_ptr: Part of pointer to suspension queue.
 *	low_part_ptr: Rest of pointer to suspension queue.
 *	trailer_tag: RREF_TRAILER_TAG
typedef struct {
    u_int_t	tag		: TAG_SIZE;
    u_int_t	mark		: 1;
    u_int_t	suspensions	: 1;
    u_int_t	high_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE - 2);
#else  /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
    u_int_t	high_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE - 2);
    u_int_t	suspensions	: 1;
    u_int_t	mark		: 1;
    u_int_t	tag		: TAG_SIZE;
#endif /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
    u_int_t	trailer_tag	: TAG_SIZE;
    u_int_t	low_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE);
#else  /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
    u_int_t	low_part_ptr	: (CELL_BITS - TAG_SIZE);
    u_int_t	trailer_tag	: TAG_SIZE;
#endif /* PCN_BIT_FIELDS_R_TO_L */
} undef_t;
#define UndefSize	(sizeof(undef_t) / CELL_SIZE)

 * list_t
 * This is a generic linked list type.
typedef struct list_struct {
    struct list_struct *	next;
    void *			value;
} list_t;

#ifdef STREAMS

typedef struct local_stream_msg_struct {
    struct local_stream_msg_struct *next;
    u_int_t	tag;
    u_int_t	offset;
    u_int_t	size;
    cell_t	data[1];
} local_stream_msg_t;
#define LocalStreamMsgBaseSize	((sizeof(local_stream_msg_t) / CELL_SIZE) - 1)

 * stream_t
 * On the heap, an array (of size n) of streams is a data_header_t
 * with tag=STREAM_TAG, followed by n stream_t data structures.
 * The fields have the following meanings:
 *   send	: 1 if this is the send side of the stream, 0 if it is
 *			the receive side
 *   remote	: 1 if this is a remote stream, 0 if it a local stream
 *   state	: marks if there is a pending send or receive on this
 *			stream:
 *				0 means no pending send or receive.
 *				1 means there was a local send before
 *					a recv was posted (use lq.* struct)
 *				2 means there was a recv before a send
 *					was posted (use r.* struct)
 *   open	: 1 if this stream is still open, 0 if it has been closed
 *   pad	: reserved space to fill out the first cell
 *   id		: the stream id
 *   r.array	: pointer to held array on heap. (state==2)
 *   r.offset	: offset into held array
 *   r.size	: size of held array to work with
 *   r.status	: pointer to undefined status variable (when a recv is
 *			posted before a send)
 *   lq.head	: local stream message queue -- head of queue (state==1)
 *   lq.tail	: local stream message queue -- tail of queue
 *   s.node	: the node on which the receiving side of the stream lives
typedef struct {
    u_int_t	send		: 1;
    u_int_t	remote		: 1;
    u_int_t	state		: 2;
    u_int_t	open		: 1;
    u_int_t	pad		: (CELL_BITS - 5);
    int_t	id;
    union {
	struct {		/* Receive side */
	    cell_t *	array;
	    u_int_t	offset;
	    u_int_t	size;
	    cell_t *	status;
	} r;
	struct {		/* Local stream message queue (receive side) */
	    local_stream_msg_t *queue_head;
	    local_stream_msg_t *queue_tail;
	} lq;
	struct {		/* Send side */
	    u_int_t	node;
	} s;
    } u;
} stream_t;
#define StreamEntrySize	(sizeof(stream_t) / CELL_SIZE)

#endif /* STREAMS */

 * Argument types for _p_process_messages()
#define RCV_NOBLOCK		0
#define RCV_BLOCK		1
#define RCV_PARAMS		2
#define	RCV_COLLECT		3
#define	RCV_GAUGE		4

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.