
This is vars.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne.  JOVE *
 * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty.  You may give  *
 * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is    *
 * included in all the files.                                              *

struct variable {
	int	Type;		/* in this case a variable */
	char	*Name;		/* name is always second */
	char	*v_value;
	int	v_flags;

/* variable types/flags */
#define V_BASE10	01	/* is integer in base 10 */
#define V_BASE8		02	/* is integer in base 8 */
#define V_BOOL		04	/* is a boolean */
#define V_STRING	010	/* is a string */
#define V_CHAR		020	/* is a character */
#define V_FILENAME	040	/* a file name (implies V_STRING) */
#define V_TYPEMASK	077	/* mask off the extra bits */
#define V_MODELINE	0100	/* update modeline */
#define V_CLRSCREEN	0200	/* clear and redraw screen */
#define V_TTY_RESET	0400	/* redo the tty modes */

extern const struct variable	variables[];

#ifdef MAC
# ifdef TXT_TO_C
int		/* kludge, so setmaps will compile with variables */
# else
extern int
# endif /* TXT_TO_C */
extern int
#endif	/* MAC */

	OKXonXoff,		/* disable start/stop characters */
	MetaKey,		/* this terminal has a meta key */
	VisBell,		/* use visible bell (if possible) */
	NoBell,			/* do not ring bell on error */
	WrapScan,		/* make searches wrap */
#ifndef MAC
	phystab,		/* terminal's tabstop settings */
	tabstop,		/* expand tabs to this number of spaces */
	BkupOnWrite,		/* make backup files when writing */
	RMargin,		/* right margin */
	LMargin,		/* left margin */
	ScrollStep,		/* how should we scroll */
#ifndef MAC
	WtOnMk,			/* write files on compile-it command */
	EndWNewline,		/* end files with a blank line */
	MarkThresh,		/* moves greater than MarkThresh will SetMark */
	PDelay,			/* paren flash delay in tenths of a second */
	CArgIndent,		/* how to indent arguments to C functions */
	CIndIncrmt,		/* how much each indentation level pushes
				   over in C mode */
	CreatMode,		/* default mode for creat'ing files */
	CaseIgnore,		/* case ignore search */
#ifdef ABBREV
	AutoCaseAbbrev,		/* automatically do case on abbreviations */
	MarksShouldFloat,	/* adjust marks on insertion/deletion */
	UseRE,			/* use regular expressions in search */
	SyncFreq,		/* how often to sync the file pointers */
	BriteMode,		/* make the mode line inverse? */
	OkayBadChars,		/* allow bad characters in files created
				   by JOVE */
	UpdFreq,		/* how often to update modeline */
	UseBuffers,		/* use buffers with Typeout() */
#ifdef BIFF
	BiffChk,		/* turn off/on biff with entering/exiting jove */
	MailInt,		/* mail check interval */
#ifdef ID_CHAR
	UseIC,			/* whether or not to use i/d char
				   processesing */
	SExitChar,		/* type this to stop i-search */
	AbortChar,		/* cancels command input */
	IntChar,		/* ttysets this to generate QUIT */
	DoEVexpand,		/* treat $foo as environment variable */
#ifdef IPROCS
	WrapProcessLines,	/* whether or not to wrap lines from processes
				   at 80 (window width) columns */
	DispBadFs,		/* display filenames with bad extensions? */
#ifdef IBMPC
#endif /* IBMPC */
	ScrollAll,		/* we current line scrolls, scroll whole window? */
#ifndef MAC
	EWSize;			/* size to make the error window */
	Macmode,	/* see mac.c */
#endif	/* MAC */

#ifdef MAC
# ifdef TXT_TO_C	/* kludge, for setmaps with variables */
# else
extern char
# endif /* TXT_TO_C */
extern char
#endif /* MAC */

#ifndef MAC
	ErrFmtStr[256],		/* format string for parse errors */
#ifdef IPROCS
	proc_prompt[128],	/* process prompt */
	dbx_parse_fmt[128],	/* dbx-mode parse string */
	BadExtensions[128],	/* extensions (e.g., ".o" to ignore) */
#ifdef CMT_FMT
	ModeFmt[120],		/* mode line format string */
#ifdef UNIX
	Mailbox[FILESIZE],		/* mailbox name */
#endif /* UNIX */
	TmpFilePath[FILESIZE],	/* directory/device to store tmp files */
	TagFile[FILESIZE],		/* default tag file */
	Shell[FILESIZE];		/* shell to use */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.