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#include <stdio.h> #include <sound/sound.h> #include <math.h> /* This is a command line c function call to implement sampling rate conversion on a sound. The conversion is performed by sinc interpolation (ideal low-pass filter response). One method uses sin() function calls from the floating point library, and the other method uses linearly interpolated table lookup as described in: J. O. Smith and P. Gossett, "A Flexible Sampling-Rate Conversion Method," Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, San Diego, CA, March, 1984. The basic parameters select how wide the sinc function for interpolation is (how many neighboring samples are used), whether to use a table, and how finely the sinc is sampled in forming the table. Usage is: srate_convert factor filein fileout The factor which specifies the conversion is a floating point number expressing the ratio of the old sampling rate to the new one. The sampling rate in the soundfile header is left alone, so this operation causes pitch-shifting as implemented, and the factor is the ratio of the processed pitch to the original. The factor can also be viewed as the new sampling period, relative to the original sampling period. The sound is assumed to be band limited to 1/2 the highest sampling rate, so no extra filtering is done in the interpolation. Thus sampling rate conversion factors of less than one are fine, and the signal must be pre-filtered to use sampling rate conversion factors which are greater than one. To implement low-pass filtering as part of the conversion operation, the low-pass filter coefficients can be integrated into the sinc table by convolution. This is described in the Smith/Gossett article, and requires a generic filter design library such as the IEEE filter design routines. In general, a low-pass filter with cutoff below 1/2 the new sampling rate is designed, and convolved with the sinc table. This yield the new sinc table to be used for interpolation. The real 'inner loop', where the work gets done is enclosed in asterisk lines. If the sound file format and number of channels is known, the unneeded code could be removed, yielding about 80 lines for the entire sampling rate conversion routine, the function which fills the sinc table, the linear interpolation function, and the sinc table access function. The file codex_convert.c is an example of a pared-down example. */ #define WIDTH 5 /* this controls the number of neighboring samples which are used to interpolate the new samples. The processing time is linearly related to this width */ #define USE_TABLE TRUE /* this controls whether a linearly interpolated lookup table is used for sinc function calculation, or the sinc is calculated by floating point trig function calls. */ #define SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING 5 /* this defines how finely the sinc function is sampled for storage in the table */ float sinc_table[WIDTH * SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING] = { 0.0 }; main(int argc,char *argv[]) /* sampling rate convert filename by factor. factor should be less than 1.0 or file must be pre-filtered to band-limit to NewSrate/2. */ { extern double sinc(double x),make_sinc(); char *file_name_in,*file_name_out; float fact; double temp1=0.0,temp2=0.0,time=0.0,factor; unsigned char *codex_data_in,*codex_data_out; short *linear_data_in,*linear_data_out; int i=0,j,left_limit,right_limit,num_samples,num_channels; SNDSoundStruct *sound_in,*sound_out; if (argc!=4) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: srate_convert factor filein fileout\n"); exit(0); } file_name_in = argv[2]; file_name_out = argv[3]; sscanf(argv[1],"%f",&fact); factor = fact; if (factor<0.01 || factor>100) { fprintf(stderr,"Your factor is a little extreme!!!\n"); exit(0); } printf("Converting by: %f file: %s to file: %s\n",factor,file_name_in,file_name_out); SNDReadSoundfile(file_name_in,&sound_in); num_channels = sound_in->channelCount; num_samples = sound_in->dataSize / num_channels; /* allocate an output sound and set data pointers */ if (sound_in->dataFormat==1) { SNDAlloc(&sound_out, (int) ((double) num_samples / factor), sound_in->dataFormat, sound_in->samplingRate, num_channels, 4); codex_data_in = (unsigned char *) sound_in + sound_in->dataLocation; codex_data_out = (unsigned char *) sound_out + sound_out->dataLocation; } else { num_samples /= 2; SNDAlloc(&sound_out, (int) (num_samples * 2 * num_channels / factor), sound_in->dataFormat, sound_in->samplingRate, num_channels, 4); linear_data_in = (short *) sound_in + sound_in->dataLocation; linear_data_out = (short *) sound_out + sound_out->dataLocation; } if(USE_TABLE) make_sinc(); /* Everything up to here was setup Entry at this point assumes an input sound band-limited to 1/2 the highest sampling rate, an output sound allocated to the correct size (input sound size * conversion factor) pointers to the sounds, and a factor which is the new sampling period relative to the original */ /************************* INNER LOOP HERE ********************************************/ while (time < num_samples) { temp1 = 0.0; temp2 = 0.0; left_limit = time - WIDTH + 1; /* leftmost neighboring sample used for interp.*/ right_limit = time + WIDTH; /* rightmost leftmost neighboring sample used for interp.*/ if (left_limit<0) left_limit = 0; if (right_limit>num_samples) right_limit = num_samples; /* Here comes the real work. True interpolation of sampled data signals involves ideal low-pass filtering in the frequency domain, which corresponds to convolution with a sinc function in the time domain (consult any text on Fourier transforms). */ if (num_channels==1) { if (sound_in->dataFormat==1) { for (j=left_limit;j<right_limit;j++) temp1 += SNDiMulaw(codex_data_in[j]) * sinc(time - j); codex_data_out[i] = SNDMulaw((short) temp1); } else { for (j=left_limit;j<right_limit;j++) temp1 += linear_data_in[j] * sinc(time - j); linear_data_out[i] = (short) temp1; } } else { for (j=left_limit;j<right_limit;j++) { temp1 += linear_data_in[j * 2] * sinc(time - j); temp2 += linear_data_in[j * 2 + 1] * sinc(time - j); } linear_data_out[i * 2] = (short) temp1; linear_data_out[i * 2 + 1] = (short) temp2; } i++; time += factor; } /***********************************************************************************************/ SNDWait(SNDWriteSoundfile(file_name_out,sound_out)); SNDFree(sound_in); SNDFree(sound_out); return; } #define PI 3.14159263 make_sinc() { int i; double temp,win_freq,win; win_freq = PI / WIDTH / SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING; sinc_table[0] = 1.0; for (i=1;i<WIDTH * SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING;i++) { temp = (double) i * PI / SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING; sinc_table[i] = sin(temp) / temp; win = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(win_freq * i); sinc_table[i] *= win; } return; } double linear_interp(double first_number,double second_number,double fraction) { return (first_number + ((second_number - first_number) * fraction)); } double t_sinc(double x) { int low; double temp,delta; if (fabs(x)>WIDTH-1) return 0.0; else { temp = fabs(x) * (double) SAMPLES_PER_ZERO_CROSSING; low = temp; /* these are interpolation steps */ delta = temp - low; /* and can be ommited if desired */ return linear_interp(sinc_table[low],sinc_table[low + 1],delta); /* for no interpolation case, return sinc_table[low] */ } } double sinc(double x) { double temp; if(USE_TABLE) return t_sinc(x); else { if (x==0.0) return 1.0; else { temp = PI * x; return sin(temp) / (temp); } } }
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