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/*--------------------------------------------------------------------- * $Date: 93/07/12 18:13:03 $ $Revision: $ *--------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright (c) 1991, Visual Edge Software Ltd. * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose * and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of Visual Edge Software not be * used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of * the software without specific, written prior permission. The year * included in the notice is the year of the creation of the work. *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * UxXt.c *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <X11/Intrinsic.h> #include <X11/Shell.h> #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xmd.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <Xm/Xm.h> #include <Xm/DialogS.h> #ifdef UIL_CODE #include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h> #endif /* UIL_CODE */ #include "UxXt.h" static XContext xcontext_id = 0; /***************************************************************************** NAME: UxRealWidget( wgt ) INPUT: Widget wgt - the top user-created widget RETURN: Widget - the shell widget DESCRIPTION: Given a widget, determines if the widget parent is a shell in which case the shell is returned otherwise, the widget itself is returned. This is needed for implicit shells to get the real shell behing the toplevel manager. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 8 1993 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO Widget UxRealWidget( wgt ) Widget wgt; #else Widget UxRealWidget( Widget wgt ) #endif { if (wgt) { if (XtIsShell(wgt)) { return(wgt); } else if (XtIsShell(XtParent(wgt))) { return XtParent(wgt); } } return wgt; } /****************************************************************************** NAME: GetTrueToplevel( wgt ) INPUT: Widget wgt - the top user-created widget RETURN: Widget - the shell widget DESCRIPTION: Returns the true toplevel of that interface. This is needed for implicit shells where the widget passed to one of the Ux functions is not always the shell. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO static Widget GetTrueToplevel( wgt ) Widget wgt; #else static Widget GetTrueToplevel( Widget wgt ) #endif { while (wgt && !XtIsShell(wgt)) { wgt = XtParent(wgt); } return wgt; } /****************************************************************************** NAME: handle_dialog_child( wgt, manage_func ) INPUT: Widget wgt - the dialogShellWidget void (*manage_func)() - either XtManageChild or XtUnmanageChild RETURN: int - UX_NO_ERROR if successfull UX_ERROR otherwise DESCRIPTION: Handles the popping up or popping down of dialog shells by managing or unmanaging their children. CREATION: Visual Edge Software Sept 19/91 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO static int handle_dialog_child( wgt, manage_func ) Widget wgt; void (*manage_func)(); #else static int handle_dialog_child( Widget wgt, void (*manage_func)(Widget) ) #endif { int i, num_children; Widget *children; int error_flag = UX_ERROR; XtVaGetValues( wgt, XmNnumChildren, &num_children, XmNchildren, &children, NULL ); /*----------------------------------------------------- * We manage/unmanage the first rectObj child in the list. * Note that the check for rectObjClass is necessary since * some implementations of Motif add protocol children to * the dialogShell. Additionally, when the LANG is set to * Japanese, a widget of class Core is created. This widget * should not be managed. We'll skip it. *-----------------------------------------------------*/ for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) { if ( XtIsSubclass( children[i], rectObjClass ) && (XtClass (children[i]) != coreWidgetClass)) { (*manage_func)(children[i]); error_flag = UX_NO_ERROR; break; } } return ( error_flag ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: popup_dialog( wgt, grab_flag ) INPUT: Widget wgt - dialogShell to pop up XtGrabKind grab_flag - the grab flag RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: Pops up a dialogShell. CREATION: Visual Edge Software Sept 19/91 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO static void popup_dialog( wgt, grab_flag ) Widget wgt; XtGrabKind grab_flag; #else static void popup_dialog( Widget wgt, XtGrabKind grab_flag ) #endif { if ( handle_dialog_child( wgt, XtManageChild ) == UX_ERROR ) XtPopup( wgt, grab_flag ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxPopupInterface( wgt, grab_flag ) INPUT: Widget wgt - Widget to popup XtGrabKind grab_flag - grab flag RETURN: int UX_ERROR or UX_NO_ERROR DESCRIPTION: Popups up an interface. The widget should be a toplevel widget. Note that special handling is required for dialogShells since those are popped up by managing their children if they have some. The grab_flag could be any of: no_grab (XtGrabNone) nonexclusive_grab (XtGrabNonexclusive) exclusive_grab (XtGrabExclusive) CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO int UxPopupInterface( wgt, grab_flag ) Widget wgt; XtGrabKind grab_flag; #else int UxPopupInterface( Widget wgt, XtGrabKind grab_flag ) #endif { if (!(wgt = GetTrueToplevel(wgt))) return ( UX_ERROR ); if ( XtIsSubclass( wgt, xmDialogShellWidgetClass ) ) { popup_dialog( wgt, grab_flag ); } else { XtPopup( wgt, grab_flag ); } return ( UX_NO_ERROR ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: popdown_dialog( wgt ) INPUT: Widget wgt - dialogShell to popdown RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: Pops down a dialogShell. CREATION: Visual Edge Software Sept 19/91 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO static void popdown_dialog( wgt ) Widget wgt; #else static void popdown_dialog( Widget wgt ) #endif { if ( handle_dialog_child( wgt, XtUnmanageChild ) == UX_ERROR ) XtPopdown( wgt ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxPopdownInterface( wgt ) INPUT: Widget wgt - Widget to popdown RETURN: int UX_ERROR / UX_NO_ERROR DESCRIPTION: Pops down an interface. The widget should be a toplevel widget. Note that special handling is required for dialogShells since those are popped down by unmanaging their children if they have some. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO int UxPopdownInterface( wgt ) Widget wgt; #else int UxPopdownInterface( Widget wgt ) #endif { if (!(wgt = GetTrueToplevel(wgt))) return ( UX_ERROR ); if ( XtIsSubclass( wgt, xmDialogShellWidgetClass ) ) { popdown_dialog( wgt ); } else { XtPopdown( wgt ); } return ( UX_NO_ERROR ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxDestroyInterface( wgt ) INPUT: Widget wgt - Widget to destroy RETURN: int UX_ERROR / UX_NO_ERROR DESCRIPTION: Destroys an interface. The widget should be a toplevel widget. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO int UxDestroyInterface( wgt ) Widget wgt; #else int UxDestroyInterface( Widget wgt ) #endif { if (!(wgt = GetTrueToplevel(wgt))) return ( UX_ERROR ); XtDestroyWidget (wgt); return ( UX_NO_ERROR ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxDeleteContextCB( wgt, client_data, call_data ) INPUT: Widget wgt - widget causing the callback XtPointer client_data - not used XtPointer call_data - not used RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: Deletes the X context entry. EXT REFERENCES: UxTopLevel, xcontext_id CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO void UxDeleteContextCB( wgt, client_data, _call_data ) Widget wgt; XtPointer client_data, _call_data; #else void UxDeleteContextCB( Widget wgt, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer _call_data ) #endif { XtPointer call_data = _call_data; (void) XDeleteContext( XtDisplay( UxTopLevel ), (Window) wgt, (XContext) client_data ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxPutContext( wgt, context ) INPUT: Widget wgt - Widget XtPointer context - context pointer RETURN: int UX_ERROR / UX_NO_ERROR DESCRIPTION: Uses the X Context manager to store the given context pointer in a memory location that is indexed by the given widget id. Also adds a destroyCallback to delete that context when the widget is destroyed. EXT REFERENCES: UxTopLevel, xcontext_id EXT EFFECTS: xcontext_id CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO int UxPutContext( wgt, context ) Widget wgt; caddr_t context; #else int UxPutContext( Widget wgt, caddr_t context ) #endif { int status; if ( xcontext_id == 0 ) xcontext_id = XUniqueContext(); if ( wgt == NULL ) return ( UX_ERROR ); status = XSaveContext( XtDisplay( UxTopLevel ), (Window) wgt, xcontext_id, (char *) context ); if ( status != 0 ) return ( UX_ERROR ); XtAddCallback (wgt, XmNdestroyCallback, UxDeleteContextCB, (XtPointer) xcontext_id); return ( UX_NO_ERROR ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxGetContext( wgt ) INPUT: Widget wgt - widget RETURN: caddr_t - the context pointer DESCRIPTION: Uses the X Context manager to find the context pointer stored in a memory location indexed by the given widget id. EXT REFERENCES: UxTopLevel, xcontext_id CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO caddr_t UxGetContext( wgt ) Widget wgt; #else caddr_t UxGetContext( Widget wgt ) #endif { int status; caddr_t context; if ( wgt == NULL ) return ( (caddr_t) NULL ); status = XFindContext( XtDisplay( UxTopLevel ), (Window) wgt, xcontext_id, &context ); if ( status != 0 ) return ( (caddr_t) NULL ); return ( context ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: DelayedFreeData ( client_data, id ) INPUT: XtPointer client_data - pointer to be freed XtIntervalId *id; RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: This XtTimerCallbackProc function simply frees the client data. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 30 1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO static void DelayedFreeData( client_data, _id ) XtPointer client_data; XtIntervalId *_id; #else static void DelayedFreeData( XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *_id) #endif { XtIntervalId *id = _id; if (client_data != NULL) { XtFree((char *) client_data); } } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxDestroyContextCB ( wgt, client_data, call_data ) INPUT: Widget wgt - widget XtPointer client_data - pointer to be freed XtPointer call_data - not used RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: This callback function registers a timeout to free the context structure. This mechanism is used to ensure that user's destroyCallbacks are executed before we free the context structure. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO void UxDestroyContextCB( _wgt, client_data, _call_data ) Widget _wgt; XtPointer client_data, _call_data; #else void UxDestroyContextCB( Widget _wgt, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer _call_data ) #endif { Widget wgt = _wgt; XtPointer call_data = _call_data; if (client_data != NULL) { XtAppAddTimeOut(UxAppContext, 0, DelayedFreeData, client_data); } } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxFreeClientDataCB( wgt, client_data, call_data ) INPUT: Widget wgt - widget XtPointer client_data - pointer to be freed XtPointer call_data - not used RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: This callback function simply frees the client data. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO void UxFreeClientDataCB( _wgt, client_data, _call_data ) Widget _wgt; XtPointer client_data, _call_data; #else void UxFreeClientDataCB( Widget _wgt, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer _call_data ) #endif { Widget wgt = _wgt; XtPointer call_data = _call_data; if (client_data != NULL) XtFree((char *) client_data); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxLoadResources( fname ) INPUT: char *fname - name of resource file RETURN: void DESCRIPTION: This function is provided as a stub function to load the resource file that was generated by the C Code Generator into the current toolkit resource database. A call to this function is automatically generated with the appropriate resource filename when resources are set to Public. CREATION: Visual Edge Software April 6 1991 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO void UxLoadResources( _fname ) char *_fname; #else void UxLoadResources( char *_fname ) #endif { char *fname = _fname; } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxConvertFontList( fontlist_str ) INPUT: char *fontlist_str - string form of fontlist RETURN: XmFontList - fontlist DESCRIPTION: Converts a fontlist from the resource-file string format to the XmFontList type expected in C code. The conversion is done by a call to the built-in Motif convertor and the return value points into Xt's resource cache and so the return value should NOT be XmFontListFree'd. CREATION: Visual Edge Software June 17 1992 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO XmFontList UxConvertFontList( fontlist_str ) char *fontlist_str; #else XmFontList UxConvertFontList( char *fontlist_str ) #endif { XrmValue from, to; XmFontList fontlist = NULL; Boolean status; from.size = strlen( fontlist_str ) + 1; from.addr = fontlist_str; to.size = sizeof(XmFontList); to.addr = (caddr_t) &fontlist; status = XtConvertAndStore( UxTopLevel, XmRString, &from, XmRFontList, &to ); return ( fontlist ); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxConvertValueWcs( value_str ) INPUT: char *value_str - multi-byte (mbs) form of wide-character string (wcs) RETURN: wchar_t * - wide-character string DESCRIPTION: Convert a multibyte string to a wide character string The memory allocated for the return value is maintained until the next call to this function. CREATION: Visual Edge Software March 31, 1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO wchar_t * UxConvertValueWcs( value_str ) char *value_str; #else wchar_t * UxConvertValueWcs( char *value_str ) #endif { static wchar_t *wcs = NULL; int maxlen; if (!value_str) { return ((wchar_t*)0); } maxlen = strlen(value_str) + 1; wcs = (wchar_t *)UxRealloc(wcs,maxlen * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (mbstowcs(wcs, value_str, maxlen) < 0) { return ((wchar_t*)0); } return(wcs); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: static ConvertPixmap( file_name, depth ) INPUT: char *file_name - Pixmap file name int depth - 0 for no depth specified RETURN: Pixmap DESCRIPTION: If the depth argument is 0 , then call XmGetPixmap (no depth argument). Otherwise, call XmGetPixmapByDepth (with depth as specified by the argument). Since there is no way of knowing how long the Pixmaps will be used, they are never destroyed. This is not a serious problem since XmGetPixmap does not regenerate existing Pixmaps. It simply keeps a reference count for the number of times a Pixmap is returned. CREATION: Visual Edge Software March 31, 1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO static Pixmap ConvertPixmap( file_name, depth ) char *file_name; int depth; #else static Pixmap ConvertPixmap( char *file_name, int depth ) #endif { XrmValue fg_from, fg_to, bg_from, bg_to; Pixel fg, bg; fg_from.size = strlen(XtDefaultForeground); fg_from.addr = XtDefaultForeground; fg_to.addr = (XPointer)&fg; bg_from.size = strlen(XtDefaultBackground); bg_from.addr = XtDefaultBackground; bg_to.addr = (XPointer)&bg; if (!XtConvertAndStore (UxTopLevel, XtRString, &bg_from, XtRPixel, &bg_to) || !XtConvertAndStore (UxTopLevel, XtRString, &fg_from, XtRPixel, &fg_to) || (fg == bg)) { fg = WhitePixelOfScreen(XtScreen(UxTopLevel)); bg = BlackPixelOfScreen(XtScreen(UxTopLevel)); } if (depth) return (XmGetPixmapByDepth (XtScreen(UxTopLevel), file_name, fg, bg, depth)); else return (XmGetPixmap(XtScreen(UxTopLevel), file_name, fg, bg)); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxConvert_bitmap( file_name ) INPUT: char *file_name - bitmap file name RETURN: Pixmap - Pixmap of depth 1 DESCRIPTION: Call ConvertPixmap with depth 1 (bitmap) CREATION: Visual Edge Software March 31, 1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO Pixmap UxConvert_bitmap( file_name ) char *file_name; #else Pixmap UxConvert_bitmap( char *file_name ) #endif { return (ConvertPixmap(file_name, 1)); } /****************************************************************************** NAME: UxConvertPixmap( file_name ) INPUT: char *file_name - pixmap file name RETURN: Pixmap - Pixmap DESCRIPTION: Call ConvertPixmap with depth 0 (Pixmap) CREATION: Visual Edge Software March 31, 1993 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO Pixmap UxConvertPixmap( file_name ) char *file_name; #else Pixmap UxConvertPixmap( char *file_name ) #endif { return (ConvertPixmap(file_name, 0)); } /*************************************************************************** NAME: UxRemoveValueFromArgList( args, ptr_num_args, res_name ) INPUT: Arg *args : array of Arg's String res_name : name of resource INPUT & OUTPUT: Cardinal *ptr_num_args : number of Arg's RETURN: XtArgVal : value of resource DESCRIPTION: Searches for the named resource in the array of Arg's. If found, the corresponding element is removed from the array, the number of Arg's is decremented, and the resource value is returned. If the named resource is not found, the return value is zero. EXT REFERENCES: --- EXT EFFECTS: --- CREATION: Nov 27/92 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO XtArgVal UxRemoveValueFromArgList( args, ptr_num_args, res_name ) Arg *args; Cardinal *ptr_num_args; String res_name; #else XtArgVal UxRemoveValueFromArgList( Arg *args, Cardinal *ptr_num_args, String res_name ) #endif { Cardinal i, num_args; num_args = *ptr_num_args; for (i = 0; i < num_args; i++) { if ( ! strcmp( args[i].name, res_name ) ) { Cardinal j; XtArgVal res_value = args[i].value; /* We remove this arg from the array by moving the remaining args down one in the array and decreasng the arg count */ --num_args; for (j = i; j < num_args; j++) args[j] = args[j + 1]; *ptr_num_args = num_args; return ( res_value ); } } return ( (XtArgVal) 0 ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * NAME: UxNewContext * <Allocate a context structure> * INPUT: size -- of the desired structure * isSubclass -- nonzero if the requester is a subclass, * requiring that the result also be * returned for the base. * RETURNS: Pointer to a data area of (at least) the desired size. *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef _NO_PROTO void* UxNewContext (size, isSubclass) size_t size; int isSubclass; #else void* UxNewContext (size_t size, int isSubclass) #endif /* _NO_PROTO */ { static void* LastSubclassResult = 0; static int LastResultSize = 0; void * result; if (LastSubclassResult) { result = LastSubclassResult; } else { result = XtMalloc(size); } if (isSubclass) { LastSubclassResult = result; if (LastResultSize < size) { LastResultSize = size; } } else { LastSubclassResult = 0; LastResultSize = 0; } return (result); } /** end of file ***/
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