This is mergelogs.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * merge.c: Program to take mutiple strand format logfiles, sort them, * merge them, and prepend information to the final logfile. * * Algorithm: * Copy all the negative events at the beginning of the logfiles to a * temporary header file. * Use the unix sort command to sort all the logfiles. * Analyze the data, ignoring all events that are not > 0. * Print to stdout the results of the analyzation, the header file, * and the sorted log entries. * * Modified Summer 1990 by James Arthur Kohl * to combine count collection more efficiently. * * Now it's REAL fast! */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> /* for calling isdigit() */ #include "eventdefs.h" /* Logfile definitions */ #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE !FALSE #define MAX(x,y) ( (x) > (y) ? (x) : (y) ) #define C_DATA_LEN 50 #define DO_NEGATIVE 1 #define IGNORE_NEGATIVE 2 struct log_entry { int proc_id; int task_id; int event; int i_data; char c_data[C_DATA_LEN]; int time_slot; unsigned long time; }; struct list_struct { struct log_entry entry; struct list_struct *next; } *log_table; struct list_struct *log_ptr; int entry_tot; static get_counts(); main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FILE *headerfp; char headerfile[255]; int pid; if ( argc <= 1 ) usage(); pid = getpid(); sprintf(headerfile,"/usr/tmp/log.header.%d",pid); if ( (headerfp=fopen(headerfile,"w")) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"merge: unable to create temp file %s.\n",headerfile); exit(0); } combine_files(argc,argv,headerfp); if ( (headerfp=fopen(headerfile,"r")) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"merge: unable to read temp file %s.\n",headerfile); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr,"Analyzing.\n"); analyze(headerfp); fclose(headerfp); unlink(headerfile); } /* main */ combine_files(argc,argv,headerfp) int argc; char *argv[]; FILE *headerfp; { FILE *in; struct list_struct **files; struct list_struct *last; struct list_struct *ptr; struct log_entry *entry; unsigned long min_time; int min_event; int min_slot; int min; int all_eof; int eof_flag; int negflag; int num; int i; num = argc - 1; if ( (files=(struct list_struct **) malloc(num * sizeof(struct list_struct *))) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"merge: unable to allocate input data array.\n"); exit(0); } for ( i=0 ; i < num ; i++ ) { fprintf(stderr,"Reading %s\n",argv[i+1]); if ( (in=fopen(argv[i+1],"r")) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"merge: unable to read data file %s.\n",argv[i+1]); exit(0); } if ( (files[i]=(struct list_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct list_struct))) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"merge: unable to allocate list struct.\n"); exit(0); } ptr = files[i]; last = NULL; do { read_logentry(in,&(ptr->entry),DO_NEGATIVE); if ( !(eof_flag=feof(in)) ) { if ( (ptr->next=(struct list_struct *) malloc(sizeof(struct list_struct))) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"merge: unable to allocate list struct.\n"); exit(0); } last = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } else { if ( last != NULL ) last->next = NULL; else files[i] = NULL; free(ptr); ptr = NULL; } } while ( !eof_flag ); fclose(in); } fprintf(stderr,"Sorting.\n"); all_eof = 0; do { negflag = 0; for ( i=0 ; i < num ; i++ ) { if ( files[i] == NULL ) continue; entry = &(files[i]->entry); if ( entry->event < 0 ) { negflag++; fprintf(headerfp,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu %s\n",entry->event, entry->proc_id,entry->task_id,entry->i_data, entry->time_slot,entry->time,entry->c_data); files[i] = files[i]->next; if ( files[i] == NULL ) all_eof++; } } } while ( negflag && all_eof < num ); fclose(headerfp); log_table = log_ptr = NULL; entry_tot = 0; while ( all_eof < num ) { min_event = 0; min_time = 0; min_slot = 0; min = -1; for ( i=0 ; i < num ; i++ ) { if ( files[i] == NULL ) continue; entry = &(files[i]->entry); if ( (entry->time_slot == min_slot && entry->time < min_time) || entry->time_slot < min_slot || min == -1 || (entry->time_slot == min_slot && entry->time == min_time && entry->event < min_event) ) { min_event = entry->event; min_time = entry->time; min_slot = entry->time_slot; min = i; } } if ( log_ptr == NULL ) { log_table = log_ptr = files[min]; files[min] = files[min]->next; } else { log_ptr->next = files[min]; files[min] = files[min]->next; log_ptr = log_ptr->next; } log_ptr->next = NULL; entry_tot++; if ( files[min] == NULL ) all_eof++; } fprintf(stderr, " %d total entries\n", entry_tot); } usage() { fprintf(stderr,"mergelogs: mergelogs infile1 infile2 ...\n"); fprintf(stderr," writes to stdout\n"); exit(0); } /* analyze: At this point, we have one large sorted file called :tname:. * We want to prepend certain data to it. * We also want to prepend the data from the file pointed to * by :headerfp:. * See balance:/usr/local/trace/README for info. * */ analyze(headerfp) FILE *headerfp; { struct log_entry *entry; int proc_tot, task_tot, time_slot_tot, event_tot; int i; get_counts(&proc_tot,&task_tot,&event_tot,&time_slot_tot); fprintf(stderr, " %d separate processors\n", proc_tot); fprintf(stderr, " %d separate tasks\n", task_tot); fprintf(stderr, " %d event types\n", event_tot); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",NUM_EVENTS,0,0,entry_tot,0,0L); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",NUM_PROCS,0,0,proc_tot,0,0L); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",NUM_TASKS,0,0,task_tot,0,0L); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",NUM_EVTYPES,0,0,event_tot,0,0L); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",START_TIME,0,0,0,0, log_table->entry.time); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",END_TIME,0,0,0,0, log_ptr->entry.time); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu\n",NUM_CYCLES,0,0,time_slot_tot,0,0L); dump_header(headerfp); log_ptr = log_table; while ( log_ptr != NULL ) { entry = &(log_ptr->entry); fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu %s\n",entry->event, entry->proc_id,entry->task_id,entry->i_data, entry->time_slot,entry->time,entry->c_data); log_ptr = log_ptr->next; } } /* analyze */ dump_header(headerfp) FILE *headerfp; { char buf[512]; int len; do { if ( len=fread(buf,sizeof(char),512,headerfp) ) fwrite(buf,sizeof(char),len,stdout); } while ( !feof(headerfp) && len ); } /* dump_header */ read_logentry(fp,table,do_negs) FILE *fp; struct log_entry *table; int do_negs; { char buf[81]; char *cp; int i; do { fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d %d %d %lu", &(table->event),&(table->proc_id),&(table->task_id), &(table->i_data),&(table->time_slot),&(table->time)); cp = table->c_data; i = 0; do { fscanf(fp,"%c",cp); } while ( *cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t' ); i++; while ( *cp != '\n' && i < C_DATA_LEN ) { fscanf(fp,"%c",++cp); i++; } *cp = '\0'; /* if ( !feof(fp) && table->event == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"0 reading in.\n"); */ } while( table->event < 0 && do_negs == IGNORE_NEGATIVE && !feof(fp) ); } static get_counts(ptot,ttot,etot,tstot) int *ptot,*ttot,*etot,*tstot; { struct list_struct *ptr; struct log_entry *entry; struct log_entry *last; int *p, *t, *e; int flag; int val; int i,j; if ( (p=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * entry_tot)) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory.\n"); exit(0); } if ( (t=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * entry_tot)) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory.\n"); exit(0); } if ( (e=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * entry_tot)) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory.\n"); exit(0); } for ( i=0 ; i < entry_tot ; i++ ) { p[i] = t[i] = e[i] = 0; } *ptot = *ttot = *etot = 0; *tstot = 1; ptr = log_table; last = NULL; while ( ptr != NULL ) { entry = &(ptr->entry); flag = 0; val = entry->proc_id; for ( j=0 ; j < *ptot && !flag ; j++ ) { if ( p[j] == val ) flag++; } if ( !flag ) { p[(*ptot)++] = val; } flag = 0; val = entry->task_id; for ( j=0 ; j < *ttot && !flag ; j++ ) { if ( t[j] == val ) flag++; } if ( !flag ) { t[(*ttot)++] = val; } flag = 0; val = entry->event; for ( j=0 ; j < *etot && !flag ; j++ ) { if ( e[j] == val ) flag++; } if ( !flag ) { e[(*etot)++] = val; } if ( last != NULL && entry->time_slot != last->time_slot ) (*tstot)++; last = entry; ptr = ptr->next; } }
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