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/* docgen Objective C Document Generator Copyright (C) 1995 Bill Bereza. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Email: S-mail: Bill Bereza 9526 Judson Rd. Ravenna, MI 49451-9427 */ /* docgen Objective C Document Generator * Copyright (c) 1994 Bill Bereza * * $Log: RTFcrap.c,v $ * Revision 1.6 95/03/02 03:44:35 berezaw * using GNU regex library * rewrote recmp() as docgen_recmp() * added GPL stuff to each file * increase rev. to 0.1.9 * * Revision 1.5 95/01/30 13:31:40 berezaw * added fmakeul and funul * * Revision 1.4 95/01/26 15:27:07 berezaw * better * * Revision 1.3 95/01/26 05:33:51 berezaw * changed fputmethodh to handle different types of methods * * Revision 1.2 94/11/28 12:08:28 berezaw * *** empty log message *** * * * $Id: RTFcrap.c,v 1.6 95/03/02 03:44:35 berezaw Exp $ */ #include "RTFcrap.h" void fchfontsize(FILE *of, char sz) { fprintf(of, "\n\\fs%d ", sz); } void fputhead(FILE *of) { fprintf(of, "{\\rtf0\\ansi{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fnil Times-Roman;\\f2\\fswiss Helvetica;\\f1\\ftech Symbol;\\f3\\fmodern Ohlfs;}\n"); fprintf(of, "\\paperw16220\n"); fprintf(of, "\\paperh15040\n"); fprintf(of, "\\margl120\n"); fprintf(of, "\\margr0\n"); } void fputmethodl1(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\\f2\\fs28\\b\\fi-380\\li2480 "); } void fputmethodl2(FILE *of) { fprintf(of, "\\f1\\b0\\fi-760\\li3240 "); } void fputcphead(FILE *of) { fprintf(of, "%s ", "\\f0\\b0\\i0\\ulnone\\ql\\fs24\\fi0\\li0\\gray0\\fc0\\cf0\\up0\\dn0"); } void fputline(FILE *of, char *line) { fprintf(of, "%s\\\n", line); } void fputbold(FILE *of, char *line) { fprintf(of, " %s%s\n%s", BOLD, line, UBOLD); } void fputivardesc(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\\pard\\tx6140\\tx9660\\tx10180\\fs16\\fi-4040\\li6140\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n"); } void fchangefont(FILE *of, char fn) { fprintf(of, "\\f%d ", fn); } void fputfchar(FILE *of, char fn, char putthechar) { fprintf(of, "\\f%d %c\n", fn, putthechar); } void fputeof(FILE *of) { fprintf(of, "}\n"); } void fmakeul(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\n\\ul "); } void funul(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\n\\ulnone "); } void fmakebold(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\n\\b "); } void funbold(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\n\\b0 "); } void fmakeitalic(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\n\\i "); } void fputmethdesc(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\\\n\\f2\\b\\fs28 "); } void funitalic(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\n\\i0 "); } void fputstart(FILE *of) { fprintf(of, "\\pard\\tx2480\\tx2860\\tx3240\\fs16\\li2100\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of, "\\pard\\f2\\b\\fs56\\li2100\\fc0\\cf0 "); } void fputinherith(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\\pard\\tx4880\\f0\\b0\\fs16\\fi-2780\\li4880\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f2\\b\\fs28 Inherits From:\t\n\\f0\\b0 "); } void fputconformh(FILE *of, char *con) { fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f2\\b\\fs28 Conforms To:\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f0\\b0 \t%s \\\n", con); } void fputinheritt(FILE *of, char *dec) { fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f2\\b\\fs28 Declared In:\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f0\\b0 \t%s \\\n", dec); fprintf(of,"\\f0\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\pard\\f2\\b\\li1360\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs36 Class Description\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\pard\\tx2480\\tx2860\\tx3240\\f0\\b0\\fs28\\li2100\\fc0\\cf0 "); } void fputcath(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\\pard\\tx4880\\f0\\b0\\fs16\\fi-2780\\li4880\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f2\\b\\fs28 Category Of:\t\n\\f0\\b0 "); } void fputcatt(FILE *of, char *dec) { fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f2\\b\\fs28 Declared In:\n"); fprintf(of,"\\f0\\b0 \t%s \\\n", dec); fprintf(of,"\\f0\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\pard\\f2\\b\\li1360\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs36 Category Description\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\pard\\tx2480\\tx2860\\tx3240\\f0\\b0\\fs28\\li2100\\fc0\\cf0 "); } void fputihead(FILE *of) { fprintf(of," \\\n\\pard\\f2\\b\\li1360\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of," \\\n \\\n \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs36 Instance Variables\\\n \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\pard\\tx2860\\f0\\b0\\fs28\\li2100\\fc0\\cf0 "); } void fputmethodh(FILE *of, char *kindof) { fprintf(of,"\\pard\\f2\\b\\fs16\\li1360\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs36 %s Methods\\\n", kindof); } void fputmethodtype(FILE *of) { fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\pard\\f2\\b\\li1360\\fc0\\cf0 \\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs36 Method Types\\\n"); fprintf(of,"\\fs16 \\\n"); fprintf(of, "\\pard\\tx6140\\tx9660\\tx10180\\f0\\b0\\fs28\\fi-4040\\li6140\\fc0\\cf0 \n"); }
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