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/* An incomplete test for the garbage collector. */ /* Some more obscure entry points are not tested at all. */ # include <stdlib.h> # include <stdio.h> # include "gc.h" # ifdef PCR # include "th/PCR_ThCrSec.h" # include "th/PCR_Th.h" # endif # define FAIL abort() /* AT_END may be defined to excercise the interior pointer test */ /* if the collector is configured with ALL_INTERIOR_POINTERS. */ /* As it stands, this test should succeed with either */ /* configuration. In the FIND_LEAK configuration, it should */ /* find lots of leaks, since we free almost nothing. */ struct SEXPR { struct SEXPR * sexpr_car; struct SEXPR * sexpr_cdr; }; # ifdef __STDC__ typedef void * void_star; # else typedef char * void_star; # endif typedef struct SEXPR * sexpr; extern sexpr cons(); # define nil ((sexpr) 0) # define car(x) ((x) -> sexpr_car) # define cdr(x) ((x) -> sexpr_cdr) # define is_nil(x) ((x) == nil) int extra_count = 0; /* Amount of space wasted in cons node */ /* Silly implementation of Lisp cons. Intentionally wastes lots of space */ /* to test collector. */ sexpr cons (x, y) sexpr x; sexpr y; { register sexpr r; register int *p; register my_extra = extra_count; r = (sexpr) GC_MALLOC_STUBBORN(sizeof(struct SEXPR) + my_extra); if (r == 0) { (void)printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } for (p = (int *)r; ((char *)p) < ((char *)r) + my_extra + sizeof(struct SEXPR); p++) { if (*p) { (void)printf("Found nonzero at %X - allocator is broken\n", p); FAIL; } *p = 13; } # ifdef AT_END r = (sexpr)((char *)r + (my_extra & ~7)); # endif r -> sexpr_car = x; r -> sexpr_cdr = y; my_extra++; if ( my_extra >= 5000 ) { extra_count = 0; } else { extra_count = my_extra; } GC_END_STUBBORN_CHANGE((char *)r); return(r); } sexpr small_cons (x, y) sexpr x; sexpr y; { register sexpr r; r = (sexpr) GC_MALLOC(sizeof(struct SEXPR)); if (r == 0) { (void)printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } r -> sexpr_car = x; r -> sexpr_cdr = y; return(r); } sexpr small_cons_uncollectable (x, y) sexpr x; sexpr y; { register sexpr r; r = (sexpr) GC_MALLOC_UNCOLLECTABLE(sizeof(struct SEXPR)); if (r == 0) { (void)printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } r -> sexpr_car = x; r -> sexpr_cdr = (sexpr) (~(unsigned long)y); return(r); } /* Return reverse(x) concatenated with y */ sexpr reverse1(x, y) sexpr x, y; { if (is_nil(x)) { return(y); } else { return( reverse1(cdr(x), cons(car(x), y)) ); } } sexpr reverse(x) sexpr x; { return( reverse1(x, nil) ); } sexpr ints(low, up) int low, up; { if (low > up) { return(nil); } else { return(small_cons(small_cons((sexpr)low, (sexpr)0), ints(low+1, up))); } } /* Too check uncollectable allocation we build lists with disguised cdr */ /* pointers, and make sure they don't go away. */ sexpr uncollectable_ints(low, up) int low, up; { if (low > up) { return(nil); } else { return(small_cons_uncollectable(small_cons((sexpr)low, (sexpr)0), uncollectable_ints(low+1, up))); } } void check_ints(list, low, up) sexpr list; int low, up; { if ((int)(car(car(list))) != low) { (void)printf( "List reversal produced incorrect list - collector is broken\n"); exit(1); } if (low == up) { if (cdr(list) != nil) { (void)printf("List too long - collector is broken\n"); exit(1); } } else { check_ints(cdr(list), low+1, up); } } # define UNCOLLECTABLE_CDR(x) (sexpr)(~(unsigned long)(cdr(x))) void check_uncollectable_ints(list, low, up) sexpr list; int low, up; { if ((int)(car(car(list))) != low) { (void)printf( "Uncollectable list corrupted - collector is broken\n"); exit(1); } if (low == up) { if (UNCOLLECTABLE_CDR(list) != nil) { (void)printf("Uncollectable ist too long - collector is broken\n"); exit(1); } } else { check_uncollectable_ints(UNCOLLECTABLE_CDR(list), low+1, up); } } /* Not used, but useful for debugging: */ void print_int_list(x) sexpr x; { if (is_nil(x)) { (void)printf("NIL\n"); } else { (void)printf("(%d)", car(car(x))); if (!is_nil(cdr(x))) { (void)printf(", "); (void)print_int_list(cdr(x)); } else { (void)printf("\n"); } } } /* Try to force a to be strangely aligned */ struct { char dummy; sexpr aa; } A; #define a A.aa /* * Repeatedly reverse lists built out of very different sized cons cells. * Check that we didn't lose anything. */ reverse_test() { int i; sexpr b; sexpr c; sexpr d; sexpr e; # define BIG 4500 a = ints(1, 49); b = ints(1, 50); c = ints(1, BIG); d = uncollectable_ints(1, 100); e = uncollectable_ints(1, 1); /* Superficially test interior pointer recognition on stack */ c = (sexpr)((char *)c + sizeof(char *)); d = (sexpr)((char *)d + sizeof(char *)); # ifdef __STDC__ GC_FREE((void *)e); # else GC_FREE((char *)e); # endif for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { b = reverse(reverse(b)); } for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) { /* This maintains the invariant that a always points to a list of */ /* 100 integers. Thus this is thread safe without locks. */ a = reverse(reverse(a)); # if !defined(AT_END) && !defined(PCR) /* This is not thread safe, since realloc explicitly deallocates */ if (i & 1) { a = (sexpr)GC_REALLOC((void_star)a, 500); } else { a = (sexpr)GC_REALLOC((void_star)a, 8200); } # endif } check_ints(a,1,49); check_ints(b,1,50); c = (sexpr)((char *)c - sizeof(char *)); d = (sexpr)((char *)d - sizeof(char *)); check_ints(c,1,BIG); check_uncollectable_ints(d, 1, 100); a = b = c = 0; } /* * The rest of this builds balanced binary trees, checks that they don't * disappear, and tests finalization. */ typedef struct treenode { int level; struct treenode * lchild; struct treenode * rchild; } tn; int finalizable_count = 0; int finalized_count = 0; int dropped_something = 0; # ifdef __STDC__ void finalizer(void * obj, void * client_data) # else void finalizer(obj, client_data) char * obj; char * client_data; # endif { tn * t = (tn *)obj; if ((int)client_data != t -> level) { (void)printf("Wrong finalization data - collector is broken\n"); FAIL; } finalized_count++; } size_t counter = 0; # define MAX_FINALIZED 8000 GC_word live_indicators[MAX_FINALIZED] = {0}; int live_indicators_count = 0; tn * mktree(n) int n; { tn * result = (tn *)GC_MALLOC(sizeof(tn)); if (n == 0) return(0); if (result == 0) { (void)printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } result -> level = n; result -> lchild = mktree(n-1); result -> rchild = mktree(n-1); if (counter++ % 17 == 0 && n >= 2) { tn * tmp = result -> lchild -> rchild; result -> lchild -> rchild = result -> rchild -> lchild; result -> rchild -> lchild = tmp; } if (counter++ % 119 == 0) { GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER((void_star)result, finalizer, (void_star)n, (GC_finalization_proc *)0, (void_star *)0); live_indicators[live_indicators_count] = 13; if (GC_general_register_disappearing_link( (void_star *)(&(live_indicators[live_indicators_count])), (void_star)result) != 0) { printf("GC_general_register_disappearing_link failed\n"); FAIL; } if (GC_unregister_disappearing_link( (void_star *) (&(live_indicators[live_indicators_count]))) == 0) { printf("GC_unregister_disappearing_link failed\n"); FAIL; } if (GC_general_register_disappearing_link( (void_star *)(&(live_indicators[live_indicators_count])), (void_star)result) != 0) { printf("GC_general_register_disappearing_link failed 2\n"); FAIL; } live_indicators_count++; # ifdef PCR PCR_ThCrSec_EnterSys(); /* Losing a count here causes erroneous report of failure. */ # endif finalizable_count++; # ifdef PCR PCR_ThCrSec_ExitSys(); # endif } return(result); } void chktree(t,n) tn *t; int n; { if (n == 0 && t != 0) { (void)printf("Clobbered a leaf - collector is broken\n"); FAIL; } if (n == 0) return; if (t -> level != n) { (void)printf("Lost a node at level %d - collector is broken\n", n); FAIL; } if (counter++ % 373 == 0) (void) GC_MALLOC(counter%5001); chktree(t -> lchild, n-1); if (counter++ % 73 == 0) (void) GC_MALLOC(counter%373); chktree(t -> rchild, n-1); } void alloc_small(n) int n; { register int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i += 8) { if (GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(8) == 0) { (void)printf("Out of memory\n"); FAIL; } } } tree_test() { tn * root = mktree(16); register int i; alloc_small(5000000); chktree(root, 16); if (finalized_count && ! dropped_something) { (void)printf("Premature finalization - collector is broken\n"); FAIL; } dropped_something = 1; root = mktree(16); chktree(root, 16); for (i = 16; i >= 0; i--) { root = mktree(i); chktree(root, i); } alloc_small(5000000); } # include "gc_private.h" int n_tests = 0; void run_one_test() { DCL_LOCK_STATE; reverse_test(); tree_test(); LOCK(); n_tests++; UNLOCK(); } void check_heap_stats() { unsigned long max_heap_sz; register int i; int still_live; if (sizeof(char *) > 4) { max_heap_sz = 13000000; } else { max_heap_sz = 10000000; } # ifdef GC_DEBUG max_heap_sz *= 2; # endif /* Garbage collect repeatedly so that all inaccessible objects */ /* can be finalized. */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GC_gcollect(); } (void)printf("Completed %d tests\n", n_tests); (void)printf("Finalized %d/%d objects - ", finalized_count, finalizable_count); if (finalized_count > finalizable_count || finalized_count < finalizable_count/2) { (void)printf ("finalization is probably broken\n"); FAIL; } else { (void)printf ("finalization is probably ok\n"); } still_live = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FINALIZED; i++) { if (live_indicators[i] != 0) { still_live++; } } if (still_live != finalizable_count - finalized_count) { (void)printf ("%d disappearing links remain - disappearing links are broken\n"); FAIL; } (void)printf("Total number of bytes allocated is %d\n", WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_allocd + GC_words_allocd_before_gc)); (void)printf("Final heap size is %d bytes\n", GC_heapsize); if (WORDS_TO_BYTES(GC_words_allocd + GC_words_allocd_before_gc) < 33500000*n_tests) { (void)printf("Incorrect execution - missed some allocations\n"); FAIL; } if (GC_heapsize > max_heap_sz*n_tests) { (void)printf("Unexpected heap growth - collector may be broken\n"); FAIL; } (void)printf("Collector appears to work\n"); } #ifndef PCR main() { n_tests = 0; # if defined(MPROTECT_VDB) || defined(PROC_VDB) GC_enable_incremental(); (void) printf("Switched to incremental mode\n"); # if defined(MPROTECT_VDB) (void)printf("Emulating dirty bits with mprotect/signals\n"); # else (void)printf("Reading dirty bits from /proc\n"); # endif # endif run_one_test(); check_heap_stats(); (void)fflush(stdout); # ifdef LINT /* Entry points we should be testing, but aren't */ /* Some can be tested by defining GC_DEBUG at the top of this file */ GC_noop(GC_expand_hp, GC_add_roots, GC_clear_roots, GC_register_disappearing_link, GC_print_obj, GC_debug_change_stubborn, GC_debug_end_stubborn_change, GC_debug_malloc_uncollectable, GC_debug_free, GC_debug_realloc, GC_generic_malloc_words_small, GC_init, GC_make_closure, GC_debug_invoke_finalizer); # endif return(0); } # else test() { PCR_Th_T * th1; PCR_Th_T * th2; int code; n_tests = 0; GC_enable_incremental(); th1 = PCR_Th_Fork(run_one_test, 0); th2 = PCR_Th_Fork(run_one_test, 0); run_one_test(); if (PCR_Th_T_Join(th1, &code, NIL, PCR_allSigsBlocked, PCR_waitForever) != PCR_ERes_okay || code != 0) { (void)printf("Thread 1 failed\n"); } if (PCR_Th_T_Join(th2, &code, NIL, PCR_allSigsBlocked, PCR_waitForever) != PCR_ERes_okay || code != 0) { (void)printf("Thread 2 failed\n"); } check_heap_stats(); (void)fflush(stdout); return(0); } #endif
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