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# Defined commands: # sub command_initialize { $chread_handle = 'CHREAD0001'; $chwrite_handle = 'CHWRITE0001'; %vars = ("startnode-query", "on", "rsh-timeout", 30, "show-output", "yes", "collect-output", "yes", "kill-nodes-on-exit", "prompt", "host-config-loaded","no", "window-width", 70, "editor","/usr/ucb/vi"); %valid_var_values = ("startnode-query", "on|off", "rsh-timeout", '\d+', "window-width", '\d+', "show-output", "yes|no", "collect-output", "yes|no", "kill-nodes-on-exit", "yes|no|prompt", "host-config-loaded", "yes|no", "editor", "\S+"); %groups = (); %cmds = ("kj", kj, "hosts", "hosts", "start-group", "start_group", "listen-port", "listen_port", "apropos", "apropos", "enabled", "enabled", "enable", "enable", "disable", "disable", "dump-output", "dump_output", "flush-output", "flush_output", "define-group", "define_group", "delete-group", "delete_group", "undefine-group", "undefine_group", "list-groups", "list_groups", "list-group", "list_group", "save-group", "save_group", "load-group", "load_group", "restart", "restart", "node-rusage", "node_rusage", "edit", "edit", "kill-pcn", "kill_pcn", "write-nodes", "write_nodes", "connect-to-node", "connect_to_node_cmd", "uptime", "uptime", "load-config", "load_config", "reconnect", "reconnect", "status", "status", "help", "help", "usage", "usage", "pushd", "pushd", "popd", "popd", "pwd", "pwd", "dirs", "dirs", "quit", "quit", "arch", "arch", "conns","conns", "ps", "ps", "!", "shell_escape", "cd", "change_directory", "set", "set", "rset", "remote_set", "unset", "unset", "wait-for-pending", "wait_for_pending", "start-node", "startnode", "alias", "cmd_add_alias", "abbrev", "cmd_abbrev", "unalias", "cmd_remove_alias", "kill", "kill"); %gurucmds = ("parray", "cmd_parray", "passoc", "cmd_passoc", "eval", "eval"); if ($host_control_guru) { local($k, $v); while (($k, $v) = each %gurucmds) { $cmds{$k} = $v; } } #print "Cmds are ", join(':', %cmds), "\n"; %abbrevs = (); &compute_abbrevs(*cmds, *abbrevs); @dirstack = (&getwd); } sub cmd_parray { local($array) = @_; local(*name) = $array; &termout("Printing array '$array'\n"); for (@array) { print " '$_'\n"; } 0; } sub cmd_passoc { local($name) = @_; local(*assoc) = $name; local($key, $val); &termout("Printing assoc '$name'\n"); while (($key, $val) = each(%assoc)) { print " '$key' = '$val'\n"; } 0; } sub cmd_abbrev { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ <= 1; local($str) = @_; local($key, $val); local($a) = $abbrevs{$str}; if ($str) { if ($a =~ /:/) { $a =~ s/:/ /g; print "$str is an ambiguous abbreviation for $a\n"; } elsif ($a) { print "$str is the abbreviation for $a\n"; } else { while (($key, $val) = each %abbrevs) { last if $val eq $str; } if ($key) { print "$key is the abbreviation for $str\n"; } else { print "$str is not an abbreviation\n"; } } } else { print "Unambiguous abbreviations:\n"; for $a (sort keys %abbrevs) { $cmd = $abbrevs{$a}; if ($cmd !~ /:/) { print "$a = $cmd\n"; } } } 0; } sub hosts { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 0; local(@hosts) = &get_host_list; print "Current hosts:\n"; &print_list(' ', 70, sort @hosts); 0; } sub listen_port { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 0; print "Listening on port $listen_port\n"; 0; } sub apropos { local($regexp) = join(" ", @_); local(@matches); local($topic, $help); do { &load_file(""); &help_init; } if (!$help_initialized); while (($topic, $help) = each %help) { push(@matches, $topic) if $help =~ /$regexp/i || $topic =~ /$regexp/i; } print "Matching help topics:\n"; &print_list(' ', 70, sort @matches); 0; } sub enable { for (@_) { &enable_one($_, "yes"); } 0; } sub disable { for (@_) { &enable_one($_, "no"); } 0; } # enable_one [group|host|arch] flag sub enable_one { local($thing, $flag) = @_; if ($thing eq "all") { &enable_host(all, $flag); } else { local($kind,$thing2) = split(/=/,$thing); if ($thing2 eq "") { &enable_one_kind($thing, $flag); } else { if ($kind eq "host") { &enable_host($thing2, $flag); } elsif ($kind eq "arch") { &enable_arch($thing2, $flag); } elsif ($kind eq "group") { &enable_group($thing2, $flag); } else { &usage($cmd); } } } } sub enable_one_kind { local($thing, $flag) = @_; local($host); if ($host = &expand_hostname($thing)) { &enable_host($host, $flag); } else { &enable_arch($thing, $flag); } } sub enable_host { local($host, $flag) = @_; print $flag eq "yes" ? "En" : "Dis", "abling host $host\n"; &remote_set($host, "enabled", $flag); } sub enable_group { local($group, $flag) = @_; if (*list = $groups{$group}) { print $flag eq "yes" ? "En" : "Dis", "abling group $group\n"; for (@list) { &enable_host($_, $flag); } } else { print "Group $group not defined\n"; } 0; } sub enable_arch { local($arch, $flag) = @_; local($host, $hostarch, @a); print $flag eq "yes" ? "En" : "Dis", "abling arch $arch\n"; for $host (keys %ports) { @a = &send_command_to_host_collecting_reply($host, "arch"); $hostarch = $a[0]; if ($arch eq $hostarch) { &enable_host($host, $flag); } } } sub enabled { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 0; local( @a); print "Enabled hosts:\n"; for $host (keys %ports) { @a = &send_command_to_host_collecting_reply($host, "set", "enabled"); print "\t$host\n" if grep(/yes/,@a); } } sub dump_output { local(@list) = (@_ > 0) ? @_ : (keys %ports); print "Dumping from @list\n"; for $host (@list) { $host = &full_hostname($host); if (defined($node_output{$host})) { print "Output from $host:\n"; print $node_output{$host}; } else { print "No output from $host\n"; } } 0; } sub flush_output { local(@list) = (@_ > 0) ? @_ : (keys %ports); print "Flushing from @list\n"; for $host (@list) { $host = &full_hostname($host); delete $node_output{$host}; } 0; } sub undefine_group { local($name) = @_; local($host, $varname); return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 1; if (defined($varname = $groups{$name})) { *list = $varname; undef @list; delete $groups{$name}; } 0; } sub delete_group { local($name) = @_; local($host, $varname); return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 1; if (defined($varname = $groups{$name})) { *list = $varname; undef @list; delete $groups{$name}; } local($groupdir) = "$control_dir/groups"; local($groupfile) = "$control_dir/groups/$name.def"; if (-f $groupfile) { unlink($groupfile); print "Deleted group $name.\n"; } else { print "Group $name not defined.\n"; } 0; } sub define_group { local($name) = @_; local($host, $varname); return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 1; if ($groups{$name}) { print "Group $name exists. Undefine first\n"; return 0; } $varname = &host_group_varname($name); $groups{$name} = $varname; eval "@$varname = ()"; *list = $varname; print "Enter group members and blank line to end\n"; print "define-group > "; while (<STDIN>) { chop; last if /^\s*$/; last if /^\.$/; $host = &expand_hostname($_); if (!defined($host)) { print "Host $_ not found\n"; } else { print "Adding $host\n"; push(@list, $host); } print "define-group > "; } seek(STDIN, 0, 0) unless $_; 0; } sub list_groups { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 0; local(%saved_groups) = &saved_groups; local($group, $var, $size); print "Loaded groups:\n"; while (($group, $var) = each %groups) { *list = $var; $size = @list; print "\t$group ($size members)\n"; delete $saved_groups{$group}; } local(@rest) = keys %saved_groups; if (@rest) { print "Other groups (not currently loaded):\n"; for (sort @rest) { print "\t$_\n"; } } 0; } sub list_group { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 1; local($group) = @_; if (!defined($groups{$group})) { local(%saved_groups) = &saved_groups; if (defined($saved_groups{$group})) { &load_group($group); } } if (defined($groups{$group})) { *list = $groups{$group}; print "Group $group:\n"; print "\t", join("\n\t", @list), "\n"; print "\n"; } else { print "Group $group not defined\n"; } 0; } sub group_contents { local($group) = @_; if (!defined($groups{$group})) { local(%saved_groups) = &saved_groups; if (defined($saved_groups{$group})) { &load_group($group); } } if (defined($groups{$group})) { *list = $groups{$group}; @list; } else { return undef; } } sub save_group { return &usage($cmd) unless @_ >= 1; local($group); for $group (@_) { &save_one_group($group); } 0; } sub save_one_group { local($group) = @_; local($groupdir) = "$control_dir/groups"; local($var) = $groups{$group}; if (!defined($var)) { print "Group $group not defined\n"; return; } -d $groupdir || mkdir($groupdir, 0755) || die "Couldn't mkdir $groupdir: $!\n"; open(FILE, ">$groupdir/$group.def") || die "Error opening group file for $group: $!\n"; *list = $var; print FILE join("\n", @list), "\n"; close(FILE); } sub saved_groups { local($groupdir) = "$control_dir/groups"; local(%sgroups) = (); -d $groupdir || mkdir($groupdir, 0755) || die "Couldn't mkdir $groupdir: $!\n"; opendir(DIR, $groupdir) || die "Couldn't opendir $groupdir: $!\n"; while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) { if (/^(\S+)\.def$/) { $sgroups{$1} = 1; } } %sgroups; } sub load_group { local(@groups) = @_; local($group); return &usage($cmd) unless @_ >= 1; for $group (@groups) { &load_one_group($group) || print "Group $group not defined\n"; } 0; } sub load_one_group { local($group) = @_; local($groupdir) = "$control_dir/groups"; local($var); print "Loading group '$group' dir='$groupdir'\n" if $verbose; if (!open(FILE, "<$groupdir/$group.def")) { return undef; } if (!defined($var = $groups{$group})) { $var = &host_group_varname($group); } *list = $var; @list = (); $groups{$group} = $var; while (<FILE>) { chop; push(@list, $_); } close(FILE); print "Loaded group $group (", scalar(@list), " members)\n"; return 1; } sub host_group_varname { local($name) = @_; $name =~ s/_/__/g; $name =~ s/-/_/g; $name; } sub node_rusage { local($where) = @_; if ($where ne "all" && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } &send_command($where, "child-rusage"); 0; } sub restart { local($cmd); &send_command("all", "quit"); &unlink_host_file($hostname); $cmd = $0; $cmd .= ' -v' if $verbose; exec $cmd; chop($@); die "restart failed: $@\n"; } sub edit { local($editor); ($editor = $vars{"editor"}) || ($editor = $ENV{EDITOR}) || ($editor = "/usr/ucb/vi"); print "Running editor $editor\n"; system($editor, @_); 0; } sub cmd_add_alias { local($word, $alias) = @_; if (!defined($word)) { &write_aliases; } elsif (!defined($alias)) { if ($alias = &return_alias($word)) { print "$word $alias\n"; } else { print "$word not aliased\n"; } } else { &add_alias($word, $alias); } 0; } sub cmd_remove_alias { local($word) = @_; if (!defined($word)) { &usage($cmd); } else { &remove_alias($word); } 0; } sub write_nodes { local($file) = @_; local($host); if (!open(FILEOUT, ">$file")) { warn "Error opening file $file: $!\n"; return 0; } for $host (sort keys %ports) { print FILEOUT "$host\n"; } close(FILEOUT); 0; } sub connect_to_node_cmd { local($host, $port) = @_; $host = &full_hostname($host); if (&connect_to_node($host, $port)) { &write_node_file("$host", $port); } 0; } sub eval { local($expr) = join(' ', @_); local($rc) = eval $expr; print "Eval returns '$rc'\n"; if ($@) { print "Eval error: $@"; undef $@; } 0; } sub getwd { local($wd); chop($wd = `pwd`); $wd; } sub pushd { local($dir) = @_; local($olddir) = &getwd; if (!defined($dir)) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } $dir = &expand_filename($dir); if (chdir($dir)) { unshift(@dirstack, &getwd); } else { warn "Couldn't access $dir: $!\n"; } &dirs; 0; } sub popd { if (@_ > 0) { &usage($cmd); } else { shift(@dirstack); local($dir) = $dirstack[0]; print "changing to $dir\n"; chdir($dir); } 0; } sub dirs { for (@dirstack) { print &unexpand_filename($_), " "; } print "\n"; 0; } sub pwd { print &getwd, "\n"; 0; } sub shell_escape { system("@_"); 0; } sub change_directory { local($dir) = @_; $dir = &expand_filename($dir); if (!defined($dir)) { $dir = $ENV{HOME}; } if (chdir($dir)) { $dirstack[0] = &getwd; } else { warn "Couldn't chdir $dir: $!\n"; } 0; } # Load a node config file of the form # arch # variable value # <blank line> # arch-2 # variable value # # and so on. # sub load_config { local($file) = @_; local($arch, $var, $val); local($host, @hosts, $h); local(%host_bindings, %arch_bindings, $binding_tbl_name); local(@startus, $node); $file = &expand_filename($file); if (!open(CONFIG_FILE, "<$file")) { print "Error opening config file $file: $!\n"; return 0; } LOOP: while (<CONFIG_FILE>) { chop; if (/^arch:\s*(\S+)/) { $arch = $1; print "Got arch $arch\n" if $verbose; undef $host; $binding_tbl_name = "binding_table_$arch"; $arch_bindings{$arch} = $binding_tbl_name; eval "%$binding_tbl_name = ()"; next; } elsif (/^host:\s*(\S+)/) { undef @hosts; $host = &expand_hostname($1); if (!$host) { print "Unknown host $1, skipping section\n"; while (<CONFIG_FILE>) { last if /^\s*$/; } last LOOP; } undef $arch; print "adding $host\n"; $binding_tbl_name = "binding_table_$host"; $binding_tbl_name =~ s/\./__/g; $host_bindings{$host} = $binding_tbl_name; eval "%$binding_tbl_name = ()"; next; } elsif (/^startnode:\s*(.*)/) { local(@nodes) = split(/\s+/,$1); print "Got startnode @nodes\n"; push(@startus, @nodes); next; } next if (/^#/); next if (/^\s*$/); # anything else (for now) is a variable assignment if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { if (defined($arch)) { # arch_bindings{$arch} *must* have been defined here, since # they were defined when $arch was print "Arch binds $1 to $2\n" if $verbose; *bindings = $arch_bindings{$arch}; $bindings{$1} = $2; } elsif (defined($host)) { print "Host binds $1 to $2\n" if $verbose; *bindings = $host_bindings{$host}; $bindings{$1} = $2; } else { warn "Error in config file at line $.: neither architecture nor host defined\n"; return 0; } } } print "Starting nodes @startus\n"; &startnode(@startus); &wait_for_named_nodes(keys %pending); for $host (keys %node_connections) { @reply = &send_command_to_host_collecting_reply($host, "arch"); $arch = $reply[0]; print "Configuring host $host of architecture $arch\n" if $verbose; *bindings = $arch_bindings{$arch}; while (($var, $val) = each %bindings) { &remote_set($host, $var, $val); } } for $host (keys %host_bindings) { *bindings = $host_bindings{$host}; while (($var, $val) = each %bindings) { &remote_set($host, $var, $val); } } $vars{"host-config-loaded"} = "yes"; 0; } sub remote_set { local($node, $var, @value) = @_; local($valuestr); local($host) = &full_hostname($node); if ($node eq "all") { $host = "all"; } elsif (!$host) { $host = "all"; unshift(@value, $var); $var = $node; } $valuestr = join(' ', @value); print "Setting variable $var to $valuestr on $host\n" if $verbose; &send_command($host, "set", $var, $valuestr); 0; } sub remote_eval { local($node, @args) = @_; local($host) = &expand_hostname($node); return &usage($cmd) unless $host; &send_command($host, "eval", @args); 0; } sub kill_pcn { if (@_ == 0) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } local($where, @pids) = @_; if (($where ne "all") && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } print "Killing pids '@pids' on host $where\n" if $verbose; &send_command($where, "kill_pcn", @pids); 0; } sub set { local($var, $value) = @_; if (!$var) { for $var (sort keys %vars) { $value = $vars{$var}; printf "%10s = %s\n", $var, $value; } } elsif (!$value) { $value = $vars{$value}; if (defined($value)) { printf "%10s = %s\n", $var, $vars{$value}; } else { print "$var not defined\n"; } } else { if (defined($vars{$var})) { print "Old value: $vars{$var}\n" if $verbose; } local($regexp) = $valid_var_values{$var}; if ($value =~ /^$regexp$/) { $vars{$var} = $value; } else { print "Invalid value for $var. Value must match $regexp\n"; } } 0; } sub unset { local($var) = @_; &usage($cmd) unless @_ == 1; if (defined($vars{$var})) { print "Old value: $vars{$var}\n"; delete $vars{$var}; } 0; } sub wait_for_pending { &wait_for_named_nodes(keys %pending); 0; } sub wait_for_named_nodes { local(@nodes) = @_; local($name, @ready, $handle, $func); local(%nodeassoc); for (@nodes) { $nodeassoc{&full_hostname($_)} = 1; } @nodes = keys %nodeassoc; print "Waiting for connection from @nodes\n" if @nodes; while (@nodes) { @ready = &select($listen_handle, keys %misc_connections_funcs); for $handle (@ready) { if ($handle eq $listen_handle) { $name = &wait_for_connection; if (!$name) { print "Error waiting... $@\n"; return; } if ($nodeassoc{$name}) { delete $nodeassoc{$name}; } } else { $func = $misc_connections_funcs{$handle}; &$func($handle, split(/$;/, $misc_connections_data{$handle})); } } @nodes = keys %nodeassoc; print "Waiting for connection from @nodes\n" if @nodes; } 0; } sub start_group { do { &usage($cmd); return 0; } unless @_ == 1; local($group) = @_; local(@nodes) = &group_contents($group); if (@nodes) { &startnode(@nodes); } else { print "No nodes in group $group\n"; } 0; } sub startnode { local(@nodes) = @_; local($host, $user); local($cmd); for $host (@nodes) { $cmd = "node-control"; $user = $ENV{USER}; if ($host =~ /(([^@]+)@)?([^:]+)(:(\S+))?/) { $user = $2 if $1; $host = $3; $cmd = $5 if $4; print "Got full form $user $host $cmd\n" if $verbose; } $name = &expand_hostname($host); if (!$name) { if ($host =~ /^~/) { $host =~ s/^~/$ENV{HOME}/; } if (-f $host) { &start_nodes_from_file($host); } else { print "Invalid node '$host'\n"; } } else { if ($node_connections{$name}) { print "Node-control already running on $name\n"; next; } if ($vars{"startnode-query"} eq "on") { print "Node-control not running on $name. Start it? "; $_ = <STDIN>; next if (!/^y/i); } print "Starting node on $name\n"; # if (system("rsh $name -n node-control &")) # { # print "Failed to start node-control on $name\n"; # } if (&start_node_on_host_with_fork($name, $user, $cmd)) { $pending{$name} = 1; } else { print "Trying to start node using groups\n"; &start_node_with_groups($name, $user, $cmd); } } } } sub start_node_with_groups { local($host, $user, $cmd) = @_; local($group, $var, $h, $rhost); local(%saved_groups) = &saved_groups; while (($group, $var) = each %groups) { delete $saved_groups{$group}; last if (&host_in_group($host, $var)); } if (!$var) { for $group (keys %saved_groups) { &load_one_group($group); $var = $groups{$group}; print "$group: var is $var\n" if $verbose; last if (&host_in_group($host, $var)); } } if (!$var) { print "Couldn't find group for $host\n"; return undef; } *list = $var; print "got $host in group $group\n" if $verbose; print "Starting node on $host using group $group\n"; for $h (@list) { if ($ports{$h}) { print "got host $h\n" if $verbose; $rhost = $h; last; } } if ($rhost) { print "connected to host $rhost in group $group\n" if $verbose; @repl = &send_command_to_host_collecting_reply($rhost, "startnode", @_); print "Got reply <@repl>\n" if $verbose; if (grep(/success/i, @repl)) { print "Startnode succeeded\n"; $pending{$host} = 1; } else { print "Startnode failed\n"; } } 0; } sub host_in_group { local($host, $group) = @_; *list= $group; return grep(/$host/, @list); } sub start_nodes_from_file { local($file) = @_; return if (! -f $file); open(NODEFILE,"<$file") || print "Cannot open file $file: $!\n" && return; while (<NODEFILE>) { chop; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next if (/^[#%]/); next if (/^$/); &startnode($_); } close(NODEFILE); } sub reconnect { local($host); for $host (keys %ports) { &disconnect($host); } &setup_connections; undef $@; 0; } sub arch { local($where, @list) = @_; if ($where ne "all" && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } &send_command($where, "arch", @list); 0; } sub status { local($where, @list) = @_; if ($where ne "all" && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } &send_command($where, "status", @list); 0; } sub uptime { local($where, @list) = @_; if ($where ne "all" && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } &send_command($where, "uptime", @list); 0; } sub ps { local($where, @list) = @_; if ($where ne "all" && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } &send_command($where, "ps", @list); 0; } sub conns { local($name, $handle, $port); local(@hosts) = sort keys %ports; print "Current connections (", scalar(@hosts), "):\n"; for $name (@hosts) { $handle = $node_connections{$name}; $port = $ports{$name}; print "\t$name/$port ", $verbose ? $handle : "", "\n"; } 0; } sub quit { 1; } sub kj { local($where, @list) = @_; if ($where ne "all" && !$node_connections{($where = &full_hostname($where))}) { &usage($cmd); return 0; } &send_command($where, "kj", @list); 0; } sub kill { local($where, @list) = @_; local($host); if (($host = &full_hostname($where)) || (($host = $where) eq "all")) { &send_command($host, "kill", @list); } else { &usage($cmd); } 0; } sub help { local($cmd) = @_; local($help, $topic); do { &load_file(""); &help_init; } if (!$help_initialized); if ($cmd eq 'all') { print "Available comands: \n"; for $cmd (sort keys %cmds) { print "$cmd:\n", $help{$cmd}, "\n"; } } elsif ($cmd eq 'tex') { local($old) = $*; $* = 1; open(TEX, ">summary.tex"); print TEX "\\begin{itemize}\n"; for $cmd (sort keys %cmds) { ($help = $help{$cmd}) =~ s/([_\$])/\\\1/g; $help =~ s/^%%TEX //g; print TEX "\\item[{\\bf $cmd}] ", $help, "\n"; } print TEX "\\end{itemize}\n"; close(TEX); $* = $old; } elsif ($cmd ne "") { if (!$host_control_guru && $gurucmds{$cmd}) { print "No help for $cmd\n"; } elsif ($help = $help{$cmd}) { local($old) = $*; local($usage); $* = 1; $help =~ s/^%%TEX .*\n//g; print $help; $* = $old; if ($usage = $usage{$cmd}) { print "Usage: \n"; print $usage; } } else { print "No help for $cmd\n"; } } else { print "Available comands: \n"; &print_list(' ', $vars{"window-width"}, sort keys %cmds); # for $cmd (sort keys %cmds) # { # print "\t$cmd"; # print " (no help)" unless $help{$cmd}; # print "\n"; # } print "Other help:\n"; local(@other) = (); for $topic (keys %help) { push(@other, $topic) unless ($cmds{$topic} || $gurucmds{$topic}); } &print_list(' ', $vars{"window-width"}, sort @other); } 0; } sub usage { local($cmd) = @_; local($help); do { &load_file(""); &help_init; } if (!$help_initialized); if (defined($cmd)) { if ($help = $usage{$cmd}) { print "Usage: \n"; print $help; } else { print "No usage infomation for $cmd\n"; } } else { print "Available comands: \n"; for $cmd (sort keys %cmds) { print "\t$cmd\n"; } } 0; } # Start inclusion from $ch_read_handle = 'CHREAD0001'; $ch_error_handle = 'CHERROR0001'; sub start_node_on_host_with_fork { local($name, $user, $cmd) = @_; local($child); local($rh, $eh) = ($ch_read_handle++, $ch_error_handle++); local($crh, $ceh) = ("C_$rh", "C_$eh"); local(@cmd); pipe($rh, $crh) || die "Pipe failed: $!"; # pipe($eh, $ceh) || die "Pipe failed: $!"; pipe(INP, CHILD_STDIN) || die "Pipe failed: $!"; @cmd = ("rsh", $host, "-l", $user, "/bin/sh"); @cmd = ("/bin/sh") if $name eq $hostname; &termout("Command is '@cmd'\n") if $verbose; &nonbuf_list($rh, $crh, INP, CHILD_STDIN); $child = fork; die "fork failed: $!\n" if $child < 0; open(TTY, ">/dev/tty") || warn "Couldn't open tty: $!\n"; select((select(TTY), $| = 1)[0]); if ($child == 0) { close(CHILD_STDIN); close($rh); # close($eh); close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR); open(STDIN, "<&INP"); open(STDOUT, ">&$crh"); open(STDERR, ">&$crh"); # open(STDERR, ">&$ceh"); close($crh); # close($ceh); close(INP); select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); $| = 1; exec @cmd; die "Exec failed: $!\n"; } close(INP); close($crh); # close($ceh); print CHILD_STDIN "$cmd < /dev/null \n"; &termout("$cmd < /dev/null &\n") if $verbose; close(CHILD_STDIN); delete $rsh_error_output{$eh}; delete $rsh_output{$rh}; # &noblock($rh, $eh); &add_misc_pipe($rh, 'rsh_stdout', $name); # &add_misc_pipe($eh, 'rsh_stderr', $name); } sub rsh_stderr { local($handle, $host) = @_; while (1) { undef $!; $_ = <$handle>; if (!$_) { return if ($! == &EWOULDBLOCK); print "Got EOF for host $host $handle $_\n" if $verbose; &rsh_stderr_eof; return; } else { chop; return if /^\s*$/; $rsh_error_output{$handle} .= "$_$;"; if (eof($handle)) { &termout("eof test caught stderr\n") if $verbose; &rsh_stderr_eof; return; } } } } sub rsh_stderr_eof { local($handle, $host) = @_; print "stderr eof on $handle\n" if $verbose; close($handle); &remove_misc_pipe($handle); local($error_output) = $rsh_error_output{$handle}; if ($error_output ne '') { &termout("Startnode on $host failed:\n"); &termout(join("\n", split(/$;/, $error_output)), "\n"); } } sub rsh_stdout { local($handle, $host) = @_; while (1) { undef $!; $_ = <$handle>; print "Rsh returns '$_'\n" if $verbose; if (!$_) { return if ($! == &EWOULDBLOCK); "Got stdout EOF for host $host $handle $_\n" if $verbose; &rsh_stdout_eof; return; } else { chop; return if /^\s*$/; $rsh_output{$handle} .= "$_$;"; if (eof($handle)) { &termout("eof test caught stdout\n") if $verbose; &rsh_stdout_eof; return; } } } } sub rsh_stdout_eof { local($handle, $host) = @_; print "stdout eof on $handle\n" if $verbose; close($handle); &remove_misc_pipe($handle); local($output) = $rsh_output{$handle}; if ($output =~ /pcn\s+node\s+control.*version\s*([\d\.]+)/i) { &termout("Node control version $1 running on $host\n"); } elsif ($output ne '') { &termout("Startnode $host failed: \n"); &termout(join("\n", split(/$;/, $output)), "\n"); } else { &termout("Startnode $host failed\n"); } } sub nonbuf_list { local($handle); $handle = shift(@_); local($old) = select($handle); $| = 1; for (@_) { select($_); $| = 1; } select($old); } # End inclusion from 1;
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by