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# Defined commands: # %cmds = ("quit", "quit", "kill", "kill", "kill_pcn", "kill_pcn", "set", "set", "child-rusage", "child_rusage", "uptime", "uptime", "eval", "eval", "start", "start", "start_fork", "start_fork", "start_fork_withdir", "start_fork_withdir", "startnode", "startnode", "arch", "arch", "status","status", "ps", "ps", "kj", kj); $arch = &getarch; %vars = ("pcn-dir", "/Net/auriga/auriga5/olson/PCN/v1.1/Em/$arch.bsd", "pcn", "pcn.$arch.bsd", "enabled", "yes", "see_node_output", "yes", "kill_signal", "15"); %magic_vars = ("see_node_output", "set_see_node_output"); #print "Cmds are ", join(':', %cmds), "\n"; %pcn_pids = (); %pcn_handles = (); $next_pcn_handle = "PCN001"; sub startnode { local($old) = select($conn_handle); if (&start_node_on_host(@_)) { print $conn_handle "Success\n"; } select($old); 0; } sub child_rusage { local($user, $system, $cuser, $csystem) = times; print $conn_handle "$cuser $csystem\n"; 0; } sub set { local($var, @value) = @_; if (!defined($var)) { while (($var, $value) = each %vars) { print $conn_handle "$var = $value\n"; } } elsif (!defined(@value)) { print $conn_handle "$var = $vars{$var}\n"; } else { local($vstr) = join(' ', @value); local($old) = $vars{$var}; print $conn_handle "Assigned $var = $vstr\n"; $vars{$var} = $vstr; if ($magic_vars{$var}) { print "Evaling magic variable $var sub $magic_vars{$var}\n"; eval "&$magic_vars{$var}(\$old, \$value)"; undef $@; } } 0; } # Start a process. This called by start-node from PCN # sub start_fork { &start_fork_withdir($vars{"pcn-dir"}, $vars{pcn}, @_); } sub start_fork_withdir { local($pcndir, $pcn, @args) = @_; local($cmd, $mesg, $rc, $rh, $wh); $rh = "${next_pcn_handle}_READ"; $wh = "${next_pcn_handle}_WRITE"; pipe($rh, $wh); select($rh); $| = 1; select($wh); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $cmd = "sh -c 'cd $pcndir; $pcn @args'"; print $conn_handle "Starting process <$cmd>\n"; if (!$vars{enabled} || $vars{enabled} ne "yes") { print $conn_handle "Failure: node not enabled\n"; return 0; } if (($pid = fork) < 0) { print $conn_handle "Failure: fork failed: $!\n"; } elsif ($pid == 0) { # The child close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); close($rh); open(STDIN, "</dev/null"); open(STDOUT, ">&$wh"); open(STDERR, ">&$wh"); close($wh); chdir($pcndir); exec($pcn, @args); die "Exec failed: $!\n"; } close($wh); $pcn_pids{$rh} = $pid; $pcn_handles{$pid} = $rh; $next_pcn_handle++; print $conn_handle "Success: child $pid started\n"; print STDOUT "Success: child $pid started\n" if $verbose; 0; } sub set_see_node_output { local($old_value, $new_value) = @_; if ($old_value eq "yes" && $new_value ne "yes") { undef $pcn_save_output; } elsif ($old_value ne "yes" && $new_value eq "yes") { &broadcast("start-output:\n",$pcn_save_output); } } sub process_pcn_output { local($handle) = @_; local($rin, $n, $inp); &broadcast("start-output:\n"); while (1) { $rin = ''; vec($rin, fileno($handle), 1) = 1; $n = select($rin, undef, undef, 0); last if $n == 0; print "Waiting for pcn input...\n"; $inp = <$handle>; print "Got it\n"; if (!$inp) { local($pid)= $pcn_pids{$handle}; local($wpid); print "got EOF\n"; $wpid = waitpid($pid, 0); print "Wait returned $wpid\n"; &broadcast("Wait returned $wpid\n") if $verbose; &broadcast("got EOF for PCN pid $pid on $hostname\n") if $verbose; &broadcast("PCN node exited on $hostname\n"); &broadcast(".\n"); close($handle); delete $pcn_pids{$handle}; delete $pcn_handles{$pid}; return; } print "got input $inp"; if ($vars{see_node_output} eq "yes") { &broadcast("WORKER: $inp"); } else { $pcn_save_output .= $inp; } } &broadcast(".\n") if ($vars{see_node_output} eq "yes"); } sub start { local(@args) = @_; local($cmd, $mesg, $rc); $cmd = "sh -c 'cd ", $vars{"pcn-dir"}, "; ", $vars{"pcn"}, " @args &'"; $mesg = "Starting process $cmd\n"; print $mesg; print $conn_handle $mesg; $rc = system($cmd); print "system returns $rc\n"; if ($rc && 0) # Hmm. $rc is -1 when it works... { print $conn_handle "Failure starting process: $!\n"; } else { print $conn_handle "Success\n"; } 0; } sub status { local($pid); print $conn_handle "PCN node status:\n"; for $pid (keys %pcn_handles) { print $conn_handle "PID $pid running with handle $pcn_handles{$pid}\n"; } } sub arch { local($arch) = &getarch; print "Got arch $arch\n"; print $conn_handle "$arch\n"; 0; } sub uptime { print $conn_handle `uptime`; 0; } sub eval { local($old) = select($conn_handle); print "Eval '@_'\n"; local(@rc) = eval @_; if ($@) { chop($@); print $conn_handle "Eval fails: '$@'\n"; undef $@; } else { print "Eval returns '", join(':', @rc), "'\n"; } select($old); 0; } sub ps { print $conn_handle `ps @_`; 0; } sub quit { return 1; } sub kj { local($regexp); print "Got kj, args: ", join(':', @_), "\n"; $regexp = "(" . join(')|(', @_) . ")"; print "regexp is '$regexp'\n"; open(PS_OUT, "/bin/ps ugxaww|"); while (<PS_OUT>) { if (/(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+.*$regexp/i) { $user = $1; $pid = $2; if ($user ne $ENV{USER}) { print $conn_handle "You don't own $pid\n"; next; } print $conn_handle "Killing process user $user pid $pid\n"; if (kill(2, $pid) != 1) { kill(9, $pid); } } } close(PS_OUT); return 0; } sub kill { $done = 1; return 1; } sub kill_pcn { local(@pids) = @_; local($sig, $pid); $sig = $vars{kill_signal}; if (@pids == 0) { @pids = keys %pcn_handles; } for $pid (@pids) { print $conn_handle "Killing PCN pid $pid with signal $sig\n"; $n = kill $sig, $pid; if ($n == 0) { print $conn_handle "Pid $pid didn't die\n"; } else { print $conn_handle "Kill returns $n\n"; } } 0; } 1;
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