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.ds CI \f4CmdLineArgIter\fP
.ds CA \f4CmdArg\fP
.ds CL \f4CmdLine\fP
.de Ss
.de UL
.if n \\$1
.if n .br
.de CS
.  ft 4
.  nf
.de CE
.  fi
.  ft R
For the most "up to date" explanation of each class (and of its members),
please refer to the relevant include files (which are thoroughly commented)
mentioned in the \s-1\fBFILES\fP\s+1 section. The most common facilities
of the most commonly used classes are described in the following subsections.
.SS "\s+1Class \*(CI\s-1"
Class \*(CI is an abstract base class for iterating over string
arguments from the command-line (or from some other input source).
It has two member functions (both of which are pure virtual):

.IP "\f4const char * operator()(void);\fP"
This member function returns the current string argument and then
advances to the next string argument. If no arguments are left then
\f4NULL\fP is returned.

.IP "\f4int  is_temporary(void)  const;\fP"
This member function is used to indicate the "type" of storage that is
used for the values returned by \f4operator()\fP. Some iterators will
have \f4operator()\fP return values that will stay around at least as
long as the iterator itself; if this is the case, then this member
function will return 0. Other iterators may reuse the same storage
on successive calls to \f4operator()\fP; if this is the case, this
this member function will return a non-zero value.

There are three predefined subclasses of \*(CI: \f4CmdArgvIter\fP,
\f4CmdStrtokIter\fP, and \f4CmdIstreamIter\fP.

class CmdArgvIter : public CmdLineArgIter {
   CmdArgvIter(const char * const argv[]);

   CmdArgvIter(int argc, const char * const argv[]);

      // Restart using a different string array.
   void  reset(const char * const argv[]);
   void  reset(int argc, const char * const argv[]);

   const char * operator()(void);

   int  is_temporary(void)  const;
} ;

This class iterates over string arguments that originate from a NULL
terminated vector of strings (such as \f4argv\fP), and may be  constructed
with just an array, or with an array and an item count.

class  CmdStrTokIter : public CmdLineArgIter {
   CmdStrTokIter(const char * tokens, const char * delimiters =NULL);

      // Reset using a new token-string and delimiter set.
   void  reset(const char * tokens, const char * delimiters =NULL);

      // Get the current delimiter set
   const char *  delimiters(void)  const;

      // Change the current delimiter set
   void  delimiters(const char * new_delimiters);

   const char * operator()(void);

   int  is_temporary(void)  const;
} ;

This class iterates over string arguments that come from a single string
that contains multiple tokens which are delimited by one or more characters
from the given delimiter set. The \f4strtok(3C)\fP library function is 
used to extract tokens from the string. If a delimiter set of \f4NULL\fP
is given then whitespace will be assumed.

class  CmdIstreamIter : public CmdLineArgIter {
   CmdIstreamIter(istream & input);

   const char * operator()(void);

   int  is_temporary(void)  const;
} ;

This class iterates over string arguments that come from an input stream.
Each line of the input stream is considered to be a set of white-space
separated tokens. If the the first non-white character on a line is `#'
(`!' for VMS systems) then the line is considered a comment and is ignored.
If a line is more than 1022 characters in length then we treat it as if
it were several lines of length 1022 or less.

.SS "\s+1Class \*(CA\s-1"
A \*(CA is an abstract command-line argument.
At this level (being the base class), all a command argument
contains is the "interface" (on the command-line) of the
argument, and some information (after the command-line has
been parsed) that says "how" the argument appeared (if it
was specified).

The interface of a \*(CA consists of the following:

.IP "\(bu" 3
a character name
.IP "\(bu" 3
a keyword name
.IP "\(bu" 3
a value name (if the argument takes a value)
.IP "\(bu" 3
an argument description
.IP "\(bu" 3
a set of flags describing the syntax of the argument.
.IP "\(bu" 3
a set of flags to record how (and if) the argument
appeared on the command-line.

When constructing a \*(CA, the most common syntax-flags can be
inferred from the syntax used in the argument description,
and the argument value name.  If the first non-white character
of the argument description is a semicolon (`;'), then the argument
is considered to be "secret" and is NOT printed in usage messages.
When specifying a value name, one may enclose the value name in between
square brackets (`[' and `]') to indicate the value is optional. Also,
one may follow the actual value name with an ellipsis ("\0.\^.\^.")
to indicate that the value corresponds to a LIST of values.

Other more esoteric syntax flags may be specified explicitly by using
one or more of the bitmasks of type \f4CmdArg::CmdArgSyntax\fP as
the last argument to the constructor; if these syntax-flags are NOT supplied,
then reasonable defaults will be used.

The different types of constructors for a \*(CA are as follows:

   // Create an option that takes a value.
   // The default flags are to assume that the argument is
   // optional and that the value is required.
   // Examples:
   //    //  [\-c number]  or  [\*(--count number]
   //    CmdArg('c', "count", "number",
   //              "specify the # of copies to use);
   //    //  [\-d [level]]  or  [\*(--debug [level]]
   //    CmdArg('d', "debug", "[level]",
   //              "turn on debugging and optionally"
   //              "specify the debug level");
   //    //  [\-l items ...]  or  [\*(--list items ...]
   //    CmdArg('l', "list", "items ...",
   //              "specify a list of items.");
CmdArg(char         optchar,
       const char * keyword,
       const char * value,
       const char * description,
       unsigned     syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ);

   // Create an option that takes no value.
   // The default syntax-flags are to assume that the
   // argument is optional.
   // Example:
   //    //  -m  or  \*(--mode
   //    CmdArg('m', "mode", "turn on this mode");
CmdArg(char         optchar,
       const char * keyword,
       const char * description,
       unsigned     syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT);

   // Create a positional argument.
   // The default flags are to assume that the argument is
   // positional and that the argument value is required.
   // Examples:
   //    CmdArg("file", "file to read");
   //    CmdArg("[file]", "optional file to read");
   //    CmdArg("file ...", "list of files to read");
   //    CmdArg("[file ...]", "optional list of files to read");
CmdArg(const char * value,
       const char * description,
       unsigned     syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ);

After a command-argument has been declared, you may wish to ask several
questions regarding how (and if) it was specified. For example: was the
argument given? If it was given, was a value supplied?  These questions
(and others) may answered using the \f4flags()\fP member function:

     unsigned  CmdArg::flags(void)  const;

This member function returns a set of bitmasks of type
\f4CmdArg::CmdArgFlags\fP which are defined in \f4<cmdline.h>\fP.
The most common flags are \f4CmdArg::GIVEN\fP (which is set if the
argument was given) and \f4CmdArg::VALGIVEN\fP (which is set if a
value was supplied for the argument).

There are other member functions to return each of the attributes that
a \*(CA was constructed with.  These member functions (and others) are
discussed in \f4<cmdline.h>\fP.

Classes that are derived from \*(CA will not have all three of the above 
destructors. Some derived classes (such as \f4CmdArgBool\fP) only
correspond to non-positional arguments that take no value. Other derived
classes (such as \f4CmdArgInt\fP and \f4CmdArgStr\fP) always permit
a value to be given.
Some predefined subclasses of \*(CA which represent the most commonly used
types of command-line arguments may be found in \f4<cmdargs.h>\fP.

.SS "\s+1Class \*(CL\s-1"
Class \*(CL is the class that represents a command-line object.
A command-line object is a parsing machine (with machine states),
whose parsing behavior may be configured at run-time by specifying
various flags of type \f4CmdLine::CmdFlags\fP.
A command-line object also contains a command-name and a list of
\*(CA objects that correspond to the various arguments that are
allowed to occur on the command-line.

.Ss "Constructing a \*(CL Object"
.UL "------------------------------"
It is not necessary to supply a command-name at construction
time, but one SHOULD be specified before parsing a command-line
or printing a usage message.

Similarly, \*(CAs are not required at construction time and may
even be added on the fly. All desired arguments should be added
before any parsing happens and before printing usage.

The order in which \*(CAs are added to a \*(CL is important
because for positional parameters, this specifies the order in
which they are expected to appear on the command-line.

The constructors for a \*(CL are as follows (those constructors that
take a variable number of parameters must have \f4NULL\fP specified
as the final parameter):

        // construct a command (and optionally specify a name)
     CmdLine(const char * name =NULL);

        // construct a command with a name, and arguments
     CmdLine(const char * name, CmdArg * ...);

        // construct a command command with arguments, but no name
     CmdLine(CmdArg * cmdarg, CmdArg * ...);

The command name may be set (or queried) after construction by using
the \f4name()\fP member function.

Command arguments may be added after construction by using the \f4append()\fP
member function.

.Ss "Other Common \*(CL Member Functions"
.UL "--------------------------------------"
The most common requests to make of a \*(CL object is to ask it to parse
its arguments, to query it's status, to print the command usage, and to
print an error message.  These may be accomplished with the following
member functions:

   // Print usage to the given outstream or to
   // the default error outstream.
ostream &  usage(ostream & os)  const;
ostream &  usage(void)  const;

   // Print the command-name, followed by ": " and return the
   // outstream for the user to supply the remainder of the
   // error message.
   // Example:
   //   cmd.error() << "can't use \-x with \-y." << endl ;
ostream &  error(void)  const;

   // Obtain the current status of the command. The status will be
   // zero if everything is okay; otherwise it will correspond
   // to a combination of CmdLine::CmdStatus bitmasks telling us
   // precisely what went wrong.
unsigned  status(void)  const;

   // Parse arguments from the given string argument iterator.
   // The return value will be the resultant CmdLine status
   // (which may also be obtained using status()).
unsigned  parse(CmdLineArgIter & arg_iter);

.Ss "Modifying Parsing Behavior"
.UL "-----------------------------"
If you wish to modify parsing behavior to something other than the default,
there are four more member functions that you will need to know how to use.
Each of these member functions deals with bitmasks of the type

   // Flags that define parsing behavior
   //   The default flags (for Unix) are OPTS_FIRST.
enum CmdFlags {
   ANY_CASE_OPTS = 0x001, // Ignore character-case for short-options
.sp 2p
   PROMPT_USER   = 0x002, // Prompt the user for missing required args
.sp 2p
   NO_ABORT      = 0x004, // Don't exit upon syntax error
.sp 2p
   OPTS_FIRST    = 0x008, // No options after positional parameters
.sp 2p
   OPTS_ONLY     = 0x010, // Don't accept long-options
.sp 2p
   KWDS_ONLY     = 0x020, // Don't accept short-options
.sp 2p
   TEMP          = 0x040, // Assume all arg-strings are temporary
.sp 2p
   QUIET         = 0x080, // Don't print syntax error messages
.sp 2p
   NO_GUESSING   = 0x100, // Don't guess if cant match an option. 
                             // Unless this flag is given, then
                             // when we see an unmatched option,
                             // we will try to see if it matches
                             // a keyword (and vice-versa).
.sp 2p
   ALLOW_PLUS    = 0x200, // Allow "+" (as well as "--") as a prefix
                                // indicating long-options.
} ;

   // Get the current set of command-flags
unsigned  flags(void)  const;

   // Specify a new set of command-flags
void  flags(unsigned newflags);

   // Set only the given command-flags, leave the others alone
void  set(unsigned flags);

   // Clear only the given command-flags, leave the others alone
void  clear(unsigned flags =~0);

These are the basic member functions of a \*(CL object. The are others as well
but these should provide most of the desired functionality. For more detailed
information, please see \f4<cmdline.h>\fP.


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