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#!../sybperl @nul = ('not null','null'); @sysdb = ('master', 'model', 'tempdb'); require "../lib/"; require "../lib/"; print "Sybperl version $SybperlVer\n\n"; print "This script tests some of sybperl's functions, and prints out\n"; print "description of the databases that are defined in your Sybase\n"; print "dataserver.\n\n"; $dbproc = &dblogin("sa"); # Login to sybase &dbmsghandle ("message_handler"); # Some user defined error handlers &dberrhandle ("error_handler"); $dbproc2 = &dbopen; # Get a second dbprocess, so that we can select from several # chanels simultaneously. We could code things so that this # feature is unnecessary, but it's good to exercise it. # First, find out what databases exist: &dbcmd($dbproc, "select name from sysdatabases order by crdate\n"); &dbsqlexec($dbproc); &dbresults($dbproc); database: while((@db = &dbnextrow($dbproc))) { foreach $nm (@sysdb) { if($db[0] =~ /$nm/) { print "'$db[0]' is a system database\n"; next database; } } print "Finding user tables in user database $db[0]..."; &dbcmd($dbproc2, "select,,\n"); # &dbcmd($dbproc2, "from $db[0].dbo.sysobjects o, $db[0].dbo.sysusers u\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "where o.type = 'U' and u.uid = o.uid\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "order by\n"); &dbsqlexec($dbproc2); &dbresults($dbproc2); while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc2))) { $tab = join('@', @dat); # Save the information push(@tables, $tab); # for later use... } print "Done.\n"; print "Finding user defined datatypes in database $db[0]...\n"; &dbcmd($dbproc2, "select s.length,substring(,1,30),substring(,1,30)\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "from $db[0].dbo.systypes s, $db[0].dbo.systypes st\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "where st.type = s.type\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "and s.usertype > 100 and st.usertype < 100 and st.usertype != 18\n"); &dbsqlexec($dbproc2); &dbresults($dbproc2); while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc2))) { print "sp_addtype $dat[1],"; if ($dat[2] =~ /char|binary/) { print "'$dat[2]($dat[0])'"; } else { print "$dat[2]"; } print "\n"; } print "Done.\n"; print "Now we find the table definition for each user table\nin database $db[0]...\n"; foreach $ln (@tables) # For each line in the list { @tab = split('@',$ln); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "select Column_name =, \n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, " Type =, \n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, " Length = c.length, \n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, " Nulls = convert(bit, (c.status & 8))\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "from $db[0].dbo.syscolumns c, $db[0].dbo.systypes t\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "where = $tab[2]\n"); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "and c.usertype *= t.usertype\n"); &dbsqlexec($dbproc2); &dbresults($dbproc2); print "\nTABLE $db[0].$tab[1].$tab[0]\n ("; $first = 1; while((@field = &dbnextrow($dbproc2))) { print ",\n" if !$first; # add a , and a \n if not first field in table print "\t$field[0] \t$field[1]"; print "($field[2])" if $field[1] =~ /char|bin/; print " $nul[$field[3]]"; $first = 0 if $first; } print " )\n"; # now get the indexes... # print "\nIndexes on $db[0].$tab[0].$tab[1]...\n\n"; &dbuse($dbproc2, $db[0]); &dbcmd($dbproc2, "sp_helpindex '$tab[1].$tab[0]'\n"); &dbsqlexec($dbproc2); &dbresults($dbproc2); while((@field = &dbnextrow($dbproc2))) { print "unique " if $field[1] =~ /unique/; print "clustered " if $field[1] =~ /^clust/; print "index $field[0]\n"; @col = split(/,/,$field[2]); print "on $db[0].$tab[1].$tab[0] ("; $first = 1; foreach $ln1 (@col) { print ", " if !$first; $first = 0; print "$ln1"; } print ")\n"; } print "\nDone.\n"; } &dbuse($dbproc2, "master"); @tables = (); } &dbexit; # Message and error handlers. sub message_handler { local ($db, $message, $state, $severity, $text, $server, $procedure, $line) = @_; if ($severity > 0) { print ("Sybase message ", $message, ", Severity ", $severity, ", state ", $state); print ("\nServer `", $server, "'") if defined ($server); print ("\nProcedure `", $procedure, "'") if defined ($procedure); print ("\nLine ", $line) if defined ($line); print ("\n ", $text, "\n\n"); # &dbstrcpy returns the command buffer. local ($lineno) = 1; # foreach $row (split (/\n/, &dbstrcpy ($db))) { print (sprintf ("%5d", $lineno ++), "> ", $row, "\n"); } } elsif ($message == 0) { print ($text, "\n"); } 0; } sub error_handler { # Check the error code to see if we should report this. if ($_[2] != &SYBESMSG) { local ($db, $severity, $error, $os_error, $error_msg, $os_error_msg) = @_; print ("Sybase error: ", $error_msg, "\n"); print ("OS Error: ", $os_error_msg, "\n") if defined ($os_error_msg); } &INT_CANCEL; }
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