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sub gethostname { local($hostname); chop($hostname = `hostname`); $hostname = &full_hostname($hostname); $hostname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $hostname; } sub getarch { return $ENV'arch if defined($ENV'arch); local($arch); chop($arch = `arch`); $arch =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $arch; } if (!do '') { sub F_SETFL { 4; } sub F_GETFL { 3; } sub FNDELAY { 4; } } sub noblock { local($handle, $flags); for $handle (@_) { if (($flags = fcntl($handle, &F_GETFL, 0)) < 0) { warn "fcntl $handle failed: $!\n"; return; } $flags |= &FNDELAY; if (fcntl($handle, &F_SETFL, $flags) < 0) { warn "fcntl $handle failed: $!\n"; return; } } } sub cmd { local(*cmd) = @_; %cmd = ('start-node-foo-bar', "snfbasdf"); } sub compute_abbrevs { local(*cmds, *abbrevs, $level) = @_; local($cmd, @a, $a); local(%clashes); local($gotclash, $regexp); local(@nogood); $level = 1 unless $level; %abbrevs = (); for $cmd (keys %cmds) { $regexp = '[^-]' x $level; # print "regexp is '$regexp'\n"; ($a = $cmd) =~ s/($regexp)[^-]*/\1/g; $a =~ s/-//g; # print "got '$a'\n"; if (defined($abbrevs{$a})) { print "Abbrev clash! $cmd and $abbrevs{$a}\n" if $verbose > 1; $abbrevs{$a} .= ":$cmd"; push(@nogood, $a); $gotclash = 1; } else { $abbrevs{$a} = $cmd; } } if ($gotclash) { local($x,$y); while (($x, $y) = each(%abbrevs)) { if ($y =~ /:/) { local(@a) = split(/:/,$y); for (@a) { $clashes{$_} = $cmds{$_}; } } } # print "Got clash:\n"; # while (($x, $y) = each(%clashes)) # { # print "CL: $x = $y\n"; # } local(%newabbrevs); &compute_abbrevs(*clashes, *newabbrevs, $level+1); # print "New abbrevs:\n"; while (($x, $y) = each(%newabbrevs)) { $abbrevs{$x} = $y; # print "NA: $x = $y\n"; } } } sub start_node_on_host { local($name, $user, $cmd) = @_; local($rc, $tmpfile); local($oldhandler, $oldtime); sub alarming { die "TIMEOUT\n"; } $oldhandler = $SIG{ALRM}; $SIG{ALRM} = alarming; $oldtime = alarm($vars{"rsh-timeout"}); eval <<ENDEVAL; &open2(READ, WRITE, \"rsh \$name -l \$user /bin/sh\"); # print WRITE \"echo rshrunning\\n\"; # print WRITE \"hostname\\n\"; # print WRITE \"uptime\\n\"; # print WRITE \"date\\n\"; print WRITE \"\$cmd \&\\n\"; print WRITE \"exit\\n\"; \@out = \<READ\>; close(WRITE); close(READ); # Wait for the rsh process to finish up... # Do it inside the eval block in case there's a problem. print \"waiting\\n\" if \$verbose; \$pid = wait; ENDEVAL alarm(0); $SIG{ALRM} = $oldhandler; alarm($oldtime); print "pid is $pid\n" if $verbose; print "Output is:\n<@out>\n" if $verbose; chop(@out); if ($@) { print "Startnode failed: $@\n"; undef $@; return undef; } local(@which) = grep(/PCN Node control/, @out); if (@which) { local($version) = $which[0] =~ /version\s*(\S+)/; print "Node control version $version running on $name\n"; return 1; } else { print "Startnode failed: @out\n"; print "Startnode output: @out\n" if $verbose; return undef; } } sub get_host_list { local($host, $port); local(@list); &dir_exists($control_dir, "$control_dir/hosts"); opendir(DIR, "$control_dir/hosts") || die "Can't opendir $control_dir: $!\n"; while ($host = readdir(DIR)) { next if $host =~ /^\./; $port = &read_host_file("$host"); next unless $port; push(@list, "$host/$port"); } closedir(DIR); return @list; } sub get_node_list { local($node, $port); local(@list); &dir_exists($control_dir, "$control_dir/nodes"); opendir(DIR, "$control_dir/nodes") || die "Can't opendir $control_dir: $!\n"; while ($node = readdir(DIR)) { next if $node =~ /^\./; $port = &read_node_file("$node"); next unless $port; push(@list, "$node/$port"); } closedir(DIR); return @list; } sub dir_exists { local($dir); for $dir (@_) { -d $dir || mkdir($dir, 0755) || die "Cannot mkdir $dir: $!\n"; } } sub print_list { local($prefix, $linelen, @stuff) = @_; local($len); $len = length($prefix); print $prefix; for (@stuff) { if ($len + length($_) > $linelen) { print "\n"; print $prefix; $len = length $prefix; } print $_ . ' '; $len += length($_) + 1; } print "\n"; } sub append { local(*string, @elts) = @_; $string = shift @elts if $string eq ""; for (@elts) { $string .= "," . $_; } } sub hostname_from_addr { local(@addr) = @_; local($inetaddr, @info); $inetaddr = pack('C4', @addr); @info = gethostbyaddr($inetaddr, 2); $info[0]; } sub full_hostname { local($host) = @_; local($name) = &expand_hostname($host); return $name if $name; $host; } sub expand_hostname { local($host) = @_; local($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($host); if (!$name) { if (@addr = $host =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4', @addr),2); } } return $name; } sub unexpand_filename { local($file) = @_; if ($file =~ m,^$ENV{HOME}\b,) { $file =~ s,,~,; } $file; } sub expand_filename { local($file) = @_; local($user, $dir); if ($file =~ m,^~([a-zA-Z]+)(/?),) { $user = $1; # print "Expanding user $user\n"; local(@ary) = getpwnam($user); if (@ary) { $dir = $ary[7]; # print "Got dir $dir\n"; $file =~ s,^~[a-zA-Z]+(/?),${dir}$1,; } } elsif ($file =~ m,^~(/?),) { $file =~ s,^~(/?),$ENV{HOME}$1,; } return $file; } sub flush { local($handle) = @_; local($old); $old = select($handle); $| = 1; select($old); } # Select from the connections in @_, returning a list of # handles. sub select { local($rin, $handle, $n); local(@ready); print "Selecting from ", join(' ', @_), "\n" if $watch_select; while (1) { $rin = ''; for $handle (@_) { vec($rin, fileno($handle), 1) = 1; } $n = select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, undef); # print "select returns $n\n" if $verbose; if ($n < 0) { next if ($! =~ /interrupted\s*system\s*call/i); die "Select fails: $!\n"; } else { last; } } for $handle (@_) { last if $n == 0; if (vec($rout, fileno($handle), 1) == 1) { push(@ready, $handle); $n--; } } return @ready; } sub read_host_file { local($host) = @_; local($port, $file); -d "$control_dir/hosts" || mkdir("$control_dir/hosts", 0755); $file = "$control_dir/hosts/$host"; open(HOST_FILE, "<$file") || return undef; chop($port = <HOST_FILE>); close(HOST_FILE); return undef if ($port !~ /^\d+$/); return $port; } sub write_host_file { local($host, $port) = @_; -d "$control_dir/hosts" || mkdir("$control_dir/hosts", 0755); local($file) = "$control_dir/hosts/$host"; open(HOST_FILE, ">$file") || die "Can't write $file: $!\n"; print HOST_FILE "$port\n"; close(HOST_FILE); } sub read_node_file { local($node) = @_; local($port, $file); -d "$control_dir/nodes" || mkdir("$control_dir/nodes", 0755); $file = "$control_dir/nodes/$node"; open(NODE_FILE, "<$file") || return undef; chop($port = <NODE_FILE>); close(NODE_FILE); return undef if ($port !~ /^\d+$/); return $port; } sub write_node_file { local($node, $port) = @_; -d "$control_dir/nodes" || mkdir("$control_dir/nodes", 0755); local($file) = "$control_dir/nodes/$node"; open(NODE_FILE, ">$file") || die "Can't write $file: $!\n"; print NODE_FILE "$port\n"; close(NODE_FILE); } sub unlink_node_file { local($node) = @_; local($file) = "$control_dir/nodes/$node"; unlink($file); } sub unlink_host_file { local($host) = @_; local($file) = "$control_dir/hosts/$host"; unlink($file); } # &open2: tom christiansen, <> # # usage: $pid = open2('rdr', 'wtr', 'some cmd and args'); # # spawn the given $cmd and connect $rdr for # reading and $wtr for writing. return pid # of child, or 0 on failure. # # WARNING: this is dangerous, as you may block forever # unless you are very careful. # # $wtr is left unbuffered. # # abort program if # rdr or wtr are null # pipe or fork or exec fails #package open2; $fh = 'FHOPEN000'; # package static in case called more than once #sub main'open2 { sub open2 { local($kidpid); local($dad_rdr, $dad_wtr, $cmd) = @_; $dad_rdr ne '' || die "open2: rdr should not be null"; $dad_wtr ne '' || die "open2: wtr should not be null"; # force unqualified filehandles into callers' package local($package) = caller; $dad_rdr =~ s/^[^']+$/$package'$&/; $dad_wtr =~ s/^[^']+$/$package'$&/; local($kid_rdr) = ++$fh; local($kid_wtr) = ++$fh; pipe($dad_rdr, $kid_wtr) || die "open2: pipe 1 failed: $!"; pipe($kid_rdr, $dad_wtr) || die "open2: pipe 2 failed: $!"; if (($kidpid = fork) < 0) { die "open2: fork failed: $!"; } elsif ($kidpid == 0) { close $dad_rdr; close $dad_wtr; open(STDIN, ">&$kid_rdr"); open(STDOUT, ">&$kid_wtr"); print STDERR "execing $cmd\n" if $verbose; open(STDERR, ">&$kid_wtr"); exec $cmd; die "open2: exec of $cmd failed"; } close $kid_rdr; close $kid_wtr; select((select($dad_wtr), $| = 1)[0]); # unbuffer pipe $kidpid; } sub ltime { local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_[0]); return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%02d", $hour, $min, $sec, $mon+1, $mday, $year); } 1;
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