This is ppshow.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#if (!defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)) static char *rcsid = "$Header: /ufs/comp/mei/PROJ_PCN/onprofile/IFModel/Model/RCS/ppshow.c,v 1.11 1992/04/17 21:10:38 mei Exp $"; #endif /*AERO_MESG*/ /********************************************************/ /* FILE: ppshow.c */ /********************************************************/ #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> #include <math.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <sys/param.h> #ifdef HISTOGRAM #include <Xsw/Xsw.h> #include <Xsw/Help.h> #include <X11/Shell.h> #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ #if defined(symmetry) #define MAXFLOAT HUGE #endif #if defined(sun4) || defined(iris) #include <values.h> #endif #include "ppshowP.h" #ifdef HISTOGRAM #include <Gauge/Viewer.h> #endif char *checkmalloc(/* size,procname */); static jmp_buf ErrorEnv; /** used in cmp_bar,cmp_node,sort_bar **/ int CmpNode; Widget view; /** used in sort_bars,subset - This variable is used to prevent a resort of the data when a subset is being created **/ static making_subset = 0; typedef struct CollectArgStruct{ float max, min, total; float mean, sd; int items; Histo *histo; }CollectArg; /********************************************************/ /* NAME : find_node */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ #ifdef HISTOGRAM find_node(label,node,mode) char *label; int node,mode; { if (mode == UTILIZATION || mode == IDLE_TIME || mode == MSG_COUNT || mode == COMM_VOLUME) sscanf(label,"Processor %d",&node); return node; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : collect_from_internal */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ double collect_from_internal(pPtr,nPtr,mode,curr_snap_no) Procedure *pPtr; void *nPtr; String mode; int curr_snap_no; { double bar_value(); double value = 0; int clause, goal; Clause *cPtr; /* calling procedure */ for(clause = 0; clause < pPtr->size; clause++) { cPtr = pPtr->clauses+clause; for (goal = 0 ; goal < cPtr->body_goals; goal++) if (!(cPtr->calls[goal]->visible)) value += bar_value((void *) cPtr->calls[goal],nPtr,mode,curr_snap_no); } return value; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : bar_value */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ double bar_value(pPtr,nPtr,mode,curr_snap_no) void *pPtr, *nPtr; String mode; int curr_snap_no; { double value = 0.0; ProcedureProfileData *procdataPtr; NodeStats *nsPtr; switch (*mode) { case VTIME: procdataPtr= lookup_procsnapprof((Procedure *) pPtr, curr_snap_no,((Node *) nPtr)->node_no); value=(NO_PROC_DATA(procdataPtr)) ? 0 : collect_from_internal((Procedure *) pPtr,nPtr,mode,curr_snap_no)+ procdataPtr->; break; case VFREQ: procdataPtr= lookup_procsnapprof((Procedure *) pPtr, curr_snap_no,((Node *) nPtr)->node_no); value=(NO_PROC_DATA(procdataPtr) ? 0 : procdataPtr->counts.use); break; case VIDLE: procdataPtr= lookup_procsnapprof((Procedure *) pPtr, curr_snap_no,((Node *) nPtr)->node_no); value=(NO_PROC_DATA(procdataPtr)) ? 0 : collect_from_internal((Procedure *) pPtr,nPtr,mode,curr_snap_no)+ procdataPtr->cost.idle; break; case VMSGCNTS: nsPtr=((Node *) nPtr)->stats+curr_snap_no; value=(NO_PROC_DATA(procdataPtr)) ? 0 : SEND_CNT(nsPtr)+ RCV_CNT(nsPtr); break; case VMSGVOL: nsPtr=((Node *) nPtr)->stats+curr_snap_no; value=(NO_PROC_DATA(procdataPtr)) ? 0 : (SEND_VOL(nsPtr)+ RCV_VOL(nsPtr)) / 1024.; break; default: value = 0; } return value; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : Help */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void Help(w,hPtr,call) Widget w; Histo *hPtr; XPointer call; { XswHelpShow(hPtr->help,hPtr->help_key,XswGetShell(w),XswRight); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : ViewChanged */ /* Content : for callback calls to update the screen */ /* with new data. This is where the refresh take place*/ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ ViewChanged(w, client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer client_data; XtPointer call_data; { Histo *hPtr = (Histo *) client_data; View *vPtr = (View *) call_data; char *str; VType type; StringList view; char wname[64], iname[64]; CurrStats *csPtr; type = vPtr->type; /* ByNodes, ByProcedures, or ThreeD */ view = vPtr->data; switch (*(view[0])) { case VTIME: sprintf(TextBuffer,GLOBAL_FMT, hPtr->info.mins,hPtr->info.secs,hPtr->info.msecs, hPtr->info.reductions,hPtr->info.suspensions); hPtr->help_key = "Time"; break; case VFREQ: sprintf(TextBuffer,GLOBAL_FMT, hPtr->info.mins,hPtr->info.secs,hPtr->info.msecs, hPtr->info.reductions,hPtr->info.suspensions); hPtr->help_key = "Freq"; break; case VIDLE: sprintf(TextBuffer,GLOBAL_FMT, hPtr->info.mins,hPtr->info.secs,hPtr->info.msecs, hPtr->info.reductions,hPtr->info.suspensions); if ((view[1] != NULL) && *(view[1]) == VTIME) hPtr->help_key = "TimeBreakdown"; else hPtr->help_key = "Idle"; break; case VMSGCNTS: csPtr= &(hPtr->currstats); sprintf(TextBuffer,COMM_FMT,"message counts", SEND_CNT(csPtr), RCV_CNT(csPtr), SEND_CNT(csPtr)+RCV_CNT(csPtr)); hPtr->help_key = "MsgCnts"; break; case VMSGVOL: csPtr= &(hPtr->currstats); sprintf(TextBuffer,COMM_FMT,"communication volume in KBytes", SEND_VOL(csPtr)/1024, RCV_VOL(csPtr)/1024, SEND_VOL(csPtr)/1024+RCV_VOL(csPtr)/1024); hPtr->help_key = "MsgVol"; break; default: ; } sprintf(wname,"Gauge profile of %s%s", hPtr->filename,hPtr->subset ? " (Subset)" : ""); strcpy(iname,wname); XswSetWMNames(w,wname,iname); /* First time here? */ if (hPtr->view == NULL) return; else XswViewerSetText(hPtr->view,TextBuffer); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : cmp_bar */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ cmp_bar(bar1,bar2) ListElement *bar1,*bar2; { double tmp; if (CmpNode == UNSORT) return ((Procedure *) bar1->pointer)->id - ((Procedure *) bar2->pointer)->id; else { tmp = XswViewerRowValue(view, bar2) - XswViewerRowValue(view, bar1); return tmp > 0 ? 1 : tmp < 0 ? -1 : 0; } } /********************************************************/ /* Name : cmp_node */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ cmp_node(node1,node2) ListElement *node1, *node2; { double tmp; if (CmpNode == SORT) { tmp = XswViewerColumnValue(view, node2) - XswViewerColumnValue(view, node1); return tmp > 0 ? 1 : tmp < 0 ? -1 : 0; } else return ((Node *) node1->pointer)->node_no - ((Node *) node2->pointer)->node_no; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : sort_bars */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ sort_bars(w, client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer call_data, client_data; { Histo *hPtr = (Histo *) client_data; int order = (int) XawToggleGetCurrent(w); if (making_subset) return; if (order != 0) { CmpNode = order; view = hPtr->view; if (XswViewerViewType(hPtr->view) == ByNodes) qsort((char *) (hPtr->vnodes),hPtr->curr.node_cnt,sizeof(ListElement),cmp_node); else qsort((char *)(hPtr->procs),hPtr->curr.procedure_cnt,sizeof(ListElement),cmp_bar); hPtr->curr.order = order; XswViewerUpdateView(hPtr->view); } } /********************************************************/ /* Name : collect_stats */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ void collect_stats(pPtr, nPtr, name, dPtr, curr_snap_no) void *pPtr, *nPtr; char *name; CollectArg *dPtr; int curr_snap_no; { Widget view = dPtr->histo->view; double value; if (XswViewerIsBucket(view)) value = XswViewerBucketValue(view,pPtr); else switch (XswViewerViewType(view)) { case ByNodes: value = XswViewerColumnValue(view,nPtr); break; case ByProcedures: value = XswViewerRowValue(view,pPtr); break; case Bucket3D: value = XswViewerRowValue(view,pPtr); break; case ThreeD: value = bar_value(pPtr,nPtr,name,curr_snap_no); }/* switch */ (dPtr->items)++; dPtr->min = value < dPtr->min ? value : dPtr->min; dPtr->max = value > dPtr->max ? value : dPtr->max; dPtr->total += value; dPtr->sd += value * value; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : show_information */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ show_information(w, hPtr, call_data) Widget w; Histo *hPtr; XtPointer call_data; { char format[128]; sprintf(TextBuffer,"\nCounter file: %s\n",hPtr->filename); sprintf(format,"Architectural parameters: %s\n\n", hPtr->nodes[0].machine); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Total number of nodes: %d \n", hPtr->info.node_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Current number of nodes: %d\n\n", hPtr->curr.node_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Number of procedures: %d\n", hPtr->info.procedure_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Current number of procedures: %d\n\n", hPtr->curr.procedure_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Number of modules: %d\n", hPtr->info.module_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Current number of modules: %d\n\n", hPtr->curr.module_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format,"Number of snapshots: %d\n", hPtr->info.snap_cnt); strncat(TextBuffer,format,FMT_SIZE); XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Profile Information",TextBuffer); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : SelectSnap */ /* Content : update the snapshot number for the main */ /* display's widget and then update the view */ /* Date : 2/1992 */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ void SelectSnap(Snap_no,hPtr) int Snap_no; Histo *hPtr; { String label; XswViewerSetZptr(hPtr->view,Snap_no); XswViewerUpdateView(hPtr->view); } /********************************************************/ /* Name: get_showsnap */ /* Content: organize all the snapshot name into a table */ /* Date: 2/1992 */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ void get_showsnap(hPtr,list) Histo *hPtr; String *list; { int i; if(hPtr->info.snap_cnt > LIST_MAX){ sprintf(TextBuffer,"snap number of [%d] is bigger than the maximum allowed",hPtr->info.snap_cnt); GaugeError("get_showsnap",TextBuffer); }/*if*/ for(i=0;i<hPtr->info.snap_cnt;i++) { sprintf(item_buffer,"%s [%d]",hPtr->info.snap[i].name,i); list[i]=XtNewString(item_buffer); } list[i]=NULL; } /********************************************************/ /* Name: get_snap_no */ /* Content: organize all the snapshot name into a table */ /* Date: 2/1992 */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ int get_snap_no(string) String string; { int i; sscanf(string,"%*s [%d]",&i); return i; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : print_statistics */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ show_statistics(w, client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer call_data, client_data; { Histo *hPtr = (Histo *) client_data; CollectArg data; char box_string[512]; data.min = MAXFLOAT; data.max = = data.mean = = data.items = 0; data.histo = hPtr; XswViewerMapSelectedRows(hPtr->view, collect_stats, &data); data.mean = / data.items; = (data.items == 1) ? 0.0 : sqrt(( - data.mean* / (data.items - 1.0)); sprintf(box_string,"\ Items: %14d\n\ Mean: %14.6g\n\ Standard Deviation: %14.6g\n\ Minimum: %14.6g\n\ Maximum: %14.6g\n\ Total: %14.6g", data.items, data.mean,, data.min,data.max,; XswPopupBox(hPtr->view, "Statistics",box_string); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : collect_usage_stats */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ void collect_usage_stats(pPtr, nPtr, name, sPtr, curr_snap_no) Procedure *pPtr; Node *nPtr; char *name; UsageStats *sPtr; int curr_snap_no; { int clause; int node = nPtr->node_no; ProcedureProfileData *psPtr; ClauseProfileData *clsPtr; psPtr=lookup_procsnapprof(pPtr,curr_snap_no,node); if(NO_PROC_DATA(psPtr)) { sprintf(TextBuffer, "Node[%d] Snap[%d]'s procedure profile data not available", node,curr_snap_no); GaugeWarning("collect_usage_stats",TextBuffer); return; }/*if*/ sPtr->suspends += psPtr->counts.suspend; sPtr->cost += psPtr->; sPtr->display = node; sPtr->nodes += 1; if (pPtr->type == FOREIGN_PROCEDURE) sPtr->counts[0].use += psPtr->counts.use; else { for (clause = 0; clause < pPtr->size; clause++) { clsPtr=lookup_clausnapprof(pPtr,clause,curr_snap_no,node); if(NO_CLAUSE_DATA(clsPtr)) { sprintf(TextBuffer, "Node[%d] Snap[%d] Clause[%d]'s profile data not available", node,curr_snap_no,clause); GaugeWarning("collect_usage_stats",TextBuffer); continue; }/*if*/ sPtr->counts[clause].use += clsPtr->counts.use; sPtr->counts[clause].commit += clsPtr->counts.commit; sPtr->counts[clause].failure += clsPtr->counts.failure; }/*for*/ }/*if-else*/ } /********************************************************/ /* Name : show_usage_data */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ show_usage_data(w,client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer call_data, client_data; { Histo *hPtr = (Histo *) client_data; char box_string[FMT_SIZE]; char format[128]; Procedure *pPtr; UsageStats data; int i, clause, length,selected; Boolean *selections; int total_used = 0, total_commit = 0, total_failure = 0; XswViewerSelectedRows(hPtr->view,OR,&selections,&length); for (selected = 0, i = 0; i < length ; i++) if (selections[i] == True) { pPtr = (Procedure *) hPtr->procs[i].pointer; if (selected++ == 1) { Free(selections); XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Usage Data", "\n More than one procedure selected \n\n"); return; } }/*if*/ Free(selections); if (selected == 0) { XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Usage Data","\n\n No bars selected \n\n"); return; }/*if*/ data.proc = pPtr; data.nodes = data.suspends = 0; data.cost = 0.0; data.counts = (struct s_clausecounts *) calloc(pPtr->size,sizeof(struct s_clausecounts)); XswViewerMapSelections(hPtr->view, collect_usage_stats, &data); if (data.nodes == hPtr->info.node_cnt) { sprintf(box_string,"Usage data for %s on all nodes",pPtr->name); } else if (data.nodes == 1) sprintf(box_string,"Usage data for %s on node %d", pPtr->name,data.display); else sprintf(box_string,"Usage data for %s on %d nodes", data.proc->name, data.nodes); if (pPtr->type == FOREIGN_PROCEDURE) { sprintf(format,"\n Foreign defined kernel\n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," Number of uses: %d\n",data.counts[0].use); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); if (data.counts[0].use) { sprintf(format," Mean execution time: %-10.3f\n\n", data.cost/data.counts[0].use); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); } else { sprintf(format," Mean execution time: 0.0\n\n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); } } else { sprintf(format,"\n Number of implications: %d\n",pPtr->size); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," Number of suspends: %d\n\n",data.suspends); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," +-------------------------------------------------+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," | Implication # | Used | Commits | Failures | \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," +-------------------------------------------------+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); for (clause = 0; clause < pPtr->size; clause++) { sprintf(format," | Implication %2d | %8d | %8d | %8d | \n", clause+1, data.counts[clause].use, data.counts[clause].commit, data.counts[clause].failure); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); total_used += data.counts[clause].use, total_commit += data.counts[clause].commit; total_failure += data.counts[clause].failure; } sprintf(format," +=================================================+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," | Procedure | %8d | %8d | %8d | \n", total_used, total_commit, total_failure); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," +-------------------------------------------------+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); } *(box_string + FMT_SIZE - 1) = '\0'; Free(data.counts); XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Usage Data",box_string); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : user_program */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ Procedure *user_program(pPtr) Procedure *pPtr; { while (!(pPtr->visible)) pPtr = pPtr->callers->clause_ptr->proc_ptr; return pPtr; } /********************************************************/ /* Name : show_call_data */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ show_call_data(w, client_data, call_data) Widget w; XtPointer call_data, client_data; { char box_string[FMT_SIZE+1]; char format[256]; int uses = 0; Procedure *pPtr; RGraph *ctemp; UsageStats data; Boolean *node_selections, *program_selections; int length, i, node; int programs_selected = 0; int nodes_selected = 0; Histo *hPtr = (Histo *) client_data; ProcedureProfileData *psPtr; ClauseProfileData *csPtr; Clause *cPtr; int curr_snap_no; XswViewerGetZptr(hPtr->view,&curr_snap_no); XswViewerSelectedRows(hPtr->view,OR,&program_selections,&length); for (i = 0; i < length ; i++) if (program_selections[i] == True) { pPtr = (Procedure *) hPtr->procs[i].pointer; if (programs_selected++ == 1) { Free(program_selections); XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Call Data", "\n More than one program selected \n\n"); return; } } Free(program_selections); if (programs_selected == 0) { XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Call Data","\n\n No program selected \n\n"); return; } XswViewerSelectedColumns(hPtr->view,OR,&node_selections,&length); for (i = 0; i < length ; i++) if (node_selections[i] == True) { node = i; nodes_selected++; psPtr=lookup_procsnapprof(pPtr,curr_snap_no,i); if(NO_PROC_DATA(psPtr)) { sprintf(TextBuffer, "Node[%d] Snap[%d]'s procerue profile data not available", i,curr_snap_no); GaugeWarning("show_call_data",TextBuffer); continue; }/*if*/ uses += psPtr->counts.use; } if (nodes_selected == hPtr->info.node_cnt) sprintf(box_string,"Call data for %s on all nodes",pPtr->name); else if (nodes_selected == 1) sprintf(box_string,"Call data for %s on node %d",pPtr->name,node); else sprintf(box_string,"Call data for %s on %d nodes", pPtr->name,nodes_selected); if (pPtr->callers == (RGraph *) NULL) { sprintf(format,"\n\n Root procedure \n\n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Call Data",box_string); } else { sprintf(format,"\n Type of procedure: %s\n", pPtr->type == FOREIGN_PROCEDURE ? "Foreign" : pPtr->type == PCN_PARALLEL ? "PCN" : "PCN"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," Total uses: %d\n\n",uses); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," +-------------------------------------------+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," | Called by | Usage | Percent | \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); sprintf(format," +-------------------------------------------+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); for (ctemp = pPtr->callers; ctemp != (RGraph *) NULL; ctemp=ctemp->next) { int used = 0, i; for (i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) { cPtr=ctemp->clause_ptr; if (node_selections[i] == True) { csPtr=lookup_clausnapprof2(cPtr,curr_snap_no,i); if(NO_CLAUSE_DATA(csPtr)) { sprintf(TextBuffer, "Node[%d] Snap[%d]'s profile data not available", i,curr_snap_no); GaugeWarning("show_call_data",TextBuffer); continue; } else used += csPtr->counts.commit; } /*if*/ } /* for */ sprintf(format," | %-20s | %8d | %5.1f | \n", user_program(cPtr->proc_ptr)->name,used, (uses == 0) ? 0.0 : (used*100.0)/uses); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); } sprintf(format," +-------------------------------------------+ \n"); strncat(box_string,format,FMT_SIZE); XswPopupBox(hPtr->view, "Call Data",box_string); } Free(node_selections); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : build_bars */ /* Content : link up the procedure list for the hPtr */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ char *build_bars(procname,proc,bar) char *procname; Procedure *proc; char *bar; { ListElement *lst = (ListElement *) bar; if (proc->visible) { lst->pointer = (void *) proc; lst->label = (char *) checkmalloc(strlen(proc->mod_ptr->name)+strlen(procname)+2,"build_bars"); /* sprintf(((ListElement *) bar)->label,"%s:%s",proc->mod_ptr->name,procname); */ sprintf(((ListElement *) bar)->label,"%s",procname); return (char *) (++lst); } else return bar; } #endif /* Histogram */ /********************************************************/ /* Name : read_histogram */ /* Content : call the read_counter_files to retrieve */ /* profile data from the external file and then calc. */ /* static values for currstats (for HISTOGRAM only - */ /* call build_bars to linkup all the procedures with */ /* Histo->procs) */ /* Calls : build_bars(for all procedures) */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ read_histogram(file,hPtr) FILE *file; Histo *hPtr; { int node; Node *nPtr; NodeStats *nsPtr; read_counters_file(hPtr,file); /* into the viewer widget 2/24 hui if(curr_snap_no == LAST) curr_snap_no=(hPtr->info.snap_cnt -1); */ #ifdef HISTOGRAM hPtr->vnodes = (ListElement *) checkmalloc(sizeof(ListElement) * (hPtr->info.node_cnt+1), "read_histogram"); #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ hPtr->curr.node_cnt = hPtr->info.node_cnt; hPtr->curr.procedure_cnt = hPtr->info.procedure_cnt; hPtr->curr.module_cnt = hPtr->info.module_cnt; hPtr->curr.snap_cnt = hPtr->info.snap_cnt; /* specifically for the total node_cnt */ for (node = 0 ; node < hPtr->info.node_cnt ; node++) { nPtr=hPtr->nodes+node; if(hPtr->info.snap_cnt -1 >= 0) nsPtr=nPtr->stats + hPtr->info.snap_cnt-1;/* the last snapshot */ #ifdef HISTOGRAM hPtr->vnodes[node].pointer = nPtr; sprintf(nPtr->bar.label,"%d",node); hPtr->vnodes[node].label = nPtr->bar.label; #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ /* currstats <- sum on all node's stat */ if( (hPtr->info.snap_cnt-1 < 0) || nsPtr->used == FALSE ) { #ifdef MEIDEBBUG sprintf(TextBuffer, "No stats data for node[%d] snap_no[%d]",node,hPtr->info.snap_cnt-1); GaugeWarning("read_histogram",TextBuffer); #endif continue; }/*if*/ hPtr->currstats.send_small += nsPtr->send_small; hPtr->currstats.send_big += nsPtr->send_big; hPtr->currstats.send_length += nsPtr->send_length; hPtr->currstats.rcv_small += nsPtr->rcv_small; hPtr->currstats.rcv_big += nsPtr->rcv_big; hPtr->currstats.rcv_length += nsPtr->rcv_length; } /* just the last nodes' */ nPtr=hPtr->nodes+hPtr->info.node_cnt-1; nsPtr=nPtr->stats+hPtr->info.snap_cnt-1; hPtr->currstats.gc_count = nsPtr->gc_count; hPtr->currstats.gc_mins = nsPtr->gc_mins; hPtr->currstats.gc_secs = nsPtr->gc_secs; hPtr->currstats.gc_msecs = nsPtr->gc_msecs; #ifdef HISTOGRAM hPtr->procs = (ListElement *) checkmalloc(sizeof(ListElement)*(hPtr->info.procedure_cnt+1) ,"read_histogram"); map_procedures(hPtr->modules,build_bars,(char *) hPtr->procs); hPtr->procs[hPtr->info.procedure_cnt].label = NULL; hPtr->vnodes[hPtr->info.node_cnt].label = NULL; #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ } /********************************************************/ /* Name: print_procedure */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /* ARGSUSED */ print_procedure(procname,proc,dummy) char *procname; Procedure *proc; char *dummy; { printf("Procedure %s:%s\n",procname,proc->mod_ptr->name); } /********************************************************/ /* Name: free_module,free_procedure,free_snaptable */ /* Name: free_snaptablerow, free_snaptablelist */ /* Name: */ /* Name: */ /* Content : utility routines to free the allocated */ /* data structure */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ free_module(name,module,pass) char *name; Module *module; char *pass; { Free(module->name); free_table(module->procedures); free_snaptable(module->snaptable); Free(module); } free_snaptable(snaptable) TableHeader *snaptable; { if(snaptable != (TableHeader *) NULL) { free_snaptablerow(snaptable->data_ptr); /* free the body */ Free(snaptable); /* free the header */ } } free_snaptablerow(ptr) SnapTableEntry *ptr; { if(ptr != (SnapTableEntry *) NULL) { if(ptr->next_node_list != (SnapTableEntry *) NULL) free_snaptablerow(ptr->next_node_list); free_snaptablelist(ptr->next_snap_entry); Free(ptr); } } free_snaptablelist(ptr) SnapTableEntry *ptr; { if(ptr != (SnapTableEntry *) NULL) { free_snaptablelist(ptr->next_snap_entry); Free(ptr); } } /*ARGSUSED*/ free_procedure(proc_name,pPtr,hPtr) char *proc_name; Procedure *pPtr; char *hPtr; { RGraph *ctemp, *ctemp1; if(pPtr != (Procedure *) NULL) { Free(pPtr->name); free_procprofile(pPtr->procpernode); for(ctemp = pPtr->callers; ctemp != (RGraph *) NULL ; ctemp = ctemp1) { ctemp1 = ctemp->next; Free(ctemp); } /*for*/ Free(pPtr->total); free_clause(pPtr); Free(pPtr); } /*if*/ } free_procprofile(psPtr) TableHeader *psPtr; { if(psPtr != (TableHeader *) NULL) { /* the profile data body */ free_procdataentry(psPtr->data_ptr); /* the profile data header */ Free(psPtr); } } free_procdataentry(pPtr) ProcedureProfileData *pPtr; { if(pPtr != (ProcedureProfileData *) NULL ) { free_procdataentry(pPtr->next); Free(pPtr); } } free_clause(pPtr) Procedure *pPtr; { int i; if(pPtr != (Procedure *) NULL) { for (i = 0 ; i < pPtr->size ; i++) { if (pPtr->type != FOREIGN_PROCEDURE) { if (pPtr->clauses[i].foreigns != NULL) Free(pPtr->clauses[i].foreigns); if (pPtr->clauses[i].calls != NULL) Free(pPtr->clauses[i].calls); } /*if*/ } /*for*/ /* clause data is allocated in set of size=pPtr->size */ free_clauseprofile(pPtr->clauses->claupernode->data_ptr); /* the profile data body */ for(i=0;i<pPtr->size && pPtr->clauses+i != NULL;i++) Free(pPtr->clauses+i); /* the profile data headers */ } /*if !NULL*/ } free_clauseprofile(csPtr) ClauseProfileData *csPtr; { if(csPtr != (ClauseProfileData *) NULL) { free_clauseprofile(csPtr->next); Free(csPtr); } } free_nodes(hPtr) Histo *hPtr; { int i; if(hPtr != (Histo *) NULL) { for(i=0;i<hPtr->info.node_cnt;i++) Free(hPtr->nodes[i].machine); Free(hPtr->nodes->stats); Free(hPtr->nodes); } } #ifdef HISTOGRAM #ifdef STAND_ALONE static int window_count = 1; #endif /********************************************************/ /* Name : */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void DestroySubset(w, hPtr, call_data) Widget w; Histo *hPtr; XtPointer call_data; { #ifdef STAND_ALONE if (--window_count == 0) exit(0); #endif Free(hPtr->vnodes); Free(hPtr->procs); Free(hPtr); } /*ARGSUSED*/ static void DestroyGauge(w, hPtr, call_data) Widget w; Histo *hPtr; XtPointer call_data; { int i; #ifdef STAND_ALONE if (--window_count == 0) exit(0); #endif Free(hPtr->title); Free(hPtr->filename); (void) map_procedures(hPtr->modules,free_procedure,(char *) hPtr); (void) map_table(hPtr->modules,free_module,(char *) hPtr); free_table(hPtr->modules); free_nodes(hPtr); Free(hPtr->vnodes); for (i = 0 ; i < hPtr->info.procedure_cnt ; i++) Free(hPtr->procs[i].label); Free(hPtr->procs); Free(hPtr); } #define SUBSET 0 #define DELETE 1 /*ARGSUSED*/ SubsetButton(w, hPtr, call_data) Widget w; Histo *hPtr; XtPointer call_data; { Widget subset(); XswWidgetTool("GaugeSubsetDisplay",subset(shell, hPtr, SUBSET), shell); } /*ARGSUSED*/ DeleteButton(w, hPtr, call_data) Widget w; Histo *hPtr; XtPointer call_data; { Widget subset(); XswWidgetTool("GaugeSubsetDisplay",subset(shell, hPtr, DELETE), shell); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : subset */ /* Content : */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ Widget subset(parent, hPtr, op) Widget parent; Histo *hPtr; int op; { Histo *hPtr1 = (Histo *) checkmalloc(sizeof(Histo),"subset"); int i, j, length; Boolean *selected; int sense = (op == SUBSET) ? True : False; *hPtr1 = *hPtr; hPtr1->subset = True; hPtr1->view = (Widget) NULL; if (op == DELETE) { hPtr1->curr.procedure_cnt = XswViewerSelectedRows(hPtr->view,AND,&selected,&length); hPtr1->curr.procedure_cnt = length - hPtr1->curr.procedure_cnt; if (hPtr1->curr.procedure_cnt == 0) { XtFree(selected); Free(hPtr1); GaugeWarning("subset","Attempting to delete all programs"); return (Widget) NULL; } } else hPtr1->curr.procedure_cnt = XswViewerSelectedRows(hPtr->view,OR,&selected,&length); hPtr1->procs = (ListElement *) checkmalloc(sizeof(ListElement)*(hPtr1->curr.procedure_cnt + 1),"subset"); for (j = 0, i = 0; i < length; i++) if (selected[i] == sense) hPtr1->procs[j++] = hPtr->procs[i]; hPtr1->procs[j].label = NULL; XtFree(selected); if (op == DELETE) { hPtr1->curr.node_cnt = XswViewerSelectedColumns(hPtr->view,AND,&selected,&length); hPtr1->curr.node_cnt = length - hPtr1->curr.node_cnt; if (hPtr1->curr.node_cnt == 0) { XtFree(selected); Free(hPtr1); GaugeWarning("subset","Attempting to delete all nodes"); return (Widget) NULL; } } else hPtr1->curr.node_cnt = XswViewerSelectedColumns(hPtr->view,OR,&selected,&length); hPtr1->vnodes = (ListElement *) checkmalloc(sizeof(ListElement)*(hPtr1->curr.node_cnt + 1),"subset"); for (j = 0, i = 0 ; i < length ; i++) if (selected[i] == sense) hPtr1->vnodes[j++] = hPtr->vnodes[i]; hPtr1->vnodes[j].label = NULL; XtFree(selected); XswRegisterCallback("Statistics",show_statistics,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("Usage",show_usage_data,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("Calls",show_call_data,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("Sort",sort_bars,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("Subset",SubsetButton,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("Delete",DeleteButton,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("Help",Help,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("ViewChanged", ViewChanged,hPtr1); XswRegisterCallback("ProfileInfo", show_information,hPtr1); /* Register destroy callback */ making_subset = 1; CreateGauge(&(hPtr1->view), parent, hPtr1, hPtr1->vnodes, hPtr1->procs, bar_value, hPtr->view); making_subset = 0; XswViewerSetText(hPtr1->view,TextBuffer); XtAddCallback(XtParent(hPtr1->view), XtNdestroyCallback, DestroySubset,hPtr1); #ifdef STAND_ALONE window_count++; #endif return XtParent(hPtr1->view); } #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ /********************************************************/ /* Name : */ /* Content : utility routine */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> FILE *open_counter_file(filename) char *filename; { struct stat buf; int fds[2]; /* 0=reading, 1=writing */ int status; extern char *sys_errlist[]; /* Check that file exists and is readable before doing anything else */ if ( access(filename, 4) != 0) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Unable to open counter file %s",filename); GaugeError("open_counter_file",TextBuffer); } #ifdef DONT_INCLUDE /* * Steve Tuecke, 11/25/92 * This was what was originally used instead of the above * call to access(). * The call to access() seems to be more portable, since * it doesn't require the S_IROTH values, etc. */ if (stat(filename, &buf) ) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Unable to open counter file %s",filename); GaugeError("open_counter_file",TextBuffer); }/* if */ if ( !(buf.st_mode & S_IROTH) ) if ( !(buf.st_mode & S_IRGRP) || (buf.st_gid != getgid()) ) if ( !(buf.st_mode & S_IRUSR) || (buf.st_uid != getuid()) ) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Cannot read counter file %s\n%s", filename,sys_errlist[errno]); GaugeError("open_counter_file",TextBuffer); } #endif if (strlen(filename) > 2 && ! strcmp(filename + strlen(filename) - 2,".Z")) { /* Set-up pipe and fork. */ if ( pipe( fds ) ) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Cannot run zcat:%s",sys_errlist[errno]); GaugeError("open_counter_file",TextBuffer); } status = fork(); if ( status < 0 ) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Cannot fork zcat:%s",sys_errlist[errno]); GaugeError("open_counter_file",TextBuffer); } else if (status) { /* parent */ close(fds[1]); return fdopen(fds[0],"r"); } else { /* child */ status = dup2( fds[1], 1 ); status = execlp( "zcat", "zcat", filename, (char *) 0); sprintf(TextBuffer,"Cannot exec zcat:%s",sys_errlist[errno]); GaugeError("open_counter_file",TextBuffer); } } else return fopen(filename,"r"); } /********************************************************/ /* Name : ppshow */ /* Content : to allocate the space for profile data and */ /* calls read_histogram to bring in the data */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ Widget ppshow(parent,filename,flag) Widget parent; char *filename; int flag; { char *execution_time(), *print_time(); FILE *ifile = stdin; FILE *ofile = stdout; extern double atof(); Histo *hPtr; if (setjmp(ErrorEnv) != 0) return (Widget) NULL; hPtr = (Histo *) checkmalloc(sizeof(Histo),"ppshow"); ModeFlag = flag; hPtr->filename = checkmalloc(strlen(filename)+1,"ppshow"); strcpy(hPtr->filename,filename); #ifdef HISTOGRAM hPtr->subset = False; hPtr->title = checkmalloc(sizeof("Multiprocessor Pefformance Analysis Tool")+1,"ppshow"); strcpy(hPtr->title,"Multiprocessor Performance Analysis Tool"); #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ if ((ifile = open_counter_file(filename)) == (FILE *) NULL) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Unable to open counter file %s",filename); GaugeError("ppshow",TextBuffer); } #ifdef HISTOGRAM hPtr->view = parent; #endif read_histogram(ifile,hPtr); fclose(ifile); /* 2/92 hui : don't want this to show sprintf(TextBuffer,"\n Processing counter file: %s \n\n",filename); sprintf(TextBuffer+strlen(TextBuffer)," Parameter values:\n"); sprintf(TextBuffer+strlen(TextBuffer), " Inst Cost = (%f,%f)\n Suspend= %f\n\n", hPtr->architecture->parameters.classtype[0], hPtr->architecture->parameters.classtype[1], hPtr->architecture->parameters.suspend); sprintf(TextBuffer+strlen(TextBuffer), " Processing data from %d processors\n\n", hPtr->info.node_cnt); inform_user(hPtr,TextBuffer); */ switch (flag) { case WRITE: (void) map_procedures(hPtr->modules,execution_time,(char *) hPtr); output_times(hPtr,ofile,print_time); /*just last snapshot*/ return (Widget) NULL; case CALIBRATE: output_calibration(hPtr,ofile); return (Widget) NULL; #ifdef HISTOGRAM case DISPLAY: (void) map_procedures(hPtr->modules,execution_time,(char *) hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Statistics",show_statistics,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Usage",show_usage_data,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Calls",show_call_data,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Sort",sort_bars,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Subset",SubsetButton,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Delete",DeleteButton,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("Help",Help,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("ViewChanged", ViewChanged,hPtr); XswRegisterCallback("ProfileInfo", show_information,hPtr); hPtr->view = NULL; /* Let ChangeView know we are just starting */ CreateGauge(&(hPtr->view), parent, hPtr, hPtr->vnodes, hPtr->procs, bar_value, NULL); XswViewerSetText(hPtr->view,TextBuffer); hPtr->help = XtCreatePopupShell( "gaugeHelp", helpWidgetClass, XtParent(hPtr->view), NULL, 0); XtAddCallback(XtParent(hPtr->view), XtNdestroyCallback, DestroyGauge, hPtr); return XtParent(hPtr->view); #endif default: break; } } /********************************************************/ /* Name : */ /* Content : utility */ /* Date : OLD routines */ /********************************************************/ /*ARGSUSED*/ inform_user(hPtr,str) Histo *hPtr; char *str; { #if (HISTOGRAM) if (ModeFlag == DISPLAY) XswPopupBox(hPtr->view,"Gauge Information",str); else printf(str); #else printf(str); #endif } /********************************************************/ /********************************************************/ /* from hutil.c (for ppshow only) */ /********************************************************/ /********************************************************/ /* from ppshow.c but not really used */ struct cost_parameters Parameters; char *checkmalloc(size,procname) int size; char *procname; { /* char *calloc(); */ char *ptr = (char *) calloc((unsigned) 1,(unsigned) size); if (ptr == NULL) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Malloc failed in %s",procname); GaugeError("checkmalloc",TextBuffer); } else return ptr; } GaugeError(procname,str) char *procname,*str; { sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s -%s\n",procname,str); #if (HISTOGRAM) if (ModeFlag == DISPLAY) { XtWarning(MessageBuffer); longjmp(ErrorEnv,1); } else { printf(MessageBuffer); exit(1); } #else printf(MessageBuffer); exit(1); #endif } GaugeWarning(procname,str) char *procname,*str; { sprintf(MessageBuffer,"%s -%s\n",procname,str); #if (HISTOGRAM) if (ModeFlag == DISPLAY) XtWarning(MessageBuffer); else printf(MessageBuffer); #else printf(MessageBuffer); #endif } /* ARGSUSED */ load_arch_dbase(hPtr,arch) Histo *hPtr; struct arch_descriptor *arch; { char buf[256]; char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; typedef struct { String dbase_file; String default_arch; } ArchData, *ArchDataPtr; #ifdef HISTOGRAM static XtResource arch_resources[] = { { "archDbase", "ArchDbase", XtRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset(ArchDataPtr, dbase_file), XtRString, "pcn_hosts" }, /* DEFAULT_ARCH_DBASE }, */ { "archDefault", "ArchDefault", XtRString, sizeof (String), XtOffset(ArchDataPtr, default_arch), XtRString, "sun4" }, /* DEFAULT_ARCH }, */ }; #endif ArchData data; FILE *fd; /* data.default_arch = DEFAULT_ARCH; */ /* data.dbase_file = DEFAULT_ARCH_DBASE; */ data.default_arch=(char *) checkmalloc(sizeof("sun4")+1,"load_arch_dbase"); data.dbase_file=(char *) checkmalloc(sizeof("pcn_hosts")+1,"load_arch_dbase"); strcpy(data.default_arch,"sun4"); strcpy(data.dbase_file,"pcn_hosts"); #ifdef HISTOGRAM if (ModeFlag == DISPLAY) { XtGetApplicationResources(hPtr->view, &data, arch_resources, XtNumber(arch_resources), NULL, 0); data.dbase_file = XswGetLibName(data.dbase_file); } #endif /* HISTOGRAM */ fd = fopen(data.dbase_file,"r"); if (fd == NULL) { sprintf(TextBuffer,"Could not open architecture parameter file"); GaugeError("load_arch_dbase",TextBuffer); return; } strcpy(hostname,arch->host_name); lookup: while (fscanf(fd,"%s",buf) != EOF) { if (buf[0] == '+' && buf[1] == '>') { /* A reference line */ fscanf(fd," %s ",buf); if (! strncmp(buf,hostname,strlen(buf)) ) { /* Get name of hostype being referenced */ fscanf(fd," %s ",hostname); /* Now resolve it */ rewind(fd); continue; } } else if ( (buf[0] == '-' && buf[1] == '-') || strncmp(buf,hostname,strlen(buf)) ) fscanf(fd,"%*[^\n]"); else { int i, tmp; union u_bytecode_key key; sprintf(TextBuffer+strlen(TextBuffer), " Using architectural parameters for %s\n\n",buf); /* Get byteorder key */ for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { fscanf(fd," %2x ",&tmp); key.bytes[i] = tmp; } arch->byte_swapper = decode_byteorder_key(key.timer); /* Get the number of clock ticks per second */ fscanf(fd," %d ",&(arch->ticks_per_second)); /* Finally, get the instruction parameters */ if (ModeFlag == CALIBRATE) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < INSTR_CLASSES ; i++) arch->parameters.classtype[i] = 1.0; arch->parameters.suspend = arch->parameters.copy = 1.0; arch->parameters.send_small = arch->parameters.send_big = arch->parameters.send_length = 1.0; arch->parameters.rcv_small = arch->parameters.rcv_big = arch->parameters.rcv_length = 1.0; } else { for (i = 0 ; i < INSTR_CLASSES ; i++) fscanf(fd," %f ",(arch->parameters.classtype)+i); fscanf(fd," %f ",&(arch->parameters.suspend)); } fclose(fd); return; } } sprintf(TextBuffer, "Architectural parameters for host:\n %s\n are not defined.\n\ Using parameters for %s instead\n Use the \"pcnhost\" command to \n add\ this host to the architecture database", arch->host_name,data.default_arch); GaugeWarning("load_arch_dbase",TextBuffer); rewind(fd); strcpy(hostname,data.default_arch); goto lookup; }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by