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/* dstring v1.0.0	Dynamic string library
 * Copyright (c) 1994 Bill Bereza
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * To reach the author
 * email:
 *	berezaw@river.it.gvsu.edu	ac368@leo.nmc.edu
 *	$Log:	dstring.h,v $
 * Revision 1.16  94/12/13  21:52:05  berezaw
 * change DCHAR to plain 'char'
 * Revision 1.15  94/12/08  10:41:52  berezaw
 * daddchar() now returns DCHAR with 0 on error
 * Revision 1.14  94/12/03  00:09:50  berezaw
 * changed all uses of (char) to (DCHAR)
 * Revision 1.13  94/12/02  13:55:25  berezaw
 * change DCHAR to char
 * Revision 1.12  94/12/02  11:50:35  berezaw
 * added DCHAR #definitions
 * Revision 1.11  94/12/02  11:34:28  berezaw
 * changed datatype of _dchar to int
 * Revision 1.10  94/11/28  12:04:04  berezaw
 * *** empty log message ***
 *	@(#)dstring.h	1.9 (Bill Bereza) 11/15/94
 *	$Header: /Users/berezaw/src/dynstr/RCS/dstring.h,v 1.16 94/12/13 21:52:05 berezaw Exp $

#ifndef DSTRING_H
#define DSTRING_H

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>

#define DCHAR char

struct _dchar {					/* You shouldn't do ANYTHING with these structures!
								 * Future versions of the library may use different
								 * structures or no structures at all.
	DCHAR 	_character;
	struct 	_dchar 	*_next;

struct 	_dstring {
	struct _dchar	*_first;
	struct _dchar	*_last;
	size_t 			_length;	/* The _length value should not be
								 * relied on too much. It is not possible
								 * to change this value and expect the library
								 * to only work on that many characters.
								 * Most functions only check for a NULL _next
								 * value as an end of string signifier.
								 * The _length value should be accurate as to the
								 * real length of the string, but it has no control
								 * over how the functions will work
								 * I may change the functions later to rely
								 * on the value of _length rather than on an
								 * ending NULL pointer. This would make tokenizing
								 * a little safer if the _length controlled
								 * functions like freechars()

#define DSTRING	struct _dstring

extern DSTRING	*initdstr(void);
/* initdstr will allocate space for the dstring structure
 * and set all the values in the structure to zero or null
 * returns pointer to DSTRING if successful, else returns NULL

extern void 	freedchars(DSTRING *oldstring);
/* freechars frees all the characters in the dstring
 * and resets the length to zero
 * the argument must be a previously initialized dstring
 * no return value

extern void 	freedstr(DSTRING *oldstring);
/* freedstr will free all space used by the dstring struct
 * including the list of characters
 * the argument should be a dstring struct that has already been allocated
 * freedstr has no return value

extern DCHAR 	daddchar(DSTRING *oldstring, DCHAR addchar);
/* daddchar will add one character to the dstring struct
 * dstring must already be initialized with initdstr first
 * daddchar returns 0 if it couldn't add a char
 * and returns the char added if successful

extern size_t 	dstrlen(DSTRING *oldstring);
/* #define	dstrlen(ostr)	((ostr)->_length) */
/* dstrlen returns the number of characters in the DSTRING
 * the dstring must already be initialized

extern DCHAR  	*arrdstr(DSTRING *oldstring);
/* arrdstr will allocate space for a character array and
 * copy all characters from DSTRING into the array
 * the chracter pointer can be void or an unitialized pointer
 * DSTRING must be previously initialized
 * returns a pointer to the character array

extern DSTRING 	*dstrarr(DCHAR *oldchar_array);
/* dstrarr converts a character array into a dynamic string
 * DSTRING should be an unitialized pointer and char should be a character array
 * delimited by '\0'
 * returns a pointer to DSTRING, or NULL on error

extern DSTRING 	*dstrarrcat(DSTRING *oldstring, DCHAR *oldchar_array);
/* dstrarrcat appends the char array onto the end of dstring
 * DSTRING must be an initialized dstring, and char must be character array
 * delimited by '\0'
 * returns a pointer to the DSTRING, NULL on failure

extern DSTRING 	*dstrcat(DSTRING *old_to, DSTRING *old_from);
/* dstrcat appends the chars from the second dstring onto the end
 * of the first dstring
 * both arguments must be previously initialized dstrings
 * returns NULL on error, else returns pointer to the first string

extern DSTRING 	*dstrcpy(DSTRING *old_from);
/* dstrcpy copies the elements from the second dstring and creates another dstring
 * pointed to by the first dstring pointer
 * the second dstring must be previously initialized
 * returns NULL on error, else returns a pointer to the new dstring

extern DCHAR 	*arrdstrfromhead(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* arrdstrfromhead returns a pointer to a character array of size_t elements
 * the elements in the array are the first size_t characters of dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DCHAR 	*arrdstrfromtail(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* arrdstrfromtail returns a pointer to a character array of size_t elements
 * the elements in the array are the last size_t characters of dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DCHAR 	*arrdstrrmfromhead(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* arrdstrfromhead returns a pointer to a character array of size_t elements
 * the elements in the array are the first size_t characters of dstring
 * the elements return have been removed from the dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DCHAR 	*arrdstrrmfromtail(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* arrdstrfromtail returns a pointer to a character array of size_t elements
 * the elements in the array are the last size_t characters of dstring
 * the elements return have been removed from the dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DSTRING 	*dstrfromhead(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* dstrfromhead returns a pointer to a dstring of size_t elements
 * the elements in the string are the first size_t characters of dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DSTRING 	*dstrfromtail(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* dstrfromtail returns a pointer to a dstring of size_t elements
 * the elements in the dstring are the last size_t characters of dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DSTRING 	*dstrrmfromhead(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* dstrfromhead returns a pointer to a dstring of size_t elements
 * the elements in the dstring are the first size_t characters of dstring
 * the elements return have been removed from the dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern DSTRING 	*dstrrmfromtail(DSTRING *oldstring, size_t number_of);
/* dstrfromtail returns a pointer to a dstring of size_t elements
 * the elements in the dstring are the last size_t characters of dstring
 * the elements return have been removed from the dstring
 * dstring must be previously initialized, size_t must be a number >= 1
 * returns a NULL on error, if size_t is greater than the length of dstring
 * then a character array of all elements is returned

extern signed long int 	dstrcmp(DSTRING *ds1, DSTRING *ds2);
/* dstrcmp compares ds1 to ds2 and returns a value
 * that depends on which is larger
 * both dstrings must be previously initialized
 * if both strings are empty it returns a 0, if one is empty it returns
 * a positive value which is that of the first character in the non-empty
 * string.
 * if both strings have characters then it looks for the first non-matching
 * character. if all chars match or one string runs out before a non-match
 * is found, it will return 0
 * if a non-match is found, then the function will return the value of
 * the first character minus the value of the second character,
 * so if the first string is greater it should return a positive value
 * else a negative value

extern signed long int 	dstrncmp(DSTRING *ds1, DSTRING *ds2, size_t n);
/* dstrncmp works just like dstrcmp except it will only check at most n chars
 * See Also: dstrcmp()

extern signed long int 	dstrarrcmp(DSTRING *ds1, DCHAR *ds2);
/* dstrarrcmp works just like dstrcmp except that the second string is a
 * regular array
 * See Also: dstrcmp()

extern signed long int 	dstrarrncmp(DSTRING *ds1, DCHAR *ds2, size_t n);
/* dstrarrncmp works just like dstrarrcmp except that it only checks at most n
 * characters
 * See Also: dstrarrcmp(), dstrcmp()

extern DSTRING 	*dstrchr(DSTRING *dstr, DCHAR ch);
/* dstrchr returns a pointer beginning at the first occurence of ch in dstr
 * Note: The pointer returned is only a pointer to a DSTRING structure.
 * 	 	 The character in the returned dstring are the same data as in
 *		 original dstr. You must NOT use freedstr() on the returned pointer.
 * dstr must be a previously initialized dstring
 * the pointer returned points to the same data as in dstr,
 * and must be free'd using only a normal free()
 * returns a NULL on error

extern DSTRING 	*dstrrchr(DSTRING *dstr, DCHAR ch);
/* dstrrchr returns a dstring pointer beginning at the last occurence of ch
 * in the dstring.
 * returns NULL on error
 * See Also: dstrchr()

extern size_t 	dstrarrspn(DSTRING *dstr, DCHAR *chlist);
/* dstrarrspn returns length of prefix of dstr
 * consisting of characters in chlist

extern size_t 	dstrarrcspn(DSTRING *dstr, DCHAR *chlist);
/* dstrarrcspan returns length of prefix of dstr
 * consisting of characters NOT in chlist

extern size_t 	dstrspn(DSTRING *dstr, DSTRING *chlist);
/* dstrspn returns length of prefix of dstr
 * consisting of characters in chlist

extern size_t 	dstrcspn(DSTRING *dstr, DSTRING *chlist);
/* dstrcspn returns length of prefix of dstr
 * consisting of characters NOT in chlist

extern DSTRING 	*dstrpbrk(DSTRING *dstr, DSTRING *ch);
/* dstrpbrk returns a DSTRING pointer to the first
 * occurence in dstring dstr of any character
 * in ch, or NULL if none are present
 * If the pointer is not null, then the value must
 * be free'd using only free()
 * See Also: dstrchr()

extern DSTRING 	*dstrarrpbrk(DSTRING *dstr, DCHAR *ch);
/* dstrarrbrk returns a dstring pointer to the first
 * occurence in dstring dstr of any character in
 * ch, or NULL if none are present
 * If the pointer is not null, then the value must
 * be free'd using only free()
 * See Also: dstrchr()

extern DSTRING 	*dstrstr(DSTRING *dstr, DSTRING *cs);
/* dstrstr returns a DSTRING pointer to the first
 * occurence in dstring dstr of dstring ch
 * or NULL if none are present
 * If the pointer is not null, then the value must
 * be free'd using only free()
 * See Also: dstrchr()

extern DSTRING 	*dstrarrstr(DSTRING *dstr, DCHAR *cs);
/* dstrarrstr returns a DSTRING pointer to the first
 * occurence in dstring dstr of string cs
 * or NULL if none are present
 * If the pointer is not null, then the value must
 * be free'd using only free()
 * See Also: dstrchr()

#define dstrerror(n)   	dstrarr(strerror((n)))
/* dstrerror returns a dstring pointer to implementation-defined
 * error string corresponding to n

#endif /* DSTRING_H */

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