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sub help_init { $help_initialized = 1; $usage{"abbrev"} = <<END; abbrev command abbrev abbreviation abbrev END $help{"abbrev"} = <<END; abbrev displays information about command abbreviations. Abbreviations are generated automatically from the internal command list, so they may not be optimal. I'm always open to suggestions for better abbreviation generation algorithms. Given an abbreviation or command as an argument, abbrev prints out the corresponding abbreviation-command pair if one exists. If the abbreviation is ambiguous, the list of matching commands is printed. abbrev with no arguments prints a complete list of abbreviations. END $usage{"delete-group"} = <<END; delete-group groupname END $help{"delete-group"} = <<END; Delete a group from the group database. Deleting a group also undefines it. END $usage{"list-group"} = <<END; list-group groupname END $help{"list-group"} = <<END; Display the contents of group groupname. END $usage{"hosts"} = <<END; hosts END $help{"hosts"} = <<END; Print a list of current hosts. END $usage{"listen-port"} = <<END; listen-port END $help{"listen-port"} = <<END; Prints the port that host-control is listening on. END $usage{"apropos"} = <<END; apropos regexp END $help{"apropos"} = <<END; Search for help topics whose name or contents matches regexp. END $help{"host-variables"} = <<END; Host variables affect execution on the host-control process itself, and are set with the "set" command. Valid host variables and their default values are: startnode-query [on] If on, query the user before actually starting any node daemons. collect-output [yes] If yes, collect all node output without displaying. To display, do a "dump-output". If no, display node output to the terminal as it comes in. kill-nodes-on-exit [prompt] If yes, send a kill message to all connected node-control daemons when host-control is exited. If no, do not send a kill message to all connected node-control daemons when host-control is exited. If prompt, prompt the user before exiting. END $help{"node-variables"} = <<END; Node varibles affect the execution of the node control daemons and are set with the "rset" (remote set) command. Valid node variables and their default values are: pcn-dir [some pathname] The directory a forked PCN node process is executed in. This is not necessary if PCN nodes are started using the host control program (as opposed to the start-nodes script). pcn [pcn.ARCH.bsd] The name of the PCN executable. Again, not necessary if PCN nodes are started using the host control program. enabled [yes] If yes, PCN nodes can be started on this node. This variable is set by the "enable" and "disable" commands. END $help{"variables"} = <<END; There are two types of variables that host-control can set: host variables and node variables. See the help for host-variables and node-variables. END $help{"environment"} = <<END; The following environment variables are meaningful to host-control: PCN_CONTROL_DIR Defines the directory that is used for the lists of nodes, hosts, and groups. EDITOR Defines the editor used by the edit command unless the host-control variable "editor" is set. END $usage{"usage"} = <<END; usage command END $help{"usage"} = <<END; Print usage information for command. END $usage{"save-group"} = <<END; save-group groupname END $help{"save-group"} = <<END; Save the given group to the file $control_dir/groups/groupname.def. END $usage{"undefine-group"} = <<END; undefine-group groupname END $help{"undefine-group"} = <<END; Remove the definition for groupname (but not the saved file if it exists). END $usage{"define-group"} = <<END; define-group groupname END $help{"define-group"} = <<END; Define a host group. Enter one host per line when prompted. Enter a blank line when finished. To save a group for later use, use the save-group command. END $usage{"disable"} = <<END; disable [<host>|<architecture>|<group>] ... disable [host=<hostname>] ... disable [group=<groupname>] ... disable [arch=<architecture>] ... END $help{"disable"} = <<END; Disable a host or all machines of a given architecture or group. END $usage{"dump-output"} = <<END; dump-output [hosts] END $help{"dump-output"} = <<END; Dump the saved node output for the given hosts, or for all hosts if none are specified. END $usage{"enable"} = <<END; enable [<host>|<architecture>|<group>] ... enable [host=<hostname>] ... enable [group=<groupname>] ... enable [arch=<architecture>] ... END $help{"enable"} = <<END; Enable a host or all machines of a given architecture or group. END $usage{"flush-output"} = <<END; flush-output [hosts]... END $help{"flush-output"} = <<END; Flush the saved node output for the given hosts, or for all hosts if none are specified. END $usage{"list-groups"} = <<END; list-groups END $help{"list-groups"} = <<END; List all currently loaded groups. END $usage{"load-group"} = <<END; load-group groupname END $help{"load-group"} = <<END; Load the given group from the file PCN_CONTROL_DIR/groups/groupname.def. END $usage{"enabled"} = <<END; enabled END $help{"enabled"} = <<END; Print a list of enabled nodes. END $usage{"node-rusage"} = <<END; node-rusage all|hostname END $help{"node-rusage"} = <<END; Return the user and system time used by the node's children. END $usage{"restart"} = <<END; restart END $help{"restart"} = <<END; Restart host-control. END $usage{"edit"} = <<END; edit [files] END $help{"edit"} = <<END; Invoke an editor determined by the host-control variable "editor". If "editor" is not defined, use the editor specfied by the environment variable EDITOR. Otherwise, use vi. END $usage{"kj"} = <<END; kj [all|hostname] string END $help{"kj"} = <<END; Kill a process by name on the specified node. END $usage{"kill-pcn"} = <<END; kill-pcn [all|hostname] pids END $help{"kill-pcn"} = <<END; Kill a PCN node process. END $usage{"write-nodes"} = <<END; write-nodes filename END $help{"write-nodes"} = <<END; Write the list of currently connected nodes to a file. END $usage{"connect-to-node"} = <<END; connect-to-node host port END $help{"connect-to-node"} = <<END; Connect to a node given the hostname and port the node is listening on. END $usage{"eval"} = <<END; eval expression END $help{"eval"} = <<END; Evaluate a perl expression. END $usage{"uptime"} = <<END; uptime [all|hostname] END $help{"uptime"} = <<END; Run the uptime command remotely. END $usage{"load-config"} = <<END; load-config filename END $help{"load-config"} = <<END; Load a host configuration file. This file is of the format: %%TEX \\begin{verbatim} arch: archicture variable value variable value <blank line> arch: arch2 ... <blank line> node: host1 node: host2 host: host1 variable value ... <blank line> %%TEX \\end{verbatim} The arch: section describes a series of variables to be set for the given architecture. The host: section describes a series of variables to be set for the given host. Each node: line results in a node control daemon being started on that host. END $usage{"reconnect"} = <<END; reconnect END $help{"reconnect"} = <<END; Disconnect from all node control daemons and reconnect to them. END $usage{"status"} = <<END; status [all|hostname] END $help{"status"} = <<END; Query node control daemons for the status of PCN node processes. END $usage{"help"} = <<END; help [command-name] END $help{"help"} = <<END; This help. END $usage{"pushd"} = <<END; pushd directory END $help{"pushd"} = <<END; Push to a new directory. END $usage{"popd"} = <<END; popd END $help{"popd"} = <<END; Pop the top directory from the directory stack. END $usage{"pwd"} = <<END; pwd END $help{"pwd"} = <<END; Print the current working directory. END $usage{"dirs"} = <<END; dirs END $help{"dirs"} = <<END; Print the directory stack. END $usage{"quit"} = <<END; quit END $help{"quit"} = <<END; Quit host-control. END $usage{"arch"} = <<END; arch [all|hostname] END $help{"arch"} = <<END; Perform an arch command on the specified hosts. END $usage{"conns"} = <<END; conns END $help{"conns"} = <<END; Print a listing of currently connected node control daemons. END $usage{"ps"} = <<END; ps all|hostname ps-arguments END $help{"ps"} = <<END; Perform a ps command on the specified hosts. END $usage{"!"} = <<END; ! command arguments END $help{"!"} = <<END; Perform a shell escape locally. END $usage{"cd"} = <<END; cd directory END $help{"cd"} = <<END; Change directory. END $usage{"set"} = <<END; set to see all variables set variable to see the value of variable set variable value to set variable = value END $help{"set"} = <<END; Set a host variable. END $usage{"rset"} = <<END; rset [all|hostname] to see all variables rset [all|hostname] variable to see the value of variable rset [all|hostname] variable value to set variable = value END $help{"rset"} = <<END; Set a node variable. END $usage{"unset"} = <<END; unset variable END $help{"unset"} = <<END; Remove the binding for a variable. END $usage{"wait-for-pending"} = <<END; wait-for-pending END $help{"wait-for-pending"} = <<END; Wait for all started node control daemons to connect to the host. END $usage{"start-node"} = <<END; startnode host1 host2 ... startnode filename startnode user@host:node-control-command END $help{"start-node"} = <<END; Start a node control daemon on the specified hosts. The host can also be specified as user@host:node-control-command. This means to start a node on host as user, running node-control-command. For example: startnode Startnode can fail for several reasons. If the user does not have the correct login on the remote machine, the message Startnode failed: login incorrect will appear. If the local machine is not allowed to run rsh on the remote machine, the message: Startnode failed: Permission denied will appear. If an attempt to a machine fails, a second attempt may be made under the following circumstances. One can define a group (see define-group) containing a list of machines. If a node is running on one machine in the group and that group is defined (groups will be loaded when necessary), host-control will attempt to use that machine to start a node. For example, if the group uiuc contains the machines and there is a node running on flute, startnode results in flute attempting to start a node on bassoon. The intent is that groups of machines that are allowed to rsh between themselves can be defined. Once a node is started manually on one machine, nodes can be started automatically on the other machines. Arguments can also be files containing lists of hosts. END $usage{"alias"} = <<END; alias to list all aliases alias alias to list alias for name alias alias name to alias name to alias END $help{"alias"} = <<END; Set an alias for a command. END $usage{"unalias"} = <<END; unalias alias END $help{"unalias"} = <<END; Remove an alias for a command. END $usage{"kill"} = <<END; kill [all|hostname] END $help{"kill"} = <<END; Kill the specified node control daemons. END } 1;
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