
This is parse.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

*   $Id: parse.c,v 1.14 1997/04/22 04:43:54 darren Exp $
*   Copyright (c) 1996-1997, Darren Hiebert
*   Contains functions for parsing and scanning of a source file.

=   Include files
# include <config.h>
#include "ctags.h"

=   Macros
#define swapNameBuffers(st) ((st)->buf1 = !(st)->buf1)

#define isExternCBlock(st,c)	((c) == STRING_SYMBOL  &&  !(st)->gotName  && \
				 (st)->scope == SCOPE_EXTERN)

=   Data declarations

/*  Used to specify type of keyword.
typedef enum {
} keyword_t;

/*  Used for reporting the type of object parsed by nextToken().
typedef enum {
     TOK_ARGS,		/* a parenthetical pair and its contents */
     TOK_BODY,		/* a brace enclosed block */
     TOK_COMMA,		/* the comma character */
     TOK_IGNORE,	/* a sequence not to be seen by createTags() */
     TOK_ENUM_BODY_END,	/* the beginning of a list of enumeration values */
     TOK_EOF,		/* end of file */
     TOK_NAME,		/* an unknown name */
     TOK_SEMICOLON,	/* the semicolon character */
     TOK_SPEC		/* a storage class, qualifier, type, etc. */
} token_t;

/*  Describes the statement currently undergoing analysis.
typedef struct {
    tagScope	scope;
    enum {
	DECL_MISC,	/* non-specific or unspecified */
	DECL_CLASS,		/* C++ class */
	DECL_ENUM,		/* enumeration */
	DECL_STRUCT,		/* structure */
	DECL_UNION,		/* union */
	DECL_NOMANGLE		/* C++ name demangling block */
    } declaration;	/* describes specifier associated with TOK_SPEC */
    token_t token;	/* the most recent type of token */
    token_t prev[2];	/* the previous tokens */
    boolean isPointer;	/* is 'name' a pointer? */
    boolean gotName;	/* was a name parsed yet? */
    boolean inEnumBody;	/* currently within enumeration value list? */
    boolean buf1;	/* is tag[1] the primary buffer? */
    tagInfo tag[2];	/* information regarding last 2 tag candidates */
} statementInfo;

/*  Information about an identifier within parentheses.
typedef struct {
    char name[MaxNameLength];
    boolean gotName;
    long location;
    long lineNumber;
} parenInfo;

=   Function prototypes
/*  Parsing functions.
static int skipToNonWhite __ARGS((void));
static int skipToCharacter __ARGS((const int findchar));
static void skipToFormattedBraceMatch __ARGS((void));
static boolean skipToMatch __ARGS((const char *const pair));
static void readIdendifier __ARGS((const int firstChar, char *const name));
static int skipParameterDeclarations __ARGS((int c, statementInfo *const st));
static boolean analyzePostParens __ARGS((statementInfo *const st, const parenInfo *const paren));
static void initParenInfo __ARGS((parenInfo *const paren));
static boolean saveParenInfo __ARGS((parenInfo *const paren, const int c));
static boolean doubleParens __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static boolean analyzeParens __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static boolean isIgnoreToken __ARGS((const char *const name));
static keyword_t analyzeKeyword __ARGS((const char *const name));
static void analyzeIdentifier __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static boolean beginBlock __ARGS((statementInfo *const st, const int nesting));
static boolean endBlock __ARGS((statementInfo *const st, const int nesting));
static void processColon __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static int skipInitializer __ARGS((const boolean inEnumBody));
static boolean processInitializer __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static boolean processArray __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static void processIdentifier __ARGS((statementInfo *const st, const int c));
static boolean nextToken __ARGS((statementInfo *const st, const int nesting));

/*  Scanning functions.
static void initStatement __ARGS((statementInfo *const st));
static void qualifyBlockTag __ARGS((const statementInfo *const st, const tagInfo *const tag, const tagScope declScope));
static void qualifyEnumTag __ARGS((const statementInfo *const st, const tagInfo *const tag, const tagScope declScope));
static void qualifyFunctionTag __ARGS((statementInfo *const st, const tagInfo *const tag));
static void qualifyVariableTag __ARGS((const statementInfo *const st, const tagInfo *const tag, const int nesting));
static void qualifyFunctionDeclTag __ARGS((const statementInfo *const st, const tagInfo *const tag));

=   Function definitions

/*  Skip to the next non-white character.
static int skipToNonWhite()
    int c;

	c = cppGetc();
    } while (c != EOF  &&  isspace(c));

    return c;

/*  Skip to the next occurance of the specified character.
static int skipToCharacter( findchar )
    const int findchar;
    int c;

	c = cppGetc();
    while (c != EOF  &&  c != findchar);

    return c;

/*  Skips to the next brace in column 1. This is intended for cases where
 *  preprocessor constructs result in unbalanced braces.
static void skipToFormattedBraceMatch()
    int c, next;

    c = cppGetc();
    next = cppGetc();
    while (c != EOF  &&  (c != '\n'  ||  next != '}'))
	c = next;
	next = cppGetc();

/*  Skip to the matching character indicated by the pair string. If skipping
 *  to a matching brace and any brace is found within a different level of a
 *  #if conditional statement while brace formatting is in effect, we skip to
 *  the brace matched by its formatting.
static boolean skipToMatch( pair )
    const char *const pair;
    const int begin = pair[0], end = pair[1];
    const int initialLevel = Cpp.directive.level;
    const boolean braceFormatting =(Option.braceFormat && strcmp("{}",pair)==0);
    boolean ok = TRUE;
    int matchLevel = 1;
    int c = '\0';

    while (matchLevel > 0  &&  (c = cppGetc()) != EOF)
	if (c == begin)
	    if (braceFormatting  &&  Cpp.directive.level != initialLevel)
	else if (c == end)
	    if (braceFormatting  &&  Cpp.directive.level != initialLevel)
    if (c == EOF)
	ok = FALSE;

    return ok;

/*  Read a C identifier beginning with "firstChar" and places it into "name".
static void readIdendifier( firstChar, name )
    const int firstChar;
    char *const name;
    int c, i;

    name[0] = firstChar;
    for (i = 1, c = cppGetc() ; i < MaxNameLength - 1 && isident(c) ;
	 i++, c = cppGetc())
	name[i] = c;
    name[i] = '\0';		/* null terminate name */

    cppUngetc(c);		/* unget non-identifier character */

/*  Skips over interveaning characters declaring function parameters
 *  (non-ANSI style function declarations).
static int skipParameterDeclarations( c, st )
    int c;
    statementInfo *const st;
    boolean expectBrace = FALSE;
    boolean end = FALSE;

    while (c != EOF  &&  ! end)
	if (isident1(c))
	    char name[MaxNameLength];
	    keyword_t keyword;

	    readIdendifier(c, name);
	    keyword = analyzeKeyword(name);
	    switch (keyword)
	    default: break;
	    case KEYWORD_CLASS:
	    case KEYWORD_ENUM:
	    case KEYWORD_UNION:
		expectBrace = TRUE;
		     if (keyword == KEYWORD_EXTERN)  st->scope = SCOPE_EXTERN;
		else if (keyword == KEYWORD_STATIC)  st->scope = SCOPE_STATIC;
		else if (keyword == KEYWORD_TYPEDEF) st->scope = SCOPE_TYPEDEF;

		st->declaration	= DECL_MISC;
		st->token	= TOK_SPEC;
		st->gotName	= FALSE;
		c = skipToNonWhite();
		end = TRUE;
		continue;		/* skip read of next character */
	else switch (c)
	default:    break;	/* ignore */
	case ';':   expectBrace = FALSE;		break;
	case '(':   if (! skipToMatch("()"))  c = EOF;	break;
	case '[':   if (! skipToMatch("[]"))  c = EOF;	break;
	case '}':   end = TRUE;
		    continue;		/* skip read of next character */
	case '{':   if (! expectBrace)
			end = TRUE;
			continue;	/* skip read of next character */
		    else if (! skipToMatch("{}"))
			c = EOF;
	if (c != EOF)
	    c = cppGetc();
    return c;

static boolean analyzePostParens( st, paren )
    statementInfo *const st;
    const parenInfo *const paren;
    boolean ok = TRUE;
    int c;

    /*	At this point we should be at the character following the
     *	closing parenthesis.
    c = skipToNonWhite();
    if (st->gotName)
	if (strchr("{;,", c) != NULL)
	    st->token = TOK_ARGS;		/* parameter list to a func. */
	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	/* clear any other decl. */
	else if (isident1(c))
	    st->token = TOK_ARGS;		/* parameter list to a func. */
	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	/* clear any other decl. */
	    c = skipParameterDeclarations(c, st);   /* K&R (non-ANSI) style */
	    st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
    /*	The name inside the parentheses must have been a function or
     *	variable name.
    else if (paren->gotName)
	tagInfo *const tag = &st->tag[st->buf1];

	st->gotName	= TRUE;
	st->token	= TOK_NAME;
	tag->location	= paren->location;
	tag->lineNumber	= paren->lineNumber;
	strcpy(tag->name, paren->name);
	st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
    if (c == EOF)
	ok = FALSE;

    return ok;

static void initParenInfo( paren )
    parenInfo *const paren;
#ifdef DEBUG
    clearString(paren->name, MaxNameLength);
    paren->gotName	= FALSE;
    paren->location	= 0;
    paren->lineNumber	= 0;

static boolean saveParenInfo( paren, c )
    parenInfo *const paren;
    int c;
    boolean ok = TRUE;

    readIdendifier(c, paren->name);
    c = skipToNonWhite();
    if (c == ')')		/* saved if only identifier in parentheses */
	paren->gotName    = TRUE;
	paren->location   = File.seek;
	paren->lineNumber = File.lineNumber;
	if (c == '(')
	ok = skipToMatch("()");
    return ok;

static boolean doubleParens( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    /*	A double parenthesis almost certainly means one of those conditional
     *	prototype macro thingies (e.g. __ARGS((void)) ). If found, we will use
     *	the previous name, if it is not empty.
    if (st->gotName  &&  *st->tag[!st->buf1].name != '\0')

    cppUngetc('(');			/* put back for skipToMatch() */
    return skipToMatch("()");

/*  Analyzes the context and contents of parentheses.
static boolean analyzeParens( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    boolean ok = TRUE;
    int c;

    c = skipToNonWhite();
    if (c == '*')				/* this is a function pointer */
	st->gotName	= FALSE;		/* invalidate previous name */
	st->isPointer	= TRUE;
	st->token	= TOK_IGNORE;
	boolean terminate = FALSE;
	parenInfo paren;

	if (isident1(c))
	    ok = saveParenInfo(&paren, c);
	else if (c == '(')
	    ok = doubleParens(st);
	else if (c == ')')			/* empty parentheses... */
	    /*	This is an invalid character to be inside a paren in this
	     *	context. This must be a macro call. After we read to the
	     *	end of the parenthesis seqence, force a termination of the
	     *	current statement,
	    st->token	= TOK_SEMICOLON;
	    st->gotName	= FALSE;
	    terminate	= TRUE;
	    ok = skipToMatch("()");
	if (ok  &&  ! terminate)
	    ok = analyzePostParens(st, &paren);
    return ok;

/*  Determines whether or not "name" should be ignored, per the ignore list.
static boolean isIgnoreToken( name )
    const char *const name;
    boolean ignore = FALSE;
    unsigned int i;

    for (i = 0  ;  i < Option.ignore.count ; ++i)
	if (strcmp(Option.ignore.list[i], name) == 0)
	    ignore = TRUE;
    return ignore;

/*  Analyzes the identifier contained in a statement described by the
 *  statement structure and adjusts the structure according the significance
 *  of the identifier.
static keyword_t analyzeKeyword( name )
    const char *const name;
    keyword_t keyword = KEYWORD_UNKNOWN;

#define match(word) ((strcmp(name,(word)) == 0))

    switch ((unsigned char)name[0])	/* is it a reserved word? */
    case 'c':	     if (match("class"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_CLASS;
		else if (match("const"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_CONST;
		else if (match("char"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_CHAR;
    case 'd':	     if (match("double"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_DOUBLE;
    case 'e':	     if (match("enum"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_ENUM;
		else if (match("extern"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_EXTERN;
    case 'f':	     if (match("float"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_FLOAT;
    case 'i':	     if (match("int"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_INT;
		else if (match("inline"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_INLINE;
    case 'l':	     if (match("long"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_LONG;
    case 'o':	     if (match("overload")) keyword = KEYWORD_OVERLOAD;
    case 'p':	     if (match("private"))  keyword = KEYWORD_PRIVATE;
		else if (match("public"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_PUBLIC;
    case 's':	     if (match("static"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_STATIC;
		else if (match("struct"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_STRUCT;
		else if (match("short"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_SHORT;
		else if (match("signed"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_SIGNED;
    case 't':	     if (match("typedef"))  keyword = KEYWORD_TYPEDEF;
		else if (match("throw"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_THROW;
    case 'u':	     if (match("union"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_UNION;
		else if (match("unsigned")) keyword = KEYWORD_UNSIGNED;
    case 'v':	     if (match("virtual"))  keyword = KEYWORD_VIRTUAL;
		else if (match("void"	))  keyword = KEYWORD_VOID;
		else if (match("volatile")) keyword = KEYWORD_VOLATILE;
#undef match

    return keyword;

/*  Analyzes the identifier contained in a statement described by the
 *  statement structure and adjusts the structure according the significance
 *  of the identifier.
static void analyzeIdentifier( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    tagInfo *const tag = &st->tag[st->buf1];
    const char *const name = tag->name;

    st->token = TOK_SPEC;			/* default unless otherwise */

    if (isIgnoreToken(name))
	st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
    else switch (analyzeKeyword(name))		/* is it a reserved word? */
    case KEYWORD_CLASS:	    st->declaration = DECL_CLASS;	break;
    case KEYWORD_CONST:	    st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_CHAR:	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_DOUBLE:    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_ENUM:	    st->declaration = DECL_ENUM;	break;
    case KEYWORD_EXTERN:    st->scope	    = SCOPE_EXTERN;	break;
    case KEYWORD_FLOAT:	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_INT:	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_INLINE:    st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_LONG:	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_OVERLOAD:  st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_PRIVATE:   st->scope	    = SCOPE_STATIC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_PUBLIC:    st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_STATIC:    st->scope	    = SCOPE_STATIC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_STRUCT:    st->declaration = DECL_STRUCT;	break;
    case KEYWORD_SHORT:	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_SIGNED:    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_TYPEDEF:   st->scope	    = SCOPE_TYPEDEF;	break;
    case KEYWORD_THROW:	    st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_UNION:	    st->declaration = DECL_UNION;	break;
    case KEYWORD_UNSIGNED:  st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;
    case KEYWORD_VIRTUAL:   st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_VOLATILE:  st->token	    = TOK_IGNORE;	break;
    case KEYWORD_VOID:	    st->declaration = DECL_MISC;	break;

	st->token	= TOK_NAME;
	st->gotName	= TRUE;
	tag->location   = File.seek;
	tag->lineNumber = File.lineNumber;
    if (st->token == TOK_IGNORE)
	tag->name[0] = '\0';

static void processIdentifier( st, c )
    statementInfo *const st;
    const int c;
    if (st->gotName)
    readIdendifier(c, st->tag[st->buf1].name);
    if (st->gotName  &&  st->token == TOK_IGNORE)

static void processColon( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    if (st->declaration != DECL_CLASS)
	st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
	const int c = skipToCharacter('{');	/* skip over intervening junk */

/*  Skips over any initializing value which may follow a '=' character in a
 *  variable definition.
static int skipInitializer( inEnumBody )
    const boolean inEnumBody;
    boolean done = FALSE;
    int c;

    while (! done  &&  (c = cppGetc()) != EOF)
	switch (c)
	default:    break;
	case ',':
	case ';':   done = TRUE; break;

	case '[':   if (! skipToMatch("[]"))
			c = EOF;
	case '(':   if (! skipToMatch("()"))
			c = EOF;
	case '{':   if (! skipToMatch("{}"))
			c = EOF;
	case '}':   if (inEnumBody)
			done = TRUE;
		    else if (! Option.braceFormat)
			c = EOF;
    return c;

static boolean processInitializer( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    boolean ok = TRUE;
    const int c = skipInitializer(st->inEnumBody);

    if (c == EOF)
	ok = FALSE;
    else if (c == ';')
	st->token = TOK_SEMICOLON;
    else if (c == ',')
	st->token = TOK_COMMA;
    else if (c == '}'  &&  st->inEnumBody)
	st->token = TOK_ENUM_BODY_END;

    return ok;

static boolean processArray( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
    return skipToMatch("[]");

static boolean beginBlock( st, nesting )
    statementInfo *const st;
    const int nesting;
    boolean ok = TRUE;

    if (st->declaration == DECL_ENUM)
	st->inEnumBody = TRUE;
	st->token = TOK_BODY;
	if (st->declaration == DECL_STRUCT  ||
	    st->declaration == DECL_UNION   ||
	    st->declaration == DECL_CLASS   ||
	    st->declaration == DECL_NOMANGLE )
	    ok = createTags(nesting + 1);
	    ok = skipToMatch("{}");
	st->token = TOK_BODY;
    return ok;

static boolean endBlock( st, nesting )
    statementInfo *const st;
    const int nesting;
    boolean ok = TRUE;

    if (st->inEnumBody)
	st->inEnumBody = FALSE;
	st->token = TOK_ENUM_BODY_END;
    else if (nesting > 0)
	st->token = TOK_EOF;		/* fake out */
	st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
	ok = FALSE;
    return ok;

/*  Reads characters from the pre-processor and assembles tokens, setting
 *  the current statement state.
static boolean nextToken( st, nesting )
    statementInfo *const st;
    const int nesting;
    int c;
    boolean ok = TRUE;

	c = cppGetc();

	switch (c)
	case EOF:   st->token = TOK_EOF;		break;
	case '(':   ok = analyzeParens(st);		break;
	case '*':   st->gotName = FALSE;		break;
	case ',':   st->token = TOK_COMMA;		break;
	case ':':   processColon(st);			break;
	case ';':   st->token = TOK_SEMICOLON;		break;
	case '=':   ok = processInitializer(st);	break;
	case '[':   ok = processArray(st);		break;
	case '{':   ok = beginBlock(st, nesting);	break;
	case '}':   ok = endBlock(st, nesting);		break;

	    if (isident1(c))
		processIdentifier(st, c);
	    else if (isExternCBlock(st, c))
		st->declaration = DECL_NOMANGLE;
		st->token = TOK_IGNORE;
    } while (ok  &&  st->token == TOK_IGNORE);

    return ok;

static void initStatement( st )
    statementInfo *const st;
    int i;

    st->scope		= SCOPE_GLOBAL;
    st->declaration	= DECL_MISC;
    st->token		= TOK_SEMICOLON;
    st->prev[0]		= TOK_SEMICOLON;
    st->prev[1]		= TOK_SEMICOLON;
    st->gotName		= FALSE;
    st->isPointer	= FALSE;
    st->inEnumBody	= FALSE;
    st->buf1		= FALSE;

    for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i)
	tagInfo *const tag = &st->tag[i];

	tag->location	= 0;
	tag->lineNumber	= 0;
	tag->name[0]	= '\0';
#ifdef DEBUG
	clearString(tag->name, MaxNameLength);

static void qualifyBlockTag( st, tag, declScope )
    const statementInfo *const st;
    const tagInfo *const tag;
    const tagScope declScope;
    if (st->declaration == DECL_CLASS  || st->declaration == DECL_ENUM  ||
	st->declaration == DECL_STRUCT || st->declaration == DECL_UNION)
	makeTag(tag, declScope, TAG_BLOCKTAG);

static void qualifyEnumTag( st, tag, declScope )
    const statementInfo *const st;
    const tagInfo *const tag;
    const tagScope declScope;
    if (st->prev[0] == TOK_NAME)
	makeTag(tag, declScope, TAG_ENUM);

static void qualifyFunctionTag( st, tag )
    statementInfo *const st;
    const tagInfo *const tag;
    if (st->scope == SCOPE_EXTERN)		/* allowed for func. def. */
	st->scope = SCOPE_GLOBAL;
    makeTag(tag, st->scope, TAG_FUNCTION);

static void qualifyVariableTag( st, tag, nesting )
    const statementInfo *const st;
    const tagInfo *const tag;
    const int nesting;
    /*	We have to watch that we do not interpret a declaration of the
     *	form "struct tag;" as a variable definition. In such a case, the
     *	declaration will be either class, enum, struct or union, and prev[1]
     *	will be empty (i.e. SEMICOLON).
    if (nesting == 0  &&
	(st->declaration == DECL_MISC  || st->prev[1] != TOK_SPEC))
	if (st->scope != SCOPE_EXTERN)
	    makeTag(tag, st->scope, TAG_VARIABLE);

static void qualifyFunctionDeclTag( st, tag )
    const statementInfo *const st;
    const tagInfo *const tag;
    if (! File.header)
    else if (st->scope == SCOPE_GLOBAL || st->scope==SCOPE_EXTERN)

/*  Parses the current file and decides whether to write out and tags that
 *  are discovered.
extern boolean createTags( nesting )
    const int nesting;
    const tagScope declScope = File.header ? SCOPE_GLOBAL : SCOPE_STATIC;
    statementInfo st;
    boolean ok = TRUE;

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (nesting > 0  &&  debug(DEBUG_VISUAL | DEBUG_STATUS))
	printf("<#++nesting:%d#>", nesting);

    while ((ok = nextToken(&st, nesting)))
	tagInfo *const tag = &st.tag[st.buf1];

	if (st.token == TOK_EOF)
	else if (! st.gotName)
	else if (st.token == TOK_BODY  &&  st.prev[0] == TOK_NAME)
	    qualifyBlockTag(&st, tag, declScope);
	else if (st.token == TOK_ENUM_BODY_END  ||
		 (st.inEnumBody  &&  st.token == TOK_COMMA))
	    qualifyEnumTag(&st, tag, declScope);
	else if (st.token == TOK_BODY  &&  st.prev[0] == TOK_ARGS)
	    qualifyFunctionTag(&st, tag);
	else if (st.token == TOK_SEMICOLON  ||  st.token == TOK_COMMA)
	    if (st.scope == SCOPE_TYPEDEF)
		makeTag(tag, declScope, TAG_TYPEDEF);
	    else if (st.prev[0] == TOK_NAME  ||  st.isPointer)
		qualifyVariableTag(&st, tag, nesting);
	    else if (st.prev[0] == TOK_ARGS)
		qualifyFunctionDeclTag(&st, tag);

	/*  Reset after a semicolon or ARGS BODY pair.
	if (st.token == TOK_SEMICOLON  ||  (st.token == TOK_BODY  &&
	     (st.prev[0] == TOK_ARGS  ||  st.declaration == DECL_NOMANGLE)))
	    Cpp.directive.resolve = FALSE;	/* end of statement */
	    Cpp.directive.resolve = TRUE;	/* in middle of statement */

	st.prev[1] = st.prev[0];
	st.prev[0] = st.token;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (nesting > 0  &&  debug(DEBUG_VISUAL | DEBUG_STATUS))
	printf("<#--nesting:%d#>", nesting - 1);
    return ok;

/* vi:set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4: */

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