
This is fifolist.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// ^FILE: fifolist.h - generic FIFO list classes
//    This file defines a generic FIFO linked list class and two types
//    of iterators for the list.  The first iterator is just your basic
//    run-of-the-mill iterator.  The second iterator treats the list
//    as if it were an array and allows you to index into the list.
//    Once these generic classes are declared, macros are defined to allow
//    the programmer to declare lists (and iterators) that contain a
//    particular type of item.  On systems where your C++ compiler supports
//    templates, templates are used, otherwise we "fake it".
//    The macro defined is named DECLARE_FIFO_LIST and is used as follows:
//       DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(Name, Type);
//    This declares a type named "Name" that is a list of pointers to
//    items of type "Type".  Also, the types "NameIter" and "NameArray"
//    are declared as the iterators for this type of list.
//    03/21/92	Brad Appleton	<brad@ssd.csd.harris.com>	Created

#ifndef _fifolist_h
#define _fifolist_h

#ifndef  name2
# if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__ANSI_CPP__)
#  define  name2(x,y) x##y
# else
#  define  name2(x,y) x/**/y
# endif

   // GenericFifoList - a FIFO linked list of void * pointers
class  GenericFifoList {

   // Need to define what a "node" in the list looks like
   struct GenericFifoListNode {
      GenericFifoListNode * next;
      void * contents;

      GenericFifoListNode(GenericFifoListNode * nd =0, void * val =0)
         : next(nd), contents(val) {}
   } ;

   unsigned  mod : 1;
   unsigned  del_items : 1;
   unsigned  num_items ;
   GenericFifoListNode * head;
   GenericFifoListNode * tail;

      : head(0), tail(0), num_items(0), del_items(0), mod(0) {}

   // Remove the first item from the list
   void *

   // Add an item to the end of the list
   add(void * item);

   virtual  ~GenericFifoList(void);

   // Was the list modified since the last time we checked?
   modified(void) { return (mod) ? (mod = 0, 1) : 0 ; }

   // Is the list empty?
   is_empty(void) const { return  (num_items == 0); }

   // How many items are in the list?
   count(void) const { return  num_items; }

   // Is the list responsible for deleting the items it contains?
   self_cleaning(void) const { return  int(del_items); }

   // Tell the list who is responsible for deleting the items it contains?
   self_cleaning(int  bool_val)  { del_items = (bool_val) ? 1 : 0; }

   friend class GenericFifoListIter;
   friend class GenericFifoListArray;
} ;

   // GenericFifoListIter -- an iterator for a GenericFifoList
class  GenericFifoListIter {
   GenericFifoList::GenericFifoListNode * current;

   GenericFifoListIter(GenericFifoList & fifo_list)
      : current(fifo_list.head) {}

   GenericFifoListIter(GenericFifoList * fifo_list)
      : current(fifo_list->head) {}

   // Return the current item in the list and advance to the next item.
   // returns NULL if at end-of-list
   void *

   virtual  ~GenericFifoListIter(void);

} ;

   // GenericFifoListArray -- an array-style iterator for a GenericFifoList
class  GenericFifoListArray {
   GenericFifoList &  list;
   unsigned           index;
   GenericFifoList::GenericFifoListNode * current;

   GenericFifoListArray(GenericFifoList & fifo_list)
      : list(fifo_list), index(0), current(fifo_list.head) {}

   GenericFifoListArray(GenericFifoList * fifo_list)
      : list(*fifo_list), index(0), current(fifo_list->head) {}

   // How many items are in the array?
   unsigned  count(void) const  { return  list.count(); }

   // Return a specified item in the array.
   //   NOTE: the programmer is responsible for making sure the given index
   //         is not out of range. For this base class, NULL is returned
   //         when the index is out of range. Derived classes however
   //         dereference the value returned by this function so using
   //         an out-of-range index in one of the derived classes will
   //         cause a NULL pointer dereferencing error!
   void *
   operator[](unsigned  ndx);

   virtual  ~GenericFifoListArray(void);

} ;


template <class Type>
class FifoList : public GenericFifoList {
   FifoList(void) {}

   virtual ~FifoList(void);

   add(Type * item)  { GenericFifoList::add((void *)item); }

   Type *
   remove(void)  { return  (Type *) GenericFifoList::remove(); }
} ;

template <class Type>
class FifoListIter : public GenericFifoListIter {
   FifoListIter(FifoList<Type> & list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {}
   FifoListIter(FifoList<Type> * list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {}

   virtual  ~FifoListIter(void);

   Type *
   operator()(void)  {  return  (Type *) GenericFifoListIter::operator()(); }
} ;

template <class Type>
class FifoListArray : public GenericFifoListArray {
   FifoListArray(FifoList<Type> & list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {}
   FifoListArray(FifoList<Type> * list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {}

   virtual  ~FifoListArray(void);

   Type &
   operator[](unsigned  ndx)
      { return  *((Type *) GenericFifoListArray::operator[](ndx)); }
} ;

#define  DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(Name,Type) \
   typedef  FifoList<Type> Name; \
   typedef  FifoListIter<Type>  name2(Name,Iter); \
   typedef  FifoListArray<Type> name2(Name,Array)

#else  /* dont have templates -- have to fake it */

#define  DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(Name,Type) \
   class Name : public GenericFifoList {  \
   public:  \
      Name(void) {}  \
      virtual ~Name(void) {  \
         GenericFifoListNode * nd = head;  \
         head = 0; \
         while (nd) {  \
            GenericFifoListNode * to_delete = nd;  \
            nd = nd->next;  \
            if (del_items)  delete (Type *)to_delete->contents;  \
            delete  to_delete;  \
         }  \
      }  \
      void  \
      add(Type * item)  { GenericFifoList::add((void *)item); }  \
      Type *  \
      remove(void)  { return  (Type *) GenericFifoList::remove(); }  \
      friend  class name2(Name,Iter);  \
   } ;  \
class name2(Name,Iter) : public GenericFifoListIter {  \
public:  \
   name2(Name,Iter)(Name & list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {}  \
   name2(Name,Iter)(Name * list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {}  \
   virtual ~ name2(Name,Iter)(void) {} \
   Type *  \
   operator()(void)  {  return  (Type *) GenericFifoListIter::operator()(); } \
} ; \
class name2(Name,Array) : public GenericFifoListArray {  \
public:  \
   name2(Name,Array)(Name & list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {}  \
   name2(Name,Array)(Name * list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {}  \
   virtual ~ name2(Name,Array)(void) {} \
   Type &  \
   operator[](unsigned  ndx)  \
      { return  *((Type *) GenericFifoListArray::operator[](ndx)); }  \

#endif  /* TEMPLATES */

#endif /* _fifolist_h */

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